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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1 0008000'1 -'1 ~ i AUQUST i979 CFOUO 32~79) i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 N(Ylt t)l~'F'iC1AL 1151. ONLY JPRS L/8600 ~ 1 August 1979 Worldwide Re ort . p NAReOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FQUO 32/79) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ' FOR OF~iCiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 NOTE JPRS publications conCain informaCion primarily from foreign newapapera, periodicals and books, but also from news agettcy ' tranamissiona and braadcasCs. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sourcea aYe transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics reCained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material encloaed in brackeCs are supplied by JPRS~ Processing indicators such as [TextJ or ~Excerpti~ tn the firat line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, Che infor- maCion was aummarized or extracCed. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or translirerated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- = tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were noC clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within 3.tems are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2811. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT llISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 FOR OFF~CIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8600 Augu~~ J.979 WORLDWIDE R.EPORT NARCOTICS AND DANG~ROUS DRUGS (EOUO 32/79) CONTEN'TS PAGE ASZA AFC~HANISTAN Opium Trade Increasing in Country (Anthony Aymt~,n; CY"RITS MAZL, 10 Jul 79~ . ~ . . . . . . . 1 ~URMA C1amp Dawn on Drug,s in Mandalay (THE WORKING PEOPI~E'S DAILY, 15 Ju1 79) 3 Br3efs Police Raid in Moulmein 4 Drug Suppression Chief Shot 4 Heroin Seized From Women on Bus 4 Police Seize Heroin, Me,rihuana 5 IND?A Briefs ~ . Gan~a Wor~h 13 Mil.lion Rupeee Seized 6 JAPAN Briefs _ Drug Sruuggler Deported to China 7 PAIQSTAN Briefs Smuggled Goods Seize~ 8 THAII~AND Increased Brutality, Extent oF Drug Smuggling Noted ( FRANfCF'IJRTER ALLGEMEINl:, 16 Ju'1 79 ) . . . . . . � � . . . . . . . 9 - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 , FOI2 OF'I'ICIAf, USE ONLY CON'~EN'.CS ( Continuec~) Drug ~raff~.ckere Shifting ~o Me.rihuana (Wiraeak Salayakanond; BUSINE58 T]MES, 12 Jun '79) . ~panish Woman, ~'renchman Senbenced in Bangkok (NATION REVIEW, 29 r~ay 79) 12 Four ae3xed Wi~h Opium in Thonduri, Pahol.yothin (r~TZOrr ~EV~r, i3 Jun 79) i3 - Brie ~s ~ Residents Get Lif~ Sentences Traff3cker Arres~ed in Ch3a ng Mai i4 Frenchman Arrested in Chiang N1e~i ; 14 LATIlJ ANIEEtSCA HAHAMAS~ Briefs - Marihuana Hau1 ~5 COLOMBIA Briefs Antidrug Course i6 N~XICO Freight Service Used To Ship Me,rihuana From Aeapulco (EI, F~tONrERIZO, 27, 3o Jun ?9~ 17 Four Arrests Made Guerrero Supplier ~:aught Heroin Trafficker Captured, Imprisoned (EL DIARIO DE NIJEVO LAREDO, 29 Jun 'T9) 20 Custodian of N1e~rihuana Given Heavy Sentence, Fine (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO IAREDO, 29 Jun 79) 21 Killer of Heroin TrafPicker Released by Court (EL MAr1ANE1, 20 Jun 79) 22 Effects of Poppy Growing in Chihuahua Recounted ( ~ ~orFr~izO, 4 Ju:. ?9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 - b - FOR OFFICrAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~OR O~FICIAL US~ ONLY CON~'ENr': (Con~.inued) Fap,c~ _ Brie~s Traff3ekers Cap~ured~ Planta~ion Destroyed 25 . NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 7~tA.N Mtn~ster Ca11.s f~r Caxn;~aign Aga~ns~ Drugs ( T~HRAIV ~'ZMES, Z Ju~. 79 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 , Heal~h Mi.nistry Bans Growing of Opium Poppy (~M'ELA'AT, 28 Jun 79) 27 � Iran Expects I,argest Opium Harvest Ever (NRC HANDELSBLAD, 30 ~y 79) ?8 Drug Cul.tiva~ion, Addiction Spread in Iran (I~vid Is~mb; TEHRAN TIMES, 30 Jun 79) 30 Briefs Drug Smugglera Captured 32 Smugglers Shot, Captured 32 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA RHObESIA Police Warn of Growing Drug Use in Schools ~ (Stella Day; THE SUNDAY MAIL, 15 Jul 79~ 33 Briefs - Hashish Seizure 35 WEST EUROPE FEDERAI, REPUBLIC OF GF~ZMANY High Court Approves Use of Methadonz ( FRANKF'tTftTF~2 RUPJDSCHAU, 22 Jun 79) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Heroin Smuggling Gang in West Berlin C~ught ` (DII3 TAGESSPIDGEL, 14 Jun 79) 37 _ Ma~or Arrest N1~de Four Turks Arrested -c- FOR OFFIC:AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 FUR OFFICIAL U5~ ONLY , ' ~ CON~EN~S ( Con~~.nued) ~'~e ~ SPAZN Drug Problem Increases, Golden Triangle F'actor (c~io ~.6, io ~run 79) 39 Grow~ng Use of Hero3n , Drug Addl.ction Stat3atics UNTTED KLNf~DOM Me:gsive Increase in Heroin Reported (~v.asta~r ~er~~.vai; PRESS ASSOCIATION, 17 Jul 79) 47 _ ' ' ~ ~ _ -d- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R0001000844Q1-1 AFCNAN~S'CAN OPIUM TRAD~ INCREASING IN COUNTRY Nicosi~ CYPRUS MAIL ~.n Engllsh 10 Jul 79 p 2 [Article by Anthnny Ayman] [Text] Afghanistan, wh3ch has become an increas~ngly valuable source of f.llegal opium since 1970 saw a crackdown on other pr.oducers, is now due to begin its otm drive 3gainst smuggling of the dendly