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Approved For Release 2000/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400013-4 25X1A C1-ASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELI GE~GtF~G C REPORT NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ,, ~. -~ t4 P F T9 . Yugoslavia Resistance Groups in Vardar, Macedonia 25X1A DO NOT CIRCULATE REPO OT 25X1X i., In 1950 the following anti-Communist organizations existed in Vardar, Macedonia: a. U"RO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization)1 b. National Shipetar Demokrati,. an Albanian Moslem nationalist organization. whose objective is the annexation of Kosovo and l=ietohija to Albania. co Indjel$ a Moslem anti-Communist organization d, A Yugoslav faction which included both royalists2 and republicans whose objective was the establishment of a democratic regime in Yugoslavia which rould include the territory of Vardar, Macedonia as a federal unit. This faction was strengthened by the Bulgarian occupation of Vardar, Macedonian, during World '~'ar III None of these organizations were well organized rind they had failed to draw up a clear cut program of activities. These organizations confined them- selves generally to promoting propaganda although even this activity was not coordinated in different areas, 2? During 1947 approximately 60 members of the National Shipetar Demokrati3 organization were arrested and tried. Four of these individuals were executed and the rest were given prison sentences of 3 to 20 years. Mahmut Dumanip one of the organization's outstanding leaders was confined to the central prison in Skoplje. 3. Indjel, the Wsleet anti-Communist organization was discovered by Yugoslav authorities in 1948, and approximately 30 leaders of the organization were apprehended and tried. Four of these individuals were executed and the rest received prison terms ranging from 3 to 20 years. These persons were charged with promoting anti'Cormunist activity and were accused of maintaining contact with the Turkish Consulate in Skoplje. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL srArE saAVY g l s7e C1tS1Ri3lDTI6_N FIM Approved For Release 2000/04/19: CIA-RDP 'as. C ha,i_ Ton TS S C 13-4 C_ys DATE DISTR. 21 Nov. 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 Approved For Release 2000/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400013-4 CON'FIDEXTIAL C LYTRAL INFTr't,LIG?" NCt' AGE ' i During the tire the informants were .in Macedonia, the studentst branch of It' i.0 in 5koplje attempted to buy an old Awerican printing press in Zagreb; homever, the group was unsuccessful in collecting the 35,E dinars deeded for this purchase. The plan. of the students I!"K() group had been to publish. a new3paper in the Bulgarian language for distribution throughout I a.eedonia, This nfn,,spe,er wag to contain trsnz~iattnns of articles published in the United States under the title of P!alce? jonn 11"R10 pronaga-nda.was promoted in gynnastwna end universities bat groups o three rner^bers. The hellgvtrters of the university, students% branch of 1t,`R0 sae located in 3kop3jep This.branch had groups in the universities-in Belgrade And Zagreb. ; The I';1tl groune in. collaborated with en anti-Communist organip-ation called Zisti Orso (golden -agle) which had members throughout 7Cu";oslavia a In the University of Bel de there was another entiaGQmmunist student organization called 7iti Mrav. In the University of Zagreb students who belonged to the :0,11O organisation worked with a Croatian anti-Communist student organization knom+m as Krizeri (Crusadere),, In Zagreb there was also. a Croatian anti-Communist student. Ustashi- orgenitzation. Altogether there were anpro:eimntely 4,000 Fflacedonians in Zagreba . . 6 ,11 of three s"-nti'Tito groups hive reporter iy been ruthlessly.pore ectr ad by the Tito regime. Inrorrr.ents estimated th?Rt during the five yee.r period beta,t-on 1945 and 1950, between 80() to 1.000 persons accuse! of nnti4o111run1at. or Tl''R( activity, were apprehended end. tried in the different distrirts'Of T"eeer orti.a, the rn jority of them in kopl je and Bttotj.5 Many, of these indi *idval.. ,~ smang them priests, military personnel, university end rnnaeiuv teachers and eta erne, professional persons and large groups of poe.sontsa were executed or given orison sentences ranging from 2 to .20 years of i rn pr . ostment the students at Ckon'P. je University are thou ht to be adherents of It.R00 ,.CCorA-1ng to one informant the rpjority of the Persons tried Sr sari,enced in. +'F"ncedonia were r ambers of IV . HotRever,, several other informants atleged that the individuals ar?restei qnd trier'- in ?^cedonta belonged to dif 'arent reststrinCe r"rsvorrrnts, but that the regime labeled them ,as XIlt0 membere because a trial of "rsc-oa..ret.ists" would aorleel more to .the pe_zblico C ONF'IDENT.IAL Approved For Release 2000/04/19 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400400013-4