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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000200070027-3 I I :I - : ~I~'~'. ~ L ~;~;~1 ~ ~3 111[I ~;~~:~i } ' i ~1~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ JPRS L/9034 16 April 1980 USSR Re ort = _ ~ = EARTH SCIENCES _ CFOUO 4/80) - FBIS FOREIGN BROAD~:AST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ NOTE - JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also fram news agency _ transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language , sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and - other characteristics reta.ined. ~ Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets ~ are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text) or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. = Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names pr?ceded by a ques- - tion mark ar.d enclosed in parentheses were n~t clear in the - original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. _ The c~ntents of this publication in no way r~present the poli- cies, views or at.titudes o� the U.S. Governme~xt. _ For fsrther information on ::eport content ca11 (703) 351-2938 (economi.c); 3468 (political, sociological, military); 2726 (life sciences); 2725 (physical sciences). COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ JPRS L/9034 16 April 1980 - USSR REPORT EA~TH SCIENCES (FOUO 4/so~) CONTENTS PAGE I. METEOROLOGY 1 - Monograph on Experimental Studies of Atmospheric Aerosol...... 1 Papers on Active and Pasaive Radar in Meteorology 5 Monograph on Remote Meteorological Instruments 7 Meteorological and Acouetic Effects ~from Artificial Heating of the Troposphere by Electromagnet~c Radiation 12 II. OCEANOGRAPHY 17 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Black Sea Hydrophysical Station... 17 Problems in Three-Dimensional Geophysical Research in the Ocean 19 - Monograph on Measuring Speed of Sound in Ocean 29 Monograph on Marine Gamma-Spectrometric Surveying 31 III. TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS 33 Collection of Articles on Prediction of Petroleum and Gas..... 33 Collection of Articles on Exploratory Geophysics 35 _ - Callection of Papers on Earthquake Prediction and Structure of - the E,arth 38 - Variations in Activity of Weak Crustal Earthquakes ~3ith Different Focal Depths 40 Manual on Processing of Earthquake Records 58 - a - LIII-USSR-21K S&T FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page New System of Tectonic Constructions for the Territory of Siberia 60 IV. PHYSICS OF THE ATMOSFHERE 65 Monograph on Geomagnetic Variations and Storms 65 - Studies of Processes in the Auroral Ionosphere by Artificial Modification Methods 70 - Collection of Articles on Actinometry, Atmospheric Optics - ~nd Ozonometry 72 - V. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC RESEARCH 74 Papers on Geophysical Exploration Methods in the Arctic...... 74 ~ ~ - b - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I. METEOROLOGY _ UDC 551.510.42 MONOGRAPH ON EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL � Leningrad EI~SPERIMENTAL'NYYE ISSLEDOVANIYA ATMOSFERNOGO AEROZOLYA (Experi- mental Studies of Atmospheric Aerosol) in Russlan 1979 signed to presa 13 Apr 79 pp 2, 263-264 , [Annotation and table of contents of monograph by 0. P. Petrenchuk, Gidro- meteoizdat, 264 pages] [Text] Annr~tation. This monograph presents the results of study of the~ physicochemical characteristics of aerosol particles, clouds and precip- ~ itation, consti.tuting the subject of research in a new direction in meteor- ology atmospheric chemistry. The author describes the methods and instru- Ments for their determination. Using a great volume of experimental data, - th~ book gives the patterns for the entry of salt particles into the atmo- sphere and their propagation along the coasts of different aeas and the - characterisLics of change in the chemical composition of precipitatioa in _ relation to meteorological conditions and the advection of air masses and cloud water, collected in different regions of