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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000'100040007-9 3 ARRIL i979 ~ , CFOUO SlT9~ ~ i OF. i. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ ~ ti / / � ti~ / ~o . ~ ~ ti ~ i ~ ~ o ~ . ~ . / ~ ~ ~i~,, ~s b ` 4~ .a ~ . ~ a. ~ ? ` ~ / . . ` / ` ~ ` ~ p, "~o ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ IMAGE EVALUATION ~ TEST TARGET (MT-3) I.0 ~ ~ ~ ~s 4 ~ ~~I V rw~ 1.25 1.4 i.b ~ illll IIlII~ ~ . 6" 9� ~ ~ ~ - - - / ~ r . . \ o. ~ q r _ ~ , s~ _ o z ~ ~ q .~~r ` ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ _ , ~ ~ _ ~ , ~ ~ o ~ o . ~ � ~ ~ o~ h~c �titi ~ , za w~t Nu?w sT~t ~ / ~~~~~'tp / . 143W / WEtSTER, N.Y / ~Jl.ilGlil~i5 (716) ~71~50~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 FOR OFFICIAL llSE ONLY JPRS L/8371 3 Ap~i1 ~.979 ~ ~ ~ TRANSlATIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPNiENT ~ ~ O (FOUO 5/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEAR~H SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ NOTE; Jptt5 publicaCions cdntnin infdrrt?~Cion primarily �tnm foreign n~wgpaperg, p~riddic~ls ~nd bddkg, bue ~lgo from n~ws ~gency trangmisgions and bro~dcasCs. Maeerials from fdr~ign-lgngu~ge snurces ~re tir~nslaeed; ehdse ~rom ~nglisli-lgngu~ge sourceg ~r~ rr~nseribed or reprineed, wirh the original phr~aing nnd dther Ci1~lY'dCC~Y~SC~CS ret~ined. Headlines, editori~l repdrCs, gnd maCerigl enclosed in brackees ~re supplied by JI'ItS. Proceasing indicaCnrs such as (Texej ~ or (~xc~rpC) in Che first line of e~ch item, or following the last line of ~ brief, indic~C~ how Che original infnrmatinn w~s prncessed. Where no procegsing indicaenr is given, Che infor- mation w~s summ~rized nr exCr~cted. UnfAmiliar n~mes rendered phoneCically t~r CrnnsliCerated are enclosed in parenCheses. Wards or namea preceded by a ques- eion mark and enclosed in parenthesea were not clear in the original but have been supplied as apprnpriate in context. Other unattributed parentheCical notes wiChin ehe body of nn item originaCe with the source. Times wiChin iCems~arc ns , given by source. 'The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or aCCiCudes of the U.S. GovernmenC. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNINC OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE TEIAT DISSEMINATION OF TFIIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ro~ nrrict~nL ~s~ nvLY JpRS L/ea~i a ~?Pr~.i is~s TRANSLATIONS ON TELECOMM~NICATIONS FOLICY, RESEARCH AND DEVE~.OPMENT (FOUO 5/79) CONTENTS PAGE ASIA JA PAN Fu~iteu~ Hitachi, NEC Outline Computer Strategy for the 80~e (NIKKAN KOGYO SHINBUN, 10~ 11~ 12 Jan 79) 1 USSR Organiaing a Data ~renaniseion Network in Belorueeia (M, F. Prokopenko, N. Ya. (1ne1 ~ chenko; VESTNIK SVYA2I, Dec 78) 11 WESTERN EURAPE ~ F1tANCL ~ Minieters~ Council Meets on Spgce Telecoaununicatione (Pierre Langereux; AIR & COSMOS, 17 Feb ~9) 18 - a - [III - INT - 140 FOUOj FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~'Ok UI~"~ICIAL U5~ ONLY JAPAN ~ ~ F'UJITSU, NITACHI, NEC OUTLINE COMPUT@; STRATEGY 1~OR THB 8~J'S Tnkyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHINBUN in Japaneee 10, 11, 12 Jan 79 (:0 Jc~n 79, p 15 J [Tex~J Fujiteu IBM plana to announce world-wide ea3es plana for its "E serieo" a anputers "Maya" ~nd "Inca" (developmental namee) along about tha end of thie month. During the past few yeara IBM has been receiving good response to ita sales program on the "303X eeriea" of euperlarge machines, and thia ia the background for iCe entry into a phyeical battle that involves length and breadth assault on the pric;~ policy. Of particular note ie the "E" aeries" Whoee coet performance is claimed to be four-five times better than that of machines of the paet, and ite targeted rivals areas aeem to be the PCM (plug convertible makers) and the Japaneae caaputers. At the eame time, lying aC the very base of this program ie the praniee � to conv~rC any machine to what the user eide requeate under the motto "no matter what make, �ahere, or who ie in need of converaion will be accammodated." To be aure, this program has been developed wiCh the 8U's in mind where the computer is expected to enter into all phases of econamic and social activi~iea, and IBM's sha:e of the pie will be increased accordingly. The domestic computer makera who find themaelvee in the trough between c anputerizntian arid Lhis IBM assault are preeently planning to unveil some new plans. This pathway ie not emooth and consists of a eeries of thorny Crails. With this in mind, ~ atudy was made of the three learling canputer makers of Japan who arce being buffeted by thie IBM as- sault to obeerve their development of machines Co counter this E series unita, softwar~ ~ountermeasurea, and overseas etrategies. "The preliminary ekinaiahea to the Battle of tne 80'e have begun. IBM haa initiated tts wide and global scale etraCegy" (Shoichi AkazaWa vice-presidenC). "An IBM typhoon with wind velocity of 40 metere is 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 � ~Oit OF~ICIAL U5~ ONLY approaching, and nll we cnn do ia to brace ourselvea and do our beet" (Tei~i Makik~wa ~rice-preeidenC). "This is the make or br~ak year" (Ichiro Haehi director), Theee statemenCe from the hierarchy of ~'u~itau reveal rl?e imporCanc~ nf Chie c~.l i~porCanC decieive conflict with tihe E series. 7'he coun~er etrategy of ~he domeseic makere ig not clear ati ehie eCage when ehe entire outline oF the E seriea etraeegy is nor yet dafinitely known, but Che thing ~he daneetic makera fear mose is an extraordinary lowering in cost by IBM. Tf, for exacnple, one coneidere Chat the Syatem 8100 ehat has been dubbed "the machine to raise the curtaine to the SO's" coets bur one-tenth of its predeceeaore on mere price, one would expece that . the coat of the E series would follow Che ~rend and rtde on Che eame , price curve. Here one can cite the conYzonCation beCween YBM and Che American anCitrusC lawa which resulted in IBM receiving silent asaenC eo ita claims that it wua not caueing any definite damage such as iu~;usCrial diememberment, and IBM hae been developing ite strategy ugainat the rapidly developing PCM induetry (plug compatible makers) , and the Japaneee ephere. _ r'~eY�e is a epecial effort to maintain this price operation in full force ttgaitisr. Che Chree leading domeetic computer companiea, Fu,jitsu, Hitachi, and iVEC. Thpxe ie clear evidence thaC "a series of IBM assaulta in the f orm of a five-year plan ia deaigned to aweep out Japaneee opposiCion. The share of IBM Japan'8 market will probably increaee by about 5 percent in the