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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 27, 1951
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?=4 Approved For Release 1999/ rCIA-RDP82-00457R009200200001-1 CLASSIFICATION 4) .'" pitof r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN 41WORMATION FIE?PORT CD NO. Ge.7.Tianj SUBJECT Russian Zone 3.4.:i1road Orders Concerning Milpty Cars PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1X DO NOT CIRCULATE 4'..t NO. OF PAGES [O. OF ENCLS, LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO, 25X1A 1, Accordinr to a teletvpa sent by the Berlin rerional railroad headquarters to railroad subdistrict offices 1 throuf!h 7 on 2 September 19514 all rail- road cars used for the shipment of lime, so-called R-cars, were to he checked immediately to determine whether they had iron floor plates and were suitable for transit operatiens. Railroad cars which mot these require- ments were to be reported vithout delay to 25143 The correctness of the report was to be dhcekr.d cn the spot b7 special control teams. * 2? The follccwing, teletype was sent by the Berlin ronal railroad headquarters to railroad silidistnict offices No 1, 2, 6 and 7, on 4. .September 1951: 3 'Y "Subject: Ghee:tong of Transit 'orthiness: Until chaned- The targetfor the transfer of empty ;--endola cars has not been fulfilled because of belated arrival in Frznkfurt/Oder of trains of empty !'endola cars, and therefore the chcekinr7 of frneola cars with rerard te their transit worthiness must be intensified and one train of empty f-ondola cars will have to be dispatched both from Perlis-Schoenmlleide and Rummelsburg by 12 pl)A Pankow will send all r:ondela cars fit for service to Rummelsburg, Frankfurt i1i also asemhle a train of empty ondola cars from local stocks on hand, A reserve train is to be asserbleo in Frankfurt/Oder ready for transfer by 12 RBD Berlila 33 G 18 TV rehmann' ** Accordinr to a teletype -;(silt by the Berlin.rerional railroad headquarters to all railroad station,,; and, subordinate arencies in its district on 5 avtorrhe,.- 1951, all forein cars mere to be returned empty to their home countries as speedily as possible, The cars concerned rere to be returned in -rhole trains or Lroups if this was possible without causing delays, li;xceptions were to be rranted only by the railroad, car distribution point throurh the reional railroad headquartersc.. It was further stated in the teletype that German froirht cars snitahlo for transit operations were to be used .or export ship- ments. The checkinr of railroad cars with reard to their transit worthines was to be intensifindo is-14* 25X1A * I The utilization of these K-onrs, 15-ton cars provided -hirised ironIlUs is not knorr. It is believed that these cars Lill be assembled f,41 trains an used for transit raton o information has been received rhothor this order, been slyen also in (ther railroad districts and vfntA LS to be f-lb.u3d ia thP WIDE T , CLASSIFICATION I STATE 3: tow :11. E4SREII opmy 'Ff3' AIR U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/0 tricumen- No Cite:-.r7: r.t Class. El ?POIA-RDP82-0045TR0S920020000 -1 niAdd.1978 Rv! ; Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200200001-1 SECRJT/CO1j1 r,jT. S. OPTIC IALS MY 25)(1 A 25X1Aisc_ It is !-)elieveC tint this order is connected vith the r.rorr of end .nr empty r.onOcla cars to th-.1 east which has boon in operation since late June 19!,1. 25X1AHH" The pltrpOSO nter?r:. lona re u1t.ons of thiz order is not cle.or. It violates standinr SECCQUIDENTICCIAD; 011I;C Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200200001-1