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August 7, 2003
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Publication Date: 
December 10, 1952
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("l-A 3SIRCATiOii.,..s. J.i p roved For Release 2003 09/03: CIA-RDP82-00457R015900360010-0 COUNTRY A :K mrnany TO IC` Al+. T.raa>naasr~it;7 Air leld 25X1 LACE OBTAINED - DATE OF CONTENT ~,`~ f3~t.rina ^ to ? Idove seer 1922 DATE PREPARED 10 December 1952 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1, The following observations were made at Alt Loenne xita airfield bot Teen 1s October and 7 Doventer 1952: 18 Octol-er, In the morning, there was a dense fog, but visibility bocar iP ,he afternoon, There was no air activity at tine field. The four western hangars -.,7ere lighted after ai ;htfall. Aircraft .arts were t(med by crane tractors into ha nga^ iN o 101 19 October. There was no air activity in rainy and fogy mat-her. 20 Octoi or, 25X1 16 i3-15s, yak-lls, 1 Yak-1I,, and 1 Po-2 wsre _,)arked in front of the. hangers, Six .:iG-J5a were parked in one line north of the eastern end of the runway anc6 nether six Li-is were parked i i one line along the taxiway north of the western end of the runway. All ai' the hangars were closed 12 twin-engine planes and 4 Yak-11s were parked in hangars 1 are. 3, nor was being done in hangars 1 through 4 and on boxes in front of hangar 4. 25X1 no air activity was observed. The weather was foggy., a the ity was U.,Lited to 30-D miters, 21 October, i-ad.ividual circled over the .ft d 1= s? ralnea,, an-u--Mere was a closed cloud base. 22 October. There was no air activity in rainy weather;, 23 October. There was no air activity, but sxx::i 1 were narked on the dispersal area north of the eastern and. of the rum-my, It -;.ns foggy, and the visibility was poor. 24 October ? I I i 1ia--15s lade flights in elements of two and landed 'individual1y0 Mare wore no clouds. TYh:', planes also :iade individual flights connected with firing at air sleavos c or the Mbe .iver Halley The target-tow plane landed after four I1i,]--1a`s had. fired alternately. Air activity was discontinues CLASSIFICATION SgCi 2`T, 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900360010-0 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900360010-0 D :)cto! or. : .l s })racticeci fls, ng, ere was a closed CYaudi:,ase at an altitude of ahoi t 230 noterv, 26 )cton.'er. No flits ;-,ere ar.'.?.o. 27 0ctof ir, our II ac-lls circled widely ov r the field, so cti'Les flying in 7e e Judso There wa a elosod cloud base and .oar visilii.lity. 28 ;ctol;er, In the afternoon., 'A' 5s practiced flying in elements of t:vo~ chile the : eather chap? e(l. 29 )ctol:,er. practiced firing at an air sleeve towed = a. twin-en:,ine plane with double rudder assembly in the ?el 'ern^^Lue"hlberg area. The sky was partly cloudy, and the visibility was good. The Li0-1 s flew inn, rah ;ed forrnatixis of two. '.ihen the pla=nes a_)proaclhed the sleeve target, the second plane Lien aft of the first piano which fired at the air sleeve. After the firing practice, the pianos banked, changed their 2osition, and the second plane fired this time. each element a-7?)roached four times which took a total of 'l to 6 ;ninutes, The target-tow plane land-ed after three elenerits had is fired, six -.,;s :-,ode iridiviaual #J.i;hts at a hi - i altitude, It ryas definitely observed that six :.;i3- l5s took off and that no lanin,; Maas made. #) .tins; the take-off , a searchl.~ `ht illuminated to runway and ,J. do three coriplete rotations about ever- -tra,-~::d.-autees. 3.) October, a )lane to:Yi n a sleava tar.-lot flew over the i ield. ",o i_~a.ce~ofTs by ;:.i.7-- .;s were mare fro-.j the " nd_I - finw, uns :')ein fired at the air s leove. l - o pr a c iced flying. A forwation of four '..)lanes. .:lo z at an a 1 tRie sit about 1 0O meters and circled wi ?e7;r over the field three tirios v?hile a searchlight was in c) oration? There era :; ..,00d visibility. 