drug. The move, planned by United NaCions experts in Kabul is part o� a world- wide effort to control and restrict the production and smugg3.3ng of narcotics. And Afghanistan, which nocv supplies an estimated 250 tons oI opium to the w~rld market, has a lot to lose. Like its neighbour Pakistan it has become a Ieading supplier to Che vast illicit world market and 3.ts output is worth Chousands of millions of dollars Co crime syndicates. The noCorious "golden Criangle"~-involving sections of Burma, Thailand and Laos-- _ has supplied lese opium following successful militazy uperations against smugglers there. Cultivation of the opium poppy is carried on in at leasC half of Afghanistan's 28 provinces, where experts believe that about 100 tons of = opium are produced for local consumption 3n addition to the estim~?Ced 250 tons exported. The value to Che farmers of the total amount produced is between 20 and 30 mill~on dollar~--importanC to them and Co the economy of Afghanistan, a desperately poor country with small potential for lar3e earnings of foreign currency. There l~as never been strict enforcement in Afghanistan of prohibicion of opium poppy c~~.ltivation. As in the countries of the Golden Triangle, there are str'ong financial incentives of Afghan farmers to produce opium crops because they yield many times more money than any othei cash crops-- abaut 750 to 1,000 U.S. dollars for 10 kilos of opium, with moLe paid for best quality. The Government of Noor Moha~nad Tarakki has been more cooperative than previous Afghanistan, through the remote border area in the west which is 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R0001000844Q1-1 sc~ntily peopled. Th~ p1~n ~greed is to provide ~eeps equipped radio fdr mobile pol~ce uniCe to operatie on tihe long weaCern border wieh Tran. This would introduce tihe firse regular paCrol smuggling routes~ ~ 'I'he U.N, hopes soon eo persuade rhe Governmant to inCroduce effectiive _ measures ngainst cu~.tivaCion of opium, thereby striking at Che roat of ehe problem. There 3s x ser~.ous problem of drug addiction inside AfghanisCan, which has been ~.ititle seudied until now.. Prices of drugs are so lnw in the - countryside ~s to be within Che reach even of ehe poorer people, At present even in the cenrer of the capital Kabul, opium and hashish are offered for s~le u~,enly, wiCh hashish sold ati only 25 U.S. dollars a kilo-- rock-bottom by internaCio~nal standards. In the northern town of Mazhar-al- Sharif, a well~known drugs centre, European Cravellers and others frequently buy or opium at prices lesa than half those in the capital. Narcotics experts believe the best means of control is also the most drastic--Che destiruction of opium poppy crops standing in the fields. But few Governments in Asia can conCemplate such a drastic measure, which would infuriate the peasants. ~ Only once has a Provincial Gover~or in Afghanistan taken thi~ decisive action, in the far easCern Province of Badakhshan, high in the Pamir mountains on China and Kashmir. But after complaints reached - Kabul of the b!~rning of the opium crops, the Governor was dismissed in disgrace and ~~,nCi1 the Afghan Government makes a firm decision to support international efforts to control opium production, no Provincial Governor - is likely to act on his own initiative again. While some seizures of drug consignments and arrests of smugglers have taken place recently, the other links in the opium chain trade are not affected. Growers of crops and stockpilers of middlemen inside Afghanistan are unrestricted. ~ - One hopeful sign is thaC, unlike most other opium-producing counCxies, much of Afghanistan's production is run by big landlords, zather Chan small peasant farmers. With the abolition of landed estates this year, and the distribution of land among landless peasants, U.N. officials hope that the Tarakki Government will be able to change the pattern of land cultiva- tion, despite the ffnancial incentives ~~f opium production. In the final analysis, however, the border patrol scheme will work well at presenC only if there is enough security in the western border regions. Spreading civil war has preoccupied the Afghan army and police forces, and the U.N. may have to wait until peace returns to the country before launching a full attack against the opium trade. CSO: 4920 . 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R0001000844Q1-1 ~ a FiUItMl1 CLAMP DOWN ON DRUG5 IN MANDALAY Rangoon THE WORKING I'~OPLE'S DAILY in English 15 Ju.l 79 p 1 ~ [Text] Mandalay, 12 Ju1--In a crackdoFm on narcotic dr:~gs abuse and vice and criminal activities in the squatter~' wards on the bani;s of Irrawaddy beCweer? Mandalay and Yatheingyi Townships, a police party seized heroin valued at more than K 10,U00 and rounded up ~even women and t~~n men this morning. - Police officials from Mandalay Division People's Police Force and Patheingyi Township People's Police Force together wiCh Ward People's Councillors raided some houses in Kyauktha~eik and wards near Daungmin Saw Mi11 and seized heroin, hypodermic syringes and illicit liquor. ThirCy-one penicillin vials containing heroin solution worth mor.e than K 700 were seized from Che house of Daw Mya Nyunt, Kyaukthabeik Ward, an