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' AppNse s"F U to It 70 -TATZ -r, re Soviet Zone) TOPIC } iliTY Information from Potsdam EVALUATION REPORT NO. below PLACE OBTAINED...-, DATE OF CONTENT nee below 5XD )E OBTAINED RF'ERENCES /aEs k__,._?_DATE PREPARED 25X 27 December 191 25X 25 ENCLOSURE (NO. & TYPE) "',nye O es conta:lnj-nfy o as_ _ ' NARKS Documents forwarded to Washington 25XbURCE 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25Xj 0 25X1 On 12 November 1951, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Potsdam (N 53/Z 63) was occupied by a headquarters and about 120 troops who wore red-bordered black epa ets. All officers enterirC. the billeting area had to show their passes to the officer on guard. About 25 percent of the officers observed were of company grace, another 25 percent were majors, pAnt e UO2 and c o x e La Enlisted men tin h a27y of of t'ic!. rs olethes were among the persons leaving between 5 and 6 p.m. Several. officerss private houses. ntering the in- civili. 2, On 24 November, the Garde-du-Corps Kaserne on Stalin Allee was about 60 percent 25X1 occupied by a motoi transport unit of about 300 men?, ffate guards wore red- bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service insignia, A service station with eight fuel pumps was located at the barracks gate on Behlertstrasse. F__ I 3. On 2L. November, the Leibgarde Husaren Kaserne on the east side of Staliriallee was occupie?.'by about 100 Soviet: troops, apparently of a supply unit, and an undetermined number of German Volkspol.izei. 1b litary supplies were stored in the installation. Sentries wore black-bordered red epaulets. F__ I On 12 November, 72 unifo n were billeted at 97 Stahnsdorfer 25X1 $trasse?I (l) So some of these women that they came from Siberia and w ld stay o years. An envelope found at the quar- ters of thi se women was ac . Lyudmila -Blinova dated 30 October 1951 and mailed from the Molotov Oblast.. Four canvas-covered AA guns of 70-mm to 80-mm were 25X1 emplaced north of Stahnsdorter Strasse, a short distance from the railroad over- P"34 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100210009-1 CONfJ CLASSIFICATION "'rr~L about 50 percent were lieute- 25X1 10009-1 2/ 5 0 25X 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100210009-1 25X1 25X1 6. On 28 November, the southern section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied by about 600 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery, and motor transport insignia. About 40 soldiers were seen ser- 25X1 vicing 14 trucks, 2 sedans an prime movers which stood in front of the garages on 23 November. Another l$0 soldiers policed the barracks yard, while about 150 soldiers received theoretical instruction. Four 122-mm artillery pieces stood in front of one garage. About 25 x 200-liter gaso- line barrels were lying on a new, second ramp in the gasoline dump southeast of the officers' billets. Eight 122-mm field guns were seen standing be- 25X1 fore a garage in. the .Delius Kasserne on 26 November. On 28 November, the northern section of the Delius Kaserne quartered about 450 troops who wore red-pordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. A fuel dump was being established along the northeast edge of the bi e ing area. About 30 x 200-liter ga;olitstie barrels were seen lying on two ramps. 25X1 On 16 November, 24 officers and 3 units of about 120 men each were seen passing in review before a high-ranking officer in the billeting area of the polizei Kaserne on the west side of Jaeger Allee. (3) 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. On 28 November, the Hohenlohe Kaserne quartered about 600 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia,. As the troops were primarily restricted to the rear section of the billeting area, the in- stallation appeared to be only lightly occupied when observed from the street, A radio truck with a rod ante nn ^^ -4 to 5 meters high was in, front 25X1 of one garage of the installation on 28 November. About 120 soldiers were 25X1 singing while marching around the barracks yard, while 40 other soldiers assembled in front of one barracks building bn 26 November. 8. On 28 November, the Ludendorff Kaserne quartered about 300 troops, who wore red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. Fourteen 37-mm AA guns and four ran,e finders were seen standing in front. of the garages on 23 November. About 120 soldiers practiced singing in the barracks and while more troops were seen in the quarters on 26 November. entered the billeting area. (4) On 28 November, the Kavallerieschule in Krampnitz was occupied beyond capa 25X1 city by about 8,000 troops. Gate guards wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery- insignia and motor transport insignia, and some of the troops seen entering or leaving the billeting area wore tank insignia., 25X1 the troops in the billeting area were all nose wno as een staying in camp Colbitz near Magdeburg (r 53/Y 60). ,.....,.~ About 10,000 troops of tank and artillery units had allegedly been quartered there. Some of the basements and attics of the Kavallerieschule were also 25X1 occupied by soldiers. On 28 November, a group of 1 NCO and 16 Eli[ wearing red-bordered black epaulets and carrying tools was. seen marching to the Bullenwinkel, where a wooden tower mounting a platform, about 15 meters high, was being constructed, Five officers, 223 recruits wearing red- bordered crimson epaulets and some escort troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery and tank insignia were seen marching from the sou- 25X1 thern railroad station to at about 3 p.m. on 20 November. The Fahrland-Krampni ,z road ch a way that the settlement south of the barracks install d into the bi.lletin area. 0.. No Change In C:asL L_I ZE DecLsssif td Class. Changed To. TS S Auth.: HR 70-2 Pate: 4 AUG 1878 1 