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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 11, 2002
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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R010600120003-2.pdf90.68 KB
CI..ASSIFICATIGN.,... _Y Approve For R lease 2002/ hA- R010600120003~ ",OUNITLlF r, :an?r '(..Hula?s+,, T VH l i Tnf*(irm,,;f @ nn frhrn TI'T'? l arsl_eben TOPIC EVALUATION , 'LACE OBTAIINED._._- J iTnsrr,'ryna= 9 *1 DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINEDL REFERENCESm 1 25X1A PAGES -ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE)- REMARKS DATE PREPARE`. 25X1X 25X1 B 1. On 23 Nlovoraber 19!1, six. T-34/35 tank.:; and nurn3rous trucks f 25X1 B were observo at the barracks installation on the, u:a; tern side .of ilillors1eben and in the settler rant of Hiliersleg on,, (N 53/Y 51). ^. radio station with four masts was seen at the southern od ;e of the biltetin P area, radar set rra : seen at the northern edge of the installation. I 5X1 X 2. The barracks installation on the northeastern sido of lillere1oiyen zias occupied by troops who wore red bordered black e,.paulet.;; artillery i nsi^ni.a o Soldiers receivin rifle drill and trucks L' F were soon. * 25X1 B 25X1 A Corn::ennto According to a provious re fort by the some sourrce. elerients of the unic onto i & AA, regib ent and t. ,e 62c1 or 64-th Gds .ecz 0nt of Vie 19th Gda I10cz Div have been tentatively carried in the barracks in talla tion on l,.ie: re.>torn side of Hi 1'ersieben, and artillery ele;^.en'ca of the above rechanized re,,iment in the installation an the northern side of town? .,All vehicle. 25X1 B belong to the 19th Gds }'Oct Div, The radio station is knovv;r from previous reports,, whereas the radar sets possibly of Lhambo or RUS/2 types is reported for the, first t?rie, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/08/08: CIA-RD QooapnoMt IIo. __" ----------------- fie change in Class. Declassified TS Class. Changsd To Auth.. I R Z 0.2 IB~abF1;4$~R 611 %b - 22 January 19-2 25X1 25X1