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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200060002-'1 ~ 3 MARCH 1988 C FOUO 3180 ) 1 OF 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 I FOR OFFICIAL USE Oh'LY JPRS L/8961 3 March 1980 1~ ~ W~st Euro e Re ort p p SCIENC~ AND TECHNOLOGY (FOUO 3/80) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF[CIAL ~iISE 01YLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign - newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original inforr.~ation ~aas ~ processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneticall.y or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- ~ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the _ original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthPCica1 notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as _ given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2$11 or 351-2501 lGreece, Cyprus, Turkey). - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATER'~ALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF T'rIIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O~ILY. I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 1' Vri VCi t~..s.~a,u ~vu Vi~Lt _ JPRS L/8961 ~ 3 March 1980 - i - WEST EUROpE REPORT - SC I ENCE ANB TECNNOLO~GY (FOUO 3/80) CONTENTS PAGE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Difficulties With Initial 'Ariane' La,unch Reviewed ` '~(AIR & COSMOS; 12 Jan 80) 1 _ 15 December I,aunching Attempt 23 December Launch Attempt 2~+ December Ia unch Attempt FEDEfiAL REPUBLIC OF GERMI~NY New Automation Control System Outlined - (L~sdislaus Borsi, et al.; CHII~E-ANLAGEN + VERFAHR~V, N~ 7~ 1979) ...................o................,.. 7 FRAI~'CE Aims of National Research Program for 1980-1990 Qutlined - _ ( LE PROGRES SCIENTZF'TQLTE, Sep-Oct 79 ~ � � � � � � . � . . . . 0 17 First Operational French L~,ser Gyroscope F'light-Tested (Gerard Collin; AIR & COSMOS, 5 Jan 80) 27 , ' a ' (III - WE - 151 S&T FOUOJ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIFFICULTIES WITH INITIAL 'ARIANE' LAUNCH REVIEWED � ~ ~ 15 December Launching Attempt Paris AIR ~ COSMOS in French 12 .Tan 80 p 34 [Text] At the first launchitlg attempX, of 15 December, the launch countdown went normally until the firing of the engines of the first stage and even beyond, since the launch was halted only a few fractions of seconds before the opening of the stanchions to release the "Ariane" rocket. This is all the more regrettable because the rocket was functioning perfectly and could ~ have taken off at the firat go! The incident that caused this "aborted launch" was a piece of false informa- tion from the operating-pressure pickups of one the four enginea of the first aCate; the false information was detected aft~r the firing (at H+ 2.8~sec- onds) but before the takeoff of the rocket. The computers of the co~ntrol bench therefore interrupted the launching sequence by stopping the four en- - ~ines (8 sECOnds after ignition) aztd by interdicting the reZease (planned - for H+ 4 seconds) of the atanchi~na that hold the rocket ~o the grour.d. In effect, if the information recei.ved by the computers had been correct _ (~ressure drop in one~of the engizies), the rocket could not ha~ve taken off _ normally: as soon as it was free of the stanchions, it would have fallen down and would have exploded, thereby caus:ng the destruction of the launch " pad. It is precisely to avoxd auch a catastrophe that the information from _ the operating-preasure pickups of the first-stage engines is thus taken into account in the final launching sequence. These pickups are also the only ones in the rocket that play such a role. The differential pickups measure a pressure difference in a relatively nar- row range (-5 to +15 bars) in the following way: one of them compares the base pressure of the combusti~, chamber wiEh the pressure of UDMH [unsym- _ metrical dimethylhydrazine] injection into the engine, and the other com- pares the aame base pressure with the nitrogen peroxide (N204) injection pressure, the injection pressures being picked up at the outlet end of the pumps (see diagram). The nominai value of this difference during measure- ment (between H+ 2,g seconds and H+ 4 seconds) is 9 bars--that is, the 1 FOR OFFICIA'L USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ x a~ ~ ~ ~ �a ,n o0 6 .~c b 3 G _ ~ ~ ^ C1 - ~ y ~ ~ - ~ _ - - ~ z ~ c0 .C ~ ~ ~ y a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ M 1.i O ~ ~ N ~D . 4-~i N ~ ~ v ~ N O ~ ~ ~ ~ , 7 .a Q r-~i v , i . ~ ~ ~ . � ~ ~ v ~ ~ N 1~.~ v N ~ O ~ ~ ~ H .a A. Gl .'J U _ r ^ ^ a u ~ o c~'o u, a0 O~ p t~ O m N ctl - i O v~ a w G~. ~.~i ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ u v a~ o ~ (p.i u ~ u �n ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ .n j,~j ~ '(1, �r~.l tQ ~ r ~ �~1 1-~ ~ rl ~ }~j ~ - ~ ~v, ~~va~~ a~ "'"'�r"'r"" ~j a a a~i E; N ov,i ~ H _ ~ v a ~ W c0 n n' N tll N'C a~.i p i - o ~v ~ aa?~c'L'iza ~ v _ ~ i ~ v~ o~ ' Nt~C~t ~ ~.c~n ~~oorno~-i ~ a~ i ^ { � r+ ' ~ a ^ o w ~ ~ a~ v~ .-a ~ w ~ ~ v z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N H ~ .a a~ p ~a w a~ ~w ~ ~ w . Gl '!7 LL U ~.C 'C! H , a ~ a~ a~ ~ y - ~ ~ v~. ~ ~ ~ a`~i ~ .r ~ ~N a ~ a~ a~'i o v~i ~ I ~ + ~ a a a~ v~ a~ v ~~z ~w .c aa - ~ ~o a .o o a a~ a 3 a~ I N I'r N t 1 i.~ u,~ ~ ~ a v, a v v a. cCC' O N .n ~ G! 7 a ,-i v ~ �a ,-i I + ~ N w ~ H ~ N ~ ~ ~ U G1 �r1 ~ r o~~; a a a r O. ~ C~ Cl V G." R ~ I ~ < < ~ ~ ~ ~ � ~ = S = I ~ _ _ _ ~ H N tvn N G. �c~tl ~ �N ~ ~ I v s s s~ z s s s tA N ai .~L O GJ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s m ~ 17 RI u a, .n co u~ a? ~ a~ a~ ~ u o 3 N ~tl O d a: ~ a d a~ s+ i a�~ i ~ u� �VU_ j a~ Ga f ~ a~+ a~i r-i ~i ri ~ vi b i ~ .-~i ~ '--1 y,~j , ~ ~ V I _ O W 'J~ y,~ ~ ~ � i v~ W pJ .,.i H Cq � - Q'i 'L~ 'Ly n) ~ ~ , I I _ ~ 1 ' ' . ~ ' 2 I ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY fixed in the computer, which therefore stopped the firing. In reality, all the engines were functioni,ng normally. The anomaly came salely from the pickups of engine A, which had been damaged by a local overpress~..~ occur- - ring in their feed line at the moment of ignition. This overpress~.:re, caused by the microcombustion of a few drops of nitrogen peroxide and UDMH in the small-diameter (4 tmn) feed tubing, completely deteriorated the mem- _ branes of the pickups, rendering them unusable. But this fact could not be - detected at the moment. However, the phenomenon was known. It had already occurred on the occasion of the first firing of a set of four first-stage engines at Vernon. At that time, the setting of the engines' fuel sup~lp was adjusted, and nearly com- plete disappearance of the phenomenon was observed: it did not occur on such a large scale in the 20 test-bench firings subsequently carried out. _ It oc~urred again on the occasion of the first firing at Kourou, doubtlessly as a result of the different configuration of the launcher on its launch y pad. Nevertheless, the incident should not have been of such proportions. But it was established that there was not compete redundance of the measure- _ ment made by these two pickups, for they were fed by the same pipeline (so _ - as to make only one hole in the chamber!). = To avoid repetition of this incident on the following attempt, the CNES (National Center for Space Studies] therefore decided to stop taking into - account the measurement from the differential pickups (kept in place, with - new pickups, so as not to disturb the system's configuration), but rather to use the data from the othPr three absolute-pressure pickups, measuring, re- , spectively, the base pressure and the UDMH and N204 injection pressures, and ' to do so with measurement thresholds expanded from the initial limits (meas- urements at 75-percent pressure instead of 90 percent). For this purpose, it was suffici~nt to modify the wiring of the measurement circuits without do- ing anything to the logic, in order to to the Automatic Release-Phase Device (APL) the data enabling it to deliver the final orders authorizing launcher - takeoff. On the other hand, the measurement logic had been modified (see diagram) to take account this time of the absolute values of the base and injection _ pressures; the use of this new logic with the measurements (on tape) of the - aborted launch had shown thaL under these conditions, release should have _ been authorized--as was confirmed by the successful launch of 24 December. 