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Publication Date: 
November 28, 1951
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?e't" CLASSIFICATION SEM Apia' rove,dfor Ittfriat ? COUNTRY talr -` 2-00,EMpe CD NO. SUBJECT Agitation of Government 25X1A and :iParaeGovernmental Employees PLACE ACQWED DATE OF INFO. 19 September 1951 25Xq*" DATE DISTR. 28 Noy 51 NO, OF PAGES re,' NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT "1" REPORT NO, meetirg was held from 10s03 to 11415 on 19 September 1951 in the ? Teateo ittiriar.o at Rome sponsored by the syndical organizations, Cordedstre,- 0 ziorie Gerkeral.c? dellolndustria Italiana (OG11; General Gore edtsrat tort of Italian Industry), Confeclerazione Sirtdacale Italiana del Levorel;ori (OST?1,11.; Syndical. Confederation of Workers), and the Union. Ital,iane 401 ? Lavaet (17/14 Italian Labor Union), to protest against the failure of . Golre:rument to accept the proposals agreed upon by these organizations for tikk''econolsio adjustment of State employees. The meeting opened by Rinaldo Santini Secretay of the Provincial OSIL ? * etle' 2. ..Tho ..Secretary of the litems Chamber of Leber, Mario Erandani,then spoke.,_ girvie the percentages of those on strike, which were partioularly-h , , movie the local para-Governmental and hospital employees. These, accord7 ing to Lrandani had achieved almost total abstention from work o thpips ? categories, Br.t ndani .addressed words of encouvagement for associating them-, - selves with the action of the State employees. He mentioned, the attempt of the Government to isolate the various categories in order to be able to dominate them more easily and concluded, by stating that the, right to strike, granted by the Constitution of the Republic, is already an inalienable right even for the State employees. 3? Afte:r a few words of support to the protest meeting on the part of the representative of the autonomous syndicates of State employees a certain , Giovegnoli, Christian Democratic Deputy Giulio Pastore spoke* He explained that he wanted, to examine the situation and. refrain from problems or sub. jectrs of a political nature, After having given the story of the negotiam , tions which had been carried on for five months with the Government author- itlea for the purpose of achieving the muchesoughtefor economic improve- . menti3 , he then explained the absolute inadequacy of the increaees proposed by the Government with regard to the elementary needs of civilian life and. he refuted the 12.81.180. arguments with which it is sought to justify, the economic inopportunity to grant the increases in wages, .A.aeording to Pastore, the concept that the increase of wszes could provoke an increase , in the cost of living is erroneoue. "This affirmation, advanced as an oppo- sition. argument," said, Pastore, "has the sole purpose of inculcating fear into those concerned, in order that they refrain from ,deancing their re- quest for improvement and to peoduce the same effect, on others in order that they show aversion or indifference to the adjustment of salaries., CLASSIFICATION $M 41P/cm L E T NSRD DISTRIBUTION 1 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-R - Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200450001-4 ONFIDENTIAL /coinpm, - TY? S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLictracz AGENCY S 25X1 A for these victims. He also encouraged the *radical organisations to work for their release. He closed with the usual phrases of certain vietGrY in the syndical battle. 10. At the end of the meeting, Rinaldo Santini reed an order of the day with which the Government table was turned. down as unacceptable because of the inequity of the increase, He re-a,ffirmed. the desire of all State amployses to efend the right to strike and asked for the application of the sliding- pay scale. .Approximately 2,500 persons took part in the meeting, at which no incident took place, Approved For Rele COW DEN hAL Rft-WIMM Tg009200450001-4