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r win "Ain. a4_4AA FEB 1952 w"" COUNTRY SUBJECT 25X1C DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300570012-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT Chile Efforts of the Colthnunist Party of Chile to Organize Unified Labor PICentral" REPORT NO, CD NO, 25X1A DATE DISTR, 114. October. 19.52 NO;. OF PAGES 2 Na0F.ENCLS, tusTED sEt.ow) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. - 25X1X I. leaders of the Coptunist Party of 011ie (PCCh) con d the o:-..ganization of a. unified labor "Centraln in Chile as one of their top pric,rity- ,projects-el - The Communist a,1m- ts to enlist tho 3uppr....r; of all Chij,:ean white-Collar and labor group,,,, irrespective of PCCh lea&rs-harbor no 1Iusiens of Comunist control civet' ,r::tch en organization. On the -contrary,. - they believe that no ?:ine group will be able t muster suffi,Aent strength to cl gnzation of this typep and that it Will moot likely be built around aleat'A Condo Nacional de Obreros y Empleados. The organization -will tte ee%ablisbed more along the lines -of 44m Junta. Nacie,nal de Emplett4..:013 Chile (JUNECh) with the presidency or secretazy-generalsh.p rotatIng'-amow the vA,riou,s? ? member organizations. 2. In the event the above plan fails to materializ,s?, the Inamtunisto would propose a so-nalled ft.ndependentlf,., such as Clotapio Pleat for the leader ,- ship of the organization. Blest they qualify B13 a nresp.,:onsible leader essentially loyal to the working class". The Cormaunists do not believe that the ?ocular L')oCialists -will agree to the plan of various lbahistz leaders to organi.,!,e a F..:r1-1.3'.:41: type labor 'Centralo in Chiles, affiliated with the Argentine CGT. They balieve on the contrary., that the Popular Socialist adhesion to rbanz.r1, has been Of .a political nature and that in such instances Uri the organization of a labor Oentrai they will be Socialists rather than IbaniAtaa. They qualify Wilfredo Arandas, semi-governmental employees leader,. and Or , Waiss Bands, leading white-collar workers official, as belonging to this category.. They argue that the eame holds true for suchlea,d,,,:os of erther parties who supported Ibanez -ao Guillermo Sanchez A.s, Ti.7.0-prsident of the Partido Democratic.,o del Pueblo and an ex-director of the OTCh and au. CLASSIFICATION CONFIDUITIAL y, NAVY X NSRB - DISTRIBUTION ARMY X: A I R x Ft) ; .1_,_L _74- ?1___STATF Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300570012-2 Approved For Release 2002/086024tEME82-00457R01430057001 -2- 2-2 25X1A 4. The Communists further claim that the movement for a single labor "Central" will have the support of Manuel Ovalle, leader of the Copper Workers' Confederation. A series of preliminary conferences are being held this week, designed primarily to obtain the support of Isidore Godoy, Socialist leader of the Bakers' Union. 5. PCCh leaders have instructed the Party's cells, neanwhile, to -work for the placement of as many Communists and sympathizers as possible on delegations to the various conferences and congresses, which will lead up to the final organization of a unified "Central". 25X1A 25X1A 10 Comment: reported the concern of PCCh leaders over movemen ..Amar a "Pereniste inspired labor "Central. CONFIDENTI&L Approved For Release 2002/08/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014300570012-2