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Publication Date: 
November 10, 1951
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~p roved For Release 1999/ ARDP82-00457R009200510005-3 INtEI OFsa i. ,,~ dr7r 'l~ltr..c (I WWI ciao U:1t]aY ~w~ A CENTRALLLI. Gi GENW REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY, Italy SUBJECT Milan Labor Activities 25X1A PLACE::y ACQUIRE DATE DISTR. 10 7ov. 1951 NO, OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS- DATE OF DO NOT CIRCULATE SUPPLEMENT TO INFO. 25X1 X REPORT NO. 25X1A1. on there was a meeting of leaders of the Partito Comuua?,ieta Italian PCI; Italian Communist Party) at the Baracca of Sesto San Gio?.i (headquarters of the Breda Sections of the PCI and the Associazione Nazicnale Partigiani dgltalia (ABPI; Italian National Partisans Association ). Amca those present were Giovanni Brombilla, Luigi Grangonat o, Angelo alli., Giuseppe Carra, Alessandro Vaja, Lalgi Reboni, Mauro Benedetti, and a curtain Boccaccini of the Unions Donne Italians (UDI; Italian Womenms Union). At the meeting it was decided to divide Sesto San Giovanni into small sectors ard to form a Defense Committee in each sector in order to better unite and Li- rect the workerie resistance in the current difficulties. It was also do??- aided to include artisans and small proprietors in the Committees; In th4?9 way, the PCI utilizes not only the industrial sector of Sesto San Giovanni but also the entire population, of which 80 per cent are PCI members.. Milan PCI leaders are particularly disturbed because the workers so far dismis;ad have been PCI members. If for no other reason, the Milan Federation of the PCI will be forced to wage an all-out fight on the Breda question. 2,, There was a meeting at the Magenta Section offices on 25 September 1951 to discuss plans for the defense of the Do Angell Prua plant, The meeting was attended by members of the De Angell Commissions Interna and Bruno Geraei and Walter Cappuccini of the Milan Federation of the ?CIO After hearing a report by the Commissions Interna representatives on the progress of the discussions with the De Angell Directorate, the two Federation offi- cials ordered the Commissions Interna to reject the De Anggeli offers. Both Gerasi and Cappuccini emphasized that the closing of the plant would mean not only an economic loss for the workers but a serious blow to the Con federazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (OGIL; Italian General Confedera- tion of Labor) and the Milan PCI Federation. 25X1 A a. on the Directors of the Economic Committee met at Fade- ration headquarters to study plans for sabotaging the Tanoni lava It wa"" decided to approach the largest number of payees in all classes and to par- made them to submit inaccurate statements. These statements were to be followed by letters in which the payees asked for advice and/or a refund.-. In this way, the tax offices would be confronted with a work load so heavy that it could not bebandled. This sabotage has a two-fold alma a) to force the Finance Ministry to revise the stipulated levies; and b) to give the PCI a propaganda weapon for recruiting among the middle classes and small ownears. CLASSIFICATION SRC 1 ' W ICIALS ONLT STATE X 1IAVY ARMY AtR FBt Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RD