23 December Launch Attempt Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 12 Jan 80 p 36 [Text] Two c,onsecutive incidents occurred during the second launch attempt, on 23 December, the second incident, which led to postponement of the launching, having been induced by the first one. The first incident occurred at H- 55 sec:;nds: thus at the very last instant of the synchronized sequence before the ignition of the engines. It was 3 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - caused by the absence of transmission to the computers of the charge volt- age of a battery on board; the launcher that powers mainly the on-board tel- emetry. iherefore, as w;is provided far, the control-bench computers caused - the "return to initial configuration" (RCI) of the launcher, for resumption of the countdown at H- 6 minutes. ~ It was quickly established that the battery was functioning normally (as on the preceding attempt) and that its charge voltage was good. The incident was in fact due to a device called INCA (Cannes Digital Interrogator), which _ ' makes the voltage measurements and transmits them to the control computers. : This piece of equipment had already caused the officials in charge some con- cern about its ability to obtain the first battery-voltage measurement and - _ deliver it to the computers in the time available. It had therefore been f dQCided, on the occasion of the project review preceding the L~1 first fir- _ ing, that the INCA would send to the computers the second voltage measure- ment, which could definitely be delivered in time. But for lack of time, - this modification could not be macie for the first lauching; but it c~ill be ' done for the L02 second launch. For the following launch attempt, i~ was therefore decided to do without the voltage measurements furnished by the INCA--that is, do without the other - three measurements of the same "key time" alsn (sequence of operations to be - done within a specific time period)--for the voltage measurements could not be isolated by themselves without modifying the logic of the computers, which was obviously out of the question on the eve of a launch. However, _ an operator was assigned to watch these other three measurements (INCA ex- cepted) closely and to stop the countdown manually if an anomaly arose. But the irici~ent with the INCA caused a second one, far more serious. Tha fact is that return of the launcher to initial configuration requires numerous operations, restoration of circulation of helium (used to pressurize the third-stage tanks on the ground) between the spherical tank ; - on board and the supply source on the ground. The purpose of this is to ; avoid overheating of the helium, with the risk of explosion of the sphere j under pressure (200 bars). i~ To carry,out this operation, the valves on t:he tower head and the clack - valves on the third-stage plate are opened to establish helium circulation: ' the helium sphere, warmed by the ambient temperature, is emptied, and cold ; helium at 105� K is sent inro it (see diagram). On 23 December, the empty- ing went normally, but a p~~essure loss of about 70 bars in the circuit for supplying the sphere with helium under pressure was imanediately noted, as if the helium-intake clack valve or the filter were blocked. After several attempts to reestablish helium circulation with the sphere, ' the operations chief decided to postpone the launching to the next day, since - the weather forecast was in any case too poor to permit launching on that - day within the time frame available (5 hours). 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 = rOR OFFIf;IAL USE ONLY MAT ~i~ F~J~~E - OM~IUCAL ( - - . ( 6'F6AQU~ _ ~ curets VANN~S TETE DE MAT ~~2~ OMOILICAUX 49 ~ . i~xn~ES ~ 3~ 1~ SPHERE e H~ ~~~CUPETS~ HELtUPA 94 ~1~~At. p H~ FILTRE ~K - VANNES {4 ~ DE MISE I, � ~ L'AIR LI~~E - ; Key ~ . , 1. Umbilical tower 6. Umbilical clack-valves plate 2. Tower-head valves 7. Clack valves 3. Flexible tubes 8. Filter 4. Valves for release into air 9. Helium sphere 5. Rocket 10. 200 atmospheres, 105� K The invest_igations made by the launch teams during the night of 23 December = revealed that the intake clack valve was functioning normally. Nor did ex- amination of the filter lead to discovery of any traces of pollutants or ice (but the latter could have melted before disassembly)._ After cleaning with helium to eliminate traces of water in the tubing and the sphere, a series of filling-emptying operations showed that the circuit was now _ normally. The specialists are therefore reduced, for the time being, to hypothesizing about the origin of the incident, which could have been caused when the he- lium circuit was released into the air: at the moment of transition to the synchronized sequence (H - 6 mimstes), the helium sphere is raised to flight pressure and the clack valves are closed; but before the umbilical cords of the helium circuit are disconnected--they are under pressure too (200 bars), _ like the sphere--they are emptied by means of the release-into-air valves posi[ioned on the flexible tubes. A plug of ice (formed by cryopumping) or _ a plug of gas (formed by a thermodynamic phenomenon analogous to vapor lock) could have been produced at this moment. - The conditions of the incident are presently being simulated on the launch pad in an attempt to repeat the phenomenon and try to pxplain it. But it _ has in any case been decided that the opening of the helium-circuit valves to the sir will henceforth be done through a helium atmosphere, in order to prevent the..incident from occurring again during a launch. - 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 24 December Launch Attempt Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 12 Jan 80 p 37 [Text] With the third launch attempt, on 24 December, the countdown went nor- mally up to suspension of operations at H-2 minutes 14 seconds by the launcher control bench, which showed a firing interd.iction (ELA ["Ariane" Launching Complex~ red). The incident was caused by the absence of a closure report for a clack valve of the fuel circu~it at the moment of the stoppage of the fine adjustment of the liquid-hydrogen supply for the third stage. This closure report for clack valve 36 is one of the "key times" beginning at H- 3 minutes,during the synchronized sequence in the course of which the control-bench computers - pilot the operations completely and automatically. A threshold time to 5 to 1C1 seconds is provided (in accordance with the tests on the ground carried out previously) for the closing of this clack valve. But this time, the cZack valve closed in 11 seconds, pr~bably as a resu~t of a seizure of the contrul organs. The closure report therefore did not get to the computers by the time fixed, so that the computers quite normally considered this an anomaly and ordered "return to initial configuration" (RCI) of the launcher, = for resumption of the synchronized sequence at H- 6 minubes. - The operators then succeeded in unsticking clack valve 36 by commanding opening and closing of it several times manually, after disconnecting the computer to take manual control of the operations again. The functioning of another clack valve (clack valve 33), which has the same function on the - liquid-oxygen line, was also checked. But this incident, although r.esolved, caused another one shortly afterward. ~ When the launching-operations chief wanted to go back to automatic computer control to resume the synchronized sequence (mainly to finish filling up the ~ third stage), a new incident occurred. One of the "authorizations" for re- , sumption of the synchronized sequence by the control-bench computers did not function, as the result of a failure of a circuit powering a relay in the device. i - The skillfull intervention of three launching-center technicians--Gaston ' Rabeau, of COMSIP [expansion unknown], Pierre Perez and Gerard Lagrenee, of ' . the CNES--was necessary to save the situatian. Being thoroughly acquainted , with the circuits concerned, they literally short-circuited a part of the defective circuite by improvising, on the spot, the running connections needed to supply shunted power to the relay authorizing return to automatic ' configuration, so that the rocket could take off. Without this decisive int~rvention, it is highly probable that the launch would have had to be postponed again. It may even have had to be abandoned, for the fuel reserves neceasary for another attempt were at a critical threshold. ~ COPYRIGHT: Air et Cosmos, Paris, 1980. ` i- a.1267 6 ~ - CSO: 3102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE OTTI~Y FEDERAL REPUBL~C OF GERMANY NEW AUTOMaTION CONTROL SYSTEPI OU7LINED Leinfelden-Echterdingen CHEMIE-ANLAGEN + VERFAHREN in German No 7, 1979 pp 39-4? LArticle by Ladislaus Borsi, Horst N011emann., Jt~rgen Oemig~ LTexJ The ircreasing requirements for the efficiency and - economy of technical processing systems entail an increasing information flow and a more complicated intermeshing of the problems being salved. The instrumentation, both on site and in the maintenance stations, has become correspondingly - more extensive. The planning, assembly, start-up, and handling of such systems is personnel-intensive and con- sequently quite costly. For a long time, the route of process automation appeared characterized by two possi- bilities: One path was stamped by specifically programmed regulation and control systems, and the other by universally - usable process computers. Cost problems on the one hand and a quicker suc~.ession of innovations on the other hand, however, require an orientation which facilitates, over the long term, more ready and better adaptation to increasing levels of automation, and which at the same time takes into account ~he increased requirements for safety on the part of man, machine, and their environment. Characteristics of the System The automation system Teleperm ~ M is supported by microprocessors and was designed for the most stringent demands as regards function and availability. It was here possible to achieve both a cost saving in ~ planning and documentation as well as increased compatibility for changes in asssmbly and start-up. Special consideration was also given to the requirement of combining components of the Teleperm M system with those of other systems. The hardware was standardized by means of micro- electronics, in order to reduce the number of types. This was supple- mer~ted by standardized, transferabie system software. It is no longer - presupposed that the user has programming expertise. 