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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/OS: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200040023-0 9~RNUARY 198~ C FOUO 1180 ) 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ ,~PRS L/8857 9 January 1980 , - USSR Re ort p - CHEMISTRY _ (�FOUO 1 i~80) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADC;aST INFORMATION SERVICE ; F9R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 NOTE JPRS publicati.ons contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language - sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and _ other characteristics retaii~ed. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the Iast line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered pY~onetically or transliCerated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or na.mes preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the ariginal but have been supp;.ied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. For f~irther information on report content - call (?03) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political., sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPR5 L/8857 9 January 1980 USSR REPORT CHEMISTRY (FOUO i/$o) - This serial publication contains articles, abstracts of articles and news items from USSR scientific and technical 3ournals on the specific subjects reflected in the table of contents. Photoduplications of foreign-language sources may be obtained from the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 20540. - Requests should provide adequate identification both as to the source and the individual article(s) desired. CONTENTS PAGE PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY 1 ~ Isolation and of Highly Purified Type E _ Botulinus Toxin 1 CHEMICAL INDLISTRY 13 Chemical Production Associations and Trends in Improving - Their Organizational Structures 13 The NIUIF Plant Is Fifty Years Old 32 - a- [III - USSR - 21B S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pharmacology and Toxicology UDC: 576.8.098 ISOLATION AND PROPERTIES OF HIGHLY PURIFIED TYPE E BOTULINUS TOXIN BIOKHIMIYA in Russian No 8, 1979 ~p 1392-1400 [Article by G. A. Levdikova, 'L. V. Klimacheva, M. V. Ispolatovskaya, T. I. ~ Bulatova and L. I. Anisimova, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology i~neni N. F. Gamaleya, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, submitted 13 Nov 78] [Textj A new method is described for isolation of highly purified toxin from type E C~. botulinum, from centrifugates of culture fuid of strain 188. This method permits isolation of toxin both in the form of precursor and in activated from with a 10-15% yield. The method involves separation _ using ammonia sulfate, ultrafiltration and successive chromato- graphy on colunns with DEAE cellulose, sephadex G-200 and _ DEAE sephadex A-50. Homogenity of the obtained products is confirmed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel and immuno- precipitation in agar with antitoxic horse serum. The potential _ specific toxicity of the isolated product constitutes 1-1.2�10~ MLD per mg protein. Determination was made of the molecular weight of toxin, the level of which is in the range of 160,000, and coefficient of molar extinction at 278 nm. The isoelectric point is at pH 6.0. The highly purified type F. Cl..botulinum toxin is stable when stored. Botulinus toxins are proteins with very high biological activity, which are the cause of severe intoxication often leading to death of man and animals. We know of seven types of pathogens that produce toxins with strict specificity. - Unlike other types of toxin, type E is synthesized in the form of precursor with potential toxicity that is manifested after incubation with trypsin. The inactivated precursor has the same molecular weight as activated toxin ~1~ 2~ . At the present time, we know of two reports describing methods of isolating toxin from C1. botulinum type E in a highly purified state. Kitamura et al. ~ [3] were the first to publish a method for isolation and purification of 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY protoxin from type E C1. botulinum cells. It is virtually impossible to extYact information required to reproduce the purification conditions from a more recent work published in the form of a brief abstract [4]. This investigation pursued the goal of obtaining homogeneous botulinus toxin type E from the culture fluid of strain 188 isolated in our country and cultured on Soviet produced nutrient media. Methods Recovery of base material: In this work we used strain 188 of type E C1. botulinum. A centrifugate of a 6-day cult~sre incubated in cellophane bags served as base material. The medium contained the following components: 3.5% acid casein hydrolysate (dry, moderate degree of degradation), 0.05% dry bran, 2% vitamin B(complex) and 0.1% sodium thioglycolate. Ultrafiltration was performed in a thin-channel TCF 10 A apparatus of the Amicon Company (United States) using zn~XM-100 filter at 18�. Use of this phase pursued two objectives: concentration of the toxin solution and dialysis thereof for subsequent chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. We con- centrated S00 mk product obtained after precipitation of the centrifugate with ammonia sulfate to 150-180 mk and "dialyzed" it by flushing 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0, through the cell in a 5-fold volume (in relation to initial one). Chromatography on DEAE cellulose was performed on a 2.Sx30 cm column at ro~m temperature. DE-32 cellulose of the Whatman Firm (England) equilibrated with 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0, was used as an ior~ exchanger. The same buffer was used for eluation. Gel filtration on sephadex G-200 for purification was performed on double - columns, each 2.Sx90 cm in si2e, of the Whatman Firm in 0.05 M acetate buffer, - pH 6.0. The overall length traveled by protein constituted 180 cm. The molecular weight of purified toxin was deterined by gel filtration on sephadex G-200 in a 1.5x80 cm column, in 0.05 M phosphate or 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 8.0 and 6.0, respectively, with or without 0.2 M NaCl. The volume of eluated fractions constituted 3.5 mQ. Human gamma globulin, bovine serum albumin and egg albumin were used as markers. Chromatography on DEAE-sephadex: A 1.Sx10 cm column was used for chrotnato- graphy on DEAE-sephadex A-50. Tests were conducted using 0.05 M sodium- ~ phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, at room temperature. The diluted protein solutions were concentrated by means of precipitation with ammonia sulfate prior to - application to columns with sephadex G-200 and DEAE-sephadex A-50. Protoxin was activated by incubating it with 0.1% trypsin solution, pH 6.0, at 37� for 1 h. To stop the action of trypsin, the incubation mixture was qui �ice~bath, and toxicity of the product was determined = immediately. _ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Toxicity was determined on w:~ite mice weighing 14-16 g. Titrated toxin was administered intraperitoneally. Toxicity was expressed in MLD/mk (MLD is minimum iethal dose). Protein content was assayed according ~o Lowry. Immunoprecipitation was performed in 1% aqueous agar by the Ouchterlony method of double diffusion with antitoxic horse serum. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (PAAG) was conducted at pH 8.3 in tris- glycerin buffer with concentrating gel. For determination of molecular weight of the toxin by the method of electrophoresis in PAAG, tests were performed under previously described conditions [5], using equine gamma globulin, bovine serum album3.n, egg albumin and chymotrypsinogen as markers. ~ Ultracentrifugation was performed using a Beckman L5-50 (United States) preparative ultracentrifuge in a saccharose density gradient of 5-20% (260,000 G, 20�, 18-20 h). We used an SW-40 Ti rotor bucket. Catalase (lI S), gamma globulin (7 S) and bovine serum albumin (4.4 S) were used as _ markers. After centrifugation, the contents of the tubes were separated into 30 fractions of 7 drops each. To each fraction we added 2.5 m!C buffer (phosphate or acetate) and sietermined absorption at 230 nm wavelength using - an SF-16 spectrophotometer. The distribution of toxicity was tested by titration on mice. Experiments were conducted at pH 8.0 in 0.05 M phosphaCe buffer and pH 6.0 in 0.05 M acetate buffer. The sedimentation coefficients were calculated using a previously proposed formula [6]. - Isoelectric focusing was performed in an 8101 instrument of the LKB Firm (Sweden) with working column volume of 110 mk. In the tests we used "amfolins" in the pH range of 5-8 and 3.5-10 with a concentration of 2%. The tests lasted 42-43 h. Results After separation of microbial cells, the culture fluid was precipitated with ammonia sulfate'at 50% saturation. The sediment was dissolved ~.n 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0 (1/6-1/8 of initial volume) and submitted to ultra- filtration through an XM-100 filter for concentration and dialysis. This phase also made it possjble to partially remove p~gment and low molecular _ impurities. As compared to the preceding stage, specific toxicity in- creased by 7-10 times (Table 1), but the product contained a significant amount of nucleic substances, as indicated by the low A2eo/A2so coefficient levels (G.6-0.7). In order to separate the nucleic substances, the concen- trated solution of toxin was passed through a column with DEAE-cellulose - equilibrated with 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0. Under these conditions, the toxin was not sorbed and came out with the front of the eluent. After such treatment the A280/A260 coefficient rose to 1.7-1.8. The solution was concentrated by means of precipitation with ammonia sulfate ~ and passed through the dual columns with sephadex G-200 in 0.05 M acetate , 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY buffer, pH 6.0. From the elution profile of gel filtration illustrated in Figure 1 we see that the toxin comes out as part of the first protzin peak. The results.of ~isic electrophoresis indicated that this peak contains at least two protein components with different charges (Figure 2, 1), which we designated by the letters A and B. The slower one (A) is toxic and the other is inert. Immunodiffusion with equine antiserum revealed that the product obtained at this stage yielded two precipitation bands (Figure 3, II). Table l. Purification of C1. botulinum type E toxin , Toxicity yield, . Overall Specific ercent of Volume toxicit~ toxicit~ preced. initial Purification sta es m2 MLD/10 PII.D/10 sta e sta e ~ Culture fluid centrifugate 7430 2,0 0.2 Separation with ~NHy~2SOy~ 50% saturation 1000 2.0 1.5 100 100 . Concentration & dialysis with XM-100 347 1.3 4.0 65 65 Chromatography on DE-cellulose 327 1.3 12.0 100 65 Concentration with ~NH4)2SOy 32 1.0 10.0 77 50 Gel fi].tration through sephadex G-200 106 1.0 40.0 100 50 Concentration with ~NHy~2SOy 11 0.36 40.0 36 18 Chromatography on DEA~-sephadex A-5 19 0.29 100.0 80 14.5 >0' .P'II.D/mSC ' A=~ ~s ' Z,0 n II ; ~ ~ Figure l. ~ ~ Elution profile of ~el filtration of ~ 2 type E inactivated toxin on sephadex G-200. Conditions described in text. I I >,0 I ~3 > ~2~: ~ 1) A2eo - ~ ~ 2) A2so I ~ ~ ~ 3) toxicity r~ Of I �'1 ' 100 110 140 160 Fractions At the last sta~e of purification the product was submitted to chromatography on DEAE-sephadex A-50 in 0.05 M sodium-phosphate buffer, pH 8.0. In this procedure, the protein fraction containing toxin came out with the front of eluent buffer, while the nontoxic one was adsorbed on the column. