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IdRDP82-004578009200 N FOR, 'H CD NC) Cabs. SUBJECT Changes in PSI' Leadership in Oriente,, Camaguey and Habana Provinces., SATE D QTR .. 1 DEC 51 NO. OF PACES NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) -YrE 01 3??l7 October 19111 INFO. 25X1X SUPPLEMENT `~O REPORT NO The :Long-tirr,e _ t ;epsurer of the Partido Socialista Popular (PSP, Cuban Cortim.a:n ,,t Party) National :A cu.t; ve [Guard, L ~.armon Nicolau, was rec~,ntiy relieved of 11-L' position he(aus e of large debts he incurred through mismanagement of Party firnances.; J';icoiauls successor, 'fanuel Lu ardo Garcia, is the former pr"esULaoi. of the Habana' Provincial Committee, PSP,, The individual named to replace Liazardo Garcia, as president of the Flabana Provincial Committee PSI' is Segued ,?uincosa, previously secret-r. ry of the Communist Federacion de Trabajadores de la Provircia de La Habana.,,* Gor?dill_o, Luis Fajardo Escalona (aka: r L"scrai onitol')., alab a former.leader of the Liga Juveni.ln Comunista, Habana Province., has recently been taken into -Wh A recent inoo:.?pora-tion into the present Juventud Socialists as Organization. Secretary of the Juventud Soca:alista National Cornlni..ttee is? the leader of the predecessor organization (figs.; Comuraista) ki tre3 s ino Calcines Gordillo,: Calcines Gosdi.l,li ; A visitor .in the Soviet Uni.cti a few months ago, in also in charge of labor affairs for the FSP, Las Villas Province, arid P S=? congressional representative from that Province,, A close assoc'late of C%al c~ n ;,.T of he Peak Co .,q,-C it tee at the Present tittle e is a member o.' PSI:' .Kxecuti%le Committee for riabana , Province,: The PS? n Or5.en te. Pr"evince, ccording, to persistent -cup or "sahe3vi C'7 ,. culties in its Party leaders:ip. Prior to the elections; irl June) 1950 Ceaax?' Vilar lost considerable favor in the Party hierarchy by his .,'elfish behavior, It is believed that attempt being made by Bias Roca to .irslinate Vilar and his ; supporters and substitute for them i- rn upon whom he can depend., Th Party., s rear-ganization taking',place at the present time ' and the desires of several: Communists' to be nominated,, not only as candidates for congressional elections~,?. hut. as candidate:, for positions in the Party h. er?archy of Orient e Province, are the cause of .s'rl. t. In of. the ahdve,.,` has been sent t he d ,y atianalxecutive C sitt tll th A :i . Eomee,o a,e ?:.rdn ,,diaan:.raipal co =.. mittees. in the Province, ia~: the Oriente ?"' ovlnce Executive: Corms ttee, this c" 1 '~`/;r ~'.I^ a k- u ??ose ,~.4' :4 p - d an ..~. NJl>SNF'RCAT{ON i sriaE MAVY (VSR3 .31 M _-Q I L~WM V11 RTJ fal D 62 Document 'N... No change In Cass. [D 10 Declass.-iyed Approved, For Release 1999/09/09 CIA-RDP82-00457R009200360004-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/09. fA-RDP82-00457R009200360004-1.. ncv'1/ SECURI CT:.IT%' T 'INFO 'LLIG In. an, attempt to solve the Party unrest in Oriente Province. Leonidas Calderio, b-oother of Blas Roca and Party leader of Oriente Provin*:te, had a prolonged interview with his brother and . -PSP 'National Executive' Committee during the week of 9-i6 October. Leonidas Calderio was instructed oy the National Execu? 3:,fve Committee to take the following steps: a, :pith care and secrecy, so that the procedure will not arouse further trouble thin the P.rty ranks, the supporters of Cesar Vilz r are to be "politically" eliminated at all costsa b. By means of circulars, the mascces are to be shown v.hi&.men in the Party would best suit the interests of the Party in Oriente Province, %hen and if they are elected in June 1952? c. Through slow and careful efforts, in contrast to more obvioua op osition, Cesar Vilar'e positw.twn is to be undermined; at the same time, Vilar.e possible triumph in the election of June 1952 is to be accepted for the momenti, in spite of the Partyas real desire to strip his of his powera d. By proper stress of propaganda media, point out that absolute faith in the PSP Executive Board and in their leader, Blas Roca, is a necessity for the militant members. e. And finally, keep the Executive Committee constantly informed concei ng the Party affiliations evidenced in the Oriente Province, in addition to the voting support the various candidates are getting** According to the 12 September edition of "Carta Semanal", semi-clandestine, Communist bulletins the leadership of the TSP-In Camaguey Province was taken away from Justo Tamayo because he had lost his "political vision"4- Adalberto del Pino, well-known Communist leader active in peasant affairs, and Ursinio :=as, well-known Communist labor leader in sugar workers' syndicate, (Feder- cion Nacional de Trabajadores Azucareros), were placed in charge of PSP activi- ties in Camaguey Province. The article further stated that `aximino .Mendoza, Fkv0-;vrto Cartaya Dioscorides, and Diego Espinosa, 'all members of the Camaguey `ovine Executive Committee, had also been relieved of their assignments,, irterest in connection with the above, the following travel of prominent . k; unists between Habana and Santiago de Cuba was noted: On 27 September Edith Garcia Buchaca flew from I.abana to Santiago de Cuban on 28 September Bias Roca fleti.? from Habana to Santir:,go do Cuba., On 4 Oct-~>ber Joaquin Ordoqui flew from Habana to Santiago de Cuba. Com' era: The Comision de Orden, the PSP shock-troop unit, has been ~`e The nevr President of the Habana Provincial Committee, PSP