the USSR, in dependencz on the synoptic situation and type of clouds. The author evaluates the con- tribution of clouds and the washing-out of admixtures from the layer be- neath the clouds in formation of the chemical composition of precipitation~ - Un the basis of data from investigation of the chemical composition of cloud water and precipitation a global evaluation :~s made of the intensity oF different sources of aerosols and a model of the cycling uf sea salts ~ in the atmosphere is presented. An investigation of the influence of mar- ine aerosols on the corrosive activity of the atmosphere on sea coasts is given as an important p~~actical applicatior.. The book is intended for spec- ialists in the field of physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and other related disciplines. CONTENTS Page Forpword 3 _ Chapter 1. Classification of Aerosol Particles, Instruments and Meth- ods for Determining Their Concentration and ~isperse Com- _ - position 9 1 FOR OFFICIEIL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY COl'iTENTS ~Continued) Page 1.1. ~lassification of aerosol particles in atmosphere 9 1.2~ Characteristics of distribution of aerosol particles by size 15 _ 1.3. Instr.uments for measuring concentx~ation of Aitken particlea 19 1./+. Iastruments based on the principle of electro- and thermo- precipitation 23 1.~. Ultramicroacope and optical methods for measuring aerosols 26 1.6. Impactor method for measuring aerosol particles 32 1.7o Method for comprehensive measurement of aerosol spectrum 39 ~ _ Chapter 2. Instrumentation and Investigation of Instrum:;*~ts for Measur- ing Characteristics of Aerosols in Network of Stations 42 2.1. Investigatidn of ter.~perature regime in condensation nuclei counter 42 2.2. Aircraft instrument for measuring the concentration of conden- sation nuclei in the free atmosphere 48 ' 2.3. Design of the GGC (Main Geophysical Observato.ry) Impactor and method for impactor investigations of aerosols 53 2,4. Aspiration device for taking aerosol samples 63 _ Chapter 3. Investigation of Entry of Marine Aerosols into Atmosphere and Their Propagation Under Different Physiographic ' ' Conditions 72 3.1. Physicochemical characteristics of aerosols on the southern - shores of the Crimea 73 3.2. Chemical composition of aerosols on the shores of the Sea of Azov 86 3.3. Chemical composition of ae~osols on tL~ Black S~a shores of the Caucasus 92 - 3.4. Physicochemical characteristics of aerosols on the s:iores of the Barents Sea 94 3.5. Chemical composition of aerosols on the shores of the Baltic Sea 97 - 3.6. Evaluation of propagation of sea salts from sea onto land 99 = 3.7. Results of investigation or the chemical composition of atmo- spheric aerosols over the sea surface 102 3.�i. Dependence of entry of marine aerosols into the atmosphere on wind velocity in different physiographic regions 110 Chapter 4. Investigation of Chemical Composition of Precipitation in Aependence on Meteorological Conditions 115 4.1. Method and instrumentation for collection of precipitation samples use3 in different investigations 116 4.2. Method for collection of precipitation samples used in the USSR meteorological network 124 4.3, Modernized instrument for collecting precipitation samples for determining their chemical co~position 128 , 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 I ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Cantinued) Page - 4.4. Influence of air temperature and humidity on cOncentration of - admixtures in precipitation 131 4.5o Concentration of admixtures in precipitation in relation to conditions for air mass advection 135 4.6, Change in mineralization of precipitation in dependence on its quantity 147 4.7. Transpott of admixtures over great distances and change in chem- ical composition of precipitation in western regions of the Euro- pean USSR 153 _ Chapter 5: Principal Characteristics of Chemical Composition of Cloud - Water ii Relation to Macroprocesses ~63 5.1. Methods and instruments for taking eamples of cloud water 164 - So2. Eva�luation of effectiveness of trapping of