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ . f~ . . . ~r . - ;.,.~Y ,(.i ~ ~ :~,4 ~ ; .3 t 4 .f' ~ . ~=t wr ~ _ . . ' . "'.v~ ' 1 . ~ . . ~ =;i . i ~ . . ' ' ' i.`J' ~ i^z5~`'L:~~ ~ ? .i~'Y+"4'.'~~~ j� . . i { ~ ~ 1~~'�,4~ ~ ! :h~. { , ~ r~ ~ i : . ~4 Y rt ~ ~i t ( A 6 ; ~ ; : . _ - . 2~ . < ~~.~.j` ; ~ . ~ ' ~~,'.~h37 ' \ i 9 +i'� I f~~ t ~ _ ; ~ ~ ~ . t 4 ~ i~2~~ . ( ~ k . L� ~ ' 1~+ ~t~. f~, '4p~.~ t ~ ~ 3"Y� ' ~ ~ ~ry"~~' y.~~` l , & ~ r' Z' 4 't'ix,'" ~ 1 f', ~ ~ 5 ~'~3 w i: 1~, t Y ' ~ ~ ~ : � ~ E x; ; f ` . _ , ~ ;j'. Z 3 . Figure 2. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, pH 8.3 1) toxin preparation after chromatography on columns with sephadex G-200, ' band A corresponds to toxic component and S to inert protein 2) toxin preparation after chromatography on DEAE-sephadex A-50 (A) 3) inert protein (8) Tiie cizosen conditions nade it possible to recover toxin in the form of pre- cursor. When necessary to obtain a preparation in the activated form it was treated with trypsin just prior to gel filtration through sephadex G-200. A11 of the characteristics of the obtained product are referable to the aceivated form of toxin thereafter. 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , . : : , - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - The toxin recovered in accordance with the above-described method yielded one band in electrophoresis in PAAG (Figure 2, 2) and one precipitation line in agar with immune antiserum (Figure 3, I). The highly p~urified toxin prepa~ation had a specific toxicity of the order of 1-1.2�10 MLD/mg protein and 7�106 MLD/unit A2~e. The molecular weight ~ of toxin, determined by the meChod of electrophoresis in PAAG with DS-Na constitutes 160,000. However, lower values for molecular weight, from 120,000 to 30,000, were obtained by the method of gel filtration on a column with sephadex G-200, and they depended on the ionic stren~th of ~he eluent buffer (Figure 4). The coefficient of molar extinction at 278 nm, calculated for . a mol. wt. of 160,000, is 216,000 M"1'cm 1. The highly purified toxin retains activi~y in solution at pH 8.0 for 1-1.5 _ months at 5�. When stored in a frozen state at -20�, toxicity remained un- changed for 4-6 months. Homogeneous protoxin recovered at the final stage of purtfication becomes quite labile in relation to trypsin. Wtdle incubation of unpurified protoxin preparations with trypsin solution (0.1% end concentration) for 1 h usually - led to 10-20-fold increase in toxicity (Figure 6), the toxicity of highly purified precursor not only failed ro increase under such conditions, it even decreased to below the initial level in some tests. Maximum ~ctivation of the highly purified preparation was observed after 5-10 min (Figure 6). In some tests, we could not augment activity of the highly purified product by trypsin treatment. _ Similar findings are referable only to the one-component preparation. When an equal concentration of inactivated protein B was added to the latter, � activation occurred under the usual standard conditions. Thus, the presence of inert protein B enhanced stability of the highly purified protoxin against the action of trypsin. Table 2 lists data _ referable to two such tests. Table 2. Influence of inert component B on activation of highly purified precursor of C1. botulinum type E toxin Incubation medium with Activity, Experiment I inert No protoxi trypsin protein B ~D/mk 1 . -f- 2'1U� -I- -I- - 2�~Ob - � 2 � 108 2 -I- 4'iU� .t 3�!0+ ' . - - 1 �!0� . , . 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY / Figure 3. Precipitation of toxic protein A(I) and precipitation of three preparations (II) with immune equine antiserum I: C) antiserum � II: 1 and 4) product before chromatography on DEAE-sephadex~A-50 2 and 5) toxic protein (A) 3 and 6) inert protein (B) adsorbed on DEAE-sephadex A-50; " antiserum in the middle ~ ~Figure 4. ' Calibration curve for determination I of molecular weight of highly puri- fied type E toxin~by gel filtration � p ~ through sephadex G-200; 0.05 M 6. 2. acetate buffer, pH 6.0; 1.Sx80 cm _ a column o ~ y . ~ I) relative mobility of toxin in ~ the presence of 0.2 M NaCl = _ ' II) without NaCl ' 1) y-globulin � 2) serum albumin 3) egg albumin 10�T ~ ~ ~ ~ > 1,1 l,y 1,6 1.B Z,0 Relative mobility~ - 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~:~,r...._ . ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the studies of Japanese authors [2, 7], it was demonstrated that type E botulinus toxin exiets within p}; fOf MLD/m!C the microbial cell in the from of a ~p ~ f so-called progenitor, which is a complex of two proteins: Ear-toxin ~I proper and ES--inert protein. This complex has a sedimentation coeffi- 9 ~ - cient of 125, and it is stable only 2 with an acid pH range. Under mildly I~ alkaline conditions, it is dissoci- 6 ~ ated into Ea and ES components, each - ~ of which has a sedimentation coeffi- ~ ~ g'~ , cient of 7S. ~ h ~ ~ 3 Ij j ~ We assumed that the inactive protein i~~ I ~ ~ p,2 fraction separated from toxin during chromatography on DEAE-sephadex A-50 _J U ~ ~ at pH 8.0 corresponds to the Es com- 10 10 30 90 ponent, and we conducted several Fractions experiments in a preparative ultra- Figure 5. centrifuge to check this hypothesis. Isoelectrofocusing of highly puri- Tests were made in two different . fied type E toxin buffer systems at pH 6.0 and 8.0 of 1) pH 2) toxicity the following preparations: two-com- ponent protein recovered after gel filtration through sephadex G-200, homogeneous toxin A, inert protein B and a mixture of proteins A and B in equal concentrations. As can be seen in Figure 7, homogeneous toxin A demonstrates sedimentation at pH 6.0 and pH 8.0 like y-globulin with a sedimentation coefficient of 7.1-7.4S. Protein B - presented analogous sedimentation (the data are not illustrated ~n this figure). . K104 , a>pa \ 20 a f0 -i b . A I I ~ ~ ~Z , ~~2 / 6 1 ~ ~ I � . u ~ ~ . ' I k y_ Ji . ~ 1' ~Z - . o H f ~ , JO ~SO ~ 110 30 60 ~in Figure 6. Increase iu toxicity of centrifugate of culture fluid of type E Cl. botulinum (a) and highly purified type E(b) as a function of incubation time with trypsin 1) before activation 2) after activation 8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . - - - Ai,w ' A , B . ~y ~ h . ' - 1 . ~ ~ ~ ~ I; ~ ~ ~ . ;t , ? ~ 1 ~ . Z`,\ ; ~z ~js ~ :t 5 4 ~ ; - . / ~ ~r ~ 2 6 10 � 14 .1B 2 6 10 14 18 . Fractions ~ . :igure 7. Ultracentrifugation of highly purified type E toxin at pH 6.0 (A) and pA 8.0 (B) 1) y-globulin 3) two-component protein 5) mixture of 2) catalase 4) homogeneous toxin proteins A and B When the two-component product recovered at the next to last stage of purification, which yields two bands upon electrophoreaia in PAAG at pH 8.3, was submitted to ultracentrifugation we observed a different finding: When centrifugation was ~erformed at pH 6.0 (Figure lA), toxicity was demcnstrable in the only protein peak presen ~ing a sedimentation coefficient of 11-125. _ At pH 8.0 (Figure 7$), the toxicity concentrated in one peak was again found in fractions with the same sedimentation rate as Y-globulin. We then mixed the highly purified toxin A and inert protein B obtained at the last stage, and the prepar.ation was centrifuged at pH 6.0 and 8.0 (Figure 7). We obtained the same results as in analysis of the unadulter- ated two-component protein. Thus, these findings warrant the conclueion - that inert protein B corresponds to component ES in the termir?ology of Japanese authoYs [7], while the two-component system in the preparation obtained after gel filtration through sephadex G-200 apparently is the so- called progenitor (complex of Ea and ES components). Discussion The purification system we propose provides for a 10-15Y yield of highly purified toxin provided culture fluid is used as base material. Ho~aever, attempts to use this purification method on extracts of microbial cells did not yield satisfactory results. It must be stressed that the conditions we selected as a result of numerous tests ~re the optimum for obtaining a rather high yield of highly purified toxin, and replacement of the recommended buffer systems by others leads to either aignificant reduction of yield or , appearance of additional protein components in the end product. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The purification method we propose can be used to obtain toxin in the form of precursor or directly in activated form. In the latter case, products ob- , tained af ter chromatography on DEAE-cellulose muat be submitted to trypsin treatment immediately prior to application to the column with sephadex G-200. In the course of isolating a highly purified toxin from type E C1. botulinum we obtained data consistent with the results published by Japanese researchers _ [2, 3, 7]. Actual toxin (component A or Ea) formed a complex with inert protein (component B or ~k,) in the acid pH.range, which was~dissociated into its constituents under alkaline condition~. It ia noteworthy that we used a different quality of material (culture fluid instead of cella), - different culCure medium, strain, as well as other methodol~gical procedures ~ in our study, as compared to the cited authors. The molecL~lar weight of highly purified tox3.n, determined by the method of electrophoresis in PAAG in the presence of DS-Na, constituted 160,000, and - it was similar to the figures known from the 13terature for highly purified botulinus toxins of both type E and all other known types [10]. However, ,F analysis of the products by the method of gel filtration through sephadex G-200 yielded lower figures for molecular weight of tt~e toxin, and they changed occasionally, depending on'gel filtration conditions. When gel filtration was performed in 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0, the mol. wt. of the toxin was found to be 80,000, whereas with 0.2 M NaCl present in the eluent buffer it constituted 120,000. In the case of 0.05 M phosphate - buffer, pH 8.0, the mol. wt. of the toxin was found to constitute 120,000, and it was unrelated to the concentration of NaCl in eluent buffer. Evi- dently, nonspecific sorption of toxin molecu].es on the polydextran matrix of ~ sephadex was the cause of lower mol. wt. found in the case of gel filtration. This sorption was more marked at acid