nexC 2-3 years." Thia atatement (by KaCaehi Yamaoka chief of the Information IndusCry Research Aeeociation Office) reveals the fierce confrontation taking pla~ce. As aeen in thie ehift to the 8100 syatem and the syatem 38, this move by IBM that hae in Che paet centered its efforte on auperlarge and . large mact~inee ie a new direction taken by this canpany to go into all out confrontation in computerization involving amall machines (producC divereificaCion) that was formerly a rather lightly regarded area. Witli regard Co the development of new computera to counter the E aeries, the following atatement came fram Fujiteu to the effect that "thie is top level strategy within the industry as a reault of which there will be no canmente" (vice-preaident Makikawa), but ie aeema thaC thie caapany is ready at any time Co make its announcement. According to the following statement "there is nothing in the 8100 seriea that w~ feel ie technologically outstanding. We are in a per3.od of tranaient technological development" ~ (Takunao Yamamoto director)~ there eeeme not to be too much concern for any threaC from the performance capability of the E seriea. . Since the actual apecificationa of the E machines are not yet set as - a reault of which no positive atateraenta can b~ made, it is thought _ that the domeaCic compani~ea can adequately compete through the installati.on of 64 kbit elements, new logic element development, and operational syatem (0~). Here again the c~ajor problem is cost.performance (coet/ performance ratio) and the key to this ait~~ation ia how to directly confront the E seriea coat perfot~aance that ie said to be four timea that of machinee of the p~et through an ap~ropriate price etructure. - 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ ~OR OFFICLAL USE ONLY ~ r~e Enr as machine cnp~cieias are concerned, tihe machines prea~ttCly markQted by Fu~itisu including M-130, 160~ and 160 AD claeaee wi11 be in direct competirion with Che E In addieion, there will eleo be eome effect on Che higher class machinee the M-180, 190, end 200. In thie reapect thie comouny ia plnnning Co inatiall g moclel c;~~nge in iCs medium clase M series na iCe �iret ea~,vo in the etruggle followed by improvemen~e to ite euperlarge machine to counter Che IBM H series machines ehne are expecred eo appear the latCer part of rhis year. The ewitchover employed in ti:~e atrategy hae ~ust seen the completion of the ahifC fr~n the FACOM 5 and 8 eeriea to the M eeriea, however~ - any mnve Co a nexC eCep without firet realizing adequare reaearch and developmenC coats for the M~eries as well as induetrial merit will ba equivalenC Co adding on an extra burden. Computer developmenC ie along the tWO directione of eurerlarge computera and ultrnsm~~ll compuCera, c~nd the determining factors here are semiconductors - and software. The super LSI national project thaC ie expected to be completed sometime during JFY 1979 is now at Che sCage ChxC each company - involved is embarking on producC development to finatly enable inetallaCion - to computer syetema. In cognizance of Chia aituation, "the United 3tatea ~ has elevnted eemiconductore to a target induetry level and ia Chrowing ull iCa might in this direction. Our company is planning, in decie:ve manner, Co fund facilieiea for producing aemiconducCora~ (Vice-presi~lent Akazawa). In another direcCion, IBM is suppresaing the fraction of hardware and increasing the denaity of software in its systems, so Fujiteu ie planning to promote still furCher software unbundling. In more apecific manner, sales contracte involving salea engineere (SE) aervice, application, software, and OS (baeic software) are to be promoted. It is planr~ed r-o actively follow this unbundling program ~ith the intent of doubling th~ better than 20 billion yen eales of last year. In addition, the OS iuduatry (expected to be aCarCed in April 1979) ns the aub~ec* of the post super LSI policy ia expected to play a ~ leading role through incorporation of development themes auch as firn?ware und Japanese language information syatem. In thia manner, all efforta will be directed to Che development of new superlarge machinea r.o actively contest IBM's future syatem (FS) machinea. The adverit o~ the E series will make the replacement battle within this country that much more fierce, but this com~any is "thinking of increasing SE manpower during the coming 3-year period and rEinforcing its organization Chr~ugh manpower reallocationa" (director Hashi), and it is said a policy of reatructur::yg ite industrial seCup will be executed. 3 FOR OFFICIAL 'USE OI~iLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 FOR 0~'FICIAL U3E ONLY AC ?.hn ~umc~ eimQ, tho canb,nnCion nf rei~iforcemanC of Che industrial naCUOrlc ~nd ranrganizarion oE tha compuCer induetry ie ChoughC tn be cauaing a r~�~mergence of cloeer Ciea between thie company and Mitsubiehi E~.ectr~!c. _ - Aithough both companies eeem to ba denying any euch poseibiliCy, ehe increns~ng IBM onelaughCs into the Japaneee market, ehe cooperaCive setup o� tihe 03 induetry, and Mi.teubiehi Eleceric'e dQVelopment of IBM canpatible machin~~ (research coet of 20 billion yen) ar.e ob~ective manifestaCione of rhe closer ties being formed between these two - companiee. Of particular inCereaC is that the main banks involved in Chis situation, Daichi Kingyo Bank and MiCeubishi Bank, have . exprese~d Cheir recQpCivtty to thie cloeer ~ie. Ae far na F~+.jitsu is concerned, thie ia also Che year in which its overeeas atraCegiea will be reinforced. First of all, the salea and induatirial cooperaCive agreement concluded with Che Weat German Siemens Company ~ ic~.~t ~ummer a~eema to be ready for acCual enforcement. IC has been attid rhnt "the export of euperlarge machinea to Europe is a profitable ure~ from the standpoint of syatem sales. The ~tiart looke even b~tter thAn we had anCicipaCed." There arQ hopea of s~lling 40-50 unite of thcae superlarge machines. ~ven wliere United Statee adversariea are concerned, Chere ia a capiCal purCicipution relationahip with the Amdahl Campany (about 30 percenC capiCnl conCribution) to which export of producta marketed under Cha trade name (OEM) exceeded 200 units as of Che end of lest November, and export of auperlarge V-8 machines with the trademark of OEM will be initiated. The Fijitau-Amdahl relationahip ie said to be an "interadult relationahip," and there has already been a closed license agreement ratified between Chese two companies (December of last year) on the LSI elementa for the 64 kbit installaeion on Amdahl's next _ generation computers. In this manner, this cooperative re~.atic~n ship - between the two campMnies ia continuing in the face of the framework of IBM's offeneive. In addition, Fujitau is also considering direct expor~: of ite producta to the United Stateu by initiating export of its medium M aeriea machines through its American aubaidiary corparation - FACOM America. This company, which preaently is facing thP IBM typhoon, ia planning, first of all, Co c~*:;~~ene a Fujitsu technological show at which it plana to concentrate its technologiaal quality for display to the wd~ld sometime in February. It is vital that thie canpany, which ie the eymbol _ of excellence of d anestic computera, take a etance that wi11 have a major impact on the Japaneae computer induatry's Eortunea. 