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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200050006-8 ~ 6 FEBRUAR"~ 1980 t FOUO 2180 ) 1 OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY ~ - JPRS L/8904~ - 5 February 1980 I~SSR Re ort = p ~ SPACE (FOUO 2/80~ ` _ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR GFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200054406-8 ~ NOTE - - JPRS publications contain: information primarily from foreign _ newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from forei~n-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources ~ are transcribed or reprinted, witn the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. = Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets . are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators sueh as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of each item, or following the _ last line of a brief, indicate h.ow the original informa.tion was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- - mation was summarized or extracted. - - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Wo?-ds or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the - ; original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributPd parentheticai notes with in the body of an item originate caith the saurce. Times within items are as g~.ven by source . ` a = The contents of_ this publication in no way regresent the poli- - cies, views or attitud2s af the U.S. Government. _ For fsrther information on report con~ent call (703) 351-2938 (economic); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGL'LATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION - OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 , JPRS L/894Q 6 February 1980 _ ussR ~Pa~T SPACE (FOUO 2/80) CONTEN~S PAGE - I. MANNED MISSION HIGHLIGHTS 1 Submillimeter-Band Telescope for the "Salyut-6" Mannec~ Orbital Station 1 _ II. SPACE ENGINEERING 13 ` Soviet Com~and�-Measurement Complex Described 13 Analysis of One Ciass of Linear Essentially Nonst3tionary Automat'ic Control Systems for Space Flightcraft of the VKS (Air-Spa~e Aircraft) ~?pe in the Final Descent Segment 34 - _ Camputation of "Apparent" and "Gravitational" Velocities - in Gimballess Inertial Systems 43 ~ System for Orvital Control of a S~ationary Artificial Earth Sar_ellite (SAES) Witr. Tran~fer to a Stipulated Longitude ~ - Using a Low-Thrust Co~r?cting Engine (CE) 50 III. SPACE APPLICATIONS 64 ~ _ kadiotelescope.s in Orbit 6~? ~ome NeT,~ Trenas in Landscape Inrlications of Hydrogeological ~ and Ge~alogical Fngineering Con~ditions in Cor.nection Fi'ith . ~ the Use of Space Survey Materials 7~ Determinati~n of Spatial-Temgoral Variations oi an Aerosol ~ in the Atmosphere by Laser Apparatus from ~;ace Veh3cles 81 ; Accurac}~ in Constructing Regioxxal Geodetic Networks by the - Geometrical 5atellite Methal 82 - Accuracy in Determining Position Ustng the "Transit" Satellite = - Nlvigation System 83 - a- jIII - USSR - 21L S&T Tr'~UO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLI' ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ CONTEN'"S (Continued) Page Pred.iction oE Time Periods ]Favorable for Simultaneous Ubserv~tlons oE Artificlal l:ar[li 5utellttes From 'Pwo Stations Using an Electronic Computer 84 r~: ~ IV. SPACE POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION $5 Pians for French-Soviet Space Coogeration Outlined 85 Ta1ks Held at Ajaccio 85 French-Soviet Manned Mission Slated 86 French-So~-iet Venus Mission 89 - - ARCAD 3 Project 90 Cooperar_ion in Space Conrtnunications 91 Ga~na Radiation Detector To Be Tested 91 'JNT Satellite To B2 Developed 92 - Spsce Biology and Medicine 93 , - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I. MANNID MISSION HIGHLIGHTS UDC 523.16-522.21 SUBMILLIMETER-BAND TELESCOPE FOR THE "SALYUT-6" MANNED ORBITAL STATION Moscow RADIOTEKHNIKA in Russian No S, 1979 pp 33-40 [Article by A. Ye. Sal~monovich, V. N. Bakun, V. S. Kovalev, T. M. Sidyakina, A. S. Khaykin, B. 0. Iskhakov, L. Z. Dul'kin, V. A. Kovkov, V. I. Kostyuke- - - vich, B. K. Chemodanov, L. A. Sen'ko, V. A. Mol'kov, V. S. Ovchinnikov, E. I. Grigorov, A. D. Magdesyan, A. A. Nikonov, V. P. Poluektov, A. V. Puchinin, - I. A. Gerasimov and A. V. Serov, submitted for publication 28 December 1978] [Text] An enormous number of celestial sources emit primarily in the far-IR _ (submillimeter) wavelength range (50-1000~.~.m). With a sufficiently high spa- tial and spectral resolution it is of great interest to make observations of atmospheres of planets in the solar system, and also stars of early, inter- mediate and late types, revealing IR exc~sses in continuous eLiission spectra. ' Also of special interest are measurements in individual lines and in the con- tinuous spectrum of submillimetQr radiation of molecular and gas-dust clouds, - associated with regions of ior zed and neutral hydrogen, because precisely in these objects it is necess:.y to expect the development of processes of active star formation. However, many of these ob3ects are inaccessible for , observation in visible light. Observations in the submillimeter range of the center of our Galaxy and the outer galaxies are also exceptionally i.mportant for a clarification of their physical nature and evolution, chemical composition and structure. However, submillimeter astronomy began to develop vigorously only during recent a~ears. _ At least two factors make progress in this field difficult. 1. The earth~s atmosphere, to be more precise, atmospheric water vapor, oxy- _ gen, ozone and some other components virtually completely (except for indi- vidual windows of relative transparency) make it impossible to receive cos- _ mic submillimeter radiation from the earth's surface. This has necessitated the lifting of submillimeter telesco~~~s to great altitudes into the upper layers and even beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere, that is, these instrtunents have been transfuYmed into on-board instruments. 2. Sensitive reception of submillimeter radiation requires deep (to helium temperatures) cooling of both wide-band bolometers and photoresistors, and also ~lerectors used in app~~rat;~s similar to that used in superhigh-frequency - 1 _ FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - technol.ogy; in a number u` cases it is sls~ nece5tiary to ccx~l the optical 5ystems of the telescop~. 'I'}:u~, L'n~ creation of ur,-board :~~ibmilltmeter telescopea requirea c::e d+~�~~l~pment of on-board CLj~C~t?I1~L' apparatus. The problem was especially cor~plicated in the creation of telescopes intended for long-term orbital stations. In the course of implementation of the program for creating telescopes for such stations, at the ~iiysics tnstitute imeni P. N. Lebedev USSR Academy _ of Sciences in the early I97Q~s specialists developed, and in 1974 aboard the "Cosmos-669" artiricial earth satellite tested the "Obzor" submillimeter radiometer [1], whose detectors were cooled to the temperature of liquid helium in a special nitrogen-free space cryostat [2] over a period of a _ week. Computations and experiments indicated that an increase in the dimen- sions of the cryostat can increase the time of its functioning under flight conditions to several r.~ont?~.~;, Hot:e�~er, the more prolouged c,pzration of a submillimeter telescope ~board an ~rbitai station requiLed the development of a cryo~enic system ci a closed type a microcryogenic helium refriger- ator. The solution of most of the mentioned astrophysical problem, requires tele- scopes with a quite large collecting surface, with a main mirror not less than 1 m[3]. Until recentl}� telescopes of such a size were used only aboard an aircraft and a high-altitude balloon [4, S]. Therefore, it was important t~~ acctimtllate experience in the construction and operation of large instru- ments. It was also of interest to clarify to what degree it was feasible for the crew to take an active part in the servicing of astronomical instruments of such a scale (and not only submillimeter instruments), what could be the functions of the operators, and what could be the degree of their inter- vention in the operation of the instruments. At the same time, it was obviously desirable for fu11-scale tests in the a~ove-mentioned directions to construct instruments with record optical ~ characteristics, whose cost would not be justitied in the first experiments. In this work it was necessary to take into account the relatively limited dimensions of the compartment for scientific instrumerr.ts aboard the orbital " station and the necessity for placement of a telescope of extremely short length. In choosing the design, constructi~n and work pragram for the submillimeter telescope, in addition to the methodolegical problems, it was desirable to obtain simultaneously useful scientific information. Such a principle was - realized in the experi.ment aboard the "Cosmos-669" artificial earth satel- lite: the "Obzor" radiometer was used in obtaining unique in.formation on the earth's submillimeter radiation as a planet [6J. The water vapor in the - earth's atmcsphere, impeding the penetration ef cosmic radiation, is itself ~ a source of radiation in this range. Therefore, one of the important tasks assigned to the submillimeter telescope was measurement of the character- istic rad~ation of the earth's atmosphere diiring orbital orientation of the station. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .T . , ~ , . _ ,A, . ~ ~ S . 7 ' / - Ijr r'~ _ J 7 !0 1 ~ 3 1 4;'. . ~ , , % : - .y . ~ ; - ~ = ; -tt+ : t ~ ~ y~;~, ~ 8 t i~`~~~ \8 ~ , ~ ~ ~ A . g i~,~~ . , ~ ~'~X a~^ ~ ; ' ~ t f s ~ / ~ t ~ - _Y - L ^ ~ ~ ~ 21 ` ? n ` ' ~ j~ _ ` 1 - I . � i Fig. l. Fig. 2. It was also deemed desirable for the telescope to have an additional channel not requiring cooling. After examining different possibilities we decided on _ the ultraviciet range, to be more precise, on the band near a wavelength 2500 A, coinciding with the absorption band of ozone. It was proposed, ob- - servir.g the setting of stars bright in this spectral l~egion, to carry out investigations of atmospheric ozone on the basis of attenuation of the re- ceived radiation of the setting source. - Now we will proceed to a concise description of the design and characteris- tic~ of the BST-1M submillimeter telescope installed aboard the "Salyut-6" manned orbital station [7]. Design of the BST-1M telescope. The telescope (Fig. 1), cunsisting of the following basic systems: optical system (OS), active c~oling system (ACS), ACS support system, amplification-recording system (ARS) and control system (CS), was placed in the scientific instrumentation compartment (SIC) in the �'Salyut-6" station. For more precise autonomous guidance of the telescupe axis its optical sys- tem and the ACS container rigidly coupled to it wer.e attached on a supporting- rotating base on the inner side of ~he SIC. The biaxial Cardan ~oint of the supporting-rota*ing base permits rotations by angles of f5� from the mean pos.ition of the optical ax~~~ of the objective, coinciding with the axis of - 3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 I FCR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ symmet ry~~ f the SIC housing. This part i~ cc~;ine~ ted to the remaining parts _ oE ttie tetescope, situated in the workin~ compartment, by means ~f. fl=xible - cables and lines passing through sealed plates. The optical sight-refracting - telescope was installed on the wall of the SIC housing in the direction of the workin~ compartment, opposite a special window. In a nonworking regime = the shafts of the Cardan joint of the supporting-rotating base are rigidly _ locked by means of el~ctromechanical remotely controlled locking devices. In the necessary cases, when autonomous guidance is used, the telescope is un- _ locked. Now we will examine the telescope systems in greater detail. Optical system (OS). Figure 2 shows the telescope optical system. The objective is of the two-mirror type, of the Cassegrainian system, with a main pa;abolic mirror 1 with an inner diameter of 1,500 mm (F/0.5) and a secondary hyperbolic mirror 2 with a diameter of 250 mm. The radiation of the source situated on the objective ~xis is focused in the _ plane of the modulator S. The projection system of ~ne optical unit 6, 7 transmits the source "image" into the plane of the light conductor entrance window, situated in the cooling system ACS 10. An rotating mirror - 9 transmits the "image" oiven by the projection system n:ito the photocathode of the uncooled detector (photomultiplier) of W radiation. I~ the telescope provision is made for modulation of received radiation of two ~,~pes: "diagram" (by oscillation of the field of view) and "amplitude" (by comparison with a standard emitter). In the first case use is nade of a - rotating bisector mirror of the modulator S(Fig. 2) and the fixQd mirror of _ the comparison channel 3. The latter is in the focal plane of the objective, but is displaced 32 mm relative to its axis and is tilted somewhat relative to _ the modulator mirror. tidith rotation of the modulator, the radiation passing through the objective and reflected from the modulator mirror 5 or from the mirror 3 alternately enters into the projection system and then into the light conductor with a modulation frequency of 185 Hz. In the first case radiation is received from tlie region