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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 19, 1951
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Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA- 400400003-5 CLASSIFICAT ION .a . 1''i`~CutyTxtJi. - i)~,a4 (> 'S~l~ l Us1~LX N. I rp -11 INTEL18FAX 4 CENTRAL N IrYNG iVc &GENL'i REPORT NO. O ATI REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Philippines DATE DISTR,19 Nov., SUBJECT Statements of H60 Theorist in October 1951 Suggesting NO. OF PAGES 2 Nacionalista Victory might Retard -Com i DATE OF NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 2fty* REPORT NO. 1..,, An unidentified 1- theorist stated late in October 1951 that if lIMB plans to sabotage the Philippine elections were unsuccessful., the LIMB would be obliged to contend with the Nacionalista Party,, ana that since Nacionalista leaders are me honest and more competent than Liberal Party leaders, the Philippine Communist revolution woula thus be re- tarded. 2, Failing a successful campaign of sabotaging the elections,, the 1 desired that Liberal Party politicians remain in power, since Liberal Party maladministration is accelerating the course of the Philippine Communist revolution, according to the t1iIB theorist. The desire to keep a corrupt government temporarily in power is be...ieved to be customary among Communists who are seeking a national revolution. Aside from the question of the relative honesty or competence of Liberal and Nacionalista Party politicians, it is noteworthy that the comparatively clean 1951 elections rthich bolstered public morale probably had a significant harmful effect on the LIMBO The failure of the HUB to succeed in sabotaging the elections, as PUB plans and orders previously had emphasized strongly, suggests that over-alb. HUB capabilities may be low. t.hile the alertness of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (HFP) undoubtedly hampered HUB election plan.', this fact should not result in lowered &8 morale and confidence. y ments throughout the country in the month F-- precedixr~, the 13 November elections. In these reports it was suggested that assistance given to 140 election plans by irresponsible Liberals and Nacionalistas would result in a more favorable climate for OFpropaganda and re- cruitment and a lowering of anti-Communist resistance in the Philip- pines. In the latter report, it was also suggested that if Govern- ment efforts to frustrate HO election plans were successful, hard- dated 10 October 1951 which was prepared by Philippine military Intel- ligence Service officials of probable political, and militar clevelo CLASSIFICATION ;,, C"T/cowrH - U SsAT~4PS d 1?`sr ddAttY !/ v NSRH `r nISTR B~ 1 ION Ai2P?9`l A!R FBI Approved For Release 2000/04/18: CIA-RDP82- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0Q9400400003-5 SEC T/CONTROL .. C.S. UFFICIALS U1+11 25X1A CEMAL INTELLItE14CE AGENCY ^ pressed forces in Luzon may order the elements in Mindanao to begin a campaign of open resistance. T/CONTHOL - 1J. ~,. OFFICZA ONLY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400003-5