cloud droplets by - GGO (Main Geophysical Observatory) aircraft sampler at pos- _ ~ itive air temperatures 172 5.3. General characteristtcs of chemical composition of cloud water 176 - 5.4a Chemical composition of water in clouds of different types and - ita dependence on the synoptic situation 182 � ~ 5.5. Influence of industrial sourceg on the chemical composition of cloud water 192 5.6. Chemical composition of cloud water with d{fferer~t microphys- : ical characteristics of clouds 201 5.7. Forn~ation of chemical compo~ition of precipitationo Contribu- tion of clouds and the atmospheric layer beneath the clouds 205 Chapter 6o Evaluation of Intensity of Different Sources of Atmospheric Aerosols 209 6.1o Reaults of investigations of aerosols of marine and continental origin 209 6.2a Evaluation of intensity of sources of aerosols and balance of , sea salts and sulfur in the atmosphere 212 Chapter 7. Influence of Meteorological Factora and Corrosionally Active Admixtures on the Aggressive Properties of the Atmosphere in Coastal Regions 2l~ 7.1. Role of at:aospheric admixtures in the corrosion process 220 - 7.2. Corrosive aggressivity of atmosphere in different coastal re- gions 222 _ 7.3. Evaluation of corrosive aggressivity of atmosphere in coastal regions with allowance for wind transport of aerosols 'l30 _ Summary 235 ~ Bibliography 243 Sub,ject index 261 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 :~OR O~F'ICIAL USE ONLY - COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeoizdat, 1979 _ [209-5303] 5303 CSO: 1865 ' ~ 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 I ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.521.+551.501.81(061.6) PAPERS ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE RADAR IN METEOROLOGY Leningrad TRUDY GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESKOY OBSERVATORII: METODY AKTIVNOY I PASSIVNOY RADIOLOKATSII V METEOROLOGII (Transactions of the Main Geophys- ical abservator,y: Methods of Active and Passive Radar in Meteorology);in Russian Issue 411, 1978 signed to press 19 Dec 78 pp 2, 126 [Annotation and table of conteni.s of collection of papers edited by V. D. Stepanenko and G. G. Shchukin, Gidrometeoizdat, 126 pages] [TextJ These papers give the results of theoretical and experimental in- vestigations of ineteorological characteristics of the clocdle~s atmo- sphere, clouds and dangerous weather phenomena associated with them by the methofls of electromagnetic sounding of the atmosphere (active and passive radar) carried out during 1976-1977. The. collection includes methodological studies on improvement in methods for radar observations of hydrometeors in the networiz of ineteorological radars. The problems in- v~lved in constructing radiophysical apparatus are c~~~sidered. The collec- tion is intended for scientific workers and engineers concerned with prob- lems relating to physics of the atmosphere, radiophysics and radio engin- eering. It can also be recommended for graduate students and students in advanced courses in the corresponding fields of specialization. CONTENTS Page Shchukin, G. G., Bobylev, L. P., I1'in, Ya. K., Lyashko, A. I., Mikhay- lov, N. F., Novozhilov, N. I., Popova, N. D.,'"Complex Active-Passive - Sounding of Cloud Cover" 3 Tkhamokov, B. Kh., Stepanenko, V. D., "Methods Used and Results of In- vestigation of the Motion of Hydrometeors in Clouds Using a Radar Optical System" 13 Tkhamoko�~, B. Kh., Stepanenko, V. D., "Some Results of an Experimental Investigation of the Motion of Hydrometeors and Air in Clouds and ~xe- cipitation by the Radar Method" 19 Zavirukha, V. K., Stepanenko, V. D., "Laboratory Investigations of the Characteristics of Scattering of Centimeter Radio Waves by Artificial Hailstones" 27 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OF'FICI.