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r ed.OttliA4legig`2611 9D. -t, zo,o) wietTro:-osInZiteadal Tawa., 'dRI NO_ Var ?',.ATE-OF'CONT011"..:? . October-. to ? .ERENCES. El CLO,SQRES. (No. & TYPE) 951 .1146.11.1811.1.10011.410,410.11?111?04.0R1.0.? .1.1IIIlf*ALOND K-NOT CIROCATE No *33-21,1or 1251,0 ,the ifindenburg Kaserne .in (Za 53/y 85) was ocoupfted ,? Tv. ett to, 3;000 , roops,p-aoou, 4o. percent wei.:.e War veterans,. 5cleierz,, veol'e bia olt-sboraered .;crimeal.) epaule ts and red-bordered black cvaulo ts 50-tO-60 .tai-Ake garages and 8oven. 4rni AT mins in the bil.-2.etInz.area.' A fellow worker. in .the,' tnstallat ion tobsoirved ,about 20 x 122-,M111 art LJ. I ery pirF.:aes rovin into thc u,11ctin .rea ler 4denti..t`od ne- EAtaUdi.A.611, , 25X1E3 .LE:G lB The pueritzion: /Weenie on, Ostorburgorsirs$se i was . occupied to capacity by Ip700 troops including a military band of 3,5,mano,'1490t 'of tho troops observed wore blaCk-bok.dered crimson epau1ets9 some -won.) red-bordered black epaulets ari0 black-border 25X 1A 7(.11ATS ent --- amp In Class. CtaSChanzA A Oh 3 RR 1 - 6 el001/031-06 : CIA.RDP82-06457R009600150006-8 25X1A ST/CON2.-1.111S 25X1A The Iyous in the Stendal mi'4tary post were restricted to their quarters. rnjorcenV0y5 of lit/lie/es were Sech passing through Gobro? 6 km sceutet f Stendal, on 18 October. TheN came from the direction of Stendal _ . r I _ ? ? r$ 25X1A. ' seri tandng at the StendaJ. raiiro t-tion Ovtaber, carried abont-30 truaks with nurribors of the trin mahseTiently'departe?n a-northerly direction. 25X1B 7.e.J71. on 30 9otober?. a 'Unit of 150 to 200 troops vith 8 x 10j-mm AT guns, '12'.7cAerniUar trastnrs' 6 trucks and 1 field kitchen was loaded on a .train --at, the 3tenda1 railroad Station. ae 'loading operation l/as completed by noon, ad the iain -remaincd on the UagdeburgHbound track, but was without an . - , evidae. Five- of the vehiclos on: the train ir,ore 25X1B ?25X1B A r.o.1:or(..-,olum soon ,condna from the direction of Steadal on 17 October 25X1B of .12 - xtcket :LaInchers :9ed a.balrb 2".). vehiole-s' of the 525X1B? 10'rocket.launchors arid 15. trucks of' th 1 f131,-125X1B 1 ail:tau:13=3nci 1 repair shop twuck x to eht trucks of the -25X1B wore occupied. by -troops with field &tut meat .yeho 1:,tore red-. rdcea . blacrt ?-eroule te So= of the tra-as of the also 25X1B t,roops to cal 'rosidents stlid that the colum m-tred ,toward cortuan WA,5 Se.Cri returnimz along OstorbUrgerstrasse at 9.P411...- October Travil. prime -movers, . each earryinc; about 12 soldiers irtoWing a. 100-mta AT gun, 'were, :s; -aft Wiring zard Borstel at 10:30 p.,m. (7) - Coma. Hind v,bru:rg 'f'te-Arne -t-o believed to include a rotorized I. rifle regi.Int of ,the 207th Utz sgifle Div The 12...-Elm artillery pieces -rotabl, bo1on to the. 693d How Arty Regt of the same division. 4nother artillery pieces, probably of the same unit- in the ,acks installation at the end of SeptCdoor 1951. It is th6refore possible: that, at least components of the artillery regiment, whch i,9 carried at Borstcl airfield, are now stationed in the Hindelibrg - :Ka,Jerno, The assignment el- the tanks zentioned- in the present report ,aarlot be- determined., because . the present, and provicle reports indicate that the division 16th Ws (7) Tank Regt is stationed in the Albrecht der ihor Rasorneo . The statement in the present report that the aoe -included-140 sorbent *sr veterans iS doubted inasmuch as the 1.1-74aig#4:0-of.,war-votr.ans is believed to arevent to no more 10 or 15 ceifla07,11C0a. Ills vehicle nurnbors mentioned in the present ronort.. , . , ?Pir. 'to -.the:,,207#0:itz Rifle Mit. -2 X1A arding tiici-1,607A7Pioxi7a. the tank- reginont, see Com;-,irent (1). The JS red-arei?ably hoary $P' gin ri On JS chassis,The AT guna nay belong to Arail413,07 :battalion o the 207th..T.t2,. Rifle Div. The vehicles, observed one'fkhead4uarters: unSts .&td. the WA= Utz Rifle ' Corps, headquarters - it o-t thti -Third - Shbek)Argy- and cooncnbs of the 207th' Utz Rifle Div. -7,40Ttuentzion- Kaserne is bcaloved to quarter a motorized r,ifle ,regimont of 1*---tb-207th Utz Rifle Div.4, 111111111111 . The vehicle tho,(4) r 'osent-renort bol . sion. 25X1B the columns belon.c to headquarters units -6.f: both ,the Third Shock Array ani the- IXXIX. Ntz Rifle Corps, and to 25X1A -06mpont...mts of the '207th ki fle Di.v, ' 3ECRET/CONTR,01A16 OFFICT.'tIC ONLY 6 :-CIA2140F'.81,40457R009600150006 8 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600150006-8 25X1A 25X1B traiti f-Irried corronent of -4.rt Div. Sea 25X1A of the itth (?) AT Arty Brig. (7) '21-o o'osorystion of 22 rocket lauflolvws c011iUrietiOrt With Vehj.01E4 ven.ich partly belonc, to the. :a.:;;;;IX rtz Rifle Corps confirm; the c;,orps unident "lied rocket le moiler reiment ?). in tereal?Borstol Irtti3. 17 October 1951. The nuriber of the rocket launchers Lalrly dcAf.ritoly indiotes that the unit Lust be of regimental etze. 1.2peator.1 observation of Iv to 22 x 100.477:a AT guns Aendal during of -1951 led to the conclusion in August 1951$ that tof _the 780th (G"un. 7) Arty Regt of the 207th bltz Rifle Div. 25X1 Asto-tirgted 5tent1alo This is tonfirrfr.0 by the. pnt report- which ireicates tbe po:.;sibility that components of the r.-7.??irli2r1, ray also be stationed in Gardelegon and Birstel. The report 114.1....cates- that the ziaits from '.itondal returned to their post from field are that the barracks installations at the post were again >7crpied to capacity by 5 NovGmber 1951 iIe strength estimates of tn the irrlividual installations aporoximately correspond to those rted prior to the sum ler tral i.n period* Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009600150006-8