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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/09= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000500'18-6 ~ - . g ~ _ ~ ~ iur i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 . FOR OFFI CI?;l. USE ONLY ' JPRS L/8447 9 May 19 79 _ ~ ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ~ CFOUO 20/79) _ ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIOt~S RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 c~ NOTC - JPl25 publicaCiun:: conCain informatidn primarily from foreign newspapers, ~eri~dic~ls and buoks, buC nlau from n~ws ~gency transmissions ar.d: broadc~sts. hinterlal~ from foreign-l~nguage sources are CranslgCed; those from ~nglish-language sources are Cranscribed or reprinred, with the original phrnsing and other chAracCeriseics retained. ~ Headlines, editorial reports, and materinl enclosed in brack~es ! are supplied b;y JPR5. F'rocessing indicators such as (TexC] or [~xcerpt) in tl~e first line of euch item, or following the las~ line of a br:tef, indicnte how the original information w~s processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was summarized or extracted. _ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetic~lly or translieerated are enclosed in parent:heses. Words or names preceded by a ques- Cion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but havFs been supplied asappropriate in conCext. - Other unat~ributed parenthetical notes within the body of an iCem originate with the source. Times within items-arc as given by source, The contents of this pubifcation in no way rc~present the poli- _ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERIVING OWNERSHIP OF ' MATERIALS R.EPRODU~ED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF :HIS i'UBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 - r~ux u~~~r~1ClAL ust~ UNLY - JPRS L/8447 - 9 May 19 79 TRAMSLATIOi~S ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 20/79) - CONTENTS PAGE ASIA IDIDIA , Foreign Exchange, Narcotics Racket Busted ('I'~ H.IlV'DU, 14 Apr 79 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Opium Seized ~om Ship Passenger (T~E HI1vDU, 13 AFm 79) 2 Opium Growers in for Stricter Vi ilance ~ (TIl~S ~F INDIA, 9 AP~' 79~ 4 Briefa Drug Network U~.c;QVered 5 Opium Posaession 5 INDONESIA ~ - Eacepe oP Drug Offenders From Bali Detailed (Varioue so:~ces, various dstea) 6 Disguised As Old Nlan ~ Prison Director Sentenced . Narcotics Arreats Reported in Se1i (Ka~as, i8 Jan 79) io JAPAN Tokyo Pelice Crack Dawn on Drug Uaderworld ( THE JA.P~~N TIl~+~S, 29 AF~' 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]2 Driv+e To Leqalize Marihuana Goee Axblic (T~ suN, 4 ~~rT 79) 1.3 a - [III - INT -138 FOUO] ~ FOR OFFICIAL U~~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I ' FOR OFFICIAI. U5E ONLY CO1~E~VTB (Continued) ~8e MAS.~YS1A - Internatioual Smuggling Ring Broken e,t Airport ( KIN I4rl'OK DAILY N3~rTS, 20 De c 78 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - Opium Smuggler Sentenced to 20 Yeara Lnprisonment - ( IQN I4rTOK L1A7LY N~TriS, 14 Jan 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 - IncreQeed Use of Naxco~ics in Negri Sembilan Repo~ted ' ~ IQN I4~lOK DATLY NEWS, 19 De c 78 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Austral�ian Youth Proaecuted for Sanzggling Narcotic Drugs ( KIN I4~IOK LIAILY IV~~IS, 12 Feb 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - Briefs Life Sentence 24 TIiAI7~ND , Police Arrest American in aig D~ug Raid (BAIJGKOK POST, 18 Apr 79) 21 Druga in Dead Babiea Absurd--NaXcotica Chief (NATION REVIEW, 15 AP~' 79) 22 Briefs Two Held With Druga 23 CANADiA RCNIl' Destroya 40 Million Dol]a rs Wo~th of Drugs (LA PRESSE, 3o Meix 79) 24 Montreal Rai3 Nets 41 Heroin Dealers (Micr~el Auger; LA PRESSE, 29 Mar 79) 27 LATIN AN~ICA _ B~iAZII, BriePs Actress Arrested With Cocsine 29 COLOMBIA _ Marihuana Plantation Faund in Risaralda Department - ~Silvio Gonzalez Mora; EL ESPEGTADOR, 24 Mar 79) 30 _ - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 - A'0!2 OFF'ICIAL U5~ ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) pa,ge - Co,Lumnist Denounces Nkrihuana Legalization Idea _ (8an~;iago Romero Sanchez; EG TIII~SPO, 24 t~x 79) 32 - Go~rernor Caetro F~ers ~Mafia� R~tal3ation ~ ( EL TSEN~'0, ?_2 ~I~a~c"7'~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ; ~ - Aix~craPt With Fhlse Registrations ~iscovered (EI, TIE~o, 24 Mar 79) 36 Br3~e Ps Coca Plantation Found in Vaupes 37 - Nbre Coca Plantations Destroyed ~ 3? ~ MEXICO Gal~ran: Trafficking Reduced 90 Fercent (Arturo Reyes Razo; ET, SOL DE NIDCICO, 18 M~r 79) 38 - Edit~ar~ial Coaunenta on Antidrugs Prop,~ama ' (Fditorial; EL SOL DE NIDCICO, 19 Mar 79) 39 Drug Crop Growers Loee Lend Righta - (Jose Coronoda Aerez; EXC~;ISICfft, 18 Mex 79) 40 Pill Procesaing Iaborr~tory Disma,ntlPd, TrafPickers Caught (EL DIARIO DE NUE'VO LAREDO, various dates) 41 F.quip~ment .�~ized in Raid , ~1~rther Arreete Distributor Apprehended Brie fs Pills Seized in Metamoros 44 PANAMA Brie;Ps Cocaine Cargo Captured 45 Drug Trafficker Arrested 45 PERU Sevett Druug Rings Craclfled, Large Amounts oP Cssh, Dope Coiifiscated cor~cio, 27 ~ 79) ~6 -c- - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~ ~OR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) P~ge ' Hrie fa U.S. Drug Trafficker Arrested ~8 Drug Trafficker ~xtradited 48 Suitcase ConCaining Cocaine 'ForgoCten' 48 URtA'~UAY Moth~er, Children Arrested, Convicted o~ Drug Trafficking (EL PAIB, 3, 4 Me,r 79) 49 Fhlsified Preecriptions Flarther D~etails Drug Squad Release Seeks Source of Falsified Prescriptions (EL PAIS, 7 79~ 52 W~STII~N EUROPE FEDEF~L REPIISLIC OF QERMANY Increased Use of Cocaine in We~tern F~.irope Diacussed (FRANISF(ktTII~ AI~IrGE~TE, 26 Mar 79) 53 - d - ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 INDIA , _ FOIt~ICN EXCHANGE, NARCOTICS RACK~T BUSTED Madras THE HINDU in English 14 Apr 79 p Z (TextJ The Enforcement Directorate has busted one ~f the biggest and shadiest foreign exchange and narcotics racket involving about RS 1.2 crores in Bombay, Delhi and Jullundur. Ten persons involved in the racket have been arrested. Disclosing Chis here to-day, Mr. Satish Agarwal, Minister of State for Finance, said the racket had two faceta, one of clandestine transfer of foreign exchange out of India and the other unauthorised dealings in narcotics. The breakthrough, accordi?ig to an official press release, was provided by a slip seized in the course of searches in Bombay, indicating that the foreign exr_hange department of a well-known foreign company, licensed by the Reserve Bank as an authorised dealer in India had billed an American national with cable charges for transfer of $9,900 to an Ind ian in UK. - . Suspicious presence of this slip with the led the officers of the Enforcement Directorate to the officials concerned of the foreign company. Interrogations and investigations revealed that as a result of collusion _ between the company and a number of Indian racketeers, including an officer working in the Foreign Exchange Department of an Indian bank, hundreds of auch auspicious looking transactions of foreign exchange - of about its. 70 lakhs ahd been L.ra,n~erred out of India, between Oc~ober. 1978 and March 1979. 'flie transferera were invariably shown as foreign nationals, whereas the recipients abroad were mostly Indians. In so~e cases, the transfers were made to numbered accounts in Swiss banks. 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 InveaCigationa revealed that the alleged foreign remittera were non- exisCent, their aignatures had been forged by.the persons involved in Che racket and they had left no trace of their arrival in India at the addresaes given in Che relevant documents af the foreign company. The second facet of this racket came to light~in the course of search~a made in Delhi and Jullundur, Opium, hashiah and heroin worth a few lakhs of rupeea were recovered from one of the premisea search~d and was handed over to the Delhi police togeCher with the person from whose - premiaes the contraband was aeize@.--PTI. CSO: 5300 . _ la ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 INDIA OPIUM SEI2ED FROM SHIP PASSENGFR Madras THE HINDU in English 13 Apr 79 p 13 (Text] Madras, April 12--Over 20 kilos of opium (equivalent to abouC 1.65 kg of heroin} valued at $1,75,000 (Rs. 14 lakhs) we:e recovered from a - Singapore-bound Indian passenger at the Madras Port today. The passenger has been detained for interrogation. Descrihing the seizure as the largeat on the Coromandel coast during the past two decades, the Customs Collector, Mr A. C. Saldanba said the pass- enger had reported to the Customs clearance shed at the port before board- ing the passenger ahip, M. V. Dhidambaram, for Singapore. The Preventive Officer on duty at the counter casually asked the passenger to open the two hardboard suitcases and a cane basket for examination. Normally the examining officer would not look too closely into baggage of an individual, who was leaning. But when the 25-year-old man hailing from Lucknow became nervous, the customs officer became suspicious and made a thorough search. Beneath false bottoms in the suitcase, the narcotic was kept, packed tightly in thin material. Some more opium packets were found in the cane basket. At this point of time, there was some commotion and the younger b~other � _ of the pasaenger, wha had come to bid farewell, started running away from the a~ea. The customs officera chased and caught him. AEter ascertaining thaC they stayed in a hotel on Wall Tax Road, near Central Station. the ~ officer rushed to the boarding house, only to find that there was g third person, who had escaped from the hotel leaving his baggsge. Tl~is luggfige contained around eight kilos of opium, also hid in false bottoma of the apecially made cane basket. ` On ineerrogatiion, the brothers said they had met a friend in Jhansi and they all travelled to Madras, where the contraband was handed over to them. Initial cross-examination showed that this was the first time that the e~der brother was travelling outside the country. 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 Mr Saldanha said that an a,ffluent co~~ple of Indian origin, holding Sw~dish passporCs, who arrived in Madras airport from Singapore yesterday, c.EYe detained for trying ta smuggle in goods not declared by them. Dia- mond ~ewelry, estimated to be worth over Rs 1.05 lakha, were seized from the woman passeng~r's vanity case. Earlier, they had declared aome gold - and diamond ~ewelry valued gt Rs 5,000. The husband was working as an electronic engineer in Singapore. - CSO: 5300 - 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I1~1) IA Ul'LUM (~1ZUWI.ftS iN F~ft ~TRICTIIt VIGILAIJCC - liumhriy 'l.'IM1:S OE INDIA in Er.glish 9 Apr 79 p 9 = r � ~~~~cx~ ~ LUCKNOW, April 8(PTn: Opium tonnes ot oplum production every Rrowen in the lush plilas ot Utur y~~r. tt is believe8 thi! much' more Pr~desh ~preadina from Hud~un to 1s, producqd �ln ,Wese ~re~s. 7'he bulr B~nbanki are in for ~tdcter vl~iluice et lt; hoaever; ~ ttsYels tb t~r oft - ~ followinr detect~oa by tb~ wtborltle~ ueu tsrouak iatOCyhte and internu~ of their links with inter?