aerated-waCer bottle conCaining heroin solution from the house of U Kyai Ni, 29 packets of heroin each worCh K J.0 from the house of U Kan Thar, a hyp~dermic syringe from the house of Daw Su and a hypodermic syringe from the house o� I`aw Hla of r.he same ward. Police are taking action under Sectians 6tb) (possession), 10(b) (sale) and 11 (ahetment in the offe~nce) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. Police arrested Kyaw Kyaw and Tun Kyi who were found at the house of U Kyai Ni; Tun Paing and Ma Mary from the house of Daw Mya Nyunt; Hnin Maung, Tin Aung and W,in Maung from the house of U Kan Tha and action coa;~ taken against these people under Section 6(b) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. Tin Pe, Tin Win, Ma San Hmi, Ma Maw Kyi and Ma Gwet Htaw, who were found taking heroin at these houses were also arrested and action was Caken against them under Section 14(d) (failure to register for treatment) of the Narcotic Drugs Law. In addition, five bottles of illicit country spi~it were seized from the house of Daw Than May and police are taking action against her under Sectic_, 30(a) of the Excise Act. Only a few days ago police raided some houses in Kyaukthabeik Wa.rd and rounded up 21 drug peddlers and 11 drug addicts and seized more than K 800 worth of heroin. 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R0001000844Q1-1 BURMA ~ BBIEFS POLICE RAID IN MOULMEIN--Moulmein, 23 Jun--Acting on information, a search party led by atation officer U San Wi.n of the city people's police force and ~ ward people's council chairman U Sein Tun las~ night raided the residenae of Daw Tin Tin in Ohndaw ward of Moulmein's Pabedan. The aearch uncovered some packets of heroin and a hypodermic ne~dle and syringe. Tne search party aeized a hypodermic syringe, one hypoderrf:ic needle, a penicillin bottle con- ~ taining some solution and three small packets of heroin. Houseowner Daw T'in Tin and her son Kadek, alias My3nt Aung9 have been charged under Sections ; 6.B, 10.B and 11 of Che Narcotic Drugs Law and under Section 33 of the Excise Act. Two other persons were at the house. 7un Myat of Mergui's Myitnge Ward who had needle marks on his arm was charged under Secti4ns 6.B and 14.D ; of the Narcotic Drugs Law while Tun Shein~ an addict and worker of the oil ' corporation office in Mupon Ward, was charged under Section 14.D. [Text] [Rangoon LOKTHA PYEITHU NEZIN in Burmeae 26 Jun 79 p 5 B~] ~ DRUG SUPPRESSION CHIEF SHOT--Keng Tung, 28 Jun--An unknown gunman yesterday ~ ~ shot Subinspector U Ohy Kyaw, leader of the drug suppression unit in Keng ~ Tung, while the policeman was shopping in Keng Tung market. U Ohn Kyaw is being treated at Keng Tung hospital. The gunman escaped after drappir,g a ! 9-mm pistol and a handbag contafning seven packets of heroin. [Text] [Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burnaese 2 Jul 79 p 4 BK] ~ HEROIN SETZID FROM WOMEN ON BUS--Kalemyo, 20 Jun--The customs unit of Kalemyo ' Township yesterday searched at Kyigon checkpoint, passenger bus No B-4g9 ` travelling from Kale~a to Tamu. The unit .aeized 26 pen.tcillin bottles con- ~ taing heroin weighing 130 grams, from Ma Sat,~ Nwe U of Hkamti and Ma Kyi of Yondaung vil~age, Mingin Township, who were s,.~uggling the drugs to the bor- ; der area. Charges have been filed under Sect~~~is 6.B and 10.B of the Nar- cotic Drugs Law. [Text] [Rangoon BOTATAUNG in Burmese 2 Jul 79 p 5 BK] - 4 - , ,~r~ , , a , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 - 1'OLICi; Sl:zll~; FI~ItU~N, htAItIHUANA--R~?ngoon, 5 wrnpped tn;~:Lde ~n ten-ky~t nore wcis aeized by ~ police p~rCy 1ed by Pnlice 5~nCion UfEiG~r - U Aye Erom ~ man at ttte corner of ~o Aung ICyaw ~ind Makia 13andoola S~reets, lt~n~ooc~, F1C 11 am today. The man was identified as Tiil M~iung Soe (31) oC. Kab~7 Aye I'~~roda lto~d. Police ure talcing acCinn againsC him under Sec~ion 6(b) (possession) and 14(d) (fai:Lure to regisrer Eor Creatmenr) oE Che N~rcotic Drugs L~w. Simil~trly, ~tcCing on in�orm~tion a police parCy led by Sub-Inspector U Tin Oo raided a house in Ruilway 5Cltiott road, Okkyin, at L1.45 am yesCerday and seized 76 packets nf mari3uana each v~~.lued ~nC two kyats. Than Htway (27), Th~ung Myint (22) and Mya 'i'lian (21) whc~ were t'ound in Che liouse were Ar.resLed and booked under 5~~~i~n 6(U) (possession), 10(b) (snle) ~nd 14(d) (~Hilure eo re~ister Eor tre~tment) of the NarcoCic brugs Law. [Text] [Rangoon '1'H~ WOl2KING PI:OPLE;'S bAILY in Fnglish 6 Jul 79 p 1] CSO: 5400 ~ 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02149: CIA-RDP82-44850R0001000844Q1-1 INUTA BRIEFS GANJA WORTH 13 MILLION RUPEES SEI2ED--The police seized 260 kg of conCraband ganja in a house in the Titagarh area of 24-Parganas on Thursday evening. Police sources said that the price of the seized article was abou~ Rs 1.30 lakhs. One person was arrested. [CalcutCa THE STATESMAN in English 30 Jun 79 p 3] CSO: 5300 ~ 6 ~f.C+, , ti.4S-; .fi u . . , . 2 . . . . . . . . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~ JAPAN BRIEFS DRUG SMUGGLER DEPORTED TO C~INA--Oeaka 20 Ju1 KYODO--Wang Hansheng, 58, known in the poetwar Japan as the "NarceCics King from China," wae deporCed to Ch3na Friday afternoon from flsaka International Airpore. Wang's deporta- tion came 11 yeera ~fter he was first erdered to leave Japan by thp ~ugtice minietry in 1968 �ollowing his release from Tochigi penitent~ary. Wang served an eighti-year prison term at the penitentiary from 1960 on charges of smuggling three kilograme of morphine from Hong Kong to the U.S. Yokota Air Base in the suburbs of Tokyo aboard an American mi].itary plane in Jun~ 1959 in ~ conapiracy with American aervicement. [Text] (Takyo KYObO in Lnglieh 1300 GMT 20 Jul 79 OW~ CSO: 5300 ~ 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~ ~ PAKISTAN BRIEFS SMtJCG1,ED GOODS SEI2ED--Smuggled goods worth about Rs. 63 crore were ~ seized during 11 montha from July 1978 to May 1979 by rhe Customa Ue- partment which 3~ more than four timea of the value of goods seixed during tihe previous year. The goods included 27 kgs of hernin ~eiz~d at Karachi in the biggest single haul of heroin in the world~ The dangerous drug alon.e valued Rs 40 crore. (Text] ~Lahore TN~ PAKISTAN ~ TIMES in Engliah 4 Jul 79 p 3~ CSO: 5300 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 T1IAILANU INCR~l1SED BRUTALITY, EXTEN'r OF ASIAN DRUG SMUGGLINO NOTED Frankfurt/Main FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE in Gat~man 16 Ju1 79 p 6 (Text] A~horti tiime ago, "parents" apparently sleeping childern in their arme passed unmo].ested through the control poata on the Tha~-Malnysign bnr- der. A grim fact was, however, uncovered by accident; the children were dead, and their bodiea had been gutited and etuffed fu11 of heroin. Narcotics amugglers had kidnapped and killed theiY victime only hourg before croseing the border. ~he pallor of death was not yet on the bodiee as the criminals carried Chem acroas the border. This was recorded in a report of the Thai Narcotics Bureau. Child murder i~ an example of the increasingly brutal methoda ueed by international drug syndicates in view of the continually rlsing demand for drugs in Che Weatern World. Thailand is the moat important way station for the white poison produ~ed in Southeast Asia.~ It comes principally from the famoua "Golden Triangle," that area of almost inaccessible ~ungle hills at the convergence of Bura?a, Laos and Thailand where the poppieg bloom in their fields. In mobile laborator3ea hidden under the evergreen canopy of giant Crees, opium is pr~cessed i~to - heroin an the spot. It reachea Bangkok, the "hub" of the local trade, by twisting jungle trail$. The next goals along the way are the distribut~on ring~ in Australia and in Western Europe. In addition to Amsterdam, the _ ma~or center for the sale of dope, inveatigators have recently found Hamburg and Frankfurt to be cenCers of growing importance. Demand driven prices sky-high. On the wholesale market in Europe, Augtrali~ ~nd the U.S., thlrty grams of heroin from the "Golden Z'riangle" bring about - $3,000. ; Recently published statistics show that, in Bangkok's "Don Muang" airport alone, 37 kilos of heroin and 400 kilos of marihuana, with a black market value of DM8 million, were confiscated within a 6-month period. 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 Y~k, eh~ e~.o~er t}~~ n~t of ~urve~.llance ~.s drawn ~round ehe a~.rporre, the more ofren ~he ~muggler~ mak~ use of eha warer routea, which are at~.11 not quire eo risky a~ present. Dozene of containerehips leave Asiat3c porta . daily, and eail toward their porte of call rhe white powder h~.dden in hdllc~w eh~ir lege or ~n false bottoms or of ~xporti~d p~~cee of furn~.- ture~ Sma].1 amount~ have recenCly been sent in ordic~ary leeCeYS through rhe ma~.l. "We cannot puC dope-sniffing dogs everywhera, nor can wa moniCor every con- tainer ~n ehe faet-moving procese of containerized ahipping," complainQd naYCOtice agents during an international conference in Kuala Lumpur. Capital puniehment axisCs ee a deterrent in Southeaet Aeia. It threatens drug dealers in Bangkok, Malayeia and 5ingapore. Conference delegates in Kuala Lumpur cri~icized European leg3slation wilich, in Gheir opinioe, deals too leniently wl,th narcoeice criminals. They named ~he Netherlands as an example. They aeked, "Is it really a deterrent, when someone apends 6 montha in a pleasant prieon and finally goea home with a million dollars"? The "Chinese connection" in Amsterdam, which doea a million dollar bueiness as a clan, profite from thia leniency. Family membera of thie Aaiatic Mafia ~tork aue of Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kua1a Lumpur and Singapore. CSO: 5300 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 T1I~t 1.ANU URUG `Ctt~\FrICKCk5 5NI~TING TO ~tAltlitUANA ~ Ku~l~ Lumpur BUSIN~55 `TIM~S ~n ~ngliah 12 Jun 7g p 17 ' ' [ArCic1~ by Wir~q~k S~l~y~kanond in B~ngkokJ , [~~xrJ HOUNDED by tho com� reduced t~ie aupply oCthe antl~drug agent~. It te Deaplto the tlghtening bin~d mfght ot thc That commodlty, toroing eaeler Ro grow thnn pnp� ot poltoe meaeuroe antl�nnraotfes ngente, drug�uners ta turn to ma� plea, . ~ pgainat murf~uann trxt� thc Interpol and other rf~uana, In ~hniland, ma� ticktng,~mu glerr cnn� torelgn law�entorcara, Thle hab reeulted 1n rf~uana can be grown ttnue fo elude the duthor; Thaifand'e' nnrcotlc~ the dramutfc Inarea~eln twlce a year, The tir~t ftlee through eheor fn� trntttckera