4 FOR OFFIC~XL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [11 Jnn 79, p 15:) (TnxtiJ Hitachi, Limit~d HiCachi, LimirQd ie reputied Co be che member of the top Chree c anpuCer compnnic~a of Japan with the eCrongeet poaitin~~d ae far as financial etruceure and overaa.l salee per�~rmance nre concerned, and it will aloo ~ ba fuced wiCh a make or break ~ituatian in ~he 80's when IBM plans its maseive aeeaulC. Certai.nly Che "simple vigor" that ie thie company's tradition will noe see any ouCward dieplay of flamboyance, and it is axpeceea chae thia campany wi11 continue ite line o~ asaeeei�ng the actual eiCuaeinn uccuraC~ly in planning�i~:a expanaiona. FirsC of all, there is the a~aeement "thie ie the year for the end o� kk~e life cycle of compu~er parta" (Fu~imoto, chfef of the Electronic Equipment Induetry Headquartero) that ia the baeic undnrstanding by which Chia company is quierly dev8loping iCe machinea to counter the ~ IBM E and H seriea compUtera. The "1800 Information Syatem" that IBM - r~r,nounced la~~ year ia in direct competition wiCh thie company~s "L aeries" muchinea. One of Che meaeurea taken by this company Co counter this IBTi entry was the announcement of mtnor change mxchines in the L aeries abou~ the end of last year. Yt ie eaid thaC wholesale . changes in the "810U" machines are being atudied this yeur even involving model changee. The compu~ers of Che aeriea with the developmental nariea of "Maya" and "Inca," which are the foci of maximum interest, are expected to be unveiled about the end of this month, and thie company, just ae the other two ~ companies Ftijiteu and NEC, is planning to up *he perf~~rmance of its ~ elements and to complete ita software centered operating systema (OS) in order to counter this IBM development. It seems to be withholding the announcenient of the~new aeries till someCime la~er. What ie of concern here is the repuCed four-fold bettennent in cost perfonnance (cost/performance ratio) over the past models, and how to counter this � tncrease is a major iCem. Thie company rapidly vwitched over during 1973 und 1974 to own company rent~ls and Chereby decreased the JECC (Japan Electronic Computer Co) rental density as a rc:t:ilt of ~hich its computer diviaions gained beCCer financial atltus. At the same time, the ouClay for computer related research and development was increased 15 percent over the previous year (excluding outlay for facilities), and it is tihought that this company ia in a position to adequately cover costs of any new developments. ' The nature of the struggle'of the 80's ia expected to change according to how far IBM intends to pursue its price policy, which is the ;nain weapon ii~ its strategy. According to IBM, "series of price inc~:eases will be due to mass producCion effects, and any new machine development takes into account the wiahes of usere all over the world," and this aseau~t is expected to be continued over a considerable period if this aCatement ie any indication. - 5 FOR OFFICIAb USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY The ~~eries may be thoughC to be the replacementia for Che 115, 125, and sysCem 3 of Che IBM 370 series, IC ie expected that ~he monthly renCal ~or the 115 machine wi~.l be 2,300 dollgre (currene ren~al 3,500 dollara) per month, and the coet performance wi11 be 4.5 tiimes Cha t of ~he past. Aa far es Hitachi ie concerned, the perFormance of the medium eype M machinea is ita moat preasing problem, but it eeema to be waiting for IBM to come out wiCh the enCire apecifications for ita E series before making any counter moves. , At Che eame time, the future computex ia thought Co be headed to~oard gzeaCer components uae, and Chia ~ompany plana to place $reater emphasis on semiconductore and IC ae a countermeasure. Direc~cr MiCa, who is considered the prince o� this canpany, became Cl~e most responaib].e personality of this ~ivision afCer taking over command aeveral yeare ugo. He is revaaling a poeture of placing greRtest weight on the introduction of elec~ronica to houaehold and heavy electric uae Chrough t~ie greaCer use of LSI and auper LSI. + On ~he other hand~, Che manner in which its overeeas aCrategy "blossans ouC" is also another focal point of this company. The basic policies here are 1) export of trademark iteme (OLM) to contesC relntively well _ establiahed competitors and 2) export of computer sysl:ems. These are the two major policiea under coneideration: As far ae 1) is concerned, OEM export to the UCel Comptiny of the United - ~ SCates (M aeriea) has bec ane aubaCantial while export nf peripheral and - Cerminal. equipment to the I3ASF Company of Weat Gextnany is increasing. The relationahip with the Itel Company of the United S~ates is expected to see enhanced "intimate operationa~' between these two companies as a result of one of IBM's ma~or aaeault Largeta being the plug canpatible makers (PCM). It hae been indicated Ch~t the difficultiea associaCed with computer exports involve "the aearch for soil that can be nurtured followed by the training of personnel to be nurtured" (Fujimoto, chief of the Induatry HeadquarCere). In this manner, there eeema to be great destre lor syatems export that has greater appeal in buainesa negotiatione. Wh.1t is here seen as the firsC "step" ia export to the United StaCes. "We will decide by the end of March of Chis year whether we will or will not exporC to the United States" (Fu~imoto, head of the Industry HeadquarCers). At the preaent time, marlcet aurveys and machine aelections - are under way. It seems that the type machinea will be exported Co the Unit~d Statee if the deciaion is to start this expoz�~. This again depends on the edfect of the E series, and ita echedule may also be altered. 