~tete uid ,ic� Uonal W1nis. . tern~tional ~mu~len' p~ Nearly' 88,OOO,rillaQed ~te ena~ted Tha poppy `ro~ven, whore u~ce~ {n the lblds of red�~nA�wUt~e opium ton e~cported opium W. Chin~~ ~re poDP~~� . amaidered to be ~~t tQe bae e~w� APT'I correapondeat who visited Ilty producen ~ettlod (n arer 15,000 tbe lield~ in ~Huabankl dur!ni the - haquei. collection ~ea~on I~~t wak ~as told 7'he ~rowers in chis ~roa have aow by tha farmen tlut wme ot the pro� kimt to procas~ tbeir produce to duee ~u eonsumed � by tbe trib~is reCned forrtu ot horo~n�~qd awrpt~ ~bo tpa{~lired In makin~ 3ncWom 1a rurd mtaidutories. ~nd the rat war wld to the~ ~ovem� Hesidea otner meunta to c4~ck ~0f1~' ' the itle~al V~de, t1a ~ftta ~ov~~ Hawever, they uid the ptice p~id ~ ment hn formul~tc4 ~ a~ aheme ' to bp�ehe forcramatt~wss^~ety toa'~~1d ~ a~r~td 1li. 30 to ,lts. '1,ltl0 to {~erWn~ this w~s cbe m~in reasoe W~t ~ome ot - jivia~ intormation reprdia~ ~ ocn� the prodnce aa~b~ told Yo'ueEer- - tnbtied vM=ltie~`up~to'bne t! m, wotld ~p Mha ot~end,aoata, tban The oftfci~l fitures shor, uoua~300 double tbe' otflcid ~tioe. F CS(): ~i30(1 lE I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~ND TA ~ BRIEFS DRUG NETWORK UNCOVERED~-The Dir~ctoraCe of RevPnue Intelligence has uner~rthed an international network of narcotic smugglers operating in India by adopCing another method of cargo switching. The operations were carried out in close collaboration with the Australian NarcoCic - Bureau. [Text] [Delhi Domestic Servi.ce in English 1530 GMT 29 Apr 79 BK] OPIUM POSSESSION--Madras, April 12--The Narcotics Intelligence bureau atCached to the State CID arreated on April 10, Veeri Chettiar of Salem - and Jalaluddin of Pattukkottai for allegec~. possession of opium valued ' at Rs 20,000. The two, who are said to have brought Che contraband frozn North India, have been remanded to custody. [Text] (Madras THE HINDU in English 13 Apr 79 p 13] , CSO: 5300 _ - 5 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ZNUbN~SIA ~ ~SCAP~ OP DRUC OF~END~R5 ~'ROM BALI D~TAIL~D bisguised As Old Man Jakarta SINAR HARAPAN MINCGU in Indonesian 28 Jan 19 pp 1, 12 ~~xcerptsJ Around 2000 local time, Saturday, 9 July 1977~ an old man - painstakingly climbed up the ramp of ~ Gnruda Airways among other paasengers leaving the international airport Ngurah Rai in Bali for Jakarta. Before that~ the old man had passed the inspect:Len desk of immigration, where he confidently presented a New Zealand ~assport bearing the name of Art}~ur Jonea. ~verything went smnothly as planneQ, so that this old New Zealander felt safe and managed to evade the attention of guards and other people around him. Do you know who this old man Arthur Jonea was? He is none other than _ Donald R. Tait, alias Donald Andrew Ahern, an alien prisoner who had been sentenced to 17 yeara on the conviction of smuggling narcotics red-handedly into Indon~sia with his accomplice, David Allan Riffe, who was given a sentence of l yeara' i;nprisonment. tt turned out, ho~.�ever, that both Donald and David managed to egcape from ttic prisons in Denpasnr and Amlapura, Yespectively, $lthough they aere imprisoned 80 kilometers apart from each other. On that particular - 5nturday night, by diaguising himself as a bespectacled, bearded and mustachioed old man~ and using a New Zealand pasaport under thE name of Arthur Jonea, Donald succeeded without much ado in escaping from the international airport in Denpasar, Bali and flying to Jakarta. At 0800 local time the next day David also aucceeded in his escape from jail and folloa~d Donald to Jakarta. Upon arrival in Jakarta on that Saturday night, Donald put himself up in - a hotel easily. The next day he flew ta Singapore on Sigapore Airlines. _ Ax was the case in the t~gurah Rai international airport in Bali, Donald-- playinb the role of Mundy in the movie entitled "It Takes a Thief"--~was able to fool th~ immigration officials at Jakarsa's Halim Perd:nakesumah airport in a facile manner. Likewise, David managed to reach Singapore - aboard the same carrier. After having arrived in Singapore~they split. 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 . ~ Uuvld ~~r~~~~ded r.n AmHt~rd~m td be witt~ hig wife, who wn~ repnrted ill ther~, whi.le bonald flew directly to BanEkok to ~oin the narcnCice ~yndicaee �nr which he hgd been working. Lgeer on, atinund 22 Jenu~ryr 1978, Dongld piloCed nn nirplane of the A~ro Commander 6f~OF class to transport narcotics from Bangkok to Auatralia. 8ased on infora?gtion ~uppli~d by Indone~~a'~ Interpol, the plane wgs neught in th~ rndgr network of nn Augtrnli~n m.tliC~ry Herculeg plnne and was purgued forthwiCh. Donald and his colleague were forc~d to make an ~m~rgency l~nding - in r~ gma11 tow?~ called Kntherina, where they were arrested, th~nkg to the assigten~~ of ehe Auatralian aborigines. It transpired ehat Donald had ~u~t left Brunei and was Cransporting a cargo of narcoCicg. Up to now he is eti11 under detention in Australia~ awaiting setClement. Who, in fact, masterminded Donald's escape from Denpasar can alrendy be � - ~urmieed.. FirsC of all, as often reported by Jakarta's pregs, it was clear that the two foreign convicts were given sr much freedom thaC they coul.d p1aC their plan to flee the country. Previously, their defenae lawyer, Adnan Buyung Nnsution~ LLM, had aesumed _ that the two convicta would definitely eacape in due course. In a recent interview with this newspaper, Buyung Nasution said: "As a matter of fact, T was already suspicioua of them from the moment they turned down my advice to file an appeal to a higher court following the sentencing. I had often heard people eay in Buli that, generally speaking, alien cor~victs refuse to appeal, because in their opinion 'everything can be arranged.' On this basis, I am wondering whether the escape of Donald and bavid was the first case of its kind or whether there has always been some intrigue going on behind the doors. So just accept the verdict, languish in jail for a few months, and then escape." It turned out that, according to other sourcea, the escape of Donald and - David was perfectly planned by the internationul narcotics syndicate which hired them f.or ita operations in Southeast Asia. For some time paet, the narcotica syndicate has designated the international - airport In Bali as one of its transit points for the dissemination of drugs. - Long before Donald's and David's operations, the syndicate had studied the weaknesses of the Indonesian penal syatem~ particularly in Bali. In this way~ if and when one of. ita operatives is arrested and convicted, the syndi- cate knows how best to free him from imprisonment. It is quite po~sible that the New Zealand passport bearing the name of Arthur Jones and containing a passport photo of Donald disguised as an old man had been readied well in advance. And when arrested, Donald knew how to make r,p his fac~ in order to coincide with the photo in the pass- port. 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 Aggige~nc~7 Bnged o~n nonald's confeggion during ine~rrogationg by Aueeralian officialg, bnelt for~ignere rec~ived no gggisCnnce from any Indonesign inhabiCanC for th~ir ~eCr~pe~ All help and ~esiatance were recpived from pF,qple living ouCsid~ nf Indonesia. The ~nly Indonesiar~ ~fficial mentioned r~p~ntEdly by bonald during ehe investigarion in Australia was an indi.vidual who works in the office of the public prosecutor in Denpasar, Bali, named J. ACCOrding to Donald, in Che month of April 1977, 2 monChe xfter ponald and Uavid were g~n~enced by the Denpasar Digtrict Court, "this individual appronched me and off~red to h~lp me for my escape from Bali." "AfCer f~aving given him some money several times~ I decided not to have _ deulings wiCh him anymore. The reagon wae that he kept reviaing Che amount of nwney I was aupposed to give him~ and I lost confidence in him. Moreover, he refused to help David," I3onald snid. Dc?vid [sic] admitted further that originally he intended to serve the entire 17 years' imprisonment sentence in Bali. However, as he was heavily pres- - sured by David to help him escape, Donald rele+nted and changed his mind. Furthermore, his family invgriably received threats from those people who organized the transportation of cannabis, which caused the arresC of Donald. - According to Donald, his initial firm will Co serve the sentence fully wae based on the consideration that his business operationa and his friends are located in Southeast Asia, and on his belief that lte would be released one day by virtue of a presidential pardon. This idea, however, dissipated - because of the existence of preasures from a wide-rauging narcotica syndi- cate. It appeare that Donald has fallen into a trap from which it is difficult to absolve himself. He could die in vain if he ever tried to extricate himself and live a straight life. In the court case against Putu Benoem, who was sentenced on 24 January, it wa~ clear t!-:a[ Donald~ this "heavy-caliber" narcotics criminal, has great humanitarian feelings. In his letter addressed to chief ~udge SoE [.~rosa, who presided over the Putu Benoem case, sent from P.O. Rox 1407, barwin N.T., Australia, Donald stated that he wns prepared to make = a deposition. The letter, a copy of which was addr~saed to t~dnan Buyung Nasution, was sent on 9 October 1978. ~ _ \ "I consider it to be fair to those who are innocent," wrote Donald in his letter~ "that I present to you the true facts concerning my escape ~ from'the Denpasar jail in July 1977. This testimony has also been pr~- sented to various government offices in Australia and the Australian Royal Commission on Narcotics, under oath." - 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~ prison UirecCor 5enCenced Jakarta SINAP. KARAPAN in Indonesian 25 Jan 79 pp 1, 12 (~xcerpCe] During ite Wednesday morning seaeion, the digCrict courC in Denpa~~r~ Ba1i pesa~d a senCence of 3 and 1/2 y~arg' imprisonment minue detention t3me ~gainet Putu Benum, former director df D~npasar Prieon. According Co the chief ~udge, the convicted Putu Benum was found guilty, legally and convincin.gly, of having committed a crim3nal offenee by eyetemnCic planning ~rhich resulted in the eacape from Denpasar prisone~ on the night of 9 July 1977, of two "heavy-caliber" for~ign convict~, namely Donald Andrew Ahern and David Allan Riffe, who were ~entenced Cn 17 yenrg' imprisona~nt and fined 20 million rupiahs gnd 7 years' im- prisonmenC and fined 20 millio:~ rnpiahs, reapectivQly. t3efore meting nut the punishmerir; chief ~udge Larosa, LLM, explained ehe special aseietance given by the defendant to the foreign convicte, namely Donald Andrew Ahern and David Allan Riffe~ so that eventually they were able to eacape fram the prisone in Denpasar and Karangasem. The asaisCance given took the form of transferring the said vrisoners, to a apecial place for Uonald Andrew and to Karangasem Prison for David. ~ Other assistance prouided included: Freedom far the two prieoners to visit tourist spote, see n~nvies, receive visitors, particularly foreigners, barrow cars, depoait money in a bank in Uenpasar and visit each other in the prisons. 9300 ~SO: 5300 E~ 9 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 iNnocvrs~n NARCdTICS AI2R~ST5 1tEPORTED IN BALI Jakarta KOMPAS in Indoneaian 18 Jan 79 p 12 _ (Excerpt) A great deal of �ake mari~uana, made of "nuga-indah" flower petals, is in circulation in Kuta and Legian villagea, Badung Regency, Bali leland. The flower petale are first smoked with incense and then mixed ~,rith certain ingredients so that they look and amell like the genuine poC. They are subaequently peddled clandeatinely among foreign visitors, - many of whom stay in that region. The secretary to the comm~r,ding police officer, First Lieutenant Hari Soeprapto~ told this newspaper that he has succeeded in arresting three youths found peddling the fake pot. The police, however, could not bring - them to court because, legally speaking. the three youngsters were not peddling contraband narcotics and the deceived visitora dared not press charges, either. The three youths admitted that they were part of a gang of pushers of such fake marijuana. !,part from fake marijuana, the police in KuCa. precinct have repeaCedly confiscated narcotics from foreignere who Were staying there. They were subsequently rounded up xnd brought to court for trial. However, according to the police lieutenant Hari Soeprapto, the punishment meted out against them has not been harsh enough to frighten theae foreigners. Based on his experience gained in the Kuta precinct, Soeprapto did not deny the poesibility that Kuta region hae becon~e a link in the chain of the international narcatica netWOrk. He said, "Once three foreign visitor~ came to Bali as ~irat-class plane passenqers, arid later ~n they were found in possession of 365 grams of = her~in in their hotel room. Pertamina Cott~sge." Two ~~f them were arrested ~ and rhe heroin impounded, and they ss~re arraigned before the district court in Denpasar. Hoarever, they denied under oath that they Were the owners of the heroin and that the narcotics belonged to their friend. Subaequently, the district rourt ruled t~~at there was ir,sufficient evidence for the charge of heroin posseseion. so tl.,at eventually the tWO foreigners were released. 