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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
November 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 7, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R009500040010-6.pdf222.96 KB
EVALUATION.____. -sc e bolo . ~__._ .PLACE OBTAINED- 1c DATE OF CONTEN X1A E OBTAINED REFERENCE 25X1X EPARED . 7 'over_ germ 1951 1,, T?'7.e foilov;in4, troop trains, listed in the record of the Rat' now ra1_1:: gad station and observed pas s d through Ratbenu::w bet inen 27 Sez e . bei and October: Date comp ^?tion of From To Sbipmenfia'w ,ccord Droop Trains 27 8'apteriber 10 boxcars and 38 flatcars with sol- diers, rocket laun- chers and trucks 25X1 C 28 'lepter:iber lv boxcars and 35 {'latcars viithh~ sol- diers", artillery pieces and trucks 1 October 37 boxcars and 16 flatcar: with sol- diers and trucks 10 boxcars and 36 flatcars with sol- tliers, r ccket laun- chers and trucks Pre-initz :alten.- Zr~abcw Altengrabow . eustre=. Ioetzow orstc 1 AltenL,rati ow Prermi tz 1 October C boxcars and 2.8 flat- Et -erslew, 1"i-now cars with soldiers ben and trucks 2 October 0 boxcars and 37 Aschersleben El-,er1wal_dc Flatcars with sol- diers, artillery pieces and trucks 8 boxcars and 26 Asci-,ersle?0(_11 bersv:~ 1.'uf flatca,.,s with so1u4 diers and trucks CLASSIF'ICATI0J~- e-w" I flp .-Mr d1M.IL t No I. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDt8r4OA, iQ@9 OD400E1jp-C_ 8 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C 25 25X1 C 25X1 C Date in Shipment svatcrtin .Siiini erit$ftecoid jA.j 1~ :,8~?.-0 0010-6 2 17 53 empty- boxcars 25X1 C and 3 empty flatcars ::.s: , and 1. t:r ,.?.gin. from Orossenhain to i``rankk'urt/Odor on 1.3 ri;t er? 13) The troop train on 14 y October from Cho ~thu.s to '.':Ieis rasear paragraph 3. consisted of u boxcar's 9eith about 120 y, red ...k'? cdei'.? ed black epaulets, and ab'aut V flatcars i.'L,'Z about '.0 trucks., i.ncludinc arrived at the :,tatIcn via Forst^ :idbon hi 'h` wy;, installation in Dissenchen,, 1 boxcars with 300 troops vrcarinC red -Y'C+x'ft~ red black epaulets, and ? c to a 4 _., probably aunnu tition, which had been hauled to the the day before from storerooms in the partially Cit'.fitroy'.a barrack"", 1~iwy ~eTllat u ms South of Vetschauer :Itras ' o The ;a7'dd iC Y"?:ti ed number of flatcars of the train carried aba,.;t 12 AT guns with a short barrel w_2 A. guns of a small caliber with a lour barrel, e 1, a+rored scout cari. 2 r. ? -,7n '.'L.... F:..u iii.and `). ~.~~05 tl ?,~ t;: 'cks The troop trains krhich left Co i!bu s for f is rya se o 1'.: Oct be , cncladad "o o.L the t ?cu.cks irroba ;r' from the bars-ne:k.aa 6. On 17 Oc'lloher, 30 cars ire-, e loaded, at t: T`oc Si3r'!4:`ia C1 ~ai'>';f: t tel crates ofl.-i ch exceeded the aurescrihed . oa measurements at`'. ob l'."i _y ;4Jrr1 1. ed aircraft !,,artsu TThe sh:i_oment to :t.; for 1.rai'kfurt/Od s" on 13 Oc Ober0 7. Troop trains., wiP .ch vicre listed in the record', of the Pr en'?.fw-.-- t0 der railroad station as baying k one to Brest Litovsk hetwe n 17 and :19 Octob?i' inc1U". ed Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500040010-6 25X1A 0010-6 19 56 empty boxcars fto ,e: f,aa?ter flaat =, I.P. (4) 25X1 C 31 boxcars and 1 flat- car ra', i':.rt/ er with soldiers., and 19 empty ??ondola cars 17. bcc+ccars with Sol- From unl1mcw3n diers, 21 flatcars direction via with lar0,e. tanks for x ran flirt/O'fder jet t;lanes and 20 empty gondola cars 25X1 ti v Ili,-, #o1l rin numbers o.r Sov rlil=. i+ary ^3e. ,onne., were o 7 k`- ??- '`c(: aboard leave trains in Frank-fort/Oder between !3 and 1' 'c uoa: e Date 13 October 190 and 220 250 a ::' 2 0 1L October 200 and 240 1 October 230 and 210 260 and 270 (6) ip ~Y~ r r t 7 r r:;i J~.?'t`~~. rLi.,F~,~l }I,t z'il~~~l.~.;- lii'.!~t 00 NOT CIRCULATE Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500040010-6