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December 10, 1951
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Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500610007-f1 `h8 I CLASSIFICATION 25X1 A CENf UEINTELLIGENCE A ENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. . OF ENCLS. SUPPLEMENT TO 0 NO Ct CULAT'~ REPORT NO. 25X1 X 1. According to a statement made by General Rafael Luis Bates, approximately 3,000 officers of the Argentine armed forces will be retired from active service in the very near future. The reason given for their retirement is that President Peron doubts their allegiance to his government. 26 In connection with the personnel changes and reorganization in the Army, this move is part of the military purge which Peron ordered after the attempted revolution of 28 September. Generals Solari.. Urdepilleta, Corti, 25X1X Suari, and others, do not enjoy the complete confidence of Peron, were og ere ;.e ance of retirement in order to make way for the promotions of lower-ranking officere. 3a 40 25X1 X5. 25X1A Argentina DATE DISTR. 10 Dec. 1951 Current Military and Political Activities in Argentina NO. OF PAGES 25X1 C 25X1A Fourteen officers who have been studying in the Escuela de Guerra have recently been expelled because of the purge. These emulsions were the x emLlt of a list prepared by Captain (fnu) Cialceta, a nephew of Peron, who has been reporting on officers taho are not loyal to the Peron regime. On 20 November a small plastic bomb exploded in the doorway of a building belonging to the Air Ministry. There was only small damage to the door but trrindows in a building across the' street were broken. The Oficina de Cont.-ol del Estado (oc?), Presidential intelligence agency, vbich is investigating this explosion, believes that it is the work of persons connected with General Benjamin Menendez, leader of the 28 September revolt. A note was left with the bomb which warned that President Peron would be the next target.* the United States Congressmen wIo visited Argentina last week were misle" by Peron who, with great political tack, told them only the truths that were absolutely necessary. 25X1A Comm t. a similier type bomb exploded on IFer at the main entrance of the Presidential residence in Olivos, Province of Buenos Aires. CLASSIFICATION SECRET Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009500610007-7