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 'I'hr .LuCcg~ Fnr~i�n viHlrnr nrr~etnd nn Yrnund~ hf poeH~g~inn nf. mnri~unnn waN IlulmuC Jnhannne ~ur~lkn. I{e wne nrrcHCud an 2 Janunry 1979 while ro111ng ~ mari~uana cigar~rte at a r~se~urant in Kuta. According to plnn, H~l.mut w~s to be deported from Indoneaia. On 6 Jnnuary h~ wae involved in a moCorcycle gccid~nt gnd died 2 days afrerward in Sangl~h General Hoapital. ACCOrding Co Firet LieuC~n~nt Hari 5oeprapto, the large quantiCieg of narcoCicg in circulation in Kuta have prompt~d Indonesign youngeC~rs to follow rhe fashion of pot-smoking. CMe young man from Jakartg eurned out: _ to be eddicted to narcotics ~nd, with Che coopera~ion of ~ doctor, he was aent to Jakarta to be treated aC ~atmawati Hospital. 9300 CSO: 530d 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I FOR OPFICIAL US~ ONLY JAPAN TOKYO POLICE CRACK DOWN ON URUG UNDERWORLD Tnkyo THE JA1'AN TIME5 in ~ngliah 29 Apr ~9 p 2 OW (L'xcerptsJ 'Pokyo polica said it had arrested 114 er ou and confiscated 2.83 kilograt~s of stimulant drugs worth 850 m311ion ~~~on the street by Friday in a ~~eriod stretching from October of last year in an invQetiga- - tion into eti'.mulant drug crimes by member groupa of Kohei Ikka, a gung 3ffiligted wf,th Japan's No 2 underworld organization Sumiyoshi Rengo. , The investigi?tion was carried out by a epecial ~oint squad formed by the Second Vice ;~ection of the Metropolitan Potice Department and police etations at rlitaka~ Osaki~ Shinjuku and Nogata. But the special ~oint equad wae diiibanded Saturday becauae many investigatore were aseigned to security t:aske for the coming summit of leaders of aeven industrialized nations sche2~uled to be held in Tokyo in June. The investiga.tion focused on transactione in Shinjuku and other areas of - stimulant dre~gs which Kohei Ikka gangsters smuggled from South Korea and Hong Kong. Police started a full-fledged investigation after th2y arrested Yoshitaka Morita, 27, a leader of Nishiguchi-Cumi, a gang under Che wing of Kohei Ikka, and twc other leaders of Nishiguchi-Gumi on 22 5eptember last year for trying ta amuggle 2.2 kilograma of etimulants from South Korea by concealing it in the double-bottom of a suitcase by way of new Tokyo International Airport at Narita. - COPYRIGNT: 'Che Japan Times 1979 CSO: 5300 12 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 JAPAN DRIVE TO L~GALIZE MA1tIHUANA GOES PUBLIC Karachi TH~ SUN in English 4 Apr 79 p 4 (TextJ Tokyo, April: An organizaCion called Che "Clear LighC SocieCy" is going public with its drive to make mari~uana smoking 1ega1 in Japan. Under the elogan "Le~'s Break Away F~om the Max i,~uana Law," about 300 Japanese mari~uana smokera or supporters have scheduled a symposium for Jun~ 5. It is believed to be th~ firAt organized move of its kind in - this counkry or in other parta of Aaia, where generally harsh lawe forbid the use of mari~uana~ also known as hemp or cannabis. The maximum p~naltiea are death in Malaysia, South Korea and the Philippines--life imprieonment in Hong Kong; 30 years and 15 strokes of the cane in Singapore; aeven years impri~onment in Japan, three years' imprisocunent in India and lashes in Pakistan. "The law, we believe, violates civil liberties and is an unconstitutional as the ban on alcohol in aome places in the old days," said Koh A'~catagawa, 45, who heada the society. Akutagnwa is a prominent oriental stsle painter and defendant in a mari- juana case. He said in an interview that many doctors and research groups, including the t3.S. National Institute of drug abuse (INDIA), have held that marijuana is not an addictive drug. CSO: 5300 ~3 C APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 MALAYStA ~ - INTERNATIONAL SMUGGLING RING BROKEN AT AIRPORT Malay~iA KIN KWOK DAILY NEWS in Chineae l0 Dec 78 p 1 (Text~ Kuala Lumpur, 19 Dec--The police of Malayaia have craclced down on one of Che biggeat narcot~Lr,s smuggling attempts of this year ~;t the So-bang ~ airpnrt at 1130~ 15 December, after a long period of active inveatigation. A toCal of 42 pounde of heroin and 14 international narcotic drug dealera were seized. Na-tu-ah-tu-la, deputy chief of the Great Malayaia Royal Police Force in charge of the criminal inveatigation group, said at the police headquarters today that after a long period of diligent inveatigation the Malayaian police~ in a~oint action with the Singapore central anti-narcotica bureau, hav~ broken up an international narcotics amuggling ring and eeized 42 pounds of No 3 heroin (enough for 3,708,758 in~ections) and arrested 14 ring leaders. Among the arreated, 13 are Malaysian and Singapore citizens, and one is a Dutch of Chineae extraction holding a Dutch passpo~t. Four of them are women. The deputy police chief said that at 1130 on 15 December, a squad of policemen from the p~lice headquarters arrested four international narcotics dealers at the So-bang airport who were about to fly to Brusaels. "Dine," a police dog of the cuatoms bureau, indicated that she smelled aomething in the luggage of the four auF :cts. The four were escorted to So-bang police station with th~ir luggag~ Following a thorough inveatiga~ion, 20 packages of heroin hidden between the cover and the lining were diacovered in each of the fou: pieces of luggage. These 80 packagea contained a total of 42 pounds of No 3 heroin. Shortly afterwarda, the police arreated six persons at a high-class hotel in Kuala Lumpur. One of them is Dutch of Chinese extraction holding a Dutch paseport. ~3e has been in Malayaia several weeks. _ The deputy police chtef disclosed that among the arrested, eiRht are Malay- sinn citizena, five are Singapore citizens, and one ia butch of Chinese ex- traction. There are three couples, Who are believed to be husbands and wivea. 14 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 He hc~l luvcsd Cl~at tl~ls qmuggling ring hnd ~nmeChing to do with n number of ~ narcntin ~muggling caseg involving Europe, Malaysia and Singapore. The four augpecte arreated at Che sirport were believed tn be intending to fly Co Bruasela~ Their final deatination was AmsCerdam. The deputy police chief said thaC the a~ized narcotic drugs were id~ntif~.ed as No 3 smoking heroin which ia 40 to 60 percent pure. He said that the 1lning of the four pieces of ~1-inch by 26-inch luggage was ingeniously made. The illicit drug was hardly detectable afeer ehe luggage is packed with clothing. He also believed that the heroin came from Thailand. An investigation is under way as to how it was amuggled tnto Malayaia. ~ _ 1004 CSO: 5300 ~5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 MALAYSIA OP'IUM SMUGGLER SENTENCED TO 20 YEARS IMPRISONMENT Malaysia KIN KWOK DAYLY NEWS in Chinese 14 Jan 79 p 10 - (Text] Singapore, 13 Jan--A 50-year-old man from Pa-sheng was senCenced to ~ 20 yeare' imprie4nment for amuggling a large amount of raw opium. The defendant, Lin Jingyuan, admitted in the court to his crime, and was sentenced to 20 yeara' imprisonment. The defendant'drove a car from Kuala Lumpur by himself and reached the Eh-lan cuetoms atation at 1830 on 23 October 1971. During the inspection, the police dog of the anti-narcotics bureau attracted the attention of the cus- toms officer on duty by its sniffing around the car. The officer became suspicious, and asked the driver if he had anything to declare for customs duty. The defendant said he had none. At this point, the defendant pulled the customa officer aside ~nd asked that if he volunteered information to the police, would he be immune from prosecution. Then he told the officer that hia car carried opium and asked the officer to keep the information secret. His request was refused, and a search of Che car ensued. A large amount of raw opium was discovered. In testimony recorded by the police, the defendant admitted that the illicit drug was brought from Malaysia to Singapore. However, he was hired to make the trip by a person named Ah Kou. His remuneration was $300 for each trip. 1004 CSO: 5300 ~6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 - MALAY5IA - INCREASED USE OF NARCOTICS IN NEGRI SEMBILAN REPORTED Malayaia KIN KWOK DAILY NEWS in Chineae 19 Dec 18 p 12 ' [T~xt] Pi-lau, 18 Dec--Officiating at the opening cere~ony of a new police bureau at Leng-yi, Kua-la Pi-lau, the police chief of Negri Sembilan stacu Cha-~nan-gan eaid on 16 December that there was an increase in Che use of narcotics in the sCate in 1978, while the number of traffic accidenCs re- mained about the same as in 1977. He disclosed that in the first 10 months of 1~78, the Negri Sembilan state poli'ce recorded 302 narcotic cases as compared with 240 ;ases in 1977, an - increase of 62. Cases which occurred in rovember and December of 1978 were not included. The followed ia an analyais of these cases in detail: Heroin: 162 cases in 1977; 194 cases in the first 10 months of 19/8. Marihuana: 2 cases in 1977; 26 in the first 10 months of 1978. Opium: 64 casea in 1977; 74 in the firet 10 months of 1978. A comparison of the quantity of narcotics seized is as follows: Heroin: 112.3186 grams in = _ 1977; 1,010.08 in the first 10 months of 1978. Marihuana: 6.84 grams in 1977; 17.89 grams in the first 10 months of 1978. Opium: 47.026 in 1917; 16,428.08 grams in the first 10 months of 1978. The quantity of narcotic drugs seiaed in Kua-la Pi-lau is as follows: Heroin: 19.6066 grams. Marihuana: 2.12 grams. Opium: 4.79 grams. He ~said that police authorities in Negri Sembilan state were quite concerned about the rise of criminal cases involving the use of narcotic drugs, and had taken severe action against such cases, resulting in the arrest of 240 ~ suspects, of whom 26 were sent to Mu-ke Mountain after their conviction; 15 were from Kua-la Pi-lau county. - The state police chief pointed out that the largest narcotics seizure in 1917 was 271.884 grams, while in 1978 it was 17,461.72 grams. - The aforementioned figures, he said, indicated that the abuse of narcotic drugs in Negri Sembilan has reached a serious situation. Although the police authorities are doing their best to deal with this situation, he added, the public is expected to cooperati.e. '1004 CSO: 5300 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 MALAYSIA AUSTRALIAN YOUTEI PROSECUTED FOR SMUGGLING NARCOTIC DRUGS Selangor KIN KWOK PAILY NEWS in Chinese 12 Feb 79 p 1 ~ (Text] Alor Star, 11 Feb--A tape recorder and a loudapeaker failed to escape the detecting eyes Qf alert ~ustoms officers when an Australian youth attempted to use these apparatuaes to hide dangeroua drugs to be amuggled to his home country. The youth wae arreated at the Chang-lun cuatoms inspection station for suo- - pected posseasion of narcotic drugs. He was proaecuted at the high court ' ~ this morning~ The suspect, Ro~s Anthony, 21 years old, is a baker from AusCralial. Re was detained at the Chang-lun cuatoms inspection station at 1240 on 26 January :978 for suspected poeseasion of 10,416 grams of cocaine in viola- - tion of the anti-narcotics law. Mohamed Joseph, chief inspector of the Chang-lun customs station, said that the defendant took out all the parts from the inside of these two sound apparatusea, and used the empty shella to hide 49 packages of cocaine. - The defendant hired Kans and Zao Guangziong as hia defense attorneys. The case was tried by Grand Justice Na-tu-se Ah-gir. The chief prosect~tor was Ah-tu-mas. The defendant's parents ,~nd his two friends were in the courtroom during the trial. They came spe~:ially from Australia for this purpose today. Customs officer Sha-ying-ah-r~,;-ah-tsu testified that at 1650 on 25 January 1978 he gave an order to another customs officer to inspect a taxi from - Thailand which apparently intended to enter Malaysia. The latter told him that there was only one pasaenger (the defendant) in the taxi, who