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Document Creation Date: 
November 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 19, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 20, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R008600130011-5.pdf138.08 KB
? ???? :';'60/03tyttEecfdrimti000/06:16MINNOPTgaii04572.0,1: ? 00:12001 - ; CO ti-t 1- riattr- -".6 -formation fro- aeubrandenburc. , - 25 AC 'VALUATION __PLACE OsTAINE D.,,y,..,IMMinv. 71.1103.,417,...,,..1?3092.,/11/41)144141...*11041.,..40,17.11.?,,A.11.1.4,41.mitneWalliMM11*. ? ? DATE OF CONTENT__ DATE OBTAINED 25X1A REFERENCES PAGES REMARKS SOURCE 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 25X1C 20 Au:ust 1951 ENCLOSURES (No. & *MO VOSSM/101?OMMIMMIONAIIMP.11MWM011141.11411?09....W.1**1.".???.0,-....* .11.1011?A .010,41.0*16)11IPIAL*INOMAt .1?M*00?0?Wa.........1/1141/001.????41?01041MAlM "MY 41..111.4101100.004M1411.6116415, ,,?????:7:7:12-?,j; " ev4.0 ?rc2. '44t cani*MII.011,1* rams44 ???QC...%M.???1?C:f.WINOYMT*SIV.II?enfff., rMINUNIAMII?..??ad?Pia 2. On 20 July 1951, traininL. activity at Lhe Panzer Kaserne in Ileubrandenburg (I: 5)/11 66) was more intensive than at the last observation, 'Noise of troop drillinc; was heard from the installation. Four Lroups each of about, 30 unarund soldiers, who seemed to be recruits, were seen donning Las masks and crawlins over the drill field south of the lanzer Kaserne under the supervision of 1 major, 1 senior lieutenant and )4 lieutenants, all with tank insicnia. Forty soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets were instructed north of the motel in the aeration rf tank officers They subsoouenr rr' Three tanks were seen standing in open $ 13 about0 meters south of th ? A German policeman s a cc4'.-tiat the Panzer Kaserne was occupied by about 2,000 troops with heavy- ' tanks and AT guns at that time. 2. On 20 Julys," three guards rearing red-bordered black epaulets and carrying submachine guns wore seen at the Torpcdeversuchanstalt (Torpedo Test insti- tute) on Tollense Late. Only a little noise indicatinr repair work was heard from the repair shop. A unit of 150 soldiers will red-bordered black 25X1C epaulets, led by a colonel and a senior lieutenant with tank vvs seen marching out of the installation t Panzer Kaserne. 25X1C left the Torpedoversuchz- 3. The quarters of signal troops on 7:11heir Kuelzstrasse wore still partially 25X1C occullied b sinal t - ,..., - ' . , 'lack epaulets. Trucks each carrying 2 or 3 soldiers tc - or ere a o ac epa e s? pen Ons and wooden boards., cams from the direction of.Weitit and drove touards the railroad station on 20 July. * 25X1C CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-004 Document No. No Csuge In Mass-. Declassified Ciao. Changed Tim TS S HR 10-2 Bate: 1e Dv J!Itt_ ^ ' :11:?Il II 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600130011-5 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600130011-5