6 F(3R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ; NOR OFFICiAL USL ONLY - Ttae ~arge~ for the nexe over3eae ~~eneCrnCiou afeer Che Unitad Statas ie ~he Chineae market. The reeBCr~bliahment at relations between ~he - Uni.eed Staties and China th~C was ~~egoCiaCed on 1 January and the oasing of regulatione by the Camn;LtCee for Control oF Bxporte Co CommunieC Countriee (COCOM) have caused anticipation of Feveri~h ~ exporte of compuCera frcxn both Ch~:t United States and Japan. In thie respect Chis c anpany hae sent one "M-170" and two "M-160 II" for , meteorological obaervational atudi~~s, one "M-160 II" for reeourcea ` proepecting use, and procesa compuc~~~re for the Hosan Steel Plant in Shanghai. FurChermore, it is said thaC "there ha~re been a number of inquirea from China," and thie company a~ema Co be ant:i~ipaCing coneiderable buainess. � ~ It has been claimed thae ~he domestic cauputer makera mueC asaure themaelvee of aC laast 10 percent o� the world's compueer market if they are tio canbat IBM in the future, and Chere ia not oCher way for Cheae _ c anputer brigadea but Co atand on their own and to direct saleo programa overseas and plan for mase production. - IC ia eaid that thia company's computer sales total more than 190 billion yen. It ia reliably expecCed thaC thia year's eales will exceed - ' 200 billion yen, but the computer seems headed for expansio~ to the foothills induetries. In thie manner, there are a~iimnber of problems thaC thia campany must revolve. Theae probieme include 1) countermeasures against IBM's campuCer strategy based mainly on the hard machine main body and fulfillment oE software linea centered on introduction of firmware, 2p development of strategy to introduce more ele~tronics into houeehold electrical and~~" automobile use, and 3) setting up a new information oriented society through the Ciein between cunputere and communication equip~nent. . Among the problems asaociated wiCh software, fulfillment of increasesrin basic software in line with new machine development and increase in the number of sa~es engineering pereonnel (SE) eeem to be the sub~ects under principal study. A firat step in thia direcCion was the cstabliahment " of a special company for training SE peraonnel th~t was initiated in � September of laet year. At the same time, efforts are being directed at introduction of more elecCronics into household electrical applications in additi~~a to the developmenCa in computerization. In addition, a"home compul:er" directed at household use is being produced for induatry. ~ In anorher direction, this company is in a weaker position ii1 the area of communication equipment compared to Fujitau and NEC, and the3~e is need for promoting reaearch in thia area to cope with the coming C and C - (computer and communicaCion era). This canpany follows the tnotto of "step by etep" approach that steadfastly permeatea its busin~as 7 ~ _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 r ~ F'OR O~FICLAL USE ONLY operatiion~, bue the mannPx and degLee to which this inte~raCed elecCrical ~ mt~ker H~.tiachi wieh mg~or emphasig on heavy electrical equipment will devolop ite computer area will greatly conCrol the directions taken ti. by the domestic computer induetry, and it ia expected that this company will put forth its gr~atest e�forte. ~ - COP}.RIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbuneha 1919 ~ , [12 Jan 79, p 14] . [TexC~ NEC i Preaident Hiro~i Kobayashi d3.rscCed the following criticiam at the ` ~ reporter wiCh regard Co computera. "You feel ChaC IBM~s canpaCible (interchangeable) mach3nes are euperior whi le the noncompat~.blea are no good in your accounta. This is aar;ething the user hr~s to decide. ~ A~suming that Chere ia complete converaion to compatibles, it would ~ mean ehat the entire market will be taken over by IBM." _ Fu~itsu, Hitachi LimiCed, and even Mitaubishi Electric are hitCing 8C ' IBM's compatiblea. Under the emphasis that compatible machinea are the only way Co go, there are limita to which domeat~�c salea can cover development costs and s~lea ccata, and sales muet reach ou�.;: ;o overaeas markets. In auch a siCuation, the question arisea whether the n~ncompaCiblea ~ will become a bottleneck. In this respect President Kobayashi has I~ been atreasing Chat it ia nonsensical to make that diatincCion between ~ compatiblea and noncompatibles. At the same Cime, he stated that the computer systeme which are the central nerv o us system of the nation~e economy and society ae well ae national defense are best served by ~ noncompatible computexs. He also made the following analysis that the IBM assault cenCered on the E aeries is not directed mainly at "Japaneae makers and American PCM (plua c anpatible makers)" but is the outcome of the "100 year war" between IBM and ATT. This company from the outset has not been out to topple IBM nor does it have any policy for computer apecialization. It runa a balanced business consisting of the four mainstays of . communicatiana, aemiconductora, computera, and houaehold electrical goods. It plana step-by-step atrategy to the very end. Here is introduced this canpany's canputer strategy, which can be summarized in the following manner: 1) developinent of noncompatible machinea, _ 2) development of machines to counter the E aeriea, 3) problems with NTIS that is a joinC ventu�re with Toshiba, and 4) overseas strategy cenCered on office computers. Director Akira Koike, who ia ~he actual party responaible for this company~s computers, stated that 1) there are no plans to replace - host computera by noncombatibles and 2) the present practice of using compatibles for pheripheral and tertninal equipment will be continue3. This is the poltcy that seems to prevail. "There are merits and demerits to 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 roR oF~rc~?~ us~ ornY _ to both compatibles nnd noncanpaCibles" (direc~or Koike) as he ~rankly stated his apinion. He also aCACed "the.significance of uaing eiCher ' type dif~ere with Che situation at harid,~.