7 FOr~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR Ur~r 1~1tiL u5~; UNLY In developing the Teleperm M system, the starting poir~t on the one hand was the wide experience of industrial electronics and on the other hand was the technology of process computers (Figure 1). The concepts analog, centralized and decentralized, as well as parallel and serial, are to be = regarded as non-exclusive and mutually supplemertary in this system. The following technical aspects of the system should be especially em- phasized: ' - in function, the structure is decentralized, while in spatial arrange- _ ment it may be centralized or decentralized, - both parallel and serial transmission of i~:formation, and - parallel and s erial operation and observation. - The decentralized structure of functions close to the process, according - to Figure 2, makes possible an organization that is clear and easily ~ controlled, into areas that are related teChnologically as well as functionally. All automation functions of a system ar~a, such as regu- lation, control, monitoring, and reporting, are collected together in an autarkic automation system. This "automation island" can be implemznted _ j~st as easily as various algorithms in the function-bound digital con- trol, on the basis of microprocessors. This structure can be adapted, within broad limits,to ~~wrious reliability requirements. Additional a:ivant~ges are obtained wi~h decentralized assembly, e.g. less labor in cabling, - Various factors facilitate optimal technical and economic solut~ons: parallel transmission paths for acquiring process variabl~ and for out- putting positioning instructions, as well as serial transmission paths for the communication of the automation systems among one another, and for corrQnunication with powerful operating and observ~tion systems. The spectrum of parallel operation, aided by conventional contrQi units ~ and serial operation with black-and-white or color display units guaran- tees a maximum m2asure of flexibility and convenient comnunication between man and process. With more stringent requirements for avail- _ ability, operation and observation ca~~ also be designed redundantly. System Overview The system consists of a number of subsystems, which are mutually co- - ordinated in the scope of tPieir capability (.Figure 3). The collaboration of similar or different subsystems, through standardized hardware and software interfaces, makes possible an extremely flexible and optimal adaptation to the process, Each subsystem is also capable of functionio~g, without any restriction, by itself alone and without any coupling ~o the bus . 8 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Induttri~waoroY 1 Prot~Anehnm~chn~i 7 - 2 S Sdunkrdwrn~. srium 100-aeit 51MAi1C Cl C2 C3 ~A~traompute~ 2q " 3 Sptt~m 300-16 Q'it ProtiBautanaU- m SiMATIC St S2. S3 ~~t~ PR310-A10.-R20: R3D.-RW 9 . Rp~hrg~nsten+. 4 TELEPERM M ~~p~ ; TH.~N 300. C... 6 r.u0+?M 5 O~n.,d~uny~+r~t�~. - ' StMAi1C M03. MS3 Figure 1: Synthesis of Experier.ce - Key: . 1..Industrial electronics; 2. Switching circuit systems: ~ _ 3. Control~systems; 4. Regulation systems; 5. Monitoring systems; 6. Process automation system TELEPERM M; 7. Process ~,omputer techno~ogy; 8. System 30Q- 8 Bit microcomputer 210; 9. 5ystem 300-16 Bit. O~tinba4 Slrrkf~r 1 I Lntr~l~ SWUtut ~ Q ` u I ~ : ~ ~ ud i F+:ssen 11 . b~rr,.n p,oa_ 14rNh ~2 3 4 k~5 6 ~ ue�''""n" I2 ~ ~ ~ 13 \ , I e.w~n una ! 4 I BwD~cAUn _ _ 7 8 9 I vrorota~enn 15 Rp~M R~ ""d u~'��- i K,ooe~, 16 Sl~wm Suwm ~i~ � ~ Figure 2: Decentralized and Centralized Structure of Functions in ~ J Automation Technology - Key: 1. Decentralized struct,~re; 2. Regulation and control, operation and observation; 3. Regulation; 4. Operation and observation; � 5. Reporting and recording; >6. Coupling; 7. i2egulation and control; ~ 8. Regulation and control; 9. Acquisition and preprocessing; 10. Central structure; 11. Acquisition; 12. Monitoring; 13. Regulation and control; 14. Operation and observation; 15. ~ecording; 16, Coupling 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FUR OFFI.CIAL USE ONLY _ ~ N N O N N p'~ V ~ l0 ~ ~ _ I ~ � _ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - N . ~ N ~ I ~ I~ - ~ O ~ V ~ ~ . ~ o~ , . ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ! ~ N ~ V O N Mf ~ PI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N N N g N N N V/ N Vf , ~00~ m q < ~ m - - w - , ~ - ' ~.~--y ~ o > - ~ $ ` ~ � ' ? ~ ~ ' i r~ N " ~ N ~ ~ ~ 41 - ^ ~ 1 a ~ . _ g, I a ; ~ ~ ~t; ~-I i ~ � ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ o ~ ~ , ~ ~ , . f ~ � ~ x . u . . . ....4~~s~.......~ . i.~rt.~..~_. . . .s. ~O ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a - ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 0 ~ _ ~ c a - U ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ N O r- �I~ �r ~ y - . ~ ~ ~ - R7 r~ _ r (p N ~ S.. r- G1 Rl O , �r N C]. i. C ~ ~i-~ Q~ ~ ^ C C �NO�r ' r' 1~ C~ U ~ i v 4~-~ ~ � ~ S_ C O c~ 5.. N rtJ U C O QJ i~ ~ ~ U U i-> C C O �r ~ ~ ?-y p M �r t/) � S.. d r-1 ~ ~ N N O Q1 rtJ i C~ r. N ~ �w~ a v rnc ~n �~rna~i o ~ u~ v? rn a+~ u �~�~vc~~ v c ~sa~io+? Rs O O> i i r-i O L- C ~ al O~ d~ U - ; O 1~ S..U~ ~ ^N O ~n O ' N ~ ~ �r- Q1 d ^ O U 1 E N C CA�r O ' ~ S- ~ O �r !n C y S. N N a..~ V.~ N(1 _ ~ .ov~'ix oo+~vi~E � - N O 41 Q�r- tn N tn N I ~ O U C � ~ N N i c i. rtf ~ O r0 E N N ~ i~. ~ a.F S.. +.t .1-~ C) r-- 5.. C~�r- QJ tn " Q N N O�r- Ql O N'U i. fd ~ N N d~ N ~1-~ O ~ r~p ~ N C U i- � Q. 5~.. ^ U~~ ~ - F- O�~ O �r- QJ C C C 4- a O rC �r- O N ~O O E N ~ ~ i-> Gl O~ Q) M ~ Q) ~ w ~ '"1 ~ L� 'r" . w .r 41 ~F-? R3 V1 O N'r" G~-- S� ~�r ~ I~ �r- p. cti O ~O ~ ~ Q t~ tn N.-. O E~�r- i. - �r' N N N N W ~ . S- G1 u- Q f O C.) v Y M 1.[) 00 N O 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The system contains the following components; _ - the automatic systems (automation subsystems) AS 210, 220, 230, 231, for inonitoring, regulating, computing, controlling, reporting, and recording, - the systems OS 250, 251, 252, 253 for observing an~ operating the process (operating subsystems), ~ - - the bus system ~coupling subsysten) CS 275 for data comnunication ~ between the components of the Teleperm M system, i- - the auxiliary system OS 255 f~r parameterizing and structuring the - _ automation systems with a high degree of convenience, ~ i _ - the a~uxiliary systems CS ~70 and 271 for coupling of permanently wired automation units and process computers to the system bus, and _ - the diagnostic system (maintenance subsystem) MS 280. Automation Systems The automation systems AS 210, 220, 23Q ar~ graduated in accord with their capability. ~They are used to solve regulation, control, computa- tion, monitoring, reporting, and recording tasks (Figure 4). The AS 231 system is a pure data processing and reporting system. Within the auto- I mation systems, the various functions, e.~. regulation, control, and ' _ reporting can be arbitrarily intermixed (1). , In terms of hardware, the autornation systems are divided into a basic unit and into one or more expansion units (Figure 5). The subassemblies ~ for the power supply, the central processor, the memory, as well as ~ - connections for the operating unit (2), the bus system CS 275, the mini- ; - fl oppy disk, and the page printer are all housed in the central area of ! - the basic uni~. With the exception of the AS 210 system, in which the _ MC 210 microcomputer is used, all automation systems have microprogrammed ! processors with 16-bit processing. High-value instructions, e.g, floating ~ point multiplication, are processed with microprograms. Consequently, the processing speed of the processors is very high. The performance data of _ the automation systems are correspondingly favorable. For example, with the AS 220: a maximum of 120 regulation loops can be processed per second, with a minimum scanning time of 100 ms; processing time for a control = instruction is less than 4us. The input-outaut (I0~ subassemblies are - the connecting links of the automati.on system to the process, Here, the _ process signals (analog measured values, binary signals~ are acquired and - are prepared for processing in the central processor. The subassemblies also contain the output function for the positioning instructions ~ 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ? ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fun~nonen 24 AS210 AS210 aS210 AS:31 - Sp~Lilbiwt~in~ 1 M~kfen, 2 ~ 9edunen 3 ~ Ublrwunen 4 � '/ontnra~isn 5 ~ Spnehmitt~l ~ 6 Prolokoqieren ~ ~ ~ _ ~ q~d~+e~ 8 � � S~~wm 9 ~ ? Slandudb~u~tNn- 10 _ trw~ituung A~rmverarbert~n 1 1 ~ ~ M~hrl~ehp~ognm~n~ 12 ~ ~ ~ - Sl~ndardb~ustdno i 3 ~ � Uberwachen 2 4 ~ ~ ~ Aege~+ 15 ~ ~ ~ ' tiecnnen 16 ~ ~ ~ ~ Regem wd Steuem 17 ~ ~ ~ ~ 8~dienen 18 ~ � ~ ' M~ ls � � � _ ~ Anzegen 2 ~ � ~ ~ ~ SrrukturMdl~niwg 2 ~ _ Egeoswknrwen 22 � ~ ~ ~ ~ la~anrg=tahgke,~ ~wp~~ . 23 Fi gure 4: Performance Areas of the Automati on Sys tems AS 21a ~ 220, 230, and 231 - Key : 1. Speci al components ; 2. Reporti ng; 3. Operati ng; 4� Moni tori n9 ~ 5. Preprocessing; 6. Language means; 7. Recording; 8. Comp Uting; - 9. Controlling; 10. Standard component expansion; 11, q~a~ processin g~ - 12. Multiple programs; ~13. Standard components; 14. Monitor ~n9~ ` 15. Regulating; 16. Computing; 17. Regulating and Cohtrolli ~9~ 18. Operating; 19. Reporting; 20. Indicating; 21. Structur~~ - condi tions; 22. Sel f-structure; 23. Capabi 1 i ty expandable; 2~~ Functions furni shed by the central processor. The IO capaci ty of the b~si c unit can be expanded by connecti ng expansi on uni ts , each wi th a ma~imum of = 14 IO subassemblies (3). . _ _ For especi al ly i mportant automati on tasks , e. g. for a cri tica 1 r~9ul ati o n = 1 oop, the system offers compact, i ntel l i gent IO subassembl ies Wi th thet r _ own mi croprocessors . Bes i des the i nput-output functi oh, they a1 so con- tai n back-up functi ons , e* g. autarki c power supp~ j~s and back ~uP regu- lators. The availability of the automation system can thQrefOre be = planned, i.e. can be adapted to the respective technological ~'equirements ~.4~. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 r~uk ur~r~~.