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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/U9: CIA-R~P82-00850RUOU9 00070U35-5
, i _ AND ' ~ :
~6 JULY i979 , C FOUO iJ'79 ~ i OF i
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
FOk ON'1~1('lAl. IItiF: ON1,1'
JPRS L/8590 -
- 26 July 1979
USSR Re ort
CFOUO 1/79)
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
JPR5 publicaCinns ronCain information primarily from foreign
newsp~p~rs, periodic~lg ~nd books, but also frdm n~ws agency
rrnnamissionm ttnd brondc~sts. M~eerials from foreign-lnnguage
gou:ces ~re tr~nslat~d; ehoge from ~nglieh-language snurces
are:transcribed or reprinCed, with Che origittal phrasing and �
other characCeristics reC~ined. `
Headlines, ediCorial reports, ~nd material enclosed in brackees
are supplied by JPit5, processing ind:.cators such as (Text]
or (~xcerpe~ in the first line of each item~ or �ollnwing ehe ~
lasC line of a brie�, indicc~Ce how th~ nriginttl information was
processed. Where no procegsing indic~tor is given, ehe infor- '
a~Cion was summarized or exCracCed.
Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or CransliCerated are
ettclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- '
tion mark and enclosed in par~ntheses were ndt clear in the
original but have been supplied as appropriate in contexC.
Other unartributed parenehetical notes within the body of ar~
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For f.~rther inf~~rmation on report content
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
_ 26 July 1979 =
_ (~ouo i/~9) .
Thie serial piiblication containa arCiclea, abatracCa of art3cles and news
items from USSR scientific and CechnicFl ~otirnals on the apecific sub~ecte
reflected in the table of conCents. -
~ Photoduplicat:~ons of foreign-language sources may be obtained from the
Photoduplication Service, Library of Congreas, Waehington, D. C. 20540. ?
- Requests should provide adequate identification both as to the source and
the individual article(s) desired.
Translations 1
Mass-Spectrometer Measurements of Composition of the Lower
Atmosp~ere on Venus 1
Analysis of the Chemical Composition of the Venusian Atmo-
sphere on the Automatic Ir_terplanetary Station "Venera-12"
Using a Gas Chrnmatoqraph 9
Spectrophotometric Experiment an the Descent Modules of the
, "Venera-11" and "Venera-12": Some Results of Analysis of
the Venusian Daytim~~ Sny Spectrum.......... 16
~ Electric Disc:~arges in the Venusian Atmosphere 24
_ Short-Ftange Forecasting of Solar Flares 35
Translatfons.... 42
Activity of the 'Lnstitute of Oceanology Imeni P. P. Shirshov. 42
Prediction of Water Tearperature in the Ocean 50
- a- IIII - USSR - 21J S&T FOUO]
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~ox or~icr~ us~ or~,Y
- Paqe
. Transla~ions 56
- Uae o� Gravimetric Prospecting �or Detect3on of Salt
Overhangs on Domes in the Caspian Depression........... 56
Dependenca of ~he ~Telocity of an Elastic Longitudinal
Wave on the Density of Sec~imentary Rocka in Folded -
Regions 63
~ Translatfons 70
Monograph on Spacecraft Contirol 70
Monograph on Space Vehicle Stabilization 71
� b
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
tdoscow PIS'MA V ASTRONOMICHESKIY ZHURNAL in Rusaian Vol 5, No 5, 1979 pp
[ArCicle by V. G. IsComin, K. V. Grechnev and V. A. Kochnev, Space Research
_ Institute USSR Academy of Sciences! submitted for publication 26 February
Abstract: The descent modules of the "Venera-
11" and "Venera-12" carried out mass-specCr.ometer
measuremenCs of composition of Che Venusian atmo-
sphere. It was estabYiahed thAt nitrogen (aUout '
4.5~ by volume) is an importacat component o� the '
Venusian atmnsphere. Isatopes~of argon (mass peaks ~
' 36, 38 and 4U a.m.u.); neon (20 a.m.u.) and krypton ~ '
_ (84 a.m.u.) were also registered. Tlte total con- -
tent of all argon isotopes was about 150�10-6,
neon about 10�10-6 and krypton abouC 0.5�
, 10-6. The isotopic composition of argon was very
anomalous in comparison with the argon in the
earth~s atmosphere. The abundance of "secondary"
radiogenic 40Ar is equal to Che total abundance ~
of the primary isotopes 36Ar and 38Ar.
� ,
[Text) Mass spectrometers were included in the complex of scientific in-
strument~tion carried by the descent modules of the "Venera-11" and "Ven-
= era-1?.." The purpose of the maas spectrometer measurements was a refine-
_ ment of data on the chemical composition of the lower atmosphere of Venus
with respect to the principal~ componenCs,.measurement ot the content of
small atmospheric impurities (especially the co-~tent of inert gases) and~
finally, determination of the isotopic ~~omposition o~ both the principal
components (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen) and inert gases.
_ Z'he first communication on the results of the mass-spectrometer experiment
in the dense Venusian atmosphere ("First Results...," Istomin, et al.,
197g) contained data from a speedy analysis only of a part of the col-
= lected information, processed using ca].ibrations carried out in advance.
- (In the future plans call for carrying out repeated calibrations in the
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
laboratory using duplicaCed instrumenCa under conditiona as close as pos- -
gible eo rea~. and wiCh mixCUr~s inc~.uding a broader range of c.omponents
(waeer~ sulfur, eCc.).} This communication gives ttte reaults of a more
complete analysis af Che collected data which is b~sed once again only on
Che preflight calibraCiona of the apparatus. A more compleCe review of
the material clearly confirms the dat~.from Che preliminary analyais and
1~AVES Che already menCioned concentrationa of all the regisCered compon-
. enes virC~ially unchanged. This also applies Co data on the isoCopic com- '
~o~irion, especially to daCa on the isoropea of argon. At the Cime of
prep~rgtinn of this communication we learned of Che first resulCs of ex-
perimenCs carried oue on Che "Pioneer-Venus" veh~.cles, so that here some
attention will be devoted to a comparison of the resultR.
~'nanoH Nnny,~Kn 1
Y~ ~ -
~ L6
, bncn a~~r.,~---~ ~
,,,Mucc- 2 .
i i iCNQ.7fl. ~i~ IIfpU;ll~~lt: y
W:. _ ..JJ ~
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3 cKOp,:c~nM.+*~ 4;; ~
ua;:apa , r
~ ,y.:so. rcrNrmoparpaJuo~~i 4 _
1 rig. ls Block diagram of mass-spectrometer experiment on descent modules -
of the "Venera-11" and "Venera-12." ' _
KEY: ~
1. Admission valve
2. Mass analyzer
3. Region of velocity head
4. Magnetic discharge pump
5. Electronics unit
6. To telemetric system -
The mass spectrometer used aboard the "Venera-11" and "Venera-12" vehicles
- was created as a result of further development of the studies carried out
in this direction in the Soviet Union (Istomin, et al., 1975).
The experimenCal method included the use of.a mass analyzer of the radio
frequency type having a moderaCe mass~resolution in combin~tion with an
impulse system for the admission of the. gas sample into the mass spectro-
meter. Figure 1 is a block diagram of the mass spectrometer experiment.
The atmospheric components, under the influence of the pressure difference
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r~n orrr.c;tai, usi, oNi,Y
~~ris ing due to Che ve l.c~ci.ty hend during de~cent of the, vehicle f reely
pu~:~ed rhrouglti CIIC cavi~y or Che admis~inn valve which commuciicat~:d
wiCh the aCmosphere by means of Cwo open lines. burinb ehe time beeween =
- ~ucce~~ive s~mpLingy the va:Lve c~xvity was repearedly venL�ilaCed by atmo~
spheric gases. Ttie :~umpling ot gas from the caviCy w~is accomplished by
br.ieE opening of ttie admission valve. 'I'he sCrictly measured micrnportion
_ oE ~;as ~dmitred into the mass spectromeCer was ev~~cuared from it by means
_ of an ion-getCer magnetic discharge pwnp.
I?.~~ -
,~~1 ~
. ~ ~ + ~
~ ; Ih ~�r
_ ~eo i ,t~1 tea t ,
i~i~. 2. I~ragments of mnys spectra in region 12-16 ~~.m.u. At left mass
spectrum of Venusiln aCmosphere ("Venera-11"), ~~t right m~~ss spectrum
~f c~~libr~~tion mixture conraining 1.5% nitrogen.
Xe}}1 ~aAr
~Krl m ) ~
~ `I r
~ ~I r~ i ~4k _
~ }
CO=~~Ar~ ~6Arl N~~f01
riR. 3. I'rlgmene ot mass srectrum in region 20-105 a.m.u. obCained in a
regime ot acialysis of inert gases with increased response ("Venera-11").
19ie mass peaks of neon-20 and krypton-84 are seen at the limiC of response.
In the course of the experiment the mass spectrometer is automatically ad- �
justed ~or admission of the required portion of gas~ successive2.y increas-
in~ tl~e intensity of ttie controlling effect on t}ie admission valve. lluring
the entire time of searcti for the dose there is transmission ot mass spec-
' tra. The spectrum scanning time was 1 sec. Upon attaining the required
zdmission of gas, tt~e instrument is switched to an analysis regime, during
whicl~ eighC mass spectra are transmitted for each gas portion, after which �
ttie cycle i.s repeated. The instrument could periodically undergo a regime
of analysis of inert gases with an increased response. T'he response to in-
ert gases was increased by a change in the operating regime of the magnetic
discharge pump. ~In this pr.ocess the velocity of evacuation of the inert
gases was reduced to zero, whereas the ?:ate of evacuation of chemically
active gases (C02, nitrogen) remained virtually constant. The gain in
response for the inert gases due to the shifting of thc instrument into
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a"st~ric" regime was N 20. All even working cfcles of tl~u mass spectrometer
accamplished a regime of analysis of inert gases with ~n iricreased response.
= The mass spectrometers aboard the two descent modules took the first sample
at an al~itude of about 23 km and operated until landing took place. The
last gas samples were taken by mass spectrometers at an altitude Erom 3 to
1.5 km over the planetary surface. The mass spectrometers aboard the de-
scent modules of the "Venera-1.1" and "Venera-12" each took 11 gas samples;
a total of 176 mass spectra were: transmitted ~to the earth. These character-
ized the chemical atid isotopic composition of the lower atmosphere on Venus.
Th~ mass spectra were transmitted and reqistered in analog form. The ion
' current amplifier in the mass s ectrometer had four response scales with
amplification factors 1, 10, 10~ and 103. A scale change was accomplished
automatically at the mass peak, due to which the real telemetric record
of the spectrum has an"illegible" form. Examples of the registered mass
- spec~ra are given in Figures 2 and 3 ana are discussed below.
Each mass spectrum was preceded by the t~ansmission of �ive control para-
meters of the mass spectrometer, which included tlie emissiot~ current of
the ion source and the current of the magnetic discharge pump. These con-
trol parameters are shown in the spectra in Fig. 2 in the form of charac-
- teristic "steps."
Both mass specL-rometers were of an identical design insofar as possible
and this was true both with respect to the technology of their preparation
and tests before installation on the vehicle, and in particular, with re-
spect to their electric characteristics. In particular, great attention
was devoted to the identity of the instruments with respect to the strengths
of the emission currents and the ionizing potential and the retarding poten-
tial. The latter determines the mass number resolution of an analyzer of the
radio frequency type. The ionizing potential was selected in such a way that
in the mass spectra there were no peaks of d~ubly io~ized C02 (peak 22 a.m.u.)
and argon (peak 20 a.m.u.).
The principal characteristics of the mass spectrometer were as �ollows:
Range of mass numbers 11-105 a.m.u.
Resolution (at the level 0.1) of mass peak amplitude R= M/d M= 35t5
Scanning time of mass range in search regime 1 sec
Scanning time of mass range in analysis regime 7 sec
Time required for taking gas sample less than 5�10-3sec
Emission current 0.4 m~1
Ionizing potential 40 V
Response in $ by volume (for small impurities in C02 in
single spectrum) not less than:
nitrogen 0.2$
neon, methane 5�10-6
argon, krypton 1�10'6
Weight 9.5 kg
Power consumption 17 va
- 4
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The insLrtunerits remaininc~ in the laboratory were also campletcly .iden~ica,l.
~o ~hose installec~ on the "Venera-~11" and "Venera-12" vehicles. J111 .i.nstiru-
ments were usc~d in carrying out a series of prefligh~ calibra~ions, i:he re-
= sults of whi~h were used for a speedy analysis of the flight data. Mos~ of
~hr. calibrations were carried out using mixtures prepared on the basis of
c'c~)~ wi Lh a hi gh degrec: of purity (-~99.998~) ; tihe principal impuritiy within
L�tia limits of ~he mentione~ purity was nitrogen. The content of inert gases
(Eor the mosti par.t argon) in the initial C02 did not exceed 0.~�10-6 (in vol-
The l~rincipal model mixLure was a mixture containing 1.5~ nitrogen, 0.4~ oxy-
gen, 175�10'~ argon, and the remainder is COZ with a high purity. The mixture
was prepared by means of dilution of C02 with atmospheric air (its composition
is given as prepzred). The second used mixture was a mixture with a nitrogen -
cont�ent ^-4~. T,he calibra~ions with respect to neon and krypton were carried
out using air.
It appears that the principal source of systematic errors in mass spectrometer
determination of composition of the Venusian atmosphere, whosc resttlts are
presented below, is the error in knowledge of tlie comp~sition of model mix- -
tures. It appears that an evaluation f10-15~ is optimistic, so t}~at the final
, result for the principal sma11 components nitrogen and argon can be
encumbered by systematic errors ^'20~. respect� to the components which are discovered at the response limit
(for. a single sper.trum), such as neon and krypton, the error in their deter-
mination is evaluated on a preliminary basis by a value of the order of
-50~ .
These errors will possibly be reduced as a result of future work on analysis _
of t}~e collected data.
Results. The principal impurity in the Venusian atmosphere, as indicated by
the first mass spectra received, is nitrogen. Its volume concentration is
4.St0.5$. This figure was obtained on the basis of ineasurements of the meas- -
ured ~eak wit}i M= 14 and is r.onfirmed by measurements on both vehicles. The -
scatter of individual points in the overwhelming majority of cases falls
~aithin t1~e mentioned error. The result for nitrogen is illustrated by the
fraqments of the mass spectra in Fig. 2, which compares the mass spectra for
the Venusian atmosphere and the model mixture with a nitrogen content of 1.5$,
It can be seen tk~at the peak with t~t = 14 (nitrogen) in the spectrum of the
Venusian atmosphere has a far greater value than in the spectrum of the cali-
bration mixture (it is convenient to compare peaks with M= 14 and 13 the
isotopP 13C).
: Tt~e nitrogen content cited above in general is also confirmed by measurements
of the I.Aak with M= 28. This peak is the sum of the mass peaks of nitrogen
t~2+ and the CO+ secondary peak arising as a result of the c9issociative ion-
_ ization uy C02 electrons. In the case of ineasurements from ti:e peak M= 28
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tl~c scarter of individual experimental points in a considerak~le number of
cases exceeds the limits of error by 0.5~k. The reasons for this are Ueing
'I'he concentrations of all other impurities in the Venusian atmosphere, both
chemically active gases and vapors, do not exceed several 1lundredths of a
percent by volume.
Thus, water vapor, chlorine and sul~ur are discovered mass-spec~rometrically
almost at the limit of response for one spectrum. Water vapor is manifes~ed
in the "excesses" of the peaks with M= 18 and 17 above the values caused
by the "normal" isotopic composition of oxygen. Chlorine is discovered in
in some mass spectra as a weak peak with M= 35, and sulfur in the form ~
of an "excess" of the mass peak with M= 32, above the value caused by thp
' contribution of 02+ ions in ~he ion source of the instrument due to dissoci-
ation with ionization of Co2. Due ro the �act that there were no preliminary
calibrations of the mass spectra t~.~z water, chlorine, sulfur and compounds
of the latter two, these data mus~ be regarded as very pr.eliminary. A quan-
. titative estimate of the content of these small impurities for ~he time
being has not been made. The excess in the mass peak ~aith M= 32 can be at-
tributed also to the molecular oxygen in the Venusian atmosphere. The presence
of sulfur vapor in the Venusian atmosphere is far more probable than the
presence of free oxygen. However, in the light of recent chromatographic
� measurements by Oyama (1979), according to which, in the lower atmosphere
of Venus there was molecular oxygen in a concentration of about 60�10-~, the
excess in the mass peak with M= 32 which we registered can be attributed,
- with some difficulty, also to free 02. In any case, some identification
seems all the more necessary because optical spectrophotometric measurements
made simultaneously on the "~enera-11" and "Venera-12" (Moro2, et al., 1979)
reveal an exceedingly low upper limit for gaseous sulfur in the lower atmo-
sphere of Venus.