~'~' ~ If, for example, all the ACOS machinea were converted to IBM compaCibles, it cannoC be d,enied that vrai aevelopmenC coat will be necessary. There seema to be a~owing co.r,cenaus of this company'a membera that iti _ should conCinue ta follow Che non~ompatible route. The machines Co counCer the E series machines are expected ~o be announced _ someCime Chis monCh, and the following clearcuti atrategy was outlined in the manner "we are not conaidering a completely new seriea of machines. , Leveling up will be instigated centered on the competiCive ACOS 500 as We11 as the 400, 300, and 200 machinea also of Che ACOS seriea" (director - Koike) . ~ In this sense ~his company has adopted a aystem that enablea announcemenC oC i~s policy with no Cime lag following the appearanee of the E series, - but Che esaentiial item here ie just how much thia company can make up - for Che alleged coeC perf otmance (coat/performance ratio) that ia ~Ctribut~ed to Che E series and whether it can completely fill ita software _ repertoire. These perfottnances will mark the demar ation beCween gain and losa. This company has announced its answer to IBM~s concentrated and dispersed type computer the "8100 infon~nation system" in the form of its "N4700 aystem." ThPre seema to be the situation that this company has already completed close analysis oF the E eeriea machine capabilities to come out with this announcement. In addition, this company opened up a~ office automation camgaign last summer featuring ita G~fcon and �acaimiles. It is reinforcing its System 1000 model machines (three Cypes) ~nd ita dispersed treatment syatems by which it is hitting for e~epanaions at the lowesC level of use. In another direction, with regard to future direcCions �or computers, this - company stands on the basic awarenpss of "foll~wing the direction ~ of com onentizat~on." It lans *_o lac~ ~:ven - P p p greater emphasis on semiconductor development Co bolster the basic techr~ology. This company ranka third in the world in the volume of semiconductor sales following compa:~ies headed by TI (Texas Instruments), and iC plana to lay the foundaCion for becaning No 2 during the co~irse of this year. It has been clearly establi,ahed that the 1978 sales in the area of electronic devices will break the 120 billion yen mark. The next major problem as far as this company is concerned is how t~ fill - , out the syatem for NTIS that wae started in April of last year. i,ast April about 500 of Toshiba~s large type machine busineas people and ubout 50 people of NEC's ataff were merged into an operation in the form 9 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ ~o� orrrcrnL vs~ oxLY nf "ewd p~np1~ i~nd ehre~ �~eC." 7'h~ anxieCi~~ dv~r Cdnfuginn in ~�fdre~ and c~lienatiinn df ug~re eh~e cduld hgve ncCUrred aC tih~ oute~C _ w~r~ vc~ry lieClc~, nnd there ~re ~sgurnnceg thgC Che tiargeeed ~glee ~~~1 of 2d billinn yen ~or J~Y 1978 will b~ re~liz~d. ~ha ,~uUj~cCe und~r coneiderneinn Chie year include the r~tnforcing nf Ch~ syetem, ehiFC Cn a Cdncentr~ted production ~ysCem for turning duC eup~rlar~e and lgrg~ m~chinee, ~nd the unStizgCion of Cha ~ofCwur~ and maintengn~e indusCri~s. In Chts cn~nner~ probleme gwgiCing enluCion ~re piling up. Bgsed on the jud~nenC "rh~ ba~ia sCepe gr~ in tin~" (direcCor Koik~), rh~re is n~ed Co pursue wh~e dir~cCiona need tn b~ followed in order Cn en~ble eeCabliehment of thQ degree of cooperaCive eeCup thnC can be buile up und~r the davelopmenC theme of the operaeional syeCem (OS) rhat ie exp~cC~d eo b~ start~d in April of this year and d~t~rmine Che m~nner in which the next generaeinn eyetan will be completed ed ~upporC euper L3I development. It ghduld be noCed thge th~ fooCprinCe ut NTYS wi.ll ~erve es n"Ceat cg~~" in the light of the increasing clnmor for n third stuge reorganizaeion. The major items in thia company's overseag sCrategy gre ~xporta of Offcong ea th~ United StaCes and Chineae exporC etraCegy. Where Offcona ~re concerned, "NEC informaCion ayeteme" have already been built~ and murket aurveye and the bueineas system are being canpleted. The . inte111gencQ terminal printera head A list of iteme that have subaCantial export record, and iC ie planned to export the ~~Sy8Cert1 100 Offcon Chis year in addition to the above. This compnny together with Miteubiehi ~l~ctric hae been leading the field of Offcons~ nnd it ia expected that some poaitive reaults gre forChcaming. In the area of exports to China an order was received in the fall of last year for a medium type ACOS 300 fr an a light industry company located in Shanghai to be uaed to control ita Crade. In addition, nn order for a large type computer ACOS 500 was received frem the Chinese poaCal service and is waQting approval from the Canmunist Sphere Export ConCrol CommiCrce (COCOtfi). Last year thia c anpany conducted a aCnged exhibition of computers thnt was the first o~ ita kind in China, and it is eaid ttiat the reception was very favorabl~. The exports to China will emphasize the characteriatica of noncompatibie computers, and some favorable reeulta are expected. As far As computers are concerned, this company ia directing ita attention to growths in the computerization area exploiting cammunications technology deaigned in nnCicipation of the union of computers and coRmlunicaCion (this company introduced thie C and C concept some 15 year ago). In this aense a considerable fracCion of the canpany's strategy is expected to be pointed in this direction, on the other hand~ ther~ aeems to be aome question just how much aeight ahould be placed on dcvelopment and sales in the c anputer area, and the time is not far off when a definite choice has to be made. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbuneha 1979 2267 10 CSO: 5500 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~Uk O~~CCtAL U5~ dNLY U39R UDC 621.391 ORGANIZING A DATA TRANSMISSION NETWORK IN B~LORUSSIA MogCOw V~5TNIK SVYAZI in Ru~gian No 12, D~C 7~ pp 30-33 _ (Article by M. Prokop~nko and N. Ya. Omel'chenkn~ (TextJ The republic-wide auCOmated eygt~m for mgnugement of the nationel ecnnomy (RASU) being get up in the Belorus~ian SSR includpe sector-wide automated management ~y~tpme (OASU'e) and provides the meana for int~ar~etion between theee syetems and the republic-wide network of computing centere (RSVTs) ae well as the republic-vide data tranemiaeion network (RSPD). Ti~e republic-wide da~a tranemieeion network is undaretood to include data tranemiesion aubscriber stationa, communication channels, channel switching offices and mesaage co~utetion pointe that handle remote exchange of information among a broad clasa of u~pra (subscribers) and the computet information centers of the OA5U's with output to the netuork of cQmputing centera of OCAS [State-Wide Automated 5ystem of Data Collection and Processing for Accounting, Planning and Manegement of the National Economy]. The R5pb is being set up as a collective-user system for meeting the ne~ds of all minigtrieg and agenciea for reav~te data procesaing in the computing center network. As a conaequence of the lag in the pace of developoent of communicatio~ facilitieg behind the rates of development of computer hardWare, ' tl~is equipment ig not being used to its fulleet extent. Up until 1970 the only actually exieting fecility for datn tran~~iesion Was the AT-50 teleprinter, which doea not meet modern requirementa elther far ' tranamission speed or for fidelity, Which is lees than 103 foi es~bols. In ~ddition Fo developinR a teleprinter necWOrk, steps have been taken in the republie to brganize the transmission of information at higher speeda over multiplexed local and long-distance general-purpose telephone netaorks. Uata trnnsmission terminal unitg (DTTU's) have been invented, regietered and used in transmitting information without che knovledge of the Miniatry uf Communicacions. Agreements have been made with subscribers having Akkord- � 1200, DFYe-SSO and TA-600 DTTU's for using the general-purpose telephone 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~~x o~~ici~c, us~ oNL~ n~twdrk td trgn~mie infdrn?