was bringing a Yamaha loudspeaker and a Crown brand recorder into Malaysia on his way back to Australia. The customs officer told the defendant he . muet pay a cuetoms depoait before he could be allowed to pass the inspection " atation. ~ 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 - According Co tt?e invoice kepC by the defendant, theae appara~uses were - broughC in Thailand at Che price of 5,800 Thai currency, equivaiant Co 700 in Malaysian currency. Therefore, Che derendant musr pay a deposiC of 292.25. But the defendant said that he did not have enough money to - pay Che depoett. Then the cusComs officer turned rhe case over tio his auperior, Mohamed Joseph. = Chief inapector Mohamed Joaeph of the Chang-lun customs staeion teatified thar at 1715 on 25 January customs officer ~ha-ying-ah-tu-ah-tsu turned over to him the dPfendanC, a box containing a loudspeaker and another box containing a recorder. . Mohamed Joseph said that the defendant indicated at thaC time that he had a friend in Penang who could lend him money to pay the cusComs depos3t. The witnesa Cher~ Qaid that he permitted the defendanC to proceed to Penang, - - but the aforea?,4nt~~ned muaical applicances had to be temporarily detained in Che atorage room of the cuatoms staCion at Chang-lun. The next day at 1430, n customs officer, Mo-ha-mo-no, brought the defendant to his office, saying that the defendant wished to pay the customs deposit, and the money was obtained by pawning his camera. The witness continued that Mo-ha-mo-no went to the sCorage room with the defendant to get the two boxes. In the office, the defendant sCated th~t _ the contents in the boxes belonged to him. Subsequently Mo-ha-mo-no took _ the apparatusea out of the boxes, and examined the trade marks, serial number, and the model. Mohamed Josph continued that during the examination Mo-ha-mo-no showed some - suspicion about the apparatuses. Then he ordered Mo-ha-mo-no to weigh the apparatuses. The Yamaha loudspeaker and the crown brand recorder weighed 12 kilograma each. According to the weights stated on the manufacCurer's - _ label, the loudspeaker ahould weigh 5.7 kilograms, and the recorder 6.1 - kilogra;as. The excesa weight for the loudspeaker was 6.3 kilograms, while that a~~ the recorder was 5.9 kilograms. ~ Then the chief inspector said that he ordered Mo-ha-mo-no to open the apparatuses. The defendant appeared to be ghocked, and said that there was something inside. When th~ first apparatus was opened, a package wrapped with plastic was discoverfd. The package contained 25 sma11 packages of cocaine. The other apparritus contained 24 packages of cocaine. The witness then sPic: he recorded the testimony of the defendant. The case will be heard again at 1000 tomorrow. It will be decided then whether the defendant's testimony recorded by the chief inspector can be uaed as evidence for prosecution. 1004 CSO: 5300 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 MALAY5IA ~ I3tt2~~5 LIt~~ SLNT~NC~--Phrli~, 6~~b--An Au$trnllan t~acher, bavid La-ni-eh-lan, 26 ye:~r:~ nld, wa~ eeneenCed to lif~ impri~onm~nC nnd nne whipping C~d~y at the Ch;~-yEin~; diHtrict Court for hig involvetnent in illeg~l traffiCking in mari= I~u.7n~~. The indictment pointed out that ~c 164S on 22 Ue~ember 1974 h~ w~~ faund ~mu~~ling 1~63fi gramg of m~rihunnn gt pa~tung-wu-gg rgilwgy ~t~tican in violation af Article 39 (b) of the b~nger~ug brug I.eW. The court wag pr~~:~[ded avcr by Juytice 1'. Ma-po. 't'he chief pro~ecutnr Wn~ Pn-ch-en-ni, hc~7d nf the criminal gectinn of th~ Cha-yang police depnrtn?~nt. 'Phe defpng~ nttorney wax Cuangxiong. (Text~ (Selangor KLN KWOK bAILY N~W5 in Chtnc~e 7~eb 79 p 12~ 1004 1 C50: ~i 300 i ~ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 'TIUILANU - 1'tll,lc:l, Altltl.5't' Mt~~iCAN (N ttitG URUC FtAtb Il7np,kc~k ISANGKOK 1'US'C i n I:nY t i~h 18 Apr 79 ('rE~xc 1 POLICS ~d~ed owir a~n ot matf~ttwa rs4dy to be .mu~- ~1rd abtroad by l9ehln~ tt~wtetr ~a~1,~? Mondry mornln~, usd art~e~tad 14p~op1~ inoludl~ aa Amalr,ati ation~l at � - b~sob u~ o[ Khiw L~rd f~ ~ran Bnr! t~Utdot ot P'M~ ehu~p ~ 81dr1 Kban ProMnoi. A~ctln~ on ~ tt!,~olt, a~man wu hfnd to tran~port the marf� pollc~ t~am. led bypracbwp Kl~1M ~ u a n a ~ h 1 p m e n t t r o m t h e Khan poYce tupftlttt~pdtat ~:ol t~ortheuttrn province ot Nakhon 8afachon~ Nukdaw~lt, ty? Iq walt Hatchuian~. for th~ an~l~n. The arrest~d Mn~rfcan, aJleaed At �bout a ~.m.~. two ttt~ahNl I~a~~r nt the ~u~ war ld~ntlfled trdciu atrlrad ~t th~ h,.:ai ~ad a� T~rry Y~ccoon. He wa� p~opl~ ItkJudln~ tb~ AaNqcatf aqcrlb~d u� lot~�tlme reNa~nt aed two woaHn la~dlat ~a ot Th~ll~nd who ipt~k~ Thal - _ to~d~d i~7 aclu oi m~ar~iaa~ du~ntlr. ~lu to b~ traetK~rnd W;fl~rM Ap~rt trom 1,101 Wlo~ra~ums~ ~ M?altlt~ tnwl~n. ~ ot mati~wna. poltce found one - Wb~ pollct mad~ tli~ arrNt tU Yld awult riffe wIN anfmuni� 14 p~rfow d~af~d th~ ehar~N tfow tLree �~8 cevolven and ~ apinK tf~~ ac~pt � ttn ~,..;,~1 watkle talkle in the Wclu. t~nck dtirsr Vor~~utlA At� 'T~e accuud were all detalned tamon~khol, who aQeqJtted tlfat he ~t Phn Burl poilce ~tatlon. ~.ti~~: r)~n~~ ~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~tnit~nNn � UIttICS iN 111;Ab BA~t~5 AtiSUttU--NARCO~IC5 C}{Zgp -};kuk NATIDN RF:VI~W tn t:nat i~h 1S Apr 79 p 2 ffK ('~'ext ~ A 1'OPn~tootlcrtiphrr ~nd I Q~y.~o atandon tholr Internel ap~nt;~nd ~n~brd~y dNalb~d a'1n� to woh ip~culidon b~� ~tuff~d th~ to~o~ With a~diWe md In~pottib~~�' � ~uu it i~ mdroly im� b~~ of h~roin. Th~ bodki npon publkh~d M th~ PoMIbM,"~ Ntd ChaNit w~n tMn c~rri~d ov~t~fh~ Honp Ka~Q~bwd F~r tA~ A~vNw ne+ th~ badK u~pp~r~ndY ~P~ ~~t~rn Eoonomic Rwiwv j~'Y in in "Int~lllq~n,oo inp b~Wn in th~ arn~ ,ot whkh aid tiut d~~d Column" wid~out qW~stinp Nt~cttoM~b p~nnti", - b~bi~t h~d bNn uNd � ~~ny. touro~, It ~dd~d: "T1� IrtfMa - nr~n~ to tt~mpo?t dn~pr ~�dt~d 'Y~pora"~f~n 'Hit h~d to b~ Nu 1h~n ~~ro - ~aa~ tM Th~M~Niy~i~n ~Y~i ~n wuti�m Th~tlind Y~~n dd a tlv~t td~p y~d~~~ N Nj~T~p tlMt M nant p~iiod~ oi ~INp' did ot p~pu~y f~cnwy O~M nwit~n mu~Nnd b~bi~~ ~~m unn~tunl, ~nd ~d inl for =uppr~lon of ~ w~n?und M? dtu0 ~muo- to b~ uad whhM�;12 N~tlond N~rooda Ca~trol fllnp+~ ~ houn d dueh, whiM~1M Ba~d'~ Otfia Pol AA~j '1~iott M'~~ b~bla It~d f~oa nti{n~d d~ir Gr~ Chwdit ~IadnwnN, bi~n kldnapp~d, d~buph cblour," wld h~ dM nt~t bNlw~ In wm~ w~ ald to arlup~ TM Awhw ~wid th~ ~pK! ~t MI w dNn ~i~~by tfwi~ pwnb..Wfw ~umoun ww� tf?~t d~l~ wrn MrKd o~Ma MsiK K~ bN~w~d�to hw~~n modr oi tnntport ;br nwd~od~' ~o~ d~u0 ~~+'+~04~ un~nn M th~ir irt~nd~d ~+rn~ ro widdy krio+Nn'in fab " uid ''tM Rr?bw. 11~t Y~i that ~in Nt~ I~ ~,tnah~d any fh� ttory ~la wid: ~bru~ry.~ th~ pnu~plar~ oo~fi?ttMtloe on uech ope~ "Afbr killinp tM chilAFM ~PPrd wi~0 i4 ~t N~tt htiont. It li ~urt a run~our ~nupqMr~ h~av~ fot a whll~. CtiU: ~i'1f1O 'i J ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 THAILAND B1tIE~S TWn H~Lp WITH DRUGS-~Two Hon~ Kong-Chineee were arr~~t~d by Cu~tomg offi- - cialg aC Uon Muang A1.rport last night ~8 th~y att�mpted ro gmuggle 3.5 kild&rammee nf "brown suger" herbin out of thp co~ntry. '~he two men~- - Y~n Kit M~n (25)~ whc~ claimed to b~ ~ ealesmgn, and Kong Kgi Yun (25)-- were gbout tn board ~ Sabina flight to Brussels at about 7:30 pm wh~n two Custome officialp, Mr Chalerm Channui and Mr 5enchai 5iri, b~came suspicioua of their behaviour and e~ked for e~earch. The hcroin wng later found hidder in two boxes of foreign liquor and the fglg~ bottom ol a briefcase. It was reported that the tWO men arrived in Bnngkok abouC 6 dayg ago gnd gtay~d at the Star Hotel~ oppoaite the National 5tadium, until they checked out last night. ~Text~ [Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 12 Apr 79 p 3j CSO: 5300 ~3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 CANADA ttCMI' ~ES'Tit0Y5 40 MILLION DOLLARS WORTN 0~ DitUCS Mantr~a]. LA PRESSE in ~rench 30 M~r 79 p A 3 C'~extJ While RCMP ~ecret ag~nt~ w~r~ t~king ~dvant~ge of g f~w mam~nt~ of regpitp yegterday following ih~ arregt of 47 herdin dealere, their colleggu~e eeiz~d in Rawdon a metamphet~mine lgboreenry in fu11 operation Snd other police officers de~troyed in gn in~inerator 40 million doll~re worrh of varied drugg. "Wha[ most affects ~ poli~~ officer who is cArrying out a secret ~gent operntion ig the lonelines~." Thia ia vhat wae stgted to LA PRESS~`yes- ~ terday by one of the five RCMP agente who participated in one of the most effective operationa ever undertaken amonget the heroin dealera of Moncreal. For ~ecurity reasons, the federel police refused to divulge the ~dentity of these police officers and to a11oW the media to photograph th~rn. Nevertheleeg, during an excluaive intervieu, one of thege agents apoke of his experiencea. Lonelineas A m~mber of the RCMP for nearly five yeara, the paliceman is 23 yenre old. "It is herd to be always alone among these heroin traffickers," he stated. "Nothing permits a friendship to bc formed With thaee Whom on~ must keep under surveillance. I felt ao little like a policeman that I sometimes dreamed of participating in more active investigatione." In fact since his job is to gain the confidence of the trnffickers and buy the druga vhich are offered to him, the secret agent is not master of the situation, as is generally the case in a traditional investigation. Moreover, aince the traffickers apprehended this Week Were for the most part heroin users~ they have only a very amall idea of time. "They have only one quality," the police officer must have c~onfided in jest~ "that oE never l~eing on time." 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 U~pr~~~in~ t,if~ "in ndditinn to thp ldnalin~~~ ~nd difficulti~g in m~eting friend~, th~ ddubi~ ~g~nt liv~~ ~oneinunliy und~r t~n~i~n. He n~v~r knda~ hoa ~ meet- ing i~ ~oin~ t~ turn nut. Th~~e hproin addict~ gr~ g~nprglly nue vioipnt, but you never know whae eould h~pp~n ea u~. I a~~ ~lw~y~ on tny ~u~rd ~t~d th~ ~tr~~~ i~ in~~n~~." ~or thi~ young polic~ nfficer who i~ ~uppng~d td g~e mgrried ~n@xt m~nCh~ the eont~ct with th~ lif~ 1pd by the h~roin ug~r~ w~r~ oft~n d~pr~~~ing. Among othpr things he h~d to do bu~in~g~ wieh ~ coupi~ aho th~n 1iv~d on ru~ S~ine-Deni~ in ~n almogt inconc~~vably dirty ~p~rtm~n~. "~or ~ youn~ mnn af 73 wh,a 4~ gning Co marry ~oon~ cont~ct with g world of depraved pergona i~ difftcul~. Th~ child who liv+~d in thi~ hou~~..., i wot?d~r how h~ aill groa up~ I hope th~t he wiii n~t b~ lik~ hig p~r~nt~." Thig ydung pnlic~man who had hi~ ~econd ~xp~ri~n~e g~ s seCr~C gg~nC 1ik~g hi~ aurk d~~pit~ ~verything. "I had alw~y~ dr~~med nf doing infilCr~tion r~rork and thi~ ie all an experience which I would not h~~itr~t~ to dn ~gain." Nevertheleee, he add~ thgt it ie a bachelor's ~ob. "it i~ not g~ob for ~ family man." Labor~tory In anothQr conneccion, agente of th~ itCMP Joliette detachment took poeaes- gion of a clandeetine "epeed" laboratory installed in a cnttage in the regian of Ravdon. Tao Toronto reaidents, a 50 year-old man aad hie 24 yenr-o1d woman-friend, vere apperently surpriaed in the proceas of putting into op~ration this laboratory containing about S100,000 aorth of different equipment. The police officers had been keeping the place under surveillance for three days ~+hen they raided the premisea yesterday. Accnrding to one of the police officera, agent Alain Nardy, there on the epot Wae 10 lbs~. of inetampheta~aine$ in a pure state. Thia drug, in order to be sold on the market, muet be "cut" considerably. 