The mass spectrometer registered a number of inert gases in the Venusian at-
mosphere, specifically: three isotopes of argon (36, 3a and 40 a.m.u.), neon
(20 a.m.u.) and krypton (84 a.m.u.). The isotopes of argon can be seen clear-
ly on the cited fragment of the mass spectrum in Fig. 3. It can be seen that _
the isotopic composition of argon is very "anomalous" in comparison with the
argon in the earth`s atmosphere. The abundance of "secondary" (radiogenic)
- isotope 40Ar in the Venusian atmosphere is equal to the total abundance of
the "primary" isotopes 36Ar and 38Ar. As is well known, in the earth's at-
mosphere the isotope 40Ar is 300 times more abundant than the isotope 36Ar.
The ratio of abundances of both "primary" argon isotopes in the Venusian
atmosphere, on the other hand, is the same as for argon in the earth's at-
The more precise values for the relative abundances of argon isotopes in -
the Venusian atmosphere are as follows
36Ar 42t2; 38Ar 8 t 2; 40Ar 50 t2.
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
'1'h~ tolal content of argon isotopes is estin~a~ed nn a preliminazy basis
al: (150 50) �10'~.
- 'I't~e cnnteci~ nf the neon isotope (20Ne) is (10-15) �10`~, and krypton g4Kr
is (0. 5-0. ~3) ~ 10~'~'. (In the �irst publication ( "~'irst Resu1L-s. . . , " 1979)
the krypton content was erroi~eously exaggerated by one order of magnitude.)
- In the spec~rum shown in F'ig. 3, in ~.~dition to the mentioned components
(argon, neon, lcrypton and ~he secondary peaks of CO and COZ) ~here is a
; group tagged by (Xe~~). This is the xenon introducecl into thc instrument
and servine~ as a reference for the mass scale.
Measurements of. the total abundance of argon isotopes made aboard the "Ven-
era-11" ancl "Venera-12" agree satisfactorily with the data published by
Hoffmati, et a1. (1979), obtained aboard the "Pioneer-Venus" vehicle (on
a large probe) and agree with the data published by V~n Zahn, e~ 11. (1979),
meas~aring ~.he isotopes of argon on the entry vPhicle in this same experiment.
For ttie time being we do not understand the absence of mass spectrometer -
data on the nitrogen content in the lower atmosphere of Venus (Hoffman, et
al., 1979). Our nitrogen data agree well with the r~sult of the first anal-
ysis with a gas chromatograph on a large probe, the "Pioneer-t7enus," although
ttie authors themselves (Oyama, et al., 1979) consider the third chromato-
graphic analysis to be the most reliable. ~
_ A further analysis of the eollected data requires carrying out new series
of calibrations of. the instruments and the processing of mass
~ spectra on Zn electronic computer, as a result of which there will be a
decrease in the noise interference level. It can be hoped that ~here will
be a decrease in the error in determining the absolute abundances of all `
thc mentioned components and there will be refinement of determination of -
- the "excesses" of the mass peaks with M= 17, 18 and 32 a.m.u., and also
the isotopic composition of the principal components of the Venusian atmo-
sphere carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.
T}~e success in formu.lating arid carrying out this study in different stages
- of its development was facilitated by M. A. Berezhkovskiy, S. V. Vasyukov,
I. A. Kalinin, V. G. Klimovitskiy, V. M. Kondrat'yev, G. N. Levin, M. L.
- Libman, L. N. Ozerov, V. A. Pavlenko, V. G. Perminov, M. Ye. Slutskiy,
S. I. Torbin, I. I. Chemeris, V. F. Shkurdod, Yu. A. Shul'chishin, 0. N.
Yakovle~~ and many others. The authors express deep appreciation to all of
Istomin, V. G., Grechnev, K. V., Ozerov, L. N., Slutskiy, M. Ye., Pavlenko,
V. A., and Tsvetkov, V. N., KOSMICH. ISSLED. (Space Research), 13, 16,
Mcroz, V. I., Moshkin, B. Ye., Ekonomov, A. P., San'ko, P. F., Parfent"yev,
N. A., Golovin, ~lu. hl., PIS'MA V A'LH (Letters to the Astronomical Journal),
5, 222, 1979.
_ 7 .
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
Oy~1ri1d~ V. I., CAr.le, iy. C. ~ W02118~'~ I'. ~ P011~.1Ck~ J. B. ~ SCIENCE~ 203~
402, 1979.
"Cirst Resul~s of Scientific Experimen~s on the 'Vanera-11' and 'Venera-1~',"
PIS'MA V AZIi (I,etters to ~he ~stronomical Journal), 5, 3, 1979. _
Efoffman, Y. I3., Hadges, R. F2., Jr., Mc~'lroy, M. V., Donahue, T. M., Kolpin,
M., SCI~NCE, 203, 800, 197y.
Von Zahn, U., 1Crankowsky, D., Mauersberger, K., Nier, A. 0., Ftunten, D. M.,
SCIENCE, 203, 7G8, 1979.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel's~vo "Nauka," "Pis'ma v AZH," 1979
[4a~ ~
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~n~ nr~~tcrn~, ust~ drtLY
, .
Mogcdw pI5'MA V AS'CItbNOMICH~SKIY Z11UI2NAL in itus~ian Vo1 S, No 5~ 1979
pp 21~-zzi
- [ArCicle by B. G. Ge1'm~tt~ V. G. 7.dloCukhin, N. I. ~~mnnnv, B. V. Levchuk~
L. M. Mukhin, b. Nenarnknv, B. P. dkhotnikov, V. A. Rotin ~nd A. I.
- Lipntov, Space Ite~earch In~CiCuCe USSIt Acgdemy o~ 5ciences and All-Union
Scieneific Itesearch InstieuCe of Muleigided Automaeion nf the Petroleum -
~ ~nd G~~ IndusCry, submieeed for publicaCion 26 ~ebrunry 1979J
AbstracC: The paper giveg a descripCinn of
~ chromnCogr~ph experiment carried ouC on
the descent mndule of the automatic inter-
planetary stnCion "Venera-12." EighC anal-
- yses were mgd~ of the chemical composition
of Venus, beginning with an altitude of 42 `
km and to the surface of the planet. There
was found Co be niCrogen in a concentration
2.Sf0.5~ by volume, argon in a concentration
(4f2)�lU"3~ byr volume, CO in a concentration
~2�8f1.4)�10'3~ by volume and S02 in a con-
centration (1.3fU.6)�10'2X by volume. The
upper limiCs for the content of oxygen and
water vapor were estimated: 2�10'3 and 10-2y,
by volume respectively.
(Text] The "5igma" gas chromatograph was installed aboard the descent mod-
ule of the "Venera-12" automatic interplanetary station for investigating
the cliemical composition of the Venusian atmosphere. The distinguishing
, characteristic of the "51gma" chromatograph is the use of a highly sen-
sitive ionization detector (with a source of ~-radiation). It is based
on the Penning effect in rare gases (Rotin, 1974). The choice of the de-
tector to a considerable degree determined the overall structure and met-
rological characteristics of the chromatograph.
Figure 1 is a block diagram of the "Sigma" chromaCograph. The analysis of
the gas sample and the calibrntion mixture were carried out using three
sequenCially placed columns and detectors. The first column, 2 m. long~
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- ~dtt d~~ICIAL U5~ dNLY
filled witih mndifiecl pniysorb, w~~ in~ended �or ~~paration of the ~ulfur
- compnundt~ tl25, CdS, "n2 und wnti~r v~pnr in the carbon dinxide. ~n ~ g~~ond
~ cdlumn, witih a lengtih d~ 2.5 m, wi~h mo]~cular sieve:~, th~re ig s~para~ion
of gases with ~ 1ow bc~iling poine helium, hydrogen~ argon with dxygen,
nitirogen, krypton, methane and carbon monoxide (Ki~~l~v and Yanshin, 1967).
in nrder tin d~~ermine tihe argon con~en~ we us~d a~hird Colwnn, ~ re~ctor
with ~ leng~h of 1 m with recluced manganese.
mhe respnnse threshold for all ~hree detiec~ors in pure rneon in a saturation
current reqime wae at tihe 1eve1 10"5~ by volum~, which cngured an analytical ,
response ~t th~ l~vel 10'4~ by volume wi~h a volume of tihe workinq dos~ up
to 1 cm3 ~Okho~nikov, ee al., 1978).
The cnnstructiinn of thp s~:npling uniti pr~cluded tihe possibilitiy of ~he en~ry
in~o the chromatingraph o� tihe gases released �rom the skin of the descent
module. All the detectior columns, txnd also the inpu~ reducer of the sampling .
unit,were placed in a specfal thermostat, who~e temperature in tihe measuring
regime was 70f1�. This same thermostat hald electrometiric amplifiers and
voltage--frequency converters, which together with a sourc~ of d-c voltage
constituted the measuri~?g circuit of the ionization detectors.
in connectfon with the high response of the ionization detectors to impurit-
ies in the r.urrier-g~s some units in the chromatograph, after carryfng out
a cycle of surface calibrations, were sealed in order tio prevent the inflow
of contamirlating gases during the s~orage period and testing and fliqht per-
iods. '
The program for operation of the "Sigma" chromatograph on the descent mod-
~ ule o� the "Venera-12" automatic interplanetary station included the follow-
' ing operations.
Approximately 4 hours prior to entry into the Venusian atmosphere the shut-
off devices on the cylinder with the carrier-gas and the gas discharge
line were opened, the thermostat for the columns was activated and for a
period of four hobrs the chromatograph was scavenged by the carrier-gas. Af-
ter entry into the dense layers of the atmosphere, during descent from 65
to 54 km from the planetary surface, the device for taking the samples was
unsealed, the shut-off device on the line for the calibration mixture was
opened and the analysis control cycle was prepared. At these altitudes the
absolute pressure in the Venusian atmosphere was less than 1 kg/cm2. Ac-
cordinqly, for a control analysis no sample was taken from the atmosphere,
but the carrier-gas with the contaminants present in the instrument was fed
for analysis.
During descent of the descent module of the "Venera-12" station from an al-
titude of 42 km to the moment of landinq there were a total of eight analy-
ses of the planetary atmosphere. Fi'fty-four chromatograms were obtained. `
Eighteen of these corresponded to a determinatfon of sulfur compounds and
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1~01t OI~'I~'IG~AL US~ dNLY
27 Correspdnded to ar~ analysis of ga~es with a low boiling pdint.
13 ~ao�~ 14AMcnoro~~:~t ,tan~vner
~ 411N,~O~Or RQ~dA 15
6ADR dnOAuJOntO/~d ~q ~moJu tri,ennrop 7 ~ `
yIOyI/U ACfM(+uv~ER
~ 11:?OO~t C dR~7t') "~AQN4A ORYI'~ldetl0
_ .
o.roM'~OCU fi~mnf t� ~ _
~ ,me~tM ndt?T~an
i A) y~ t nnv
30AJONnr JaAC~�:l~ ~ I ~ 1
o $ ~rn;cr~e;Du ye~nD~tiel i ~~.8 19 ~ 2n j ~
~j ~ ~ t
~ ~ ~
, , v ~,v~ nwJm I A; Y~1t Ilnv ~ E ~
b ~ /1!0 AY i y ~
~ ~ � NOCU/II//~A ~ ~ C c
1 e ~ I i ; ~ 2~
~ i ~ `
i I , z
, r~_,~.... i
' A t y~t Pn4 t- . ~
~ I 6~oa tnu~ ~UJ.1r 6,N~.~nu.hv 1 ~ M1I ~~3 Z = a
~ I nPa6o MnDai ri m~+�~u u i ~ ~ ~ o
~ nm~'un~ :
Je~~a ~~~r ~'d eunwim I . e
_ ~ dr~ Do~noo twt , 1 � i Yi
cu ~
i. , ~ _ ~ !eoM_vem~~n ~0 L _1 Z
r r_...._.._
7rp�~ntt~iiort 11 I 11 frP~~z~v,,sron
--YZ- ~~~rvnM~amnp
iC~Y :
1. Intake unit
2. Analyzer unit
3. Cylinder with carri~r-gas
4. Cylinder with calibration mixture
5. Shut-off devicc
6. Unit for pre~aring carrier-gas
7. Sampling unit
8. Unit for preparing and input of satnple '
9. Unit for nreparing and input nf calibration mixture
10. Thermostat
11. Neat regulator
12. Proyrammsr
13. ~as discharge
14. Analog channels
15. Digital channel
16. Unit for stabilizit~g pressure ~
~ 17. Generator o: electric test signal
18. Detector
19. Intermediate amplifier _
20. Low-frequency converter
21. Memory unit
22. Power unit
~ 23. Electror.ics unit
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l~'dtt b~'~~CrAL U5~ dNLY
~1 dD~eme~
t 7
S.0 ~A'onu~pdAovnd~ �
4.0 ~
, ,~a "
4 Xpo~?nmdepvNMo
!.tl I nm,uocpxpe~
CO Btatpe~
0 ~
er,~mpu � ~
~~A� Ar 5 /I~GN/If~IYIONdA 2'f10NpM0?~MM(!
- i--
~ ' - Nt ~ - --;r-~--~--~~ �
0 .~0 100 ~SO ZSD Ce~syNdor 6
~iq. 2. Chromatogram of Venusian atmogphere. The dashed line defines peaks
- nn ehe hiqh re~pnnse scal~ (exaggeraeed by a factor of 10).
1C~Y s
1. Vo1ts
2. Calibration mixture
3. ~leCeri~ test signal
- 4. Chromatogram of Venusian atmosphere
S. Control chromatogram
6. Secondg
n �ron x
y II
ld l i
- 0
ZD ~D I~0 R.0 C, "
Fig. 3. Calibration curves of neon detector (relative to nitroqen). 1) re-
gime of second detector, 2) reqime of third detector
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~ -
2 }tou?tcurpauun nbbrME~e~x n~~nueurnn
1 3 �Cnrws. 4 .ttnm~en - gonepa.
N~ Z.;r,~U~b 3,41~4,t3
~i~d' ~O,Uf 1
oRo ( 5)
- [ N3M = meas] and are given in Table 2.
Such small energies in a discharge, thousandths or ten-thousandths of the
energy of terrestrial lightninq (Yuman, 1972; Imyanitov, et al., 1971), are
- questionable. A breakdown voltage i~n carbon dioxide requires somewh~t
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ro~ o~t~ icznz, us~ orrr,Y
yreatier values than in ~he air. With regpe~~ ~o the aernsol medium, i~
determines only ~he aacumula~ion nf chargeg ~.n ~he alouds, buti nnt the
mechanism nf tihe discharge itself, ~.s identiical botih in air and in
J carbnn dioxid~. mhere�ore, it is logical to expec~ an energy in the dis- -
charges di the sam~ order of mAgnitude as 3n terres~rial lightning.
l~recisely such a resul~ is given by the second variant, when the source
is situatied at the radio horizon. Once again we use Table 1 and compu~e
t1i~ ranges
R, = EoRo/~Na~~ ~6~
(~13 M= measJ proceeding from an energy in the discharge equal to 108J. The
determined distances are given in Tab1e 3.
u ,
~ ~ f ~ i I
V !
Q 'I
A p
h m m
6 Qf 06 OBm !Om 6h12'"
Fig. 4. Histogram of counting rate of pulses in channel of integral dis-
- criminator corresponding to Fig. 2.
~Y' A. Counting rate, pulses/sec
B. Time of ground registry (Moscow time)
If the source was actually so distant, ai;~ttt 1,800 km, will it be situated -
on the radio horizon?
Radio horizon range. If the altitude of the vehicle.h and the signal source
z is 15 and 70 km respectively, the distance to the radio horizon when the
planetary radius is a= 6,052 km, in accordance with the formula for direct
visibility (Chernyy, 1972), is equal to ~
R= Y2a (yi~-{- j~h) = 1347 xM.