pH, and it could be partially eliminated by increasing the ionic strength of the eluent solution. For a long time, the question of mol. wt. of Cl. botulinum type E toxin was debatable. Until recently, there were reports in the literature [8, 9] of the presence of components with low mol. wt. in toxin products of thie type.. In the published reports, the mol. wt. was determined by means of gel filtra- tion through sephadex of unpurified or partially purif3ed toxin. Thus, Emodi and Lechowich [8] xaported that the mol. wt. of type E botulinus Coxin, determined by 8e1 filtration through sephadex G-200 in 0:05 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.0, constitutes 5000-9000. In the work by Sacks and Covert [9], it is noted that preparations of type E ~ botulinus toxin varying in degree of purification may yield two toxic components when submitted to gel filtration through sephadex G-50 and G-200 in 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 4.5. The heavy component has a mol. wt. of ~90,OOO~and the light one ~12,000. Repeated chromatography of the "low , molecular" component at pfl 4.5 again showed distribution of toxicity in the form of two peaks. These authors conluded that it is possible for low ~ molecular toxin to exist in equilibrated form with a polymer with higher mol. wt. ' , 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It must be noted that we observed such phenomena in our studies as well, and they were indicative of the possibility of existence of type E botulinus toxin in the low molecular form. Unpurified toxin preparations obtained from culture fuid after concentration with ammonia sulfate or polyethylene glycol came out in theform of two protein peaka with toxicity after gel filtration through a column with seghadex G-100 in 0.02-0.05 M acetate buffer. The first peak was demonstrable in a free volume, while the second was substantially retained on the column and came out with pigment in a greaCer volume than cytochrome c. When the second component (combined and con- � centrat~d fractions of the second peak) were again submitted to chromatography under the same conditions there was repetition of distribution of toxicity in two peaks. In some cases, all of the toxicity was demonstrable in the ' form of a single peak in the space corresponding to the second "low molecular" - component. This phenomenon was observed with both the inactivated toxin - preparation and after activagion with trypsin, and it suggested the existence - of mobile equilibrium between low and high molecular forms of molecules of toxic protein. However, it was sutisequently found that this phenomenon could be unequivo- cally removed by increasing the concentration of eluent buffer by 5-10 times or increa~ing its ionic strength by addition of NaCl to a concentration of 0.5 M. Under such conditions, al.l of the toxicity was eluated from sephadex with a free volume _ On the basis of the data we obtained, we arrived at the conclusion that the - described phenomena could be attributable to nonspecific sorption of toxin on the sephadex matrix in the presence of low ionic strength of buffer. In the studies conducted by the above-cited authors, the conditions were similar to ours (acld pH an3 low ionic strength of buffer), and we cannot rule out the possibility that the low mol. wt. levels for type E toxin we obtained were also the result of nonspecific sorption. As can be seen in Figure 5, with isoelectric focusing of prep arations of activated toxin, most of the toxicity was concentrated in the peak cor- responding to pH 5.9-6.0. However, in the more acid range, at pH 4.5-4.7, we always obtained an additional peak that presented toxicity. The toxicity of the "acid" peak constituted 5-30% of toxicity of the main peak. It must _ be noted that a so-called "acid" peak appeared only upon isofocusing of the activated form of toxin, and it was demonstrable upon analysis of both - highly purified forms and preparations recovered at the earliest stages of purification. At the present time, the nature of this phenomenon is not clear, and it will be submitted to additional investigation. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ispolatovskaya, M. V.; Reshetnikova, L. N.; and Anisimova, L. I. ZH. MIKROBIOL. I EPIDEMIOL. [Journal of Microbiology and Epidemiology], 4, 1975, pg 66-70. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 r ;s FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Kitamura, M.; Sakaguchi, S.; and Sakaguchi, G. BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS. RES. CONaKUNS., 29, 1967, pp 892-897. 3. Idem, BIOCHIM. BIOPHYS. ACTA, 168, 1968, pp 207-217. 4. Heimch, R. C., and Sugiysama, H. BACTERIOL. FROC., 68, 25, 1971. _ 5. Weber, K., and Osborn, M. J. BIOL. CHEM., 244, 1969, pp 4406-4412. 6. Martin, R. G., and Ames, B. N. Ibid, 236, 1961, pp 1372-1379. 7. Kitamura, M.; Sakaguchi, S.; and Sakaguchi, G. J. BACTERIOL., 98, 1969, pp 1173-1178. 8. Emodi, A. S., and Lechowich, R. V. BIOCHEM. BIOPHY~. RES. COMMUNS., 35, 1969, pp 788-795. 9. Sacks, H. S., and Covert, S. V. APPL. MICROBIOL., 28, 1974, pp 374-382. 10. Das Gupta, B. R., and Sugiyama, H. BIOCHEM. ffiOPHYS. RES. COMMUNS., 48, 1972, pp 108-112. [45-10,657] . COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Biokhimiya", 1979 10,657 CSO: 1841 , 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ,x.u. : . ..,o._:. : . : . . . , . _ _ , . . . _ . . . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chemical Industry CHEMICAL PRODUCTION ASSOCIATIONS AND TRENDS IN IMPROVING THFIR ORGANIZA- TIONAL STRUCTURES Moscow KHZMICHESItAYA PROMYSHLENNOST' in Russian No 8, 1979 Pp ~+5~--~+57 [Article by L. P. Strakh~va and M. M. Volobrinskiy] [Text] Characteristic of the last two five-year plan peri~d.~ and later periods of growth in the industry has been a considerable in- - crease in scales of production, high production concentration and more - rapid rates of scientific and engineering advances. While the mean-annual growth rates for industrial output in the past five-yeax plan period were 11 percent and while the industry output grew 1.55 times faster than in&us- try overall, in the current five-year plan period the chemical industry is � pro~ected to outstrip industry in general by 1.76 times, with the mean- annual growth rates amounting to 12 percent. All this predetermines the constant improvement in the management structures of the chemical indus- try, since the appropriate inanagement system must correspond to its c~ynamic growth. The management system of the industry and its improvement took place in several stages. " Before 1970 the chemical industry was managed by the union-republic minis- try and by republic management organs. This management had ma~or disad- - vantages that held back the industry's growth. The presence of the repub- lic management organs viola~ed the industry-by-industry principle of man- agement and retaxded the grawth of specialization liy subindustries. Enter- prises under republic ~urisdiction (about 40 percent of a11 enterprises in the industry) were separated from scientific and design bases. The four- _ tiered management system caused cumbersomeness and multiplicity in the management staffs of the industry, with a relatively low st'aff effective- ness, since most of the questions associated with the activities of enter- prises under union-republic ~urisdiction called for intervention directl,y by the USSR Ministry of the Chemical Industry and the councils of ministers of the union republics. ~ 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . . _ . . . _ : , . . _ , , . . _ . _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In accordance with the 1970 government decision, the chemical industry was converted to a three-tiered management system. When this was done the union- union-republic ir,anagement organs were eliminated and the Main Subindustrial Administrations were transformed, since 1971, into e11-union industrisl as- sociations (VPO). At the first stage primary attention was on improving the structure of the main tier of industr~al management. The general trend was to set up pro- duction and scientific-production associata~ons. In the period from 1970 to 1972, 15 production and 3 scientific-production associations were set up in the industry. This was determined by the fact that in addition to the large chemical.combines, 36.~+ percent of a11 enterprises had a labor force up to 1000 persons; the number of enterprises with production volumes valued at up to 10 million rubles was 31.4 percent. The quite.large number of sma11-sized enterprises materially retaxded their growth, negatively af- fected the industry's economics and complicated the activity of higher- level organs in managing the industry. Considering the advanced experience of the production associations set up in the national econo~y and in the industry, their operating effectiveness ~ and the need for more improvements in management of the industry at a11 levels, in July 1974 the Ministry of the Chemical Industry formulated a general scheme for the management of the chemical industry. - The general scheme stipulated solutions to a broad spectrum of problems in improving ma.nagement at all level.s of the industrial management system. But, as before, first-priority attention was on improving the structure of the main tier through setting up production (PO) and scientific-production associations (NPO). The c~ynamics of variation in the indicators of the production concentration level in the PO (combines) and in the NPO of the industry is shown in Table 1'~ for the period 1970-1978. Data recorded (Table 1) show that there is a postive trend in the growth of the number of PO and NPO in the industry, as well as in the indicators of production concentration in t~em. The steep climb in the number of associations in the che~mical industry in 1975 was due to the fact that classified with them were the 49 combines previously existing in the industry, which were highly concentrated eMterprises with specialization of constituent production facilities, which have indiastrial-engineering, organizational, economic, territorial and assets unity. The associations set up in the industries are classified by us under the following characteristics: by diredtion of primary activity; by industry affiliation; by kind of production ties of the production units; and by ~ E � Here and in the following use is made of data for the VPO and the Minis- try of the Chemical Industry generalized by the authors for the period 1970-1978. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY g~::~. , . . . . . , . , . _ . , ..r . . , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 1 Ku~ui4ecTnu ~6~ Ypen~udll 8` / rZ \ oGtii�NnieuxR ACC [TOXMO- ~ 1 ~ ~ _ _ YAen~xwR crx oc�oe� rl~ ~ !CC 06bA� HMX IIpOMb'~W� YAeni~Hdll - ~ , wa xano- neuudx npo� eec 4HClItN� HOA Op0- M3BOpfTBCN� HOtTH npo- � rOA 1' AyK4NH H61% ~OHA~B MdWnlHHO� o6pa- ~ 3~ ~ ~ 5~ fl0 TIO x HftO npoN3sopcr- aoea- N HP.O no oniowe� erNxoru nep� IINN K oGuewy IINp N cTOx� co~~ana TIO Rrero il0 H;10 nanoeoA MUl'TN UCNOB- N HI10 I1~~Oj~yK-' HNX II~IUMNLLh K 4NCJIPHHO� 4NX 112NHN7( CTN (Y~X~l~ % M~([~. ~~j fIPON980,QCT� ~ ~ ~ BCHHWX ~OH- _ Aoa Mxn, % 1970 12 10 , 2 7,70 4,0 5,70 1972 '18 15 3 9,42 7,4 8,96 1975 77 71 6 50,60 55,4 50,37 1978 88 78 10 52,73 58,8 52,40 Key: 1. Yeax formed 2. Number of associations 3. Tota1 4. Production associa~ions 5� Scientific-production associations 6. Proportion of gross product volume of production associa- tions andscientific-production associations of gross pro- duct volume of the t~iinistry of the Chemical Industry, per- cent 7. Proportion of cost of main industrial fixed assets of pro- duction associations and.scientific-production associations to the value of the main industrial fixed assets of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, percent 8. Proportion of the strength of the industrial production - labor force of the production associations and scientific- production associations to the personnel strength of the Ministry of the Chemica.l Industry, percent degree of generalization of the production-eoonomic activity and the organ- izational unity of the production units. 'I'hree kinds of associations function in the chemical industry by direction of activity: 75--production, 10--scientific-production and 3--repair-con- struction. All 88 territorial associations are paxt of 22 all-union indus- trial associations. From the standpoint of industrial affiliation, the 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY existing associations are industry associations; and 32 of the inter- subindu:try associations are classified as combines by the kind of pro- duction ties in the production units. The remaining 56 associations are subindustry associations; of these, 17 are combines and 39 ex'e territorial associations of individual enterprises (firms) with different degrees of production-economic autonomy. Classified as associations of the first kind, without ~uridical and econ- omic autonom~y of production units are a~l 49 combines and 12 firm-type associations. Associations of the second type, where the production units do not have ,juridical autonotqy, but do have operational-economic autonom~y, number six in the industry. In 12 associations, all production units have .juridical autonomy (third type); the other 9 associations are'of the mixed type, where the production units have different degrees of ~uridical and operational-economic autonomy. ; Included as part of the 39 firm-type associations are 177 production units; 39 of these are the leading enterprises; ~uridical autonoII{y is retained at - 68 production units; and 70 production units do not have ~uridical autonoiqy. Analysis of the associations set up in the industry, in our view, must be conducted as follows: by the level of production concentration; by the extent of integration of the primary tier in the industry; and by the ef- fectiveness of the production association forms used. The proportion of production associations in the industry's total output volume and work force in 1978 was 52.7 percent and 52.4 percent, respec- ; tively. Concentrated in the production and scientific-production associ- ations is 58.82 percent of the industry's main fixed assets. The gross ; output volume, per production association, was 137�5 ~llion rubles in , 1978~ this is five times the :alue of this indicator per enterprise before the industry's structure was reorganized. As the analysis we made showed, the scales of the production and scientific- , production associations organized in the chemical industry differ widely ~ (see Table 2). Industry-wide, 93.5~percent of the associations have basic production- industrial fixed assets valued at more than 10 million rubles; and in ~ 4~+ percent of the associations thzs indicator is more than 200 million rubles. The personnel force in 1~+ production and scientific-production associations is up to 2000 persons; in 27--from 2000 to 5000; in 33-- from 5000 to 10,000; and in 14--more than 10,000 persons. The wide spread in the scales~~of associations organized in the chemical industry is determi.ned above all by their subindustry chaxacteristics.and by the forms of organiza~ion. Subindustry characteristics of associations operating in the che~mical industry, from the standpoint of concentration 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table 2 v ~1~ ; ' ~ , I (5) (6) (7~ (a~ (gl a _ ~2~,. tr ~.aJ 'i : ~C I r h f V CA ~c'C' M C'~C% L~ v 6{I V T G O ~ C 5� L C C I = a0 ff� s~ ms . a.~ r~ Szmpm . r! 1, = x COe� 2 G S p , A~ 3) (~f~ o0 o~�c =`C.~ f~ i= s : C= L. 'tY Y p C~C SCR= t+34 ~q ' 'd- c~.i�- ux5 ~�zo ~~$3$ i~t�,~ I1(1 liltu R~ RG.e `OS Rscs m~ISa s cc �'so~ cCs s~~x c~xcx r'cc s�~� x~0 z=x sBu~ sr.~cd ~-nc ~�C ezT yac" ta~�._F C F~ K r0~ r, r,7K ~ S = ~x. . i~" G=p Y 4C'.T. ti Y O d O T a+ m~'t t! ~Y LCC$ ~+~m ~+.T.F %~tC ~CSp IO�2C M C c~ 0 5 3 6,49 30 0,7 1,2 0,17 10--25 5 1 6,99 10 1,18 1,02 0,37 25-30 5 5 6,49 50 3,35 3,29 1,3 50_..10U 10 - 12,98 - 5,83 3,6 2,19 I(Hl ��2U0 18 I 23,40 !0 8,6 13,6 10,W 2b(l 5(K) 29 37 , 66 25 , 27 22 ,19 33 , 53 li~rnec 5(~ 5 - G,49 - 7,8 7,5 11,2fi ( ~-1.) . - Key: l. Grouping of associations by value of main industrial fixed assets, millions of rubles 2. Number of 3. production associations 4. scientific-production associations 5. Proportion of number of production associations of the total number of production associations, percent 6. Proportion of number of scientific-production orgs,nizations of the total number of scientific- production associations, percent 7. Proportion of gross production volume of produc- tion associations and scientific-production asso- ciatidns, in gross product of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, percent ~ 8. Proportion of indizstrial-production work force of production associations and scientific-production associations of the work force in the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, percent. 9. Proportion of value of main industrial-production assets of the value of industrial-production assets in the Ministry of the Chemical Industry, percent 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t : ; . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY u~ i - ~ ~ o w ~ ~ ~ x ~ a ~ o �/u '(~~Jfl eC 14BI1 NOO~NOh~A00~A00Q~000M u ~ �uavualaec) uwu~w.~nuV _ O CS ~ -oaqu @owaeH~6ur~u �~i~rn C~ v~ OG n$~ N u~ ~n ~n g~ri g M tA O�rl 'd iDCOt~t~OO~iC~ hC~C~of v~ h �H6VOJu douuuuoJi~cuv Ul �rl C~ CI I -aunau> >au qFlmivoV,~ t aS N�rl rl . U ~ - a � ' ~ O ~ ~ N H~~ o~,~o~~,~,tCt~00fG~1~u~NMt~ ~ a v, a~+~ a+G -OII1B~N BIIN ~ ~V~")GOhd'NNhMO)r+V~ q� �~~vau uuultaJa ....-:~j..:~.j~.j_...,p....~y...:..:.~...~c+~..: ~ ~ ~d rl O 4-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fi 40 � q so~fN�p x~ax a ~ ad o~ N ~d ~y~ ~~,~NQftA.��.tql~Nl~OfOoO .{1 c, a a G O 'IIdtl1JY00ENOdlI OOCQOOI~I~ Cr1tOGOMt~M~cQI~G~d' ~ C~ ~~1 d -oxxavmRNOd ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ~ O td O " ~o~~iW Hl~OWHOlJ OIl '~"'-'N~~N~~O~+CV~+'+^+r+M^~ O ~ N~~ w N s d~ ~ ~ cd O?4 O S~ a eve~ioadau o~ox I N ~ } ~"s io~n~n-~-�ci ~nc~ .rc~o~oocv 4-i ~ v1 O+~ ~ =YG �Hi91JVOtlENU~11 ~N~~~~~`~~~.�~$,..,~N..,c�~.d� p O od 3 ~ a~i s ~ �ONHaV(ONWOdII ~ ' ' ' ^ ' ' ~ . _ as N1~OHHJII~Nh 0 "'N~-+CVN-~-rO~+~-+-~-+CVM~ vi �rl u z ~1 ~ f~ f+ U Tl o= aowcvtic~v:~n~c~ou�-a:.rrno~n ~ i~ ~'d uNi ~ x~ i,eha~CVodu doe . . . . ~ A i~+ o v U cd r-I ''O -uvee~fwav.~ o ou ^m-r~e~..�-.�o.,ev�....,�.�..�erj..� N O Sti v ao~ ' i t t t t t t~ t~t t t ~ a aa~b ~ a ~ ~ Y O N F+ ~i-~ F~ i-~ ~ C~ " ^ia ~oua Xe~ ~ xRx ~ w a o a a~ ~ �H791~VOtl6NOdU�ONHiIt ^'tOCCaOI~MO~N~'~+~1^tqQfON � �mpwuJu a OLIH N OL! o~ri~ -~o .-ot~ ~no . m auVeo~ xrtxxaei~VOecx o~aoae~`o$aco`u~--co-gicno~cav~~i . �odu�oexavmpwodu Hta 1 1 1 l 1 2 1 - ~ �owxot~ aaa dpNavaV~ ~ N ^/a ~pUg evexoadau o~ox , ~ O ~gggp ~ N H �Hd91~V096NOd11�ONHiV ~MONMMV~N~O~tOtD~OMO-�~- ~ ~ ~ y, O U ~ �mAwodu xsaoxx~vaxn a - ~ Ol1H N O[1 eveuoadau ~n~o~nrao~oo~p --aoo-- ao W F+ O.IOHHiH1JT~00E{(Ollll hhNC'QI~CtO~J--co..,a~~io~verc~' ~ p~ ~�U y v1 4D �ouxavmpnodu NiJOH p v O ~ ~ ~ ~ �xavaxn aae yAxqv~Y~ v v N N~ O �rl . ~ ~ ~ N %~~118 HNtIN~SVOdU y08 ~ N~O d~ h f0 N M^~ C'q Of d~ M O0.-� pp ~ t~A ~ i~ ~ ~ G~+ ~ . ovea awaaflo a O(,[H K in.~ o~ o~ op ~ t~ ao c~n t~ p~ ~ O U1 O O~ OII NNt~H~tVodu yoaovoa ~ achrnv~ ~n .r--o~~nrncnc+~ ~ v O Pr ewaa9o aaa yAxvuav~ 2 2 2 t p~ ~ N ~ ~d ~ ~ tA �v O ~d O N~ tn O tn �/a 'NV OOOOOOI ~l'~llCVNOMtD~A~AO ~ ~ O~1 r~ U O N N �aedaoVoudM~uxduttadu ooaio o~n~na~ac$~o~aoeiei ri a a~ y~� v~ ~ av~xn wafiyo u puH in cp M~ N CO M-- cv cv v~ t1~ AL N pu oae apxava7~ t a 4-~ ~ a4-~ ~ O - ~y,~~d O 4-i r-I ^ O O�.i ~O w 5-~ O H A+~ N'f.,'' ~ U ~ N N x 1 K .7 u~p o0~-. N a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d O _ ~ ~...tiwJ ~r~-{~ ~ ~Y~ .r. y r w~ o i C- a 0 ~~V ~ p tA ~i fti O S-~ W ' ~ a m ~ ti c o ~ r~.t ~n ~v cv o'~ a a~ a a i a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~n o ~ ~ o ~ z o~ ~ o G ~ m.~ Gj t ~ f~ Fti w�~-I ~ ~ m~s ~o~v~�~%,x~QS ~ U] cd U P-~ W�r1 Np,i O W � a ~~O z� s o.n.~ ~ A aox,~A R~$F � � ~ Rmuzpa+zzuo~~aA"=a ~ r{ N ~1 o x ~oo ~v c.u K xau ye msi x~o o QQQ4444Q444Q4Q444 ~ ~ c~c3c~8~8i3cgcgc~c`3cgc~cgc3vc~ a~'i ~ 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ' ie'+~eWi:u~SlliF,~~. . ~ . . . . . ' ~ , . 2 ~.-f vibl~i.~;....~r..':. y:.~..'1,.~ . ' . . ~ . .".~~.w ~r 1 ~ . ~...~r, ~:....'-:v~. . . . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY [Key to Table 3, concluded] 5. Proportion of value ofl industrial-production assets of production associations and scientific-production r~ssociations in industrial- production fixed assets of all.-union production associations, . percent . 6. Multiplicity of inean size of association with respect to mean size of enterprises in all-union production association 7. with respect to gross production volume 8. with respect to the industrial-production work force 9. with respect to the value of industrial-~roduction fixed assets 10. mean multiplicity 11. Proportion of specialized product made by associations (attached to a11-union production associations), percent 12. Sc~yuzkhlor 13. Soyuzazot - 14. Soyuzosnovkhim - 15. Soyuzanilprom 16. Soyuzgorkhimprom 17. Soyuzsera 18. Soyuzkhimplast 19. Soyuzkhimvolokno 20. Soyuzrea,ktiv 21. Soyuzsoda . 22. Soyuzstekloplastik 23. Soyuzfosfor 2~+. Soyuzkraska ' 25. Soyuzkaliy 26. Soyuzkhimplastpererabotka 27. Soyukhimfoto 28. Soyuzbytkhim of production in the associations and their mean dimensions are quite fu11y illustrated in Table 3. The data recorded a11ow to draw a number of conclusions. - Production associations were set up in a11 subindustriea of the chemical industry, except for the iodobromine and oxygen subindustries. Here their organization at the given stage is inadvisable owing to the extremely low level of plant concentration of production, the relatively small number of enterprises in the subindustry, the wholly closed technological cycle of _ some enterprises and their great dispersion across the country. The pro- portion associations in the manufacture of industrial producta ia not th2 same in different subindustries. This indicator is the largest in the following subindustries: nitrogen, chlorine, mining and chemical, plastics, chemical fibers, potassium, consumer chemistry and painta and varnishes. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ In all these subindustries, production associations: and scientific- production associations account for 50 to 9~ percent of ~he industrial output, the value of the basic indus~riel-production assets and the in- dustrial-production personnel force. Classed with the other group of subindustries with the value of these indicators from 30 to 5~ p~'rcent are the following subindustries: aniline-c~ye, sulfur, soda and photo- graphic chemical industry. MinimUm industrial output is concentrated in production associations of heavy chemistry, reagents and glass- reinforced plastics. The actual level of centralization of industrial production in production associations in different subindustries is caused, on the one hand, by the characfieristics of these subindnstries from the viewpoint of the most advisable level of pl,ant concentration and siting of industrial enterprises, and on the other- by the forms' used in organizing industrial produc~ion. The largest value of the mean size of production associations, determined by the gross output, value of basic industrial-production assets and the industrial-production per- sonnel force is in the following s'ubindustries: nitrogen, chlorine, mining and chemical, potassium, chemical fibers and plastics. Here this is due to the high level~.of plant, multiunit and technological concentration and by the fact that the combine is the dEtermining form of production ~ associations. For the subindustries of conswner chemistry and the paint and varnish industry, with the relatively sma11 association size for the industry, the large values of the indicators of the industrial production volume concentrated in productian associations (67 and 51 percent, res- pectively) are due to the innovative forms of organizing production in the form of territorial ~roduction associations. At the same time we must note that as a rule in the territorial production associations that have been set up the production units have a closed technological cycle, pro- duct specielization and weakly developed internal cooperative status. In spite of the rapid growth in plant concentration of the industry, no substantive changes have happened in the specialization of its enter- prises. In this respect, relying on the analYsis made [1] A. S. Wayn wrote: "For ~ the.last 15 years one specialization form--p~oduct-based specialization-- has held the dominant position. And broad-profile enterprises have been and remain the dominant form. Technological and semiproduct (part-based) _ specialization forms have not developed. Among the combines multi=sub- industry and multi-product=line enterprises are the leading kinds." Further, he noted some adverse trends observed in the Pornas of production organization: "Un~ustified universalization of many enterprises, weak development of technological and semiproduct specialization and inter- ple.nt cooperative status and low level of plant concentration_of products of the same kind" [1]. The stuc~y conducted by the NIITEkhim [Scientific Research Institute of Technical and Economic Research of the State Co~unit- ; tee for~;;CYiem~stry' af ~the'USSR �~ouncil of Minist~'rsJ shawed that the ~ economic con~1itions~and prospects dictate the need for radical improve- ments in the forms of organization of the chemical industry. In this respect trends have been noted taward a qual~tatively new stage in forming 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ , . _ . : . .F.: o x . . - . . - , , - . , , . . . . _ . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ the industry based on the broad development of specialization, intra-indus- try combination, inter-industry and inter-subindustry cooperative status and a growth in plant concentration of the msn~ifacture of technically sim- ilar products. One way of carrying out this direction in technical policy in the industry must be seen in organizing production associations based on specialization, concentration and buildup of capacities for making . technically similar products in individual production units of the associ- ations. The mean sizes of combines and territorial production associations in terms of concentration indicators are given below: ~ Indicators Territoriel Production Associa- Production tions (Qomb3nes) Associations Gross product volume, - millions of rubles 1I.4.5 1~+1.5 Value of basic industrial- production assets, millions of rubles 113.7 242.4 Strength of industrial- production personnel . forces 5000 6758 Thus, territorial production associ9tions approximate combine-type produc- - tion associations in their concentration indicators. ~ The scales of the production associations organized in the chemical indus- try must be viewed both from the standpoint of indicators of the level of concentration and fr~m the standpoint of the integration and coasolidation of the primary tier. Here we must note that in the 1+9 associations organized an the basis of the combines the growth in the concentration of production was brought about by co~missioning new and reconstructing existing production facilities, and not through integrating the prima:ry tier. The 39 ~sociations in the chemical ittdustry are territor3al subindustry production associations organized by the association of two or more pre- viously autonomous enterprises (firms). These assoc3~tions account for 19.9 percent of the gross output, 18.7 percent of the ~ndustrial-produc- tion personnel force and 25.1 percent of the value of the basic industrial- production assets. From the standpoint of integration of the p'rimary tier of the indu3try, the above-indicat~d 39 Production associations took in 244 industrial enterprises and organizations; of these, 67 were eliminated as 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY autunomous enterprises and were converted into production facilities and ` _ shops. So through improvements in the organization of management during 1968-1978, in the industry as a whole there was a 150 percent consolida- tion of the primary tier in terms of the number of enterprises, ~ssocia- tions and organizations subordinated to the all-union production associa- tions. At the present time, the number of ~roduction units in the 39 _ - territorial production associations is ~+.5� - . Table ~ }i ~ ~ � A ~ 14 ~ .7.~ ~ N I . I~ . . . ....~1~~.1.�~ h�~1- . ~~~~1~1) I 11.1 ~ .'~1~ I: ~ ~ ~1 N I ~ ~ ; 1' 'l ll ' . \ 11 i~l� ~I I , , I ~ . ' . 1 (l~ I~~~~~i~or'11~~~3~ . ~5) ~ Q~~,n.on,~~~q,~�~,~~nm,~ rb 22,74 :i(i,85 27,4�i H:1 u;~~lulu ~1:1(Y~IdlO� n~r. pyG. 4>rni;t,~urna~~a (6~ 1,~)07 0,584 0,8 Ii~apaGurK~ n:~ urino- '12,9 20,96 22,0 ro p:,G~�r:+Km~~�ro, I �nrc PyG. �~7~ Key: l. Technical-economic indicators 2. Average per territorial production association 3. Average per combine-type production association 4. Average industry-wide 5. Capital-to-labor ratio 6. Capital-to-ou~put ratio 7. Output per worker, thousands of rubles As the analysis showed, some technical-economic indicators characterizing production effectiveness axe high in territorial production associations than in combines and for the industry, on a.n average (see Table 4), though the extent of.s ocialization of production in chemical industry combine is greater than in territorial production associations. Thus, given the la*:~~~r capital-to-labor ratio, ~he territorial production associations, when ~ompared to the combines, have 1.7 times higher capital- to-output ratios and 8.7 percent greater output per worker, that is, the effectiveness of use of fixed assets in the territorial associations is higher than in combines and in the industry as a whole. But here we must beax in mind th~.t in most of the territorial production associations set up the production units have basically a closed technological cycle and the levels of combination and cooperative status are slight. At the same time, the high level of comb ination of production in combines affects gross output volume in the direction of its considerable reduction; 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ .F,~,; . . . . - . - . . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , this probably strongly affects their in~icators of capital-to-output ratio and labor productivity. In addition, as noted in the st~c~y [2], the la~w capital-to-output ratio at ma~or en'terprises in the industry grows out of a number of other reasons, including incomplete culmination of construction, i,ncomplete bringing of capacities up to design level and inadequa.te technical-economic indicators during the period of the past and the start of the current five-year plan periods. The study we made of a number of technical-economic indicators of ind.ivi- dual territorial production associations (of the firm type) set up in the a1~Hmical fibers industry, paint and vaxnish industry, plastics industry - ~ a.nd consumer chemistry (see Table 5) showed that in most production asso- _ ciations, given the smaller values of their capital-to-labor ratio, there are higher indicators of capital-to-QUtput ratio and labor productivity, both compaxed to the mean-subindustry indicators and with respect to enterprises not part of the production associations. All this allows us to make a very important conclusion to the effect that organizing in the chemical industry territorial production associations based on the integration of individual enterprises as a whole has un- doubtedly proven itself and positively affects the operating indicators of the industry and individual subindustries. At the same time, some production associations of the industry axe opera- ting still with extreme~}r low technical-economic indicators; natural],y, this brings up the question of finding out the causes of this phenomenon. ~ It can be assumed that each production association has its own causes in this respect which were not studied as part of this investigation. But what interests us are principles behind this phenomenon, not random causes. So it appeaxs worthwhile finding out the effectiveness of different forms of existing industry associations from the standpoint of the socialization of their production and management activity, an overall chaxacteristic _ for all associations. As shown by the comparative stuc~y made of associations of different forms (see Table 5), the following trend was observe~: production associations of the first kind with a high level of socialization of production and management activity (the production units that are part of the associa- tion have been converted into special%zed production facilities and have been stripped of 3uridical and economic independent action; the manage- ment staff has been organized based on full centralization of management functions and has been set apaxt) have much higher indicators as to capital-to-output ratio and labor productivity than production associations of the third and fourth kinds, where the production units have ~uridical independettt action. This is vividly illustrated by comparing associations like Yaxoslavl' Lakokraska Production Association (first kind) and Ukriak- okraska Production Association (third kind), Litvbytkhim Production Associ- ation and the Ukrbytkhim and Uzbytkhimplast production associations (third 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . o dq= a~ ~ ` p p ~ O= m 4 O u~ 00 O ~ ~W ~A~ M . N a0 1~ p ~j ~ rt p _ j ~ m O ^ 00 T O G ~ Q1 O 1~ Of O 00 O ~ ` ~ ,u 4- O O O O r. O O O s:. n-_i. C t 2 i i: .e ' x ~ ~ ~ L I L. M. M 00 O O t~D t~D 0~0 M 00 N ~ t0 N .N�, t0 - i . . . . . . . ' I 3^' u ~O M Q~ M N ~A tf~ a0 c0 M M Q~ a0 ~i O~ '00 1!