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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 3, 2001
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Publication Date: 
December 13, 1951
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OJT Approved For Release 200 : ;V57R0095(f1W8163W. .' eLE ,L Pa 2'.rnz. xa a . ...... .- iP'z .i?;n erapai n i.n C,iinese Cozim list Air Force NO. OF PAGES 1 =)tf'1RED NO. OF ENCtS. 44. oS;TEO BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO ~.a wust 1951 the P.evolutionar ; Ilil?.t r Co: cif o d r d t . ?~.' a s A3.r a i-vicea. This order included the following zntsri screen ground personnel of the ee bases and t,17,l avia'ti.on depots in order to eliminate undesirable ~l ~,~ erg ~-s fx~ t"t? e~ ,I e , , e re he Air Serv--, ce lsxldw . a:ad tl e Civil Air Trans:,ort Fsuresu to gradually expanding number of personnel of the P l ? eop e s Air Serviceso ' `nce its rehabilitation? has .made it neceasarrr for all airports and :+ncluding civil aviation depots, to initiate a large-scale t t.-) purify the composition of the People's Air Services. This a~na c~ .Js limited to groufad personnel and will lasts except in special =a ens or three nu s r I1a? It a shortage of ground personnel for air 'I A- ana t f . , g. nasn o various airports rttixe-i; --ol sn 4: a r'sport on necessary roplacemen-tr; before November 1951, l"ftic' Pe?volutio..-a ?v :.iiiitary Council will afoot necessary replacements according to n over-all programo ho porsona:. history of each individual ill be investigated., If c, nror,ited elements (laxsdovmers and property ocmers) or persons with P.oijiicatod perso.aal histories (those rvho have been spies, who formerly t ,&cen part in anti revolutionary parties, or whose relatives have c: ornect o ' ) are found anon the ground personnels these individuals ci J t be se-verely kscrea ze J , Their col leagues. friends, noi,;hbors, and o.ej. hbor1w d nrga,nizn,t' ons may be mobilized to furnish information and try?uiate their prosecution, As proof of their offenses is presented,. fV4 struggle and liauidati..on, Asp Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA- Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009500140003-3 R WORT SUC11C7- BUT NOT SPURI memo to CIA Library 23 June 1954 Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009500140003-3