~~L u~r; UNLY - 8latts~hn~oa ~~on9- 2 Moruia 3 Mn~-PbPPY- D~~enbw 5 ~ b~tlnm~tnnr J~s~ 4 ) Slandud- ~ Eing~b~- ~ j _ - ' Awg~b~- ; C�ril~ 6 i ~ , Cxundg~rat g _ ; :~�~i~~~ ~ ~ . � �I� I ~Ii~i ~q~. . . . ~ .~:I ~ ~'I~ m:: ~ ~~�I ~a~ `i " ~ _ n . - l Ln~gK~a Enn~il~n~J ~ :~:~:I:i:i:i: :i: :1: . ~ ' ~ ~ i ' .i I I i ~ ~.I. I.I. ~ �i :~:I :1:~:~:~:~ .I:~. ~ ~ i , i 3 ~ h~~ 9 1 - ~ _ ~ - - Figure 5: Components of the Automation System AS 220 _ Key: 1. Page printer; 2. Process operating keyboard; 3. Monitor; 4. Minifloppy disk; 5. Data bus; 6. ~tandard input-autput units; 7. Basic unit; 8. Expansion unit; 9. Process; 10. Control unit _ Furthermore, a multiplexer for field attachment can be connected in - series with the automation system, in order to acquire and preprocess process guantities in areas where there is a risk of explosion. The system software of the automation systems is written in a higher ~ language. This guarantees the tran~ferability of the software. In = case of a hardware innovation, e.g, when a more powerful processor is ; - inserted, the system software can therefore be adapted to the new hardware with only minimal labor. Hardware innovations can therefore ; be purposefully used within the system. ~ - The system software does not appear to the user~ Most of the automation ~ = tasks can be solved with the modular language of the system, using simple ~ = teChnological notation. The read-only memory houses the software modules, which can be parameterized and arbitrarily linked with one another in ' 14 ' FOR OFFICI~IL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY _ the conversational mode using the dis lay unit (1). The automation systems AS 230 and 231 contain not on~y the modular language bui; also the TML lang~age (Teleperm M language~ to formula~te high arithmetic ~ functions and:to generate freely plannable records. . Systems for Process Operation and Observation Within the Teleperm M system, means are offered for process op~ration _ and observation. These means are adapted to the requirements of the ~ operating personnel (2~. System operation for structuring and parame- , terizing the system is undertaken by specially trained personnel. The components for process operation and observation, within the framework of the Teleperm M system, are graduated in accord with their complexity . and power: - - Control units for parallel operation of a single function, e.g. a - regulation loop - Operating units, consisting of a Elack-and-white display unit and a process operating keyboard for operating an automation system - Operating systems OS 250, 251, 252, 253 for operating ar~d observing - several automation systems t4~rough the CS 275 bus system. The OS 250 system contains a black-and-white display unit, and the OS 251, 252, and _ 253 systems contain at ~~ast one color display unit. This list indicates that tt~e process operation and observation, with the Teleperm M system, is starnped by the use of display screen units. These facilitate better organization, clearer presentation of the information, and consequently they unburden the opPrator and permit better control of disturbances. The use of displa.,y screen units also significantly reduces the space r~quirement of the conso3e. For reasons of availability and ' safety, purely serial operation through a di$play screen unit is not suitable. In those cases, additional control units, operating in parallel, . can be utilized. In this way, parallel and serial operating techniques can be combined with this system, so as to be optimally matched to the automation task. The process oppration and observation used here is characterized by an = hierarchical organization of information. The operator can select _ various hierarchical levels, starting from a total overview of the pro- - - cess,,which contains only Coarse information, right down to a detailed image representation, e.g. of a single regulation loop. Consonant with _ the idea of "operator guidance", only those activation possibilities - are offered to him which are permissible for a selected component pro- cess. The probability of misoperation is therefore very low. The _ repres~ntat9on of the informa~ion on the display screen is based on the _ experience of~many years of work in the area of ergonomy, especially in the area of human engineering. 15 . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ON;.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 I ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE OrTLY ` . Bus System - The CS 275 b~s system is used for serial data transmission between the - individual systems of the automation system (6). The bus system offers - components that a~^e graduated with respect to their complexity ar~d power _ as well as in accord with freedom from interference, both in the near region (.up to 100 m) and in the remote regi~n (up to 4 km). _ By using bus systems in place of the currently traditional selecting mains, - the cabling and engineering costs can be significantly reduced, As tr~e avaiiability requirements for data conmwnication become more stringent, the bus of the Teleperm M system can be designed redundantly. ; For further information see CAV-216. _ ' REFERENCES ~ (1) Theilmann, B.; Ruschitzka, E,; W~lfel, H.: Interfaces and Components of the Teleperm M System. Siemens Energietechnik (.Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 (2) Bussmann, W.; Charwat, H.J.; Rhode, J.; i:~llich, H.: Process - Operation and Observation with the Teleperm M Systems. 'Siemens Energietechnik (Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 ~ (3) Langh~rig, G.; Wilde, H.H.: Design Characteristics, System _ Structure, and Set-up of the Teleperm M System. Siemens Energie- ' technik (Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 (41 Kallina, G.; Ruschitzka, E.; Zillich, H.: Process-near Input and j Output, Possibilities for Planning the Availability of the Teleperm M I System. Siemens Energietechnik (Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 (5) BtJrger,.J.; Hopmann, F.: Planning and Structuring with Digital Components of the Teleperm M System. Siemens Energietechnik ~ - (Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 (6) Schulz; HQllemann, H.; Fuchs: The Bus System and its Mode of Operation in the Teleperm M System, Siemens Energietechnik ! (Siemens Energy Technology) 1 1979 COPYRIGHT; 1979 by KONRADIN-YERLAG Robert Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart . - 8348 CSO: 3102 ' ~ ~6 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = ~ . ~ FRANCE AIMS OF NATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR 1980-1990 OliTI,INED Paris LE PROGRES SCIENTIFIQUE in French Sep-Oct 79 pp 3-9 [Article: "The 10-Year F~esearch Program: A New Strategy for National - Scientific Policy"] [Text] The national research policy carried on lay the government in recent years has proceeded from the made at the two limited Cabinet meetings chaired by the president of the republic in February and N~vember 1975. Thanks to the application of these decisions, it has been possible to pre- - � serve, overall, the budgetary contribution of the state to scientific and technical research despite a difficult economic and financial situation; the rate of recruitment of young researchers has been maintained at a suitable level; certai.n research sectors or themes (for example, energy and biomed- ical,research) have been given a distinctly higher priority; and finally, - the structures of certain large public research organisms (CNES [National Center for Space Studies], CNEXO [National Center for Exploitation of the Oceans], and now INRA [National Institute of Agronomic Research]) have been - - reorganized in such a way as to get better value from the results of their research. But during these same years, the~world economic situation has changed pro- foundly. It is causing France to reconsider what means can contribute to its prosperity and its independence in foreign markets. Thus, if the na- tional scientific and technical research potential is to remain one of the es~sential instruments for our country's development, it must be placed at the service of new objectives, clearly defined and meeting the present eco- nomic and social exigencies. In addition, the R and D efforts being made by certain of our direct com- petitors iUnited States, FRG, Japan) ra~se acutely the questian of the pro- - portion of its gross domestic product that our country should devote to - these activities. Thus it is that on the request of the president of the republic, the sec- - retary of state for research has worked out the broad outlines of an over- 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 I r FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY all strateg~, revisable as needed, and leading to the elaboration of a 10- , - year research program that defines national scientific policy for the coming years. Why a 10-Year Strate~y? First of all, it should be kept in mind that research has to be organized - aver a long period. The training of people and the formation of teams that ' - have an international audience--a necessary condition for dialog with world science, of which we represent only 6 to 7 percent--take some 10 years. A time period on this scale is needed also for conceiving, building and put- fcing Eo use the great instruments of contemporary research. ' But a sufficiently long time period is also necessary for integrating re- search more com letel with the develo ment ~ p y p prospects. Opening up research i _ and fitting it more closely in~o.economic and social life are a central ob- ~ jective of the 10-year program. To this end, the orientation of the pro- ~ grams and the organization of research will favor the extension of