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Table 1
Frequency, KHz 10 18 36 80
Cie1d streng~h E~ a~ s~andard dis- 20�103 11.103 5.6�7.03 2.5�103
tance from source Rp C 10 km,
V/m�cpsl/2 (earth)
Measured strength Em~ag� �V/m�cps1~2 110 60 33 12
(Venus) ~
Table 2
Frequency, KHz 10 18 36 80
W1~W0 1.8�10`3 1.8�10-3 2.1�10-3 1.4�10'3
W2/Wp 1.3�10'4 1.3�10'4 1.5�10'4 10"4
Table 3
Frequency, KHz 10 18 36 80 Mean -
_ R3, km 1820 1837 1687 2088 1858
The value of the refraction angle was computed on the basis of the distribu-
tion of the density of the Venusian atmosphere with altitude, cited in Kuz�-
min and Marov (1974). The computation method and the results will be pre-
- sented in another article. Here, without givfng the derivation, we give
the following result: if the vehicle is.situated at an altitude of 15 km,
the maximum refraction angle for a ray reaching the level 70 lan is 3�,
which gives an increase in range by 160 km for a radius of 6,120 km. Thus,
the total distance to the radio horizon is 1,510 km, which within the lim-
its of accuracy in our computations coincides well with the mean value in
Table 3.
Now we will return to Figures 2 and 3. The series of bursts is cut off sharp-
ly at 0611 hours. Such a nature of signal changes is attrfbutable most simply
specifically to the withdrawal of the source beyond the radio horizon.
Thus, three circumstances indicate the position of the source of bursts:
coincidence of the energy in the discharge with the known value for terres- -
trial lightning; distance to the radio horizon, coinciding with the computed
range of the source, and total disappearance of the siqnal, corresponding
to its "radio setting."
The radio noise bursts indicated in Figures 2 and 3 also made it possible
to find a number of other parameters of a Venusian thunderstorm. The struc-
ture of the bursts makes it possible to conclude that all the impulses are
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rnc~ o~~t~~CIAL U5L ONLY
from the same source. t'igure 4 shows a histogr~m o� the pulse coun~ing
rate. It ~oltows frnm ~his figure tih~~ the mean �requency o~ the dis-
chargcy in on~ SOUYC~ is very high ~nd a~t~ins z0 pulseg/s~c, which greatly
excQeds tihe similar parame~er for ~~rr~s~ri~l tihunde.r~tinrms. oth~r p~r~~
of the tieleme~ric re~ord give ~~ill grea~er frequenci~s.
mtie r~~nyc and the anqul~r dimensions of ~he source ~ound above make iti pos-
sib:le to es~im~~e i~~ extent: 150 km~ which is ~n extremely extended tihunder- -
s~orm front. F'rnm the duratiion of ~he r~dio setitiing and the descent v~locity
of the v~hicle i.t is easy to find the al~itiude of ~he ~hunderstorm layer
1-2 km. E'inally, E'fgure 3 gives an oppor~unity to evaluate the statistical
dfspersion of the energy in tihe discharges, assuming 'L to be constant. mhe
similari~y ef pulse amplitudes indica~es that all the discharges probably
occur in the cloud layer between its indivfdual parts. Then the energy W and
- ~he dis~ance R3 will be somewha~ less and the coincidence of ~he computed
range and ~he radio setting will be still more convincing.
Procceding on the basis of ~he grea~ total number of discharges per uni~
time in ~he Venusian a~mosphere and their considerable energy it appears
probable that ~he glow of the nighttime side of VenuG which is sometimes
observed is at~ributable to an increase in thunderstorm activity.
Imyanitov, I. M., Chubarina, Ye. V., Shvarts, Ya. M., ELEKTRICHESTVO OBLAKOV =
(Cloud Clectricity), Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1971.
Ksanofomaliti, L. V., boctoral Dissertation, Space Research Institute, USSR
Academy of Sciences, 1977. =
Kuz'min, A. D., Marov, M. Ya., FIZIKA PLANETY VENERA (Physics of the Planet
Venus), "Nauka," Moscow, 1974. -
Kuz'min, A. D., Marov, M. Ya., "First Results of Scientific ~xperiments
on the 'Venera-11' and 'Venera-12'," PI5'M~1 V AZh (Letters to the Astro- -
nomical Journal), 5, 3, 1979.
(Propagation of Radio Waves Along the Eartl~'~ Surface), Izd-vo AN SSSR,
Moscow, 1961.
FIZICfiESKIY ENTSIKLOPEDICHESKIY SLOVAR' (Physical Encyclopedic Dictionary),
1,.Izd-vo "Sov. Entsiklopediya," Moscow, p 100, 1960.
Hara, T., "Lightning in the Planetary Atmospheres and in the Primordial
Solar Nebula," Preprint, Univ. of Kyoto, 1976.
Chernyy, F. 8., RASPROSTRANENIYE RADIOVOLN (Radio Wave Propagation), "Sov.
Radio," Moscow, 1972.
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
Yuman, M., MOLNIYA (Lightning), "Mir," Mnscow, 1g72.
COPYRIGEIT: Izd~~el'gtVb "N~Llk~~" "Pis'ma V A2}i~" 197~
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
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~ox n~r~c~nr, trs~ nrtt,Y
Moscow V~STNTK AKAU~MIY NAUK 555R in Rusai~n No 5, 1979 pp 59-64
[Article by V. V. Migulin, Cnrresponding Member USSR Ac~demy of Scienceg,
Candida~e of Phygicgl nnd MnthemaCic~~. Sciencea M. M. Mnlod~nakiy and
boctor of Phyaic~l and MaChematicnl 5ciences S. I. Syrnvgtskiy]
[Texe] The probleme involved in the prediction of solar chromospheric
f lnres are ~xCremely diverae and the prospects for their solution are
different. The long-range (up to several months) forecasting of flarea
is the most difficult of these probl~ns, for the time being having a1-
mose no theoreCical basis. This is attributable to the fact that at the
present time we do not have a posaibility of indicating the time and
plnce of the appearance of a new aceive region on the sun. Accordingly,
it is necessary Co turn Co a search for statiaCical patterna on the
basis of the collected information. In solving thie problem for the
time being it has not been possible to proceed significantly beyond the
construction of synoptic maps and defining of active longitudes. (It
should be noted thaC for the time being in our country there are no ob-
servatories which with sufficient routineness issue such information,
despite the fact that some stations occupied by the sun service could
do tliis).
Th e most long-range forecast (for several years or the enCire next cycle)
is prepared on the basis of highly averaged data. Therefore, the problem
of such forecasting is less complex.
An appronch having adequate theoretical and experimental basis can be
- us ed for short-range (from several hours to one day). This problem dif-
f ers from the first very, very substantially. Whereas for Che first prob-
- lem (preparing a forecast for a time including the appearance of a new
ac tive region), for a short-range forecast we have all the necessary in-
formation. Since flares owe their origin to a magnetic field, observa-
tional data on the magnetic field and its evolution, and alsa a know-
ledge of the flare mechanism r~ake possible the theoretical computation
of development of the phenomenon. In addition, for this forecast it is
possible to obtain additional information from observations of the
structure of an active region (and its changes) in the Fraunhofer lines
~~a ~ K-Ca II and others. This structure is determined by the magnetic
field at the level of line formation.
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~Ott d~~'ICIAI, US~ dNLY
5uch in brn~d nuCline~ ig tihe fundnm~nCdl ~~p~nC nf th~ prnbl~m. ~~r ehp
timp b~ing eh~ pr~~Cic~1 r~~ulrg l.pgv~ much Cd b~ dpgir~d. At Ch~ pr~~-
~ttt Cim~ nnly Ch~ prc~gnn~Cia cenC~r ~C Bould~r in Ch~ Ufl iCed 3CACe~ nnd
eh~ Meuddn nbH~rv~rdry in rrgnce cnlleer d~ta for ~hnrC-rnng~ for~cn~tinq
ii~id mnkt yc~mr aet~mpt~ dC ~uch fnr~ea~Cing. l~owevgr, th~ forecgseing meth-
c~d lr~ Kel~l exC~~dingly fnr frum ~he d~v~ldpm~nr ~f e1~ar nlgoriChme and
nber~ining th~ qu~ntientiv~ chgr~~e~rigeicg di th~ probnbiliCieg nf flares.
'Th~ difficuley ig nne th~e n gregC numb~r nf pnrgme~erg muge b~ t~k~n intn
~ccdunC Enr the cnrr~~pnnding compue~Cion~, but primgrily ChgC ehe ~pprn~ch
ieself fdr ehe Cim~ being hgs ~ purely synopeic chgr~ceer and ehare hgv~ _
nnt even bepn ~eCmnptg to ~pply the cdmpl~tely r~linble eheoretical prin-
ciple~. Und~r eh~ee condiCione the gynoptic and geaeisCical mer.hod~ of n
go-c~lled qu~nCitetivp fnrec~~C, b~~ed nn th~ th~ory of recognieion of
db~~CCg or approxim~Ci~n ef phendm~ng,~re unpromiging aince iC i~ nec~g-
~gry in ~dv~nne en 1gy egide nn evalugtion of the weigheg nf tho~e eharaa-
t~ristics on Che bagig of which the im~ge Cn be idanC3fied is creaCed.
Therefore, in thig case gs we11 it is mos~ imporr.gnt to discriminate from
the grent volum~ of informaeion thnt pa'rC of it which ig imporCanC for
the prediction of flare~. This is cl~arly a thenreeical problem. With
refinement of theory Che range of the neceaenry inforn?ation cgn be broaden-
ed, but now it is necessary to combine theory and observations on the -
basis of already available theoretical principlea ~nd the practice of ob-
~ervations of the developmettt of ective regions.
tn order eo ~dvance further both in tlte forecasting problem and in the
theory of flares itself there must be a clearer classification of the
basic principles on the basis of which the modern Cheory is developed. It
is useful to introduce evaluations of the basic principles of the theory,
classifying them as: 1) reliable, 2) probable, 3) possible. The following
principle can now be classified as reliable.
~ A solar chromospheric flare is a process of sudden transformation of mag-
netic energy into forms which can be dire~tly observed. As is well known,
flares occur only in active regions. We do not know of even a single case
of a flare in the undisturbed chromosphere. Since this principle is un-
_ questionable, it is necessary to adopt another principle which is not
less reliable than the preceding one. It is as follows. [See footnoCe)
The poCential f ield has the minimum energy among all the fields with a
stipulated normal component on the boundary of the region occupied by the
field. (This is the well-kno*.m theorem of classical potenCial theory,
frequently called the "Thomson principle"). Therefore, the magnetic f ield
- of an acCive region in a preflare state cannot be a potential field, that
" is, a current-free state. In other words, above the surface of the photo-
sphere in a preflare state Chere should be a current which changes its -
configuration or inCensity in such a way that the energy of interaction
Note: Cases of flares in active regions in the absence of spoCs are known
(see SOLAR PHYSICS, Vol 36, pp 403-416, 1974.
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rd~ o~r~cinr, us~ orrLx
. of the currene with the external fi~ld tng~th~r wiCh ehe ~hnr~ct~ri~eic en-
~rgy df Clie currpnC field ig 1~gg eh~n Che ~um nf eh~ ~drreeponding initial
v~~l~~:~. Th~ diff~r~tt~e ig ehe flat~e energy. Aeaordin~ly, frdm Che fact ~
rl~ne tf� flnre energy i~ drawn from th~ m~gneCic energy of ~n gctive re-
Kt~~n te cr~n be cnncluded ehgt th~r~ i~ ~n ~lectric currenC in Che gun'~
urr~r ~~tmn:~phere ~nd th~C ir pl~ya Ch~ ro1~ of gn intiermediary in th~
, tr~n~f.nrmaCinn of en~rgy.
Finnlly, ~n evalugtion of current intengity (lawer avalugCinn) h~s thQ same
bn~i~ .~nd therefore muge be a~gigtted to thig ~gm~ type of relinbl~ thenx-
eticnl principl~s. Thig v~lue i~ not 1~~~ than 1012 A(3. I. Syrovatskiy,
1976) when the fl~r~ energy i~ gbout 1032 erg.
~ ~ ' ' ~ r.;
~ / ~ . . ~
- �4 ~ ? M~ � .
~ r' :
~ '
a ~
a ?
~ ~
1 r~
l' '
, , �I
1 ' r" "M' ; %r ; ~
t ? ~ ,1 , ` .
Changes in structur e of active region in Hac, before proton flare of 7 Sep-
tember 1973 (V. I. Makarov, M. M. Molodenskiy, 1975). a) quiet filament
two hours before flare, b) filament before onset of explosive phase of
El~re acquires the configuration of a twieted cord: thia is evidence of
a change in the current over the photosphere, and in particular, an in-
crease ~n the current flowing along Che f ilament.
lJitti reapect to the Lpper evaluation for current intensiCy, here the theor-
etic~l principles for the time being can be classified as probable or pos-
:~ible. The most important of theae principles is that the field of an ac-
tive region in general differa little from a potential (harmonic) field.
~1 comparison of the energy of flares with the Cotal energy of the ~~gnetic
� field of the active region shows that the energy of the magnetic field ex-
- ceeds the energy of flares by two or three ordera of magnitude. Therefore,
a current of about 1012 A exerts no considerable influenc~ on the general
field geometry. A considerably greater current could appreciably distort
the potentiul field, but such a currenC, speaking iii general, ahould lead
to phenomena two or three orders of magnitude more powerful (which never
has been observed). What has been said, obviously, gives only an indirect
_ basis for considering the current to be relatively weak and the field to
difEer little from a potential field.
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d r.~ 5 Id 18 ~d ~9
, ~.~~~~J -
- sg,~~
b _ - ll6
- o
id a ~ ~'�i .,,?,~d C?~
'~~vy ' -
, ~
1B ~
~ ~ ~ ' I60
70 ~ ~-=7b1 Sd' ~1? .
. d
~s U ~~s ,zo
~9 N~ o 0
~ i ~
~ b 10 16 . ZO ~b 20
' 2"'Q -1
- 10 . -
IS -100~
- 700
- Zp 3 -S
.;0~ '
49 p p
10 O 6N~ h
Lonqitudinal maqnetic field (at top) and potential (at bottom) of active
reqion McMath 11693 on 18 February 1972. A flare of importance 2 occurred
in this active reqion. A, B-- large spots with diffsrent polarity, 1, 2--
singular points in field; in regions la, 3 and A there are the necessary -
but not the adequate conditions for existence of sinqular pointsj reqion 3
(upper figure) is a spot satellite. A is a field "impreqnation" with a siqn
opposite that in the surrounding fieldj potential extrea~a exist in regions
la and 9-- thase reqions do not create sinqular points.
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~Oit d~~LCIA1~ tJ5~: ONLY
In HulvinK the prnblem di t,..~ nature nf th~ field in ehe chrdmo~ph~re ~nd
r.c~rcmci lt i~ be~t tc~ u~e u dir~~t appra~eh in meaauring the magnetic
fi~ld in the photoypttere with sub~~quent Compueaeion of c3r~ui~~idn nf
the ~ield v~~tnr in gdtn~ clnr~ed contour~ Thig gppra~ch ~fford~ ~ fundg-
ment~l pns~ibility fnr finding ehe intengity of eh~ eurr~ene narm~l Co
the phnensphe~re (A. g. Severnyy, 1~71). tt~w~ver, ~rrnr~ in me~~uring
the field using m~gnetdgrnphg ef ehe B~bGdGk eype ~dngiderably cdmpli~-
ate inCerpret~tidn c?� guch dgC~. Ae~ordingly, eh~ need ~rnge fnr develdp-
ing m~~gn~togr~ph m~king iC puggibl.~ Cn c~rry nue meggurement~ ~f th~
t.~ngentiAj field with n higher gccuracy Ch~n w~~ pn~gible b~fore. Such
~h m~~tgttetdgr~ph hns nnw b~en ~r~~e~d ne~ eh~ In~titue~ of '~~rr~~~ria1 t~g-
neCis~n, Idnngphere ~nd tt~did W~ve Prrp~g~Cinn USSIt Ac~demy d~ SC~~flC@g
(G. M. Niknl'gkiy, ~l.). T'her~ are gl~n ~dditinn~l indic~tidng ~hgt the
presence o~ ~ CurrenC digturb~ Che pdeettCigl field relgCively 1ittle.
~irgt nf a11, n~ a regul~ of cnmpgrigdn of the fdrm nf ehe m~gn~tic gur-
fa~eg nf the potenti~l field with the igdpho~g of etie ~ornnal ~ondeng~-
rinns Ch~re w~g fnund to be ~ cnrrespdnd~nce of eheir form~. Second, a
cnmpnrigon of Che direCeinng of ehe pneentinl field lineg nf fdrCe with
the dire~tion of ehe filamenCg $1so indiCgeeg ~ gn~ 11 differen~~ betw~~tt
these fields gnd potential fieldg. Third~ it followg Erom genernl mggneCo-
hydrodyngmic theory (frdm ehe energy principle) th~e the lnngiCudingl cur-
rent alw~yg ~erveg ~s a non~tabilizing f~ctor; therefore, gr.ability hg$
been demons~rated only for fi~lds in the gun's upp~r atmosphere differing
litCle frdm poCenCial fi~ldg.