~?I. USE ONLY (:ONTENTS (Continued) Page Alibegova, Zh. D., Bespalov, D. P., Brylev, G. Ii., Ivanova, N. F,, "Eatimation of Semidiurnal Precipitation Suma Ueing Data from Net- work Meteorological Radara" 32 L'rylev, G. B., Nizdoyminoga, G. L., "Movement of Cb Radio Echoes and Wind Field in the Surrounding Medium" 40 - Bolondinskaya, L. S., Brylev, G. B., Korniyenko, G. G., Plotnikov, V~ D., "Use of a Thunderstorm Direction Finder--Rangefinder Jointly With a Meteorological Radar Under Mountainous Conditions" 48 Kazarina, 0. M., "Some Problems in Organizing Operation and Interpret- ation of MRL-1 Data During the Warm Season of the Year" 55 Stepanenko, V. D., "Method for Determining the Characteristics of At,ten- uation of Radio.Waves in Atmospheric Formations" 66 redorov, A. A., Stepanenko, V. D., "On the Problem of Detecting Dust Storms Using a Meteorological Radar" 71 Narovlyanskiy, G. Ya., Vorob'yev, B. M., Stepanenko, V. D., "Some Stat- istical Characteristics of A~tenuation of Radio Waves With a Length of 2 cm in Rain in the European USSR" 76 Bobylev, L. P., Izyumov, A. 0., Shchukin, G. G., "Refraction of Milli- - meter and Submillimeter Radio Waves in the Earth's Atmosphere" 81 - Popova, N. D., "Determination of the Vertical Distribution,of Liquid- Water Content of Clouds Using Natural Components" 102 _ Mel'nik, Yu. A., "Some Possibilities of Using the Synthesized Apertures Method for Observing Meteorological Objects" 107 Zhupakhin, V. S., Zhupakhin, K. S., "Improvement in the Circuitry of a Diode Regenerative Converter of Pulsed Voltages" 113 Litvak, B. N., Mikhaylov, V. K., Petrushevskiy, V. A., Serebrov, L. A., Shevela, G. F., Shmulevich, L., "Letter-Symbol Display of Meteoro- - logical Data on the Basis of Graphecon Conversion" 122 COPYRIGHT: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A. I. Voyeykova (GGO), 1978 [226-5303] 5303 CSO: 1865 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 - FOR GFFICIAL USE ONLY . UDC 551.508 ~ MONOGRAPP ON REMOTE METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Leningrad DISTANTSIONNYYE METEOROLOGICHESKIYE USTROYSTVA, IKH MONTAZY. I _ EKSPLUATATSIYA (Remote Meteorological Instruments, Their Installation and Operation) in Ruesian 1979 signed to preas 19 Oct 79 p 2, 385-392 [Annotation and table of contents of monograph by D. L. Bronahteyn, A. N. Bystramovich and A. A. Makarenko, Gidrometeoizdat, 392 pages) [Text] Annotation. This monograph glves descriptions of instruments and the principles for operation of automatic meteorological instruments used at the present time in the network of hydrometeorological stations (UATGMS-4M, KRAMS, ARMS). The authors examine the design and operation of remote meteorological instruments used in measuring individual meteor- ological elements (M-54-1, AI~29, M-63M-1, M-49, IVO--1, RDV-3). Informa- tion is given on the instailation, operation, technical servicing and very simple repair of remot~ meteoro~ogical instruments. The book is in- tended as an academic aid for students at hydrometeorological technical schools. Tt can be us~ful to specialists concerned with the servicing and operation of ineteorological instruments. CONTENTS page Foreword g Introduction 5 Section 1. Remote Meteorological Instruments 7 _ , Chapter 1. Instruments for Meaeuring Soil Temperature M-54-1M, M-54-2 7 1.1. General information 7 1.2. Circuit diagram g 1.3. Design ~1 1.4. Instrument installation 13 1.5. Preparation of M-54-1 for operation and making measurements 14 - 1.6. Technical servi~ing 15 - 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ CONTENTS (Cor.tinued) Page Chapter 2. Electric Thermameter AM-29 18 2.1. General information 18 ~ 2.2. Circuit diagram 18 2.3. Design of electric ti-ier~ometer 20 - 2.4. Installation of electric t~ermometer 21 - 2.5. Technica]. servicing 22 Chapter 3. Anemorhumbometer M-63M-1 24 3.1. General inform3tion 24 y 3.2. Wind velocity and direction sensor 26 - . 3.2.1. Kinetic diagram of sensor 28 3.2.2. Circuit diagram of sensur 28 . 