~tion ge g gp~ed nf ~00-120~ b~ud~~ Thi~ ~quipm~ne p~rmiCs er~tt~mi~~ion nf 1~g gymb~l~ ~nd ig provided with an ~rror-cnrreceing d~viCp ~h~e ~u~rant~~g r~1l~bility of ~t 1~a~t 10~-10~ f~r ~ymbols. 'I'he r~pr~~~nta~ives af ~ommunir~tion ~ne~rpri~e~ p~riadic~lly check the power at _ thp nutput nf Che DTTU'~, which ghould b~ ~uch th~t th~ gignel lev~1 gt th~ inpue nf Chp elnse~at er~nemi~gion gy~r~m do~g not ~XCpEd -l3 dB (SO 1,W) at ~ point wieh zero r~laeive l~v~l. Ln ~dditidn, wnrk i~ bping d~n~ in Che r~publie dn d~v~lc~ping ~nd r~giaC~rin~ th~ Sherikh fae~im~1~ ~quipm~nt~ Th~ propri~torg of ehi~ ~quipment are now uging ~t c~r ~r~ pl~nning td uge it for informgtion trgn~miegion over Che mu~tipl~x~d gen~ral-purpo~~ ~e~ephon~ neework. Agrp~m~ntg h~v~ been made with their (eicJ prnprietor~, and payment ha~ been coll~ctpd. Thu~ bpfdr~ organix~ti~n of ~~ep~r~t~ n~twork for d~t~ trenami~~ion in th~ rpt�,~u11~, ug~ i~ alga being m~dp of th~ multiplex~d c~l~phun~ neework. A plg~ h~s been worked out fnr development of cdmmunicgCiong in th~ BS5R fnr the fir~t phgge of data tr~nami~gion in Coordination with the 5Cate-Wide Uat~ `Tr~nemi~~ion Network for 1976-1990 aith g~par~tion of the year~ 1976-19f30. b~velopment df che firat ~hase c~f the datg tr~ng~ie~ion network fnr th~ ItASU of Ch~ BSStt ig baged on calculationg of information flowe don~ by the Beloru~sian Affiliatp of the A11-Union Sci~ntific Regearch In~titure of Problems in Manag~ment Orgenization. The planning organixation determined the capgcitieg and types of gtatione for eommutation nE rhannele and in- clueion of dgtg tranami~sion sub8criberg for each regional and territori~l center, the requir~d number of primary channela in Qach direction~ and algn the c~umb~r df gecond~ry multiplexi~~g rhanrielg for th~ data Kran~mi~eion neeWOrk. In addition to the necessity for further developmetit of the AT-50 netWOrk for data cranBmiagion, the plan reflects developmene of ~ PD-200 netaork aith provieions for including about 4000 gubecrib~rg. 'Che main purpoge of tl~i~ netuork on the first phase ie co meet the requirements of the rapidly develuping aucnatiated management ~y~t~mg of the republic for eloW-epepd daca transmisgion. In addition, the plan gives a 11gt of etation equipment, prim~ry end gecondary multiplexing channel-forming facilitiea and cable connectinns neceesary for organizing a data cransmission nptwork. 'lt~e pro- duction space that is required in communication cent~r~ tr~ acLommodate the equipment of the data transmie~ion network is defined. Congideration ig taken of che development of coa~ur~icetian facilities for organixing exchange of information between republic, regional and terri- torial centers of the SS5R. The gum of capital investmencs necea9ary for aetting up the first pha~e oE the data tranamission network is distributed through the minigtries and agencies (ahereholders) depending on the planned number of subecribere and the volumes of data to be trensmiEted. 12 FOR OFPICIhI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~'OR O~FICIAL US~ tlNLY ~'h~ p1~n ChgC hg~ bp~n worked ~u~ dd~g noe Cov~r prnbl~mg df d~v~l~pm~ne nf Cnmmunicgtinn f~clliCie~ f~r org~nizing the det~ Crgn~mi~~ion n~Cwork from ~ub~rribpr ~nt~rpri~~g en e~rrieorigl comnunic~eidn c~nti~re or the ~xp~ndi- tur~g fnr ~quipmec?t in loc~l ehopa, includtng the acqui~ion of tr~nemiteing equipmene i~~t~ll~d fd~ ~ub~criber~. P1gng gre b~ing we~rk~d dut fnr ~~tring up d~t~ ~r~n~miggiun n~twork~ beew~~n ~omputing c~nterg ~nd gub~~rib~r~ of Min~k ~nd r~~iong~ C~nt~rg of g~lor~gdig. ~h~ Mini~try df CnmmuniC~tidn~ of the BSSEt hg~ bepn commi~~ion~d to p1~n, build ~nd utilize ouCgidp 1in~ grructur~~, ~t~eidn gnd chgnn~l-forming hquipment, ~nd glgo to h~ndl~ tpchnicgl m~nggement of nerwork d~v~l~pmene. W~ nre fgeed w~th th~ problem of providing for th~ po~~ibility of data tr~n~miggion ov~r comnunicntion ch~nnel~ b~tween Minsk ~nd ~he r~~ional ~nd t~rrit~rial r~nt~x~ nf eh~ r~public during ehe T~nth ~iv~-Y~ar Pl~n. ~or earh P7'tJ5 (expangion not known~ prdvigiun~ ~re m~de for gp~~ifi~ appropri~ti~n - ~r c~pitnl inv~gtm~ntg tn p~y fnr t~l~grgph ~quipm~nt, and gpecificg ar~ given on inst~lling gwiCct~bo~rd and channel-forming equipment in citieg. `Ctie b~ge for g~tting up ~h~ daca tr~ngmi~gion n~tWOrk in che BSStt w~g glreedy b~ing prepgred in the eighth ~nd ninth five-year plan~. Work W~g b~ing done on congtructing intercity cable communication lines thar enable organizatian of coneid~rable trunk group~ of telephone and telegreph channel~, including for dat~ tran~mi~~ic?n. The pD-2U0 network in the 8~5R i~ being sec up by: cc~ngtruction of AT~PS-pD or Nikol~ T~~la crogebar telegraph gyetem8 for channel commutation fn che next few years in th~ r~gional centere ~nd lerge rities of the republLc; installation of PTS-K and ATK-PD automatic aubstationg in territorial centers; nrganixation of 200-baud chgnnels on c~ain lin~e and within oblaetg, uaing 'I"C'-4g and TT-12 gerie~-pr~dueed equipment; aetting up 20U-bgud telegraph channelg b~cwe~n automatic gtationa or aubstatione inetelled on telegraphs and eubscribers by uging type TVU-12M, URAL and UATA multiplexing equipment for municip~l tplephon~ lineg; uaing che local ghnp~ that are component~ of the-Ye5 Ryad computer syetem n~ the terminal devices chac muec be acquired by the subs:riberg. To trnin managerial and engineering-techni~al p~rsonnel for setting up the data trangmis8lon netvork in th~ republic~ lectureg on che fundamencals of organiaing a dete trangmieeion nettirork have bpen discributed to all PU'fS end rommunication enter~riseg by the division of intercity t~lephone-celegrAph communic~tioeg of the Ninistry of Communicationg oE the BSSR. ?his lecturp ~iveg thp brief cheracteristice of che AT-SO netvork and de~cribes the vays 13 POR OPFICI/.L US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ;,j ' ~Oit d~~ICIAL