have eMttted~ the dcmand and rfcee ot. cro etarte 1n Ma or P Y enufty and aven thelrxctivftfee trom her� ~~knnia~' (mar uana). June and can be ~rfbery, "8mugglera nrQ oln and morphlne to ma� Weatern ant~�drug. harveeted fn 8eptember u~t too wllitng to yhare riJuana emuggifng, ngente bay that 1t hae ~ or October, The second }~helr bounty, Rnd eomo PuniahmenE for pot� gotten to~ a polnywhere It h~rop etarteyn November ottlelal8 are euepectad ot ~moking and trattlekfng fe eaeler to bu aeveral ~ anc( la read tor harveet� being 1n on tho take," the la leae aevere in Thaf grammea ot pot than e ~?ng 1n March tho follow� potlae olttcer eafd, land, ae 1n the Unlted m111fgramme ot haroln ~fng_ year. ~Qr1y thfe year, gtatea, than pubhing her� powder. Moreover~ pot� ;~The blggert producer Nakhom Phanom 4ov. oln, a�ltuatlon that amokera reter kan a to ~ ot marf uana in haflend gomporn Klinpon gaa 1cd " abm" merchants are heroln becauee ka~a fn� ie gan ~a! a mall vf1� s team ot s00 pniice and ta~ing advantage oL take doee not reiult in lage at the ~Jtane diitriet ~ t i� n a r c o t f e e n g e n t a t o D u r l ng~ t h e p a a t t w o lmme d ia te dete r lora t ton ot l Vekhon Phanom rov months Thgt authorittem p ratd marf~uana planta� havc fo~led more than i~ ~t Thc tlnancfalgreturna northea9t 7of kBan kok ~ona In aeveral vlllagee. 6 The team set flre to hun� marf~uana amuggiing at� irom mact~uana trattick� Ban Tal'e mari~uana dreda ot ra! (i raf � is tem ta fn northcast ~ng are euch that many trade reached ita lnna� P, about 1,700 squnre j Tha 1and, whfch hae Thai and their torelgn c1e 1n 1986�76 when moat metres ot been deacrlbed by antf� counterperts can hardly US eervfcomen 1n the lantat~one. 8everal vf1� drug agente as one ot the resfet goSng lnto the lu� varlou~ U8 baaea in ~a ere were arreated, blggeet sourcea ot ma� crative bua7nese. A. Thai ThaUand obt4lned their but they clalmed that rf~uana !n tho world. polfee otltcec gaid "kan� aupply ot pot from Ben~ the w The ratdere aefzed ja sella at b00 baht Tal and the nearb vil�~ Y ere mere employ - tona of dried mari uana y ~ eee of aertain buel� ~ (U3;2b) per kilbgramme 1a ea. neeamen" fn Nakhom leavee contafned 1n tn Bangkok and ee much ~he "~odm ~ broughE phanom. a e v e r a 1 ~ a c k a o f ga 10,000 beht (US=~93) rospertty to many (~overnment aource charcoal and agrIcultur� ~n the US." ~armera, and marf juana . aatd that the bfg eat ma� ai productr. The con� The comparatlve le� wae grown as a primary r! uana Iantntion owner traband gooda were nlency of the 1aw crop. Tratttcking ln ma� ln~Nakhom Phanom ie a bound for Bangkok, the towarde marf fuana rf~uana was ao brazen ;~}~~neae merchant who take�otf polnt for the usera and peddlera hae durfng the Vtetnam war has atnce been iailed for drug ahfpinenta' cian� a18o been bfamed tor the that the commodlty waa forest deatructlon. The deafine Erlp to euch ~yoraening pot menace. tranaported openly In Chine~e has beon dubbed polnta ae the US No marl! uana p1~ater, trucka. ae the "one�hundred� Weatern Europe anc~ uaer~.trnfi[cket+orstnug� � Even atter the Vtet- mfllion�baht" man, a ref� ~ CBLtke herofn and g~er has ever been aen� nam war ~td the aubae� ~"~gnce to hie weelth and ~ tenced ta a long prlaon ~�quent witAdrsr~' a~i ot �US power as a marf~uana . optum. mari1uana fa uau- term in Thailand. Unlike forcea-�lrom~�~hatland. ' trafficker. ally hldden (n houaehold heroin puahers~ who run eome maM~uanaE tradere, ~ Ai authoritiea turn the ~ a p p I 1 a n c e s a n d the riak ot severe pun� with the cooperatlon of heat on marijuana trat� furniture, dolla, wood� iahment, even death by tormer Amerfcan ser- ~ ffeking~ pi~nter~ are re� carvinga and other per� muaketry, kan~a amug� vlcemen, cacried on the ~drting to clandeatfne sonat belongings bound gIera ubualiy get oIt wlth tUiait trade by emuggl� planting fn f~oiated deep tor forelgn countrtes. iight penaltiea. ing tone of pot from Ban i wood~ tar trom the A top Thaf ant!� N(~~~uana productlon Taf. "Mti�narcotlce au� ~ pryr~ng eyes of the au� narcottcs otflctai told haa not yet attatned the thorities were concen� {horifle~. Otherr plant Depthnews recently that ~nternational notorlety of trating thefr ettorts on msrf~uann along wlth crackdown ron thcrofn the (3olden ~'rtangle;'and the heroin traftic that aueh crops aa taptoca thus it has remafned $ they had ltttle or no time and ch11i. = Depthnewa. trattlcktnpt haa aerioualy ~~secondary" target ot to check the mariiuana CSO � 5300 menace," a Tha! oti::pr � aatd. ll APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~ THAILAND , SPANISH WOMAN, FRENC~Il~LAN SENTENCED IN BANGKOK Bangkok NATION REVIEW in Engl3eh 29 May 79 p 1 BK [Text] A 44-year-old Spanieh woman wae yesterday seneenced by the Appeals Court 59 40 yeare in prison on charge of drug tirafficking. _ Upholding an earlier verdicC of the Criminal Court, the ~:.W-` ~wj Appeals Court ruled tihat Mrs Luiea Gonzalee w~e guilty for poasessing 15,955 grammea of heroin for sal~. Gonzales was arreeted by police at~the Victory Aotel here on Aug 29, 197~ together with a Portuguese eus- pect who died before he was taken to court for trial. Police said the heroin was hidden in wood carvinge and a plastic tube. Gonzales, however, pleaded not ~ _ ~ a guilty and denied any knowledge about the drug. , ~ In another drug case, the :s,ppeals Court aentenced a , F` ~ French atudene to two years in ~ail for poeaeasing ~ 10.43 grammea of heroin. ~ I ~ ~ Andre Francoia Alired, 27, wae arreated at Don Muang . , - Airport ast June w`~ile he was leaving the counrry ~R _ y- with the drug, hidden 'n a package of cigarette and ; .,x, condoms. � - ~ ~i~ said he was addicted and pleaded guilty. The court co~uted the imprieonment to three years' pro- bation. CSO: 5300 , 1.2 ~._._-~.