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MwcIn NTIAL'` _W =",M TT MAT TOM z C~~ rr,:x3v fSnvzet~n,c~).REPORT NO. 5X1R5X1 ..~ .... TOPIC-- ? l Infcarriat, ,on 'ron Do bari'r.7, EVALUATION-..- see belca PLACE OBTAINED- vrc OF CO NTEMM i_;' i-iovembar to 92 December 1951 D DATE OBTAINED_~ 5X1A DATE PREPARED 23 January 1952 REFERENCES-,.- 25X1A 2 -------ENCLOSURES (two. & TYPE)- PA ES RCMARKS __ .SOURCE 25X1X 25X1X Captain Icvlpin (fnu) at the 1,, Between. 11. anal 19 December 1951, 1 headquarters of the Dooberitz (Id 53 Z troop training grounds had been replaced 25X1 X by f )aptain Vasi.lyev (fnu) ? Vaailye' wore tank inaimia and audited the bills for eloetricity used in Altos Lager, INeucu Lager, the post headquarters, the office 's bill_etr~ on Stalinstrasso, the Crardostorn quarters in Dallgorr and the i.iener bakery in : ohs beck4 major (Adm.) Asanov (friu) audited the bi.ll.s for the electricity used in she Adler Kaserna, the Loewen Kaserrte and t1i? Flak Kasorie; and countersigned the 'ti17.1s for Altos Lager, Nouns Lager and the billets on ; talinstrasse., 2, On 11 :)ecomber. , 30 soldiers, apparently recruits, who wore red-bordered black epa.ule.-~s were seen practicing with five heavy nachine guns at the Loewen Kaserne on the south ,side of IIig1way No 103, Other troops observed there wore rod--bordered black +apaulets with tank insignia. Bills for this installation and the Adler Kaserri. were a-idited by Lieutenant Kusnetsov (fnu) who worn artillery insignia. 25X1X 3. On. 11 December, I i aior Makarov (fnu) audited the bills for the repair shops in the Flak Kaserne, north of highway No 103 and wrest of 0l it isches Dorf; and aenior Lieutenant Berezin (fnu),, for` the, remaining portion of the b.i.i_1_eting area. In early December, Colonel Khlopot (fm ), who had been ronoted in hover-ber, was identified in Ol ,; isches Dorf at Doeberitz, Sedan -was seen driving to CdLonol Ith1opovms unit in Ol;impisches Dorf on 19 Decerber., 5X1'B 25X1X 25X1 B CONFIDENTIAL an 19 DecerberA there was a driver school under the co=land of iaa'jor Dubinka (fnu) in Neues Lager on the north side of Highway Ho 103. Truck driven by a soldier who wore red bordered black epaulets with tank nsiglaa, was identified in the billeting area, on. 13 Decerniborr, 1 T-314 tank, 1 turr etloss T-3L tank and 1 SP gun wore noticed in a garage of. rdeues Lager on the'nor. th side of Highway No 1034 There was little activity in the billeting arcaG Soldiers were seen entering and leaving the hskor;~ building. Repair work in the vo hicle repair shop continued throughout the rdght3 7. Or: 13 Dece giber, the two barracks buildings on the west side of Altos Lager were e:~c.cupled to capacity. Troops observed there were engaged in physical training. CLASSIFICATION 5X1A Document No. _?a------------------ No Change In bass. 0 0 Declassified 25X' Class. Changed To: TS S a Auth.: HR 71-2 AEtuAt It era Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00 Iftl~~9 z~6flfF~9-- Approved For Release 00, - - 0 5X1A 25X1 f5X1A local resident stated on 13 December that one on-,-family house of the officers bi11otin; area On :Ir., Kesseiksruch, soutlrJoct of the i onherltZ athletic field, Was occupied by a -,ovi_et general; another one-fa.1y house, by a colonel with family; and an e- ;kit-apartucat bu:L1dil -,,9 by lic~c late Hovo::iber, source d terr .led that a mi f i 25X1X . r a Tuba He officers ^ supplied the B 1skery Test of ideues Lager e so biiletin; areas of Doeberitz-16' st and Doebcritz-_~ast Trit?1 loaves ay l rcec? 9. Training; activity observed at the Doeberitz military ;,cost and the adjoining troop traininC grounds T.otvean 17 and 22 December included: f_ al-I-arflZ drill up to -platoon level; individual sr^.al ar +s traini"n ; in the tcr,'.n; field trairzi.n ;"Fit'1 livlit machine at squa:l le;vol; practice :?; i.t'-i 1'-w!'?zt reach:-no gun at aircraft -':ithout sleeve tar;;ct; ianc' uzl:i.i.l~acr z;~ of anti: l-ery %-)ieces dram'tn 1.- cater ~i 11 C. " tractors, . o.L1OVJO l L ,' ai':di-1 ; pr acticc. ;ove:ber, :lo ;entries T-rore lpp The z.zztnent on H a: enheic enlhe'rg .,>s vacant on l II and nailed from Clio Joromezkn JD as L,4 not contribute to-:arcl esta'i? isi.n ; t:he information does T' ` , le zento ~orn t the oohcritz military pwsto +hc h~ztmont on ITa:en- t y a $c,eM0.ty of 17e uni 1-aiden'borC eras last reported by another urce to have boon occupied on 1 25X1 B ept+~_;..,cr I2 1. o the iiq Chief os vup;~:1y and Administrative Services of the GOFG in ''o ,s C:i, Frith branch offices in the Soviet Zone of Oezz:^1anyo One Colonel Ktalopov (inu)r ;ra.~ identif i'w' byt Gnot"zer source as com iandin a unit in Krampnitz in i)ec ...zt7er 1750 . is believed to have been a component of t?ie let :.:ecz Div ruliich may . ve been trap ferred from Krampnitz to the vacated 01J, piscbcs Dorf upon completion F daptain Kulpin (fmu) of the 195,1 fall r:aneuvcrse iajorT akarov (fns.) and Senior Mute nan rezin (J? nu) were previously veeorted by the sar. soizrceso 25X1A 25X1A noticed Chorea Ito bra _;i;ient of an envelope i0'..L? cl in 'G ?o .. astcrniark ucrohal ?7~ a C~ 1~ T:oVC'1I;)Cr mw as )OSt;_^.~iri ' 10 October .~.;~> l.y Czars 10,-' j)'.* onsO1'S'_71'3 Off? ce 25X1 B 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO10600120005-0