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October 8, 1951
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Approved For Release. 2000/ iilpr ,pP82-00457R008900d8 7 'I U ~ , ' "41. ~l1?l4 25X1 A a ~- CLASSIFICATION cc~TFIJE?rrI L/CaN'.rW7, - U. ~;. o ,jCIILS u'ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. O W R ATIO REPORT CD NO COUNTRY Italy SUBJECT Italian Communist Party Activities 25V1 A )''LAUt. ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1X factory committees. Yet only half of the PCI'a worker members were organized in factory cells. There were aver 11,000 industrial establishments (Medium. and small, for the most part) in which the Party had failed to penetrate, where itseactlvities could not be conducted In the open, and front organizations had to be employed? Among large enterprises in which the Party had. made little progress were Olivetti of lvrea, the RIV bell bearing works near Turin, the textile works in the Udine area, and several works in r.nd around Dan , 2. It was found that the political importance of the cell had to be constantly stressed. Party courses were intended to turn out activiato who would bring home this vital truth, and pass on effoctively to the base the decisions of the Party leaders, DATE DISTR. 8 Oct. 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 V NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X 1p Statistics recently compiled by the PCI Central Mass Organization Commission shoved that there were approximately 11.500 PCI factory cells gnA 17 Ann 3. There were now 375,000 Party Itpex nent't activists. J"n order had been Issued that this number must be raised to 5000'000. Of the oabove figuJ , some 111,000 were heads of groups of 10, known as Collectors (Co.llettort), Only a few Federations have achieved the criterion of one collector to 10 members, including those of Rome, . Turin, Genoaa,and. Feggio Emilia. In the Emilia as to whole, !he proportion was I : 14,, in Tuscany -,nd the t,arche I : 15, and in Sardinia 1 : 17. 5. The Party still laid great stress on the value of the collector system. The f tion of the collector was not only to so that dues were paid, but to keep his men up to the mark '7politically'', check on their reading matter, see that they attended meetings, and so on. -Party 1=eadqua.rters sent out its own in specters from time to time to the Provinces to see that the collector system was working properly. SECCe in"; R aitl TIOuH CLASSIFICATION ~,~ 1S _ 1) TF ~'8czuts...r%A1Pa ~_. STATC NAVY HUB D7'RiBC1TiaN "`. a,~~t~' ti~ ._._..._.__ ~t Fat ~ - ~ d 1.11 I'ge Change In Class. Ceclass;fied a a , Chat d To: T Approved For Release 2000/06/08 CIA-RDP8 Q4;57q~ 0 a0A- BY: Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008900080007-3 COM IDENTIAL/CONTROL d- U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEX 25X1A b v Special efforts were being made to improva the political consciousness of the base of the Party in the Veneto Region and in southern Italy. There were certa i.n difficulties, since many of the local organizers 'we-e corrupt or opportunist, and since those sent in from outside had trouble in winning the confidence of the local people. 7 One of the resolutions of the VII Party Congress had been to ralvze the activities of the breakaway union& ? To achieve this, special attention was being paid to workers of no political party, and to the work of gradual persuasion, Party activists were constantly instructed to differentiate be- tween the activities of the leaders of hostile parties and those of Uie rank and file members. 8 , The Party Is confident that it will be able to regain some of the ground which it lost at the recent local elections by taking advantage of mistake committed by the Councillors of opposing parties. These mistakes, 'ich will be encouraged if posaiblo, will be denounced where possible by those who are technically independents. T ILE . ?IAL, CONTRX .. U. S. OFFICIALS OiL1 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008900080007-3