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CL SSIFICP11ON ; ""'-- CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Re0i~ftilA'='K'82-00454?0 0 F AT O REPORT CD No jJ13j.,;,_.~ The Congreso de Unidad Sindical ?5X1 C(UIRE T.1I!i DOCUMPUT CONTAINS IHFORLIATION AFFSC7ING THE UATIO IAL MUNSON OF YRE UNITED 5,74Y&9. WITHIN THE rMANSWO OF TITLE IS. SECTIONZ 79? AND 794. OF THE V. S. CODE. AS AI9#NUED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR RBVFL? 4TION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT 137 AS UHAUTHORIYETJ FEISh) I 13 PRO11I097ED SV LAW THU,, REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORS IS FROM SIYEV. 25X1X SOURCE NO OF PAGES 2 NO OF ENCLS. (LASTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO THIS IS UNEVALUATED tNFORMATJON 5A1 A :L The Congreso de Unidad Sindical, inaugurated on 12 October 1951 at the Teatro America, and terminated on 14 October at the Palacio de los Deportes in Guate- mala Cit -, has been riven ample coverage in th e press. 2? At 8 p.m. of 12 October workers and farmers began p? "ing into the auditorium until it was completely filled by the representatives of the various "ederatio;is and syndicates. The size of the audience is estimated to have be :.n between 1,:2O0 and 1,500 persons. 3:, The Honorary Committee was composed of the following ,ersons, who, the ex ception of Vicente Lombardo Toledano and Jose ".`orera, were not presents Colonel Arbenz, President of the ~tepubl:ic, Dr. Juan Jose Arevalo, .forty r Presid .mt of the hepublic, Giuseppi Vittorio, Tresiden.t of the ..orld Federation of Trade Unions (t:FTU), Louis Saillant, Secretary General of the ti.FTU, General Cardenas, former President of :.'exico, and Lazaro Pena, Secretary General of thM; Confederacion de T'rabajad.ores de Cuba, who was ~{'enied a visa to come to Guate- ,h he was nominated by the Confederacion ae mala by the Cuban Government, althour Trabajadores de America Latina (CTRL) to accompany Lombardo Toledano., 4. The Acting Committee was composed of Licenciado Luis Cardoza y Aragon, Victor Manuel Gutierr? z, E anuel Pinto Usaga, Carlos Manuel Pellecer. Leonardo Castillo Flores, Marco Antonio Vi.ll.amar, representing the Frente Popular Libertador (FP:r,), Francisco Silva Falla, representing the Partido Socialista, Jaiane Diaz H xzzottcl, representing the i?pnovacion Nacional, Roberto Alvarado Fuentes, representing the Parti**- Accion Revolucionaria (PAR), Jose Luis Caceres, representing the Sindi ; cato de Accion y 1ejoramiento Ferrocarrilero (SAMF), and Jose Alberto Cardoza, Colonel of Engineers, and Carlos A0 Paz Tejada,, the President of the ;Republic. 5, Carlos Manuel Pellecer read congratulatory messages sent to the president of the Congreso de Unidad Sindical, Profersor Victor Manuel. Gutierrez, from labor con.`ed.- erations of Cuba, Chile, Venezuela., ' exico, the ,FTIU, the CTAL, Juan Jose,, and Colonel Jacobo Arbenz,, As always, attacks on the United States were maele in their speeches by Victor Manuel Gutierrez, Manuel Pinto Usaga, and. Vicente Lombardo Toledano, who took CONFIDENTIAL C;i.AC;SIFI('.ATION sT,rrw I MKI NAVY ARh7v AiR I eas~za CISTRIBUT{l3N_ Bar-ument No- ------------ ------- io Change In Class. Dsclassi ed Class. Changed TO: TS S Auth.: HR 70.2 Bate!?`pp!'- I g Rel e dM/0 _tq Approved For Release 2000/Q; D ATfMP82-00457R009400010005-6 SECURITY INFO; 4AT1.N CENTRAL I:NTF?i.3,IGy7VCE AGE:CY 25X1A satisfaction in calling all the directors of the anti-Corunist co.-nittees imbeciir ::., stating emphatically th t anti -Coo imiw.ism in Guatemala and everywher's in La , n America originated in the Department of State in Vlashington, DoC,, These reactionary movements, Lombardo asserted= are being fomented by the Stan:; Department all over Latin sees the ruble circulating, but the almighty dollar"0 there Is talk in Guatemala of the Soviet Union and its Commureiso, "when in r eal.ity in the Soviet Union thf,y have not yet attained Communism, but rather Bolshevism, just as it exsts in the United States",, If any of these anti-Co unisto were asked to dcf,ne communism,, Lombardo concluded, they would be unable to do so, because iey woul.d not know the meaning of true Ccamaunism? CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400010005-6 25X1A