US~ ONLY Ch~C Ch~ PU-~Ud n~ework i~ bping ~~C up, th~ t~Chni~~1 gp~cifie~ti~n~ of n~w chann~l-forming ~nd eommuCaCion ~quipment, the i~yout nf ~he termin~l~ of Ch~ ityad comp~t~r ~y~tem~ In the offing far the ten~h and eleventh fiv~-y~~r p1an~ i~ c~n~truCtion of ~utom~ti~ t~l~graph ~tgtion~ for ch~nn~1 ~witehin~ in AT, PD ~nd ~S n~twork~ in ~11 r~~ionai cene~r~, and ch~nnel come~ut~eion gub~tation~ in gil tprri- torigl c~nCpr~ of ~ploru~~i~. ~'h~ y~~r~ 1976-197~ ~8w th~ introduation of ~ PS-Pb gtatinn in Md~i1~v, ~n A'~-pS-pU ~taeion in ~obruy~k~ and ~ Nikolg T~~1~-D ~tgtiun in Min~k. 7'hia y~ar (197g) AT-P5-PD gtationg h~v~ bpen inet~ll~d in Gome1, NovopoldCgk ~nd garanoviehi, ~nd an AT-pb ~teeion he~ b~en introduc~d in Grndno. ~efor~ th~ Niko1~ Tegl~ ~tgtion put into op~r~tion in Min~k, th~ commu- taeian o~ 200-b~ud Chann~l~ b~~a~pn Minglr ~nd r~gional ~~nt~r~ w~~ hgndled by a ~nmbined merhud: mgnunlly ~t the Min~k eelegr~ph, by ug~ng g~pecigl GorrpgpondQnc~ Commutntor (KOK, Fig. 1) modified ~or thi~ purpose. ~ig. 1~hoag ~ diggr~m of a univergal ~ubgrribpr set for thp PU-200 n~twdrk degip,n~d ground the A~tK-TT-20 equipment; ~ig. 2 giv~~ ~ diagram ~f the ~runk eet nf the worke~te nf th~ KOK-M commutator modiEipd for the Pb-200 netWOrk; aucomarically ac thp t~le~raphs of th~ r~$ional centera by me~ne of typ~ pT5-K nnd ATK-PU substgtion~. ~xperimental op~ration of the PD-200 net~?ork Wg~ begun in M~rch 1977 in arcordance with the method of channel coc~nutatlon b~tW~~n Mingk ~nd che regional cent~r~. To do chis, TT-4g equipment vae used in th~ necessary directi~n~ ra organixe cwo or morp 200-b~ud mainline channelg each. 5uCh coc~aunicatinn channelg hgve also been orgenized to a number di territorial c~nters by insta111ng TT-12 equipment. B~tW~en telegraphg and gubecriber propri~tor~ of terminal facilities for d~ta tran~migsion, 200-baud channele are g~t up by u91ng TVtJ-12M and DATA chann~l-forming equipmenc. Practic~ ha~ ghown that TVU-12 equipment ia ch~ _ most ~uitabl~ for organizing enmbinpd SO-b,~ud and 200-baud channels. Thie equipmene hag 9ho~+n etable operation With high reliabillty and does not require lgrge l~bor inpuc~ fer hgrd~+ars servic~ng. In thp cage of a small number of pd-Z00 subecribere located in direct proximity to o~e another, 200-ba~d channele are gec up with DATA-6 equi~nt, or eg a lasc regort UATA-3. Uf dll the bTTIJ's for the YeS Ryad rompute~ ~ygtem developed in Nungary, Hulgari~ ~nd ~agt Gercaany. the TAp-2 epparatug i~ mogt guit~ble for vork on the pb-200 n~t~rork. 'ihe republic received itg first consignmpnt of TAP-2 ~equipment (Ye5-8S02 prod~iced in Hungary) in 19~b. 'Lt~~ equipment was dis- tributecf to minietries and ~ger~cies that vere awst prepered co utilise it in thrlr own eutomated eontrdl 8ys�em~. 14 ~oR o~tct~c, us~ oxt.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~OR O~~IGIAL U5~ ~NLY ~1) n p.~/kpexodNOt yei p~ ~~p N~o~u ~Jj ~ rr Rn?-9 An?-,f ~,,r ~ i --~e ' XOX-N ~ q~ ~ IOdX SA' ~yfiNi stt ~x ~ 4e � ~K Md~~ ? IqpIM ~ ~ , t~ 1t +60 C N n fOMf w tK ~ ?TI', �11 C2) :s =te A I (4)urr" C~) xs~. KLY: 1--Transmitting 2--Receiving 3--Terminal s~t for data tran~mieaion communicationg 4--Cgntrgl Telegraph bffice As of lat~ ~978, the PD-200 net~+ork included 7S ~ubecriberg. Begid~~, at the Minsk ~nd regional telegraph officeg of the republic PKP-PD collective- user data tranemisgion pointe had been aet up. ~ To erain technical personnel for aervieing the TAP-2 terminal facilitie~, th~ Minigtry r~f Communic$tiong of the BSStt hae conduct~d classea of inetruc- tion on the equipment. A number of republic mini~trieg and agencies that are getting up sector-~ride automated management eygeems have also held classes with wide att~ndance of their o~rn engineering-technical peraonnel to atudy the TA.~'-2 equ~pm~nt. 11~e Mini~try of Communications of the BS5R hes uorked out an agreement for u,~e oE the ~D-20U multiplexed telegraph netWOrk according to ahich the eub- ~criber ig obligated not only for timely payment for gervicea rendered, but glgn fc~r technical eervicing of the TAP-2 facilities. Instructiona on operatinnal servicing of subscribere of the PD-200 n~tWOrk are extrem~ly neces~ary. lt ~hould be noted that the TAP-2 has a nu~nber of deficienci~s thet muet be elia~ineted. A weak point ie the puahbuttons on che front control panel that operate on the basig of the Hall effect. '[t~e drive belts and the chad 15 FOR OE~FICIkL U5~ ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 _ N'Ok U1~'1~ I C t AL lltily f1NLY _ ..~.,._.._a,.......,.~.y....~..~....._._.,_., Cfl Cf2 k0 ABf !t ? ~ ~p k0 T Ae2 n J~ ~ r 1t ll A B h ~ i i ~ . . . ir _ ~ . na ~ - R ~ ~ e~ iu~~ ~t 1 I Jf Jl 1 ORI .~?tp ~ f, I , 1 ~ ~ OXt( ~1W AOb ~ AKJT ; ' ~ !i0 h ~ . ti F~g . 2 c:lenning cover on the YeR-35 reperforator are sub~ect to failure. The Koneul-260 electric printer needs frequent adjustment. A number of difficulties have been encountered in the procesa of carrying out work on ae~ting up the PD-200 netWOrk and operating it in our republic. ~or instance after putting the Nikota Tesla atation into operation and connecting the ATK-PD gubstat2ons to it~ it was found thet there is no poseibility for connecting the subscribers included in these substationa to thoae included ~n the Nikola Teala base station becauae the TAP-2 equipment has no provieions for the process of receiving and indexing an "invitation to preset" signal, i. e. the second responae of the atation. F.ngineering- technical workers of the centers of communications of the republic have guggeated e correction for the circuit of the ATK-PD subatation aummarized in tf~e Table~ Which eliminates chie "incompatibility." 16 FOR OFFICII.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~dlt (11~'t~ iC~ ~AL USC tlNLY _ 'I'AgL~ - - _ : . . _._..y___. _ _.~._._..~._.....