~k~_ :s. . _ . . _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 THAti~?iVd ~OUIt SEIZ~D WITH OPIUM IN THONDURI, PAHOLYdTHIN B~ngkok NATION REVIEW ~,n ~ngl~eh 13 Jun 79 p 3~K CTQxti~ �YHREE mon end a women ~wore 'fn ~Thonbud wfiaro they dcHverod the d~u ~epontely ~rrostod in polta ntds on ' adm~ted yter to be~ worth obout 140,00~ thalr ho~~s~~ in Thonburi and P~holyq� ..b.~1~e: thl~ Y.~tord~y topathar wlth 14 k~t ot. ~ S~up of poNoe broke into 'ftenhing'~ cookod oplum. 1a4~e and ntbbed h!m ~nd 3omchoi - Thi~� Polloe utd two of them~ IdenWtcd u Tlen� t0� '~�~1�~'"~~ ~te ~oked optum. hing or Teklcoh ae Ngow aqd Pdcha or Yona� Pdchiw~s latcr ine~ted ~t hi~ hcuw In poo [Jtaldtvtmol, bo~ SS~ fud been on, the P~holyothln wfth hb wif~, Mn Suvimol Wt ,of pollae Ne a~ m~or dn~g tt~i�ken in L~~~mol, 46. T~~d~ And~n~raotla potiae said the four pupecb A pollae team whlch waited oublde wen the l~th group of peopk~rrested on Pdcho9 howe on Paho1yothin Road spotted dn~g ttnftickL~g chu~e ~ince the beglnning of carrytng two s~tchels, oantoWng the thb,ya~c. , aooked oplum, out of hd hou~ to mcet ~n� The four tutpect~, leh to d t, Pricho, other ~us~pect, Somchd Eluakut~bondlth, 26~ Suvfmol, ,Tf~nhing ~nd Somch~ ue ~een at T~d Noi. he~ togetherlvlth the ~~ud op~um 4t the . The duo then went to Tlenh~ng'i cesidence potiae DeorttmenG CSO: 5300 ~ ~-3 ~ r, , _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 . ~ ~HAILAND BRIE~`3 RE3IDENr3 GET LIFE SENTENCES-�The Criminal Court yesterday eentenced two men and a women to life imprieonment after convicting tihem on charges of poseessing 3.4 kilos o� haroin with intent to eell. The three convicted pereons, Piboon sa@ Tang or Tantichotewat (39), Someak Udomnuchaisap and ~ Mre Suree "Ngor" Songcharoen (32) were arrestied by Chanasongkram police on Ma~r 31, 19~7 at a houee in Ban Penehom area. ~hey denied all charges againat them. ~Bangkok BANGKOK POST in Englieh 8 Jun 79 p 3 BK] TRAFFICKER ARRESTED IN CHIANG MAI--A man wa8 arreated in a Chiang Mai- bound bus on charges of poaeeeaing opium Sunday afternoon, it was reported yeaterday. Border Patrol police atopped the bua at Mai Tang Dietricti, 50 kilometYeB north of Chiang Mai and arreated Kam Duangea (45). Five packs of raw opium weighing eight kilogrammea were found in hia posseseion, police aaid. Kam reportedly confes8ed to nwning the narcotics. [Bangkok BANGKOK POST in English 12 Jun 79 p 5 BK~ FRENCHMAN ARRESTED IN CHIANG MAI--Chiang Mai--Police Friday night arresCed a tourist on charges of poseea8ion of 70 grammes of No. 4 heroir at hia hotel room in Muang Diatrict, it wae reported. The suspect, Cochier Philip, a 26-year-old French rourist, was arreeted at about 8 p.m. at hia room in the Prtnce Hotel, together with the drug, neatly packed in small plaetic baga found among his possesaion. Philip reportedly claimed that he had - acqaired the drug in Chiang Mai for personal coneuanption since he had arrivcd in the city tens day8 ago. fle was being held at Muang District police etation for further queetioning. (Bangkok BANGKOK POST ~n Engiish 10 Jun 79 p BK~ CSO: 5300 14 . ~ _ , ; ~ ~ ri... ~ _ , , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~ ~AI-tAME1~ $RI~I'8 MARIHUANA HAUL--Bahamian 1aw enforcemenC authorities have seized a ~Arge amount of marihuana at Inagua. Officera ~f tihe c'.efense force on Friday arreated five men, foreign naCionals, who weze alleged to be connected with 225 bales of marihuana found at Inagua. The drug is said to have a street value of between 8 to 10 million dollara. [Nassau Domeatic Service 3n ~nglish 1700 GMT 17 Jul 79 FL] CSO: 5300 ' 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 _ ; COLOMBZA ~ BRIEFS ' ANTIDRUG COURSE--Bogota--Twenty officials of Che atCorney general's office will be sent to Mexico to take a courae on the fighC againsC drug tra�- ficking. They have been given acholarships by Mexico. The attorney general announced Ch&C the courae given by experta of the Mexican ~udicial police wi11 last from 30 Co 60 days. [Bogota Cadena Radial Super in Spanish 0000 GMT 13 Jun 79 PA] CSO: 5300 , ~6 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 M~XrCO FRETGHT SERVICE USED TO SHI~ MARIHUANA ~TiOM ACAPULCO Four Arces Cs Made Ciudad Juarez EL I~'RONTEItI20 in Spanish 27 Jun 79 Sec A p 11 [Texr] A we11 organized ring of drug Craffickers was discovered by the fede- ~ ral police of the United States and agents from the Federal DireceoraCe of _ Security on this border, who succeeded in confiscaCing 70 kilograms apiece, An individual in ehe neighboring town and three others iu Chis town are un- der arresC. Based on the informaCion that has been obtained, it was known in borh the neighboring town and here that several