with its center on the main axis; in the se~ond case from the region displaced by 22' from the main axis. With an equality of tiie radiation fluxes from all the telescope units the output signal is pro- portional to the difference in radiatiou in~:ensities of the two regions. Thus, - when the investigated source is on the main axis, its radiation is compared with the radiation of the adjacent region, whereby there should be exclusion _ of ttie cosmic background ("diagram" modulation regime). . In the second case with "amplitude" modulation on the path of the radi- ation reaching the mirror 3 there has been introduction of a calibrator 4, constituting a blackened plate, heing the source of calibrated radiation~ In an "amplitude" modulation regime during rotation of the modulator the radia- - tion from the region with its center on the main axis of the telescope is ~ compared with the radiation from the calibrator. Modulation of this type is used in measurements of background radiation. . ~ A disk with interchangeable interference filters 8 i.s placed in front of the entrance window of the light conductor with the cooled detectors 10 for dis- _ criminating different sectors of the submillimeter spectrum, as well as 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 1 1. � , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY neutral signal attenuators and a shutter for cutting off the radiation flux to the cooled detectors when the additional rotating mirror 9 transmits an image to the uncooled detector (photomultiplier) situated in the W block - of the channel 11. Figure 2 also shows the optical sight 12 and the collitna- tor 13, intended for pointing the telescope at the visible sources (see be- low) . ~ ~J " ~1;i . n~ _ . _ ~.ii . S 6 4 7 Fig. 3. The submillimeter radiation enters through the conical light conductor (Fig. 3), whose entrance window is designed in the form of a lens of crystalline quar~~ l, into the integrating chamber 2, on whc,~e walls are mounted radiation sensors cooled photorQSistors based on germanium, alloyad with boron 3, and n-type indium antimonide 4. The detector based on germanium is sens~tive to radiation in the region 60-13'J� m(arbitrarily called the "IR channel"); the detector based on indium antimonide is sensitive to the region of wavelengths exceeding 300N..m (arbitrarily called the "SM channel"). In the conical part of the light conductor 5, necessary for matct~ing, together with the quartz lens l, the apertures of the detectors with the field of view of the tele- scope detector, there are cooled filters 6, cutting off the short-wave radi- - ation [8j. Amplification-recording system (ARS), whose structural diagram is shown in Figure 4, is for amplification at the modulation frequency and conversion of signals received from t~ie photoresistors. First the signals are amplified by preamplifiers mounted in the i~ediate neighborhood of the light conductor. The amplified signals are fed along coaxial cables to the blocks of the measuring apparatus BIA-1 ar~d BIA-2, where they are again am~lified (at two scales precise and approximate) and are synchronously transformed into a constant voltage. Control of the synchronous detectors of all channels is accomplis!.ed with the modulation frequency from the sensor on the modulator. In each of the channels the constant wltage by means of d-c amplifiers is reduced to the telemetered range 0-6 V. For visual indication of the observed signals provision is ~ also made for an external signal indicator which the operator attaches in a pl.ace conveniezt foz observation. The reference voltage phase, and also amplification of the channels, is regulated by potentiometers whose slits open on the BIA-1 and BIA-2 panels. The ARS units also hold secondary - _ stabilized current sources and a co~and-programming device controlling the logic of telescope operation. This coimnand-program~ing device can issue S ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY commancis for calibration, replacement of filters, closing the amplifier in- puts for monitoring level, deflecting the telescope axis for measuring the background level and for cutting off the current at the end of the session - in the case of automatic operation. Active cooling system (ACS). This is used for low-temperature thermostating of the radiation detectors for the IR and SM channels. It is an on-board helium refrigerator of the clos~d type with a three-stage throttling cycle, based on two-stage cooling by means of gas refrigerators operating in a Stirling reverse cycle. Gaseous helium of a high degree of purity is used as the working coolin~ agent in the refrigerator. Gas,~ous helium in a throttling circuit is compressed by a compressor to 20- 25 bar. The heat of compression is carried off through the construction ele- ments of the compressor and in gas-fluid heat exchangers. In the first stage _ of the cycle the flow of compressed helium is first cooled to 80 K by a single stage GKhM-2 refrigerating unit. In the second stage of this cycle the temperature of the compressed gas is reduced to 16-18 K by a two-stage GKhM-1 refrigerating unit. In the final stage the compressed helium is cool- ed to a temperature of about 6 I~ and is thr.ottled into the cooling chamber of the throttling circuit with a temperature decrease to 4.2-4.8 K. The pres- sure in the cooling chamber is in the ranbe 0.9-1.2 kg/cm2. The two-phase helium flow cools the walls of the integrating chamber in the light conduc- r.or in whic:h the radi.ation detectors of the IR and SM channels of the tele- scope are placed. The low-pressure gas flow (return flow) passes through the group of heat exchangers and enters into the pn.eumatic supply unit. The ^_ycle is closed. . With an expenditure of gaseous helium not less than 1.0 m3/hour ~nd a ther- mal load at the level 4.5 K not m~re than 0.1 W the active cooling system ACS ensures a refrigerating capacity of about 0.5 W wi*_h a power consnmption of n~t more than 1.5 KW. In contrast to the light conductor scheme used in the cryostat variant [9], the photoresistors in the IR and SM channels are attached by means of crystal - holders directly on the well-heat conducting body of the light conductor in- tegrating chamber (Fig. 3). The two-phase flow of he~ium, circulating through the throttling circuit and heat exchanger 7 of the active cooling system ACS, washes the walls of the integrating chamber 2. The good thermal contact of the photoresistors with the body ~f the chamber ensures their effective thermostating at the necessary temperature level 4.5 K. In order to de~ - crease the heat influx the light conductor itself, made of thin-walled _ stainless steel, has a narrow annular cut. The throttling circuit and the heat exchanger 7 with the integrating chamber 2 and the conical part of the light conductor i are protected by two cooled heat-reflecting shields; the remaining part of the light conductor is protected by one cooled shield. The heat influx into the zone where the radiation detectors are placed does not zxceed 0.1 W. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'i h~~ ::yr+t ~~iu fc~r ACS HuPport iy necessary for yupplying the ACS aeAemhliea wlll~ ;i LI11'k`l`-~)II:INC ~il[erniiltn~ c�urrE~nt wiCli ~i fr~~qu~~nc~y ~~f 400 Nz t~i~~! ii voltage uf 208t8 V. The starting-up of the relatively powerf.ul GKhM-1 re- frigerating apparatus is accomplished gradually with a frequency range from 13 to 400 Hz. In order to decrease the voltage fluctuations in the d-c cur- rent network during operation of the ACS filter ur.its are mounted in front - of the compressor supply unit and the motor supply unit. The automation cmit is responsible for automatic control of the ACS. ThQ unit for measuring temperature, in addition to measuring the ultralow tem- peratures of *he ACS and monito ring its parameters, issues a conmand for closing the valve in the start-up line when a definite temperature valuP is attained in the light conductor chamber. The control system (CSj, being of the astrotracking sys tem type [10], is intended for pointing the telescope optical axis on a stipulated sector of the celestial sphere and tracking it, and also for scanning with the _ telescope axis in the limits of a square 2.5 x 2.5 degrees. In the control system (Fig. 5) there is also a control panel (CP) from which tt~e operator controls the operation of the measuring apparatus. The control lever (CL), control panel (CP) and the optical sight (OS) are mounted ~n the body of the SIC in such a way that the operator can conveniently work with them, ca-rrying out observations through the sight. The control system can be used in one of the following regimes: ` an automatic tracking of visible sources not weaker than +2m star magnitude using the mismatch signals received from the photoguides (PGj mounted on the teleobjective parallel to its optical axis. The initial interception of the sources is accomplished by the operator in a combined o r semiautomatic re- gime: the operator, in the field of view of the sight (OS), matches the col- limator mark (Fig. 2), simulating the position of the telescope axis, with the source image. The mark is the image of [he luminescent circle of the collimation tube, attached to the objective in such a way that the collim- ator axis is parallel to the optical axis of the telescope; _ semiautomatic pointing and holding of the mark in the field of view of the - optical sight on a visible source using the control lever (CL). Using this it is possible to introduce voltages activating the actua*ing motors (AM) for both axes; - combined tracking, under optical interference conditions, of a visible source not weaker than +2m star magnitude using the phot~guides (PG) with visual monitoring of the position of the mark in the field of view of the optical sight (OS). The operator, using the contr~l lever (CL), corrects the errors ~ in automatic tracking; scanning the registry of visible and invisible sources with transit of - the telescope field of vie~.r through them, scanning without fail along the two axes within the limits of a square in the plane of the figure measuring 2.5 x 2.5 degrees of angle. . _ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . ~ 10 11 1 on~ i ~r,.9-~. ~i;,q-~ FO I 4 JMJ e~i7 1~J��C ~~:~q - 12 ~ A'QAUL`~7 J.'R.T ~7 v' 41 : 7~ 1~ 13 i"~ona~c~r nn..v n::�,~,~d,, ~i'm.~ io _ ~�uas,o,~c6 ~tv''t~ 19 I AC,~cHC~u Jur:+'.~ /Ir;mo�~ue 2 Mody.2qmop ~ 1 j Biudoe utv,z a~~d y;;~:rno 20 = - ~-R gv,~,~;~� , ,'~r'L1 -d ucGJI ` ~ ~iCL,n. ? RbI.TUC~b; ~~O 3 ~ ' ~ ~ c,~f,~ ~ -�~e~e��ear.i.b 24 - Aco 4 ,n~H;~.~ c,~ 25~ ;~a,~ j t~ b;;c ! rr~z ~~~~v no: c:,.~l~ ?f~ - ~ CM ~ L'CL!a ` t J>71 ~lGN Z 9 ~ LJ ~ 3U ~ 3 ~cu:r. ,/IJi/2M.HUR!! i ~ll/'7/! ~r`r,.y ~ if3/I(''+PH(/Q ~aR' .7~ 350 hours _ - Amplification-Recording System _ Numher of amplification channels 3 - - Modulation frequency i85 Hz Limits of change in output voltage 0-6 V - Required power with supply voltage 27 V 95 W Control System Angular field of view of sight 5 or 18� Corresponding magnification 12*, 3* Field of view of photoguides 3� Maximimm angles of oscillation along two axes t5� Mean square error in autotrackir~g ..........................s. 2' ~ Angles of scanning in plane of figure along two axes......... f75' Oscillation time during scanning along X-axis 32 sec _ along Y-axis 650 sec ~ : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ACS Support System - _ i~c c�urrrnt power voltage 27 V Rec~ulred power of d-c currenC ~ 2510 W - Power voltage of ACS assemblies ..............................3-phase, 208 V Frequency of a-c current. . . 