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77 77 'X a..._. :. __.__: __.. ~.. 1nV.E4t,uraA !il t 11 ..~'I [ELL!UVIC E AI NtbY REPO T- NO I OR M TI REPORT CD. NO y8 XIU N`TRY Ca .iba SUBJECT PSIS Plans for the 1952 Election in Cuba 25X1A PLACE. DATE Or., 25X1A IN 11 O. DATE DISTR. 3 '? ; :;1! ; .1 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO.OF ENCLS. STED DELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. In the political meetings held at the Partido Socialist. Popular (PSP) head. quarters in Habana., Cuba on 15 and 3.6 September Rlas Roca pointed out that,., unless the cap sitioa parties united against the govern .ent, the go -errment party would win. He reached this conclusion by esti rating that the O todoxo Party would be able to get 5009000 vote., while the combined Mies of L s.tista and Castellanos %, ould be able to 'obtain around 400,000 votes. However, with the increase in population and consequent increase In the electoral vote, the Uov- eernmes t would' be able to get. around 700,000 votes and win the election0 Con- sidering this state of affairs, Roca emphasized the danger that exists today for the PSP if its present life of persecution, as well as its present ecbhomic and political, stagnation, continues. The solution to Jt,?.s pres%,nt difficulties,, t ere.fote, is in the formation of a Frente Democratico Nacional, made up of opposition parties, n' order to win over the ~ vernment in the next electi.ons0 For this reason the PS? should do everything possible to convince the other opposition parties, of the urgent necessity of uniting., since this is the only way in which the government party cn be defeated. loerl pointed out that the F'artido ,icc:ion Unitaria (?'MU'), of Batista, and the Fartido Nacional euhano (FNC) of Caastel anon., have a act but that these two alone would not be ah' a to win out against the government, He further stated that, unless a union were made with the Cr?todoxos,, no opposition party would win in the coming elections,, 2a In this connection the Party will. immediately initiate Comites de Unidad such as wak done in the mayoralty campaign for Habana in June 1950, These Comitea de Unidad, formed in the wvorkshops, factories, and central and municipal barrios, wi.J agitate for a Fryente Democratico Nacional, having. as a minimum ideclogical base a "popular and progressive national policy" combined with an "international policy of peace and friendship". Although the formation of these Comites de Unidad will be carried out in ned,iately,, it was understood that they might not be able to fu1-? fi! ll ` their agitation activities successfully alone,, Therefore, it was agreed that the Communist Congressional representative in each province would attend the meetings held under the auspices of the various Comites de Unida-d0 Prior to the occasion all preparations for the meeting, will, be car?4 ied out by local sssil i.t .i members. It is felt that there 1... tlc difficulty. in gaining pe: miss on from. Mayor Castellanos for such meetings in the City of Habam%,, In the interior the PST' municipal councilmen will have the task of getting. permits from the various mayors,, T'ht.s;, with the permission of the local mayors and by holding Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-0 Document No. ,' '------ No Change In Class. 0 0 Declassified } 810Cb88#M 11 -6 TS S Atiffia HR 70.2 Rs#"~a 3 1 'BUG 1978 Approved For Release 1999/09/09..:CIA-RDP82-00457R008900430005-6 gressio.nal,,fieprecentar,Lves ,..'ter hone to avoid: susrens"ion cf !". he ,le:;c t ngs "`y their meetings under. the "direct:.'Lon" < nd`Orespons".bilitty" of the i =arty the 1oc'al,. police, So, till Air-, a?"cf?:A,ve Jonwzuri:ts dt: igr xted icr t; Is i.ork vin is ::il:ir:rize t d,:atr_ t :e rty sl.-oIi1d c n!'i~Lic.'.r`s zawt,i.r;,n, :toes, theref '?re recoiaiended .that: the Tarty initiate an 'intense ca.:rra1.'Tn C 1!1,1! .tl iiLed .ith vr`.L1'Lous Ilon- ." tl c , bye t :.i. l .. .I.UCl 1 )k a 1 o,,ux n .st:ic r,nlitic i a ?tleo, and at rile sa..~e tl. e, ca ?rya out. their J, oi:nuni5t, activitie ,, By affillat;tn; s:ith 4c. e non-Uorntruni, ti r;ol `.ical. park .w t ese v'oner1 .1:)1. to cevcLop a .on' the f. tale hors rf these par` ties c a'Vr foY o-nit`,in` t:r?tli the ;J1:lilu'i1b'tti Ooicoche iy senora . aria. Suazo s (r'e n,7 t? Saleae enure; ("ru r'1 i ?7on zaloz ,, :: nU .?enor.a Juana 'Talcs -1.11. oit.;ex aL Lliaat.cs or militant t:rwfl,' of U.e 1"J" :...;ir tl eo ,.).ci. '..+'ty :iya giu t'na,'idei', ciac'r a ..d Li ,1 a,,.i..or?, along "V; th i?.o r. ' `~horcforcw it could no es-'? tntial to '.,,1..i1it the l:u7l '.C'.7,.' r:G Ci :t:uTly:f? 2"u1.,,.,.I,Y , com,,v.iAP,nb ,o To 't a.,.on,',, liter ss y !) ?7 :C' hot;t" v and Utirw it i:as ,AAao artre.d th:a' `tia Juvk'ntid 3oei.aaiis a i.aufr3 cr~i?:tinue penet.r. at Ln aiori-t;ort:muntst "oath ,.Tr'ou?,s in thed ether op"esiC:ion ai ties,, ' n Cyr to tai=: suave: 'tuth ha?:a re..eiVed instructions to f;.$?--ate joist. .' 5YktIi coirallittees i'.ith othei? groups., In :1as ocals opinion the i-i `^rt"n't: :r i ple;s of t".1 :, ail L ..1 arlamento eie la Juv n 1ud1 the Uo,"iite Juveni.. eic i ??..rtidarios de la i. aazti, .'able and a (t Lho Juvc'nt.u:i ;roc 5at. ho 'Jere of vot'infr, : age and i the i:riown ou'; i~ie of the, JC .'; ~~111 CI he Ct:,C'wien of ...~r op osit:icn )aAie, he (, rt adoxo :n: trio i. , for the a-aurpo see of eii.1ltating `t?:1n these x L.r.c j 'or a -1;act 'i.a.t i t a:t . ,... in uri'.toct ~.rc;nt? Likewise It was decided to,Am,.ri.,.ct .mi itaut ue. i'. ;f9rs o:t t k 1 ' edcra.on icriocr?atica. "o . 'u jeres ,M -,s (L' i.ith the op o: iGi/u antics to '.h1ita''1e also for suffici-nt rncney Co :e`.:Yitinuo:' ho ub 1zhl'll" of its nE2i',5; ii7 ,~~' It l"7a S'< ri ,? oo:everg. that the ]4' t ''Tl.o:t.Y.d r~rair.`.w ri the + 1,'yc:_r iraCe of tho r -. donendont" a _I.3 4 + c r ll iq4 ra La order to fr.... su l er i r Fli~ l,)?'`~ pzi.lgns and other fund rai.` ing .;:et+uil . i c' t' Ives, :;',i.11 iurtbi. a?M in suerscriptions. the e.x'ense of + a ; Si;l.i.,v ?I.1tiiia i o r e j .x'reed to t s t oin(; in 'os,:i"tJ,e;y and tai eeL' u:tr''` the :iitiLarit to ..;ua ist` '.)a toca '~t hou s 'ok:e ahnat the fixiancial stain on the.,.[ art:? tuun',s brouo,,1:t-',a1 ',yli to r-et at least 14a~v:7 af.filicnte s, Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008900430005-6