persons were carrying marihuana from Acapulco in hermetically sealed crates, so that the peculiar odor of Che harmful grass would not seep through. They shipped it via Chihuahua Freight, bound for Ciudad Juarez, and on the supplementary notices on the outside of the containers they wroCe "U.S.A." initials which were confusing, because they were thought to refer to the United States of America; but underneath was the designation UniCed Electric Industry. The agents from the U.S. federal police who keep surveillance over all traf- fic in the Juarez Valley area, with binoculars, observed several individuals carrying, through the area known as "Fuentes Ford," a metal crate bearing ' the aforementioned designation. Flence, using the proper precautions, Chey succeeded in arresting an individual whose name was not released. 1 For their part, Federal Security agents in Chis town arrested Manuel Almanza Bautista, who was responsible for receiving the shipment at his resident lo- cated at 1003 Reforma Avenue. Subsequently, they captured Jose Cerna Parra, from Aguas Calientes, the PuerCo Rican Luis Gonzalez Livy and a youth, Gustavo Morales Figueroa, from this border. The commander of the Federal Directorate of Secur{*_; in this town stated that a 1976 Volkswagen car with SCate of Mexico plates No LPP-113 was also con- fiscated. 17 ,~d,..,a _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 Z'he Chree persons under arresC in Ch3s town, as we1.l as the 70 kilogrnms' of - marihuana seized from them, were turned ovar Co the commander of th~ F'ederal Judicial. Police. Comdr Ramon Estudillo Cerezo, who is in charge of the antidrug ~.n the state, came from the aCate capital expreasly to continue ~.nvestigatiing the cxse. Ttie cortunander of Che Federal Directorate of Security reported tha~ iC is ` thoughr thaC an exchange of marihuana for weapona from the neighboring coun- try may have been in progreas, but this was not diacoveYed in the firat in- vesrigaCions carried out by rhe federal authorities from the neighboring country and the Federal Judicial Police in this town. Meanwhile, it ia expected that a meeCing will Cake place Chia morning between the heads of the respective federal antidrug departments of Chis and the neigh- boring town, to continue the'investigaCion of those under arrest in both towns. Guerrero Supplier Caught , Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO in Spaniah 30 Jun 79 Sec E p 1 [Text] It was a woman from Iguala, Guerrero, who was aupplying marihuana Co the international drug trafficking ring that was captured a few days ago on this border by forces from the Federal Directorate of Security. ~ She is Leonor Salgado Mo~ica, aged 45, whose apprehension was the epilo~ to the successful investigation begun heze and extended to the southern part of the republic by agents of the Federal Judicial Police in the state of Chihux- hua under orders from Comdr Juan Estudillo Cerezo. Her alleged accomplices, who are also in custody, are the North American Jose Ferrer Coronado,, Che Puerto Rican Luis Gonzalez Lavin, and the Mexicans GusCavo Morales Figueroa, Jose Angel Canales Noriega, Jose Serna Parra, Manu- el Almanza Bautista and Rafael Cuellar Pesqueira. A shipment of 70 kilograms of marihuana. contained in 21 2-kilogram packages, and four bags of the same grass in the "raw" state, were confiscated from them. . According to the statements made by all of them, the Federal Judicial Police determined that the ring itself was headed by the American Coronado Ferrer, and the Puerto Rican Gonzalez Lavin. Leonor, who allegedly controlled the traffic in Iguala, Guerrero, sold them the shipment of marihuana a week ago, for $200 per kilogram. All the other aforementioned individuals were hired to transporC, load and unload the grass at the northern border of the counCry. 18 . ; . - , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 Immedi~tiely upon reaching ehis border wi~h ~he sh3.pmenti, they were intercepC- ed by members of Che Federal DirectoraCe of Securiry, who promptly put tlie case in the h~nds oE Che I'ederal Judicial Agents for the pereinenr investi- gation, which has seldom beeu so complete as iti i~ now, with Ghe capCure of a11 those r~nging from Che~ "mules" Co tihe "fa.C fish." ~~~l~Cl . r,so: y33o 1.9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 ~ MEXICO HEROIN TRAFFICKER CAPTU1tED, IMPRISONED Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 29 Jun 79 Sec C p 5 . [Text] Yesterday, an individual named Ezequiel Moncada Moneiel, or Teofilo Gonzalez Chaires, was declared officially imprisoned by the second district - ~udge, Luis Garcia Romero, for being presumed guilty of a crime against healrh in the degrees of heroin possession, transporration and traffi~king. Moncada Montiel was recently captured by federal agents, since he had been wanted by the federal courCs since July 1974. At that Cime, this individual evaded ~the action of the representatives of the law when the federal police - raided the settlement of Diaz Ordaz af ter learning tha~ several persone were : trafficking in drugs at that location. Upon being arrested and taken to the second district court, Ezequiel Moncada admitted his the drug traffic, but claimed that he only transported