400 Hz ' ..o Required power of a-c current < 1400 W 1 - NH o na 4 K fy ny yc st,rna 8 . . ~ 3C y HQ 1 P ~r 14 3oc 15 - Fig. 5. KEY: ~ 1. Radiation source - 2. Operator 0 _ 3. Optical sight OS 4. Ccllimator C - 5. Control lever CL 6. Control panel CP 7. Angular velocities sensor AVS 8. Spacecraft 9. Scanning control SC 30. Amplification-conversion unit 11. Actuating motors AM 12. Reducer R 13. Radiation source 14. Photoguides PG 15. Feedback unit In a scanning regime the control signal, determined by the. scanning control, is fed to an amplification-conversion unit where it is compared a sig- nal from a feedback element. In order to ensure the required pointing accur�- acy the amplification-conversion unit is also fed a signal from the angu~ar velocities sensor mounted on the station. The converted and amplified con- trol signal is fed to an actuating motor which brings the supporting-rotating unit of the telescope into rotation through the reducer in the control system. - In addition, provision ia made for the joint operation of components of the telescope control system and the station astroorientation systems used for preliminary pointing and holding the axis of the latter in the direction to 10 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USL ONLY ~ the source. A special method for determining and Laking mismatch errors Intu ,~c~cc?unt haH been devetoped for the moeC preclse pos~ihle mr~tching of the axes of the station astroorientation systemg and the axes of the sub- millimeter teiescope, as well as the ~entioned axis and the axis of the - BST-1M optical sight. - The contro~ system panel makes it possihle to select the control regime, _ control the measurement instruments in the amplification-recording system, _ - change the types of modulation, have visual indication of the position of . ~ the filters, etc. - Principal specifications of the BST-1M telescope. The maximum diameter of the ~iain mirror of the telescope is determined by its compatability with the construction of the scientific instruments compartment and the focal length of the telescope is determined by the depth of the compartment. = These restrictions led to an ob~ective with an unusual relative aperturp. It appeared feasible to use a relatively inexpensive parabolic mirror with external aluminization, correcting its zonal errors by appropriate retouch- - ing of the secondary hyperbolic mirror using a method similar to that de- scribed in [11]. The objective errors determined the size of the focal spot (^~20 mm), and accordingly, the diameter of the entrance window of the light - conductor (~30 mm), and the latter the telescope field of view (18'). The accuracy of pointing (2-3 minutes of angle) agreed with this parameter. - The principal specifications of the optical, cryogenic and amplification- - recording systems, and also the telescope control system, are given in the - table. _ _ Snmmary. The BST-1M submillimeter-band telescope was developed, fabricated and underwent ground tests, during which confirmation was obtained for the specifications given in the table. The telescope carried on the "Salyut-6" - orbital scientific station was activated by the cosmonauts Yu. V. Remanenko ~ and G. M. Grechko for adjustments and tests in February 1978, in the course of which measurements of submillimetar radiation of the earth's atmosphere were initiated. The cosmonauts V. V. Kovalenok and A. S. Ivanchenkov con- tinued experiments with the telescope in June-September 1978. In the course of the experiments there was testing of all the telescope - systems under flight conditions and their operability was confirmed. The active coolin~ system ACS ensured cooling of the submillimeter radiation detectors to the required temperature, close to 4.2 K. The electromechan- ical units and electronic components of the amplification-recording system - functioned normally. The system for telescope control ens~ised its pointing in all the proposed regimes. Important experimental data were accumulated on the thermal regimes of the large telescope under orbital flight condi- tions and on the optimum method for work of the operators with the tele- scope. In the course of the exl:eriments with the BST-1M measurements were made of submillimeter radiation of the earth's atmosphere. "Sections" of the radi-- ating layers were made in both parts of the submillimeter range. _ 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Using the UV channel of the telescope there were relative photo~netric meas- urements of a numher of stars, which is of interest for astrophysics, and there was registry of the settings of bright stars below the earth's hori- - zon for the purpose of studying the behavior of the ozone layer at night- - time. The results are heing proces~ed. BIBLIOGRAPHY = 1. Salomonovich, A. Ye., Khaykin, A. S., et al., TRUDY VSESOYUZNQGO SIM- . POZIUMei "RADIOFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA ATMOSFERY" (Transactions of the All-Union Symposium on "Radiophysical Investigations of the Atmo- sphere"), Leningrad, 1975, Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. 2. Fradkov, A. B., Troitskiy, V. F., TRUDY FIAN (Transactions of the Physics - Institute), Vol 77, p 85, 1974; KOSMICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA (Space Re- search), Vol 12, p 936, 1974; CRYOGEt1iCS, Vol 8, p 461, 1975. 3. Salomonovich, A. Ye., Khaykin, A. S., TRUDY FIAN, Vol 77, p 33, 1974; Khaykin, A. S., TRUDY FIAN, Vol 77, p 56, 1974. 4. Cameron, R. M., SKY AND TELESCOPE, Vol 52, p 327, 1976. 5. Fazio, G. G., et al., PROC. OF SYMPOSIUM ON TELESCOPE SYSTEMS FOR BALLOON- BORNE IiESEARCA, NASA Ames Research Center, 1974. _ 6. Salomonovich, A. Ye., Solomonov, S. V., DAN SSSR (Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences), Vol 223, p 4, 1975. 7. Feoktistov, K., Dolgopolov, G., IZVESTIYA (News), 17 *Tarch 1978, No 65. - 8. Solomonov, S. V., Strogonova, 0. M., Khaykin, A. S., TRUDY FIAN, Vol 77, p 94, 1974. 9. Kobzev, A. A., Lapshin, V. I., Solomonov, S. V., Khaykin, A. S., TRUDY _ FIAN, Vol 77, p~30, 1974. 10. Chemodanov, B. K., Sen'ko, L. A., Mol'kov, V. A., et al., ASTRaSLEDYASHCH- IYE SISTEMY (Astrotracking Systems), 2~Ioscow, "Mashinostroyeniye," 1977. 11. Khaykin, A. S., PREPRINT FIAN (Preprint Physics Institute USSR Academy of Sciences), No 79, 1975. COPYRIGHT: "Ra~iotekhnika," 1979 [8144/0040A-53C3] - 5303 CSO: 8144/40A 12 FOR OFFICIA?, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY " II. SPACE ENGINEERING SOVIET COMMAND-MEASUREMENT COMPLEX DESCRIBED . Moscow NOVOYE V ZHIZNI, NAiTI~, TERffiJIKE, SERIYA "KOSMONAVTIKA, ASTR~NOMIYA" No 6, 1979 pp 3-17, 50-~1 - [Excerpts from monograph by P. A. Agadzhanov, "Command~-Measurement Complex," Izdatel'stvo "Znaniye," 32,250 copies, 64 pages] _ [Text] Introduction. The conquest of space to all intents and purposes began _ - with the launching of the earth's first artificial earth satellite in the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957. During the last 20 or more years the vig- ~ orous development of space technology has now made it possible to attain _ considerable successes in the field of investigation and conquest of space and carry out a number of outstanding experiments..~~owever, none of these ; attainments would have been possible without solving such an important prob- _ lem as space vehicle flight control. Already in the mid-1950's, while only preparations were being made for the ~ launching of the first satellite, Soviet scientists and engineers already clearly visualized the present-day complex af technical facilities intended = for support of flight and control of the on-board space vehicle systems. What are the basic functions of this complex which in accordance with the proposal of S. P. Korolev and M. V. Keldysh has been given the name "command- - measurement complex?" For this we will first examine those problems which must be solved by the command-measurement complex during the flights of the first artificial earth satellites. First, using a complex of a number of ground points, it was necessary to measure, with the required accuracy, the parameters of satellite motion, - and as a result of processing of these trajectory measurements, determine ; the actual orbital parameters and comFute their evolution. The collected data were then used in predicting rhe motion of satellites relative to the earth's surface, which made it possible to determine the z~nes of visibil- ity and precise time of transit over t'ie corresponding ground pointsy and also to formulate instructions for observations. ~or all these purposes specialists developed different kinds of ground and on-board apparatus - radiotechnical and optical equipment intended for observations of satellites - 13 FOR OFFICIAL IISE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and measurements of their trajectory parameters. It should be noted that the - results oi the traj2ctary measurements were first processed at ground sta- ` tion~s, after which they were transmitted through different communication ~~h~?nn~~lri [u t~h~~ pr~~~~~~Kr+in}~ r~~nrer~ lnr~�r ~~rillyd Ct?r ~~~~~rdinr~Ci~n r.c~nt.e~r. Second, the command-measurement complex was us~d in monitoring (both during the time of prelaunching preparations and during the course of the flight) _ the state and correctness of operation of the on-board systems and assembl- ies of satellites. Radiotelemetric systems were created for this purpose. - These included ground receiving stations and on-board instrumentation for measurements made using sensors furnishing data on the nature of the pro- - cesses which transpired aboard th~ satellite and in the space surrounding it. Finally, third, the complex made it possible, during the time of the flights, to control the satellite on-board systems. For this purpose radio transmit- ters were installed at the corresponding ground points, sending to the sat- _ ellite differen.t radio co~ands. Upon receiving these radio commands var- _ ious kinds of equipment aboard the satellites was switched on or off. In - particular, this equipment included scientific apparatus which during the - flight of the first satellites made it possible to obtain interesting data on radio wave propagation in circumterrestrial space and a number of other _ phenomena. Monitoring, control, observation and measurements were carried out in a un- iform time system, which was achieved using on-board and ground highly stable generators producing standard frequency and time signals. The re- sults of ineasurements and observations were transmitted to the coordination- co~ip~itation center along communication lines with an extent of several thous- and kilometers. ~ All of this large, t~;rritorially scattered measurement-control system, con- sisting of several hundreds of kinds of technical facilities, in whose op- eration thousands of specialists participated, functioned as a unified well- _ functioning mechanism. For this it was necessary to have adequate personnel _ for the cor,mmand-measurement complex and coordination center and also workers for all the ground observation and flight support systems and all the cen- ters for processing measurement information. How great has been the change in the functioning of the modern command-meas- urement complex in comparison with that described above and what more than anything else characterizes the present-day command-programming control of space flights? First of all we should note the three principal peculiarities of use of now- existing space vehicles: artif3.cia1 earth satellites (AES), spaceships (SS) and automatic interplanetary stations (AIS). The first is that several AES, AIS or SS, executing 3ifferent space programs, can be pxesent in space simultaneously. The second peculiarity as that separately launched SS (in- cluding freighters) can form a unified orbital complex in space during - 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY docking one another or with an orbital scientific station (OS). 'I'hird, several AES or SS can execute a unified program. The~e peculiarities required the creation of ground and on-board multichan- - nel radioelectronic facilities by means of which it is possible, simultan- eously, to carry o!lt ~iifferent kinds of observations~ measurementa, issuence - of radio commands to space vehicles, and also accompl:[sh simu?taneous recep- _ tion at earth of different kinds of information froffi sp~ce, The mentioned facilities, in interaction with on-board and ground computers, form a coffiplea information-computation network functioning at a real time scale. It includes coordination centers (including ma~or computers with a . handling capacity up to several millions of operations per second), comput- ation centers for stationary (situated on the land), floating (shipboard) and aircraft command-measurement points, and also on-board computers. Among these elements of the computation network there is a continuou..~ exchange of data and the exchange system includes diverse technical facilities and radio communication systems, including sntellite space communication sys- tems. The extensive use of small on-board computers, having a small mass and low energy requirements, but constructed using large in*egrating circuits and - having considerable computation capacity, affords the possibility of suton- omous actions for the crew of a SS or OS, and also makes it possible to _ create automatic space vehicles having the properties of universal robots. ~ There is automation of solution of many pr.oblems in flight control: space , navigati.on and orientation in space or on the surface of another celestial _ body, rendezvous and docking in space, adoption of decisions under une~ pected (nonstandard) situations, etc. Thus, based on the principles of command-pr~p,ramming telecontrol, the com- mand-measurement complex naw ensures reliable fli.ght control for manned and automatic flight vehicles in circumterrestrial and in~erplanetary space. An increase in the general level of the automation of control pro- cesses and an increase in the number of space vehicles simultaneously present in space and carrying out diverse tasks dictate the special role of this complex at the present level of development of cosmonautics. General Information on Operation of Couunand-Measurement Complex Space vehicles and the command-measurement complex (which is usually abbre- viated CMC) cons~itute a unified continuous system, whose effectiveness to _ a considerable degree is dependent on the rational linking together and op- timum distribution of functions between the on-board systems and the ground ~ facilities of the command-measurement complex. This is determined by the fact that the flight control of space v~hicles is accomplished by means of ~ the combined command-programming method of telecontrol in which the on- board systems, controllable by the SS crew or working automatically (in accordance taith a stipulated program) interact with the commiand-measurement _ complex and are monitored by its technical facilities. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , il~'rr,~.Y!!1(~F�\ CnUntr: ur, ;;~P/';~ 4' \ 1 _ _ J ~ y Oan~~ ma- ~ NUCU/AP~b ~ 2 \ - - . ~ ` _ ~ i ~J`?~Kc7f;1- /C[400;n~6t,ri~', j Kortd~~~~v~~ ~ CR!1L,7Ii:.