'thig qu~ntity nor- mally would have yielded 210 lbe. of "spe~d~" as it is found at the ~evel of users. A pound 18 noW sold for S3~SOA. In "wholesale" trade, th~ ammunt af thig seizure rapresents a loss of $735~000. Nevertheleas~ if this merchandise were sold by the gram, this figurp must then at least be doub:led. Destruction ~inally, ns the police must do periodically, the pereon responsible for the RCMP narcotics section~ 2nspector Cilles Favreau, yfsterd~y conducted 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 , ~ d~gtru~tion ap~rgtinn~ And eh~t w~g hdw npprdxim~t~ly $40 milli~n wnreh of h~roln, h~~hi~h, ~oceine ~nd m~rijunn~ were burn~d in thp itt~in- ~r~e~r df Ch~ ei,Cy nf Mdntregl~ rue Upe Carri~r~~. ~~cnre~d by ~~~v~rai he~viiy ~rm~d polic~ offie~~~, ~ tt~uckfui of. dru~e 1~ft th~ ~Ci~ ~~f~ty v~ule~ f~~ the inciner~Cdr'e boiler~. Th~r~ w~~ $20 million worth of h~roin in g~m~11 b~~. In fact, ie w~~ the narcaeic~ whi~h l~d Conrad gduch~rd into pri~dn for 25 y~~rg. 8nu~hnrdv who wes one of the mo~t w~~1-known trgffirk~rg in th~ Mnntr~at "fnmily~" h~d been arr~~t~d in 1972, in po~~~~aion of fiv~ kilog of th~ pureet h~roin available on the market. "Such good qua~ity i~ no long~r ~~~n today~" ticcording to one of th~ inv~~Ciggtorg. On~ dag~ c~ntF~in~ only ~bo~t thre~ p~rc~nt heroin. At the pr~~~nt priG~ of h~rnin, ~ t.r~ffirker cgn get n~arly $4 million per kilo, if th~re were ~uch a large c;uantity of it on ti:~ mark~t. In 1972, g trgffick~r cnuld pay $12,000 fc~r a kilo in Montregl whil~ today he wnuld hnve tn sp~nd 5100,000. 9181 CS~: 5300 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 CANAUA - MON'rR~AL RAIU N~TS 41 HEROIN UEALEtt5 - Montr~el LA PRESSE in Frpnch 29 MaY 79 p A 3 (ArtScle by Michel Augert"it~xzi~ ~mong t~erain D~gl~r~"~ ~ ('~exr~ A team of fivp double agent~ nf the Roya1 Can~di~n G~ndgrm~rip put an end, y~etarday, after five mo~nthg of inquegt~ to one of the biggegt infiltration operations among heroin peddl~r~ of Montr~gl~ an inquegt which wae concluded by the arrest of 41 persons. Since la~t swnmer, "narc~", as they are called in th~ mili~u, hgd paesed them~elvea off among "pushere" a$ heroin ueers looking for Cheir drug. Yn thie aey they aere able to get a hold of heroin ~rith a markpt velue of about $100,000. Supported fly a ahol~a t~am of epecialiste of the narcottcs eection of the GRC (Royal Canadian Gendtrmeriej in Montr~al, these eecret ag~nte a~re particularly active in canter-city, wh~re indeed virtually ~11 of yeater- day's arrestg aere made. it Wae around 7 o'clock yegterday morning that the police undertook their rafd. A fea of the people who vere apprehended h~d alr~gdy been incar- cerated in a similar operetion three years ago, eccording to Neadquarters Ser~ennt Leonerd Mesge, who ig in charg~ of that dogsier. All nrrested persons, after bei~g taken to GRC headquarters, Were brought befor~ the police officerg responsible fnr eheir misfortunea. Theae confrontations led to ludicroua ecenea: Some of the suspects appreciated the policemen's acting talpnt, ahile the ma~ority accepted the affair phl~gmatically. The deteined peraoms aere then taken co the Courthou~e wh~re many of them - had alret?dy appeared. 1'he proaecution having objected to b~il, inquest~ Will teke place here tomorro~+ to decide ahecher their r~lease represents a dnnRcr. 27 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 tn~uridu~ A~~arding to G~C In~p~cenr Gi11eg ~avr~~u, h~rnin ig th~ ma~e injurinu~ dru~ n~w on rh~ mnrk~e. Y~~t~rd~y'~ dper~tion wa~ nimed pr~d~min~ntly at p~ddl~r~ ~ho ~p~rnCe dn ehe ser~ec, ~nd nor ~e bi~ int~rn~tidngl tr~f- flek~ers. "Th~ ~rig3n df ehig drug i~ in S~ueh~~~e A~ia," ~aid Mr~ ~'avreau, "nnd traffick~r~ u~~ eh~ m~il ~ gr~~e d~~1 t~ ~~t h~rdin in, whi1~ sum~ - nf t}i~m ta a11 eh~ w~y nver eh~r~ to obe~in eheir ~upply. ~h~ ~r~ of th~ ~ grent ~r~ffick~r~ imporrin~ e~n~ of kil~~ ~t ~ tim~ ~~em~ ed h~v~ gnn~ by." Ac~ordin~ to the G1tC'~ figureg, g heroin u~~r n~edg g hglf ~ grammp of - this drug daily to g~ti~fy th~ habit, at e cogt of $20U. ~ndeed, n~~roin a8diet n~@8~ a e~e~l ~um af ~b~ue $75,000 ~ year for dgiiy in~~~eion$. Sin~~ thi~ sum ig more ofe~n th~n nnt ubeain~d ehro~gh crimR; th~ ~a~t td ~oaipty ig enormou~~ Po11c~ gn go fer td budgee the figurp of $600,d00 per~ddi~ct~nnually ~e ehe m~net~ry imp~~t an ~t~ime. tn E~ct, explained ~ne of the polic~men, h~rdfn nddicts ~re pnrticularly inv~lv~d in theft~ ~nd they only c8sh in nbout tpn perCenr di th~ v~1ue oE ch~ roerchandi~~ stol~n. In thig Way they have tn gC~~l mor~ than g hnlf a million dollarB' ~rorth of goods to kee~ up th~ir ~upply. On t1~e oeh~r han~, Fr~nch police yp~tprday asked for the cdllgborntion of ch~ G~C eo id~ntify a;luebec hashieh trafficker aho reeently ~lipp~d thrdugh their fiagerg. The man~ Who had identified himg~lf ~g Guy Love ~nd ~~rnand NadBau, ~~~m~d rot to exigt. Neverth~less police really 9eized ~ lgrge quantity of druge on the Bel~ian frontier~ and, one doeen't knoa ~u~t hoW~ their man ~uccegded in glipping betw~en their fingerg. 9347 CSO: 5300 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 � B12AZYL F BRI~F5 ACTR~3S ARRE9TgD WITN COCAINE--Rio de Janeiro~ 24 Apr (AFP)--Rejane Medeiroe, one of the moet famoue Hras~ilian cinema actraeeee, wae detained in the faohionable diatrict of Cop~cabana lget night with 100 gramg o~ cocaine. ~he actreea confeeaed to be a cocai?~e addict. CParie APP in Sp~ieh 1638 GMT 24 Apr 79 PY) CSO: 5300 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 CULOMBIA ~ MARIHUANA PLANTATION ~OUND IN RIS~?itALUA UEPARTM~N'T Bng~ta ~L ~SPECTADO~ in Spgnish 24 Mar 79 p 10-A _ (Article by Silvio Gonzalez Moraj (Text~ pereira, 23 Mgrch--DAS ~AdministraCive Department of 5ecuriCyj agenCs have discovered an eight-hectare marihuana plantation, the lergest ever four.d in the hietory of Risaralda Department. Ita value is eatimated at about 20 million pesos. 'I'he crop was located at'ter two months of tracking down by DA5 a~;ents in itiearalda. '1'heir investfgations did not achieve poeitive _ results until very recently. mhe plantation w~a found covered by maize and coffee arops, which made it difffcult for t}~e authoritie8 as well a~ the neighboxs to detect it. It wac found on the La i:sCrella property in ~~La Balda" settlement~ severa~ kilometers from the town of La Celia in the west of the department. 'i'he nutl~orities man~r;ed to arre~at four persons, w::o confessed that tl~ey were the owners nf tiie crop. Thia is onc of the most succees- ful actiona ever carried out by forces of the DAS fn this part of ~ tl~e country in recent timea. 'rhoae arregted were iclentified as ,lrturo C,allego, owner of the property, Abraham Charry, Jose Vidal Gaviria, and i;ildardo Cast- rillon. 'rhey are At the dispoeal of a apecial ~udge. Connnctions Agent~ attached to the DAS in l~isaralda catttinued their string~snt invertiEatfon in :;everal towns in the weat of tlio department a~td locations in tlie north of the Valley, aince it ia assumed that other pluntatione exist. 'l~hey are 11r.o attempting to lacate other persons who have aomething to do with the crop that was discovered. 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I . _ ~ ~1 � ~ . :Sr.cui�itiy forouc~ nro l;ryinE; tn find ou~ what ac?nrieotii.~n~s t}1oc~e arrnn~ed - m~y huve with .tbreiE;n dru~ der~lerc~ r:?nd ol}iura ineido tlie oountry~ and esprci~zl].y ~o es1.~?bligh the identity of tlie people who were going to purcl~~xse the crop, onae it wae ready. Incineration Members of tihe nAS prooeeded to burn the extensive planta~ion of cannabie sativa in the presence of a repre8entative of the nublia Plinistry. This action we~s carried out shortly after the discovery, it ~ was reported. ~ ti1,~1 CSU: 53db 31. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~ COLUM}3TA CUJ,UMNIS'r U~:NOUNCI,S MA12IHt1ANA L~c3ALIGATIUN TD~A l~op;o~a i~;L '1'II;Ml~O in :~panieh 24 Mar 'T9 P5-A ~Article by Santia~o komero Sanche] ~Tex] IVowadays timid debatea are ~oing on r~bout the feasibility of legalizing the cultivation and subsequent trade in marihuana. A few people have contributed their arguments; and scientifia~ _ soci~l and economic pronouncements have been made, for and against the claims of eome, or the moral-social impos~ibility outlined by otliers. = It is ~p,~ropri~~to to make some fa.cts cleur about the effecte of ~ marihuana on society and humar;ity, ~nd to find out whut ite " "ch~,racteristics" are before leanin~ toward one group or the other. ~ hiarihuana, which originated in the Americas, has been used sinae time immemorial in the forro of its leaves and flowerets. It should be noted that only tae female stem of the plant can be used as a hallucino~;en, since the ma~culine one con.;ains very little of the active substance. Becau~e of the bad effects resultin~; from i,ts conaumption, itF: use hae beei; scientifically clasnifiod as a major r~ddiction - cannabiam - alonp, with opium and cocaine addiction und alcoholism; Three reaults are attributed to the use of marihuapa. One is psych- olo~;ical, it can even lead to mental and nervous disturbanaes; another is biolonical, bringing about physiopathological confusion with ito repeated use, or habit; the t~~ird is aocial, when ita ~;eneral u~3e - depravity - causes a real t~ublic calamity. Uti~er r~~sults combined with these efi'ects are: los~ of inemory~ faulty judgment, slowing down of psychic processes, poor intellect- ual capacity, neqlcct of work, lo::s of all intere~t, indiiference, a~;.:reR>iveness, m~rked tendency toward crime, exce~sive anxious _ Kctivity in locatin~; the drug. 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 Whon ~he ~~benefita'~ of m~rihu~na have been noted, it would be f.zdvi~~b].o to ponder how ~nyone cottld con~idor trade of tli~s kind u++ moral and wtiich ao~r~ not oriminu~.yy threr~ten the exir;~ence of m~n and ~ociety. '1'o fof.+ter an ~~ctivity o~ thia aort - its aultivat- - ion, deve.lopment and nationr~l and inCernational marketing - is ~imply unethical and ugly. And since tlie ma~ority oF nations today prnhibit the use or thQ tiallucinogen and ite ea1e~ whom w~ii Co~.ombia tracie with in ttiis new market of vice and death? Tt sllould not be for~otten that the use of marihuana is to health as violence is to pe~ce and de~truction is to creation. ~131 (::~0: ~300 . r 33 ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ' c:U1,~rf~in ~.~v~~;;tr~o~~ ca.,~r~u F~~:r,~~;~ ~Mn~~~rn~ ~~,~~1LIA~~'IUN _ t3o~rnta J;l, '1'II;MrU in Spunish 2?. Mar 79 p 1-A ~Tex] ~i'he governor of Cesar, Jose t3uillermo Caatro C~stra, has aeked hia collea~;ues on the caQSt and in other department~ to apply the ::~~curity Statute to help ti~ht ac;ain~t the narcatics tr~ffic. The official a~;~eared Goncerned ubout tlie Qituation, and ~aid: ~~wiien the n$tion knowe th~t in Ma~dalen~, la (3~~3ir~, Plorte de :;ant~?nder, 14eta~ 13olivar and even Huila pl~?nes are ~gki:~g ofi' with njarcotics~ it ie inexplicable why the ~overr?ors of those depart- mneta arQ not imposing the Security 5t~tute." '~I resenL it," he stated, '~bec~use they are makin~ me out to be the villain of the show, and I do not want to keep aeemin~ like one, _ becau::e the fight ie not agains: ~ust anyoae, ft is against the fnternational ~mafias~, and I cannot run the risk of being � lfquidated." Ffe asr:erted, however, that s~a~ long as the Securf ty Statute i~ in force, as long as Pregident Turbay is fn charge of the deA~iny of the country~ and as lor?g as the police keep detecting airporta, I Will go on applying sanctiona as drastically as I have been." Governor Caetro Castro ::tated tnat thanks to the anti-narcotica actiona which his admini3tration has been carrying out, the coca and marihuana gengs no lonp,er ~nt to operate in hia department, because they fear that the hand of the lav will fall on them. Caszro Castro related that yesterday another clandeatine airstrip � was discovered in Cesar. It w3s being uaed by internatianal ganga - for t~~eir operationa to neighboring countries. A total of eight . aecret airporta have been tound in Cesar ~ince the Security ::tatute ctime into forco. 3~+ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 Un thg ~ther h~nd~ the le~~er n~ Cao~r su~port~ the po~ition of ~h~ gov~rnment in bein~ oppo~ed to the 1e~alixation of marihuana in Colombia, and he st~t~d tih~t a me~uure of such ma~nitiude would bring about a aertoue imb.