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Approved For Release 2000/05 l.( XCMRM2-00457R008600240015-9 IIITELIOFAX 24 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO.. INFORMATION REPORT D co. Im SUBJECT Fortifications on the Island of Premuda 25X1 A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Prior to 6 JecembeM5NOT CIRCULATE NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LIVED MELON' SUPPk E1 IENT TO 25X1 X REPORT NO_ 1. Construction of fortifications has been in progress on the northern, western,, and southern coast of the island of Premida for +"-be past several months. Approximately one thousand soldiers and workers attached to the Littoral. (Pricmorje) Military Construction Enterprise are ezmp? oye=d in the projecto 2. Several medium caliber naval batteries end'machine gui emplacements area located on top of the hill at a short distance from the coast an the northwestern cape of the island. Along the western coast are several platforms of reinforced cement on which naval cannons and Anti-aircraft guns have been Installed of recent dater, Other batteries have been observed extending from the northern cape of the island as far as the heights of the Port of Pre=,ida proper. 3. 4. Two garrison barracks currently occupied are located on the northeastern side of Premuda, at a distance of approximately two hundred meters dxomm the coast. Eight barracks housing the militr and workers of the Littoral Military Construction Enterprise are located approximately thirty meters northeast of the Port of Premuda. An observation station containing a radio telegraph set is located in th.e vicinity of the two garrison barracks. The antenna of the station is visible from a distance. warning. Several Motor boats arrive daily at the Port of Premuda, with cargoes of cement, iron and wood employed in the current construction roiects. Navigation between the northwestern cape of the island, and the isierd of Kamenjak is strictly forbidden. The reason for this is to prevent foreigners from observing the work in progress. It is rea)orted that the guards have been instructed to open fire on intruders, without prior CLASSIFICATION CuN gI TIA12 oacus'e;tai O, ----------- ell(------ k LIr~ Fsara~s. 1 s. Lhai ed To: TS S Auth.: HI9 70 2 Data: ---.~~/Q~`~!78 By: Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600240015-9 COUNTRY Yugoslavia DATE D1STR. 32 Sept. 191