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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 16, 2003
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Publication Date: 
December 5, 1952
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.COUNTRY .TCMC EVALUATION.__._ fir CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 20031 Last Gerrrranv Ai :~iunition De-not at Wilmersdorf-Pfaffendorf DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAIN ? REFERENCES! 25X1 .PLACE OBTAINED= June to Autast 1952 ___~____DATE PREPARED PAGES 3 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)..._-..n.......~ 25X1 25X1 the following shipments of ammunition arrivZ~LL_az, or we a dispatched from, the Wilmersdorf-P'affendorf ~mrruniti.on depo A Jurye, July and 1952: 25X1 Incoming shipments 23 June: 21 boxcars from Brest, Litovsk 6 July: 12 boxcars f ron Brest Litovsk 10 July: It boxcars frori, Brest Litovsk 11 July: 12 boxcars from Brest Litovsk 4 llugust: 12 boxcars from Brest. Litovsk. 2 boxcars to Evandis 21 June: 1 boxcar to Firnow CLASSIFICATION srrp. 21 June: Outgoing shipments 11 June : 1 boxcar to A2te grab 11 June : 1 boxcar to Frankfurt/Ode 11 June : 3 boxcars to Tioedera 11- June : 1 boxcar to Jueterbog.-A1tes Lage 11 June: 1 boxcar to Jueterbog- ltes Lager 13 June: 2 boxcars to Tuepcha 21 June: 1 boxcar to Paa^ch' 21 June: 2 boxcars to Orossernhai Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900280001-9 25X1 5 December 192 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900280001-9 iECT..ff 21 June: 2 boxcars to 4"llerholz A boxcar vith escOrtiw rersonnel i-,as coupled to each o_f thou c, s 3i.orients , 0 July: 2 boxcars to :". ltengrabov 15 July: 2 boxcars to T oepchin 15 July: 2 boxcars to Kapai 15 July: 5 boxcars to ei l.dnari: 22 Ju.Ty: 1 quo:--car to Fuers -,ent:* 12 1?,r; zs t ; xe s to undetermined loc at-i.C 13 P;usnz~,?t? 2 boxcars to fFl1t;ertrx bm:r,2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Inco -Ing shipments 10 and 11 Ju-.r 1.6 boxcars with 2)10 tons of h:- sv- rnrirt r t: _Aupust, 12 boxcars. Outgoing shipmen s 25X1 25X1 25X1 15 July, 2 boxcars with sealed 3_ oxen l~ .r 30 x 3u cm, 25X1 to Toepchin 15 hnye:brs Writ h `J, tons- of `L nf',ntrv a T'4nFTn t ti n ti+ 15 July, 5 boxcars with 'S tons of armamitien, a ? narentl ? s.. ar uni.tien in 6u-ecm sealed boxes. 22 July, i. boxcar to Berl; enbrueck near T teril a,Lde; , c1ditiona1_ incoming shipments; 18 1':ugust: 2 boxcars with :30 tons of ami unition from A.: r-imw ibow., F7 I 19 nfwi : 31 boxcars with L6 tons of special a: * iuni ti ;:. from 'rankf u,: t/{.ic;ex I 1 n 19 1kus?:t,.st, five ES-taupe flatoar's with about L,- i~: av r A' '^ms arrived r ,. rr ~, the from Alt~er.~~zi:oa,'a "he f-~ins were parked J -n the f=c~o,s west, of = i~r{. der?o't. toward. Bad a^rowe5 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900280001-9 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900280001-9 25X1 1~ I ~Ca., m,.ent. These shipments were nr r-r o:i i v rennrtad i 25X1 25X1 Coi. nento These shiortents were con -1.1,41med It J_23.c1J3 a:Ln cars and 33 outgo].n , card tie sup-, iv' tr a s rather low during the period 25X1 1:a 25X1 25X1 25X1 Cott ent m The inform :tion in parar-rap'hs 2 to were confirmed h ent m The ert:i l'I