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March 21, 1952
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V'2-41P457K011500010 bEDrORT NO u~?irxeer Battalion in the igiznecr Traininu Carat Et 25X1 TOM I nsbcr16k EVALUATION_f DATE OF CONTE DATE OBTAINED. REFERENCES [.__-DATE PREPARED. ENCLOSURES (NO. & 1YPE)_ REMARKS.- ___- __.-'LACE QIBTAINED--~ 21 Larch 19>` 25X1 25X1 25X1 1a From 31 t,'arch to 28 June l9 1, the engineer battalion c inducted its sumier training in. the engineer training camp near K shodako The camp consisted of an undetermined nri.ber of tents and three solid barracks buildings, The a'd s of the battalion was ionvedsda Kisbodak., ==j=25xi 25X1 the unit was an engineer aeon. rw~ic n w s eta c ionec in the 'F'ri ros Barracks in Gyroer (P 48/Y 1414) a ;'chile in Camp Kisbodak, the batt_iliora subordinate to the camp headquarters in Kisboddk. In early June 1951, the battalion went throu h a c rc or yYx; during; which the flag was dedicated and the conaanding officer. delivered a spooch; Mentioning that the flag was that of an engineer brigade rather than that of the battalion,, The soldiers would be inducted into compon:..nts of this bride in cas025X1 of war0 This was the only time the engineer brigade was mentioned, 25X1 d battalion from Kot.nrom ,P 133 Y a several engineer battalions from Baja (Y 6/5 28) and an engineer 1. ttalion from I..osonmagyarovadr (P 38/Y 16) were also stationed in the engineer carsp at Kisbcdak. The car:tfi was located on the west bank of the Danube river about 2 k cast of Kisbodak. - 2, The engine :r battalion was organized into a headquarters of about 214 Mon; 3 companies of about. 100 men each which were organized into 3 fLatoons each; and. ? guard company of about 70 memo According to the ration strength,, the battalion totaled 465 non, About 50 percent of the personnel were members of the 1927 and 1928 chases about 30 percent were of the 1924 and 1925 classes, and the remainder were of older classes. Almost all, of the soldiers of the guard company ware Membars of the 1.929 class who had reported for active service in be fall of 1950. he por ;onr~el xor?e green service color.. Officers and fICQs h d branch-of-service, insignia :-which consisted of an anchor with an anchor cable, pickax and s ade o Officers of the battalion included Captain IstvAn Berta,, the corr,landing officer, whose headquarters was located in Gyoer; Senior Lieutenant Gal (fnu), deputy cos aril i ng officer; Junior Lioutonan Mozoe (1'nu), adjutant; 1 enior Lieutenant Istvan cagy, supply officer: and Senior Lieutenant Janos Toth, the corinanding of-.'icer of the 3d 'o, a reserve of.4iee t' ho was discharged on 28 June 19510 30 The battalion was equip aed with 7 x 3-ton trucks, 3 x to -ton trucks and 4 ,jeeps, About the- sane number of uotor vehicles were seen with the engineer battalion from Mosonrata.gyarovar, wheroat3 the tattalions from Kor rori and f a ja were equ n d ;?, th more motor vehicles. CiLASSWICATION S uri iii;T/ Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011500010004-3 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011500010004-3 4v IZecrrd practice yvith small arras -,m; hzolrl tzwrico at t'lza tarot ran ,o in rTosomm ,r: rarovar, the battalion boin, temporarily , ti , z quarte?'ca in the x-irrarIcs installation on the south side t?: roar. to T,ovC,l (:~ l~U/Y 7u)@ ',?un- g