the heroin from the town of Culiacan to the Tamaulipas border. He Was the Owner of the Seized Heroin On 19 July 1974, Federal Judicial Police a~ents raided the settlement of Diaz Ordaz, Tamaulipas, after obtaining information to the effect that some indi- : viduals in that location were engaged in illegal drug sales. On that o?:casion, the federal agents captured Jose Enrique Torres Garcia and Gerardo Catarino Aguilar Rodriguez, who ha3 in their possession a large amount of heroin ready to be placed on the American market. ~ Upon being questioned, Jose Enrique and Genaro stated Chat both Carlos and another individual named Ezequiel Moncada had given them the drugs so that they might look for a customer. Therefore, Moncada Montiel incurred penal . liability, and the pertinent wa'rrant for his arrest was issued. Following the confession of Torres Garcia..~nd Aguilar Rodriguez, the federal agents assumed the task of locating Carlos Esquer Barraza and Ezequiel Mon- cada. They only managed to capture Esquer, because Moncada escaped the ac- tion of the federal police, and it was not until a few days ago that he was apprehended. 2909 CSO: 5330 20 ~:.,..a:w ~,..:a , , .,.F.;: . . �a , , r . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 . MLXtCn CUSTOUTAN 0~ MARIKUANA GZVEN H~AVY S~NTENCE, FINE Nuevo L~r~do ~L UTARIO DE NUWVO LAREDO ~.n Spanish 29 Jun 79 Sec C p S ['Text ~~~der~l cr~.mi.nal Juan Cas tro Arradondo, who wae fo~nd gui.l ty o f n erim~ ag~in~e he~lth in the deg~~e o� marihuana possaseion, wag s~nt~nced td 8 pri~on r~rm o� 6 y~ars and 6 monthg and giv~n a fine of 15,000 pego~ by tt~e third distr3cC 3udge, Andre~ Cruz Martinez. In th~ game deciaion, Cruz Martinez acquitted Mra Marin Itodriguez de Castrn (wife of the cr~.minal who was sentenced), against whom proe~edings had been - brought for the c~ime of concealment. On 23 necember 1977, Juan Castro Arredondo and his wife, Maria Rodriguex de Ca~tro, were captured ~t the "Veracruz" farm, located at exit No 109 uf the ' highwny between Reynosa and t~atamoros; and, on that occasion~ the Federal Judicial Police seized 1,881 kilograms of marihuana wh~c~1 the individual who has now been convicted had in hia custody. Hc Wag Foreman of the "Veracruz" Farm for Many Years According to the information in the poasession of the ~udicial authorities, who brought proceedings No 7,978 againat Juan Castro Arredondo, this indivi- dual had served for many years as foreman of the "Veracruz" farm, which was owned by Ma3 Arturo Bousas, Capt Joae Bausas and Gen Humberto Mariles, all of whom are now deceased. In hia sratements to the juciicial authorities, Caetro Arredondo said that, when the three militzry men were living on the farm, large amounts of mari- huann were concealed there, and when the latter died, the individuals with whom they had "connections" continued to bring marihuana. A fe~r dayg before his arresC, they had brought a"tank truck" loaded with over 3 tons of mari- huana. Part of this shipment was stolen by persons wearing green uniforms, and he was unable to ascertain tahether they ~rere soldiers or rural agents. Castro Arredondo was paid undetermined amounts of marihuana for ~uarding the marihuana uhipments, until the federal agents caught him and found 1,881 ki- lograms of cannabis indica in his possessian. 2909 _ C50: 5330 21 I. : APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100080001-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100084401-1 , j i I ~ ; ~ , MEXICO ~ , ~ ; ; . I ( KILLER 0~ HCROIN TRAFFICKER RELEASED BY COURT j Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 20 Jun 79 3ec 8 p 3 ~ 1 ~Tex~~ Yesterday, Martin Cardenas Trevino, alias "La Tripa," who allegedly ~ shoe Co death the drug trafficker Raul Hino~osa Gonzalez in an incident that ~ occurred on 1 April in a remote area weat of the "America" development, re- gained his freedom with legal reeervar3ona, when the aecond diatrict ~udge ' released him from the writ of a�ficial imprisonmenti which had been iasued against him ae an individaal preaumed guilty of committing a crime of homi- . cide. In accordance with the decision contained in paYdon No 304-979 iasued by the aecond district court and promoted by Martin Cardenas against acts of Che penal ~udge of the fiYSt instance, the head of the former court ordered the immediate release of the prisoner with legal reservationa, granCing him the " protection and pardon of the federal court in trial Nn 302-978 initiated ~ against him. ~ Luis Garcia Romero granted the pardon to "La Tripa" because of lack of evi- ~ dence that would comprise the corpus delicti for which his official in~prison- j ment was'ordered. 'j It may be recalled that, on the morning of 3 April 1978, the decayed corpse j _ of Raul Hino~osa Gonzalez, who had austained aeveral bullet wounda in various parts of his body, was discovered west of the Natioaal Highway, at kilometer 22. Several 9 millimeter caliber ehella were found around the body. ; There was little informatioa regarding this murder at Chat time, and iC was ~ not until J~nuary of this year that the State Judicial Police succeeded in arres ting Cardenas Trevino, who, upon being interrogated, confessed that he ~ was the one who had shot "La Tripa" to death.