coopera- tion between research and the country's socioeconomic activity. i The 10-year program, conceived in this spirit, can proceed only from an ap- proach quite ra'dically different from that of the previous planning peri- ods, which were expressed in terms of more or less detailed programming of ~ the research sectors. The establishment of a true research strategy must i definitely be b~sed on: - --drawing a comparison between the principal challenges posed by economic ' and c~cial development and the dynamic of the sciences and technologies, ' - with a certain number of lines of effort implying a very broad mobilization ~ of our scientific potential; _ --prqposing a new organization of research centered on quality, openness, ~ cooperation and complementarity between public research and industrial re- ' search. I` i Three Guiding Principles ' ~ _ Such a study re.sts on three guiding principles: development, breaking down ~ partitiorts, coordination. ! -'Development of the proportion of France's gross domestic product devoted ~ to the R and D effort (presently 1.8 percent), so as to get our country, in _ the medium term, to the 1eve1 reached by the comparable industrial coun- ' tries (FRG, Japan). --Breaking Down Partitions: A general feature emerges from exploration of the lines of force of the research policy of the next 10 years. The b~sic _ sciences are getting more and more into study of complex interactive sys- - tems and are thereby bringing the established lines of intradisciplinary ' 18 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY communication into question: the most fruitful research will mos~ often bring specialists from different disciplines into association. In the same way, the ~roblems of the ecanomy and society are projecting their own com- , plexity onto the research which takes them as its subjects, leading to the conceiving of new forms of program cooperation. Coordination, made more than ever necessary by the very fact of the exis- tence of these horizontal and multi.disciplinary research programs. Since _ 1958, France has provided itself with institutions of coordination which , constitute the instrumenta--still capable af improvement--of such a policy. Constructed an the basis of these three guiding principles, the broad out- lines of a research strategy that defines tl~e priority orientations to be taken into account in the course of the next 10 years, as well as their im- plications for the plan for organizing and financing research, were submitted by the secretary of state to the prime minister in charge of re- - search to a meeting of the central planning council held on 26 July 1979, under the chairmanship of the president of the republic. They were the sub- ject of a coRUnunication by the secretary of state to the Cabinet meeting of 1 August 1979. _ ~ The present informational report substantially sucmnarizes the principal ana- lyses made within the framework of preparation of the 10-year program, as well as the decisions that the government has settled on in this matter. _ The Orientations of Research The priorities for research in the coming years (1980-1990) have been iden- tified by a double approach that takes into account both the inherent dynam- - ic of scientific.and technical knowledge and their most fruitful applica- tions, as well as the appropriate responses that research is capable of mak- - ing to the challenges that the French economy and society wi11 have to face. _ Priority Sectors for Research - Priority will be assigned to the following orientations: A. Exploiting the scientific and technological results that have reached maturity, mainly in the following three areas: - --The Technologies of Information and Communication The progress in microelectronics and the increasing availability of telecom- - munications networks will have considerable consequences on many activities. Telematics is an example of possible evolution. Data-processing also - will have an important impact on new industrial developments. To get all the advantages from it, data-processing research will have to be accompanied by similar efforts in mechanics, materials, pickups, etc, for it is not ef- fective to base data-processing techniques on conventional concepts about . materials. lg FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The thinking will also be on the consequences of data-processing innova- , tions on the content of work, and on the conditions for social integration of them. --The Space Technologies and Their Applications The advent o~ space-age techniques on the economic level is the concrete ex- pression of 20 years of research efforts. The prospects for application re- - late mainly to transmission of information (telecommunications, television) --the growth of which is far more rapid than was imagined some 10 years ago - --observation to survey the earth's resources, and exploration of the uni- verse. - The 10-year objectives should be to keep us in a good position on the scien- � tific level and to pursue our effort at market penetration for applications ' _ in the face of U.S. competition, and European solidarity is more than ever " necessary for this purpose. --Microbiology and Its Applications - 'I'he rapid development of knowledge in basic biology, through exploitation of the concepts an~i technologies of molecular biology, will obviously bring ; numerous applications which will be able to come through the moving forces of applied research--medicine, agriculture, aquaculture--but can also be transferred directly to biotechnology. The potentials for application of basic and applied microbiology to the fields of energy, medicine and agri- culture appear to be of extreme importance for the future. _ ~ B. Intensification of the research effort in the areas destined to have an important impact on the economy and society; in particular: ' --Energy ! Intensification of research on energy will remain necessary during the com- ~ ing years. The principal activities will be: - --in the short and medium terms, on nuclear energy, and especially on the ~ fast reactors, on rational utilization of en~rgy, for which research must, I starting now, pxepare new technical solutions, as well as on the use of sol- ~ are energy in housing and the exploitation of biomasses for energy. Fur- thermore, it is important to preserve the technological lead of our petro- leum industry and to develop programs on the utilization and conversion of - coal; --in the longer term, active research should be continued on conversion of - solar energy and on thermonuclear fusion, which is a long-term labor but one ~ whose importance justifies effective support from now on. _ . . ! 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY --Genetics, Biological Engineering, and Their Applications Important progress in technology for the living will be indispensable. In this regard, the medications, agronutritional, medical-instrumentation, a~- ricultural and scientific industries and knowledge of new biomaterials must receive special stimulus during the 10 years to ccme. But it is clear that there is increasingly great interest in the achievement of a biotechnology for the living on the basis of progress in basic biology --selective genetics in particular, but also analysis and synthesis of genes, cellular fusions. Thus a biological engineering is being developed whose applications in the fields of energy production from biomasses, elabo- ration of vaccinal antigens and therapeutic serums, fabrication of fixed en- - zymes, and improvement of the biological fixing of nitrogen are now being analyzed. Many other applications are envisioned in agriculture and in industry. Nev- ertheless, it should be clear that while certain successes have already been achieved in the field of "genetic engineering" in particular, the basic knowledged needed for many applications i~ still limited. C. Development of interdisciplinary and intersectorial cooperation, especi- - the following two fields: --Materials In the physics of condensed matter, basic research on materials (new materi- 21s, but also better elaborations, understanding and utilization of known materials), with chemists, physicists and mechanical engineers working in association, will have to be strongly developed so that the industrial prob- - lems can be tackled. --Utilization of the Methods and Instruments of Physics ix~ Different Disciplines (Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, etc) D. Study of complex interactive systems--mainly: --Study of the Atmospheric System The sciences of the atmosphere, making use of very powerful computer equip- = ment and space.tecniques, are in a good position to provide new under~tand- _ ing of ineteorological and climatic phenomena, the impact of which can be considerable, from the local level (microclimates) to the geopolitical level. - --Study of the Oceanographic Milieu Oceanographic research has been going on for some 10 years. While the long- = term objective is rational exploitation of the resources (mainly the living - resources) of the sea, the problem is still essentially a scientific one: 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY understanding physical, chemical and biological processes which are complex and extended in time. The research, though often of good quality, is still too scattered, whereas cooperation and coordination are indispensable, and there are gaps, in certain essential disciplines (dynamic oceanc~graphy, chemical oceanography, marine microbiology). ~ --Study of Biology-Society Interactions The new orientations of inedical research will throw the spotlight on prob- lems such as human nutrition, mental health, the biology of human develop- ment and agin, man in his environment, the