31 October to 2 :lave:.bor. There was no air actiT;it?r; usual) x the weather was 2 November, Six -.very again t:~e east end of the runwwsay0 observed on the dispersal area north of 3 ;;ovem#:ar. There was no air activity durin!; coulttinuous rain, 4 faoti cry~.:er, , iG. l > made individual flights at an alts tude --r of .vat 3JO z: tors ; Airing iith aircraft weapons and the arise of the target-terra )lane were hoard fro._, t.ho valley of the lbo iiiver. j ..".;o r'~nbera A'or tio-n flying was ,)racticed. .c'h'ore was a medium degree of visibility and a scattered cloud ceiling:;. The aircraft took off in elements of two, the ,interval between the iad vidtaal ele.ento heir.;; c to 3 .minutes. formations of four lanes, it was observed once that l? ,'.'i t-15s flow in a formation, 6 iovenloor. There was no air activit;,, in ra i.::;,' and ctorrtr ?1cathor. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 7 ?.,ovomhoro in,_' ivi ual flilghts ":.ere ;"trade by .'Jlth radial e-mg es. It rained an snowed, and. t!i?)r o ::'as a li_;ht westerly vind. only four were parked on the e -x rsal area north of no eric and of the runway, 2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900360010-0 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900360010-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 from Falkeiberg to the south an the field ;oath to Coelsa :i wooden uard_house was being erected on the eastern side '?i the firing range which was northwest of the hangarsa This uardhouse was occupied by one sentry at (daytime and by two sent ^ies :vi-th a dog at ni -ht. Four 'li_ J?-it poles -iare newly erected and the field was continuously lighhted after nir;htfallmt The field was su oolied with fuel from ;Pad Liebwr.-erda by the :lirtschaft and Vorkehr (suo.-)iy and traffic) section, eat was delivered to the field from the su?'),)ly center in ?Jouburxdorfa Potatoes and vegetables :.are hauled to 2 ~levPti:gns, nrobably bunkers mare recently otsorved near tie dispersal ? area north of the east end of the runT7ay4 They a . parently ?rere winterized c uarters for the personnel at this dispersal. area. 3o The fence alon; the northern edge of the field was shifted for a third time. _'ow, it was erected about _ Q .:peters south of the intersection of the road dairy in a 1 ke ibe;.^;; Q -the field by the nationalized procurement a 'ency (130) in . iue l'.XJr a u -uc?: Tow -led with boxes and a horse dram vehicle oc cu oiod by two sa tiers anti two women in air force uniforms were observed on '::'_'1e road to the field; Truck: was bent; loaded with butter in front of the 1. oi euta the wosterrriost hangar 25X1 o.. T re f ai nose fly ;7 nangar, 2. oomnont . Alt Loeanewitz -airfield is occuoi0e. by a f i.,hter regiment. Air activity was performed on the previous level. The individual pilots of this regiment probably have a different status of tra ;.nine; lbbcause formation hying of up to squadron strength and individual local tli- htw ;-iere observed.. Lein, pcrfornedb The Yak-11 planes probably are also used f'or instru ncnt ili.:iht trai:iin; n ~Co=,xfaito Fl he alert :fight is generally ;arced at.';heeastern end of the runway. The earth bunker is probably being used as a day room for the pilots of the alert flight. ~Co mentQ A previous report supplied the first information on the firing range northwest of the Ih~an ,ars It cannot be explained. why the firing rare,-,e was provided with lighting facilities and why it was especially `uarded. 25X1 IIComn-into Dapla:ements for six light 1i:'i ;gum-is on the southern edge of the field rare known fro.- previous reports, Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15900360010-0