^/1. j ~ i L~3N.C/7!M)C'A!t~k4' ` ,YGP;~7;~Pr[.' n'O~1r1~L'K!' I n~o~mne.a~ ~ _ ~ 3 ~ ~~4 ~ ; 5 ' Fig. 1. Simplified diagram of rocket-technical complex intended for launch- ing, flight control and descent of returnable artificial earth satellite. ;tEY : ~ 1. Artificial earth satellite 4. Launching complex 2. ~arrier-rocket 5. Command-measurement complex 3. Searcl~-rescue complex _ Thus, the space-measurement complex is an indispensable part of any rocket- space complex. Any modern rocket-technical complex intended for putting a space vehicle into a stipulated orbit, and also for flight control and de- - scent to the earth, consists of several systems or complexes, including the control-measurement complex (Fig. 1). Each of them is a complex system _ consisting of a number of subsystems and for the most part is characteriz- ed by properties inherent in so-called large systems, which will be dis- cussed somewhat belaw. Even if the flight is accomplished j.n a manned regime or if automatic con- trol by means of an autonomous on-board system is used for these purposes, in either case the control processes and ~he results of implementation of the flight program arn usually monitored by the command-measurement complex. Sometimes it is desirable to use the command-measurement complex to duplic- ate implementation of individual operations of the crew or the on-board - system for the autonomous control of a space vehicle. In the first case the command-measurement complex is a large automated control system perfor~- ing measurement and monitoring functions and in the second case perform- ing control, measurement and monitoring functions. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY~Y Depending on the type and purpQSe of the space vehicle, the comnand-meas- urement complex intended for its control is outfitted with different types of on-board and surface means making tra~ectory measurements corresponding to command radio links, different kinds of radiotelemetric facilities for di~gnosis of the state and monitorin~ of procesaes tranapiring aboard the _ aPFicc vehicle nnd in surrounding apace, xnd also meana for tela- and radio communica~tion and data transmission. In many cases use is made of technical - means operating in so-called "matched" regimes, when control, tra~ectory and telemetric measurement.;, communication and transmission of television images are acc~mplished simultaneously. In oxder to ensure flight control, in addition to the mentioned means it is necessary to have on-board and surface computer complexes, using high- _ speed electronic computers with different capacities and with different volumes of the operational and long-term memory, and also means for monitor- ing, transmission and automatic input of ;he results of trajectory and tele- metric measurements into tE?e mentioned electronic computers. _ The facilities at the command-measurement complex are characterized by re- _ liahility, readiness for operation at the strictly planned time, virtual fault-free operation. For the simultaneous control of several spacecraft the facilities at the command-measurement complex must operate at frequenc- ies differing from one another and in different regimes, that is, at the command-measurement complex there is a quite broad range of frequencies and codes which can be used, taking into account the maneuverabflity of the vehicle (the necessary speed of readjustment to new frequencies). In addition, the increasing duration of active existence of spacecraft in orbit (that is, the period during which their instrumentation still con- tinues to function), now attaining several years for some types of AES, and the associated increase in the ninnber of communication contacts, re- quire that the means used at the command-measurement complex be character- ized by an adequate duration of continuous operation, a great energy re- . serve and long operational life. Principal functions and structure of co~nand-measurement complex. In con- trolling the flight of space vehicles the command-measurement complex en- sures solution of the following problems: 1) maintenance of stable two-directional communication with the spacecraft in all stipulated flight trajectory segments; 2) measurement of the parameters of motion of the space vehicle for the purpose of determining its actual trajectory and preparation of data for carrying out the necessary operations associated with carrying out control of motion (for exa~ple, orbital correction, descent of a space vehicle from orbit, etc.); 3) diagnosis of the condition of thz crew and operation of the spacecraft _ assemblies and systems, ~easureme~L ~f the characteristics of the process- es transpiring aboard it and in su~rounding space, and also the collection 7 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and processing of information on implementation of the stipulated flight program; 4) adoption and implementation of decisions on flight control. Measurements of the parameters of motion of a space vehicle are made period- ically, and after computation of the orbital parameters and Lhe nature of orbital evolution instructions are formulated which are transmitted to all ground tracking facilities, measurement and control installations. Telemetric monitoring of the crew's condition and diagnosis (analysis, eval- uation and predi~tion of state) are carried out constantly, as is monit~~ring _ of the operating regimes and diagnosis of the state of assemblies and the principal systems aboard the space vehicle (including determination of the expenditure of energy and other resources of on-board systems) so that in time it is possible to detect deviations from the norm which may appear. At the same time there is monitoring of the entry of on-board systems, instru~- - ments and assemblies into the stipulated regime and also monitoring of the cutoff of malfunctioning instruments or those being tested or switching to reserve instruments and systems. In addition to its direct functions (trajectory measurements, monitoring and control), the command-measurement complex ensures the reception and primary processing of basic information, that is, the purpose for which the r ~articular space vehicle was launched (in particular, scientific for AES of the "Kosmos" series or meteorological for Zhe "Meteor" AES). Figure 2 shows the principal elements of the command-measureu,ent complex - _ which are intended for carrying out all the operations enumerated above. The figure shows how diFferent types of on-board instrumentation aboard the space ` vehicle interact with the ground facilities, in particular with those es- tablished at stationary (situated on land) and moving (floating and aircraft) command-measurement points (Fig. 3). - It must be emphasized that the number and position of the stationary command- measurement points are dependent on the specific problems involved in ensur- ing continuous control of the corresponding type of space vehicle and also to what extent the command-measurement complex must duplicate the o~itput of commands of on-board systems. In addition, the makeup and distribution of stationary and moving facilities of the command--measurement complex, intend- ed for control of a specific type of space vehicle, are determined by the - orbit of the latter and also by the makeup of its on-board instrumentation and flight program. A distinguishing characteristic of any command-measurement complex is a spac- _ ing of its ground command-measurement points many hundreds and thousands of _ kilometers from or~e another, and a~ a result, these points are distributed - in the most different regions of the country and even the earth. The fact is that most AES move in so-called low orbits (with an altYtude of several . hundred kilometers) and the presence of such an AES in the zone of radiovis- ibility of one ground station is a matter of only 5-10 minutes. However, - 18 FOR 0~'FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY usually it is necessary that flight control of an AES be carried out over a longer time and frequently there must be continuous communication with an AES over the course of an entire orbital revolution. :YS: - : ~ ! :~c3 A - --�-1 ~ ~ ~ ' ;-.I ~ r .y~, ..,,,,,o r---_ , .T_,l, _ ::~..~,.~,,~_1. ~ ~ ' I ~ - I'~` ~ s - ~_i i- j i`= , i:- i~;. Yi : ~ ~ f ) , C~ ,i ~ ~ ~ _ , 1 ~ , J ~ . , ~ ~ ~ i _ ~ ~ ~ ; - I ' :~I'~-=~i(. ' ~ , ; I;.7 ` i I L~-.---y' ' -J ~ ~ ~ l , i r~_ - = ~ I . ~ _r~`. - ~ ~ ~ y I . _ : _ _ 1 _ - . _r _ _ . 4"~ ~ 'yr~ -.-_J ~i_._--_ Fig. 2. Structure of command-measurement complex for several (four) AES: 1) on-board instrumentation (co~and-programming, tra~ectory and telemet- ric measurements, television, communication and uniform time systems); 2) on-board computers; 3-8) different facilities of ground co~and-measurement - - points (3 command-programming radio links, 4-- tra~ectory measurements, 5-- telemetric measurements, 6-- transmission of television images, 7-- communication, 8-- uniform time system), 9-- computation center of com- mand-measurement point; 10 communications unit; 11 flight control center; 12 coordination center KEY: A) Artificial earth satellites B) Ground command-measurement points Thus, the flight contrul of an AES requires such a distribution of ground command-measurement points that with passage through the effective zone . (zone of radiovisibility) of one station the space vehicle is in the ef- fective zone of another ground command-measurement station (Fig. 4). It must be taken into account that since the orbital planes of AES can be chara~terized by the most different inclination to the plane of the eclip- tic, the command-measurement points must be situated in regions which are distant from one in both latitude and longitude. - 19 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ 1 [Note: In the original test there is a diagram of interac~s.ons among the principal elements of the command-measurement complex. It is not reproduced here because of its poor reproduction quality.] C L�,acnro nt;-~'Ki'='' - - intrp :~uu I'~' ~ ' ' . 3 ~ Euddrn~tir.u ~t;;;'~�J _ \ / - - . - 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 rux ur�r~t~taL USE UNLY Also known are algorithms which are more precise than (S) for the integra- tion of equation (4), and also formulas for computing the columns vacc which include the readings of the integrating newtonometers. A shortcom- ing characteristic of all these algorithms is the necessity for carrying out the transformation of coordinates of the a vector in each h interval - employed. - _ Still l.ess convenient for integration is the form of writing of equatiun (1) in the coordinate system xyz: v-}-~uXV=a~-g. (7) The dot over the notations of the vector indicates local differentiation in the system of axes xyz. Integration of equation (7) must be carried out with the interval h using algorithms in the form vo~tl'~" h~ � vn~~t~'+' h l~n~~i~vn~ti~ an~~i~ ~ge~rt~tl� (8) _ [1T= inst; c = acc] Here ~ acc is a skew-symmetric matrix formed from elements of the column `"~inst� Each iteration of the computations using formula (8) or more pre- � _ cise formulas of such a type assumes the inverse transformation (3) of the coordinates of the g vector. This is already undesirable because the ex- pressions for gacc themselves are usually quite complex. In addition, in each H interval it is necessary to carry out transformation of coordinates of the v vector in order to obtain the column vacc~ ae~~ ~ Flnn~~)~. m = 1. 2, . . . - (9) jc = acc] - Thus, the integration of equation (1) in the form (4) or (7) limits the pos- sibility of effective realization of the advantages of three- and four-para- meter transformations of coordinates. In order to obtain a method for computing the column vacc free of the men- - tioned inadequacy we will represent the solution of equation (1) in the form of the vector sum v = te~ u' (10) The ~aector w, which we will call the apparent velocity of the object, is determined in such a way that its absolute derivative is equal to the ap- " parent acceleration of the object: dm ~ ~ a� (11) 46 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Equation (11) determines w with an accuracy to a constant vector term the w values at the initial mament in time tp. For definiteness we will assume that w(t~) = 0. The integration of newtonometer readings gives the increment in the projection of apparent velocity onto the axis of instru~ ment sensitivity (response) only in the case when this axis is invariably oriented in inertial space [1]. Regarding equation (10) as the formula for the replacement of variables in equation (1), we obtain _ a 8~ 4~t~~ � v 1~~~� ~ 12 ~ It is natural to call the u vector the "gravitational" component of velocity of the object. In accordance with the principle of superposing of the solu- tions of linear inhomogeneous differential equations, the equations (11) and (12), together with expression (10), are equivalent to equation (1). [de will represent equation (11) in the form ~1! 1~ X ~ ~ 0, (13 ) and write equation (12) as follows: f1 0~~ X 11 ~ (14 ) It is possible to integrate equation (13) with the interval h independent- ly of equation (14) using formulas in the form ~?