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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 10, 2002
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Publication Date: 
January 15, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R010400310005-1.pdf199.8 KB
CLASS IF It1A-I'IO. -,1 Approved For Release 2002/0&")..,(J1 TOPIC Krcthen Airfield EVAL.,i , 10N " larr ...-PLACE OBTAINED ;?,i E OF CONT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES ENCLOSURES (NO. & riPE)_-- . REMARKS --,, - 25X1A 25X1A 15'1-rnin- l9.. _ _.~..w .. m, SOURCE 0 25X1X 25X1X 1. At 3:05 p.n. on 13 December 1951, there was :i.ntenaive fling at Koethen airfield durin' clear and sunisr .-rcather. Aircraft observed at the field included 1) s -ie,)t--back jot fi;.;hters, 3 single-en,;ine planes, anc 1 large passer-or plane. (1; xhe fol:.o.rin; tal:?e-.ofa s and l rdin;e :lets observes : Tina Take-Off 3:05 p.m. 1 swept--back jot fi;hter 3:07 " 1 swept-back jot fighte 3:114 " 1 sin ;la-.en[;jno plane 3:20 " 1 s:Ile-en.,inc: plane 3:21 " 1 swept--back jot fir;Iiter 3:10 3:13 3:1)4 3:17 3:25 3:26 Time warm 3:30 1 swept-back Let fighter with a red three-digit number and fitted with auxiliar;.r fuel tanks 3:31 " 1 swept--back jet fighter and fitted with auxilia 3:36 1 swept--bacil, jet fif;htor 3:37 1 swept-back j-;t fi,;hter 3:37 1 swept-back jot fir- FS 3 :)43 late-1 sinL-;1c-onr;ine plane CoMPTI)WHIPTAV, 25X1 25X1 . 25X1.... Document No, ------ No Change In Class. E Declasslled Class. Changed To: TS Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82 Approved For I i s U4908 : L2DP82-00457RO10400310005-1 25X1A 25X1 Pmd D:50 3:56 i sVre~ back j 6t Lighter I a p-'~-baclc ,let fighter p q 1 Yr,jOp.,;_1oac1C jet fighter. (2) 3,, At 3:50 p.rmv. on 18 December, haai gar l was closed. Seven swopt-back . et fighter end four s .;rsgle-engf_ne planes were park-ad in front of hangar 2., There was no flying. b'uel wa apparently being transferred from four railroad tank ears on the spur track to the fuel dump, One tank car wwas observed on the adjacent siding. (3) Three laxrge con- tainers About the size of railroad tan% cars were next to an excavation .._ ~: __s .n.__ _L._