~,..m . ~~quipm~nt pin~ beCw~~n Wnrkin~ mndc~ d~r+ign�~tidn whi~}~ ~ump~rg arp insCalled It~c~ptinn nf ewd ~"~t~Cion VK5-1 AS`~5+ ~3'64, r~gp~h~p" ~ignnl~ withoue g2-/~1 ` _ ernngmi~gidn df ~ n~twork VKS-2 ~XS, ,~3 ~4 ~ C~C~gdry indpx ~2_~+5 'I'ranxmiggion nf ewo "gCatinn RegieCer 111~r'6`~6) regponge" ~ignnlg withouC ~1~~9 ~10) receptian of ~ neework n1~~6'~7~ Cat~gdry ind~x _ ~ I~rum the 'Cable it Cnn Me eeen th~t in tt~e rgge of gn outgning cnnnection for r~c~p~[on uE twn "gt,~tidn re~ponsp" int~racelon gignalg wiehout Crangniigeion c?C n nc~Cwork cntegory index, Jumperg nre instnlled acro~g the ping of the i~e~wurk cnt~gory ind~x trgnymigsior set (VKS-l, VKS-2), while in the case of .yn inroming connection fdr transmission nf two "gtgCion reaponaE" inreraction :~ignaly witho~t recpption of u network c~tegory index~ ~umpere are placed airro~s the ping nE terminal block CI~ of the register f'. The prdblem of w~rr~nty and posr-warranty maintenance of the TAP-2 equipmpnt must be re~olv~d. In our opinion thege functiong ehould be carried out by specialized enterprigps equipped with spare partg and having skilled specialiste. A re- examin:~tion shnuld be m~dp nf the makeup di the individual ~et of epare part~ fdr the TA~'-2 dgtg transmission terminal unit eince the delivered ~et contnins only TE3 plat~~. There arc ~till nn confirmed normatives for the expenditure of type TSV atation cable for installation of AT-PS-PD statian~ calculated per number nf inr~talled capacity because the planning agencies do not take consideratian c~f the Cab1E'_ requirements when calculating the funds to be allocated for the plann~d year. ~or lack of TSV cable alone, the AT-PS-Pb stat~ons in the fn:~tnlln~ion staKe in Camel and Grodno in 1977 were not put into operation, ~~nd ~~~n~truction was c~rried over to 1978. ~in~ylly, :~ome consideration shnuld be given to firming up t}~e rates to be ~hnrgeJ fnr use of the P9-200 network. (:OrYRIGlIT: Izdatel'stvo "Svyaz"', "Vestnik svyazi", 1978 b610 (SU: ''i500 11 FOR OFFICI/.L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ FOlt d~~'YCYAL US~ nNLY F12t1NC~ 1 _ MINISTT:ItS' COUNCIL M~~TS ON SPRC~ TEL~COMMUNICATIONS P,~ri~ AIR & CdSMb5 in ~r~nch 17 Feb 79 p 43 [Article by pierre L~ngereux: "Council nf Miniaters on 5p~ce Telecommunica- tions"j (Text] A meeting of the Council of Ministers on epace is scheduled for 28 - rebru:~ry nt the ~ly~ee to ~ddress the basic guidelines of French spnce policy, on .7 nnti~n~l levcl and on cooperutive levels--bilateral (p~rticularly with Germany) und multiluteral (with the E5A (~uropean Space AgencyJ). Thia meeting should ronfirm previous g~idelines already laid down by the Council of Minis- ters und put intn effect by the minister of Industry, as regarda reforming the CN~S [National Center for Spnce Studiea] tutelary and adm3nistrative ~tructures und gubsidizing industrial and commercial space nctivities, espe- cinlly for export--this concerna especially the space telecommunicationa sy~tems r.onsultant activities which are the reaponaibility of the Satel-Conseil _ group--but also as regards creating a new atructure for the production, mar- keting nnd promotion of the European "ARIANE" roc'�at: the Transpace company pro3ect thut Prance must shortly preaent to its Eu:.-~ean partners. j, 'T~L~CUM 1~ and birec:t TV " 13ut ef~e principal topic of tt~e meeting will certainly b~ the r~port prepared by Mr Cann~7c ~t the request oE ttie pregident of the republic in regard to the Jevc:lorment of teleprocesaing, and especially space telecommunications. It wtll dn:~l mainly with the two new French pra~ects: that of "TELECOM 1," tt~e n.httcm.~l ~ntellite Cor telecommunications and data transmiasion, prepared I~y ttie CNLS nnd the bCT (Ceneral Directorate of Telecommunications]; and those c~f direct TV transmisgion satellites developed from CNES and TDF (~r~nct~ Tclevision Broadcast NetworkJ studies on "TDF 1," a national satel- - lite for direct TV, und from studies on "H-SAT," a European project, carried out Jc~intly by AEROSPATIALE [National Industrial Aeroapace Companyj and MBB (Mrsscrschmitt-Boelkow-B1ohmJin a French-Cerman cooperative effort, together w:tl~ F'('CA (expansion unknown] (Belgium), within the Eurosatellite company f rc~mework. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ FOR OF'FICIAL US~ ONLY The "N-SAT" prn~ecC ig ncCuglly ~t ~ gCgndgeill ~fCer Germgny's and ~ronce's r~fu~Cnl~ Ca fund it (~c~e Alit & COSMO5 No 7S1), Bonn hav3ng underegken the grudy uf n c:ompetink prn~ect, "'1'V-SAT," in rh~ hope n~ gnining Che 1Qad over Frenr.e Ln Chc in~irk~e [or Cel~vl~lon brondcndr ~~~e~1.liC~e whicl~ looke very promi~ing in vl~w oC rhe intereat b~ing ~xhibiCed in ~urnpe (Fr~nc~, Germany, thp Scgndin- nvian counCr~~s, Lux~mbourg, Belginm, Itttly, Yugoslavig, etc.). It ig d3�ficule eo foresee wheCher a eat~afaCtiory compromiae can be found to reCOncile German demands nnd French intereats. Tn Che nbsence of a reusonable conc.~nsus, France might we11 have to develop iCs own tel~vision bro~dcuet saCelliCe, not ao much Co satisfy a domeetic need ns Co ~ttgble French industiry--especially A~ROSPATIAL~ and Thomson-CS~'--to enter fnreign markeCs in the fnce of Cheir American--and German--competitors. T~ wi11 also be m m~Cter of determining whether Frgnce has the necessary finan- ct;al mcxng Co support two new national pro~ecta ("T~LBCOM 1" and "TDF 1") HimulCnnen~isly in uddiCi~n tu existing prioriCy naCional pro~ects auch as the � CNCS "5POT" observgtion satellite, and perhaps also its military derivative, the "SAMItO" reconnaissance satellite. The direct TV sntelliCe, however, is certain to be viewed as a new priority fc~r vnrtous reaeons. To begin with, market for satellite television broad- caetin~ ie etill unCapped while that of classic telecommunications ia largely dominuCed by the USA. And, according to the industrinlists, the direct TV sAtellite market could take off like an avalanche as soon as one country _ places suc~ a pr.o~qganda instrument in service and its transmieaions inevi- tably begin to spill over into bordering countries: The latter will have no other recourse but to similarly equip Chemselves to offset the influence of their neighbors. ` A Heavy Luunching Platform for 'ARIANE' Dut tl~e development of a television broadcast satellite, which will necessarily bc a"henvy" (1 ton) satellite, is also u priority operation since it will proviclc the opportunity for building n satellite (omnibus) ~~latform eapecially suited to Ct~e launching cc:ditiona and performance of the "ARIANE" rocket. It ~ppe:irs, in fnct, that a European capability to offer its clients a"global contract" which associates furnishing of the launcher with the building of a "m~~de to order" satellite would favor the market for the European launcher. 'I'he lir;ivy platf.orm is thus the last indispensable link in the panoply of Launcl~ing facilittes in which Europe has just invested so heavily. It wou2d be ~bs~~rd to h:ive invested 4.5 billion francs in the development of the rocket :ind 1.5 Uillion francs in its proving ground 3[as printed] and to not be able to nlso build the satellites which this rocket can put into orbit. This is the lust step to be undertaken and perhaps the most profitable. COPYRIGHT: Air 6 Cosmos, Paris, 1979 9399 ~D CSO: 5500 19 FOR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9 ~ ~ - ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100040007-9