~~tt h~ ~ ma~t~~ -F' h I~a~~~~mn~t~) ~ut:~~~� ~1~~ inst] Extremely simple and nrecise algorithms are known for the integration of - equation (13) with use of the readings of the ordinary or integrating meas- uring elements of the GIS [6]. It is feasible to solve equation (14) with the interval H using formulas of the type (16 ) [ c = acc l ~c ~t/ ~ � ue ~tl~ H ~~e ~~l) ue ~t/~ go ~ti)~� Such a computation scheme does not contain transformations of coordinates in the high-frequency part; this transformation is carried out only in the low-frequency part when finding the column ~acc~ ae = ue -1- F [~n (~)1, m � 1. 2. . . . (17 ) 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 r~UR ur~r~ICLAL USE ONLY The indicated stipulation of the initial values of the w and u vectors is not the only one possible; it is only important that the initial condi- tions satisfy equation (10). For example, we will assume that at some moment in time tj corresponding to the beginning of the "large" interval, = w(tj) = 0, u(t~) = v(tj). We wi11 integrate equation (13) with the interval h in the time (t , t~ + _ ~I), after which we compute the value vaG~ (t~ + H) using the formu~a p~ H) = v~ (Ri) -1- H [A~ ~tl) Uc ~t1) Bc ~t1)I -f- F C~~ ~tl N~~� (18) - _ [c = acc; 'fr = inst] Then, assuming winst ~t~ + H) = 0, we renew integration of equation (13) _ with the interval h. Such a computation method makes it possible not only to decrease the frequency of transformation of coordinates, but also to increase the accuracy in determining the velocity of the object [7]. _ We note in conclusion that if the gravitational field is assumed to be cen- - tral, in some cases (especially when using the readings of integrating . - measuring e].ements of the GIS) it can be fea~ible to integrate equations (1), (2) in a system of coordinate axes parallel to the axes of the in- strument trihedron and having an origin at the attracting center [8]. The values vinst and rinst are determined in each integration interval; in case of necessity they are transformed into vacc and racc values. B I BL I OGRAPIiY l. Ishlinskiy, A. Yu., INERTSIAL'NOYE UPRAVLENIYE BALLISTICHESKIMI RAKET- AMI (Inertial Contral of Ballistic Rockets), Moscow, "Nauka," 1968, 142 pages. - 2. Andreyev, V. D., TEORIYA INERTSIAL'NOY NAVIGATSII (Theory of Inertial _ Navigation), AVTONOMNYYE SISTEMY (Autonomous Systems), Moscow, "Nauka," 1966, 579 pages. 3. Koshlyakov, V. N., TEORIYA GIROSKOPICHESKIKH KOMPASOV (Theory of Gyro- scopic Compasses), Moscow, ~'Nauka," 1972, 344 pages. 4. Branets, V. N., Shmyglevskiy, I. P., PRIMENENIYE KVATERNIONOV V ZADACH- AKH ORIYENTATSII TVERDOGO TELA (Use of Quaternions in Problems of Ori- encation of a Solid Body), Moscow, "Nauka," 1973, 319 pages. _ S. Panov, A. P., "Use of a Vector of Finite Rotation in On-Board Digital Computers for Determining the Orientation of Space Vehicles," KOSM. ISSLEDOVANIYA NA UKRAINE (Space Research in the Ukr.aine), No 2, pp - 34-38, 1973. ~ 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6. Tkachenko, A. I., "'Reversing' Methods for Tntegration of Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations," UMZh (Ukrainian Journal of _ Mathematics), 25, N~ b, pp 843-846, 1973. 7. Tkachenko, A. I., "Algorithms for Computations of Apparent Velocity," - KII3ERNETIKA I VYCliISL. TEKHNLKA (Cybernetics an~ Computation Tech- - niques), No 8, np 142-146, 1971. 8. Panov, A. P., "Algorithms for Computing Velocity and the Coordinates - of a Moving Object in an On-Board Diuital Computer," KIBERNETIKA I VYCHISL. TEKHNIKA, No 23, pp 123-130, 1974. - COPYRIGHT: Notice Not Available [0276-5303] 5303 CSO: 8144/276 - 49 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SYSTEM FOR ORBITAL CONTROL OF A STATIONARY ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE - (SAES) WITH TRANSFER TO A STIPULATED LUNGITUDE USING A LOW-THRUST CORRECTING ENGINE (CE) Moscow NAVIGATSIYA NAVEDENIYE I OPTIMIZATSIYA UPRAVLENIYA in Russian 1978 pp 49-59 [Article by A. A. Lebedev, M. N. Krasil'shchikov, V. V. Malyshev, A. I. Zverev, A. I. Kibzun, V. N. Chekurishvili and A. V. Fedorov] , [Text] This report is devoted to the p*~oblem of synthesis of a command sys- tem for orbital control of a stabilized artificial earth satellite (SAES) in the stage of its transfer to the "hovering" point with use of the facil- ic~es of the ground command-measuring complex (CMC). We will examine the _ problem of optimizing the transfer process for the purpose of attaining the required final accuracy wi~}i the minir~um nur.tber of corrections. Alsc~ discussed are the prot~lems involved in the formulating of operational con- trol algorithms and algorithms for the processing of ineasurement data, = whose realization is possible with the use of existing electronic comput- ers, and also the problems involved in organizing the operation of CMC fac- - ilities. - 1. Formulation of problem. As is well known, a SAES is a satellite moving in an easterly direction in a circular 24-hour equatorial orbit and thus "hovering" over the corres~onding point on the earth's surface. Due to this property, by means of a group of SAES it is possible to create a global com- munication system. However, for such use each SAES must be put into the com- puted orbit with a very high accuracy. Due to a number of technical reasons - it is not immediately possible to launch a satellite to the required "hover- ing" longitude. The so-called wandering orbit method can be used for its transfer in longitude [1]. In accordance with this method, the launching ~ of a satellite is ac~omplished into some intermediate orbit with a period of revolution less than (or greater t~han) 24 hours, as a result of which tlie satellite will drift in an easterly (or westerly) direction, thereby striving to eliminate the longitude "mismatch." In the course of such motion there is periodic correction of the orbital parameters (period and eccen- tricity) in such a way that when the satellite reaches the require~i longi- tude the orbit will become stationary. With the use of a low-thrust correct- - ing engine as the actuating control apparatus, with this engine rigidly 50 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY coupled to the SAES and capable of developing at the nominal a constant con- trolling acceleration in the direction perpendicular to the SAES radius vec- ~ tor, this correction can be accompliehed by means of a corresponding choica of the moments of firing and. shutdown of the correcting engine. The transfer of the SAES is considered completed when the final errora in longitude Qe, period ~,T and eccentricit}~ e satiafy the following con- ditions: � ~ 09 ~ G AA,,,, I ~9 -i- tm ~ ~ I c ee~n, ~m, (1> " wi�?-~ Q em, em are used in denoting the limiting admissible errors in long- - itude and and t~ denotes the minimum admissible time of pres- - ence of tne SAES in thE region ~ oe~.x.C ^ ~ j"y ~ = O S6T7~~~__ ` -=r~a. -F.~7Y_~F~S GO R1 C c ~ ~o ~oE�-~-G~=:~-~ a~a:.o~e~a-__ ~ O C = ~ ~ - F L T ~ ^ ~ " ~ ~ ~-1 r-~ ~ ~ j ~.~.~.~i~_7~' ~ _a' ~t~-� ~"1^'C~.r^ r ~V~a:9 sy =~"~q _.~3 'Ly ~ J-7 ~iiM1" ~ ~ ~CS~=x~C~v~~ 3.. ~�rl R1 ST. �p,..~a~c==o_~~~ ~Y~^~=?~ -_~~"a - x f-+ N ~ qav~~-x-_~~~��=_?=' sG~~%;~-i y~ Q ~ G"^os==�o~Y_ ;Sy=;===;C,~~=:.~ O R~ F0.a -=__J~c...^~F:c ~~F.~c7= n~.~_~ ~ tA O 41 k ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ - = r ~ ~ U1 Ci N y OoC ~T'' . 9. O O C7 ~'F===~4~'= ~ ~ Co �rl T O - " � ~ ~ : ~g R1 ~c� ~ .a 3 C~ � 3 o -L~ ' ~ ~0 ~3 ,po� V ~S 1-I 1J 4-1 c~', u'~ - N cz ~ . . Q+ 41 n:~=~�~F~ ~'~i `pcU� 9~~" -~'~f _ ;t n o a1 N rl 'g "8 $ m C" fn W .C A ~ D x �r~{ ~ 'L) d Ye= ~-iY o j'- m O N ~~`3c ~uF ~i 4a .C t~ 9 - ~ k x ~ a F c+ H G ~ -'3 ~c3=~ A_~ b~ -I~. ~1 #'y~y'T 3 .-.~"r.^ 9_G 74 _ C G .i.' ~ ~ ~ i~' - �rl O N ~.e:~ i. 30~+~ U~": R a ~n w 3~t?~3~ X=~~H D, K... a. 3X - v ~ ~ a~ Q 7~pY. ~ s3~rf r,7 ~ ~S o ~ ~~y --~o c~4 C'..'rI .C $ Gm ~o.~~~s ~~G~ F6 . O 3-+ ~ a oq, o~~~~ d~"x ~o' ro J..i �r-I '3 e' ~ a ~ n c.tYr m ~~e9 y a a ro~ ` U ~ � �rl U ~ o V ~ rm7' m 'C7 a1 3 o m 3 - G P~ ao^~ , ^ T~ ~ F"'{ G F - E, - O p eQ _ ~ C~ ~~F i~ r 0 m 'S G 41 �r~ ~ 7:~^ ~ c~'~ f-1 3~f4 ^ a.) CL' ~ C~ � Q. J-) i. j c% C: C~ k~ 7' R~ ~ F C~j;~ F p a~ ~ - V ~y V =c.~~` a~ ; za tA 0: o x ^ `s o a ~O ~ " ~ E-~ V 6 G ~ ' ro ~ a cn ~o~ ~ ~ s = ~ - 8 W'S7 3N=~ u c~~, ~ u O G ~'B s~ ~ ~ r ~a N a% o ~ a$ cr ~ m n ~x ~ , ~ N o~=a a ~ x & 1a =f ~ ~ Y r~i _ ~ u _ ~ X a~ s ~ "0 ~ ~ ~ ro , ~ _ i n R1 3 3 a 5+~ S 'G 'c o ~7 " ~ ~ ~ g y+ ~ ~ o ~ L C. ~i a` a ~n .~6 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 74 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY KEY TO TABLE - a. Level of generalization b. Features of landscape-indication mapping c. Structural elements of landscapes corresponding to indication mapping features d. Physiognomic components of landscape determining their ectolevel ~ e. Paragenetic combinations of the most physiognomic landscape components forming the structure of the photographic image f. Decipient landscape components (indication features) g. Hydrogeological h. ~eological engineering - i. Depth of indication j . Global k. Regional 1. Local r~~. Detailed n. Megacomplexes , o. Macrocomplexes p. Mesocomplexes " q. Microcomplexes r. Groups of types of landscapes s. Types of landscapes t. Highly varied natural landscape complexes, localities u. Facies, simple natural landscape compleaes v, lst- and 2d-order morphostructures _ w. Morphosystems (complexes of exogenous relief forms developed in individ- ual morphostructural and landscape-climatic conditions) x. Relief inesoforms, morphogenetic types of relief, groupings of plant asso- ciations y. Plant associations, relief microforms z. Endomorphogenic aa. Exomorphogenic bb. Exomorphobiogenic cc. Bioexomorphogenic. dd. lst- and 2d-order hydrogeological structures which correspond to large - artesian basins ee. Hydrodynamics of ground water (regional areas of origin, transit and re- lease); nature of relationship between ground and head waters; flooding - of dislocations; 2d- and 3d-order hydrogeological structures ff. Processes of moisture transfer in aeration zone over considerable areas (hundreds of kilometers). Lepths of ground water and its mineralization; local areas of origin, transit and release of ground and head waters; characteristics of interrelationship between surface and ground water gg. Processes of moisture transfer i.n.aeration zone in small areas (tens of kilometers). Depths of ground water and its mineralization. hh. Geostructural zones and corresponding groups of geological engineering rock formations 75 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 ~ rux urr~tl:lat., U~~ UNLY ii. 2d- and 3d- order geostructures and corresponding geological engineer- ing rock formations; geological-genetic complexes of covering deposits; paragenetic complexes o~ exogenous processes ~j. Local structural-tectonic conditions, geological-genetic rock complex- es, their lithologic composition; appearance of exogenous processes, degree of their activity _ l:k. Lithologic-petrographic peculiarities and some physicomechanical prop- erties of rocks in the aeration zone in small areas and also an evalu- _ ation of their salinity and flooding. Detection of pre3ominant exogenous processes, stages in their development and degree of activity 11. Hundreds of ineters - Mm. Tens of ineters nn. First tens of ineters oo. Meters _ as are the basis for hydroindication, lithoindication and haloindication [S]. In Chis case we have in mind the interrelationship between the soil- ` vegetation cover, relief, composition of rocks and ground water. The role of the principal indicators is played by major geostructural complexes, expressed in the modern relief. This circumstance makes it pussible to speak of the necessity for introducing a structural-tectonic indicator hav- ing great importance in detecting regional patterns of formation of hydro- ~ . ~~~ological and geological engineering conditions [1, 8J. Accordingly, in the interpretation of space photographs with different. levels of generalization the principal synthetic indicators are landscape- indication and structural-tectonic. A structural-tectonic analysis to some degree is based on the results of landscape indication interpretatinn. ~ The m3in content of a landscape-indication analysis of materials from a - space ~.'iotographic survey is the clarification of landscape interrelation- _ ships, determination of the system of landscape indicators and indication objects corresponding to them, and also the preparation of landscape-indi- cation schemes. Landscape-indication schemes are tables whose principal content is the characteristics of the interrelationship among physiognomic and decipient components. Landscape-indication tables are divided into two parts. The first gives a standard photoimage and a characterization of the physiognomic landscape components (indicators); the second gives the in- dicated objects, the elements of hydrogeological and geological engineer- ing conditions. Such tables are of independent importance, but also can = serve as map legends. During recent years it has also become commonplace to compile map legends in the form of landscape-indication tables. Landscape-indication maps (schemes) in the interpretation of materials from a space photographic survey are compiled on the basis of a synthesis of three sources: interpretation of the landscapes on space photographs, an- ' alysis of the interrelationship of the results of analytical interpreta- tion (hydrographic net, geomorphology, geobotany), analysis of data in the literature and archives and the results of field work on the ground. 