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Document Release Date: 
March 9, 2006
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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1952
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5X1 Appr6vidI'RdFd&se-20 t%r%i s PWMV Ger_ a.: rr (saviet znmm ) TOPI 25X1 - ._..m -REPORT NO.. Iil.itarYy Inforr.ation from Iailo PAGES ~. ,~. .~ _NCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 7 Jar uary 1952x, a field exercise involving about 20.;) troops with redrlborc er_ cd. black e; ulats and four T-34 tanks was observed in the training; fold of the Flak Kaserne Halle_:, (M 52/D 92) on the road to : sen0 The infantry troop;:; practiced a lvancing in croups of about 15 men _,ach., with the groups giving r eatua]. fire su port, -chile the tanks advanced'. in the spaces between the groups,, 'the field exercise was interrupted about 50 rioter: before ;taepzi_, and V e troops involved. .25X1 assembled in four units for a critique. T-34/85 tanks which left the Talk Kaserae toward 1 cesan on 15 January, marked with a rod star in t7y a lhitd; line; nor ccc Sri ?a a red star without a boy-der lino:, The 25X1 trucks occuoried by 12 ofi'i.cer u with tank irici,,z ia: and trucks each earr;,,i.n;r; 20 soldiers who wore re ?--bcrde.r ed black epaulets with to nk insi,-pia:, The. trucks were seen driving to card. the training area at the I: r andber 'u (hills). 'T'roops seen in the western section of the bi.lletin a area included: 25 men who wore red borcl.;rod black epaulet., and drilled with L x 76?2-n modal 42 field guns; and 13 soldiers who wore red bordered black o:paulets, including sxaa with artillery i.nsigzni.a, and who or,scticod under the supervision of an officer with a heavy machine Ulm with t;^; s?.,?;nt, mounted on a two-.wheel carriag;e,, A total of 31-out 3000 troopy were soon drilling at squad level with and without in the rrest.3rn section of the billeting area on 21 January. Six T-31 tanks 25X1 3 :1&.-2 tank., were seen leaving the billeting area on that day, i'rom 6 to 8 soldiers we,rin:- red-border:uyd black epaulets with tank insi;;nin and carrying cart inas sq,.aatt . on eac 'ean:c About 101 tr 2h CIAS StF'1CATIOlrl .52CIf , DOCIf6mept NO, !mow :..... Date; 7 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 :.. ,J ,,82-004 ay s su re en a roa in field training ut heavy , weam the trai:nin .1 1 area south of the .barr n on 22 J inuary< On 23 Janua--y the forr. r rravinzia3 (provincial insane asylum) an thc,25X1 western per Lmcter of hallo and east of the airfield was occu-Ted by a unit of soldiers with red: bordered black epauletsc Pao training activity win s no?t.i U,5 OFFIC IAI. 0IN Y Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200080008-5 and = x > ri1 mortars, a radio station o1' trr-) x,ck 1 ar"t'~ick radio sets with 2-meter antarria> was seen just 5 Y th of ti a installation., lie officer an:i L. soldiers wonrin ; i;lack borderr~C bl_acl: epaulets 'with ai:.r~lal insi _;ni7 acre obaervod at the radio stnti':.):aL _, tot11 of 30) r'ecei.ved close-?order drill at sq,ta?,c lcti*ol, +"aith and without rific:.s ? a t ho western sact'ion of the ?' l ak Kauo+rne, .. unit Of a!-Out 30" iror)s eari.n . cd-border' 1 . block ] n mrc seen practicing with 6 x 32 a mort;:,ra and 3 x 7-r.t AT in the elau '.Q.)th training area near the I,)iftnachrichton ::c=sir?ne on Nelda Allen? Lout .SOU troops were engaged in field training with car?bines, submachine guns and light machine guns in the aria north of the Yxandber ;e;,, .,ix trucks, each carryin; 23 soldiers and towing a total of r x 57-rrl AT guns: left the installation toward. the Px-andI.rge on 26 January, 25X1 The troops wore red'-- C+r(iorecF ace epaulets, including some with ortil'cryy insignia, anr.?. were ars:sac' with carbines and submachine ;uis. About 250 voldiers wearing rid.-bordem: black epaulets with artillery ins ig;ni.a and carrying hand arms were observed en,,aa; ec'.. in field tral_nin;g on Joelau 11cath on 26 January,, About 33J tres?:>) with25X1 red borderer' black epaulets and arrtecl with snail ar s receiver' combat traainin.~? at piatoan level in th airfield area on 32. Januar;ru 50 Between L9 and 31 Jan::aary, the 1c1l. "asorno was occu'ued by nly a trait of about 60 -.1f n who wore recd->borderecd black epaulet and? ?.. ,tack-borcererred n25X1 rei;fardln_' this installation has been received to date, (3) The T.u tnachrichten Kaserne and the I''liegerhorst xi;:serne are believed to quarto:, Ve rer ainini; com)one nts of the 21st Gds c:cz Div? The heavy inf antr ,r aca pons observed for the first tir: in and around tlio 25X1 barracks instal.'~_=stion indic.a to that an inf_antr;" unit nay:r also be stationod ther. It is possibly the 69th Ida : ecz .oe t which was transferred from r.eiazi; -- the witt'idraral of the M13 rc-;ir.nt? IIo'aovor.9 it is 'crliovo < t":,-) ? r3it s1a: cz belm-j; s to the SCC. agency on :?axish sor.,i -tra :se., (Lt.) The identity of the units in the Y~acer_-Ie has not been etca:_inec'_ ci:ico Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200080008-5