An extremely important prc~blem is the localiz~tidn and Gonfiguration of the
current. This problem for the time being can be solved on the basis of the
preceding, probable theory of field quasipotentiality. On its basis it is
possible to formulate a geometrical (and topological) theory of roagnetic
Eields of active regions. Up to the present Cime this problem has been
examined at the level of models: the field has been represented by some
number of dipoles or individual spoCs gituaCed in the phoCosphere. AC the
same time, the field nf aCtive regions is an example of an extremely com-
plexly struceured vecCor field (and gn extremely detail~d measured field);
mh~refor~, mddel representations 8o noe make it possible to use the greater
pare of ~he field information.
The expansion of the field in spherical harmonics used in classical problems
, (description of the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth and pla~-
e~s) in this case is ineffeceive. There�ore it is necessary to turn to the
general theory of vector fields making it possible to describe the qualita-
tive structure of the field (in the sense of its ~o~logical properties),
and also to draw basic conclusions concerninq the number and positioninq of
s.inqular points in the field. It must be noted that the use of numerical
methods in solution of the boun8ary problem arisinc here (Neum~nn problem)
is completely necessary, but at the same time it is extremely important to
have preliminary information on the singular points which can be obtained
from an analysis of the boundary conditions.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~~x n~~ic~nL us~ dNr~Y
mhe gen~r~l ~d~a o� a qualitative c~esc~iption ~f vec~~or fi~lri~ wag expr~s~-
' ~d ~b~uti a hunctred ~~~rg ago by A~ Pc~inc~re. 'rhi~ id~~ ig baged bn th~ fe1~
1cwing ~nal~gy. tn r~r~~r td c1~~crib~ ~h~ b~havinr df ~~caiar func~ion nf
nn~ aryumen~ i~ ~n m~neion ~h~ pe?~i~iong ~nd ~yp~~ c~� ~xtr~m-
al painrg (maxim~, minim~ ~nd inflee~ion ~intig) ~nc~ ~1~0 ~h~ egym~~o~ic
b~havi~r nf eh~ funeeinn when x~ U~ing canefniiiey, i~ ig pd~~ibl~ eo
~c~rm a mdr~ g~n~ra1 id~a ~oncerning the beh~vior c~f thig fun~~ion. 2n th~e
C~se of a v~c~dr field eh~ gitua~ion ie ~imilar, ~n~ ~h~ rol~ nf ~x~r~m~
i~ p1~ye8 by eh~ gingul~r poin~~ in ~h~ v~ceor fi~1d. mhe a~ymp~o~iC b~-
havior is aiso known for the m~gn~~.ic ~ield~c ~xcapt for cag~g of gpeci~l
gymm~ery, the field ugu~lly e~n8~ ~o a c~ipol~ fi~ld wi~h ~ rl~ mher~-
fdr~, in c+rd~r td form sam~ id~a con~erning iih~ fieid ~erurtur~ i~ i~ n~ceg-
g~ry ~o indicate ~h~ number, typ~ ~nd posi~ion of the gingular poin~~. Wieh
r~gpect en their pr~gieion, ~o a con~iderabl~ degr~~ ~hig is a problem in
~uantit~~iv~ an~lysis ancl i~ ig ~olv~d on Ch~ bagig of rompu~ations. mh~
~yp~ df singular poines in a pot~ntiial approxima~ion is known �or the m~gne~ic
fieldt tih~s~ are always s~ddl~ pointa (with a pogitive or neqaeive index).
~'inally, tih~ sum of eh~ indices of the sinqUlar poin~~ can be obrained by _
means of an ~nalysis of ~h~ boundary conditions, and apecifically by cal-
cula~ion of the characti~ristic known as vector fi~ld rotation (V~'tt). mhus~
ehe tiheory of indices nf vector fialds makes it pogsible to introduce a
completely rigorous clasgification of the �ield~ of active r~qions by means
af us~ of a new, physically meaningful parameter determining the "degree of
field complexity."
The traditional "Zurich" classification of spot groups is customary and
simple, but it does not reflect the real topological field complexity. The
introduction and broad use of magnetic field rotation ~MFR), and also use of
the ~bsolute maqnetic field (AMF') value instead of spot areas,is extremely
rtx~dern and promising. We note that in a three-dimensional case the index
of field rotation, determined as the "degree of representation" of the
field on a unit sphere nf directions, is not equal Co th~ number of sin-
gular points above the photosphere, but is only the difference in the num-
ber of positive and negative indices of the singular points. Nowever, it is
obvious that generally speakinq there is a correlation between the differ~
ence and the total number, and sin~e tihe flare$ arQ related to field com-
plexity, MFR can serve as a characteristic of the flare'activity of groups.
- Thus, in addition ta the absolute magnitude of the flux, in essence, the
energy characteristic of the field, it is also possible to mention another
characteristic reflecting the degree of field complexity.
Thus, on the basis of a probabilistic principle of the theory (that concern-
inq potentfality) it is possible to indicate the positioninq of sinqular
points and find the general fiel8 structure. In a case when ft is possible to
discriminate systems of independent magnetic fluxes, a current arises on
the "limiting" line of force separating these fluxes. A correlation waa
established between the parameters of plasma in the neighborhood of this
line and the characteristics af the current layer (S. I. Syrovatskiy, 19?6).
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
in p~rticui~r, t'~r paw~rfui flar~g wi~h an en~rgy releage ~f abou~ in~2
erg dn ehe bag3.~ c~~ th~~ry it w~~ pe~gibl~ ob~~in ~h~ Gh~r~~teri~~ic
time n~ farm~~idn af.~h~ ~urr~nt lay~r C~�1~~ ~~sl~ h~ur~) ~nc1 ~ gt~~ion-
- a~y in~en~i~y ~%B�lOZ7 ~rg/g~~~ beinq released ~or the moat pare in ~h~
regidn d~ the far ultravinl~t. mh~~~ ~h~r~C~erigtic~ m~sti ~vi~~n~~y b~ re-
garded ag po~gible. F'dr ~he ~ime b~ing ~her~ ~r~ nd dir~~~ ~xp~rim~nt~~ ~
dat~ nn ~he gen~gig nf eh~ curr~nt 1~y~r b~for~ ~ pow~rful (abou~ 10~Z ~rg)
~1are. mherefore, i~ ig ~xeremely impor~~n~ ~d ~arry dut ~ystem~~ic ~bserv~-
tiong of the in~~n~ity d� sdiar t1V r~di~tinn and i~s vari~~idns ~'~~ring ~
perincl df incr~ag~d ~c~ivity. Me~~urementg carri~cl out befdr~ f1aLQ~ and
during th~ p~~fod of Cheir cl~velnpm~nti are of gp~cia]. in~~r~gti. in addi-
tion to dir~c~ me~guremen~g which can k~~ carri~d out from ~r~ificial ~~rtih
- ga~elli~~~ ie is df gre~t impdrtan~~ tid mak~ obg~rv~tidng of ~udcl~n i~no-
sph~ri~ dig+:urb~nc~~ c~u~ing a bnppler fr~quen~y ghife df rac~io gign~lg r~-
fleceed from th~ ionasph~re (5~D 5ucid~n ~'r~quency bevi~~ic~nm), and ~lso
regular observaCinns nf ~he ~tate nf ~he oznne l~y~r, being a sengi~iv~ in-
di~at~r of W radi~eion.
, Yf the pr~liminary ~heore~iral consid~r~tiions dn th~ mechanism nf th~ g~n-
~sis and developmene of fl~re grac~s~~s find renfirmation in the character-
isei~~ of tih~ obs~rv~d tJV or radiofrequency r~di~tion before a flar~ it
becdmes posgiblp to mak~ a reliab~e ~hort-range prediction of a flare. This
- problem can be solv~d suce~sgfully on tih~ basis of regular high-quality
m~asurements of th~ magnetic fields of actiive regions on thQ sun, obtain-
ing information on the structure of the rhromoaphere and corona in optical
lfnes, and systematic monitoring of radio ~anission in combination with reg- -
ular monitoring af solar UV radiation by direct and indirect abservations
(observations of SF'D, monitoring of the ozonosphere, etc.).
COPYftIGNT: izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR," 1979
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
Mo~~ow V~57'NIK AKAn~MII NAUK SSS~t in Itueei~n No ' S, 1979 pp 3-8
(Ungign~d ~rei~le)
[~extj The Ingeitut~ of Oc~gnology imgni F. P. Shirehov, esC~blished in
1946, ig engaged in g compl~x gtudy of phy~ical, chemic~l, geol.ogical and
biological proc~sses in eh~ world ocean, and glso Che develnpmpnC of m~~ns
gnd methods for inve~tigating it. The in~titute has an Atlant~c Uivision
in K~liningrgd, g Southern Division at ~Gelendzhik and ~ Section of Mathe-
matical Modpling nf Circulation of the Ocean and Che Atmoephere at Lenin-
grad. An e~cperimental deaign bureau operates at the institute. The inst-
itute has the scientific research ahipa "Vityaz'," "Akademik Kurchatov."
"lknitriy Mendeleyev," and also geven small vegsels.
The Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences discussed the activity of
the Institute of Oceanology imeni P. P. Shirshov. A report was presented
by the institute director, A. S. Monin, Corresponding Member USSR Academ~
- of Sciences.
~port of A. S. Monin
The scientific activity of the institute, stated the speaker, is directed
to the solution of highly important problems in oceanology as a unified~
- complex science, and also practical problems of great importance to the
national economy. Theoretical and experimental investigaCions are being -
n~ade on the basis of modern attainments in phyeics, hydromechanics, applied
mathem~tics, geology, chemistry and biology.
physics of the ocean occupies a key place in the institute's worle. One of
the principal events in oceanology during the last 10 years was the dis-
covery, by the institute's expeditions, of inesoscale eddies having a dia-
meter of several hundred kilometers and penetrating many hundreds of
meters into the depth of the ocean. Most of the energy of ocean currents
is concentrated in these eddies.
Tt~e discovery of these eddies has forced a re-examination of concepts con-
_ cerning the field of ocean currents and the task now is learn to predict _
the detailed structure of currenta in the ocean With the influence of
eddies taken into account. 42
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~Ott U~~I~~AL US~ ONLY
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The "Chernomor" sealab ensures multiday work of a crew of 4-5 men at depths
up td 30 m.
At the institute there has be~n conaiderable development of numerical model- -
ing of global currents and tides. Studies have been made of nonstationary
and long-period movements in the ocean, including effects associated with
di�ferent mechaniams of wave excitation, variable ocean depth, the earth's
influence, and also taking ittCo account viacoaity and reaonance phenomena.
These atudies are being carried out in close collaboration with the inst-
iCutes o~ the Siberian Division USSR Academy of Sciences.
The geophyaical probes with an increased resolution created at the insti-
tute made it possible to detect a well-developed vertical microstructure
o~ the ocean. [See: K. N. Fedorov, "Fine Structure of Phyaical Fields in
the Ocean," V~STNIK AN SSSR, No 2, 1978.) Extensive experimental studies
have been made of internal gravitational wavea. The poasibility of gener-
ation o� a fine structure of hydrophyeical �ields in the ocean during the
pas~age o� internal Waves has been demonstrated.
Investigatiu~s of ocean microstructure are closely assuciated with a
study of its small-scale turbulence. The large-scale measurements of the
small-scale component of ocean turbulence s~hich have been carried out have
led to neW concepts concerning it as being aeak turbulence (With small
Reynolds numbers), concentrated in thin extenaive microstructure layers. -
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
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"Krolik" on-shore hyperbaric complex. It is used in carrying out tests of
apparatus and for medical-physiological investigaCions wiCh the prolonged
presence o� people in artificial. atmospherea at pressurea up to 35 atm.
Interesting results were obt~ined in the field of ocean optics.
- A~lobal numerical model of interaction between the o~cean and the atmo-
sphere has been developed. It makea use of new methods for the parameter-
izaCion of small-acale interaction. As demonatrated by numerical experi-
ment~, the model is auiCable for the modeling of climate. ~
Broad investigations of interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere
were carried out during Che experiments "Tropeks-72" and "Tropeka-74."
Studies have been carried out for investigating the distribuCion of macro-
components and microcomponents of gases, organic matter, the processes of
their variability, annual circulation and balance in the waters of the
world ocean. Specially synthesized polymer sorbents have been proposed
and tested. These are for the extraction of uranium, silver and other
trace elements from sea water.
Institute scientists have investigated petroleum contamination of waters
in the world ocean. Dispersing substances have been developed for elimin-
ating the petroleum fi~m forming when petroleum pours out on the sea.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
ron or~zcr~ us~ nrtLY
The in~~iCutp cnrrieg out c~xCensiv~ work in tihe fi~1d nf geology of Che
oceatt. The principlee ai' marinp g~vlogy h~ve been formul~tied. Merhods �or
geolog:Lcnl~gedphy~iC~1 invesC~.g~ttiiotts of the floor of deep p~rCs of the
oc~nn h~v~ been developed and are in exCensive use. SCudies h~ve been made
of the qu~neieaCive ~nd qu~lie~eive regu~.~riCies nnd pntCerns of present-
d~y sedimene~eion, the diseri,bueion and compneition of sedimentary and ig-
n~dus rocks on Che ncean floor. regiona of ineCglliferous sedi-
m~nCs h~ve been discovered.
Tt~e disCribution of ferroroang~nese nodules, rare and disperae elements,
h~s been ~nvesCigaeed in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Promising peCroleum and gas reg~.ona hnve been discovered on the shelves
ttnd flonrs nf the Baleic 5ea ~nd the Sea of OkhoCsk. New dgtn have been
obt~ined ott the relief of Che crysCalline basement and the sCructure of
the sedimenCary layer under the floor of the cenrral Caspinn. Itecommenda-
tions have been made ~or carrying out reconngissance and prospecting work
for peCroleum and gas.
Concepts have been developed concerning the generaCion of movemenC of
lithospheric plates by deep processes. Models of processes of thrusting
of lithospheric plates und::r island ares and the active margins of con-
Cinents have been formulated. Studies have been carried ouC on the paleo-
geography of the Phanerozoic. Maps of movement of the conCinents during
tt~is period were prep~red.
As a result of the investigations carried out by Che biological subdiv-
isions of the institute it was possible to ascertain the basic patterns
of d~stribution of biological ob~ects in the ocean, the peculiarities of
zones with high and low productivity, vertical faunistic zonality, and
maximum depths of abyssal Crenches in the ocean. There has been develop-
ment of work in a new direction for the institute: study of funcCioning
of ocean biosystems and the creaCion of biological productivity in them.
New methods have been proposed f~r invesCigaCing biological groups (bac-
teria, proCozoa, microzooplankton). Diagrams of the cycling of marter and
the absorption of energy in biological systems in pelagic regions of the
ocean h~ve been prepared. Specialists have formulated maChematical models
of the functioning of biological co~nunities in pelagic regions. Qn the
basis af these models it has become possible to predict the development
of such communities.
The results of these investigations constitute an imporCant step in solu-
tion of the fundamental practical problem of a changeover from the op-
eration of fisheries to the rational cultivation and collecCion of the
biological production of the ocean.
Oceanological instruments have been created aC the institute. OperaCing
models of a seismoprofilograph and side-scan sonar have been fabricated
and using them it has been possible to obtain seismic profiles in the
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
ncentts dver g dieti~nce nf ~00,000 miles. Tawed 3n~erumen~gtion hns b2en
developed gnd used und~r expeditionary condiCions for meneuring eur~~ul~nce,
ng we11 ns hydrnphysicgl probee, digital currene meeer~, hydrooptiici?1 in-
etrum~nts and n number of models o� insCrumentg~ion for and
biningic~l investiig~Cions. y
- 'The insCituCe successfully compleCed g series nf sCudies in the "Chernomor"
se~lab. Conclusions were drnwn concerning Che limiting depChs of long-term
presenCe of aquannues in a niCrogen-oxygen aCmoaphere. The "Krolik" hyper-
b~ric ch~mber wns cre~eed. IG nfforde a poasibility fnr carrying out ex-
perimenes for study o� the effecCa of pressur~g up eo 35 atm on the human
body. The "Krnb" te~.evieion m~nipulator has been developed and is being
used (ies depeh of aubmergence ig up to 1.5 km). The "Argus" underwater
apparaCus has been constructed (submergence depth to 600 m). InvestigaCions
are being carried out using the "Paysis" underwater vehlcles at depths As
greaC as 2 km. In 1977 these vehicles were uaed in carrying out a succesa-
- ful complex geological-geophysical invesCigaCion of the floor of Lake
t3aykal, making it possible to obtain important scientific resulte. [See: _
Ye. G. Mirlin, A. M. Podrazhanakiy and A. M. 5agalevich, "Geological-
Geophyaical and Underwater Investigations on Baykal," VESTNIK AN SSSR,
No 11, 19 78. J
The institute is carrying ouC a great volume of practical investigations.
