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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100020023-3 ! : i979 ~ I i OF ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ` . ,7rr~:; ~/a279 t5 February 1979 ~ ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON NARC~TICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ (FOUO 7/79) ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVOCE - FOR OFFICIAL USE O(~LY " APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 NOTC JpIt5 publicgCions conCain informntion primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals ~nd bnoks, bue ~lso from news agency Crattsmissions nnd broadc~sts. Materials �rom fnreign-language sources are trttnslaCed; Chose from Cnglish-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and - oCher characCerisCice reCained, Hpadlines, ediCorial reports, and maCerial enclosed in brackeCs - ~ are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicnrors such as [TexeJ - or [~xcerpt] in the firsC line of each iCem, or following Che last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or exCracted. _ Unfamiliar name5 rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- Cion mark and ~enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the _ original buC have been eupplied as appropriaCe in context. Other un~rtributed parenthetical noCes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items-are ag given by source. - The contents of this publication in no way represe~tt the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE TNAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PU~LICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 I K10LIOGRAPHIC bATA L Heport No, Z. ttetipirnt's ACCI'SpWll Nu, ;N~eT JPRS L/ 8278 d, I u~� ,~u~ ~,u ~tu r 5~ Neporc Uatr is Fe~ruary 1979 � TItAN5LA'CIUNS ON NARCOTICS AND DANC~ROUS URUC5 (FOUO. 7/79) b, 7, Auth~+r(rl 8~ Her(orming (hganitatiun Itept, No. 9. I'ct(~+rniing Urkanization tiumc and AJdre~s 10~ Projeet/7dsk/u'ork Unit \o, Joint Publications Research Service - 1000 North Glebe Road 11. Contracc/Grant No. Arlington, Virgini~ 22201 - 12, ~p~~ntioring UrFanit~tion `ame and Address 13, Type o( Eteport d: Neriod Covered As above . t 15~ Suppicmencary `otes , - 16. rlhtitr,~tts The serial report consists of translations from the world press and radio relating to law, law enforcement, illicit traffic and personalities concerned with narcotics and dangerous drugs. 17. I~cy uorJs and Uocument Analysis. 17a. Desctiptors Narcotics ~ Drug Addiction Law (Jurisprudence) Law Enforcement 176. (dcntifiers/Opcn-Ended len*.'s Dangerous Drugs - Drug Control Drug Traffic 17c. (:U~ATI FirIJ/Gtoup 5((~ 60~ (T 18. Availability Statement 19. Security (:lass (This 21. \o. ut Nages For Official Use Only. Reporc) � 57 Limited Number of Copies Available From Jc'RS. p~ ~ ~bc" ~ . . . . PF., ' . . ~ r . } - s ~ i ~ ~'rw`+~rwW~w~~t . t� ' ~p-�_'y..,~~~ ` ' ~~j."swi~, - . s "e:' ' 1- r ~ ~ ~ r3 { ` . , .p.. -::r : . d~� ~ ,4 ~ + ~ ~ ~ f^~,. :,i~t _ S I "~Sr . .i Crtnu 8nppnulon DtaLion oJjietra fn~pect tM lttroJn�~tuJ/ed aukonie ~sited drrtn~ tAs ro~d w ths hoo acrn~ed. 3elian( (l~ft1 and $arbqrt look on. CaO: 5300 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 , ~~ttn~ Lncru MAN NCLt~ ~d[2 Nn 4 N~RU~N ~~n~;kdk t3ANGKOK pC15T in ~n~li~h 20 Jan 7g p 3 BK - (~'exe~ Nar~aei~~ Su~preggion polic~ ye~terd8y ~rr~gted ~ m~n whi~e he _ wa~ nn hi~ w~y tn d~liver 7(1d ~ramm~g of Na. 4 fir~e ~r~d~ herdin td ~u~a tomerg in ~~ph~n Kw~i. ~1 police te~~m laid in waiting ~fter b~inp infdrm~d th~t ~ drug pusher wi11 d~liver herdin td clientg ~t ~ rendezvous ne~r ehe 5~phan Kwni int~r~e~tidn. 11t about 1 p.m., thpy gpntt~d Chok~~h~i it~tC~nnburi as he ~rrived the ~cene carrying n pnp~r b~g ~nd nctinp in ~ gugpieioug m~nner. ~d1iCe th~n ~h~ked fc~r ~~~arch ~nd Eaund thp dru~g pnck~d itt twd ~l~~tic b~gs. Hc w~s dctnined Eor furrher que~rioning $t th~ Crim~ Suppression Uivisinn. ~ 1 ~r.9 _ ~i - Y i L: ~ CNOKECHAI C50: 5~00 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 'I'ilA 1 I~ANU HAEt Ntl5'C~5~ N~LU IN t1~RdIN 5~Y~UEt~ Unngknk iIANGKdK Ytl5'~ in L'ngli~h ~6 J~n 79 p 1~K ~`~ext] A rp~id~nt nf M~~ S~i C~i~triet, Chi~n~ R~i pravin~~, ~ttd ~~hiang M~i b~n c~~~e~gg w~re ~rr~gt~d ye~t~rd~y mdrning ~t ehe 5~ldkb~rt ~heckp~inC ' ,~[t~r ~d1ic~ digcdvered 4~~ kiing df Nn~ 4 h~r~in hidd~n in ~ ge~ret r.omp~rt- ment in their car. Crime 5uppr~gsidn bivisinn palie~e ~rr~~C~d Ar~~ Snm~kth~i gnd Mrs M~ $ukh~m - ~t the ch~ckp~fnt dn the rngd frnm Mn~ S~i to B~npkdk gfC~r receivin~ a tih-~fC Erbn~ an i~fo~mant that the dru~ would be p~sging th~t way. - Ar~e tb1cl pd1~Cp thgt h~ was hired tor 10,000 baht en deliv~r eh~ drugs to ~n unid~neifi~d m~n ~t a gasoline ~e~eion in R~n~giL gr~~. How~ver, poli~~ - found no-one ne rh~ rend~zvoug pnint. ~trg ?i~ deni~d knowledge of ehe h~roin, cl~iming ~h~ ~ns only taking ~ rid~ ~ith Aree en route tc~ $~ngknk to vi~it her gis~er. police, checking all cars passing Chrough Salokbart, found the heroin pack~d in 14 plnstic ba~s hidden in a apecial compartm~nt under the gasoline tank in the car. Bnth su~pect~ wer~ brought to B~ngkok and det~ined at Crime Suppressic~n nivi~ion fdr further ques~ioning. . ,~s ~ ~ =,,j _ q:. s> A .~r ` `1.''-.y - C50: 5300 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 , - [~1~11 ~ L t'~OPLt,' S`I'LMpLL KOL~ IN lldLIVIA-~t~117IL-GUYANA CnNNC~'~ION 5TUUICU - Itid de Janeird t~U1NCliCT~ in Ynrtugue~~ G J~n 7~ pp 10~-~1C1~ ('1'E~xt~ '1'h~ he~d hf thE~ t'edpl~'g Temple ae~t wh~ w~g reghon~ibl~ �dr eh~e m~�- , y.1CYC in Guydn~ may ~l;~a h~ve be~n ri m~~nr, influenti~l intern~~idn~1 COC:tltle tr~hffir..ker. nru~s mxy poggibly h~v~ pr~vided him with mu~h d~ hi~ endrmoug wf~~~ith and the tot~~l ~nntrnl df hi~ f.alldwer$. Thi~ inf~rm~eion is cant~ined fn a repnrt (which is still confidenti~l) of the Ilr~zili~n ~ederal rolicc who ~re r.tirrently whrkin~ on the c~se in c~ep~r~tidn with the U.5, bru~ ~nforr.e- ment Administr~~tion feder~~1 dep~rtment fnr combxting drugg). t.vents isappcned quiekly 2 week~ a~c~, when eti~ Iir~zilian ~~d~rai r~~.ic~ dis- - cdverc~d the 1~nr~e qu~ntity dF smupgled enc~~ine ever s~ir.ed nn natidn~l terri- tnry. ~tirrivin~; from Uolivia. 'Chere wer~ 17 kila~rams df ehe drug Cnnce~led in 13 p~t~ka~es and v~lued ~t 60 mitlion cr~zeirds. In the ~~er~tion, the ~fficers ~anCured 12 tra�fi~kers ~s~nri~ted with th~ ~olivi~-5ao ~,~uln-Hrnxil- Guy~~na "connE~r.tic~n." tn ttieir depositions, twc, tr~f.fiCkers admi~eted thnt 1n = kilb~r.~ms ~f' thr ~uc~~ine were enr~ute to "Reverend" .tim Jan~g. Those lU ki- lograms of thc drug were .