~i~nc~ in tihe country'g economy an~i would cQUg~ a draetic ri~e in ~he :~~Mt of livin~. tie addede '~~'hnti would ~?llow r~~m~ to Qnrich tr?emnelvee uetronomical'ly, and other~ would r~main vexy ponr." He gtrenc~ed:"The g~laries paid by the ~overnment in aectorg such ~g the police, health~ education, etc. never wnuld be ~ble t~ ~ compensate for the high cost of living which normal trade in marihu~n~ would produce." t~131 CSU:5300 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 . CULnM[3IA AIE2CNAh'~' ,IITFt C'A~.S~: K~;(}IS~ItpmInNS DISCOV;~;HED tlo~;otx t~;L TIF.'M~0 in Spanieh 24 M$r ~9 p1~-A ~ex] Civi1 Aeronautice has discovered a nea tactic--falgifie~tion of ra~;iatra~ion-- being uaed by p~anee transporting narcntice. ln recent we~ks, Aome aircraft reporting their pasBare over the country have used identifioation belon~rfn~ to other planea. The alert ordered by the Director of Civil Air Uper~tiona brought results yesterday~ xhen at leagt two aircraft givin~ air controllers f~l;;e identification wQre dincovered. '1'1~e fir~t wae a Curtiac C-46, which suppo,,edly announced it wae travelling betaeen r'smeraldas, 'r;cuador, and Cali. In the firat rcport the pilot identified hims~alf as plane NC-9o5� These letters ~re the ones used for :cuadorfan registrations, but conr~ultations with Civil Aeronautics in quito revealed that no such registration existe. As might have been expected, after itg ffrat radio report the plane did nnt arrive at Cali, nor did it paer: by Tumaco, the obli~atory control point on tf~e flight route which tiie pilot first filed. The s~cond ineident occurred in the afternoon, when the eontrol center received a reoort which indicated that plane ~~3~6~~ wae flying over t~uerto Lequizamo. - 'Phe mention of a number not preceded by letters could mean the pres- ence of a military aircraft~ but this number Nas tr;at of a FAC ~Colombiad Armed F'orce] Mentor which h~.d been destroyed in a crash four years ago. As rep,arda civil aircraft, that number wae also not current: the first plane which r,ad the registration IiK-3~6 ~ lost it, al~o in a crash. liecuuse of the tricks of the suspiciou~ planes~ a combination of procedureu haa been developed vhich~ it ia hoped, will lead to cor?- trol of ti~e situation and capture of r~ome of the offenders. ~131 CiuU : 53(~ 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~ CULOMBIA gFtI~~S CdCA I~LANmA'rION !~'OUNU IN VAUP~S Authorities have revealed th~t a 3n-hsetare ooca pl~ntation has been diecovered in the region of Mir:iflores, Vaupee. 3fx persons were arreated for this offenee. mhey ' Wer~ identified ea 5antiago ~ineros, Laureano c~omex, ~ernando aaltan~ Alfredo ~eyea, Hermes ~alcedo and ~;miliano Neira. The authoritiea - also report that a pulice patrol captured Luis Antonio Alcazar on an intercity bue travellin to Bogota. 19 pounds of marihuana were found in his poaaesgion. ~ex~ ~ogota ~L ~:I~MPO in Spanfeh 27 Mar 70 p1~-~ $131 MUit'r', COCA pLANTATIG115 D.;STROY~D As a result of a seriea oi oper- ations carried out in different departmenta of Colombfa~ secret agentB of the :;t~te have succeeded in confiscating and later burning 72~000 - coc~~ plants, valued at approximately 22 millio~ pesos, according to a report released last ni~;ht in 13o~ota. The operations were carried out in Meta, iiuila, Cauca and Antioquia. The erops impounded by the a~ents are valued, as stated, at about 22 million pesos, and according to the report, were burned, as stipulated by law. The report adda that ~luring the action of the authoriti~~, eight persons were arrested, two of whom were North Americans and one French. ~ex~ ~oR~ta EL ~51~i:c~rnnox tn Spanieh 6 Apr 79 p15-A] 8~3~ C50: 5~00 3? APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 M~XICd CALVAN: 'fttA~~ICKING it~UUCED 90 P~EtC~NT Mextcn CiCy EL 5nL b~ M~7tIC0 in Spani~h ~.8 Mar "~9 pp A-1., A-].0 _ ~Arcicl~ ry Arturo ReyES R~zoJ CThxt] Culia~an~ Sinalo~, 1'l M~rch: National Uef~n~e Secretary Gen ~elix Galvan Lope~ etated h~re yesterday ~h~t owing Co acCion Caken by the Attorttpy General'e Officp and the M~xi~an Army, drug rultivation and traf- fiCking hns been reducpd by 85 to 90 pprcent. Cpn C~lvan spok~ during an ~xclu~ive interview s+ith ~L 50L in 5inaloa, minute before leaving on a return trip to Mexico City, after a quick aork- ing tnur of this city, on which he was accnmpani~d by Gen Rodolfo Perez Cc~nz~lex, commander of Military zone IX. C~n Calvan revealed that as a result of the ~ucr~sg achieved in Qperation Condor, "foreign officials"--he did not epecify from What nation--"~rill ~ome here to learn of thp syetems utilized in the fight against drug traf~ fic. It is possible they may be here within the caning week, but as I said, I won't know right up until the moment ahat country they will come from." Later he stated that becaus~ of the positive resulta obtained by Operation Condor, "we have been able to destroy between 85 and 90 percent of drug traffic, to the point that the United States Covernment is also interested in le.~rning about the campaign we are waging again$t drugs." Asked about the airplan~e cra~h ~+hich occurred recently in the 5inaloa moun- Caing, in which tWO soldiera and a lieutenant of the Mexican Army died, Calvan stated thac at no moment did the army men [planted on board the - craftJ f.ire on the pilot. "Simply, When they got to Santiago de loe C.~balleros, the plane developed mechanical trouble and crashed; it was not tt~c premeditated action of the pilot, who, it was learned, Was a known drug-dealer, and who aas on liia way to that locality to pick up 4 kg of J pure opium gum." Thix thesis Wae backed up by Cen Perez Conzalez~ who added that in that area there h3ve been several Atmy troops killed by drug dealers. At another point in the interviev, Cen Calvan stated that the change of per- sc~nnel in that military zone is imminent, after the completion of 6 months of duty~ but he did not announce the date of the movement. 9077 - cso: 5300 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 M~XICO ~~2'~UttIAL COMM~N'CS tlN EU~F!'ID~tUd~ pYtOGRAMS M~xi~~ City ~t StlL D~ M~XICO in Spanigh 19 M~r 79 p 5-A ~Dditoria] - ~ ~Text) Drugs poieon the body and the ~nul; they legd to the lo,sa of re- sourceg, both human and material, ahich ehould be placed at the g~rvic~ of common development. Inetead~ they Weaken the netional aill. They repre- sent, perhape, the moet serious thre~t to our people, and the w~r ~gainat them ig an absolute priority for adminiatrations truly eaare of their role as e~entg of p~blic velfare. _ In ~texic~ the Attorney G~neral's Offic~ ~nd the Army ~ave carri~d out a la- borious effort against drug cultivation and trefficking, and th~ reaults permit us to face the situation aith optimism. 2n statements m~de in Culiac~n to Sinaloa's EL SOL, National Defenee Secretary Gen Felix Galvan Lopez said that Operc~tion Condor had reduced drug traffic betae~n 85 and 90 percent. This undoubtedly repreeentg a victory in the battl~~ againat drugs. - in the aren of social services activities, the Ngtional Armed ~orces have devetoped expertise and efficiency. The mortal blow dealt to drug traffic _ is nn c~bvious example of it, nnd even more so is the fact that "foreign of- ficials will come here to learn of the ayatem utilixed," as Gen Galvan him- - se l. f revpaled. Thnt new~ represents one of the best recognitiong that could be made of the Work of the Mexican soldiers. The entire country oWes one more debt to ita men in uniform, s~?ho, born of the Revolution, true servants and cuatodians oE institutional order, are, besides, a guarantee that the poisonere of bodics anJ eouls, Whatever their power~ vill not prevail against national interests. It only remains for the government of the United States, where the most poverful drug dealers operate, to complete the Mexican accompli~hments nnd udminister the coup de gr~ce to thia deadly hydra. so� 39 cso: s~oo APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I M~XICd URUC CRt~i~ G1tnW~itS Lb5~ LANU 1t~GNTS Mext~~ City ~XC~L5IOit in 5pnnish 18 Mar 79 p 29-A (Uigracch by Joee Cor~noda Perez, E}tCELSIOR corregpdndentJ ~Textj Tuxtepec, Ogxgca, 17 March: Agrgrign Reform d81E'.ggtE Luie Gnrxa T~rrea stated thet 128 campeeinoe vere deprived of their lnnd rights nfter being arraigned for the crime of gro~ring marihuana. He indicc~t~d thAt th~ lands aere to remain at the diapogal of the assembly _ of public land tenure which ~+ould, in conjunction with the SRA - ~5~cretariat far Agrarir~n Refc~rm~ parcel chem out to new tenante. The official pointed out that this is a Warning to campesinos not tb lec themselves be awayed by drug dealera who promise them overnight riches - _ through drug-crop cultivation. Carza Torree aaid that there is strict cooperation between his agency and the Prderal Judicial Police aimed at stopping drug crop cultl~vation on Agrarian Reform lands. In turn, Iticardo Zamora, coordinator of the campaign against drug traffic, stat~d that the reqions ahere merihuane is grown are the eentrel valleys, - Tuxtepcc s~nd the Iathmus of Tehuantep~c, in addition to the Mixe region (eastern Oaxacal~ "Where there are a lot of (drug-dealersJ deceiving the campesinos." 9077 CSO: 5300 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 M~X~~t~ ~'ILi. pROCESSING LABOttA1Y~RY UISMANI"LED, 7`RA~FICiCERS CAUGNT Equipment 5eiz~d in it,~id Nuev~ tar~do ~L UTAItI~ nE NtJ~VO tiAREDO in Spanieh 4 Apr 79 Sec C p 9 ('CextJ La~t Monday, th~ group of fpderal agents detailed to thig border port, hended by Mario Aragon Z~mbrnn~, de~lt a d~v~~tating bloa upon br~aking up a poaerful ring of drug traffick~rs engaged in the produetion and dietribu- t~on of toacic pi11~ kno~+n ae Mandrax. The grdup of criminals had itg center of operatione in the Madero d~v~lop- ment of Sultang del Norte, where it was producing ~grge quantities of to~cic pilig ~nd distributing them gub8~quently in the varioug bord~r trnms of th~ n~rth~est zone. A care:ul investigation started in Sebinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, where seve- ral individuals Were arreeted, led to the location and dism~?ntling of a clande~tine laboretory for producing Mandrax. Ac~ording to the infonmtion provided to ~L DURiO yeaterday by A1fr~,ido Aaron Juarez Ji~oenez, coordinator of thQ anti-drug campaign in the northeaet sone~ in arder to aupply the border towne aith th~ p~ychotropic subetances. the drug traffickera were uaing labelg of a company knrnm ae "Kueaell Croups, Inc;" but, ag luck Would have it, laet Morday the illegal activities of the "organization," ahich had set up ite headquartere in Sultar~a del Norte~ ~re ~ brought to light. M~st of the membere of che criminal group vere captured, and have already adcaitted their unlaaful businese. Inveetigationa Begin in Sabinaa Hidalgo~ Nuevo Lpon The coordinating agencv for the anti-drug campaign ar.nounced thgt~ last Mon- day, federal agenta do_2ailed to this border port discovered a clue vhich led to the location of th~ clandestine laboratory. Following a painstaking inveatigation~ the agents of the Office of Attorney Ceneral of the Republic captured Juan Luie Pereda Felix~ Julieta Fabela Bel- tran. Pedro Honge Zazueta, Oecar Nanuel Fabela Beltran and Pedro Higuera Val- le, in Sabinae Hidalgo. ~+l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 _ A11 0~ th~gp individual~ wer~ riding in ~ l~bg ~drd G~l~xie 500 rdr with 3andr~ S~gc~ 1i~~ng~ pi~t+~g ~S~'-~gA. Upnn g~~rching th~ vehicl~, the deral polia~ di~~ov~r~d ~ f~1~~ ba~tam, in Whieh th~y fnund 500 C~~C pillg known ~s Mandr~x. Th~ fiv~ p~roon~ t~k~n in eu~tody u~r~ que~~inn~d ~b~ut th~ origin of rhe p~y~h~tropir ~ub~t~nr~~, ~ad pvpntu~liy ~onfeg~ed eh~t a~~~nde~tine l~bd- _ r~tc~ry h~d be~n ~~t up in thp Mad~ro developm~nt of 5ultgn~ de1 Nortp, wh~r~ larg~ numb~re of coxi~ pill~ a~rr~ bping prod~red. Th~y Di~msetl~ th~ Labor~tat~? gnd Arreet 11,?o t~br~ P~rg~ng The ~~sn~ f~der~l ag~nt~ whn had fdund out ~bnut th~ ill~~g1 ~ctiviEi~~ ~f th~ pdwe~ful ring nf drug tr~ffickerg went ~a Sultgng del Norte. On th~C eamp _ Mdnd~y, ehey raid~d the clgndegtine laboratory ~nd err~~ted Rngelio ~lor~s C~n~l~g ~nd Cruz Cuerrg Martin~x. tn xiddition tu geizingl mi111ori M~?ndrax toxic pillg, the fed~ral ag~ntg pr~- ceeded to di~a~nt~e the laboratory, Which coneisted of the fnlloWing m~chin- +~ry: ~n "Y1leska" brand poader mixing machine �.