76 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . The experience in aerial landscape indication ~rhich has no~ been accumul- ated provides much factual material on the landscape indicators in differ- en,t regions of rhe USSR. Accordingly, prior to the compilation of landscape- indication schemes it is necessary to study the available experience of - landscape indication in the investigated region and on this basis develop _ a diagnostic interpretation, thgt is, form some idea about those landscape indicators which are characteristic for the studied territory. For example, in the compilation of a landscape-indication scheme of the Ustyurt on the basis of space photographs we analyzed all the available material from ser- ial landscape investigations not only in this particular region, but also in general in deserts, af ter which the problem involved a generalization of these data applicable to the space indication level. However, this does not at all mean that in this case the task only amounts to a generaliza- tion of already known data. The generalization of special indicators into microcomplea indicat~rs and microcomplex indicators into macrocomplex in- dicators le~ds to a generalization of the indicated obj ects and this is often a source for ~'etection of regional patterns of hydrogeological and geological engineering conditions not always possible when using aerial photographs. , The use of space photographs makes possible a somewhat new approach to de- termination of the content of landscape-indication maps and the inzerpret- ation of the basic concepts of indication analysis. In the studies of a number of authors [3, 4, 6] who have carried out land- scape-indication investigations on the basis of materials from a space photographic survey, the indicated ob~ects involved were tectonic elements (plicative and disjunctive tectonic structures). However, these were not reflected on landscape-indication maps. However, the use of space photo- graphs in landscape-indication investigations frequently rests precisely - on the elements of tectonic structure, which play an indication role with respect to hydrogeological and geological engineering conditions. This circumstance makes it possible to regard structural-tectonic conditions as a landscape component [2] which at some levels of indication mapping pl.ays the role of an indicator, and at others in the role of the indi- cated ohject. Depending on the level of generalization of space photographs the ob~ects of indication mapping are *~atural complexes of diff~rent rank, each of which is characterized by a structure determining the relationship of _ physiognomic and decipient components. Now we will examine the specifics _ of indication mapping on the basis of materials fr4m aerial and space sur- veys in dependence on the level of their generalization (see Table). At the global level of generalization of space photograp~s the ob~ects of - indication mapping are megacomplexes c~rresponding to groups of landscapes. The physiognomic components of the megacomplexes on the photographs are first- and second-order morphostructures, being indicators of first- and second-order hydrogeological structures, corresponding to major artesian 77 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - basins and also geostructural zones of the earth's crust ~hich correspond to groups of geological engineering rock ~ormations. The nature of these indicators can be arhitrarily defined as endomorphogenic. At this level the effective depth of indication is hundreds of ineters. At the regional level of generalization the objects of indication mapging are macrocom- plexes corresponding to types of landscapes. The physiognomic components .of the macrocompl~exes are morphosystems [8], representing complexes of exogenous relief forms developed under definite structural-tectonic and ' landscape-climatic conditions j10]. In this case the soil-vegeta~ion cover, as a result of the high degree of generalization on the photoimages, is not adequately differentiated and cannot be used as indicators. The paragen- esis of this interrelationship can be interpreted as exomorphogenic. The - objecr_s of indication at this generalization level are: in hydrogeology the elements of hydrodynamics of ground water (regional areas of origin, transit and discharge), nature of the relationship between ground water and head water, occupation of dislocations by water, second- and third- order hydrogeological structures; in geological engineering rock form- _ ations, geological-genetic complexes of covering deposits, paragenetic complexes of exogenous processes. The effective depth of indication at this level is tens of ineters. ` ~ At the local level of generalization of space photographs the objects ef indication mapping are mesocomplexes, spatially corresponding to highl~ varied natural landscape complexes and localities. The physiognomic com- ponents of inesocomplexes are the peculiarities of inesorelief and the group- ing of the plant associations determining their ectolevels. In this case the struc!-sre of this indicator can be interpreted as exomorphobiogenic. At this ~~vel the objects of indication in hydrogeology are ~he processes transpiring in the aeration zone over considerable areas, attaining hundreds of square kilometers, the depth of ground water and its mineralization, local areas of sources, transit and discharge of ground and head waters, and the nature of the interrelationship between surface and graund water. The geological engineering indication objects at this level are: local - structural-tectonic conditions, geological-genetic rock complexes, their _ lithological composition, manifestations of exogenous processes. In this case the effective depth of indication is the first tens of ineters.~ At the detailed level of generalization, to which in most cases large- and ~ medium-scale aerial photographs belong, the objects of indication mapping are microcomplexes corresponding in spatial respects to the facies of both the smallest morphological landscape elements d~i3 alsu to simple natural landscape complexes. The physiognomic components of microcomplexes include plant associations and microrelief peculiarities. These components of microcomplexes determine their ectolevels, being indicators of elements of ~the hydrogeological and geological engineerin.g conditions. Their paragen- etic relationship can be defined as bioexomorphogenic. The principal indi- cation object in hydrogeological respects here are the processes transpir-- ing in the aeration zone over small areas not exceeding several square kilometers. Indication of the depths of ground water and its mineralization 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY is possible. In geological engineering respects at this level of indication mapping it is possible to ascertain the lithological-petrographic peculiar- - ities and physicomechz~nical properties of rocks in the ser.ation zone, e~~wlu- ate their salinity and flooding, and also detect the predominant important - . exogenous procesaes, stages and degrees of their activity. The etf.ectiv~e - depth of indication in this case is determined in meters. At this general- ization level of space photographs the experiencp of landscape-indication marping is varied. At the prese:it time landscape-indication maps are being compiled primarily _ at detailed and local levels of generalization of space photographs. How- - , ever, the introduction of space methods in the practice of hydrogeological and geological engineering work requires a reevaluation of existing region- _ al representations, as a result of which the need arises for conpilation of small-scale landscape-indication maps with the use of space survey mat- erials. � _ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abrosimov, I. K., Vostakuva, Ye. A., Novikova, N. M., "Remote Methods for an Indication Study of Ground Water and the Dvnamics of Natural Processes," LANDSHAFZNAYA INDIKATSIYA PRIRODNYKH PROTSESSOV (Land- - scape Indication of Natural Processes), "Nauka," pp 34-41, 1976. 2. Armand= D. L., NAUKA 0 LANDSHAFTE (Landscape Science), Mascow, "Mysl'," 1975, 286 pages. 3. Vikturov, S. V., ISPOL'ZOVANIYE INDIKATSIONNYKH GEOGRAFICHESKIKI~. IS- SLEDOVANIY V INZHENERNOY GEOLOGII (Use of Indication Geographic In- v~stigations in Geological Engineering), Moscow, "Nedra," 1966, 120 pages. 4, Viktorov, S. V., LANDSHAFTNYYE INDIKATORY GIDRUvEOLOGICHESKIKH I IN- - ZHENERNO-GEOLOGICHESKIKH USLOVIY V RAYONAKH OROSHENIYA I OBVODNENIYA PUSTYN' (Landscape Indicators of Hydrogeological and Geological En- - gineering Conditions in Regivns of Irrigation and Flooding of Deserts), Mo~cow, "Nedra," 197b, 56 pages. 5, Vinogradov, B. V., KOSMICHESKIYE METODY IZUCHENIYA PRInODNOY SREDY (Space Methods for Studying the Environment), Moscow, "Mysl~," 1976, , 286 pages. 6. Vostokova, Ye. A., "Theoretical Principles of Landscape-Hydroindica- - tior. Investigations and ~tethods for Their Use in the Search for Ground Water in Ueserts," Author's Summary of Doctoral Dissertation, 1967, 44 _ pages. 7. Grigor'yev, A1. A., KOSMICHESKAYA INDIKATSIYA LANDSHAFTOV ZENII.i (Space I~~3ica*_ion of the Earth's Landscapes), Izd. LGU, 1975, 1~6 pages. _ 79 ~ FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , 8. Revzon, A. L., "Peculi~rities o~ Indication Analysis in the Interpret- ' ation of Space Photographs at Different Scales for the Purposes of Hy- _ drogeology and Geological Er.gineering," BIOGEOGRA~ICHESKIYE I INDI- , K~TSIONNYYE ISSLEDOVANIXA (Biogeographic and Indication Research'), Moscow, pp 58-59, 1977. 9. Solitsev, N. A., "Principal Problems in Soviet Landscape Science," IZV. VGO (News of the All-Union Geographical Society), Vol 94, No 1, pp 3-8, 1962. = 10. Simonov, Yu. G., REGIONAL'NYY GEOMORFOLOGICHESKIY ANALIZ (Regional _ Geomorphological Analysis), Izd. MGU, 1962, 250 pages. ~ COPYRIGHT: Zzdatel'stvo "Nauka.," "Izvestiya Vs~soyuznogo Geograficheskogo obshchestva," 1979 [0233-5303] 5303 - CSO: 8144/233 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � ' USSR - DETERMINATION OF SPATIAL-TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF AN AEROSOL IN THE ATMOSPHERE BY LASER APPARATIJS FROM SPACE VEHICLES - Moscow TRUDY TSENTRAL'NOY AEROLOGICHESKOY OBS~~VATORII in Russian No 138, 1979 pp 11-15 BIRICH, L. N., GERMAN, A. I., KOSTKO, 0. K., MEL'NIKOV, V. YE. [From REFi.RATIVNYY ZHURNAL, 62. ISSLIDOVANIYE KOSMICHESKOGO PROSTRANSTVA, OTDEL'NYY VYPUSK No 10, 1979 Abstract No 10.62.136] [TextJ The possibility of using laser apparatus (lidars) for investi~ating the dynamics of aerosol layers and the aerosol background over extensive - territories of the land and oceans is considered. It is noted that appara- tus witr.~ physicotechnical parameters ensuring the reliable registry of an aerosol ;cattering signal (30-40% to altitudes 70 km from the earth's surface) can be created on the basis of a ruby laser and the optical receiving system - of an on-board subu~illimeter telescope. The principal parameter~ of the on- - board lida~: were determined. It is demonstrated that the multialkali FEU-84 is the most suitable for the photodetectors of on-board lidars operating at the waveleng;h a= 0.694 um� The mean counting rate of noise pulses at the output of this photc:~ultiplier is 3-7�103 pulses/sec and with cooling of the photomultiplier to ~ temperature of -20�C it can be reduced to ti3�102 pulses/ sec. The minimum time for registry of che mean number of signal photoelec- trons on the dark side of the earth was estimated. In the case of ineasure- ments in the altitude range 35-80 icm with an error of 40% it is necessary to carry out from 2 to 100 soundings. Due to the great velocity of the space vehicle, in an investigation of ~ocal sources of aerosol particles with - given errors the maximum interval for the measurement grid must not exceed ~ 1 km and the mi~limtmm lidar pulse repetition rate must be equal to 10 Hz in the case of inea~urements to altitudes of 20 km and 100 Hz to altitudes of 70 _ lan, In measure~nents of the aerosol background the lidar pulse repetition rate varies from 1 to 1/10 GHZ. The principal shortcomings of the proposed lidar are its relatively grea*_ weight (up to 300 kg) and power consumption (up to 20 KW), which considerably limits the possibilities of its installa- tion aboard a space vehicle. References lU. [93-5303J 5303 CSO: 1866 ' 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR ACCURACY IN CONSTRUCTING REGIONAL GEODETIC NETWORKS BY THE GEOMETRICAL ~ SATELLITE METHOD Moscow TRUDY SEMINARA "NOVYYE METODY SPUTNIKOVOY GEODEZII:" LENINGRAD, 24-30 NOYABRYA 1975. "NABLYUDENIYA ISKUSSTV. NEBESN. TEL," in Russian No 15, Part 2, 1975 (1977-1978) pp 358-366 - [From REFERALIVNYY ZHURNAL, 62. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSMICHESKOGO PROSTRANSTVA, OTDEL'NYY VYPUSK No 10, 1979 Abstract No 10.62.237] [Text] A model of a space triangulation network of 14 stations, distributed approximately uniformly over the territory of the USSR, has been created. In = lieu of actual measurements there was modeling of azimuths, zenith distances and lengths of chords connecting observation points. The model was adjusted - in 11 variants with different combinations of varieties and accuracies of ~ - measurements. The adjustment included space bases and data from radiointer- . ferometer measurements. An analysis was made of the influence of individual types of ineasurements on the final accuracy in construction of the network. It is concluc?ed that the use of the entire considered set of ineasurements makes it possible to obtain, as an average for the.entire network, a mean sc;uare error for each coordinate of , 2 m. [93-5303] 5303 CSO: 1866 - 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI3L,Y - USSR ACCURACY IN DETERMINING POSITION USING THE ''TRANSIT" SATELLITE NAVIGATION SYSTEM Leningrad TRUDY ARKTICHESKOGO I ANTARKTICHESKOGO NII in Russian No 360, 1979 pp 136-142 ABRAMOV, B. I. and IONOV, YU. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, 62. ISSLEDOVANI`IE KOSMICHESKOGO PROSTRANSTVA, OTDEL'NYY VYPUSK No 10, 1979 Abstract No 10.62.243] _ [Text] The accuracy in determining position using the "Transit" satellite navigation system, based on the integral Doppler method, is governed by the _ following determinazion errors: position of the AES at the time of communi- cation, position of the vessel relative to the satellite, ship's speed during the time of the contact, elevation of the antenna above the ocean surface and calculation error (reduction of data from all observations to the same zenith). The total mean square error in determining a vessel's position using the "Transit" satellite navigation system can be obtained by the qua- ratic addition of the enumerated errors. The numerical estimates obtained for these errors made it possible to compute the total mean square error in determining a vessel's position, which in the latitude zone 0-65� was found to be 110-165 m. However, taking into account the systematic error caused ~ by an inaccurately determined current velocity, this value attains 235 m. It is noted that this value corresponds to modern concepts concerning coordi- _ nation accuracy. There is a brief analysis of the merits and shortcomings of the "Transit" satellite navigation system. The data collected on opera- tion of the "Transit" satellite navigation system in implementation of the scientific program POLEKS-Yug-77 over the course of a prolonged time period (December 1976-April 1977) and over a large territory nave great importance for the further study and improvement of inethods for coordinaticn, using the satellite navigation sy~:~m, in the ocean. A more thorough analysis will be made as the corresponding material is accumulated. References 6. [93-5303J 5303 - CSO: 1866 83 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USSR PRIDICTION OF TIME PERIODS FAVORABLE FOR SIMULTANEOUS OBSERVATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES FROM TWO STATIONS USING AN ELECTRONIC COMPUTER Moscow NABLYUDENIYA ISKUSSTV. NEBESN. TEL in Russian No 70, 1978 pp 28-48 _ YERPYLEV, N. P., SOBOLEVSKIY, V. D. and PETROVA, 0. A. [From REFERATIVNYY ZHURNAL, 62. ISSLEDOVANIYE KOSMICHESKOGO PROSTRANSTVA, OTDEL'NYY VYPUSK No 10, 1979 Abstract No 10.62.315] [Text] A method is proposed for computing a prediction of the visibility of artificial earth satellites from two stations stipulated by their geo- graphical coordinates. Such a prediction can be used in organizing syn- chronous observations from the ends of geographic chords for the needs of space geodesy. In computing a prediction the possibility of transit of an artificial earth satellite simt~ltaneously over the selected almucantar at the two stations, its illumination by the sun and nighttime conditions at the stations are taken into account. The computation algorithm is based, _ for the most part, on analytical solutions, which makes it possible to get by without tests of many orbital points requiring great expenditures of computer time and use both large and small electronic computers having a relatively low speed and a small mem~ry. The formulated program is intended for an MIR-2 el.ectronic computer using the "Analitik" algorithmic language. [93-5303] 5303 - CSO: 1866 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY -I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IV. SPACE POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION PL,ANS FOR FRENCH-SOVIET SPACE COOPERATIO~N OUTLINID Talks Held at :?jaccio Paris AIR ~ COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) pp 46-47 _ [Article by Pierre Langereux: "A new dimension in the Intercosmos-CNES cooperation"] [Text] The annual French-Soviet space cooperation talks, which this year were held 14-21 October in Ajaccio (Corsica), brought together. nearly 140 representatives fram the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the Intercosmos Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences as well as from a num- ber of space research laboratories in France and the Soviet Union. The Soviet delegation, which was comprised of 50 members, was led by Academician Boris N. Petrov, president of Intercosmos and a vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The French delegation was headed by Professor Hubert _ Curien, president of CNES. "These talks, like all preceding ones, prc,ceeded in a productive and friend- ly atmosphere," said President Petrov referring to the occasion. The dis- cussions proceeded "in a perfect atmosphere of friendship" and "with the ' common desire to realize the unique experiments which place France and the USSR at the forefront of scientific research," stated President Curien. Soviet and Franch officials enumerated the various space experiments ~on- ducted in 1979 (SAMBO 2, ELMA J1, CYTOS M, IPOCAMP 3, etc.) and programs under preparation for the next few years in the four fields covered by French-Soviet space cooperative efforts: space biology and medicine, aer- - onamy and space meteorology, space telecommuncations, and space research which encompasses astronomy, geophysics and the study of cosmic radiation, studies of the moon, the planets and the interplanetary medium, and materi- als processing in space as well as satellite data processing within the - framework of a special agreemen: between the CNES space center at Toulouse and the Space Research Institute (IKI) in Moscow. "French-Soviet space cooperation, which was undertaken in 1966 (already 13 years ago now) has reached a more intensive stage," said President Petrov. 85 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The most important French-Soviet space programs now under development are: [he first flight of a French astronaut aboard a Soviet SALYUT arbital sta- tion in mid-1982 and the VENERA $4 pro~ect for exploring Venus with two - Soviet interplanetary probes that will b~ launched in December 1984 to re- lease two French-designed balloons into the planet's atmosphere, according to President Curien. According to Petrov, the other two major joint prajects in geophysica and astronomy which will be realized in the next few years are (in chronologi- ` cal order): the ARCAD 3 project--a satellite to be launched in the spring 1981 for studying the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere, the UFT pro- . ject--an ultraviolet astronomy satellite to be launched in 1982, and the _ GAMrfA 1 project--a gamma astronomy satellite to be launched in either 1982 or 1983. President Curien revealed that a new initiative was undertaken by CNES and Intercosmos during these meetings: to create a"long-term working group" which will be charged with "the study and preparation of joint operations for the next ten years." It would be up to this group in particular to propose a future major French-Soviet cooperative project designed to succeed VENERA 84, which until now has been the most important space pro~ect under- taken within the framework of French-Soviet cooperation. Our readers will find the results of these talks on the following pages. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 French-Soviet Manned Mission Slated Paris AIR & COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) p 47 [Article by Pierre Langeraux: "The Selection of French Astronaut Candidates H as Begun," p 47] [Text] The flight c~ the first French astrcnaut--together with a Soviet cosmonaut on board a SALYUT orbital station--will take place in mid-1982, the date chosen at the request of scientists, announced CNES President Hubert Curien in response to a question from AIR & COSMOS at the close of the French-Soviet talks in Ajacci~. CNES and Intercosmos must now establish a training schedule for the French- Soviet crew and define the mission's scientific ob,jectives. French and Soviet officials will meet three weeks from now in Moscow to discuss this, revealed Boris Petrov, nresident of Intercosmos. - 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ The French astronaut candidates, which will be selected by CNES, must begin their tra~.ning at Zvezdnyy Gorodok (Star City) near Moscow in mid-1980, an- nounced the CNES president in explaining that the process of selecting the French candidates would begin with~n the next few days and progress rapidly from now until the end of the year. The chief criteria for selection of the French candidates are, according to Hubert Curien: physical stamina (to satisfy the training norms established by the Soviets), scientific and technical education (to conduct the experi- ments planned for th~ flight), and "a good knowledge" of the Russian lan- guage. l-~ There will be at least two French astronaut candidates selected for this mission and trained ~ointly until the launch date, said Petrov. As for all manned spaceflights, the astronaut designated for the flight always has a "back-up" in case of a problem at the last minute. Boris Petrov explained that the choice of the astronaut to be flown will. be the prerogative of the French. A French woman in space? Protocol for the French-Soviet agreement on this missio~ notes, in particu- lar, that the French would like to send a woman into space--let it be under- stood that the two candidates must satisfy the selection criteria imposed - - by CNES and Intercosmos. The Soviets have been somewhat reticent on the idea that the French astro- _ naut could be a woman. However, "the USSR has not eliminated this possibili- ty," said Hubert Curien. At the end of this year France will confirm wheth- ~ er or not it will hold to the principle of sponsoring a female candidate and the USSR will have to make it known whether it can technically accept *.his candidate. The presence of a woman on board a SALYUT would require certain - modi.fications to the station's facil{ties. This would not present any par- ticular technical difficulties, the Soviets have told us, but it is not - certain whether these modifications could be implemented within the neces- sary timeframe. The Soviets, who have not flown a woman in space since the unique flight of Valentina Tereshchkova in 1963, had not expected to change - operations in the near fuzure; several Soviet officials, including the head of the Soviet ccsmonaut training center at Zvezdnyy Gorodok, General Bere- govoy, confirmed this. The main reason for this attitude seems to stem from difticulties in adaptation and physical problems encountered by Tereshchkava during the flight. We should remember that France had already selected a woman (Mme Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd) among the five French candidates for flight on board NASA's SPACELAB (the other candidates were Jean-Jscques Dordain, Jacques Susplugas, Laurent Stielt~es and Philippe de Guillebon). These former candidates cc~~lld obviously be reconsidered for the French- - Soviet flight. - 87 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A one-~aeek mission President Petrov announced that the flight of the French-Soviet crew will be about one week long. It will, therefore, take on the guise of a"visit- - ing crew" to another crew of Soviet cosmonauts already on board the SALYUT station, in accordance with the scenario implemented and repeated several _ times by the USSR with cosmonauts of the East European countries. The French-Soviet crew will have a full research program. From the list of experiments proposed and presently being examined, Academician Roald Sag- deyev, director of the Space Research Institute (IKI) in Moscow, cited the following: experiments in materials processing under conditions of micro- - gravity (which hold great interest for CNES), space biology and medicine (involving the crew), studies of the upper atmosphere (with sophisticated instrumentation) and astronomy. A very interesting experiment in infrared astronomy with a telescope cooled by liquid helium was proposed, but it seems that it would be too difficult to carry out at this time, according to Sagdeyev. The choice of experiments for this mission will be made by the end of the. year, said the CNES president in explaining that it will be determined by _ the "added value" of the presence of the astronauts to undertake them. _ They will, therefore, be experiments that cannot be conducted automatically from satellites. A decisive step for French-Soviet cooperation ~ Soviet officials also emphasized that the flight of a French astronaut to- gether with a Soviet cosmonaut on board Soviet space vehicles (SaYUZ and SALYJT) will have a particular significance. President Petrov believes that this will be a"decisive" step in French- Soviet space cooperation and "testimony to the friendly relations and a strengthening of ties between the two nations." Right now the offer made to France by Leonid Brezhnev last April t~ launch a French astronaut concerns only one flight. But President Curien