3.2.3. Sensor design 30 3.3. Measurement panel 33 3.3.1. Mean wind velocity channel 34 3.3.2. Channel for instantaneous (current) wind velocity 36 3.3.3. Wind dirPCtion channel 40 _ 3.3.4. Control circuit 43 - 3.3.5. Design of panel 44 3.4. Current supply unit 46 ` , 3.5. Installation of anemorhumbometer for operation 48 ~ 3.6. Making measurements 5C? 3.7. Technical servicing 51 Chapter 4. Remote meteorological station M-49 55 4.1. General information 55 4.2. Circuit diagram of M-49 station 57 4.2.1. Channel for measuring wind velocity 57 4.2.2. Cha~inel for measuring wind direction 58 4.2.3. Channel for measuring relative humidity 59 = 4.2.3. Channel for measuring air temperature 59 - 4.2.5. Current supg".y circuit 60 ` - 4.3. Design of station M-49 61 4.3.1. Unit of wind velocity and direction sensors 61 4.3.2. Temperature and humidity sensors 62 4.3.3. Measurement panel 63 _ 4.4. Installation of station M-49 for operation 64 4.5. Making measurements 65 4.6. Technical servicing 66 Chapter 5. Instrument for Measuring Cloud Altitude IVO-1M 5$ - S.l. General information b8 ~ 5.2. Electric circuit of IVO-1M 71 5.2.I. Electric circuit of light pulse transmitter ' 71 5.2.2. Circuit for horizontal sweep of cathode-ray tube ray 73 ' S.2.3. Ci.rcuit for vertical deflection of ray 76 - 5.2.4. Ci~cuit for control of covers of IVO-1M recei~�er and trans- mitter 80 5.2.5. Current supply circuit 82 5.2.6. Control circuit 83 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL US.: ONLY , i CONTENTS (Continued) Page 5.3. Desion of IVO-1M 86 ~ 5.3.1. Design of transmitter and receiver gg - 5.3.2. Design of control panel gg 5.4. Installation of I~TQ-1M for operation 90 5.5. Making measurements 91 _ 5.6. Technical servicing 92 ~ Chapter 6. DV-1 Attachment 99 " 6.1. General information 99 6.2. Electri~ circuit of attachment 103 6.3. Auxiliary units of attachment to IVO-1M 110 - _ 6.4. Preparation of IVO-1M attachment for operat~on and order. of 112 - measurements 6.5. Technical servicing 113 - Chapter 7. Recorders of Range of Visibility RDV-3 and RDV-2 11~ 7.1. General information and operating principle of RDV-3 115 - 7.2. Optical system of RDV-3 ' 119 _ 7.3. Electric circuit of RDV-3 123 - 7.3.1. Circuit for conversion and control of actuating motor 123 7.3.2. Circuit for remote measurement and control 127 7.4. Design of RDV-3 130 7.5. Installation of RDV-3 for operation 133 7.6. Activation and making measurements 137 7.7. Technical servicing 138 J 7.8. Range of visibility recorder RDV--2 143 Section II. Automatic Meteorological Stations 160 ~ Chapter 8. Standardized Autdmatic Telemetric Hydrometeorological = Station M-106M (UATGAiS-4M) 160 8.1. General information 160 - 8.2. Air femperatr~re sensor 164 8.3. Soil temperature sensor 166 8.4. Air humidity sensor ~ 170 - 8.5. Atmospheric pressure sensor 179 8.6. Wind parameters sensor 186 8.7. Sensor of ineteorological range of visibility 186 - 8.8. Liquid precipitation sensor 189 8.9. Sunshine sensor 193 8.10. Sensor of altitude of lower cloud boundary 196 8.11. Icing sensor 198 8.12. S~ensor of water temperature in water body 200 _ 8.13. Sensor of water level in water body 201 8.14. Design of automation and recording systems 2p2 8.15. Installation of M-106M for op~ration 209 ' 8.16. Operation at station 210 8.17. Technical servicing 214 9 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL U~E ONLY ~ CONTENTS (ContinLrd) Page - Chapter 9. Complex Radiotechnical Automatic Meteorological Station - (KRAMS) 215 9.1. General information 215 9.2. Unit of temperature and air humidity sensors 219 9.3. Atmospheric pressure sensor 226 9.4. Sensor of wind para~eters and unit of secondary converters 232 - _ 9.5. Sensor of altitude of lower cloud boundary 235 9.6. Sensor of ineteorological ranf;e of visibilir~ 236 - 9.7. Sensor ~f presence of glaze 237 9.8. Thunderstorm sensor 240 9.9. KRAMS centra"1 unit 243 9.10. Auxiliary devices 251 + 9.1C.1. Remote unit 251 ~ 9.10.2. Indicator and manual input unit 253 9.1d.3. Interrogation unit 258 ' 9.10.4. Automatic oral meteorological data output 259 9.11. Program of station operation 261 9.12. Operating regime of station and form of data output 262 9.13. Installation of KRAMS for operation ~ 263 9.14. Operation at station 265 '~.14.1. Rules for work with start-up unit 265 9.14.2. Start-up of station 268 = 9.14.3. Work of ineteorological observer 269 ! 