~ith a 20-kilogram capacity, m~d~ in M~xico; a mixing machine ~+ithout a trademark (mak~), with rontor No 2110820-5, r~nd a 20-kilogram capacity; an "Y1leske" brand raachine for mak- ~ng tablets, vith a capecity to produce 10,000 tablets, m~de in Mexico; a - tablet machine with a capacity for 16 punches, of the "Stokea" brend, aith aiocor No 900-512-1, of foreign manufacture; u"Dlbago" cellophane wrepping m~chine, wich ~erial Nn 160367, m~de in Mexico, With a 16-punch set, bear- ing the label "Mandrax;" tWO ~pace heatere, made in Mexico; a set-up for ultrnviolet lampe; a"Delta" brand powder drying kiln. aith a capacity for 50 kilograc~ of rav material, mode in Mexico; a"Sunmatic" brand poWder dry- ing kiln, With a capacity for 20 kilograms; a t~+o-burner stove, made in Me- xico; 31 wooden girders; two plaetic baeine; n+o alumin~uo saucepana, rwo ladlea, a machine for gtamping cellophaae paper, aithout a tradea~rk; tao plae~ng marked "Qu~ludp~" and tao marked "Mandrax;" ag vell ag 10 bottle9 crf p~inc nnd salv~nts for printing; 300 cardbo~ard boxe~ for packing pills; a ` banding device aithout a brand; four metal shelves; Eivc rolls of tranaparent cpllophane aeighing approximarely 72 kilograms; five rolls of aluminum- - colored plastic ~+~cep, aeighing approxiu?~tely 35 kilagran~; 19 rolla of cel- lophane paper marked "Mandrax~" aeighing gpproximately 111 kilograr ; 16 shields marked "Mandrax," for preparing pills; 16 shields for preparing amphe tamineg; 8,000 peao~ in caeh of national curr~ncy; a plastic bag con- caining S grams of a white po~rder xhich appeared to be cocaiae~ ~reighing approximately 1 gram; cwo packagea of Avicel, weighing approximately 6 kilo- graras; a package oE Italian talc, a package of magneaia, a package of Carboxi- metin C~elluloae, a plastic bag containing white po~+der, a box of white pow- der and a drum of white powder; '+alf a package of cornstarch; 15 packages of cornstarch; four packages of stearate; tvo packages of "Avicel;" and twa plastic bags containing i+hica po~+der. ~ in the same location, che fed~ral police confiscated a 1979 Combi model blue Volksaegen automobile, without license plates ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~urth~r Arre~t~ Nu~vo taredo Et UiARIO DE NU~VO LAR~b4 in Spani~h 5 Apr 79 S~c g p S C'~~xt~ Th~ ~edergl Judicial Poii~~ h~v~ b~~n makin~ mdr~ ~rre,~t~ in th~ ca~e - of th~ eland~atine laboratory ahieh va~ op~rating in Sultana del Norte ~nd in vhich large quantiti~~ of "Mandrax" and "Qualud~" pi11m w~re b~ing pro- duced for aub~equent distribution to the varfoue bord~r towng in our ~tate and in Coahuila. At th~ inetruction of th~ attorn~y gQneral o� Che r~public, Oec~r Flor~e Sgn- chex, ~nd th~ dirpctor nf the ~ed~r~l Judici~l Pnlice, G~n tt~ul M~ndiol~g C~r~cero, Comdr Mergarito Mendez ttieo's forceg have int~n~ifipd th~ir in- vegtig~tion of thie dramatic ca~e wherein ~ million Coxic pills were confis- c~t~d, a well equipped laboratory for producing paychorropic ~ubstancee wag di~mant~~d and epven individuals were arrested. According to a bulletin released yesterday by the coordinating agency for the anti~-drug campaign, the Federal Judicial Polic~, pur$~ing the investi- gation of this case, eucc~eded iu arresting thr~e more per~ons involv~d in th~ trafficking of toxic pilla, and thQy also managed to confiacate addition- al raw material and machinery for manufacturing "Maadrax" and "Qualude." Those ~rrested la8t Tueeday were Arnaldo Chapa Cabral, Rolando R~ne Floree Canales and Rodolfo Huaberto Ploree Canalee~ yrho are being sub~ected to close queationing. It Was learned that thea~ individualg were arrested in the city of Mcnterrey. on the bgsie of infotmation aupplied by the firat to be arreet- ed. The Pederal J~rdicial Police detailed to Nuevo Laredo algo seized tWO SO- kilogrnm packagea containing an unidentified White powder; 18 rolla of plas- tir with atuffing; four rolls of glued pep~r; three plastic containers with _ gn unfdentified red liquid; a plastic container with liquid which appeara to _ be green ink nr paiat; six galvanized metal traye; 32 puncheg roarked "Rar- rer 714;" and 2S unmarked punches. Uistributor Apprehended Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LARF.DO in Spanieh 6 Apr 79 Sec B p 4 (Textj The Federal Judicial Police in the toim of ~eynosa, Tamaulipas~ ar- rested the individual Who vae reaponaible for coordinating the delivery of the psychotropic aubatances vhich Were being saanufactured in the clandestine laboratory in Sultena del Norte. According to the information eupplied by the Federal Police group headquartera in thie port, agents from the Office of che Attorney Ceneral of the Republic detailed to Reynosa, Tamaulipas, ar- rested Noracio Elizondo Cutierrez. This individual was identified as the peraon Who was coordinating the delivery of toxic pills to varioue border to~+ns in the etate, and therefore his situation is 8eriously compromised. 2909 CSO: 5330 ~+3 _1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 M~XICO BRIEI~S i'ILL5 S~IZ~D IN MATAMJtt05--According to Che press bulletin relegsed yeater- day by th~ coordinating agency for the antidrug campaign headed by Alfredo - Aaron Ju~rez Jimenez, laet Thureday the I~ederal Judicial Police arr~eted gn individual who wae trafficking in toxic pills and several ahippers of mari- huan~. In the port of Matamoros, the federal agenta held for inveatiga- - ti~n an individuel named Joaquin Salinae Ceballos, who was riding in a white Chevrolet with Tamaulipas State license platee WXD-048~ in which the federal ng~ntH di~~covered 2,250 pille which were apperently toxic. (Excerpt) (Nuevo Lnredo ~L UTARIO P~~ NUEVO LAREDO in Spanigh 31 Mar 79 Sec B p 6] 2909 C50: 533b ' ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 I'ANAMA BRIEF'S COCAINL' CARGO CAPTUR~D -Cocaine valued at s~veral million dollarg wae dis- covered by Panamanian dfficialg aboard a two-ec?gined aircrafe which made n forced landing nt the ~1 Jagua Airport of the Chiriqui Land Company. mhe nircraft, registrntion Numb~r 227F, came from 4.~9mewhere in South America. It was piloCed by Richard (Poll), Allan Milton (Carl), Jerome (Until.eme)~ all iJ.S. citizens, and Jorge Luie Valdez, a Cuban. A total oE 1.83 pounda of cocnine in plastic bags and $9,000 in cash were tound in the nircraft. (Panama City Televisora Nacianal in Spnnish 2313 GMT x8 Apr 79 PAj DRUC TRAFFICKER ARRESTED--The Panamanian Finance Ministry Narcotics Division today ~rrested Nilg Patrick Hartzman, a 29-year-nld U.5. ciCizen, at Tdcumen International Airport. He had in his posaesaion 4 ouncea - oE processed cocaine he had purchased in Lima, Peru, and planned to smuggle into the United States. [Panama City Televisora Nacional in Spanish 2315 GMT 27 Apr 79 PA) CSO: 5300 45 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 PERU ~~V~V URUa RINCS CRACICED, I,AHGE AI~tA~1T3 OF CASN, DOPE C01~FISCATED Limc+ ~L GbMERCIO in 5panish 27 Mar 7q p 1 (Trxt) The PIP (Peruvian Inveatigative Police] hes broken up seven drug rings ` ~+hich had in their posaea~ion more than 83 million soles in national and foreign currency, ea well Qa near~y 100 kiloa of nercotics, and arreated 23 men and 4~romen iavolved in thie crfine, aa?ong them Peruvian, Colanbian, Dutch snd U.3. citizens. The action took place durin~ the ao-called "Lima Selva X" operation, which u~s carried out on 7 February sr~d 16 March in the capital and in several placea in Lhe Peruvian Amazon region, according to information released yeaterday by PIP (~ief Inspector Francisco Abanto Arias, director oP investiga- tion of drug Lraffic . The PIP seiz.ed 98.371 kilos of cocaine base, 82.57 million soles and 13,680, amounts which he?ve been deposited in the Bank of the Nation. The most notable cases vere diacovered in Tingo Maria and in the San Isidro district. In the first, 47 million soles were talc~n from the drug traffickers. . = That amount had been sent from Lima by Jorge Lopez Paredes to his brother, Manuel }{umbcrto Lopez Paredes, to purchase drugg. The money rre~s placed in a van uith license plates PO-1t~19, in r+hich Raul Numberto Carranza Corcuera and Napoleon Zamora Melgare3o were treveling. IL is reported that the drug traffickers sold 750 kilos of cocaine base between October 1978 and February 1979� In San Isidro, the PIP arrested Cuido Castagnero Daneri, Jose An~tonio Pignaro and Franklin Montalv~ Gavidia and confiacated 33.05 million soles. Another 30.110 grnms of cocaine base rras taken from a gang headed by a Colanbian, Hector Vargas Hurtado oT Julio Cesar Bringas, and sti ~1 another 40 kiles ~ras seized by the PIP at the Santa Isabel Ranch in the disi,rict of Uchiza, vhere they arreated Leopold Sa~ami and Roger Cruz. The sum of 2.32 million aoles vas seized from Julio Rodriguez Alayo at the Pobre Alegre Rnnch, vhich is owned by Asuncion Sa~ami. The maney was to be u9ed for the purchase of cocaine base. 46 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 On 16 March, PIP-DINTID [~cpansion of second acronym unknown~ agents arrested Gi,~bertus Hi~man, Jam More Van Keulen, Marie Alfonnesae and H enry - de Boer, all Dutch citi~ens, and Antonia Josephine Leyba, a U.S. citizen. They had in their possesaion 3~625 grams of cocaine hydrochloride which they had brought from Bolivia to be sold in other countries. ~735 CSO: 5300 47 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~OR O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY PERU BRI~FS U.5. URUG 'TRAF'~ICK~R AItitE5T~D--A former agent of the U.5. Drug Lnforcement Agency (D~AJ~ w}ti~ became ~ drug Crafficker, was captured by the Peruvien pnlice. Carl Flieding, 34 yeara of age, was a member of the UEA for - severnl years. The po~ice found 500 grame of pure cocaine valued at SS00,000 in hie posseseion. ~Lima PRELA in SFaniah Co PRF~,A Havana 1949 GMT 28 Apr 79 PA] DRUG TR~I~FICKER EXTRADITED--The former firet secretary of the Dominican ~mbassy in Peru, (Achilles Eliseo Amilcar Cuerreros), has been returned - to his country where he will be placed at the diaposal of ehe vominican courts. As will be remembered~ (Cuerreros) wae arreated on 11 April when he waa about to diepatch 19 kg Qf cocaine to Panama. (Lima Domeatic Service in Spanish 1200 GMT 24 Apr 79 PYJ SUITCASE COi1TAINING COCAINE 'FORGOTTEN'--Narcotics Division agents Pound 22 kilos of cocaine base in 22 plastic bags in a suitcase at Jorge Chavez International Airport ~ust m inutes before a plane headed for Colombia xas scheduled to take off (0630 hours). It appeared that the suitcase belonged to a passenger aho canceled hie trip; hrn+ever, it has not been possible to confirm thi~. The 22 kilns of cxaine base are valued a~,. 12 million soles, r~ccording to agents who took part in the operation. (Text) [Lima EL COMFRCIO in ~panish 28 Mar 79 p'1 l 8735 C30: 5300 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 � iJft UG UAY MOTHER, CHILDREN AAftE5TED, CONVICTED OF DRUG TItAFFICKING Falaified Pregcriptions Montevideo EI. PAI5 in 5panish 3 Mar 79 p 8 ~ [keportt "Unusualt Woman and Her Children Qn Trial: Drug Addicts"~ (,Tex~~ A woman drove her children to drug addiction she herself being - an addicC also and corrupted them in the broad sense of the word, since rneetings took place in her house in la Union ahich culminated in sordid orgiastic scenes within sight of a little 13-year-old girl whose trauma aill be difficult to cure. The matter Was discovered by forces of the Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Squad who some days earlier detected a falsification of prescriptions (and we should turn to the oversight of the Depa_tment of Public Health wiCh re~ard to the regulations of Article 14 of the Narcotics Law) and upon further investigation succeeded in finding the authors of the ~alsification ~+ith xhich amphetamines and psychedelic drugs for injection Were obtained. In that manner the family, together With other buddies, was smoking marihuana, some of Hhich had been brought back fror~, Brazil by the children on a recent trip. The almost indescribable qualities of degeneration which the now detained individuals came to, impelled by an inhuman mother, have dramatic con- notations, since another adjectiv~ cannot be applied to a case such as had not been rec~rded since the creation of the Narcotics Squad. , At the prompting of the mother she is 38, althougti the dissolute wear and tear makes her look over SO the children started falsifying pres- ~ criptions and in this manner they obtained controlled medications in various ` pharmacies in their area and downtoxn. Thus they started injecting them- selves s+ith the amphetamines and later, during a trip they made to Brazil, they obtained marihuana which, conveniently "stretched," was convenient for their own use and for the supplying of sEV~ral buddies. 