It has formulated scientific recommendations on contending with world-
wide coneamination of waters in the seas and oceans, on the development
of fisheries, and improvement of navigation. These recommendaCions are `
being used successfully in the national economy.
The work of the Institute of Oceanology is being carried out in close
collaboration with other instiCutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, min-
istries and departments. The institute also has cloae bonds wtth foreign
oceanological organizations and is taking an active part in carrying out _
In conclusion, Che speaker told about the difficulties which the inst-
itute encounters in its activity. The equipment and producCion base of
the institute is inadequaCe for carrying out important and responsible
tasks assigned it. The experimenCal-design bureau for oceanological
apparatus does not fully ensure Che institute with instruments and equip-
- ment for field and laboratory experiments. The technical fac~.lities
available to the institute are not always used effectively enough.
After the report a communication was presented by Academician Ye. P. Veli-
khov, a commission membur of the USSR Academy of Sciences Presidium fam-
iliar with the institute's activity. In the opinion of the commission,
stated Ye. P. Velikhov, the Institute of Oceanology is a major scientific
center in the field of ocean studies. The most important attainment of
the institute is that it has succeeded in bringing together different as-
pects of ocean research its physics, hydrodynamics, biology, bottom
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~ox nrri~r~ vs~ ot~LY
genlogy. InCerucCion wirh Che ing~ituCee of the USSR Ac~demy n~ Scinnceg
hns be~n w~3.1 egtnbli~hed.
'I'h~n Ye. t~. Vel~.khov pr~gent~d commi~sion recomm~ndtt~iona relgCed to tihe
difficulties whiCh th~ insCiCute is experiencing in its work. In partic-
u1nr, the commission recntnmended a of tite compuCnCion bgse
of the inetituee. 5ince the institute is carrying nue exCensive experi-
mentnl invesCig~Ciong in sea polygons and abyssn~ ~.nvesCigations, iC ia
~lso necess~ry Co serengChen its production bgse, ensure supply wiCh in-
sCruments and equipmenC. ~ _
Liscussion of Itepnrt
Academician A. L. Yanshin. The InsCituCe of Oceanology over Che course of
the IABt 10 years has been producing first-class scienCific publicntions
An example is rhe multivolume work TIKIIIY OKEAN (Pacific Ocean), which
has been nwarded the USSR State Prize (1977). Many of Che published works
of'the instituCe gre being Cranslated into foreign languages, evidence of
tlieir high internationul authority.
I~ grear merit of the instituCe's work is the close relationships wieh acad-
emic institutions and ehe insCiCutes of other departments and also its
broad internatiottal connections.
iJow ever-increasing attention is being devoCed to the exploitation of the
mineral resources lying on the floor of the Pacific Ocean (even today 24~ -
of all petroleum is produced from the floors of the seas and oceans). Evi-
dently, the Institute of Oceanology must intensify research in this direc-
cion in order to play a key role not only in the study of sedimentation,
but also the resources 'lying on the floors of the seas and oceans.
Academician V. Ye. Sokolov. The biological studies of Che Institute of
Oceanology are quite well known. The commiasion of the USSR Academy of
Sciences Presidium working at the institute (V. Ye. Sokolov was a commis-
sivn member and was acquainted with the activity of the biological labor-
atories) raised the quesCion as to whether it was legitimate for biolog-
ical laboratories to be a parC of the Institute of Oceanology. The joining -
together of physicists, chemists, geologists and biologists in a single
insCitute is desirable when they carry out smooth complex work in a
single direction. The commission drew the conclusion that at the Institute
of Oceanology there is such a direction study o~ ecosystems in the ocean
and its productivity. However, at the institute it is necessary to reduce
classical biological investigations to a minimum and against this back-
ground estab lish closer contact with the Division of General Biology.
Admiral-Engineer P. G. KoCov. The scientific problems which are being
solved by the lnstitute of Oceanology in collaboration with other inst-
itutes of the US5R Academy of Sciences are of great practical importance.
It is necessary to devote much attention to study of the hydrophysical and
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hydroncnuseic ch~rncCazisCicg nf individu~?1 regions nf Che ocean for de-
eerminittg g~ner~1 cnndiCinng in the ocean. There ~.s se~ll much Chat is
unknown in eh~: nce~n. For ex~nple, Chis is Crue of ehe eddies, for whic~
ndditional profound invesCigaCions are necessary. IC ie necessary eo ac-
- ~leraC~ the development of a complex program of field atudies, including
- hydrophysicnl and hydrol.ngic~l invegtigationg.
It is desirable Chttt ~here be fur~her development o� the professional con-
r~ces between the Institute af Oceanology And inaC3CuCes of oCher depart-
ments using Che resulrs of fundamental investigaC~.ona for crea~ing prac-
tica.l engineering apparatus.
Acgdemician L. M. Brekhovskikh. 7'he board of the Division o� OceanoYogy,
Physics of the Atmosphere and Geography, in discussing the work of Che
InsCituCe of Oceanology, noCed its great auccesses in aCudy of physics,
biology, geology and chemistry of tihe ocean, ~he great productivity of _
the multisided approach Co study of the ocean, ~he need tor further de-
velopment and application of ehis ~pproach.
The InsCitute of Oceanology, despite having inadequaCe Cechnical equipment,
is functioning at the level of the leading scientific oceanological inst-
itutes of the world. Its success~s are attributable both to Che successful
selecCion of personnel and the productiive combination of theoretical and
experimental investigationa. .
A ma~or undertaking of the institute has been compilation of the 10-volume
monograph OKEANOLOGIYA (Oceanology), which.a~fords a full idea concerning
the status of the entire sc~.ence of the ocean. Four volumes of Chis mono-
graph have already been published.
The board of the division assumes that the institute shou~.d be more con-
cerned with model laboraCory invesCigations and must carry out more in-
tensive work in sealabs.
Academician A. Yu. Ishlinskiy. Study of the ocean is a broad field of ap-
plications for investigations in the field of inechanics. The motion of
water is closely related to the movement of air masses and here there must -
' be specific hydrodynamic and aerodynamic investigations. Close contacts
have been established between Che InsCituCe of Oceanology and the Insti- ~
tute of Mechanical Problems and a number of problems in hydrodynamics
and acoustics are being solved ~ointly. In the implementation of such
investigations under laboratory conditions the Institute of Mechanical
Problems can ass~ist the Institute of Oceanology, since it has great ex-
perience in constructing the necessary apparatus.
Academician A. V. Sidorenko. The InstiCute of Oceanology is carrying out
much important work on a broad complex of problems related to the mastery
of the world ocean. There is a need for strengthening the material-tech-
nical base of the institute, but the available equipment and methods are
not being used sufficienCly effectively.
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Fnx orr~crEu, us~ otvLY
'1'he insCituCe shnu~.d occupy un posieion in sCudy o~ rhe gheYves.
Since mulCisided invesCigaCions nre being cttrried out ~ti Che ins~~.CuCe
relttting to ehe pliysic~ nnd chem~.sCry n.~ Che waCer medium, biosphere and
gec~logy iG is necessary Char Chere be clear, we11-organized coordi.ntttion
oF th is work.
The re~ults ~f ehe discussion wer~ summarized by Academician V. A. KoCel'-
nikov, Vice 1'resident of tlte U55R Academy o� Sciences.
~ The Presidium of Che USSR Academy of 5ciences approved the scientific ~nd
scientific-organiza~ional acriviCy of Che InsCiCuCe of Ocettnology imenl
P. P. Shirshov USSR Academy of Sciences.
_ The principal directions in Che scientific acCivity of the institute in-
r_lude rhe development of theoreCical prob~.ems in oceanology, the carrying -
~ out of inveseigations of the oceans and seas on the basis of Che concept
of Che unity of Che physical, chemical, biological and geological process-
es transpiring in the seas and oceans.
The efforts of the institute must be concenCrated on solution of Che fol-
lowing problems: hydrology of the world ocean; physical fields in the
world ocean; interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere; chemical
_ processes of transformation of substances in Che ocean; geological prin- -
ciples for the exploitation of the mineral resources of the world ocean;
~eotectonics of oceanic regions of the earCh; control of biological pro- -
- ductivity of the ocean; research equipment and experimental methods; un-
derwater research.
_ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Vestnik Akad~mii Nauk SSSR," 1979 _
[ 416 J
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Leningrad PROGNOZ TEMPERATURY VODY V OKEANE (.P~ediction of Water Tempera-
ture in the Ocean) in Russian 1979 signed to press 27 Nov 78 pp 3, 4-5, 6-8,
- [Editor's note, foreword, introduction and table of contents from book by
M. G. Glagoleva and L. I. Skriptunova, Gidrometeo~.zdat, 1,200 copies, 168
[Text] Editor's Note. The prediction of indiv~.dua' phenomena or elements
of the sea's regime requires a knowledge of the p�~ocesses transpiring 3n
the ocean and atmosphere, their interaction and interrelationship. That is
~ahy the level of development of marine hydrological predictions is depen-
dent to a considerable degree on our knowledge in the field of large-scale
_ circulation of the atmosphere and successful solution of the problem of
caeather forecasting for any parCicular time in advance.
A role of more than a litCle importance, if not the bas3.c role in the de-
velopment of marine forecasts is played by the availability of data from
hydrometeorological observations from the entire surface of the seas and
oceans which are of a sufficient degree of accuracy and spatial-temporal
discreteness. The lack of such data is a serious impedimenC in the study
of physical and other processes transpiring in the waters of the world
_ ocean, and accordingly, in the field of development of inethods for mak-
ing sea hydrological predictions. Despite the mentioned difficulties, in-
vestigations in tha field of marine hydrologicai forecasts are success-
fully developing. Generalizations of theoretical and empirical studies
based on an analysis of the physical processes transpiring i~ the ocean
and making it possible to comprehend the essence of the considered pheno-
menon will make it possible to evaluate the level of present-day invest-~
igations in the field of marine forecasts and discern ways to develop
_ Chem further, including methods for computing and predicting the thermal
structure of the active layer in the ocean. It is this theme to
this monograph is devoted.
This monograph is the first attempt at generalization of Soviet and for-
~ eign studies on predictions of water temperature in the ocean. It not
only sets forth individual physicostatistical and hydrodynamic studies on
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I~dtt dt~P'ICIAL US~ ~NLY
~nmput~ei~tt~ ~nd prediceion~ o~ w~e~r ~emperdCure ~n~l d~peh di the ehetyuo-
Cline, but ~~l~o giveg ev~lu~Ci.dn~ o~ Chege from ehe point df view df Che
prdEeg~t~nc~1 forecnsCer~
lJithouC qucstinn, this book wi11 be of inter~ge nne nr~ly for prnfe~~inngl
ocenndlagigtg, buC algo ~or ~pcciullge~ in oCher brun~h~s.
A. I. ItKr~k~~h
Corew~rd~ predictions of ehe ~hermal ~egte cf rhe dce~n wgrrant ehe CIb9~gL
nCC~nCinn from invesCig~eors nf ehe o~~nn nnd aemngphere. 7'he SUCCpgg of
m~ny Cypes o~ hum~n ~cCiviCy (, merchanC marin~ dperatidng, eCc.)
ig dependene on Che relinbility of waeer CempcrgCure fnr~c~st~. ,
tn the prdbl~m of ineer.xcCion beCwe~n Che oc~an ~nd ehe ttemnsphere ~n im-
pc~rt~tinC pl~ce is occupied by Che problem of fc~rmaCinn dF the CempernC+~r~
Eield in the ocean ~nd predicridn of ie~ chnngeg.
'I't~e bnsis for Che dev~lopmertC of forecnses of Che Chermal staCe of Che geug
~nd oc~ans was the fundamental investigaeions of Che Soviet scientiges Yu.
M. Shoknl'skiy, V. Yu. Vize, N. N. Zubov, V. V. Shuleykin, A. D. Dobrovnl'-
skiy, A. I. Uuv~nin, V. V. Timonnv, V. Ii. Sheokm~n, N. A. I3elinskiy, A. I.
h~lraknsh~ K. I. Kudrynvayn, Yu. P. boron3n and oCherg.
buring Che lusC 15-20 years it is possible Co ndCe progress in investiga-
tiong of Che Chermal re~ime of the sea. In particular, aC Che USSR Hydro-
roete~rological CenCer grenC aCtention is being devoted Co study of the
thcrm~l regime of the se~, and a~ g result, meChods have been developed
for shorC-r~nge, long-range and superlong-range predictions of water tem- -
perature. Whereas the first sCUdies related to individual points or lim-
ited regions of the seas, later conditions were created for the develop-
ment of inethods for predicting the disCribution of water temperaCure over
the entire water area of the norChern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans. The considerable short-Cerm variabiliCy of temperaCure discovered
by neans of multiday stations makes iC necessary to re-evaluate the impoY-
tance of short-range forecasts.
T1~e methods for predicCing water temperature have be~n seC forCh in ar-
ticles published in scienCific ~ournals, transactions of institutes, con-
ferences, etc. There have been very few generalizaCions of these topics.
~lmong th~ foreign writings we should mention the book by Ia evastu and Heln
on commercial oceanography [iCem 77 in Che list of references] in which -
considerable aCtention is devoted to predictions of water temPerature and
a book by James on prediction of Che thermal structure of the ocean [item ~
39 in the lisC of references]. _
A generalization of Soviet studies of watzr temperature prediction can
be Eound only in corresponding relatively small sections of textbooks on
marine forecasts and in a preliminary bulletin with a review of short-range -
_ Eorecasting methods [item 36 in the list of referencesJ.
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~~It n1~~ICtAL U~L' tlNLY
~ 'i'he ob~eCCive nf tihi~ mdnogrgph ig g r~vi~w nf SdvieC ~nd for~ign ~eudie~
which ~et fnreh Ch~ n~etih~dg for pr~diceing wgtier eemp~r~Cura, ~nd Cn n
l~gg~r d~gree r~lae~ Cd diggnd~eic ~~hem~g.
'The ~uthor~ expregs ~pprecigCinn Co A. I. Kgr~ka~h for vnlu~bl~ gdviCe
r~ceived during Ch~ writiing nf ehig m~n~gr~ph ~nd ~xpreas gin~er~ gppr~ci-
aeinn en Ye. G. Niki~~rnv fnr u~~~ul C~n~ne~ m~de during r~vipw of Che
'Tlie sectinn "ShnrC~it~nge ~nr~C~stg" we~ wrieC~n by L. I. Skriptundva ~nd
the ~ecCinn "tang-It~nge ~oreGggCg" w~~ wriCt~n by M. G. Glggolev~.
Introductinn. ~und~m~neal inve~tigneinng in ehe fi~1d df dce~nnld$y in nur
Cduntry ~nd nbra~d h~v~ be~n dir~cC~d Co Che ~r~aCion of ~ phy~icdm~the-
m~eiCal b~sig in the �i~1d of m~rin~ for~c~gt~. Th~ impravem~nC d~ ~omput-
ntion methddg is f~voring the gc~lutidn of complex mathemaCic~l ptioblems
nn an elecernttiC cdropuCer. gut gt Che pregenC Cime the use nf hydrndynamic
models in predicCing Che ahgracteriseicg of the ocenn regime is sCi11 1im-
iCpd. An o~sCacl~ tn ehis i~ eh~ compl~xiCy n~ ehe proC~ggeg er~ngpiring
in rhe ocean and Che ghorCage nf hydrometeornlagical infnrmgeinn. Ie is
impogsible to describe ehe proCeeges transpiring in th~ oceang gttd segs -
� by 1ine~r equ~Cions and ehe ineroduction of nonlinenr Cerms creates maehe�-
mtttical difficulties. In ttieoreeic~l modelg it is very difficult to make ~
- ~llowance for the influence of local condiCions on Che characCerigCics to
be predicted and to ineroduce a greaC numb~r of determining argu[nenCg.
