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IN tl ELLOEAJ? Approved For Release 1001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600100&06 3 IFICATIOM fcASS TIAL tin CENTRAL INT 1_IGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT choslovakia REPORT NO. CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR. 10 Dec. 1951 SUI'J. C` Livestock situ. Lion in Czechoslovakia ESQ. OF PAGES 2 P1,.J; s` ACC.. is !R SAT rya,: IV'F STATE NAVY X ISRB ~y_~_ _ DISTRIBUTION UT X :J AM FQt l __t__ i r ~M111 fl ?r --- 1 39 25X1A ENT TO S . -..REPORTNO? 25X1X In March 1`950 the Czechoslovak Government ordered that all State ~.str.,.tes (Statni sta,tky) (SS) must keep a stout of cat- tle amounting to a total of 20,000 head. In the autumn. of 1950, this number .r s increased to 40;9.000 by order of the Uovernment0 The 'State "stz-tes are to keep this stock at the same level, reg;~aardless of the lose of cattle made avail- ab e for ?~1r,ial;htering. The stock of pi ;s formerly wws fixed at 200,000 and w.-.9 l.nter~ in the autumn of 1950, increased to 33(),,OOQ in connection with the establislunent of large pig feeding stations called "Gigant"? However, the State 'states did not succeed in -},.t tai.n1ng the prescribed number. The ac- teal stock of mfrs numbers 230,000 with an average weight of 100 kg. 2 ~ Inde )endent farmers and Agricultural Cooperatives (Jedno'tne zemedeiske druzetvo)(JZD) are not under. the obli ..tion to mF_aintF-..n a certain number of cattle. The State Estates own about half of the tot,-..I number of cattle in Czechoslovakia. The rep: ion for the existing pork shortage lies in the fact that the total stock of so-!as is 47,000 below the number called for in the Government plans When Agricultural Cooperatives were est,.blIshed, Loci l National Committees ailo.ied farriers ,.rho promised to join the Cooperatives to slaughter sows.,uhich resulted in the great shortage of -sho6 s. In the sprint; of 1951, the i-iinistry of Food. Industry Issued decree prohibit- ing the s]. ughter of sows but by then It 'Goo late. It will take a long time before the number of pigs again reach- es the normal level, since independent farmers do not let the so:~Ts become fully grown and the Agricultural Cooper,-Alves, be-. cause of their small number, cannot handle the breeding of a sufl'ici ent number of sb-us. The shortage of causes difficulties 9w tile "Gigant" pit;-feeding et,,'tionE, which cannot fulfill their plan. P'or exanDle the "Gib; ?.nt" in S trice (0511 G 72) has only 20, percent of CLASSIFICATION n `' ~rT OFFICI1';." `);'.I,Y N. Change In Class. 0 Declassall>d Cla:?s. Chant *d To: 7S S Approved For Release 2001/03/06 CIA-RDP 2i 04514R 0 00006- iata: BY: 440L 0. OF ENCLS. Approved For Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R009600100006-3 S!,',CRvJT/COT;'TROL U.S. OFFICIAL' OVILY CE1 TEAL IITTELLI(TE:'7CE AGENCY 25X1A the number of 'sfoats celled. for in the plan. Aside from the great short-age of eowc- and shoats , a further factor explain- ing the insufficient number of pigs is the poor construction of the pig-feeding stations, which ? ere built by the State Estates with great publicity and in 3 great hurry. They were o cold in winter thpt it was not possible to utilize than to full capacity=, In t.xae coming winter, feeding is to be under- takes on a larger scale, but only after reconstruction estima- ted to cost 60 million Kes has taken place. 'f:CI4 _/CO% TROL U ~ S OFFICL LS OWL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600100006-3