biology and pathology of the schoolchild, the worker and the athlete, the orientation of "leisure activ- ities," the economics of health, and research on evaluation of inedical ~ methods. ~ --Study of the Interactions between Management Techniques and the Evolu- tion of Life-Styles ! ~ The management of our living space has so far been essentially the result of sectorial policies: city planning, construction, transportation policy, industrial policy. New programs should be designed, integrating the tech- _ nical aspects and the societal aspects. This overall approach is indis- pensable for establishing a working relationship between the management of apace and the evolution of life-styles. Implementation of the Priority Orientations ~ The reaching of certain priority goals will take the form of large programs bringing several public or private organisms into association. Such programs will be implemented especially in the following eight fields: --alimentation - nutrition; I ~ --medications; --biotechnologies (based on microbiology and on genetics); i --microelectronics and its applications; ~ --meteorological and climatic research; --production of fluid fuels (extraction or conversion techniques); ~ --mechanics and materials; ; --technology and evolution of labor. Programming of Large-Scale Equipment Projects Modern research is making more and more use of heavy equipment on a nation- _ al or international scale (ECNR [European Council for Nuclear Research], ~ GANIL [National Large Heavy-Ion Accelerator), ILL [Laue-Langevin Insti- tue], LURE [Laboratory for Utilization of Electromagnetic Radiation], JET y [Joint European Torus), etc). 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Planning of these equipment projects over a ZO-year period is all the more _ necessary in that the times required for the design, consiruction and pre- paration of the experiments are very long, their unit cost implies hard _ choices, and their scope becomes very largely multisectorial. In the studies for proposais for these large-scale equipment projects, spec- ial attention will be given to achieving international, and mainly F.uropean, cooperation. Preparation of a "White Paper" The government assigns the highest importance to the scientific community's being closely associated in defining the 10-year strategy that is to serve as the framework for national research policy. - Consequently, the Academy of Sciences as well as the country's big scientif- ic institutions will participate closely in the work of a committee composed - of several eminent scientists and assigned the task of writing a"white pa- per" on the contribution of scentific research to the progress of France (1980-1990), the preparation of which has been entrusted to the secretary of state for research. This "white paper," which will be published before the end of June 1980, could not be conceived as an exhaustive catalog of scientific themes or as a definitively fixed research program. It will rather constitute a contribu- - tion, revisable as necessary, to definition of a research strategy, in a - - 10-year perspective. Organization of Research For implementation of the orientations defined above, scientific and tech- _ nical research will be organized according to the following principles: Interministerial Research Evaluation and Proposal Missions ~ Under the authority of the secretary of state for research, the Ge~eral De- legation for Scientific and Technical Research (DGRST), which is to remain a _ lightweight, flexible and imaginative structure, will carry out fully its functiona in interministerial activation, coordination and proposals. - It is assigned the following tasks in particular: --bringing together the elements of a long-term scientific and technical perapective, based on the broadest international vision; --maintaining an up-to-date account of ttie state of French science and tech- nology; this has already resulted in publication of a first summary report, at the end of June 19791; 1. Cf LE PROGRES SCIENTIFIQUE, No 199-200, March-June 1979, pp 3-43. _ 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~ --proposing to the government, especially in connection with preparation of - the 5-year plans and the annual budgets, the decision to be made for the broad balances of research policy, as well as the principal programs which the state should Favor. In accomplishing this mission, the DGRST will carry out the broadest consul- ~ations and will see that the country's big scientific institutions (Academy a�f Sciences, Advisory Committee on Scientific and Technical Research, Na- ~ tional Committee of the CNRS [National Center for Scientific Research]) are brought into close association. Strengthening the Action of the Scientific Advisors and Attaches Abroad - France has a large network of scientific advisors and attaches posted to _ the embassies of France abroad. In addition to their traditional role of _ representing scientific circles abroad, information, and organizations of ' - missions, they must carry out more activiey aimed at external eexploitation of the value of French research, iir liaison with the commercial advisors under the authority of the minister of foreign trade, and upstream from them. j ; Before the end of 1979, a report on the conditions of appointment, reap- - pointment and training of these scientific advisors will be made to thE prime minister. Cooperation with the Developing Countries ' The minister of foreign affairs, the minister of cooperation and the secre- ' tary of state for research are studying the ways to improve the procedures . for negotiating cooperation programs with the developing countries. This srudy will be sent to the prime minister before the end of 1979. Financing Research i Growth of the Proportion of I~NP Devoted to Research-Development For some 10 years, the private firms have in effect kept up their R and D effort as a proportion of GNP. The overall reduction in the intensity of i the national research effort (ratio between domestic reasearch expenditure I~ si~d GNP), which dropped form 2.2 percent to 1.8 percent, is attributable to - public financing. _ Consequently, it has been decided that public research credits will grow in - the coming years will grow at such a rate that the proportion of France's GNP devoted to research will gradually come up to the rate achieved in those ~ industrialized countries that are of comparable size and are most active in research (Japan, the FRG, where is is close to 2.2 percent). 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY As regards the private firms' research efforts, which is sti.ll insufficient in all the traditional sectors of activity, the ministry of industry and the _ secretary of state for research will examine, before th end of the year, - _ the ways and means for achieving a further increase in this research effort - - in the medium term, and will transmit their proposals in this regard co the prime minister. Management of Public Research Credits The distribution of public research will be based on two distinct types of financing: --on the one hand, basic institutional financing aimed at promoting a scien- - tific and technical potential of high quality; --on the other hand, the financing of purpose-directed programs bringing - various public and private laboratories into association on projects that ~ conform to the priority orientations of research. This financing will take into account the capacity of the laboratories concerned to propose and carry out such programs, and the research organisms will be asked to work out program budgets.. - The research groups thus set up will have a temporary existence, coexL�ensive with the period for carrying out the programs undertaken. Several types of group can be envisioned: the "scientific interest groups" (GIS), in which each partner retains its own specialty, will be encouraged. The secreatry of state for research will shortly present to the government some specific proposals in this regard. On the financial level, the big interorganism programs will be individual- ized. Credits wiil be earmarked for them by the participating organisms. They will be supplemented by credits assigned to the DGRST from an intermin- isterial reserve fund. Furthermore, it is indispensable for each of these big programs to have its own unit for scientific management and evaluation. Within the framework of the reforms presently being undertaken by the min- ister for universities, mainly in connection with the "rehabilitation" of ~ graduate-level training, revision of the procedures for financing research _ is necessary. The Research Mission, assigned the task of activating and co- ordinating the research policy of the establishments that come under Chis _ department, will sae tp it ~hat a sizable proportion of its credits goes to - those of them that are destined to become important poles of research. Finally, the allocation of state aid to research and innovation will take _ into considera~ion the industrial firms that will receive funds in research , groups in association with public laboratories, and that will also prac- _ tice a recruitment policy which takes in a large number of personnel from the public research nrganisms. 