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CLASSIFICATION CONFIDaITIAL Approved 82-00457f FOR A RE OWr CD NO. 25X1A COUNTRY China SUBJECT Plans for Enlarging the Armored Force Command, 25X1C and its Repair Facilities PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. DATE DISTR. 18 JAIL' 52 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. As of mid-.1951 the Chinese Communists had the following plans for expanding their Armored Force Command (AFC) units: a. To organize ten divisions of modern armored force troops by the end of 1953. b. To complete the organization of five armored divisions and four =_ndependent armored regiments by the end-f 1951.1 c. To organize five additicnal armored divisions during 1952; four of these will be organized around the independent armored regiments mentioned above. This will bring the total strength to ten armored, divisions. d. To increase the combat strength of each division during 1953. Each armored regiment will be given three additional tank companies. The battalion will be introduced as an organization unit so that an armored regiment, will consist of three battalions, each comprising three companies.2 e. To train additional armored cadres simultaneously with this schedule of expansion. 2. In November 1950, the 1 Central Technical Factory of the Supply and Service Command, Chinese Communist AFC, was established at Ch'anghsintien (116-12, X19-49). The predecessor of this plant was the Repair and Installation Shop, Supply and Service Command of Special Army Units (sic), North China Army Group. When the factory was established, its capacity was very small and it employed only 30 workers. This factory began to increase its capacity after December 1950, when, with the consent of the Ministry of Railways, it recruited 50 technicians from the Ch'anghsintien Railway Workshop. 3. In July 1951 the 1 Central Technical Factory received 40 large cases of machinery from the USSR. This shipment totaled 300 ton and contained machinery for repairing armored vehicles. The old lathes )were replaced immedia,ely; and according to workers in the factory the shop was equipped to perform all types of repairs to armored vehicle bodies and to dismantle and repair weapons mounted on tanks. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009800250013-7 CC FIDSENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 4. As of early November 1951 the 1 Central Technical Factory was employing 2 Soviet technical officers, 7 Chinese tec ical officers, 40 technicians, and 120 general workers. A that time ;had a monthly capacity for making major repairs on 15 tanks 416d minor repairs on 50 tanks. s of mid-1951 the AFC planned to expand its repair facilities as follows: a. To establish two fully equipped central technical factories and five repair and installation workshops before the end of 1951. b. To establish five additional repair and installation workshops during 1952. c. To expand the central technical factories during 1953 to tank manufacturing plants which will produce armored vehicles; to improve the facilities of the ten repair and installation workshops so that each one will be capable of handling all repairs required by a full strength armored division. 25X1A 25X1A 1. 25X1A 25X1A 2. Comment. reported reorganization of the AFC and f the 5 Tank Division and 3 and 4 Independent Tank Regiments. Comment. See M for previous information on the organi-- tank division. Approved For Release 2001/09/06: CIA-RDP82 B4 7ROO98 r3-7