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Approvg5 X00 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE .I UT- INFORMATION REPORT X)UNTRY East Gar r SUBJECT Rail eighxb Traffic through Frankfurt/Oder PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF rNFO. 1315 DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFONHAZIO3 AFFCCTIIIB THE NATIONAL D3P NSE OF TH8 UNITED STATES, WITHIN THL3 NNAU1113 OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 Alf} 794. OF THII U. S. COOS. AS AMENDED. ITS TP.ARWH ISSION OA REVEL- ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECE,.PT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON ?~ IS FR01 U9I751, H4 B.AW THR IIGPRODUCSTON OP TRCS FOR:i IS PRON!SITHD. 25X1 25X1 .n.rect=eras indicated g d.ur?in the per ind from 15 through 2U kiu. u,t 19"2 ZID CD NO. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 3 November 1952 NO. OF PAGES 10 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. E 25X1 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ?pox r converted boxcar n gondcla car rryients: 4 r ore I G iron " B 2': 0 .1-3 B coy ton rail-it-4ry goods ci6 B empty Frain F - flatcar T - tan.:- car h - refrigerator car Brest- Dresden Litovsk 25X1 S^hvaerin,Halle 1,,agdeburg , len~,i ;sdorf s Zi o.tendorf Brandenburg, Hennir*sdorf ! Islur gdebt .rg a ` rfurt fCottbus HHalle, resdden 25X1 I Fr ink- toward shuttle train fort/ berswaLde (2) bor'-.er for parking CLASSIFICATION SECRET. STATE NAVY Lx Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400210004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/122-RDP82-00457R014400210004-9 SF; C F l 4 Date. I9 umber. Loa d in ind Type 155 40 G 12 F 16 10 T 1 T 7 G 613 ,6 B cotton seed oil turpentine oil Brost- Litovsk iron manganese ore 7' empty military goods ammunition B B ,1a 13 7 48 'F cotton butter cinnamon sheep woof tungsten sheop e s .,iooi lead cellulose benzol %^.a _'bon black pi- iron 25X1 i>iltendorf (3) Erandenhurg ~ ittenbdrge, s:ostock 25X1 aisenspaiterei Ii 'r'sebla.r g emn s_ - z,, Frossen. .r"rosskorbet'ia (4) i,lte:.n'f ur ? Heidenau _rr r ~apen ( ) =Taiknns Lein (6) iii '~c.'+_e alb. e ip z ? g Hal e, Erfurt u issenfeIs :. ier1 pc.h,0schatz toward T",,e. -;=al sae BranOenbur?? L isen ,palterer Lri,ner . 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400210004-9 Approved For Release 20 II SEC RE,Td pig iron 25X1 Date Number Load in and Type 17 empty oil Litovsk 28 G 36 T cotton seed cottons raw bast fibre 2i? F 1 _ 4 2 ~G >1 :P milit-r,y "oods 'escort personnel .new trucks escort personnel I2 new trucks unnu -tiered new .;rucks miiit'ary goods it escort personnel 20 1.313 5 F 1 13 2 F 3 F 8--ton aircraft crates 4. ithout numbers escort personnel g:Irdors girders and structora1 iron 913 sheet iron structural aw rails military goods From Br .-:~s t- 25X1 25X1 25X1 10004-925X1 YdittenbeA .Te, Zi_ltendorf (3) Hall ej-eagde''urg Dresden,I!enni.gs.- dorf, I:,rft border Johann_- georgenstadt Nordhausen T. agr3oburg Leipzig h=!jelsburg Drest- Litovs'i 44 F3 potash 56 ? gear ons ("e) 1B 45 F 6 F3 113 v G J F 113 B 613 F, 1 G 3 10 F Dornclorf Ieppen Frankfort/ Brest- Oder bor."er Litovsk escort personnel used trucks lloederau military ooc.s electrical equipment I3e rl in- O tbalZnhof meteorological equipment piece goods kitchen utensils enameled containers railroad equipment Rag uhn :arnemuende various stations Shale Bcrl-'n- leissensee p,ie,a 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400210004-9 Approved For Release - - 0210004-9 25X1 SEC:;RET r- Date in 20 ,u' .ben Load and j YF c carbide rubber boots 5 B kitchen utensils 10 F television sets 1 F machinery 6 G r"_icaine parts 1 B generators 2 B typewriters machinery nitrate of eatamon.ium sulphate machinery Piesteritz Brest- Litovsk T1 ale Radeberg Teltow Leipzig Berl U.n- O:,tha 'en Erfurt Soemxnorda t..`o1 ton .3er in- 0$thal en 1 F 4 B machinery 25X1 G4 b nil- n' ' r nt S 1 pass ng nrour, a Yranrt urt ;.a.er, in the directions indicated, dur'.ng the period front" 14 through 17 .August 1952 includeC' : Liate Irui fiber and Load in Type of a a westbound I3crl in- Ostfor (?) Qstbahnhof (China) 14 1 B undetermined 44 F s/~t T') i~V 1, tSyrry 23 T,asoline 46 undetermined 30 T gasoline 45 F undetermined i C./B 16 43 undetermined 17 19 gasoline Neuruppin P-Ost- '-'itovsk Boehlen Tor plin Boehlen Jucterbog Altes-Lager 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400210004-9 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 5 - 02100 L57~1 Date I.uribgr in and Lyl,e CLgt of C-irs by Westbound 14 40 Load From undetermined Dr,-,st-- Litovsk 15 3C. B ammunition 10 crash cars 16 26 17 25X1 To Guestrow Prenzlau Guestrow (13) Hal ens- lebon 25X1 r t 25X1 25X1 (1) (2) This westbound empt;,, gr-ln shuttle train i.n _cc-, es na-,, -n .o J-'ast G err: an --r-An import pro ;r?- T"rich was started in January 1952, is essentially cbmpleted, (3) flat material deliv'eries for tnn 10r- undry Combine East near Fuersten- berg on the Oder Bivnr. (4) Deliveries by Last German hydrogenation plants to the U.S.O.R. and returning empty tank cars. (5) A large ammunition depot of the G" IM is located in Kapen. (6) Rofrigorator c,?irs operating between the U.S.S.R. and East G er ,any. 25X1 1bse shipments are connected with the motor vehicle re 1 ce : e rogram 25X1 Until 14 tau -ust 19;2, a total of _ , ., U ' 1v net motor vehicles arrived in L- stern Germany,. (3} _A large ordnance and equir'ment depot of the GCA'G is located in Jessen. (9) From the wei,Pub of these crates it is believed that they contained jot fighters. In late July, the bomber re7imont stationed at Cottbus 25X1 airfield moved to Jueterboc;. , It was antlclpatod .hl-:=.t the field would be reoccupied, (10) :Deliveries by East German railroad c ~r f"etories to the br 5.S It. 25X1 25X1 (11) railroad system. (12) The dispatch to the U.S, . of empty heavy-duty flatcars indic -te&. 25X1 that new tanks gill arrive in East Germany sown. The new F~I~yr.l-type cars can carry tVn :amts eac , (13) The shipments dispatched to Guestrow were probably for the former German atrny ammunition depot in Guestrow-F' ?iern rwald. This ammunition depot was o ~cutied by the C-vi ets at the end of the war vacated in late 9349 and occt.piod by droikspolizei (VP) in January 1950. a VP tank school and a large tank repair -hop are located there. The ammunition sh:irment to Prenzlau was probably also for VP, possibly 25X1 for the 1st VP corr;,s or army which is being activ.ted in this area. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400210004-9