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- Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-32 5/7 9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY k US CLASS I F I CAT I OIY~ CGT Q FIG A7s~a m - W-1 T SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. COUNTRY (`nen SS:R) SUBJECT Rail, and Road Traffic tb 'ou DuShak DATE OF 25X1 C INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1X 25X1X 25X1A CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR. 30 April 1952 NO. OF PAGES . NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 A REPORT NO. 4e Following is a. report of traffic on the Transcaspian 'I Railway thre through I ha& . ' SeptemePt: embaer S8 95aL and c road traffic to a& from Z oak for the period 18-24 Traffic x? e' ; .can 24/9/51 Rail tboirn f as rboun.d ;u?nd to Dushak. T"i asbak to : ,kha CLASSIFICATION SF,_-_--R ~_Cvmlle(T_m Foal ,--`ed.zbend, to Dua ak 0,&;t-i hur j 'tp Fahak Jushak to Tedzhe a . STATE +'r X NAVY 8tbound Westboid weatb.ound e abound ;. .stbound Westbound :? tbound ea.&tbound 'es tbound DISTRIBUTION Rail.- NQ. of Cars Road: 7e ` e" 0600 0915 .1100 _71.1 1230 1330 1343 1500 1615 1700 0615 truck 074. truck 0800 truck 0830 Vndescribed vehiele Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP O.Q9 5002360f~3W ~ -=OO457.R 62v ~il'S f p 41 4 44 4 50 15 large passenger care 22. 35 33 20 4 $' _ -* Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 ' '/CO: 'J OL, T OFFICIAIS ONLY Date 'L,af `i D. x-ect .on 24/9/5i Road 23/9/51 Rail Bails Roads 25X1A Etahak to S erg 0930 Grua may ,M "asba:k to Post-ifi Sh je1 1.015 tk Dusbak is Tedzhend. 1030 truck .8orakho to Dusbak .1100 truck Poet . Khjeh tt . ushak 1230 truck Post i*,Shurjeh to L hak .1315 truck Dusbak to Serakhs 1330 truck ha; to four m11. 140Q truck F mill to hwk 1500 truck L)uzbak. to Sexes. 500 truck 1)u5bak to Tedzhend. 13 f truck h to Dusk 130 cr bed vehicle, Dusbak to a 1600, Sera g to Du hak 1630 truck Du bak to Tefthend. 1700 truk: westbound 0530 35 eastbo=d o0 ase.eng cars tstbodd 0800 32 vestbom.d 1100 26 seat uund 10 20 ound 1230 eastbound 1330 .43 'w'estbound .1500 62 eastbound 1515 48 r atbouiat 1700 60 eastbound 1730 25- Road 7 .hak to K.aakha. o6oo truck Dushak to Seral . 0615 truck L hak to edzhend 0700 truck: L ack to Pct -i- .ao jeh .0715 truck Dusbak to 'wind. 085 truck Dusbak to `-.akha, 0830 Jett ILhak to the nth truck iulan to Poat j Sht jeh Poe t-:.-,Shur jeh Du ahak 0930 truck r' DuShak hak to K ha. 0930 .U00 uadeecrl.bed vehicle, trk : u 1iak to Sera3 1230 truck (cored) Dus:! .k to Tedzhea d 1400 trunk to Agcheh Qaleh 14 truck Aache. i Wi5h to Du2hak 115 truck Scabs to Dk 1500 track . lu .n k to Kfla &. 16,30 track D usbak to Tedzhend 1715 t u k r c 19/9/51 l westbound 060 kc Sexdgex carp eastbound 0630 18 westbound 098.20 6o ea tbauxid z7 td 1;00 2C) eastbo .d 1130 32 sei z care 't s-t-bc?und 5 S '/cQN LJS OFFICIAI OIgLr Approved For Release 2001/0Y3/06 :'CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 25X1A US OFTIOIATS ONLY T + _r: 2 19/g/ 5-L Ra ,i. .*, bound t bound, a8tbound .d , Y__k to T h rL h& to POAt,'i?mb Agcb h Qaleh :. a : to .Dushak to DuU hak ~ :i 'k Azhdax to :hak to ZereldM "k:hojah to Maki. Tut a to Tedzhend- a~:a to tl~e nth 1030 :aa tha to Dus ak 11 to Barakhs 141 f : to flour mil 1500 Aq+-,: eh Qa: h to Dub k i52O x600 PUP_ l: to edrh rid e3haK tar t north. 16,30 S : a Kbs to Dushak 1715 Z$~ ~SI Ra ,: aund a*:f,und NiFstboi=d -: a to Dushak f `e xnd to Tsdz nA 0930 ..J: to Tedzhend 0530 ~Jx to os na.k to Post.- ~a - to Dushak to Agcheb Q h 0930 to the moth '1000 toXasha 2 5. w to. K 1 . -htxt?eh t, ,;ahak 1500 i 1700 0530. 0713 0.830. 1030 .100 0630 2.000 1030 1~ 00 1400 11530 1630 1100 t0 Seraldle 1+00 to. ~zb x~d 14 0 4 aK. to Serakhe: 14 5 . h to Dusts i OO T t D shah 1630 ha.k to BU-I=. -1700 ?80. 60 P aw E: ? 2 cars 26 Unde&C tr truck bed. htc1 ?, truck 2 unop ib v hid a uudea$b.d fix truck u ser bed vebic . truck Je"T truck uns9ac bed YOhjt ': . truck 1.O 4o ? ass ng cars 26 1tctiv: O 16 pasaeWr care 4k eft ca:ru -locomotive 60 30 14 truck, ua scri d v cx truck truck truck truck truck truck .truck Itruck truck truck auto truck (empty) truck undeacribied vehicle .tom of -ids OFF"IOTA s OKLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 h&k to N8kka :J-to Xaa ha. OO I. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 IN# 25X1A CONTROL t. 0MCUM ONLY The following is a tabulation for the ioa of time coMed by th report and. Includes daily wages -cam th_ Vro"Ung. months 24 Sept. 6 19 Sept . 16 s t. ' ?YVhicular n What Eat. Whet 12M 8ou D 4C~,1: P,. J4. Q.Fa3~1R. vc.~+. .201. 6 215 186 6 .217 173 6 196 ?160 4 13o + 1 lcc tive +1 locomotive avrag Aug. 7 251 July 7 267 Rail 6 3 s 4CONTR(?I, t1s - OFFICIAIS ONLY Approved For ReleaseT Oi1O3J06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500230003-3 11 .19