TF~e uncertainty of many parameters entering into the equation~ nf hydro-
nnd thermodynamics, such as the coefficienta of turbulent mixing, the
roughness parnmeter and others, introduces gdditional difficulties when
using theoretical models for practical compuCations.
At the present level, the basic methods employed in routine work are phys-
icostatisrical meChods.
It must be remembered that there is a correlation between the two methods.
Applicable to weather forecasCs, N. A. $ngrov wrote: "The framework of the
physical model muat rest on some genaralization nf known empirical factors
and all the numerous parameters of the model also, as a rule, are aet by
Che empirical-statistical meChod... In the second approach to the fore-
casting problem requirements on the physical structure of the atmosphere
- must be imposed on the stochastic model, alChough in the most general
form" [9J. These considerations unquestianably also apply to marine fore-
The development of the theory of random functions, the developm~nt nf prac-
tical procedures for the staCistical analysis of observational data and
the accumulation of field data favored the development of physicostatis-
_ tical methods. It is noo~ possible to precompute many characteristics of
the sea and ocean regime.
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rd~ dri~~ICIAL U5~ nNLY
J~m~g [~9~ h~g written ybdut eh~e ~mpiricgl nnture of predicCian df ehermttl
~truCtur~~ t,~evastu ~nd t~e1n [77) ~lgd nnte eh~t the pr~ctic~l uge df Cocnmer-
ci~l oc~ttndgr~phy invniv~g ~ cnrr~lntion ~nalyai~ df dif~erene d~C~.
M~ge prediction in~ehdd~, both hydrodyn~mir ~nd ~e~ei~~ie~1, gre b~s~ed nn
- ~n �~lldwanc~ for et~e inEluen~e df inee~nrnlogiC~1 prne~~~~~ dn hydrological
_ ~roce~z~eg. ie ig known ~1i~C ~he oGean in turn ex~rCg ~n influence on ~Cmo-
gpheric prdcegseg. 'Thprefa~e, gCudi~g in whi~h Chp ittflu~n~e nf rh~ ntmn-
~phere ~nd tiydrogpher~ nn ane ~nntiher ~re Cgk~n into nccdunt ~ppe~r promig-
ing. ~fte ~oint sdlueion df equntinng fc~r ehe ~Cmo~phere ~nd hydrnsphere
m~ke~ pog~ible simulr~neoug cdmpue~eion of chgr~cCeriseicg nf both the ~e-
mnsphere and ocean. In m~rine prediCtiong c~ gp~Ci~l pl~ce ig nccupied by
m~ehodg b~~ed dn ~n ~11nw~n~e for exeerngl fgcenrg: Gn~M~C ctnd g~nphysiC~l.
Such f~Ceors inalude golnr ~~~ivity, v~ri~Cfnng of ehe ~arrh'g axis df ro-
ti~ti~n, Che idn~-p~rind lun�~r Cid~, eCc. ~t~e di~COVered cycies in vgrig-
tiong of ehese exeern~l facedrg ~nd in ehe Gourge df individugl hydrnmeceor-
oingic~l elements ~~nd phenom~tt~ m~de ie po~gibl~ ed obtain meehodg for making
EoreeasCs n lon~ time in ndvanCe.
buring the enCire perind df developmettC of sea predictions Ctie role of
meteoroldgic~l fnrecngCing hgs been r~3sed und discussed. At firgC glancp
. it appe~rs obviaug eh~C se~ fore~ases musC bp b~sed nn wenther forecasts.
t3ut difficulties arise in Cheir prncCiCnl applicgCion. tJhen using long-
r,~nge wegther forecasr~, due eo eheir 1ow prnbnble ~UCC~2gg~ ehe SUCC@88 of
marine forecase~ ig gre~tly reduced. In shnre-rnnge forecasts there are
~;re~t possibilities fnr eh~ use of ineteoroldgicgl forecasts, but these pos-
sibiliCies ~~re limiCed. For example, forec~sCs of m~ny meeeoralogical ele-
mentg are not prepnred for ehe open regiong of the ~eas and ace~ng (ttir
_ humidity, cloud cover, eCc.). Therefore in developing short- ~nd especially
long-range predicti4ns an effort is made Co not use weather forecagCs. In
nature there is a lag in changes in hydrological elements in comparison
with meCeorological elemenCs (for example, sea level in comparison wiCh
- the wind, water temperature in comparison wiCh air Cemperature, ~CC.);
this lag is used in s~tting the advance time of the forecasts. Since these
rime intervals are not always sufficienCly great, it is necessary Co use
short-range meteorological forecasts (wittd, air temperaCUre forecasCs) for
ittcreasing the advance time of the forecast. In developing methods for
long-range hydrological predictions without using a meteorological fore-
cast a weather forecast is prepared indirecCly. For example, in preparing
~ a prediction of ice conditions on the basis of the pre,ceding pressure sit-
uation in actuality an air temperature forecast is prepared.
An important role in the development oE methods for predicting hydrological
elements for open regicns of the seas and oceans has been played by long-
term observations aC mulCiday st~tions in the oceans and seas, work which
_ began in the late 1950's. The so-cailed synchronous surveys, in actuality
stretched out over raCher long Cime intervals, did not make it possible to
separate temporal and spatial changes in hydrological elemenCS. Therefore,
only the setting ouC of buoy staCions with automatic current recorders and
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~ox ox~ici~ us~ ornY
prnldng~d nbgervaeinng df w~ti~r C~mp~r~ture ~nd m~t~nrdingic~l ~l~m~ne~
ae eheg~ pnineg in tihe aC~~n tr~d~ ie poggible to d~velnp m~Chddg fnr pre-
diGeing eh~rm~l gtruceur~ ~nd curr~nt~.
5~v~r~1 dir~~Cinng in m~ehddg f~r pr~diCeing w~e~r r~rnpe~~ey~r~ h~ve naw
Gnkc~n fnrm. Th~ ~uChorg uf thi~ monogr~ph hgve ~triv~n, in~dfgr ~g pug- -
gibl~, t~ ex~mi.n~ geudi~~ m~d~ in Ch~ prin~ip~l dir~eCidn~. ~
pttrt I dc~l~ wieh m~thud~ fnr ~hnre-rgnge pr~dicCidng nf w~C~r t~np~r~tiur~~
whnse ~dv~n~e perind is frdm ~~v~rg1 hdur~ eo g~vergl d~yg; ~grt II i~ de-
vnted e~ m~ehndg fdr lang-rgng~ pr~dictiong fnr a moneh or mor~ iti ~dvgnce.
Apprd~Gh~g td ehe develnpmene nf pradiceion m~Chnd~ with diff~r~nti adv~nce _
p~riodg h~v~ th~ir p~~uli~riei~~ ~nd th~y will b~ poinC~d ouC in Chg ~xpn-
giCion df gp~~ific methodg.
ConCenC~ Pgge
~ditnr'g NoCe.........,~ 3
Z'brewurd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~��~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�~~.~ ~1
Ineroduceinn.~~~~~~�����~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� 6
ParC I� Shure-Itange ~'Or@Cg~tig...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� 9
ChnpCer 1. Chgn~es in Wat~r TempergCUre in the Ocean 9 ~
1.1. Processes governing changee in sea water t~anperature............ 9
1.2. Short-range vgriability of waCer 15
Chnprer 2. Prediction of bistribution of Wnter TemperaCure in the Sur-
_ face Layer of the Ocean ...................................25
2.1. Analytical representation of hydrometeorological fields........ 25
2.2. Correlation between water temperature and heat flows through
the ocean surface..........~ 35
2.3. Prediction of disCributian of waCer temperature in the ocean
surface lgyel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~� ~41.
2.4. Pnssibility of predicCing position of ocean fronts 46
Chapter 3. Prediction of Vertical DistribuCion of WaCer Temperature... 48
3.1. Use of some theoretical ccmclusions �or computing characteris-
tics of the temperature profile 48
3.2. Computation of water tem~:erature in layer of convective mixing. SS
3.3. Computation of depth of wind mixing 63
3.4. Allowance for influence of heaC advecCion by currents.......... 71
3.5. Prediction of vertical distribution of water temperature for -
stipulated meteorological conditions 79
3.6. Commercial predictions based on waCer temperature predictions.. 86
Part II. Long-Range Forecasts 94
Chapter 4. Fundamentals of Methods for Long-Range Prediction of Water
Temperature 94
4.1. Physical processes forming ocean thermal regime.........~...... 94
4.2. Initial data for long-range forecasting methods.... 101
54 .
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~~d~ ni~CtCIAL Uy~ tlNLY
~t~apt~r 5. M~thddg Enr Long-Itgnge ~rerliGCidn df W~t~r Temper~ture....~1d3
5.1. Methndg for prediceing water Cemp~rgture b~g~d dn ~liow~nce
~or Ch~rmndyn~mia ine~rncCidn between oc~gn~ gnd ~Cmogph~r~. 1n3
5.2. M~ehndg for pr~d3.Geing w~e~r Cemp~rttCurp b~~ed dn allowanc~
~nr hpli~g~dphy~ic~1 r~lgeinnahip~ lZ8
5.~. Meehod~ fd~ predicein~ w~ter temper~tur~ b~~~d ~n ~equenne nf
hydruingic~l phendm~ng 133
5.4. Numeri~~1 m~thnd~ fdr prediCeing w~ter Cempergture............ 13g
S.S. predicCinn dE w~ter eemp~rgeur~ f~r gervi~ing Che fighing
fndustry 154
Summc`~ry 157
I3iblingr~phy ..........................................................160
~ 414 j
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- Tran~latiions
hbscow ItAZVEUflCHNAYA G~O~IZIKA in ituegien No 83, 1978 pp 65-71
(ArCicle by A. V. Matusevich]
(TextJ 'The prosp~ce~ for findin~ petiroleum end gag in the Cg~pian depres- -
ginn are xgsocigted to a con~ider~ble degree with the above-salt PrP-Juras-
sic complex of deposits, whoge etructure is complicated by intengid~ mani-
f~gt~tion of ealt tectonica. In this layer there can be depoaits of petrol-
cum and gas aCeep salt slopes. The moaC favorable conditions
f.or the formation of such trnp~ are created when the salt plugs are com- _
~~licuted by overhang~ ("cornices"). Th~ existence of the latter wae con-
firmed by deep drilling in some do~nes of the interiluve between the Ural
and the Volga, in the Emba region and in the eastern marginal part of the
Caspian depression. A petroleum gusher (borehole G-31) was obtained fror~
Triassic deposits beneath an overhang on the Zhanatalap salt dome structure.
Taking the above into accounC, the mapping of salt overhangs is acquiring -
great f.mporCance in petroleum prospecting.
NoC only a detailed sLudy, but also the detection of salt overhangs, is
~ still an extremely complex problem. Uaing seismic prospecting by the re-
flected and refracted wavea methoda it is possible Co trace the top of
ehe salt only in Che arched parts of the domes. Reflections from the ateep
slopes and especially from the lower surface of a salt overhang are dis-
criminated extremely rarely and inadequately reliably even when using
such complex modifications of seiamic prospecCing as Che controlled re-
fracred waves method, directional profiling method, common deep-point
method. This served as a basis for inv~stigating the problem of the pos-
sibility of using data from gravimetric prospecCing for the prediction of
salt overhangs.
It is known that the salt domes in the Caspian depression are manifested in
the gravitational field by strong minima. For this reason detailed gravi-
metric surveys are being made on a large scale at the present time and
this is affording broad possibilities for use of the gravitational field
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rox nr~tctnL us~ drt~Y
tn Hulvin~ mnr~ ~nmplex geologicgl prdbl~m~t ~Cudy of gteep ~tt1C ~lnr~~,
tlie d~pth c~l' H~ilt in ehe zdne~ U~Cw~~n ddm~~, the eracing of di~l~cati~n~
tn tliu ~f dhpn~ieH nbnv~ Che ~a1t, ~tc.
Th~ ~rnvit~tionai minima av~r ~~1C ddme~ gr~ C~u~ed by r~duced den~ity of
th~ layer reigCivp Cn Che dverl~ying rnCks df Che cnmpl~x nf d~pngiCg
~bdv~ eh~ gn1r. ~'he Kungursk~y~ ~~1e nf ehre C~~pi~n depr~g~inn h~~ ~ dpn~-
siry Cicig~ e~ Z.~ g/em~. Th~ den~iey di th~ depn~ieg c~ver Che s~1C near
Che gurf~ce i~ ~pproxim~eely ~qu~1 eo ehe den~ity of ehe ~~ie, gnd ~dm~-
Cime~ ig even ~~mewhae 1~gg Ch~n ie. Wirh incre~sing depth ehe dengiey nf
rockg in Ch~ cnmplex ~bnv~ the ~~1e incr~gg~g, gtCaining 2.6-2.7 g/cm~.
SuGh ~ d~gr~~ nf incr~ng~d d~ngiCy of Che depnei~~ ~bdv~ ehe s~1t ig obg~rv- -
ed ~~t dif~~rene depehg in dif.f~r~nt reginn~ of eh~ Cagpign d~pr~~~inn. In
ehe e~~C~rn m~rginnl p~re df ehe d~p~~~~idn ~ti ~ depeh of ~bduC 3 km, in
the ceneer df ehe region (Ar~igorgkgyg ~uperde~p bnrehnle) 6 km, ~nd in -
the ~mbg region abnue 5 km. The develdpmenC of sale Cectonicg led Co
cottgiderable differences in depChs td Che Cop uf Che g~1C: frdm 0 Co 5 km
or more. Accordingly, ehe d~ngity ~ump aC Che bc~undary be~ween the deposita
above the ~alt gnd the g~1ti vgri~s from valu~s clogc to xero Co 0.4-0.5 g/
In the interpretation df Che gravitaCiongl field of the Caspi~n depreseion
the excess density of the depoaits abnve the ealt is reg~rded as a functiun
df depth. For the ~mba region th~ following dependence was proposed by L.
Ya . Tushkanov : d= 0.1 � H+ 22 wh~n H~ 5 km; c? s Z. 7 when ~l~ 5 km ( d is
d~nsity in g/cm3; H is d~pCh in kilometers). [L. Yn. Tushkanov, "Interpret-
atinn of Grnvity Anomalies for Bodies of Vari~ble Density," PRIKLADNAYA
G~O~IZIKA, No 30, Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, pp 154-162, 1961.J We used this
dependence in modeling for the purpose of studying the presence of salt
domes and overhangs complicating their slopes in the gravitational field.
Computation of the gravitational field from the investigated models of
salt domea was accomplished using a"Minsk-32" electronic computer prepar-
ed specially for the conditions of the Caspian depression. The gravitation-
al effect was co~puted from the deposita above the salt, approximated by
recCangular parallelpipeds whose measurements along the direction of the
profile increase from 0.25 to 2.5 km wiCh increasing distance from the
computed point. The gravit~tional influence of masses at a distance as
greaC as 22.5 km was taken into account. The program pravided for a~ump-
like density change in a vertical direction.
In solving the direct problem it is possible to approxima~e the model by
~~arallelpipeds whose dimensions are not the same in different sectors
along the strike. The program makea it possible to compute the gravita-
_ tional effect from models of salt domes complicated by overhangs. The
direct problem is solved quite quickly. If the model consists of a set of
parullelpipeds with identical dimensions along the strike the gravitation-
.~1 effect at a hundred points is computed in 10 seconds.
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~nlt t~~~~CIAL US~ (~NLY
. �
. � '~Y ~ � .
. .
. �
. ,
~ . .
,]p ]lI ; �
� ~ . .
, .
~ ,
. . � ,
~ . , ,
� � . �
- ~ , � �
. .
, ,
' ~
. r y .
' + ?
+ . '
� ~ ~
. : : : . : . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 f ? 3 . � � 4 -~s
Fig. 1. Models of gravimetric profiles over salt domes. 1) top of salt in _
main model; 2-4) different variants of overhanga complicating salt mass;
5) subsalt horizon; I-IV) curves of gravity anomalies b~g corresponding to
models of salt domes 1-4; V, VI) Q g curves transformed by the Andreyev-
Griffin method corresponding Co salt domea 1 and 4.