said that if this flight is a success, the "French hope that the success will be re- - peated." He thus confirmed that in the minds of French off icials this is not simply an immediate and spectacular operation, but one that gives a new dimension to French-Soviet space cooperation and makes France a still more - involved partner to the USSR. This will, effect, be the first time that a non-Communist country will _ have access to the great capabilities of the USSR in human spaceflight, rockets, transport ships and orbital stations! COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI3'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ French-Soviet TJenus Mission - Parts AIR & COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) p 48 _ - [Article by P. L.: "T~ao French Balloons in the Venusian Atmosphere in 1985"] [Text] It is expected that the French-Soviet VENERA 84 pro~ect will be launched in December 1984 (instead of June 1983), sending two Soviet auto- matic probes to Venus by mid-1985; each will release into the planet's at- - mosphere a French-designed balloon which will float at an altitude of 56 km for a prolonged period of time to study the dynamics and chemistry of the Venusian atmosphere, explained Professor pierre Morel, assistant general director of CNES, at the French-3oviet talks at Ajaccio. At Ycesent this is the most important project within the French-Soviet co- operative program; it will involve most of the French space research labora- tories and several Soviet labs. The definitive commitment to the VENERA 84 - project must be confirmed by CNES and Intercosmos through a protocol accord awaiting signature within the next few montt;s. But, according to both parties, this is nothing but a f~rmality. The pro~ject's technic~.l feasi- - bility was just confirmed and the talks in Ajaccio made it possible to de- fine the scientific objectives. T'hey will involve measures complementary . to those already implemented on Soviet and American probes, explained Presi- dent Curien, who expects that this mission will yield "truly original re- sults that will contribute to our understanding of Venus." The Soviet satellites orbited around Venus will photograph in succession, at regular intervals, the planet's cloud cover in order to reconstruct its movement. They will also be equipped with several spectrophotometers to re- veal the vertical temperature profile of the Venusian atmosphere. The French balloons, which will drift at the mercy of the winds, will serve to "trace" the atmospheric circulation. In addition, the Balloon's instrument package will make it possible to analyze the ambient atmosphere where a complex chemistry dominates. - Two balloons 9 meters in diameter ~ 'The two Soviet satellites, which will aproach Venus 1-2 days apart will re- peat the same scenario. Having been placed into orbit aroux~d the planet, each of them will eject a spherical capsule 2 m in diameter, containing - the French balloon and its instrument package as well as the guidance sys- tem. In its f light configuration, the entire aerostat will weigh approxi- mately 400 kg: the instrument package with its 25 kg of scientific equip- ment weighs 200 kg, and the spherical balloon, which is little more t~~an 9 meters in diameter, accounts for the remaining weight. 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The descent of the capsules will be slowed by several parachutes to be de- ployed in succession: first Soviet-manufactured parachutes and then a para- chute of French design (a shuttered cruciform) for final braking and extract- _ ing the balloon (which will have been folded throughout the flight). - At Ajaccio CNES also presented a film on the balloon tests, in particular, two rather spectacular sequences of inflation tests on a truck traveling the roads at CEL and free fall tests from a Transall plane. Next year CNES will execute a complete flight simulation including inflation of the balloon in the earth's atmosphere. The sequence of releasing the balloon into the Venusian atmosphere will last about 1 hour. The balloon will be rapidly in- _ flated (in 5 min) after free fall (10-17 m/s), and then it will rise slowly (about 40 min) under the effect of heating the aerostatic gas in order to attain its nominal flight altitude. Througlz clouds of sulfuric acid These high pressure balloons are designed to fly in a constant density in the atmosphere, such as at an altitude of about 56 km (layer C), corres- . ponding to the principal circulation of Venusian clouds. In fact, as ex- _ plained by Professor Blamont, we are not talking about clouds at all, but rather a relatively light fog (200-300 drops/cm3) where visibility is sever- al kitometers. Thi~ "condensed phase" consists, for the most part, of sul- furic acid (86% in mass) as well as hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid - and a 1.i~tle water vapor. The "gas phase" (the atmosphere) consists almost - entirely of carb~n dioxide (96.5%) and a little nitrogen (3.5%) with some traces o= mi.n~r substances (carbon monoxide, argon). And the temperature at this alti~ude exceeds 100�C. The ballocn casing, thereiore, must be de- veloped according to a very special technique for tolerating such a set of mechanical, thermal and chemical constraints. ~ The balloons will be ejected into the equatorial atmospheric circulation on - tne dark side of the planet at about midnight in o~der to drift onto the - illuminated side. It is expected that their flight will terminate at mi,d- day, the equivalent of 4 earth days in operation. - COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 ARCAD 3 Project Paris AIR & COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) p 49 [Article by P. L: "The ARCAD 3 Satellite Will Be Launched in the Spring - 1981"] - [Text~ The Soviet Avos T-type satellite ~f tlle French-Soviet ARCAD 3 pro- ject, which is devoted to the study of the auroral ionosphere and magneto- sphere, will be launched in the spring 1981. The decision was made, as ex- pected, during the French-Soviet talks at Ajaccio. The satellite will be 90 = FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY launched from the secret military launch site at Plesetsk (UUSR) in the presence of Soviet officials alone. French specialists, however, will l~e in- vited to attend a sort of "practice session" for launch operations, but at another Soviet launc~ site at Kapustin Yar near Vo~gograd--where some French specialists have already been admitted for the launch by the Soviets of the French scieatific satellite SIGNE 3. On the other hand, French technicians will be able to participate in the final integration of the ARCAD 3 satel- lite, which will take place at the Space Research Institute (IKI) in Moscow. The ARCAD 3 project is, therefore, the first pro~ect of "profaund" space - cooperation (level 3 according to the French-Soviet classification) between the USSR and France in the construction of a satellite. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 Cooperation in Space Communications Paris AIR ~ COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) p 49 [Article by (P.L.): "Experimental Links by OTS 2 and STATSIONAK Satellites"] [Text] French-Soviet cooper~tion in satellite telecom~nunications is essen- - tially experimental. In past years some experimental television transmis- sions were realized via the French-German SYI~HONIE satellites. Professor P. Morel, assistant general director of CNFS, announced at the French-Soviet talks at A~accio that more sophisticated experiments will be conducted by tl~e two countries, particularly in the field of digital transmission of tele- phone communications and televisiun programs at 11-14 GHz ~aith the European Space Agency's experimental OTS 2 telecommunications satellites. Experiment- al sound and video transmissians betsaeen Paris and Moscow are also antici- pated with a Soviet STATSIONAR series geostationary satellite. Furthermore, studies are being jointly conducted regarding the future growth of space telecorm~unications traffic between the USSR and France beginning in 1990. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmc~s, Paris, 1919 . Gamma Radiation Detector To Be Tested Paris AIR ~ COSMOS in F'rench No 784 (27 Oct 79) p 49 [Unsigned article: "Tests on the GAA4fA 1 Satellite Detector To Be Conduct- - - ed on a SALYUT"] . - [Text] It was learned at the French-Soviet talks at A~accio that work on thp large Soviet gamma astronomy satellite GAI~tA 1 will be undertaken. The . launch of the G~4tA 1 satellite, which has already been pushed back to 1982 _ - (from 1980), will probably take place in 1983, considering delays expected in the development of the satellite and its instrumentation. This satellite is destined for a very interesting French-Soviet experiment to study the fine structure of galactic gamma radiatien and discrete gamma sources that are already known as well as to search for new sources of gamma radiation. The ma_jor instrument for this e}:periment is a large Soviet-made 91 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240050006-8 ~UK UFFICIAL USE ONLY sensor (spark chamber) detecting radiation of energies greater 50 keV which must be installed on a large Soviet satellite. It appears that such a large eatellite will--de~pite some uncertainty earlier--be available. But the - realization of some of the on-board equipment--such as the stellar sensor-- still pose some problems, more financial than technical. France will supply the V~dicon imaging system and the high-speed processing electronics needed for the Soviet detector. At present ir_ is expected that tt~is detector will be tested on a future SALYUT orbital station in order to improve its angu- lar resolution. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 - UFT Satellite To Be Developed _ Paris AIR & COSMOS in French No 7~4 (27 Oct 79) p 50 - [Unsigned article: "The Development of the UFT Ultravi~let Satellite Is Assured"J . [Text] The future of the UFT ultraviolet astronomy satellite "is now as- sured," said CNES President Hubert Curien at the talks at Ajaccio. The UFT ~ultraviolet telescope) satellite should be launched in 1982 (in- stead of 1981), announced Academician Andrey Severnyy, director of the Cr~- mean Observatory, who is promoting the project together with his French colleague Professor Courtes, director of the Space Astronomy Laboratory (LAS) in Marseilles. This satellite is designed to study stellar atmo- spheres using an ultravi_~et telescope with an 80 cm aperture manufactured in the USSR and a spectrometer provided by France. Academician Severnyy said that it will be of great interest to modern astrophysics, especially for the study of "black holes." This "very nice project," as President Curien described it, has required that the Soviet Union develop a special satellite. It is necessary to have a satellite of sufficient size to carry the large ultraviolet telescope and - its triaxial precision orientation system. The USSR has, therefore, pro- vided a VENERA-type satellite (usually used for Venus nissions) which will ~ be launched into a high elliptical near-earth orbit comparable to that traced by Soviet PROGNOZ satellites. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 _ 92 FAR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200050006-8 . r ~ 6 FEBRUARY 1980 CFOUO 2r80) 2 OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240050006-8 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL,Y - Space Biology and Ptediclne _ 1'aris AIR & COSMOS in French No 784 (27 Oct 79) p SO [Article by Pierre Langereux: "Expansion of Experiments in Space Biology and Medici:~e" ] [Text] The French-Soviet working group on space biology and medicine has decided to substantially develop physiological research on humans and ani- mals subjected to long periods of weightlessness, announced Professor Pierre Morel, assistant general director of CNES, at the talks in Ajaccio, Until now the research conducted jointly has been relatively modest; it has concerned, for the most part, the effects of radiation on microorganisms - (the CYTOS experiments). However, the plan to send a French astronaut into _ ~~pace opens greater prospects. BIOBLOC 3 and BIOBLOC S, new experiments in radiobiology, are expected to be flown on the next Soviet biosats. At the talks in Ajaccio, Yuriy Nefedov, deputy director of t.he Institute of Space Biology and Medicine in Moscow, also presented the CYTOS 2 and DS 1--KROVOTOK (alias MINERVA) experiments. TF~e CYTOS 2 experiment is designed to tQSt the resistance af microorganisms _ to antibiotics in order to determine which drugs are indispensable to the astrcnauts on board space vehicles; the Soviets are not excl:~ding the possi- _ bility that infectious diseases may arise during long-term spaceflights. The :~tINERVA experiment is a unique experiment to study blood circulation in the brain with a sonographic flowmeter using non-invasive techniques, Another French-Soviet joint experiment being developed is also designed to study _ physiological phenomena in the brain. Finally, an important joint program in radiation protection, conducted this time with ground-based experimer,ts, is currently underway with Soviet c}~arged - particle accelerators at Dubna (USSR). COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 - L6-P j ~ CSO: 1853-P - END - - 93 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200050006-8