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Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R01)4~00270000 Security Information CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1 COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Railroad Installations in Poland and at Brost-Litovsk T11I8 DOCUMENT CONTAINS I NFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANIRO OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 709 AND 194. OF THE M. S. 0008. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION ORAUYEL? ATIOM OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT DY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROH101TRD IR LAB THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM I9 PROHISITRD. raaiN x _NSRB DISTRIBUTiO Class. kin ~ X STATE RIRv~ g FBt -- DISTR. DATE 27 March 1952 NO, OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (USTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TQ 25X1 REPORT NO. 25X1 la The following observations swore made between 30 June and 8 July 1951s a, The technical facilities of the Golabki marshaling yard, 7 km west of ?:arsaw, were completed in January 1951. military installations were not observed there. (1) b,, The standard- -auge system terminates in "rest Litovsk. East of Malacz oze there runs a combined standard and Soviet-gauge track. Fuel trains are transloaded in Best Litovsk. (2) c. Damaged freight cars returned from the U S.5 ,R. to the Soviet Zone of Germany are being provided with standard gauge axles at Brest Litovsk Fast Railroad Station, These operations are being performed on 3 tracks having the length of full trains. The tracks concerned have three rails so that they are usable for both Soviet gauge and standard gao.w-e trains By means of an electric hoisting device the railroad cars are lifted so that the Soviet gauge axle can be exchanges adlor a standard gauge axle.. Generally converted cars are dispatched individually. In cases where a great number of freight cars is to be handled ,the exchange of axles will be performed by means of a crane A great number of such damaged German freight cars has been assembled in Brest Litovsk? (3) d., Brigade locomotives iw;ill__be coaled in Poznan-=':ranorro, Rutno, Siodlce and Czerencza _F or Luckow when the locomotives operate via Terespol. Coal stocks kept there are normal. Coal stocks observed in the coal bins of ,Tau-Bentschen seemed to be very lar-e. (Is) e. The improvement of the T`alaczewicze. railroad station is completed. A combined Soviet and standard gauge track runs from r'alaczeuicze to Brest Litovsk. Three transloading ramps adequate for 120 axles each are available in "".alaczewiczc. ~lxcept for coal all goods shipped from Poland to the U.S.S.R. or vice versa are transloaded in 1,"alacze- r:i.cze, (5) Co I V Fi DENTJ P J.lecChange No Class. [ -- -------- CLASSIFICATION -B963'Y 'Declassified 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100270003-0 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/04/20 CAA-RD P8-2L00457R01110027000g&X1 Security into as tfon The Coll_ov;ink: observations were made between 23 and 26 June 395lg 1 (1) The imnroiromen of this new rarshaling yard was reported provior-sly. (2) 1n:rormation on the ;'alaczewieze and ;rest Litovsk transload?inn stations was reported previously, (3) For last report on the return of 2OiUOO dann ed Cernan frei r-1. the U.S.S.R. to the Soviet Zone of German , (4) These coaling stations are laid down in the 'official railroad guide for Soviet transit traffic throuc:h Poland, (5) The share of t`alaczetiriczo in this &ranssnipping traffic has net yet been definitely determined, (6) According to a previous report, the bridge across the Lug River consists of military bridge equipment. It remains to be clarified vthether the work observed was mere repair work or whether the military bridge equipment is being replaced, CONFIDENTIAL Two km east of Czeremcha the previous wooden t., ansloacdin-,-- platform is being replaced by a concrete one, b. The railroad bridge over the Bug River near Brest Litovsk which suffered damages during the war is being repaired in dray and night vorka (6) 1CVmV i1ts6 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100270003-0