The program provides for solution of both the direcC and inverse problems
in gravime~ric proapecting. In solving the latter the aection is approx-
imated by parallelpipeds of identical dimensions along the strike. The -
selected model is described at each point on the profile by one parameter -
depth to the top of the salt. In auch a varianC it is impossible to ex-
amine a section with sa1C overhangs because for determining the latter it
is necessary to stipulate three values of depth~ aC a point. The change
in depths in each cycle of approximations is accomplished automatically
on the basis of the difference in the values of the interpreted and comput-
ed anomalies with use of correlation of anomalies and depths. For a satis-
factory selection of a model it is usually necessary to use 7-12 successive
approximations. For a profile 100 km in length a total of 3-5 minutes com-
puter time is required. -
~ The program provides for the imposing of limitations on th~e change in depths
to the top of the salt when selecting the model. The restrictions can be
rigid (the depth to the salt in the selection proceas does not change at
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ron or~zcrnL trs~ orn~Y
fixed pnine~) ~nd oF tih~ "~.nCerv~L" eype (dep~h to Che sa1C v~ries in ~
- xtipulr~ted inCervul). "Itigid" depths are used at po~.ney where eh~ Cop of
the Hn1C liu~ h~en p~netrueed by bnr~hnlee nr reliabl~ reflectiong hFive
be~~n receiv~d ~rnm iC. In Ch~ "interval" restrictiion of depChs Che mc?xi-
mura v~1ue uged i~ the depth Co the subgalt depo~ite, gnd ehe minimum val-
ue uged is Che depCh en ehe deep~s~ oF tihe horizone above Ch~ ga1C Cr~ced
by seismic prospecCing.
We compueed anom~ly curves from models o~ ~~le domea wiehouC overhangs ~nd
with overhangs of differene ~izes (F'ig. 1). The dimension of Che domes
~1ong Ch~ srrike w~a ~ssumed Co be equal tc 24 km, wh~reas Che extent of
e}~e overhangs in this d~rectian was assumed Co be 8 km. In the computa-
eions w~ took inCo ~ccoune Che gr~vitaeion~l influence nf ad~acpnC domes
interseeted by Ch~ profile. The compuC~tiions indicaeed that the graviea-
eional effece creaCed direcCly by the sa1C overhattgs is relaCively small.
rrom an overhgng wiCh a widCh of 1 km Che intenaity of Che anomaly 3s
0.5 mgnl, and wi~h an increase in iea width to 3 km rhe anom~ly gtitgins
from -2.0 to -2.5 mgul. Modern grE~vimeters make it possible eo measure
the grnviCaCional field with an a~:curacy ensuring reliable registry of
r~nomalies of such an inCensity. However, Che gravity minima caused by Che
overhangs are situated under conditions exCremely unfavor~ble for their
~liscrimination. In ehese sectors there are considerable gradienCs of Che
r~nomalous field creaeed by salt masses. The intensity of the gravitaCional
minimum from the models of salt bodies which we have considered exceeds
20 mgal. The amplitudes of the anomalies over salt dome structures in the
Caspian depression frequently exceed this value.
ACtempts aC separating the anomalies from the salt overhangs and from the
main mass of the sa1C bodies by means of filterins of the total field were
unsuccessful. We tested different types of transformations with different
- ~rid radii. For example, the radius of the grid when carrying out field
transformation by the Andreyev-Griffin method varied from 1 to 4 km. Figure
1 shows anomalies from domes with and withouC overhangs, Cransformed by the
An~ireyev-Griffin meChod wiCh a radius of 2 km. These curves do not differ
Using anomaly curves computed from models of salt domes complicated by over-
hangs we solved inverse problems on a"Minsk-32" computer using the program
described above. It was found that if the depths to the top of the salt are
~considered known only in the middle part of the dome arch (outside the over-
- hang sectors) a form of the top of the sa1C is selected whose relief is not
complicated by overhangs and the gravitational effect with a high degree of
~nccuracy coincides with the initial anomalies. Even with a width of the
overhangs up to 3 km the field from the selected model deviates from the
initial field by not more than 0.5 mgal, whereas the effect from the over-
hangs is 2.5 mgal (Fig. 2). It follows from all this that it is virtually
impossible to establish the existence of salt overhangs from the qravita-
tionnl field without using additional data.
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~dit 0~~'ICIAI, US~ QNLY -
,~,ti~ I
~ ~ r.~ ~ , .
, . ~ .
~ ri~ . ,
. ~
~ +4~
. ~o~i~~~"~~,,'''/ ~ 1 -
~ ~ ~
r ~
. ~
~ i -r~ ~
t~ ~ ~ +4~. ~ ~ /
' ~ ~ } '
~ ? ~ ~11~ �~~...~*'~j~
~ :4 ? + ~~.~.....F~~*..~ * ~
~ ~ ~ . ~ ~.~..~...~......':~:'�'~'i~.~..
+ + I ~+~2 3 ~4 ~S ~6 .
~ig. 2. Resulta of interpreCation of gravity anomaly from model of ga1C
complicared by overhangs. 1) model of top of salt, the anomaly from which
was interpreCed by the selection method: top of sa1C obtained as a result
uf: 2) first variant of inCerpretgtion of gnomaly; 3) second variant of
interpretation of anomaly; 4, 5) "rigidly" determined sectors of top of
salt in first and second variants of interpretation respectively; 6) top
of subsalt deposits; I-III) anomaly curves Q g corresponding to salt sec-
tions 1-3; IV) residual gravity anomaly Q gYes (difference in Agl and
L1g2 curves).
Since seismic investigaCions by the reflected waves method and the common
deep point method usually make it possible to map the top of Che sa1C in
the arch of the dome, it can be expected that the reflections from it are
also traced in the overhar.g zone. This is confirmed by factual materials
in the Begaydar Severnyy area. Here drilling has penetrated a salt over-
hang in a sector where reflecCions from the top of the salt have been
_ traced by aeismic prospecCing by the reflected waves method. It must be
emphasized that seismic data for such sectors usually do not give a basis
for drawing conclusions concerning the existence of overhangs since the
wave field at times corresponding to depths below the top of the salt
virtually do not differ from the wave field in the central p~srt of the
dome. Cases when it is possible to obtain reflections not only from the
upper, but also the lower surface of the overhang (for example, the soutti- -
ern slope of the Kusanbay dome) are rare exceptions. _
As a result of this determination of the possibility of tracing the top of
the salt in overhang zones by the seismic prospecting method it was pos-
sible to solve the inverse problem for anomalies from models of salt domes
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ron orrzcr~, us~ orrLY
complicn~ed by overhnngs witih rigid deC~rmin~eion nf dep~hs tio the Cop o~
eli~ qulr in ehe nverh~ng zone~. The grnviCr~Cinnnl fi~~d from Che select~d
models egsentially does noC coineide wieh Ch~ ~.nieigl ~urvee. Th~ menn
~qunre nrror in seleceing Ch~ ~ecCiong fnr rhe inve~tig~C~d rnddels w~s 1.0~
2.5 rognl. A~t incr~ase in ehe number of approximneions dde~ noe improve Che
Th~ curv~s nf Che regidu~l nnnm~lies (Che differences beCween Che inter-
pr~Ced anomalies nnd the ~nomelies f rom Che gelecCed mndels) nre complicat-
ed by di~tincC maximn ~ssociated with Che mgrginal parCs of the domes, that
is, wiCh Che overh~ng zones. The ampl.itudea of these maxima exceed 1 mggl,
but wieh nn overhang wideh of 3 km att~in 5 mgnl, which in ~bsolute value
consider~bly exceed ehe intengiCy of the ~nomalies caused by sa1C nverhangs.
'I'he naCure of Che considered maxima of residual gnomalies is associated
wieh ehe gravitneinnal influence of the deposits above the sa1C, lying -
under the salti overhangs. The volume of these rocks, under the condieions
' prevailing in Che Caspian depression, can be considerably greaCer than the -
volume of ehe sa1C overhang lying over Chem. This is tl~e reason why the -
ampliCudes of the maxima of Che residual anomalies nbserved nver the over- ~
hangs in absolute value considerably exceed the gravitational effect from
the salt overhangs. If, as was demonstrated above, it is virtually impos-
- sible to discriminate the anomalies f rom salt overhangs, the method for _
detecting gravitarional maxima over overhang zones has been worked out
quite well and involves the following.
Seismic 3nvestigaCions are made by the common deep-point method. These make
it possible to trace the top of the salt in the dome arch up to the steep
"bench." The area is covered by a detailed gravimetric survey at a scale
of 1:50,000. The gravitational field is interpreted by the selection (trial
and error) method with a"Minsk-32" electronic computer using the prograr~
described above. In selecCing the salt model Che depth to the top of the
salt, determined by seismic prospecting, is not changed. Curves of Che
residual field are analyzed; these show Che differences between the observ-
ed and selected anomalies. The presence of maxima of Che residual field
over the ma rginal parCs of Che domes is an indicator of the existence of
a salt overhang. The reliability of this indicator is dependent to a con-
siderable degree on the reliability of seismic data on the structure of
the Cop of the salt in the dome arch.
Work experience shows that there can be errors of two types which can be
the reason for both overlooking overhangs and spurious detection of over-
hangs. For example, in the area of the Zhanatalap Vostochnyy structure
the use of seismic prospecting did not make it possible to trace the top
of the s11t to the edge of the overhang. A salt overhang was penetrated
by drilling in a sector where reflections from the top of Che salt were
not obtained. Under such conditions the additional use of gravimetric data
for predicting a salt overhang does noC give positive results. In the
- Kusanbay Zapadnyy sector reflections from the top of the salt were er-
roneously correlated beyond the limits of the steep salt "bench" in the
- 61
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dirQCeinn of the zone bc~tween Che domeg. Thi.s l~d eo a diecriminaeion of ~ -
eulr nverhnng nf considergble areg in Che f:~rsC aCage of interpretaGion of
ehe grnviCational field. Only with a repear~d scrutiny of ehe seismic dnCa
wn~ it eBtnblished th~ti in tihe correlation oE re�lecCions there had been
_ ~n erronenus sw�ltching from tihe reflecting horizon (ehe top of tihe sglti)
tn A horizon wtiich could be identified with the bottom of ehe Neocomian.
We noCe in conclusirn rhat neither seiamic nor gravimeeric data separaeely
make ir possible to solve the problem of discriminaeing sale overhangs.
On1y the combined use nf data from these geophyaical meehods makes it pos-
Ni.ble to ~chieve a definite succeas. Th~ deacribed method for the inter-
pretation af gravimetric data ie coming into practical use on ehe Gur'yev-
skaya Genphysic~l ExpediCion, is carrying out a conaiderable volume
of gravimetric prospeceing and aeismic proapecting work in the territory
of ehe Caspian depression.
- COPYRIGHT: Izdr~Cel'sCvo "Nedra," 1978
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ron orrzcr~ us~ oN~Y -
Moscow RAZVEDOCHNAYA G~OFIZIKA in Ruasian No $3, 19 78 pp 128-133
[Article by G. M. Avchyan and G. 0. Aksalyan]
[Text] An investigation of the dependence of the velocity of propagation
of a longitudinal wave vp in rocks on their densiCy d and porosiCy kp is
necessary when using geophysical methods for studying deep structure of
the earth's crust, breakdown of the geological cross section, interpreta-
tion of data from acoustic logging, etc.
- This dependence has been represented in analyCical form by different auth-
ors [1-10]. For example, N. N. Puzyrev [6J cites the following relationship
between vp and d for sandy-clayey and some var3eties of calcareous rocks:
V. "t. Berezkin [2], as a result of processing of data on vp and d for sandy-
clayey rocks from different boreholes on the Russian platform,obtained a
quadratic relationship between these parameters
O' = 1.75 + 0.266vp - 0.O15vP.
However, B. P. Belikov [lJ notes that there is no general functional rela- _
tionship between vp and O'. Due to its stochastic f orm, I. N. Mikhaylov
[4] proposes that use be made of procedures for the statistical processing
of data. Thus, available information on the relationship between rocks and
their density shows that the investigated dependence ~s different for differ-
ent rocks and regions. It should be noted Chat the mentioned investigations
were carried out for rocks of platform regions where the influence of inech-
anical stresses is caused primarily by geostatic and stratum pressures. In -
folded regions the influence of tectonic processes causing the diagenesis =
of rocks and a change in their density leads to a considerable decrease
in density and a greater range of change in velocity than in platform re-
gions [3]. Accordingly, it is of great interest to evaluate the possible
relationships between vp and ~ for sedimentary rocks in folded regions,
where there are considerable changes in the stressed state of rocks even
at short distances.
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'Che 1.nvesCig~ted ob~ecCs were sedimentary rocks from the zone of the Yer-
evano-Ordub~dskiy deep fau1C in Che tierritory of Che Armenian SSR. The
' fnu1C is we11 mapped on ehe basis of the criterion of :Lmpairment in ehe
~ coneinuity of strata and folds along faults, the presence of miueral
springs, travertine shields, some earthquake foci, and mosC importantly,
on Che basis of tihe contrasts of sections on its two sidea. The amplitude
_ of displacemenr of the sides of the fault 3.s about 6 km and Chus the per- -
manent nature of its development is emphasized, with a rendency primarily
- to subsidence of Che Yerevano-Ordubadskaya zone.
Rocks, depending on their mineral composition, can be divided into 12
_ groups and on Che basis of s~rucCural peculiarities into four groupa (see
table). The group of aleuropsammitic depcsits incl.udes eandstones and tuff
sandstones. For sandstones the density values vary from 2.27 to 2.67 g/cm3,
porosity from 0.82 to 5.43~, and veio~{.tiy from 3.74 Co 5.33 km/sec,
- whereas for tuff sandstones Che corresponding values are from 2.15 to 2.65
g/cm3, from 1.9 to 17.35%, from 2.89 to 4.53 km/sec (see Table and Fig. 1).
Figure l,a shows that rocks with a low densiCy have a caide range of velo-
city change. Whereas in rocks with a density of 2.43 g/cm3 waves are prop-
agated with a velocity of approximately 2.1 to 4.0 km/sec (that is, vary
up to 1.9 kg/sec), with a density of dry rock trdry = 2.6 g/cm3 the change
in vp is approximately 0.9 km/sec.
The group of psammoaleuroliCic deposits (terrigenous-clastic limestones)
included arenaceous, clastic, organogenous-detrital, fine-grained and re-
cry~ta.llized limestones (see table). Arenaceous limesCones have densities
from 2.46 to 2.69 g/cm3, porosity from 0.27 to 10.2~ and velocity from
2.54 to 5.58 km/sec.
a . � . b .c d
a d B E
- A vD+KM~~ ~v,KM/~ ' ~rp,Kn~c A!YO KM~C
' ' ~ -
S . ~ S S S
~ ~
~ ~ -
3~~ 3 3 3
?,2 2,46~y=,r/cn~B ?,4 ?,66~,r/cn~~ T,2 2,46~y=,r/cn~ 2,4 6cy=,r/cnsB
P'ig. 1. Dependence of velocity of longitudinal wave on density of different
rocks. a) aleuropsammitic (sandstones and tuff sandstones); b) terrigenous- _
clastic limestones (psammoaleurolitic structure); c) clayey and marly lime-
stones (aleuropelitic strucCure); d) organogenous-whole shell-detrital lime-
KEY: !
A) vp, km/sec
B) ~`dry~ 8/cm3 -
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~n~ nr~rc~nt, us~ drtLY
U'p KMfC
~ , ~
~ ~r�' I
/ ti�
~ ~'i
- I~ ~s~
S i
~ ~ e ti ~ /
�i~ ~
� � /
~ � � / ~
4 ~ �
� � /
. . ~
~i .
2,J 7,S d~yx,r/cM3 ~
~i8� 2. Uependena~ df velocity df longitudin~l wave on densiey of different
rockg ~rom x~ne df Yerevano-Ordubgdskiy deep fault. 1) ~xperimental data;
2) limitg of change in velocity.
_ K~Y:
~p~ ~/t~ec
1~) crdry~ 8/cm3
Approximately the same O'dry, kp and vp values are observed for clastic
limesCones, whereas for organogenous-clastic limestones ehe density values
v~ry �rom 2.54 to 2.69 g/cm3, porosiCy from 0.3~ to 6.49X, and velocity
from 4.5 to 5.45 km/sec. For aleuritic limestone. Che densities vary
Erom 2.58 to 2.72 g/cm3, porosiCy from 0.33 to 2.599; and velocity
f rnm 4. 54 to 6.15 ltm/sec. _
- ~ Rock Classification
by sCructure by mineral composition
Psammoaleuritic (terrigenous-clastic Arenaceous limestones
limesCones) Clastic limestones
O~ganogenous-clastic limestones
Aleuritic limestones
~ Recrystallized limestnnes
Fine-grained limestones
Aleuropsammitic (clayey and maxly Clayey and marly limestones
Organogenous-whole shell-detrital Organogenous-detrital limestones
limestones Organogenous limestones
Fine-grained limestones
Aleuropsammitic Sandstones
Tuff sandstones
65 -
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Cine-Kr,~ined lime~Cdne~, in ~~mpnri~dn w~.Ch eh~ remnining rockg in Chi~ _
grc~up, ~r~ vcry dcn~~, fin~-pored gnd httve higli velnCity vglue~ (~~e ~i.g. ~
l,b). With d~ngiey n~ 2.4 g/~m~ Che ~neerval of vp chnng~ ~s more than
3 km/sec. 'rhi~ ig congidergbly grea~~r ehgn ~h~ inC~rvgl of chgnge in veln-
_ Citieg of nleuropgnmmieic rocke with gn ideneiegl density. A g:imilnr pic-
ture ig observed in depettdence dn Ch~ poro~iCy cn~ffiaient for Che rncks
in thig grnup.