~ O~ C Lf~I a tf7 fD tn ll) N N CV N CV N N I F ' a ~t Z 3oc4 p t+~ op p pp ~o I s c�' � O c0 ~ O ti O aN0 ~ N cN0 ~ S Q~i N O~i O oD C~i . Y r, ~ O Q ~ ' ~ . ~ O N -r O O O ~ O O O L ~ ~ p I C ~ O [ ' ~ = u] N M t0 M C N V~ N O f~ 00 ~ ~ N ~ N - I a I a I O O c0 M a0 O M Q~ 00 O~ ~ C~l O~ Qf N O~ ~ M ~ ~ . . ' ' ' ' ' - ' . . . i ~ G Op N ~C eM G~l N CV M ~ N ~ ~ O O O ~ ~ _ I t Z _ ~ i T a e,qf 0 ~ o c c m p O M N T O N O ~A e'~ O cC O O~ O a0 _ - Y r�~-, m O C- h h .N O ~ eJ' Q> d' O e!' t0 T~ O ~ e', ~ 4 m 4 ^ O O O ~ O O O r+ ^ ^ O O ~ O ^ - i, ~ ~ ) . " � s o ~ ~ os~ . ~ a ~ 0 tf~ ' o cD O O ~p h Q~ N eM M N O ~ n ~ j~ i N ~ C V S 00 M 00 00 00 I~ V' 00 C'7 t~ O Q~ ~ , O ~ ~ O V~ V' ~ tD O tD V' O~ tn 1~ O T N O ~ ~`1 . r--I 6 a N ..+^N ^ N N N ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , H ~ _ N ~ ~ ~ N ~ c~'1 . N ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ _ s r-~ s~{ m~ m p~ m~..= N=~. i ��J� ..~i~`t ~�o~y . r�~-Nx o~ 40 ' ~ s s w z,~ s m ca m. m z,x x,4 ~~o~ , e~ a I a~i as a , aa a as aS a~t ~ as I .E} yx~ym~ o ~pSpNyymym ~ aFai mz'~vrij aQim I v O ~ ~ p fC- 04 O~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ A C~+ . O a~i ~ .a8 ~ A 'Q ~y' . ! 1 oiyaird o ~ dmaimai~aiH ~ ai4tir~ ~ dy ~ ; ^ � �~�, �m~m'v�mama. ~�m~Oms . ~c. N � ~ca,HV~ ~ ~,cv~'a,t-vr p d~v~Q ~ p ~ r, c, r~ r~ R S ~ G ri ~oA�Jp,~, p�' rl c~a�~p~�'pe~a�'pm�1p . ~ Ap0/t~vo r~l ~o '?a � a, z o, x o, x o, x n, m a x c. x m~. m z N - 9 O O~c ~c `O,~c O ~G'~[: ~c, Q ~ri ~a O'\OKri , ~ ~ ~C ~C'.~. F ~ C ~C ~C ~C ~ .-P ~.G ~ A S ~s ai rs dN~N w um~^ ?i~ ~ o r"~ o x"r ~ m � ~y ~ x vm^ ~~S .a = ~ a+ ~ ~C DO~O ~ Tlf~ d O~1 ~ a~i.0 5,~,~w^ ~ d 0~~ d p . ~ a `e�;v`0 r-I � �~{~v m �1 x ~ V ��M �m ~ o~��, m ~ o _ .~~i ~ , s m : ..i. r. (V ~ m '~I C V ~ ~ .a o V n x~ ai a O 0~ r-I N ~ d 00 v~ DC s~ H~'~ x" sc. o~~ u ~xxOo�~'~ u zOo~~Ntl Oor~ O ~ A r~- z m�1.-.c. C�~' s~ = m~ ~ sC o C sC s`u� x s~ ms v~.� :e w R~..,m~~,s ~ ~ C ~.,,mv x rrcdFS ~m s c.. G SC m~ 1 X~ S F~ S F X % 5 R h~~ CO O O S~~~~ S~ . ~s zat~,~n. ~~a~s~m ~ ~o ~ ~o~XSOx ~o?~~x~ ~o I = C�'~ GY ~ " 4 0.�� n.K z `c z ~ a�� Qu o~~ o.p� o.`g x c.~ _ I C c~ d a C C~~ a~ C~ c~c ~ C~ C� - 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Key: l. Subindustries and territorial production associations 2. Form of production association by classification - 3. Capital-to-labor ratio _ 4. Capital-to-output ratio 5. Output per worker - 6. thousands of rubles 7. with respect to subindustry level 8, all-union production association and production association y, PF~i n L nnd vf,,rni ~h :industry a whole ) - 10. A-1-1-union production association 11. Yaroslavl' Lakokraska Production Association 12. Subindustry, territorial, of the first kind 13. Ukrlakokraska 14. Subindustry, territorial, of the third kind 15� Rostov Production Association of the Chemical Industry 16. Enterprises not part of the production association (as a whole) 17. Consumer chemistry industry (as a whole) 18. Litvbytkhim 19. Subindustry, territorial, of the first kind 20. Subindustry, territorial, of the fourth kind 21. Mo~bytkhim - 22. Ukrbytkhim - 23. Subindustry, territorial, of the third kind 24. Uzbytkhimplast ~ - 25� Subindustry 26. Enterprises not part of the production association (as a whole) 27. Chemical fibers industry (as a whole) 28. Mo~ilev Khimvolokno Production Association _ 29� Subindustry, territorial, of the second kind 30. Klin Khimvolokno Production Association 31. Subindustry, combine, of the first kind 32. Enterprises not part of the production association (as a whole) 33. Plastics industry (as a whole) 34. Ukrplastik 35� Subindustry, territorial, of the third kind 36. Enterprises not part of the production association (as a whole) kind) has the indicators mentioned lower in value than the subindustry-wide values. It is precisely associations of the third kind that violate the above-noted general trend of higher values for the indicators of capital- to-output ratio and labor productivity in the territorial production asso- ciations (firms) compared with the corresponding subindustry indicators. _ Thus, several conclusions can be drawn. First of all, for higher produc- tion effectiveness in the chemical industry it is best to continue the work in improving the structure af the primary tier based on setting up terri- . torial production associations (of the firm type) that include enterprises ~ 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY that have lower technical-economic indicators compared with existing sub- industry production associations. Secondly, set~ing up a production asso- ciation in the industry is most advisable when the highest level of social- ization of production-economic and management activity will be attained, - since these forms of.associations (of the first and second kinds) are the most effective. In our view, setting up associations of the third kind in the industry--all the production units in associations of this kind having ~uridical independent action--is wholly inadvisable since in this case they function quite formal]~y as production associations. As a rule, ~.s~ociations of this kind in the industry are organized on the basis of relatively ~mall enterprises with quite simple technolo~r, closed techno- logical eycle and product specialization, along with considerable terri- torial remoteness from the leading enterprise. And the scale of the latter and the level of production organization approximate in their character- istics production units, while the extent of centralization of management functions in the association':s management staff is very slight. In these cases the management staff of the association, with respect to the produc- tion units, essentially acts onl,y as the leading management organ, appro- ximating in its functions an all-union production association. Grouped with these associations are the Ukrbytkhim and the Ukrplastik, which in- cludes most enterprises of the corresponding subindustry in the republic. It appeaxs that if local cond.itions do not permit setting up a full- fledged production association, it is best to organize smaller associa- - tions, but with more profound specialization of production units and with greater specialization of the function of technical support, expan- sion and management. At the same time, this conclusion cannot be ex- tended to associations of the fourth kind. Juridical autonorqy of indi- vidual production units in associations of this kind must be looked at as a temporary phenomenon on the path of setting up a unified produc- tion-technical, economic and organizational complex. This is exactly the position of the Mosbytkhim Production Association, where the six enterprises that are part of the associatiqn have been canverted into shcps.and two suburban enterprises are temporaxily retaining ,juridical auto:~onqr . In spi.te of the positive trend of a growing number of production asso- ciati~ns, there is still a fair'_y large number of small, broad-product- line industrial enterprises in ttie industry, retarding the pace of its economic development and complicating the system of industry management. The developing situation, in our view, is caused by two factors. First of all, the management staff of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry and the a11-union production associations lack the functional management - organs assigned to caxry out supervision of systematic operation in the industry and the subindustries for improvements in management in the primary �tier. This leads to a situation where problems of management in,provement here are dealt with episodically, without the right kind of analysis of the most rational variants of composition and forms of the associations being set up, while the technical-economic substantiation 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ , . . , _ , . . , . , . ,..:i, . . , . ~ . . . . � . . ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY provided at times i.s extremely formalistic. Secondly, the number of terri- torial production associations (firms) now functioning is un~ustiFiab].y small because only subindustry associations of this type are bein~ set up in the chemic~.1. industry. L. I. Brezhnev, speaking at the 2~tth Con6ress, said: "When production associations are bein~ set up, it is particularly important for the administrative boundaries and departmental subordina- tion of the enterprises not to serve as ~,barrier to bringing in more effective forms of management" [3]. Characteristic of the chemical indus- try, as already remarked, is the extremely developed inter-subindustry (intra-industry) cooperative status; its enterprises are located very often in the same administrative and economic regions of the country because of their raw-material and energy resources. We also note that in the indus- try enormous experience has accumulated in the organizing of industrial production and mana~ement in combines that include different subindustries - of the chemical iridustry. So there are present all the prerequisites for setting up inter-subindustry territorial production associations with a narrow technological specialization of production units and broad in~tra- firm cooperative status. Unconditionally, this will cut back on the number of small enterprises in the primary tier and will furnish condi- tions for raising the operating effectiveness of the industry. An example of up an association of this type can be seen in the Voskresensk Minudobreniye Production Association, where it is advisable to add to the existing association the Podmoskovnyy Mining-Chemical Plant, in the same city as this association and supplying it with raw material for making mineral fertilizer. ' Additionally, all the prerequisites are present also for setting up new subindustry territorial production associations, above all in the follow- ing subindustries of the industry: glass-reinforced plastics, heavy chem- istry, chemical reagents, paints and varnishes, plastics and photographic chemical industry. It is precisely in these subindustries, as shown by analysis (see Table 3), that we find the lowest level of concentration of industrial manufacture of products in production complexes (the pro- portion of production associations and scientific-production associa- tions in the total number of enterpz~ises ranges from 6 to 26 percent) and the greatest number of small enterprises retarding the pace of the industry's expansion. Thus, in Leningrad it is highly advisable to set up a production association based on the Komsomol'skaya Pravda and Slo- - istyye Plastiki plants. In Kazan' there are concentrated two industrial enterprises and a scientific reseaxch institute with an experimental pla.nt of the ~hotographic chemical industry, which also permits setting up a production association or a scientific-produ~tion association. A gain in the level of production concentrati~n and specialization in the glass-reinforced plastics industry is best accomplished, for example, by setting up a production association based on three Moscow-area enter- prises, and in heavy chemistry--based on three Central Asian superphos- phate plants. 