25 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; i Scientific Employment , The central planning council has adopted the proposals presented to it by ~ the secretary of state for research relating to the status of the research- ~ ers of the public organisms. ~ The main orientations of the reforms envisioned, which result from the re- port on scientific employment sent to the prime minister by Michel Massenet, j - councillor of state, are the following: ; --restoring and benefiting from the notion of a probationary period upon ~n- ' try into the research organisms by lowering the minimum age for entry into the organisms to 27 (with various exceptions) and limiting the duration of this probationary period to 4 years; --overhauling the recruitment procedure in the direction of greater clarity I and greater selectivity. In this regard, it is planned to dissociate judg- - ment of the applicant from judgment about the laboratory. The probationary i period would be done in a laboratory designated as a"training" laboratory," i and the researcher would then be assigned, subject to some special excep- i tions, to another laboratory called a"recruiting" laboratory; ! _ --modification of the rules relating to promotion of researchers with a view ~ to favoring their mobility and their availability; --creation or restoration of procedures aimed at breaking down the parti- ~ tioning of researchers' careers: for example, restoration of the procedure ! for reciprocal assignments, development of reception positions and of possi- bilities for mobility toward the private-firms sector. ~ - During last July, the secretary of state for research informed the major ~ I trade-union organizations of the orientations adopted in this area. i The managements of the organisms concerned are consulting these organiza- tions about the modalities for application of the reforms envisioned. I ( COPYRIGHT: D.G.R.S.T., Paris, 1979. I ~ ~ 11267 ; CSO: 3102 _ ' I= ~ ~ ~ i i 26 ; FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - FRAI~CF - EIRST OPERATZONAL FREPICH LASER GYROSCOPE FLIGHT-TESTED - Paris AIR & COSMOS in Freneh 5 Jan 80 pp 25-28 [Artiele by Gerard Collin] [Texf] The Laser Gyroseope We shall briefly review here *he principle of the laser gyroscope. A laser emi*.s two suecesstve waves circulatin~ in opposite directions in a tuned - cavt.*.y (triangular tn this case). When the assembly ro*ates, the paths followed by the ~wo beams are differen*, tnducing a aifference be~ween the two frequencies and therefore a beat between the two beams~ whose frequency is direetly proportional to the angular rate of rotation of the assembly. , The advantages of such a gyroscope are well-knowt~: high reltabtltty (no ~ mechantcal moving parts)~ insensittvi~y to acceleration, almos*. o - instanraneous starts, digital outpu!:, and htgh performanee up to 400 /s, the,limtt generally aecepted for combat plane flight.s. However, the laser gyroscope is of very delicate construction, especially with respect to its _ mirrors (essenti~Lly 100~ refle-~c.ioni and r.o c.he dimensional stability of _ the op*..ical paY.hs (tunin� of .*.he resonating cavity). In addition, the two _ laser beams become synchronized at some potnts of the cavity, ereating a zone insenstttve to small rotation rates, known as the blind zone. The solution adopted by SV2 is to mechanieally vibrate the gyroscope, elimtnating the low tnstant.aneous velocities and therefore the blind zone, and lineariztnp, the ou~put. For the prtnctple of the laser gyroscop~e and a history of the concept's development by Sfena and then SV2, see AIR & COSMOS No 706, 18 February 1978, pages 22 and 23, The tnertial unit Sextan of SV2 was fligh~-!:ested for the ftrst time at the Flighf. Testing Center (CEV) of Bretigny, on a Puma halicop*er, the day after Christmas, 26 December of last year. ~7 ~ FOR 0~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 i m~liw ~ a~ amplilkaWr mjrgi~ ~8 I I utAod~ ~C~ - (D) diteetion ~ ~ E ~ ~ arod~t _ + D~~~In d~ prlneip~ d'un bloe oyromitrlqu~ ~ la~n Block diagram of a laser gyroscope. Key: (A) Amplifying medium - (B) ~9trror (C) Cathode (D) Detection ~ (E) Anodes _ We believe this to be ~he first time anywhere that flight tes*.s have been announced for a laser �yroscope unit moun~ed on a helicopter. Litton is - known to be developing an iner*.ial unit of strap-down components for the _ Hughe~ AAH armed helicopter, but this unit uses conventional spinning gyroscopes. We also know that Honeywell has developed a laser gyroscope inertial uni~ with strap-down coroponents, but for the time betng appears to have limited its goals to *ransport planes of the next generation and to military planes (AVBE in par*icular). _ This is the first hime in Europe that a laser gyroscope inerttal untt has - been fltRht-tested. SV2 thus closely follows Honeywell, and appears t.o be at the level of *he o~her American companies, Litton among them, which are ' involved in this difficul~ pro~eet. I This is also the fir:~t time in Franee that a strap-down untt has been flown. ! SV2 has thus out.distanced the two other companies involved in this area, i Sagem and Sfim~ uhose systems should also be fligh*..-tested very soon. ' Program Respec*.ed i The first notable aspect of the Sextan flight test is the dtscipline of the ~ pro~eet. We have already stated here that "this uni* (integrated today tnto I Sextan) will be flight-tested in 1980" (AIA & COSMOS No 706, 1$ February ! 1978, p 23), and "SV2 announced today for the second half of 19?9, the i flight test at CEV Prettgny of the Sex*an system on a Puma helicopter" i i ~ 28 I . I - } FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 I , FOR OFFICIAL USE O1V'LY (AIR & COSMOS, No 766, 9 May 1979, r~ 35~. The pro~ecf. has thus proceeded - remarkably close to schedule, and any discrepancies noted r;ere due to betng ahead of schedule! We must remember that the "gyrolaser" pro,ject was started in 19'12 by Sfena, in assoetation w~th Quantel~ which~specializes in advanced-design laser technology. Since then, Sfena has assumed an increasingly greater control of Ouantel until it is now ':he majority voice. SV2 was ereated at. the beginning of 1978, and the developmen*.. of Qyroseope units became its largest pro~eet, at the same time as it brought rhe collaboratton of Crouzet. This synergetic contribution, an operation whtch _ is always delicate, did not slow down the program in this case. On the contrary~ Sextan appears to have been the occ~asion for remarkable mutual enhancemenf. of Sfena's and Crouzet's areas of compe!:ence. In produetion, represents a perfect. balance between Chatellerault . (Sfena) and Valence (Crouzet). The teehnieal expertise of Sextan is strongly expressed in the laser gyroseopes and is therefore derived from Sfena, while Crouzet contribu!:es the in-house experttse of tactical naviQa*.ion sy~tems on helicop*..ers, beginning wi~h the Nadir system already - adopted by the army (ALAT) for *,he Gazelle and Puma helicopters. Crouzet also contributed its special strength in pressure and Y.emperature det.ectors, and in the Cosac compensaY.ed three-axts magnetome~er. In this way SV2 is fully capable of supplying a complete navigation and altitude system exeepf for poppler for future armed helicopters, first among which SV2 of course places the future French-German PAH2, for whieh an agreement has already been stgned be*ween the two countries. From Study to Produetion The firsf. Sex*.an flight tests denote anotner important milestone, the � entry into industrial production. SV2 is very confident: the era of technologic diseoveries will gtve way to greatEr erophasis on production and ancillary means. Sfena expects !:o solve the teehnical problems of laser gyroscopes, ~nd in particuiar of mirror qualtty, and *o readily control tuninR of cavi.*.ies. Thts mastery is measured tn terms of reliability and accuracy. A stability s of one degree per hour has already been aehieved and even deftnitely surpassed, aceording to Messrs. Pagnard and Vasu~h. - Another characteris*ic of the system is that a gyroscope can be replaced through a simple exehange, and naturally without any recalibration. This operation has already been performed at CEV Eretigny in a particularly signiftcant operational demonstration. _ However, Sfenatand SV2 do not tntend to rematn at *..his level of teehnolo~y, and they propose to explore two areas of development. 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 - First, the development of a more precise gyroscope, wi~h a drift of one hundredth of a degree per hour. This ins~.rument would place SV2's inertial unit at the preetston level of one nau~ical mile per hour~ which is the level of inertial navigation uniY.s in present transport planes. This unit - will meet the Arinc 704 spectfications adapted primarily to such new - transport planes as the A310 and B767. In fact, Sfena presented this Arine 704 unit to the European airlines meeting in Toulouse last November. E'or this unit, Sfena is developing an aceelerometer called t~lical, with flexible suspension and capac;itive detection. tn all probability, this unit will use 16-bit mieroprocessors. In additton to a navigation precision af one nautical mile per hour~ SV2 - expects this untt to have the following characteristics: MTBF of 5000 - hours, purchase price 30-40 pereent lower than that of a present Arinc 561 un1t, and matntenanee cost reductions of at least a faetor of two. The flight tests of an Artnc 704 unit are announced by SV2 for the first. half of 1982, on a Caravelle. These tests should be followed by similar - tests of an iner~ial navigarion unit for military planes during the second - - half' of the same year, with a format probably derived from the US Air Force standard of a three-quarters short ATR (called "f~3"). When used in a combat plane, this unit provides two big advantages: rapid ali~nment, and abiltty to adapt to very fas~ attitude ehanges (nominally up to 400 degrees per second). Thus~ a gyroseope driff of one hundredth of a degree per hour now also seems qui*.e posstble for SV2~ anoth~r very encouraging si~n. SV2 will nex~ undertake a study of square gyroscopes, because for equal perimeters a square optical pa~h offers grea~er sensitivity and takes less space than an equtlateral trtangle. The drawback of a square gyroscope ts the need for a�ourth mirror, with a potential tncrease in losses beyond the - detunin~ threshold of the osetllating cavity. But even in this case, SV2 has greaf confidenee in the manu~'acturing technology of *hese mirrors, so that the fourth mirror is no longer an impediment to developmenf. _ Sex~an is an attitude and naviga.