9.15. Technical servicing 272 9.16. Meth~ds for detecting malfunctions in KRAMS 273 Chapter 10. Automatic :2adiometeorological Ground Station (ARMS-N) M-107 275 ~ 10.1. General information 275 10.2. Sensor of wind parameters 278 ~ 10.3. Air temperature sensor 2g2 10.4. Atmospheric pressure sensor Zg2 10.5. Sensor of liquid precipitation and sunshine sensor 2g6 10.6. Automatic triggering 287 10.7. Automation unit 290 10.7.1. General information 290 _ 10.7.2. Counters group 291 - 10.7.3. Temperature unit 203 10.7.4. Control and coding unit 299 10.7.5. Design of automation system 305 10.8. Group of radio transmitters 307 10.9. Electric current supply unit 308 10.10. Program for vperating station in one cycle 311. 10.11. Preparation of ARMS and installation for operation 315 10.12. Sequence for collecting and transmitting data 319 ~ 10.13. Technical servicing 321 10 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Asaembly and Technical Servicing of Remote Meteorological Apgaratus 325 Chapter 11. Installation of Remote Meteorological Apparatus and Instruments for Operation 325 11.1. Acceptance of instrumente 325 11.2. Preparatory work for installation of iustruments 329 - 11.2.1. Choice of site for installing instruments 329 11.2.2. Assembly and installation of M-82 meteorological mast 331 _ 11.2.3. I:unning and checking communication lines 334 Chapter 12. General Problems in Technica.l Servicing of Remote Meteoro- - logical Apparatus 341 _ 12.1. General principles 341 - 12.2. Disassembly of units and components 343 12.3. Care for bearings 345 - 12.4. Care for surfaces of optical parts 346 12.5. Care for contacts 346 _ 12.6. Electrical plugs 348 _ _ 12.7. Electroma~netic relays 348 - - 12.8. Step awitches 350 12.9. Electric motora and drives 353 12.10. Safety techniques in assembly and operation z~f remote meteor- ological apparatus 356 - 12.11. Painting of instruments 358 12.12. Care for storage batteries and replacement of battery current supply 360 - 12.13. Methods for detecting malfunctions in instruments 367 Appendix 1 376 Appendix 2 378 - Bibliography 384 Sub3ect Index 390 _ " COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeoizdat, 1979 [261-5303J 5303 CSO: 1865 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE OP7LY vnc 53~r.1oi~2:551.510 METEOROLOGICAL AND ACOUSTIC EFFECTS FROM ARTIFICIAL HEATING OF TIiE TROPOSPHERE BY EZECTROMAGNErIC RADIATION Moscow D(7I(IADY AKADI~'III NAUK SSSR in Ruasian Vol 248~ No 3~ 1979 pp 577-580 [Article by V. P. Dokuchayev and Corresponding Member of the US~R Academy of Sciences V. S. Troitskiy, Gor'kiy Scientifig Reseaxch Radiophysics - Institute, submitted for puhlication 21 Jun 79~ = ~Text] Currgntly to stimulate cert,ain mateorological phenomena artificial - heating of small volumes of the earth's atmosphere is used [1]. Several methods are based on heating of air during combustion of -chemical fuel. Fox example, the unit "Meteotron" consists of gas burners arranged on the earth�s surface [2~. Another device uses streams of hot gases emerging f~ om jat angine nozzles [1~. Solar energy is also used for heating; a section of the earth's surface is covered with good light absorb~rs and - space heating is implemented with the release r~f absorbing aerosols into the atmosphereo Tn this respect the use of electromagnetic radiation of the optic and especially the radio range for heating the troposphere is of undoubted = - interest. This radiation is noticeably absorbed by the atraosphere. It is reson,ance with well-pronounced bands of strong absorption saparated - by windows oi transpa.rency [3]. The achievements of high-power electronics _ in the problen, of superhigh frequency wave ger~ ration open up an effective method of axtificial hea,ting of the tropopshere th~,t is significantly superior in ita potentialities to all the listed methods, In fact~ milli- meter range radio waves, especially ciose to the oxygen absorption lines at wave 5 mm make it possible to heat the troposphere in the space of the ~ antenria projector zone. The bas9 area of the vertical air column to be . heated is regulated by the number and a~erture of the antenrias, and its _ length--by the frequency sglection; it can be altered in llmits from a hundred meters to several kilometers. One can essentially create any of volume to be heatedo ~'he temperature gradients in the heated ' _ area generate convective movements of the air ma,sses, ioe.