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December 5, 1951
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SECURITY INFU X1 rrI CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. FOR 1A ` O. ? REPORT CO NO: CLASSIFICATION CCN110NTIAL/CONTROL -> U. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A ua3,3ECT Activities of the Garixia Federation of the Italian Communist Party PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENT t;.L/CONTROL -? U. STATE _J NAVY NSRB I ) DISTRIBUTION ARMY 1.4Q AIR FB! 40 s aca Is 01;. Approved For Release 2.000/04/18: CIA-RDP8 ~001Irv $ Q oak, ? ~? f 70-2 50 per cent resulting in a net profit of about 700,000 lire of which the.FCI took DATE DISTR. 5,D60 51 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT 'NO. ; Comunista Italiano (PCI9 Italian Cox nist Party) Federation were di- xeoved towards making a success of the various Foote de 4 r t , held in the Province, The financial result was considered to be excellent, RETURN TO CIA LIBRARY 0 During September all the activities of the leaders of the Partito mainly in the Slovene areas or the Goriaia Province, were not held because the Communist Party of the Free Territory of Trieste would not supply the personnel.. The Federation did not regret this change as the Foote de j?, were a heavy financial burden. 3. The Federation has recently ret,ceived directives from the PCI to give impetus to the collection of signatures for the Berlin Appeal and to the formation of peace committees, In their directive the PCI at- tached great importance to the inclusion of "elements foreign to the Party" in the peace committees so that they will be able to represent the; nselves as independent of the PCI or the Italian: Socialist Party? 4, On 17 September 1951 a meeting of the Partisans of Peace was held at Padua. at which delegatiofis of the whole of the Veneto Region partici- ated., Giacomo Pollegrini., Giancarlo Pajetta, and Mario Geromot representing Gorizia) were present. New directives for the collec- tion of signatures were drafted. Now, the collector must be convin- ced that the prospective signee has fully understood the significance and the importance of hie signature before he signs. 2, Contrary to previous years the Feste do L, which took place 5. Pajetta asked the Gorizia delegation why the collection of signatures in their Province was progressing so slowly. Geromet answered that the population of the Province did not appreciate the danger that they would be the first to be attacked in the event of war, as they did not believe in Tito&s participation in the Atlantic Pact. 6, Propaganda was discussed at a Gorizia provincial congress of the Partisans of Peace on 23 September 1951 u presided over by Antonio Taxnbarin, The committee had compiled a leaflet which cost 20,000 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400010-7 CO DENTTAT./^.MMM ?.? 1 1, C ?TCIAI+S MTT CENTRAL IMrJ L1 NOE AGENCY 25X1 A 'e for 7,000 copies, This leaflet was to be given only to those !& sh d interest in the contents, Themes for future leaflets will ludo such items as the building of bunkers at Solkan, Nova Goriea, a t d the training of Para-military f oroes in Yugoslavia. The Fedora- wished to touch on the c .testion of Trieste but was not clear ,,it attitude should be adopted concer'ningthis territory for fear of s .,jetting the Slav minority in the Gorizia Province. CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL .? U? S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400010-7