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0-7 Hti 2gaI-. CITY ?)MUT REPORT NO. COUNTRY 25X1A Toekoel Airfield TOPIC 25X1X 25X1 C ] TION LA CE O BTAINED- EVALUA LUA DATE --~_ 25X1 DATE PREPARED 4 December 1951 OBTAIN ED 25X1A EFERENCES - sketches ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) PAGES REMARKS 25X1X an nor sues o z., orme y l 0 d s rm grass cover. was about 2,500 mosfield wm east a with north to south. The provided According to source, the field was usable even after 2uustaineds rains. The installation was provided with a runway ,00 - (I~ long, and 70 to 80 meters wide covered by 5 x 6 meter concrete slabs. , about 300 meters high, d ransmut t The radio tower of the Bu apes e t was located about 3 km north eld 2. Both, a Soviet and a Hungarian aarked were one,inhe ware p -- - aircraft observed there the Abo port aided. oy a Aungar its eastern portion. Th4-en-GrIUMV -TT d blue a aulets. (2) p soldier wearing white-border- i, the field was occupied by three single-engine 3? On l0 October 195 fighters, probably Yak-9s fitted with inline engines, three-bladed metal propellers and landing gears retracting inward; 4 twin-engine tai transports, probably LI-2s, fitted with iinwardiandecabinswindows; andl t g assemblies) landing gears re ~ 0 rked in the western portion and 2 48 jet planes, including pa - parked in the ea mid-wing monopla ruuuer upper third of the r er ass m artitions.(3 retracting rearward, and air intakes divided. by vertical p 4. Installations available at the field cudedldree hangars, oneuses, which was destroyed, two-story quartering i low wooden buildings occupied by workers an ammunition dump, a radio a single- story DF station, and a spur-. track. Three quartering nuuui ldildinngs, single quartering story administration building and 7 three-story which were still under construction were observedA ingthe westerns p o t~3.r&je$fotR@lef1jqg2d(12/W/Md~f4-f ~P $~~ 3 ~ western end of and a low wooden building were -observe no meters awestyrnd the thP runway. The 4 towers, which were about 25 DATE OF CONTENT 10 October 191 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009800370010-7 SF{ 5. 25X1 low wooden building were arranged in one row. Four searchlights, about 50 cm 'in diameter, mounted on supports, about 1.5 meters high, were set up at the eastern end of the runway. (4) The ammunition dump was guarded by a Soviet sentry. Anot:ner Soviet guard was seen4 at the'end of the spur track where building materials were stored in the open,A Hungarian sentry was. placed at the.entrance in the northeast corner of the installation, another sentry was seen on its eastern edge. (l7 , or location sketch of the *fi~eld, see Annex 1. out of ions ins var.-orat , field (2) .This is the first-comprehensive report on Toekoel airfield. Previous Information had indicated that the installation was occupied by a Soviet air unit, but that Hungarian pilots were also trained with jet aircraft there.. This inforinatiol,is confirmed by the present report. (3) The jet fighters described are believed to h 1 orted by a sketc This assumption is also supp f rded Source was an aircraft mechanic. type 18 planes. urce which was not ormation is believed to be correct. However, it must be pointed out t like extension of these planes beyond the air intake k b ea - mentioned by source, but it may be that one of its version without that characteristics feature. it is believed i such a large number of jet planes as observed by sour: for training purposes. It appears onl bl il . y e a been ava probable that a Soviet fighter unit is stationed at the-TIeI. This unit is probably also responsible for the training of Hungarian pilots. (4) These searchlights are believed to be used for night flying activities. SECR,ET~ Fps- Class. ',iT;tirttr- S (1) 25X1 25X1 ? 1 ~ tl.? 7777,F-WT Approved For Release 2002/08/08: CIA-RDP82-00457280980070010-7 25X1A Approved For Re`. S,F Toekoel Airfield Approved For Rem' 25X1 25X1 25X1 l T ' Approve ore " Legend 1 Airfield boundaries 2 Concrete runway 3 Hangar, about 100x40 meters, steel and masonry 4 Reinforced concrete hangar with a vaulted roof, about 70x30 meters 5 Two-story quartering building, 15x8 meters 6 Main entrance 7 Twenty-eight jet planes 4, 8 Low wooden building, about 20x6 meters, quartering workers ? 9 Two single-story quartering buildings, each of them about 20x8 meters 10 Destroyed hangar 11 Radio or DF station 12 Three low wooden buildings, each of them 20x6 meters . ~f 13 Twenty jet planes 14 Single-story administration building, in front of which a tower, 8 meters high 15 Three-story quartering buildings, each of them 30x12 meters, under construction 16 Dispensary ? 17 Gates 18 Ammunition dump with a brick building, about 10x6 meters 19 Aircraft armament adjustment range 20 Construction material dump 21 Spur track 22 Stop of the Budapest-Rackeve interurban railroad line 23 Area of the Csenel automobile plant, 24 Civilian houses 25X1A "nnex e1 .airfield I AR IA-Dr)P82-004578009800370010-7 hS ii 2-nrovedMip ease 2002108108 :CIA-RDP82- 0457R009800370010-7 ~-