49 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 , Zn Ch~ ~inca in la Un~an, inde~cribablp g~~sidn~ w~r~ ~arri~d oUti wiChin ~h~ flustpred sighti ~f a 1~-year old inno~~nti viceim af her moCher'~ and b~oCh~rs' 1~ch~ry and d~gr~d~tion. After smoking or injecting themselves with narcoCics, the big orgy started, t~rminated by the sunrise and Che Weakening of the participanCs. Making up the group xere the mistress of the house, her Cao older sdn~, th~ concubine of one of thnse and two friendg. As a regule of Ch~ degree of decay the group came to, it should be poi~Ced out Chat several of Chem are au�fering from venereal diseases, in some Ca8@9 of such conaequence that physical defects or other incurable diseases may? be praduced. 1'h~ trial court of the second session ordered that the arreeCees come ta it~ chambers in t.he current session~ A difficuit task for Che acCing judge, Dr Juan Carlns Larrieux, who confronts various crimeg r.ommitted by Che gruup, one of which i~: provided for by articles 34, 35 and 36 (supplying ' of narcotics and par�icularly 4~ 36 which refers to the supplying of minors) of 5Gatute 14,2y4 of 11 January 19~5. Added to that is falsification of private documents (via the prescriptions) and the woman could be charged with neglect of the duties inherent in paternal authority by reason of the sCaCe in which her 13-year old daughter aas foun~ (toCal abandonmenC and incidental xitness of orgies). Flxrther Details Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish 4 Mar 79 p 16 CReports "Orgy and Drugst Four Implicated Persons Remanded"] [Text] Yesterday the trial ,judge of the second session arraigned the four persons linked to the scandalous episode in ~rhich promiscuity and depravity played a fundamental role, even more lamentable in that mother and sons furChermore united to pervert other persons, smoking marihuana or injecting themselves trith various psychopharmaceuticals af ter xhich they devoted themselves to licentious orgies. _ Marta Carcia Miguez de Valverde, oarried, 39 years of age, xas taken to prison for "neglect of the duties inherent in naternal authority~" her sons Juan Carlos and Juan Jose Valverde Garcia Were remanded for "theft, falsification of private docuraents and infringement of article 35 of Statute 14,294" for the former and for "falsification of private documents and infringement of article 35 of the Stat~:te referred to"for the latter. Everything came about xhen repeated denouncements to the police reported that in a certain tenement~ in the district of Union, abnormal events took place during night-time, Which aroused the suspicion o~ neighbors. Hhen the investigation started, the fact was established that the house ~as rented by t~ro youths of, respectively, 20 and 22 years of age, and that one of them lived together ~rith a female minor and ~rith their mother. 50 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 _ ~ At u C~rti~in Cim~ one of th~m appropriat~d a m~dica~ pr~~C~ipeinn in a dnctnr'g offic~ and falsified it. Thus he aag abl~ td ob~ain amph~tamin~~ whi~h he, togetti~r aitih hig brother and ~n a?ccompli~p, 1a?eer gnld ir? Br~? at S nQw peaos for ~ach pill, and With the money obteined th~y bought marihu~na. In eheir der~nged mind, they plann~d the idea of uniCing drug addicCs and mnr~ov~r, of converting th~ hou~~ intio a r~a1 c~ntpr o~ ~rgi~~ ot any kind, _ ~nd th~ most ouCragenug a~p~cC of th~ matter is th~C a 13-yegr-dld girl, thpir giater, was obliged eo ai,tnes~ the ecenes and to form part of' the "conglomerate.'~ In a r~pid action, an effective operati~on by th~a Bur~au nf Narcotics of our polic~ mad~ an end tn triia sad epi~od~ a~td the parti~s respon~ibl~ will pay before the laa for committing it. g700 C50t 5300 S1 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 URUGUAY DRUG 5QUAU REI.~ASE SEEKS SOURCE OF FALSIPIED PItESC~tIPTI0N5 MonCevidec~ EL PAIS in ~paniah 7 Mar 79 p 8 ~K~port~ "NarcotiCSt Police Alerta Pharmacieg'~~ [Tex~] police H~adquarters of Mont~video yesterday alerCed the public on _ Che illegal use of pregcriptione foz psychopharmaceuticals and narcotics. The o~ficial communique, made public yesterday during Che early hours of tt~e afternoon, Karns city pharmacists in particular about the matter. The Warning from police authoriCies has been channeled through investigations the Narcotics and Dar~erous Drug Squad has been carrying out on these irreg- ularities, as a result of Which the folloaing official communique Was issuedi "The Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 5quad of the Office of Information and In- telligence, alerts oi+ners of pharmacies that prescriptions Which are for the exclusive internal use of Che 'Dr Manuel Quintela'' Clinic, are being used in an illegal manner for the acquisition of psychopharmaceuticals and narcotics. "The prescriptions mentioned, Which are yelloa or green, 21 x 14.5 centimezers and of the type published herei+ith must be re,jected and must be immediaCely reported to the police via telephone numbers 903~56 or 989101, ext. 218." [Cap~ion~] Facsimile of the prescriptions ahich have circulated in pharmacies for the acquisition of psychopharmaceuticals. ' \ 7 MM~I ~ ~ ~r . w 'w ~ r.r~ M 1~J~~~ ~IY~f. ~ ~i~Ll~~ ' ~ _,.ur~. - ~ ~ ~ ~j,~, _ . , ~ ~ 8700 -,d4~iri~w-.~3'~ Izs:r CSOt 5300 ~ 52 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 ~nntar, ~~tmr~zr a~r~arnt INC~~ASED USE OF COCAIN~ IN WESTERN EUROP~ DI3CU35ED F'rankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ALLOII~EINE in (}erm~n 26 Mar 79 p 8 [Article: "The Dangerous~ FascinaCing brug Cocaine"J (Text~ ~rankfurt, 25 March--The drug cocaine, ahich Por a long time played almost no psrt on the European drug scene, ie finding its Wqy to the ELropean market in ever increaeing quantitiea. Even less than 2 years ego we were able to write about the confiscation in Stuttgart of the gbsolutely "unbelieva~le quontity" of 5 kilos, with g black-;market value of DM 4 million, of thia drug, Which is particularly da~ngeroue because of ite particular fascination. Theae figures are nrnr obeolete. The quantity was considered "unbelievably high" becauae this dru,g whirh was feahioneble during the 1920's ti?as not availeble in Europe in recent years. Experts coneluded from this fact that the manipul~ators of the drug market intended to "establish" this disastrous poisom, because con2'iscated drug quantities are an indication of what is happening on the drug market. Experts and their prognoses have been confirmed through reality. To be sure, (in contrest to heroin) to date not much has been heard about the dangera of cocaine and hardly anything about the tactics and strategies (we have reported on these topics); hoWever, the repo~.�ts continued r+ith regard to the reapective conffscated quantities. Just this weekend, the Reuters neWS agency reports, custa~s officials at London'~ Heathrow Airport confisceted 15 kilos of cocaine. (Lests th~n 2 years ago 5 kilos seemed a great deal and congequently particularly significant.) The cocaine had been discovered on tao men Who hgd come fram Rio de Janeiro to Heathrox. But xhy cocaine? Is the heroin business no longer sufficiently profitable? For the time being one can only speculate about it. It apgears ss if the heroin market hea been "saturated," is; it is true that the number of addiats is still increasing at an al$rming rate; from the vie~rpoint of those xho are in it for mone+y, 53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 hduever, it is ~pp~r~ntly no longer ~uffi~iently profit~bl~. ~xplninin~ ~ the truth about h~roin h~~ been gucc~ssflil~ Th~ f~ct th~t th~ poigon i~ dan~erau~ h~~ spr~~d. And ~nydn~ who f~~ls that h~ mu~t us~ ~rugs or ~hn ha~ ~ compul~ion td use th~n would r~ther--in f'right--re~ch fnr the - leg~l gpparently leeg d+~ng~roug nru~: ~.1~oho1. And, ~u~t becau~e he kn~w~ mor~, he is immun~ to try3ng heroin, eith~r by ~ceident or _ b~rause o~` ignor~nce. Neverthel~ss, for the drug m~rket th~re i.~ no mon~y in alcohol. As a coneequence they are not only ln~king for neW cu~tomers but also for "new" meane. With this in mind they are trying to devise weys o~ "m~nipulat3ng" ~xic~tinp dependencies--for inatance on alcohol--or combining them their own w~reg. Th~y are going about it in ~ gubtle mgnner. For ir~stance, the idea is ~pead every~ahere th~t cocaine is h~rml~s~. Sinc~ cocaine does not produce a physical but "only" a psychological depend~nce (therc are no painfl~l Withdrawal symptomn ~g i�~ the case tirith heroin), this approach of labelinp, cocaine as harmlesa is fairly successful~ Thi~ csn be heard; "Coke" is a clean thing, it is not h~rmful, it only produces an animated feeling. It has been reported thaL even some heroin addicts who fear this drug and who want to break the habit but cannot become "clean" in apite of it, awitched to the "clean, harraless thing for that very reason. Success has also been noted--and this is particularly frightening--among children aho are as young as 12 and 13 yeara old. They Were prepared with light drugs, like psychopharmaceuticals cambined, for instance, vrith liqueur. As a rule they are unauepecting and education aimed at older children frequently did not reach them. Also, cocaine--in contrsat to heroin--is first offered at a"favorable" price and simultaneously an artificial heroin "shortage" is created. Cocaine, the "snow" Which soon is suppoaed to cover all of West Europe, the consequences of uhich drug specialists in the police force eoneider much more dangerous than heroin, is a special kind of stuff. The leaves of cocaine shrubs are chewed by nativea in South America, on Java, Samutra and Madura becau3e of their relaxing effect. The processed stuff, which is traded under cover ns.rnes such as snow, coke, charley, White stuff and C, is sniffed or in~ected. The fatal danger of an overdose is great. Cocaine increases talkativeness and the desire for contuct, it increases self-assurance, accelerates thought processes; it therefore produces efFects Which are eimilar to those affected through a combination like alcohol and pills. When liquor and pill no longer help, cocnine again creates the desired effect to a greater degree. VieWed from this angle, the preparation for the neK stuff through the described process appears actually devilishly meaningful. In their book, "Die Abhaengigkeit von Drogen" [Dependence on Drugs~; the authors Kielholz and Ladexig, psychologists and drug experts, describe amphetamines, atimulants and coceine in the very same chapter, which is no accident. Theae substances have in common centrally stimulating potencies. Similar also is the effect of alcohol on children; Even - 54 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6 after ~ma11 qu~ntit,i~s th~y b~come mor�~ rest~~~~, mor~ iiv~ly, th~y r~net f~stier anfl r~~d f~~t~r. At th~ same tim~ th~y ~vere~tim~~~ thpir o~m abil3ties. A phaae of deapondency ~o11oWe; in exbrem~ c~~~~ uncongcioueness oecurg, Ii' cnc~in~ is t~ken for ~n ~xt~nde~ p~riod ~f time, it m~yr 1~~d to ph~~~g d~pr~,~gidn, periorl~ af confl~gion, fear of ~~~th, agreg~iv~ b~h~v3or (whiCh m~?y ev~n b~ directea at the person htmgplf). ~~cauge th~ drug curbg the ~ppetite, a chronic conaumption e~n 1e~d to g gubstantial ~ loas of weight, vhich vill end in death. Chronic cocaine ~ddicts ar~ noticeable because of ~he1r corp~~like complex3on and the rigid corners Qi' their mouths. The future wi11 cert~inly bring to light ~dditionel terif'ying phpnom~n~? in connectian aith "eocaine adfliction," which to date h$v~ not yet been - observed. The development shoWe thet the drug problema in our society - hove definitely not yet been overcame. 8gg1 CSO: 5300 ~ 55 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100050018-6