1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100210009-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100210009-1 3 25X1 25X1 10. On 23 November, the southern section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied by about 500 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery and motor transport insignia. On 26 November, 0 25X1 hauled gasoline barrels to the fuel dump west of the installation., On 27 November, a unit of 1 NCO and 45 EM wearing red-bordered black: epaulets and carrying tools were seen marching to the target butt on Bornatedterfeld. The northern section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied by about 450 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. About 30 soldiers were seen drilling with two artillery pieces of 122-mm and 152-run in the barracks yard on 16 November. Three wooden sheds, each measuring about 20 x8"x 5 meters, were being erected on the northeastern corner of the billeting area. They were subsequently banked with earth up to about half their height. About 20 officers from the northern section de a;rted toward Potsdam at about 9:15 a.m. on 27 Novemberl 25X1 Your 25X1 groups of about 12 soldiers each were seen constructing gun emplacements on Bornstedterfeld on 28 November. ras seen leaving the 25X1 northern section of the Delius Kaserne. (3) 11. The :Eiohenlohe Kaserne quartered only about 200 troops on 28 November, although all windows of the installation were lighted at nightfall. All troops observed wore red-bordered black epaulets including some with artillery insignia. Three NCOs and 12 EM with baggage arrived at the installation from the direction of Potsdam on 27 November. The EM were were not believed to be recruits.1 11 Fifteen 37.-mm AA guns were parked in front of the garages. Eight officers and '130 EM assembled in the barracks yard on 28 November, 25X1 12. On 28 November, the Ludendorff Kaserne quartered about 200 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. About 20 soldiers were seen drilling with a 37-mm AA gun while 145 soldiery 5X1 practiced singing while marching around the barracks yard on 27 November. 13. On 5 December, the General !Yever Kaserne quartered about 450 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia polizei* The nort and a fe insignia, and about 50 air force officer: and EM. 25X1 tion of the installation still quartered German Volks- s were under construction in this section. 0 The garages -the eas side c the billeting area were used. as an armory, Two model 37 x 152-mm gun howitzers, 1 gun without barrel and 4 x 76.2-mm field guns were seen on 3 Decomber. A total of 24 soldiers practkced with two 25X1 152-mm guns in front of the garages in the northern section of the General weve:r Kaserne. B-2 14. On 5 December,, the barracks 'Lrlstallation at Wildpark=zlest quartered not more than 70 soldiers who wore red-bordered black epaulets with branch-of, arerv:L in .a. No heavy weapons or motor vehicles were noticed. Eight soldiers with black-bordered black epaulets and with signal insignia and 16 soldiers with black-bordered crimson epaulets were seen practicing stringing wires in the area south of the installation. (7) 15. On 5 December, source learned that ammunition was stored in the largely destroyed Heeresunteroffiziersschule in Potsdam-Eiche. One of the des- troyed barracks buildings was being reconstructed. The brick wall along the street was being mended and, in one section, replaced by a board fence. Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10100210009-1 25X1 25X1 0 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010100210009-1 16. Field Comments. ). Stahnsdorfer Strasse constitutes the sou stricted area of Babelsberg. The billet "25X1 25X1 tillery brigade are carried. in erne, and components of the 25X1 (5) 30th Gds un Art y ri N section of the installation, LVI_Uiial The estimates by the two sources regarding the number of troops there are substantially below those tde by other sources in early November 1951 and are therefore considered too low. The 25X1 sheds erected in the northeastern corner of the northern section of the billeting area are probably for storing ammunition. Components of the 2d Gds AAA, Div are carried in the Hohenlohe Kaserne and the Ludendorff Kaserne. I The estimates by the 25X1 two sources regarding the number of troops there do not agree but the statemdnts in paragraph 7 and 8 of the present report are more probable. The relatively light occupation of the two installations may be explained by the fact that the two sources observed only light AA. guns in the billeting area. Some of the units with heavy A.A guns were probably manning emplacements in Potsdam See paragraph 1i. of the present report The information confirms the Kavalleriesehule, Krampnitz, as quartering the 10th Gds Tank Div, including the 8tst Gds HHv Tank SF Regt which was probably.transf1?rred from Gross Glienicke to Krampnitz, but excluding the 63d Gds Tank Regt. This hypothesis is strengthened by the strength estimates given in the present re, port which approximately equal the T/0 *trength of the division. 25X1 (6) A report of late October 1.1 7,51 by the s e source indicated at the General r'ever Kaserne quartered components of the unidentified artillery division from Potsdam. The present report indi- 25X1 Bates that an army may actually e located in the billeting area. The fact that German Volkspolizei are quartered there is known from previous reportsi (7) Only rear details have been observed in the barracks installation in Wildpark~4Vest since the beginning; of the 1951 suber training period and the movement of the components of the unidentified guo artillery brigade from there to the Delius Kaserne. A report of mid-September 191 _so stated that the installation quartered some igna belong to the GOF'G and to the eax by telephone khan 9.r X 1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R010100210009-1