*.ton system for planes or helicop~ers, which responds primarily ~o the operational constraints of armed helicopter flights, therefore including fire control. Sextan is coroposed of the various elements reviewed below: The inerY.ial measurement unit. This unit tncludes t.hree laser gyroscopes - with equilateral triangle op~ical paths of 21 cen.*.imeters. These are helium-neon lasers with a 0.63 micron wavelength, whose cafhodes are - 30 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i i ~ i I ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY integral with the op*..ical block. The unit also includes three aceelerometers, which are produced by Sfena as well. The numerical computer - uses 16-bit mieroprocessors for a pro~ram of six 16-bi~ Kwords. The format of the inertial unit is only one-half shor+ ATR; this is a ~ - remarkably compact size~ when compared to Arinc 704 (navigation unit) which is one and one-quarter short ATR, Arinc 705 (attitude unit) whieh is one short ATR, and }.he US Air Force military standard, which is three-quarters shorf ATR. Another notable feature of the SV2 inertial unit is .its low consumption of only 70 watts. _ The Cosac statie self-compensating compass, by Crouze~.. This is a sF,atic three-axis magnetometer probe, which also could be considered to be a - strap-dowr~ .*.ype. Together with its electronics, Ghe probe assures a _ ma~nefic heading with au!:oma}ic compensa~ion of *he magne*ic disturbances _ introduced by the aircraft. tn addition to providing a magnetie heading, - Cosac also ~ives an orienhation reference for aligning t.he inPrtial unit, - along with local magnetic variation data which can be introduced by means of the Nadir computer, for instance (see below). The unit for statie and dynamic pressure, and for temperature measurements. _ This ineludes two pressure sensors and a measurement etreutt conneeted to a - tempera*.ure probe. _ The Doppler radar. This is the RDPd 8C? of Electronique hfarcel Dassault, ~roduced under Aecea license (England). The RDN 80 orovides graund speed, driff, and vertical speed info[^mation. I*.. has already been adopted by ALAT for its Puma and Gazelle heltcopters, together.with ~he Crouzet Nadir computer (see AIH & COSMOS, No 7U2, p 31). The performance of the Doppler does no~ place great constraints on Sextan: the shor*-term stability of the inertfal unit tolerates momentary interruptions tn the Doppler transmission. � _ The Nadir by Crouzet. This unit is a computer frame which combines a display and control panel with a numerical compuher. The latter receives all the data: inertial, Uoppler, pressure and temperature probes~ Cosac maRnetometer, as well as manual entries from the keyboard. Nadir performs = additional filtering Go optimize the calculation of current positions. The _ filterinp. makes it possible to make best use of ~he qualittes of each _ sensor, by combining thetr short- and long-term stabilities. Nadir deduces the present position and performs navigation calculations for a flight plan supplted through Nadir's keyboard, for ins�anee. If needed, it can also supply fli~rht ins~ructions to an automatic pilot. And finally, Nadir acts as a control and alignment frame for the tnertial unit. , ~ 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 rl:t~ Vrl'11.1n1~ VvL' V1VLl A commenh is in order at this point: thanks to Nadir, Sextan reltes on a considerable amount of operational information used on the Puma and Gazelle helicop*..ers of ALAT. This should facilitate the integration of the - inertial unit, whieh in turn should considerably tncrease *he value of the system tn armed helicop~er applicattons. The laser gyroscope inertial unit has in fact two definite advantages to begin with: Rapid alignmer~t: one minute, since the gyroscope requires netther warm-up nor spin-up procedures, as in ~he case of conventional gyroseopes. It is _ easy to see that such rapid alignmen~~ and therefore rapid reaction, are - essenttal for military applications (a conventional tnertial unit requi.res ~ several minutes for altgnment at best); Attitude reference precision of the order of several minufes of arc. In ~ this application, the quality of this tnformation is direetly adapted to fire control, ineluding optical or infrared op*..ical means for sighttng, - location, and aiming. The infrinsically exeellent ouality of attitude referenee of platform units is known to be significantly impaired by attitude dips (s}rnchros, and so on) unril it typically reaches a quar*.er of a degree. CEV's Role _ One cannot overlook *..he crucial role played by CEV Bretigny in the development of Sextan. This participation is measured first. of all by the . flighf *,ests which have already started~ using CEV's Alavigat.ion Puma, _ specially ins~rumented for such fligh~ tes~s. It is equipped in particular with a LitY.on inertial unit which can be used as navigation reference in fligh!:; and it also carries an aequisition and recording system designed by CEV several years a~o~ and known as BOA (Op.*.imal Acquisi.*.ion in - this case, BOA allows the acqutsitton and recording on r~agnetic tape, of the system data at several levels: at detec*..ors, af the program algorithms, at the output of *..he various assemblies, and for the system as a whole. _ BOA uses a Sfena UMP computer, and has been primarily assembled by Sfena and Sintra. BOA makes it possible to replay a fltght test several times on installaf.ions - avatlable at Crouze*.. in Valence. An image program thus allows a reconstitutton of the fliqht and very flexible modifications of the equipment and programs. CEV's partictpation in the Sextan tests will also provide SV2 wi~h ~ constderable operational exper�ise in the use of the sysYem. CEV in faet is already quite familiar with Nadir. Another organization which has extensively participated in the development of Sextan is LNFA of Vernon. This group brings its recognized expertise on inertial components and systems. It will also proceed with SV2 laser _ gyroseope systems very soon, beginntng with a unit designed for missile applications. 32 ' _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Also very noteworthy are the very large tnsfallations at Crouzet in Valence. Crouzet performs dynamic tests on a Goerz table con+�rolled by a computer; it then integrates the unit within Sexhan, p3rticularly for Nadir. And finally, it studies and analyzes the data as we have already indicated. The official support for Sextan's development has been provided by DRET (primarily laser gyroscopes)~ DT~N (inertial measurement unit and accelerometer)~ and STAe (Sext3n applicaffon). The latter tends to play an increastngly large role~ probably because of *..he PAH 2 pro~ram for a French-German anft-*ank helicopter. CEV Test Program Sex* was received on 27 and 28 November of las~ year, wi*h delivery to CEV - at the beginning of December. All the arranqements were made at Bretigny for the flight tests, whtch took place on 26 December despite 13st minute difficulties. - - The first test stage will make it possible to validate the Sextan concept. This phase wtll last about six months with participa~ion from SV2 and CEV. - The second phase will be devoted to evaluation tests as such, beginning in the middle of 1960. This stage will na*urally be *he direet responsibility of CEV. 1980, A Eusy Year for SV2 As we have already stated, the beginning of flight-testing has all the earmarks of a stanificant step for SV2; it certainly imparts psychological confideneP and outwardly lends the increased eredibility which will probably _ expand SV2's conY.aets. In the civilian seetor, SV2 will conrinue the developmen~. of an Arine 704 inertial navigation unit, which will thus mateh Honeywell's. Parallel developments will be carried out for milttary aircraft. Presentations which are considered enc:ouragin.g for SV2 have already been made Go Avions t�tareel Dassault. tn the missile field, 1980 will also see a more = extensive development and produetion of uni~s for misstle guidance and st.abtltzation. One such uni~ will be tested at LRBA with a view ~o tactical _ missile appltcations, and even to some strategic missile programs. Tn 1980, SV2 will begin pre-production of several Sextan systems. The means of produetion for gyroscopes, aceelerometers, and system~ are being installed a*. Chatelleraul~ in an expansion of ~he Sfena plant. The current gyroscope production capabili*y of one gyroscope per month, will 'gradually be increased to two and Y.hen four per month, to reaeh 30 and even 100 gyroscopes per mon!:h, including all aerospace and marine applications. - But one point has already been made by SV2: the flight of a laser gyroscope inertial system as part of a specific applicatton ob~ective, a�.echnologie first for Europe. 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1 IOperatton Speciftca*.ion of Sextan LongituQinal speed -50 f.o +350 km/h (-30 to +190 knots) _ Lateral speed -50 to ~ 50 km/h (-30 to + 30 knot.s) Vertical speed -2500 to +2500 ft/min - Roll t 65� Longitudinal trim ~ 250 X Y load factor � 0.3 g _ Z load factor 0 to 2 g - Angular speed t 50~/s ~ COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Pa.ris, 1980 11,023 Cs0 : 3102 E~ I I- ~ . ~ ~ _ i ; ; _ i , 3~ I I FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY ! APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200060002-1