Cl~yey ~nd m~rly lim~genn~g (aleuropsammieic eerucCure) in cnmpgrigon wiCh
terrigenous-clagCic limestiones have low densiCi~s (E~nm 2.11 to 2.59 g/cm3)
and velocities (from 3.U3 eo 4.63 km/sec) nnd pnrogiCy coefficientg
(from 3.67 eo 19.29;) [a~~e ~ig. l,cj. WiCh lnw d v~1u~s and high lc~ vglues
ehe limits of velociey cti~nge for thege rocks ~re consider~bly legs Chen for
Cerrigpnnus-clasCic limesenn~s. When CdrY n 2.4 g/cm~ Chey congtiCuCe ~p- -
proximaCely 0.3 km/sec.
Tlie group of organogenous-whole ~hell-deCritgL rocks includea organogenous-
detrieal, rrganogenous nnd fine~grained limetnnes. The firsC have densiCy
values �rom 2.61 to 2.66 g/cm3, porosity from 0.95 Co 2.48X, and vele~iCy
f.rom 4.89 to 5.98 km/sec. Organogenous limestones differ from Che rocka
considered above in having a relatively broad range of vp, kp ~nd o'change.
ror fine-grained limestones the studied parameters vary accordingly from
2.62 to 2.65 g/cm3, from 3.46 to 2.979: and from 4.49 to 6.72 lvn/aec (see
I'ig. l,d). For organogenous-whole shell-deCrital limestones with a denaity `
of 2.4 g/cm3 the velocitiy varies in a rang~ up to 1.3 km/sec.
Figure 2 shows curves of the dependence of the velocity of lorigiCudinal waves
on density for all Che sedimentary rocks which we studied. As for the indi-
vidual structural groups, with low density and porosity values there is a
broad range of velocity change. With o'dry a 2.5 g/cm3 the limit of change
. in vp is 3.1-5.2 km/sec, and w~th UdYy =~.7 g/cn~~ the velocity does not
exceed 1.0 km/sec.
- Thus, analysis of data for Che Yerevano-Ordubadskiy deep fault shows Chat
the dependence of vp on O' and kp varies. With an identical porosiCy or
density rocks of eveii rite saMe proup liave difEerent velocity val~ies.
- In order to clarify the reas~n for the considerable change in vp for rocks -
of the same type with an idenCical density or porosiCy we sCudied Che influ- -
ence of pressure p on the velocity of longitudinal waves. Velocity measure-
ments at different pressures were made using a UFS-2 apparatus fabricated at
the All-Union Scientific Research InsCitute of Geophysics. Simultaneously
with Che registry of vp we checked the change in rock porosity. It, like _
for rocks from plstform regions, did noC exceed 1-2~ of Che absolute poros-
ity. This ma~e it possible to neglect the change in density from pressure
- and construct the dependence af vp on Q'dry for different p(Fig. 3). A
comparison of the dependence of vp on O'd~, aC high presaures with the
results presented in Figures 1 and 2 makes it possible to postulate that
ttie conside~able interval of change in vp despite a constant density is a
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r~~u1C df ehe differene ~ere~~ad ~e~te of ehe rdcks. The dependenc~ nn kp
cntt b~ repre~enGed by Chc equnCintt [g]
----W.__.__ _ _
~p ~ s c ~ ~ _
C~r kn ~n ~ n ~ ~~c ~ ~r ~ ~
[T ~ gnl(id); TP~ pnr~; ~C ~ flu(id)] wh~re � i~ ~he Poigson cn~ff~.C~.enC;
pgnl~ p por~~ ~Q~1u ~r~ tih~ compressibillty of ~he solid phase of Che
rock, ehe volume df ehe pore gp~ce ~nd ehe fluid ~aCurneing ehe rnck.
U'p,KM/C A
6 '
4 �
2 .
- 3 ~ .
- ?,2 ?,4 p~sa~=~~~i B
Fig. 3. Dependence of velocity of longitudinal ~tave on density of limestones
for different hydrostaCic pressures. p in kg/cm~: 1) 1; 2) 50; 3) 100; 4) 200;
5) 300; 6) 500; 7) 750; 8) 1000
_ KEY:
1. vp, km/sec
2. Cdry~ 8/cm3
In the case of an identical mineral composition (~BS~1 = const) and densiCy
of the rocks the velocity vp is influenced by the compressibility of their
pores, that is, rock elasttciCy, which, as is well known, is dependent an
Che load on the rock. Accordingly, the dependence of vp on Or for rocks
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APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
~nx or~~c~nr. us~ ~rrLY
nC Cr~ld~d reginng will b~ d~C~rmin~d nn~ nnly by Cli~ir composit~on and
~tructure, buC ~lso by ehe pressure at the depth of ~he rocke. In rhe
fururr. ~hiH peCUli~riry cnn be us~d for evnluatiing, on th~ ba~ig nf ~oinC
vnlur.H vp nnd O', Che sCregeed etgte nf rocka in differenC eectora of geo-
lc~~;i~a1 :~rr.uCCur~g. As n pnrgmeter characterl.zing the aCressed state of
rnck it I~ poesibl~ to use pnre campreagibiliCy. ~or tihi,~ purpose it is
neCessgry eo carry oue a broader invesCigaeion of the dependence of pore
cnmpregsibiliey boCh on et~e composirion and srructure of rocks and on r
ehe preasure gnd temperature acting on the rock in tihe courae o� diagenesis. ;
1. nelikov, I3. P., "~lasticiCy Moduli of Difi~rent Types of Rocka in Che
the InsCiCuee of Geology US5R Academy of Sciences. Petrography), Series
No 42, Vyp 146, pp 3-38, 1952.
NEFTI I GAZA (Use of GravimeCric ProapecCing for Finding Petroleum and
Gas Deposits), Moacow, "Nedra," 1973, 264 pages. '
3. Dortman, N. B., Vnsil~yeva, V. I., Veynberg, A. K., FIZICHESKIYE SVOYST-
Itocks and Minerals USSR), Moscow, "Nedra," 1964, 326 pages.
4. Mikhaylov, I. N., "Correlation Between Density and Velocicy of Propaga-
tion of Elastic Waves for Sedimentary Rocks," PRIKLADNAYA GEOFIZIKA (Ap-
plied Geophysics), No 45, Moscow, "Nedra," pp 119-130, 1965.
5. Ozerskaya, M. L., Semenova, S. G., "Influence of Composition of Sediment-
ary Rocks on Change in Their Physical Properties With Depth," PRIKLAD-
NAYA GEOFIZIKA, No 70, Moscow, "Nedra," pp 186-192, 1973.
YKE1 VOLN (Interpretation of Seismic Prospecting Data by the Reflected
Waves Method), Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1959, 451 pages.
for Correlations Between Physical Properties of Rocks and Their Depth),
Moscow, "Nedra," 1964, 134 pages.
8. Avchyan, G. M., Volarovich, M. P., Dortman, N. V., Khramov, A. N., "Phys-
_ ical Properties of Rocks," IZV. AN SSSR, SER. GEOLOGICHESKAYA (News of
the USSR Academy of Sciences, Geological Series), No 2, pp 78-94, 1966.
9� "Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals. Petrophysics," SPRAVOCHNIK
G~OFIZIKA (Geophysicist's Handbook), Moscow, "Nedra," 1976, 527 pages.
68 ~
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rnx o~rzcrnL trs~ octLY
10. Vnl~r~vich, M. p., Bnyuk, Ye. x.~ Levykitt:. A. I., Tmm~~h~vsk~ya, I. -
VYSOKIKH bAVL~NIXAKH I T~MP~ItA~'UItAKH (1'liyeicnmech~nicnl Proper~3.~s
_ o~ Itocks and Mi,nergls gC High Presgure~ ~nd TemperaCur~s), Mogcow,
"Nedrn," 1974, 223 puges.
COpYItIG~iT: Tzd~Cel'sCvo "Nedrn," 1978
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Mogcow UPRAVLENIYE KOSMICHESKIMI APPARATAMI (Spacecraft Contirol) in Ruasian
1978 page numbers not given
_ [Annotation and table of contents from baok by G. D. Smirnov, Izdatel'sCvo
"Nauka,~' nwnber of copies not giv~n, 192 pages]
[Text] Annotation. The development of rocket-apace technology has dictaCed -
the accelerated developmenC of inethods, apparatus and aysCems for Che con-
trol of ypace vehicles of different typea. Candidate of Technical Sciencea
G. D. Smirnov te11s about this new field of technology in the book. The
- author describes the spatial-eemporal and statiatical characteristics of
space conditions, the tasks of surface support of space flights are de-
Fined, and algorithms for analysis and formulation of solutions relating ~
to the control of space vehicles are described.
- Contents
~ Page
InCroduction 3
Space and the Motion of Space Vehicles 5
General Description of a System for Space Vehicle Control 33
Problems to be Solved by Space Vehicles. Design Characteristics of
Vehicles 62 `
Makeup and Purpose of Principal Elementf, of ~,ommand-Measuring Complex 100
Processing and Analysis of Routine Inf~rmatian. Adoption of Solutions 145
Summary 186
Bibliography 189 _
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'sCvo "Nauka," 1978
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100070035-5
zAUACHI i MCTOriY (5Cgbilizgti.nn df Spgc~ Vehiclea. New Prnbl~ms ~nd MeChod~)
in It~~ginn 1978 pp 2, 206--~07
~ [AnndCttCion nnd tgble of cnntent~ from book by S. V. Ch~remnykh, Mnehinn-
stroy~niy~, 2Qo p~ges]
[Text] The book diecusges Ch~ prnblems involved in Ch~ gCnbil3xgc~.~n of
spac~ vehicleg itt ~ceive f1~.ghC gegments frnm the poinC nf view of snme
new methodg in ehe theoxy nf cdneral of moti~n. A new approgch is giv~tt
for investigaeion of the dynnmic properties of space vehicles ~s a controll-
ed ob~ect; Chig is a development of Kglman cdntro11ab11iCy gttd observability
eheory appYicable Co this clase of ob~ects. Various problems in Che ~nalysis
o� the dynamics of space vehicles encountered in differenC stages of Cheir
_ planning are considered. The book is inCended for engineering and technicgl
workers engaged in Che field of rocket and aircraft designing.
roreword 5 -
Cl~apter 1. Very Simple Nonconservative Oscillatory Systems 9
1.1. Examples from mechanics. Autonomous sysCems with two degrees of
freedom.��~~~~e�~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~��~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�� 9
Flutter of aircraft wing (9). Double pendulum loaded by resul-
tant force (14). Electric circuit with generator (16)
1.2. Oscillations of unstable systems 18
Terminological comments (18). Equations of motion. General
solution in case of instability (20). InvesCigation of
nature of transient process (26) .
1.3. Influence of dissipative forces on stability 30
Root hodographe near limit of system stability (30). Douhle
pendulum: desCabilizing effect of damping (33)
1.4. Controlla~ility of oscillaCing sysCem with two degrees of free- 37
dom. Controllability and obsezvabil~ty criCerion (37)
Chapter 2. Stability of Oscillatory Systems With One Input............ 47
2.1. Terminology: stabiliCy, structural properties, steadiness.
Formulation of principal problems 47
Ttao problems in Cheory of control of motion (47). Formaliz-
ation of controlled ob~ect and regulator. Formulation of
problem (57)
2.2. Investigation of stabilizing of oscillatory system with one
~ input
Quadratic form (SX,~{). Stabilization criterion (60). Direct
method for investigating stabilization of ob3ect (67). Fre-
quency criterion for stabilization of controlled ob~ect (68)
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2.~. Uynatnic inst,ability as a form o~ non~tabi].ized sCate of n
conCrolled Ob~@Cti~~~~~~~~~��~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�~~~~~~~~~~�~~~~� 7~.
Gpner~l cnmm~ne~ (71). Adequ~t~ crit~rinn for dyngmin ~C~biliey
o� ab~~cC ~x~mp1~ (76) ~
2.4. Inveseigation nf dynamic inat~biliCy nf nonCrnlled bb~@CC. C~non-
icnl ~orm of equations nf osciZl~einn~ (77). ~iceitious cnn-
troll~bl~ sygtem. Modeling o~ dynamic in~CabiliCy (80). ~xnmple
ChnpCpr SCnbilizaeinn 0~ ?Spg(,`~ V~}1~Clpg.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~�� ~9
3.1. MgChematical mod~~s of sp~c~ veliicles (moeiott in ~ctive gegm~nte) 8~
Genernl characterisCice of controlled ob~ect (89). Itegulatnr~:
automatic stabilixer (A5) and liquid-fu~led rocket engine
(LFR~) (94). ~quations of perturbed moCion of space vehicle in
active segment (97)
3.2. Very eimple cases of inveatigation of structural stability of
spgce vehicle 103
~lnseic o~ciLlnCions of body of spacecraft (103). Rig'id
spACe v ehicle wieh N cylindrical fuel comhartmenes (106).
Oacillations of space vehicle in banking channel (107)
3.3. Stabilization of epnce vehicle by clgssic method (two fuel com-
purtments) .....................................................109 _
bynamic segbility criterion (109). Structural st~bility cri-
Cerion (112). Tnvestigation of geometric configuraCion of -
- regions of instabiliCy (114)
3.4. Space vehicle with engine on elastic suspension 119
Formulation of problem (119). Investigation of region of dy-
namic instability (122). Investigation of region of structur-
al instability (121)
3.5. Other examples of invesCigation of stabilization of space
vehiclea 129
Relative influence of oscillations of fuel in comparCments
and elastic oscillations of body of space vehicle (129).
Longitudinal oscillations of space vehicle body (133)
Chapter 4. Application of Stabilization Theory to Problems in the Design-
ing of Space Vehicles 136
4.1. Investigation of strucCural properCies of planned space
vehicles 136
General comments (136). Analysis of stabilization of space
vehicles in differenC planning stages.(138)
4.2. Stabilization criterion as a quality criterion for space vehicle
overall design 142
Investigation of influence of overall space vehicle design
on its structural properties (142). Optimixation of design
parameters of overall space vehicle design in ~h~ enrly
planning stages (145) -
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~Ol~ n~'~~CIAL US~ ONLY
4.~. Stubilizntion of dynamiCgl].y un~tigbl~ gp~c~ vehicl~s (cdmpue-
ttCion nf d~cnping coeffici~n~~ gnd p~rttme~er~ nf nuCom~Cic -
~Cnbi~.izgtion gygC~m) 149
General ndmmenCg. Ex~mpl~s (149). Inves~ig~tidn n� r~ginns
af ge~biliey (152). Cn~npuenC~.nn o~ coef~ic3enCa
(156). 7nv~stigaeion nf ~ninC influenc~ df pargmeCers of
~uenm~eic st~biliz~eion ey~tem gnd disgipn~ive forces on
gp~ce veh3Cle sCabiliCy (166)
4.4. StnUilix~eion nf gCrucCurally unstabl~ sp~ce vehicles usin~ ~
digcreee ~C~biliz~Cion ~~~t1~~Cll~~~~~~��~~~~~~~~~~~~~~��~~~~� ~7~
prelimin~ry cnmm~nes (171). SCabilixaeinn glgorithm (172).
Num~ricgl ~mbddiment o~ glgorithm (177). ~xample (187)
Chapeer 5. Potential and Aceual St~bility of Space Vehicle in Active
~'light 5egmenC 189
Approximate method for invesCigatittg stability of spacs vehicles.
Amplitude gnd phase sCabilization 189
Transi~rmation o� space vehicle equaCions of motion (189). Influ-
ence exerCed on sp~ce vehicle by mobility of fuel in compartments
(191). Allowance for elasticiCy of space vehicle constru~tion -
(195). Stability of space vehicles with regulator of angular -
position (nonlinear case) (199)
~3ibliography 202 '
COPXRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye," 1978
5303 -END-
CSO: 1866
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