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Cs)tJNTFY_-:.,!em.a2v (; nvi t n?p.) Railroad Tani; Cars Used by tho Snvi rt.-q 21VALUATION-, see: bplow- _PLACE PLACE OBTAINED_... SATE OF CONTENT__ lL",' anuarti to 15 February 1.152 c:) ATE OBTAIN-EDI ~ . DATE PREPARED-, REFERE-14CES PAGES. -ENCLOSURES (Na & TYPE) REMARKS _ 25X1 25X1 through 15 February 1952: 25X1 7 i?arnh 1 OL 2 of the Tank Car Distribution Point of the Directorate General, Railroads, Berlin, the followin(; nt tubers of railroad tank cars were used. for Soviet purposes during, the period from 30 January Date 1 flo of Cars 2 Load 3 r0February 1 gasoline it 7 Februy 2 Militar goods y 2 {?aso] In nd li_tar good c j s 2 gasolin militar good e y s 25X1 1:eubrandenburg uestenbrard Dernau Oran Lenburg Frc,nzlau Diesenthal 17 %ootzot Wildpark Falkensee Sat rkorn CLASSIFICATION SECRET 25X1 Destination 4 25X1 From Ve, en A ?ar,;cieburg Brandenburg, 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011300240003-1 Approved For RE SF.CFikIT 11 February 1 25X1 military goods 25X1 hathenow Fuerstenberg riadebeul l 01 Kumr:ersd.orf 14 February 6 gasoline Biesenthal 4 Dad Saarow 3 " ryeustrelitz 3 " Neuruppin 3 it Fuerstenberg 4 it ,uensdorf .5 February 3 military Koethen goods 3 Vittstock 7e rs4. 'r Laerz l " Finow 1 " Klotzscho 1 r' /erneuchen Finsterdwalde 1 " Koethen 5 February 25 10 February 23 14 February 23 1.5 February 26 5 25X1 25X1 25X1 Merseburg Jueterbogf tilt 1 February 1 gasoline 7ustermark To Velten, from gasoline it 6 February 1 gasoline 9 February 1 military goods 12 February 1 SFCIRI';T Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011300240003-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea4M, ?o - - 300240003-1 ]Jr February 1 C,aso line Landau 1 If .ferneuchen 6 Jyieuruppi. n 7 Laer , 7 gr l,.i new 11 It :rit?.;rtock 3 It Dar?i;c.rten 2 g' PTeubrai f?enbvrg 15 February 1 military Grossenhsin goods 1 if Brand I Cottbus I. Darnf.arten Jueterbog, Dessau 1 Jucterbog 1 " e/ust erraar c 1 " Brandenburg 1 " Parchixn 3.2 February 40 1)A February 40 2To Velten., from solvents " Huh_land (1) From V'olten, ? 6 February 1 gasoline Lindau It Wittstock 1 9P Klausa Falkenberg 11, February 1 military Dessau goods 1 of '.'+ernc`uchen IT Lindau 1 If ~:us t ermark 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011300240003-1 Approved Foc. - - 25X1 From Dresden,, 30 U" a;nuary 2 y:;asoline ", Febru; pry . Februaryy 1 5 February 3 6 February 4 2 9 February 3 11 February 4 25X1 Strassgraebchen rH ro Diesel `.iuestenbrand 4f 11 Sf 11 military goods e+ucstenbrand From StrassEraebehen (2) S February 4 gasoline Rosslau n'littenberg 4 f: Aiesa 2 February 2 Radebeul ,:urzen. Koenigsbrueck To Strassgracbchenq -from gasoline 11 7 February 27 sf n b Shipments from U. Kiaff enbach Grosskorbetha various Dispatcher 25X1 Date No of Load From Cars 30 January 2 gasoline P'uenchenberns- d_aarf 31 January 32. solvents Huhland (1) 1 February 1 It February I 6 February gasoline Lisenspalterei Fuerstenberg ,,...uenchenbrerns- dorf H F ECRET 25X1 .,ei:ar Aken Bad Saarowr 4'urz on iesa Velten Jeissenfela NauinburF 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011300240003-1 Approved For Releass5Mg2/10/10: CIA-RDP82-00457RO113 9003-1 7 February 4 4 1 Pebruary 3 SBCIOT gasoline ,eiuenchenborns__ dorf military Riesa goods gasoline Fuerstenherg 6 25X1 tii.etleben Brand leas trelitz :.ebrneuchen Cottbus r Knste:rtvralde C. Shipments by Soviet 7-one hydroge?iation plants Date No of Load From Cars 1 2 3 4 (3) Shipment Record No 6 25X1 30 January 21 Diesel Troeglitz oil 31 January 40 gasoline Grosskorbetha 36 special Boehlen gasoline 2I. 1 Februa:7 17 17 Poland Bierawa (,) Khabinka (5) Stettin Khabinka (5) 25X1 2 February 28 Diesel Troeglitz 3 February- 32 5 February 57 oil n gasoline 13 special Boehlen 6 February 32 gasoline 17 February 26 Diesel oil Troeglitz 25 1 February 30 6 9 February 16 31 Diesel oil. n ethyl benzol b-lerseburg special. Boehien gasoline Diesel oil Troeglitz :_;LG;ir.T 25X1 Breslau blawiecice (6) n Khabinka (5) 25X1 Khabinka (5) Siawiecice (6) (6) Brest Litovsk Khabi.nka (5) Csernowvice (7) 7 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011300240003-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/?? d1A-RDP82-00457,8011300240003-1 Cars 3 b Ii) February 38 special Doehlen gasoline 10 fenzol Merseburrg 12 February 32 Diesel Troel,litz Cscrnowice (7) oil 14 February 28 gasoline Grosskorbetha Poland 28 special Doehlen gasoline Strelitz 15 February 32 Gasoline Grosskorbetha Poland 30 Diesel Troeglitz Cserriowice (7) 25X1 (8) 2 . Source learned at the Railroad Tank Car Distribution Point of the Directo- rate General, Railroads, Derlin, that the following fuel shipments were made during the period from 18 trough 31 January 1952: 25X1 1S January 4 gasoline Gruenau 24 January 1 25 January 1 Dresden 26 January 1 31 January 24 K?zab:tnka (5) 25X1 Prag Rosslau luenchen-F berusdorf Velten I I Jueterbag Grosskorbetha Launa btrass_ graebchen (3) 25X1 25X1amment., (1) ~rc,f?ice. y' the large Soviet "one hydrogenation plants. (2) Strass{;r aebchen, which is a newly established fuel depot, has a storage capacity of 4.,000 to 5F,000 cubic inters. Dy late January 1952 it way; apparent- ly filled to capacity, On 5 February, the depot was obs