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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 26, 1951
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Approved F 94ftV 9; 102,1 zC1, E'92-004b7RR9 1 , aiu FAX 11- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. SUBJECT' CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL - UPS. MATE ARMY Wei S:ran : Guerrilla Column, Anhwei, and 46 pistols, . Tlie force is equipped 4 .th 2 light maohthe sje 317 rifles, 6 camp underground Pao Mi Chin, 33,, At the present time this eolirin is an rct4tve guerrilla force of 400 mcnq divided into to detac eats tam one batty 1ion.~ Thr~.re are 750 men underground,, 7orty percent of the force a rs foxier ro ors viho served under 'IRTA.a thirty percent are lac . troops? n the remainder are atudentaq yaun men who we motivated patr'ioti:-ma, and mmbers of the in Anhuei, He ieaced recruiting his old subord.tnateaq local troapsP studexxts? and patrio-I .o youths fcrr axnti -Zw-m mist activities o, By the end -of .1949 ho had a faaeo & i q 500 m -n,, In early 1950 Lei the CcMMUn.sts began , their g;xer'ri:I?l . auppres ion c;nsrrprii -ne,, net of this force treat underground 0 comander of the Nationali.st 689 He eft,, z03 W!,gls .on, scat .onur ax ha fe .1 HUA fwd to his, hOMa Point island ~iear Shaaahal, 1Ihon Sh At this tine of the C u i 3t attack on Shanghaip, HUA was the reg ita1 e reor0 coMaryq ba -tslion , rv siri',p ard i . igadc ca ,nder duri his n it9r He is a gr,-4uate of the Se end Claw of the Tentnwar Dona ? ul is z?s 25X1A DATE DISTR. 26 DEC 51 NO, OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCM (LISTED BELOW6 The aomwafter of the Wei Shag Colwrai of the or t11a forces in I.h rai .. _ .. .. - w. _ I n . Y..ak oz .AA I&% Sho haien (16-50p 3235) and. Feingt a ai o nearby communities of 32LIy (u7a15q 32-58)v Who (117-56s, 33.lO)9 umt is based at Thrn tse Lake (M- q 33a ) az crates tb6. r I OGlE00nt Nay INFORMATION REPORT CD NO, 0 ,s, Irl.^:+ p1 ve F&r Release f e +, 9109 CIA-RDP8; 09100510003'-4