~~tually part of a ghipmene ~nnsi~ting of 25 kild- ~rams. 1lccordin~ to tlie ~ederal I'olice, the 1d kilograms senC to Jones were - delivered on the basis of a"contract" signed by the leader of the People's Temple with internation~~l traffickers. The connections date back 2 or 3 monthq~ when the 25 kilo~;r~ym~ c~f drugs prob~tbly 1efC Sant~ Cruz de la Sierra. i~~ (3olivi:~~ the world's l~rpest producer of cocairie. 'The he~d di the S~d !'.~~~lo Pdlice 11a1dq~~arterg for Comb~ting llrug~, Arthur Curbott~ ~ilho, ~t~ted: tl�t he "had conclusivr documentation to the effeCt that the cocain~ rr~ffic hetwetn Bnlivia and Guyan~ has be~n going on frequently for some time." 'I'he People's Temple ~~monF; the 12 ~raEficker~ who wcre ~rrested in the operf~tion. there ~re six i~r~~zi tians, two I'ortup,uese ~nd twa $olivi~~ns, one of them a wcman. The Sao P.hulo ~eder~l I'dlice chieE, ~r~ncisco Cnrlos Garisto, claims ~hat ~ Bolivian w}~om he called "X" had confessed to smuAQlin~ cocaine to Guyan~. 'Lhe Bra- yili:~n ~ederal Police contacted their Guyan~~ counterparts, aho conEirmed the exist~nce o.E a criminal record on the individual called "X" Who had been ar- rrst~~d in 19~3 for brin~ing cocaine into CuyanA. Irhen he had scrved his ~;enr.~nr.e, chc amup,~ler wns released. Police Chief Garisto adds: "AEter 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 thiH ~nmmuni~ntlnn, w~ nrrnngrd fnt; nnnth~r int~i~rdgnti.dn di thng~ in Cug- tndy, d~nling m~inly wieh ~~ynnr~. `I'wo 13o1ivi~ng whn werp und~r nrr~gt s~nt th~ dru~~ tn th~e cnuntry 5 y~~rg ggd, uging twc~ NorCh Americ~n ~pn~~~. `~he Eirgt ~~n~~ dipd ~ y~ar ~gn, nnd the other ig in ,j~i1 in th~ ~Ct~tp d� Cdn- nccticut Edr er~f�icking in ~aCain~ epne to Guyan~. Thu~, thp t~~eimony pninted increaetttgly to J~m~~ ?Ton~~t. And th~t indicttCidn incr~n~~d wt~~n iC w~~ cli~rc~v~red thnt th~ indivi.dut~l e~l.l~~i ~'X" ha~d h~~n ~~armer ~dllawer df Jim'y whd r~Cruit~d ~'bplievpxg" ~~x thp ~~op1~~~ 7'~mpl~ in pl~c~g vig~e~d by p~nple with eroubled 1iv~~ gnd ~tithout, whn ~ou1d bp r~~dily tnk~n in by promig~g oE hnppic~ege. Gari~td ggid: "In my epinion, rno~C df - thc fnll~w~r~ nP th~ Ppnp1~'~ '~emple Wexp ~ddiceg dr ,formpr gddiGts df Cd- c~in~ and nther drug~. In Jonpstown~, thp ~reverend' guarant~~d them an ~~bundnnt gupply nf dru~~, ,~~r ~rom th~ vig~lance di the authnriCie~." A nr~nch in nr~xil It ig th~ npinidn of Chie~ ArChur C~rbdn~ t~ilhn th~t, "~'he purpog~ nf J.~me~ .tone~' arriv~l in B~rnzil in 1g69, wh~n t~~ r~gid~d in g~1d Horizonee, w~~ prob~bly to est~blish the fc~r ~uppliea of Bolivi~n cnCain~ tn thC i~~opte's Temple. rioliviu, with its 2,Ub0 kilom~t~rg of bord~r with Iiru~- zi.l, h~3 ~n ~dvnne~~co~s cdc~ine route, the large~t in thp world. Of th~ ~5 kiln~r~ms coC~ine which le.ft Bolivia, w~ do ndt yeC know th~ d~sCin~~- t[nn dC ti kilogrnmg," continued Chie� Cnrbon~; ~ddin~: "They may be on na~ tion~y: territnry, but they could algo hav~ gon~ tn Guyan~." Ci~ief C~rbone endcd hi~ interview some shocking information. N~ said: "'Cherc is in rir~zil a sccret religioug s~~t oP North American origin, si- milnr tc~ the Pedple'~ T~mple. This ~ect hdlds frequent meetingg gt which th~se inieir~t~d are 'cleanged.' The traf~icking and consumpeion of drugs ~re ~unc~aled behind g my~Cical b~ckground th~t promises love, peac~ and = brotherhond. At their meetirigs, the initiated members are required to drink = ~ te~ made of 'ausca," an herb ~rom the Amazon Region Which causes halluci- nogenic reactions similar to those from LSD. The Brazilian and United St~tes police have already discovered the first clues to that sect. And we shall suon be able to publicize the results of our investigations." 