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Approved For Release 2000/05/22: CIA-RDP82-00457R009400060007-9 CLASSIFICATION tt 4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO,. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Ger.-ta;t r (?tt .sian ao tc ) SUBJECT 24th Air r CONFIDENTIAL PLACE 25X1 A ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X 2. 'rho following units were o;tserved flying on 17 Nov .tuber: One fip'xter reginent oath at Zerbst,, 13rareenburh "3raest, and LM-z, and one other fi .atcr reg acnto Om ground--attack re ant each at ';e i sdorf, '3r" a x en')urf:- ra.do, and '. s r au. Trio Vrour .-attack rog-tricnts at D&x ^itz. One trans-port rc, lent at Dtaakon. The folla+;i?t wit vcrc ob crvec1 i y n ; on 1;; ;foTcuber: Onc fi;4lter rc;,',niozlt at lam. Trro Ground-attack a'f i rents . T 1e follardn units *;.m obrcrvcd f:l..,.-inl; on 12 I'lovrt:tber: One fiF ?stet YC ;.':.'1cnt cach at Lairs:, Prc;tx e 11 aur; :, atc1. '`'tt stock, c.nc one in the vicialty of P1Utn .tz. Trio i'ir.;lttcr rc, ?i nentc each at "erbst and Gros- enhai n. 011e ;:round-attack xogi;uont each at Dessau, ;.ctx.a1Q 7o rroufac1--attack red~.;_~en ~c at :Wboritz. One reconnaissance rcj LL:tnt at ;cii 11TJa1d_. k a F, g g -- -- van: One bo:1.3cr rti;:.i:'1C3nt at Ora-0enbur, ;. Two baubc rcg?nor th at Jtiterbog. CONFIDENTIAIi '. OF ENCLS. DONUT. CIRCULATE REPOLR NO T TO TA13 2MCUMENT CO[ITRAWU F.. 3L!Allr.c Armcurta Tog 11AWCHAL OEI BSE OF TQE: Ua T. D OTAT S WMIJ TUL' ;O2?A4 ;; i Or MU MO ISHAOI: ACV SP ?.! C.. 39 AG`O SO. AS AI.76C8!}RO. ITfl TC'AT1SD[ffi$1017 OPi ThZ ZrMIATIU,. OP ITS CO&T6NTS 1N ANT ?7AN0I60 TO GA 1!'AAUT110111880 PAW03 98 Pt20- MINT..D 9Y LAV, GL@8O71SCTI3l OF TBL, POW 14 P@O.Ii81TEQ. SOURCE L. The fora dn, units of the 24th Air ? iy z rc? iccntificd on 16 :iouc:?~~.~cr 12 1: One fighter rcc;irtent at :irandenburg--:'ricet artd ti.o at ?crbst. A few f1 '?atera apparently oporatint fror:t Alt LdinnmLtz One ground-attack rc rio it at Dessau,, One traaiport tegi' nt at a taaken. One bo bDr regLntent at J fterbog. A bo:rtbcr ro ;irtcntal staff at Cottbus. Bomber division heads aartors at Finat:.cr;valde. NAVY CLASSIFICATION NSR8 Fisk DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2000/05/22: CIA.FU8I004 DATE DISTR. 21 :;cv. i2.51 NO. OF PAGES 1