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Document Release Date: 
March 29, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1952
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9sa1 ..5r-SSI ICA I6.i 1~ 2MMM Gzec",ArVor Release. -.~.. 1. P?atmaliat~intraiaP .~.?...rs . It had one conpanr each in Gtitary W 511P 19) area jezd (.{ 51/P" 1/P 19). Another PG c;-m^pany of une'eterminod assi,,nment was stationed in. 1,rasIia ( 11./P 19). (2) 30 The PS. company in `3titary had a siren h of 311 men,, of thorn t "a were Slu akso It was eq_iipped .wA.th an undetorminec; number of model 23; s,ibmaciine ? uns, 3 model 26 sip lit machine ? uns and 1_ heavy machine k;un,. Six Soviet ars.or-piercing rifle grenades which were similar to, biat smaller than, the German bazooka (Panzerfau ,t) were sean in the ordnance .r. ooma. Guard duty was performed by patrols of 2 men each in daytime and by a stationary details Of 3 men each at night,, (3) Prior to 12 Au ust 1951, the 1st PS On in As (P? 21/P 18) was subordinate to the PS brigade in Cheb which effective 25 July 1951 c:Pcas commanded b , , y 25X1 Capta..n Thrcin (fnu), successor of T,a,jor.? Okruhlik (1,'nu), who was transferred to the PS Ilii ,h Com sand in Prague. Other officers of the 25X1 brigade included Lieutenant Pokorny fnu),, chief of staff ; Lieutenant :uovak (fnu), 'political officer; and Junior Lieutenant Cbrenek (fnu), Cl offfi_cer. 25X1 The 2d PS Sri in Cheb and the 3d PS On in `Traniee were a_1s~o auhordinate to the P' brigade in Cheb. 25X1 a , The let Tan, gas commanded by I e utenant lira e (_"riu) :~i : ht 25X1 PS companies were coiv.ij.tted in the As area; namely time Sellbsi a. Co, located on the road to 5,elb.. :3avar?i : a second company in T;ovyZ(ar T' 51/P 18), a third i olria 511'r 28) 9 u; a fourth in i(yh1eel J' ('r 51/P 2ti ) s 11; a a'fifth in Krasna; a .sixth in Dou:txava (7-511P 29); a seventh in Dolni w'aselyr (t" 51/P 29); and an eilcilth in. Dori? i fasoky (7'511P 2") `"ho Selbeka Co anu the cor,:pan.r in T:nvy Zdar were known. to be subordinate to 25X1 the 1:st Tana Other assignments could .:.ot be determined, Slovaks with the }Itas Were being replaced in increasing ni_zr.bers b. Czechs.:, (,) 25X1 CLASSIFICATION C^_"~-.0-Vu ~? :'ICIAUlr) ONLY OONFIDENTI eume at No -- ------ Mm t hangs In class. ^ iSa 25X1 ks as j Ti: TI $ Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDPB2-0045-7 25X1 )ARF __ 25X1 (NO. & TYPES i .7:~nuarv 3 Q 2 Appro VAOI ,2 60M]ff,NA `F 82-0 25X1 4 orient?. . Th .s report coy 'irrls ;-:revious i-_n:'ar:r~ati ox on Y"," ''..F? Command ..?9.,, o confirms the reassi- nr; at of jf r Okruuh 7_i% (fnu) to t,-,.e n ; ;'ith Conmand 25X1 in Jiaiy 1951 25X1 (2) '. ",pis report .,t:bs ~1rl iala.t confirns a report rf ' Janua,; 395'. but fails to n=art '.on a!-!- of the c'c^DDanies cf the ;a': ,alitn The coyr,,)aany in `Irasna 7 , a COY'1,0ortnnt, of 4-,hp T^!; hn+,fnI i nn i n A (b) n companies Tbient one in n .s repurt pro :' ated, in the border area west and east of ixs where only one PS battalion is cried g but they seem too many to be ass-..,ned to only one battol Won,: It., is pos: ib1e that one or two companies belong to the P^ bat'i;a-Lion -in rani-cep (OO +`ID' TIAT, Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10400360004-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10400360004-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10400360004-7