2909 5300 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 13ItA7 t L BIt2C~'S DE2UC '1'RA~'I~'ICKC~t Altltr5'~~U--nru~ rruffiCk~r Adt~u~o I'edro Teix~irn was ~rregt~eci y~gt~rdtty morning upon l~nving ehe ferry ne ~nt�tn prima~~~rt~ on ehe pc~rnnu _ Rivcr. t'~1ice �ound 25 kilograms oE ~nd 505 ~r~m~ of ~~G~in~e in hi~ c~r. 'The drugs h~d been hou~hl- in ~he l~nr~gugy~n ciey of I'edra Ju~n C~ball~ern Eor ggle in S~n pau;lo ~nd ttio d~ Jgn~ir~. [S~o pttul~ 0~STAlld t7I: - SAO PAULO in ~'ortuguege 1~eb 7y p~2 pYJ MAItIl1UANA I'1~WTA'CION ntSCbVCit~U--Vitariu--A plnntgtion wieh 30U pl~nes of m~~rihu~nnn w~y di~cdver~d tod~ty in th~ vill~g~ t~f Bn~ ~gperanzg, municip~l- ity dE C~chc~eir~ do Itapr.mirfm, ~spirieu Santo sente. 7'he nwners nf th~ plant~tion, sons of a Craditional family of tlie region, were arrested by ttrc military pn11C~. '~he soldier~ uprooe~d a11 Ch~ m~rihunnt~ pl~nes. ~~'orto Al~gre It~dic~ Gu~iU~ in Portuguege 0200 GMT 3 F~b 79 pY] CSO: 5~~0 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 M~X~CU ~ ~~5ULT5 0~ 197~ b1tUG5 CAMI'AIGN SUMMACtIZLll P~J,Configcateg Marihuanu M~xicc~ City ~L SnL UB MLXIC~b in Spanigh 29 I~r 78 p B-A ITexti~ I~ g rpsult nf tih~ nnnCinuing cgmpaign againgC drug tirgfficking eh~ t~~deral Judicial polic~ IpI~JI g~i~ed 567 eong nf mari.huana during 1g7~. The estiraated pric~ of the drug un eh~ b1~Ck m~rk~e ig abnue 3 billion pesns. ~'I UcpuCy Aetorney G~nernl Albn I.eyva reported thar th~ planeing and harv~geing of mnrihuanu drnpped ~hig ycar by 85 percent. - ~ lte ~~serCpd thgC ehe guccesg of this ca~mpnign agninsr drug ernfficking ig such th~t ehe p~rcentnge of lnnd devoted to Che growing of th~ drug ig v~ry loW. 2ti~ regional coordinatora of the fatming zones and the co~wnders ~ of the PJ~ participated in this ctunpaign. !i~ r~:porCed th~t u strdng battle aas waged ggaingC the drug traffickerg, - especially in Sinalna, however, they hgve turned tdaard Oaxaca, Guerrero, Puebla, Veracruz and Queretaro.where the drug had never before been grown. _ Morc rhan 80 helicnpeers and light planeg of the aiz section of thp attorney ' general'g office continue flying over the areas where the marihuang fi~ldg - aere destroyed. Thc group degtroyed 3U0 million pl~nts ns a~ll as dryfng sheds from Which equipment Wag geir.ed for packing the Weed into 'brfcka" for sale gnd use, especially in the United Stgtes. - t?pium, lleroin, Morphine 5~izures Mexico CiCy ~L SdL bL MEXICO in Spnnish 3d bea 78 p 7-A ~Article by Juse Vilchis~ ~'faxt~ 1t~e P~dernl Judirial Police ~E'Ji~~ h~s sCized drugs, dismantled hernin proceBSing laboratories, geized hand guns und ahoulder weapons and land, oir and mr~ritime carrierg, destrnyed poppy and marihuana fields and arregted thousands of drug traffickers. _ 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 'I'hu prtc~ ul' dru};~3 wu~? ~uciyc~rvuL�ivcly eyL�im~rnd aL� ~ billi~n pesoc~, in ~idcll ~ic~n l,o ~11 Gli~t~ a~ tl~a digpogul a~ Ch~ t'ederul ~'ublic Mini~L�ry ~M1'U~ . Liknwiye, in ~allyin~ up ~tic nCCion~ ~g~ing~ drug Cru~~icking ~nd org~nized crim~, GCn Itnu1 Mendiolca Cerecero, comm~nder of Che pJF, rQpnrt~d ChnC 382 gun~y ~f Jru~ ~r~ffickera w~rc broken up thi~ y~~r. '1'he roliC~ cliie~ emph~si~~d ~t~at during 19~8, 16~ lcildgr~ms n~ dpium wcre con~iyc~~ed, 3 of mdrphine, 16~ nf- herdin, 12~ n~ p~ppy se~d, 2~,445,~Z9 - iCemg ut psychoernpiC drugs (tnxic Cablees, L5U ~nd eo fdrCti)r ~s we11 ~s _ - ~3 kilogr~ms of peyot~. Mendiolc~ C~rec~ro gC~tCed CIi~C 34 1~bdrahories wtiere h~rnin wAS processed were dism~ntLed ~nd 756 yhdulder wcapons, 850 h~nd gung and 68,337 carrrid~~s w~r~ seiz~d Lrom Che urrc~eed. A1so placed ae Cl~e diypds~l nf tihe MPF wer~ 187 l~nd vehicl~s (~urog, truclcs, _ trailer~ ~nd so Eortli), 21 ~ir c~rriers, espsci~lly Ce~sna lighC tilanes, ~nd - a bo~t wliich w~s inC~rG~pted on ehe C~ribbean cu~gt o~ M~xiCO ldaded wiCh - m~ritiuuna ~nd oClter drugs, coming from SouCh America and bound ~or ttte - United SCuCes where Che c~rgo w.~s eo be disCribueed ~o members oE an intier- - naeionsl g~~ng. Members of Che YJI~' ~nd ehe Mexican N~vy par,eicip~eed. A1sd, ~y p~rt oF the campaign aguinst drug er~fFicking, Che experCs and _ piloes of ehc air sec~ion of el~e office of Che aetorney gener~l destroyed - 25,644 pnhpy tields c~vering 1,933 heceares. 5imilarly, 9,94$ marihuana fields covcring 514 hecCares were destroyed. Chemical defoliants were used for Chis purpnse L~se yc:ar. Crom the gangs of traFfickers that were broken up--382 in all--5,570 Mexicans were urresCed who were involved in Chese crimes against public health as well as 214 foreigners of Britisl~, Canadian, United StaCes, Colombian, 1 Yeruvi~ln nnd Lcu~dorian nationalities. ~zo4 C5o: 5300 32 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 , - M~XICO 5ICILIA~5 N~NCfIMAN ~OUND tWNGED IN HIS CLLL Mexico City LL 50L DE MEXI00 3.n Spanish 20 Dec 78 p 12-A IText~ The Cubnn Jnse Egogi Ve~ar, member of the international gang of drug traffickers Co which Alberto Sicilia Falcon belonged, was found dead in his cell aC the Sunta MarCha Acaeitla prison. ~gosi Vejar enCere@ the prison on 19 June 1977 for public~health crimes, specifically drug tra~ficking, accarding Co file No 20/3688/78, of which Victor Manuel Camara is the cusCodian. ~ - Dr Os~car Fernandez, the Federal District Penintentiary doctor, was of the opinion thaC death was due Co anoxia (asphyxia) and Che body showed signs of nosebleed and cyanosis aC the fronC oF the neck. - Cgosi Vejar's body was found yesterday morning hung by a sheet from a crossbar and everything pointed to suicide but the initial investigations ~ by the Judicial Police IPJ~ indicate that he was killed by members of the drug trafficking gang. Egosi Vejar was always considered Sicilia Falcon's right arm. He was onE of those who managed to escape from the old Lecumberri jail th'rougH a tunnel, together with Sicilia Falcon and Carlos Suali Bravo--the laCCer " srill aC large--in 1976. - The guards said that the bod,y was hanging by a white sheet and that t~o ~ all appearances he had co~iCted suicide. ~ The theory held up to yesterday by the chiefs of ~several police organizations ~ was Chat the gang that controlled the prison strangled him to death.. ~ According to~the police it was proven that Egosi Vejar maintained strong - eies with international drug traffickers even in prison from where tie succecded in communicating them. - ~ ' ~ . 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020023-3 _ I t W~l ~ t;a i,l i u ~_hr~ l~i r>t r~~ i i'