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Above we noted the role of scientific and engineering progress for the pace of the industry's expansion. Therefore, a very important factor ir~ intensi- fying industrial production is the factor of drawing science closer to pro- duction and finding the organizational forms ensuring the greates'c shorten- ing of the research-production cycle. Although operating in thz industry are 10 scientific-production associations that in principle measure up to this task, nonetheless in our view there are still sizable reserves. An analysis of the composition of production units that are part of the pro- duction association shows that only in four of the 75 associations are their design or project-design organizations. But in the remaining asso- ciations the responsibility for scientific and engineering progress is placed on traditional subdivisions--the central laboratory of the associ- ation (TsLO) and the planning and design section (PKO). AdditionalTy, in associations the leading scientific research and planning organizations are called on to perform this task. The operating experience of produc- tion associations in the industry shows that most often the TsLO and the PKO are oriented in their activity toward performing the current tasks of primary and auxiliary production facilities. Introducing developments from leading ind.titutes of the subindustry into manufacturing is dragged out for years because the "local" interests of science and manufacturing do not match up. Associations of the chemical industry that have hip,h- output up-to-date equipment today must have the opportunity of flexibly varying the product line and the properties of products in accordance - with the demand of the national economy. Bringing this about without in- cluding in them scientific-engineering centers is practically impossible. At the same time most leading scientific research institute and planning organizations have their branches, located in the centers when the ma~or industrial production of the subindustry (combines and asso~iations) is concentrated. So it appeaxs advisable to include as the most important direction in raising the effectiveness of production associations in the industr,y and thus intensifying industrial ot~tput, as paxt of the largest production associations--with the rights of production units--subindustry scientific research, design and planning and technological design organi- zations (branches and laboratories of leading in~.titutes). Setting up these scientific-engineering centers as part of the production associa- tions will enable them to more rapicll,y introduce the developments of the leading institutes of the industry and to perform current tasks of the associations in the specialization of production units, expansion of the _ product line, upgrading of product quality and cutting product costs. - Experience with associations and firms of socialist (German Democratic Republic and Poland) and capitalist countries (Federal Republic of Ger- many, Japan and the United States) confirms the advisability of this direction. Gne of the most important directions in raising the effectiveness of existing and newiy organized production associations in the chemical industry is a profound and comprehensive substantiation of the composi- tion of production units included in the associations, their product lines, 28 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - v~;~: , _ ~ . : . . . . . , . . . _ , . . . . _ _ . _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY capacities, ~pecialization and cooperative status. It is precisely these characteristics thttt determine the extent of industrial-engineering unity of the production units of associations, which--ultimately--determines the choice of the organiza~ional form of management in the association and its - or~;~.nizat,ional structurc. In turn, this unity can be brou~ht ~bout only by desi~nin~ a unified production process in the association whose methodo- logical bases were spelled out in a series of studies by the TsNOTkhim [Central Scientific Organization of Labor and Production Control i:: the Chemical Industry] [4]. Thus, designing the production process must pre- cede the development of an organizational structure, including the produc- tion structure and the structure of the association~':s management staff. The higher the extettt of industrial-engineering unity attained in the enterprises that are part of the association based on their specializa- tion and cooperative status, the greater can be the extent of their organ- izational unity based on higher centralization a.nd specialization of ser- vices taking part in the production process, as well as the services of the association management staff. Formation of the production structure of an enterprise (association) is a constititent part of the designing of the entire management system. The production structure embraces the subdivisions of basic production as well as subdivisions by their support and serv3ces for carrying out the _ production process. In this respect we must note that at the present time a~eries of studies has been done concerning the problem of organ- izing and the structures of repair services in associations at enterprises in the chemical industry [5,6]. At the same time the indus- try lacks well-defined regulations spelling out the conditions for the formation of basic-production subdivisions and their status. The unam- biguous interpretation of the limits to a technological department, shop or production facility often leads to cumbersomeness in production structures of.associations because of the large number of subdivisions _ and management leyels. This complicates intershop and in~ra-shop ties a.nd the controllability of tne production pro~ess and heavily expands the staffs and costs for maintain~,ng the ma.~agement staff in production subdivisions. Thus, working out a methodological approach and determin- ing, on its basis, regulating the conditions.for organizing subdivisions in basic production of different scales (department, shop and production facility) is among the first-priority tasks aimed at raising the effec- tiveness of production structures of enterprises (associations) in the chemical industry. . At the present time, when 75 industrial production associations of dif- ferent organizational forms are operating in the industry and when defi- - nite trends have appeared in the organization of their production and ' management, the ob~ective necessity has come to the fore and the oppor- tunities have come to light for developing and introducing model struc- tures of the ma,nagement staff of production associations in the chemical industry and their constituent production units. Use of model structures 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY built on the be,sis of general inter-industry principles of management organ- - ization in the national econoziap~' conaideration of industry and subindus- try characteristics of the organization of industrial production and the ad- vanced experience in the production associations of the industry in manage- ment allows us to Porm management staff structures on a unified methodolo- gical basis. At the same time, model structures must not become a barrier to developing the management system of associations in connection with the c~ynamic growth of industrial production typical of the industry and the possible appeaxance in this respect of qua.litatively new purposes and tasks posed before the management system.. With allawance for the requirements outlined, "Model Structures of the Management Staff of Production Associa- tions and Enterprises in the Chemical Industry" was formulated and confirmed by order of the minister of the chemical industry on 1 Feb 79. The past decade was a period of substantial reaxrangement of the structure of the prima.ry tier in the chemical industry. Pr.oduction associations of different organizational forms ~occupied one of the determining places in this structure. Their operating experience showed that this form of organ- ization of industrial production as a whole has fully ~ustified itself; setting them up promoted higher operating efficiency in the industry. The favorable experience acclnnulated in organizing management in the production associations and certain negative trends brought to light a11ow us to believe that the period ahead must become a period of substantial�rise in their ~ operating ePfectiveness. ' BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Vayn, A. S. HIiIM. PROM. , No 6, ~976, p~+68. 2. Petrosyan, P. Ye. In: "Ekonomika i NOT v khimicheskoy proa~rshlennosti" [Economics and Scientific Organization of I,abor in the Chemical Indus- try], Moscaw, NIITEkhim, No 5, 1977. 3. "~iaterialy XXIV s"yezda KPSS" [Materials of the 2~+th Con~ess of the CPSU], Moscow, Politizdat, 1970. . 4. Yefremov, S. A. "Razdeleniye i kooperatsiya truda na predpriyatiyakh khimicheskoy pro~yshlennosti" (Division and Cooperative Status of Labor at Chemical Industry Enterprises], Kemerovskoye knizhnoye izdatel'stvo, 1977� ~ 5. Shklovskiy, E. I., and Vostr3kov, V. S. "Remontnaya.sluzhba na khimi- cheskikh predpriyatiyakh" [Repair ~ervice at Chemical Enterprises], _ Moscow, Tzdatel'stvo Khimiya, 1978. 30 FOR OFFICIAL USEI,ONLY a ~ ~ ~ vtr~~~.~: ..t-.r....;; , . . . c�., , . . . . . . .o.t.._ . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6. Yefremov, S. A., and Fridma,n, S. D. "Organizatsiya remonta oborudo- vaniya v khimicheskoy pro~prshlennosti" [Oxganization of Equipment Repair in the Chemicel Industry], Kiev, Izdatel'stvo Tekhnika, 1977. COT~YIt"I:rfiT: I~datel'stvo "Khimiy~.", "Khimiche3kr.Lya Proirqr~hlenn~st'", 7.97~) 10123 CSO: 1841 , 31 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY THE iVIUIF PLANT IS FIFTY YEARS OLD KHIMIYA V SEL'SKOM KHOZYAYSTVE in Russian No 9, 1979 pp 3-5 [Article] - [Text] The NIUIF [Scientific Research Institute of Fer.tilizers, Insecticides and Fungicides imeni Ya. V. Samoylov] State Union Experimental Plant was started up in October 1929, on the eve of the First Five-Year Plan, in the year of the great change on all fronts of socialist construction. That period was characterized by intensive development of the chemical industry in our country. Giants of the.fertilizer industry--Bereznik~i, Solikamsk, Voskresensk, Bobriki [presently Novomoskovsk], Chernorechneskiy and other com- plexes were built and started up. There was a broad scope of geological exploration work to find agronomic ore. Unique deposits were discovered of apatite in Khibinskiy, sylvinite and carnallite in Solikamsk and Bereznikovskiy, and somewhat later equally large deposits of phosphorite, borate, pyrites, arsenic and sulfur in Karatau. W?thin a short period of time, the chemical industry of our country, and first of a11 the mineral fertilizer industry, obtained a strong domestic raw material base. � Investigation of the agronomic ore discovered in our country and development of the technology for processing it into fertilizers constituted a difficult set of scientific research and experimental engineering tasks, the fulfill- ment of which was assigned to the staff of the Scientif ic Institute of Fertilizers (presently the NIUIF) founded with the approval of V.~I. Lenin. The first heads of this institute, Prof Ya. V. Samoylov and Academician E. V. - Britske, who realized that the institute needed an experimental-testing base, undertook development thereof actively. Tha~nks to their efforts and. persistence, construction of the Experimental Plant was successfully completed. During the prewar years, the staff of the institute and Experimental Plant did much work dealing with the study of agronomic minerals (phosphites, apatites, sylvinites, carnallites, carbonaceous pyrites and others). Successful studies were pursued of problems of crushing, grinding and enriching the minerals (flotation, magnetic separation and others). The 32 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ . . . , , . . _ . _ . _ . . , . . . ~.~~.:,z;~ ~,~M~>~ r::~. . . ~ . . _ , . _ - . . _ ~ _ . ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOF OFFICIAL USE ONLY data obtained at this plant were used in designing large concentration [enrichment] factories at the Verkhnyaya Kama, Yegor'yevskiy and other mines, the world's largest phosphorite mills in Shchigry, Polpino and Voskresensk. Development of the technology for conversion of the nation's superphosphate industry from phosphorites to apatite should be listed among the complex problems that were resolved at that time. Giving priority in their work to problems of development of the fertilizer _ industry (superphosphates, dicalcium phosphate [precipitate], ammophos [ammonium phosphate fertilizer], diammonium phosphate), the plant staff was active in developing the technology of chemical processes and produc- tion (of extraction and heat-treated.phosphoric acids, sublimation of phos- phorus in electric and blast furnaces, boric acid, phosphoric anhydride, selenium, alimentary sodium phosphates, etc.). Experimental work dealing with 23 new production processes implemented on an industrial scale at 10 enterprises of our country (Voskresensk, Konstantinovsk, Vinnitsa, Odessa, Perm', Chernorechenskiy, Aktyubinsk, Kirovo, imeni Baturin, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Stalingrad, Kerch~, NIUIF and others) was completed at the plant in the prewar years with beneficial results. At that time, S. I. Vo1'fkovich, 3. K. Voskresenskiy, N. N. Postnikov, L. V. Vladimirov, A. A. Sokolov:~kiy, N. D. Talanov, I. I. Makartin, Ye. Ye. Zusser, L. Ye. Berlin, Ye. A. Vetchinkin, V. S. Gerdler, A. P. Meshkov, A. Ye. Belova, N. D. Golikov and many other specialists ~ famous for their contribution to Soviet and worldwide science worked at the plant with particularly fruitful results. The war interrupted the peaceful l~bor of the plant staff. Under the guidance of the MGK [Moscow City Committee of the CPSU and Zhdanov's RK of the CPSU, the plant was energetically converted to meet the needs of the front. A total of 205 plant employees joined the field forces, and 46 of them fell on the battlefields. The front needed effective weapons against tanks. Within an exceptionally short period of time, the plant set up the production of the antitank incendiary mixutre, KS. The nation's defense industry experienced an acute need for calcium carbide. The plant adapted its furnaces for sublimation of phosphorus to production of calcium carbi3e and set up such production. Production of Mazhef [manganese fer~:ic phosphate] was set up, this is an agent that protects ammunition and m:Llitary equipment from corrosion. Production of activated pyrolusite for electric batteries for front-line radio equipment and ot~:~r cotmnunications equipment was organized. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~^e~+..~ ;:a~3~..Y' ? ~ fi~ti~. V. I. Bannikov director of the ~ ~�4 NIUIF Experimental Plant ~ ` A~ ~ x n ~ , a ~ ; ~ ~ ~ .,~~~,u ~�,a~ f~`4~ ~ ~',',~f;~;; klll~ Ammaphos production using a method without drying. ~ 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . - 1 ::i ! .aw , V.::. . . ~:>':Y- . _ . . . ' . . . i. taG - .o , r . . . , _ . . ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The plant converted to production of incendiary ammunition in collaboration with the Ordnance Dzpartment of the People~s Commissariat for Defense. The enemy was routed and overthrown by the heroic efforts of the Soviet people organized by the Communist Party. Then came the ~ostwar period. _ As early as 1946, the plant returned to its peacetime production to meet the needs for restoration of the national economy. In the postwar period, the plant staff concentrated on development of new technological systems and refining existing ones for recovery of mineral fertilizers, acids, salts and other chemical products (compound fertilizers, feed phosphates, boric acid, catalysts, herbicides, metaphosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acids, liquid fertilizer, crystallin, new products for motor vehicle planes and washing agents). At the present time, tens of millions of tons of a wide assortment of - mineral fertilizers, hundreds of thousands of tons of acids, salts and other chemicals are being produced in the nation on the basis of the developments, in which the staff of the Experimental Plant participated actively and crea*_ively. In the last 20 years alone (1958-1978), 47 new production pro- cesses, which were refined at the Experimental Plant, were adopted on a mass industrial scale at 25 plants. For many years, this plant has been developing dynamically and working with success. The plant fulfilled the production program of a seven-year plan (1959-1965) in 5 years, that of the 8th Five-Year Plan (1966-1970) in 4 years and a half, that of the 9th Five-Year Plant in 4 years and 8 months, and that of 3 years of the current, lOth Five-Year Flan was fulfilled by the 61st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. ~ Complete remodeling of the plant was performed in 1968-1975. General _ plant administration has been updated. The reconstruction made it possible _ to create a new and quite modern plant at the old site. Kea1 scale experi- mental units have been developed, and this has increased i.~ easurably the role of the plant as an experimental scientific base, as well as its con- tribution to development of technological progress in this field. Working and envirorn.nental conditions have improved for the personnel, and efficiency of labor has increased. In addition to previous measures (housing, wetl-lighted shops, greenery, lounges, dining room, club, reading rooms, sections, Pioneer camp, nursery, creches, permanent space in sanatoriums), the reconstruction has opened the way for�progressive develop- ment of the plant for many more years. Sanitation problems have been resolved. The quality of products has improved (in 1978, 54.4% of the - products were awarded the "Mark of Quality"). In all the years of existence of the plant, its staff and social organiza- cions developed and refined the forms and content of socialist competition, _ as a tried and true method of overcoming difficulties and educating the 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~t..:._.~~,. . , . . : , _ _ _ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY personnel in the spirit of the program theses of the Party. According to the results of quarterly evaluation of the outcome of socialist competitions, in the past 20 years the peraonnel of this plant were ~udged the winners of socialist competitions 59 times among enterprises of the chemical industry and 34 times among enterprises of Zhdanovskiy and Lyublinskiy rayons of Moscow. In 1963, the title of "Enterprise of Communist Labor" was conferred upon the plant, in 1972 "Enterprise of Highly Sophisticated Production" and in 1977 "Exemplary Enterprise of the City of Moscow." The employees have been entered in the Honor Book of the CPSU MGK, Mossovet, Moscow City Council of Trade Unions and MGK of the Komsomol. Unit for producing nitroammophos by different methods The achievements of many progressive people at the enterprises have been recorded forever in the glorious labor records [chronicles] of the plant. Having already given decades of creative labor to the plant, the following individuals are still serving there, augmenting the raputation of the entire staff: N. M. Bakanova, N. P. Kryuchkov, V. F. Silakov, V. S. Kholin, A. G. Yebdokimova, K. P. Golubeva, Ye. B. Mel'nikov, M. M. Tsetlina, V. A. Sartakov, V. M. Granovskiy, V. D. Podkopayev and many others. _ Complex measures, aimed at continued advancement of the personnel in all _ work sectors and attaining higher achievements, were developed and are being 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , _ ,:.r:~.;..: � _w.., . : _ _ . . _ . . _ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - implemented by the plant personnel in response to the high titles bestowed upon them. These measures enrich the plan for social development of the enterprise, filling it with new content. The Department of c:hemistry of the CC CPSU, rliniatry of the ChemicAl Induatry, CPSU MGK, Soyuzosnuvkhim All-Union AssocLatic~n and administrative bodies of Lyublinskiy Rayon ~~f Moscow rendered operational guiding assistance to the plant with regard ~:o performance by the plant personnel of the tasks put to them, dynamic d~:velopment of the plant and practical implementation of the decisions of tl~e 25th CPSU Congress. The plant personnel are totally ready on the plant's SOth anniversary to work with even greater effort in the future for the noble pursuit of developing Soviet chemical science and industry. [52-10,657] COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo ''Khimiya", "Khimiya v sel'skom khozyaystve", 1979 10,657 CSO: 1841 - END - 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200040023-0