~ affect the = meteorological processes in the atmosphere. An important and new qua,lity of volumetric electromagnetic heating is its low time lag, i.e., the possibility of rapid cha.nges in the absorbed power 12 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE OI~Y ' by amplitude and frequency modulation of the superhigh f`raquency oscilla- tions. This opens up the possibility of creating a new atmosphe.ric emitter of eonio~ inf'rasonic and internal waves. In fact~ absorption of electro- magnetic wavee is accompanied by inatantaneous heat release that laads to - warming of the atmosphere and espansion of the heated axea. The presa~ae gradients forming h~ere yiald sonic effects. For example, with raFid engage- ment of the generator a sonic impulse occurs that is ana,logous to thunder during a ligh~ning disbharge, The e2ectromagnetic heating will also permit - the more effective resolutior_ of a number of other practical problems, in particular, ciispersal of fog above sections of the earth's surface where i~ is~undesirable. We note tha.t anotaalous absorption of electromagnetic ~ waves in the high f`requency range is used ~or modifica.tion of paramsters - - and heating of the ionosphsric pla.sma This work examines meteorologica.l and acoustic phenomena. that accompa.ny absorption of electromagnetic radiation in continuous and amplitude-modu- lated generation patterns. For simplicity we will e~mine the case where the air temperature in the absence of radia.tion is constant in the limits of the antenna projector zone. Distuocbances in the temperature T~ density P ~nd pressure p induced by radio wave absorption are assumed ~o be s~ll ~.s compared ~o the udnisturbed amounts T, P 0~ and p. In this case it is convenient to obtain the following syste~i of equatio~is for dist~r- ~ - bances in pressure and temperature from the equations o`f gas dynamics of ~ a viscous and heat-conducting medium [5]a no~P a; - ~p=PocPxor+q(~, t), z l - ~2~ Ca - ar/ PoK~ = Y-~ ~.s OP; here � y= c~~cv ~ is the ratio o~ specific heat with constant pressure cp and volume cv~ R--gas constant,x,--coefficient of temperature conductivity; po~ + 4nJ3), here r~~ ~--coefficients of first and s~cond viscosity, l~ _ Iaplaca operator~ c--speed of sound, q(R~t)--distribution of heat sources ` _ in space averaged for high frequency. The q sources are governed by the absorption of electroma.gnetic waves in the atmosphere, and ti~eir density equals the product of intensity times the absorption coefficient. We will examine only the so~ces tha.t are governed by cylindric~.l exisymmetric beam s directed along the vertical: - (3) q= a exp(- az)(Wo + W~c.>s S2t] F(r)/na~ , , - wt~ere a--mean absorption coefficient, a--radius of bea~;of electromagnetic waves= W--~an power of radiation; WN--power of radiation linked to amplitud~ modulation of acou; ~~ic f`requency~.; r and z--cylindric~,l coordi- - nates with axis z directed along the vertical. Here it is assumed that Orz~� 1, cXc�Sl, where z~--altitude scale of uniform atmosphere, c--speed 13 _ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - of light, F(r)--function tha.t describes the distribution of int:,nsity ovsr the beam section. , At first we will examine the atmospheric disturbances in a continuoas operating pattern of the transmitter where W~, ~0 in ( 3) , It follows t~om (1)-(3) that the prccesses of establishing the steady-state condition in the atmosphere wi~ch instantaneous eng~ge~ent of the transmitter are com- pletely finiahed in the time ts= (4~(~C, o~ th~a condition cXa � 1 and the Prandtl number Pr~v~k N 1. Asswning a~ km the coefficient of turbulent ~ temperature-conductivity x=~ ~rt2~s we obtain ts~50 min. The tempera~ure distribution T in the medium with t> t is described by the equation tha.t follows froml(1) and (3), s a= r, 1 a r, a2 T, �wa ~4) + r ar + az2 rra'K c-o~: J;~r) where k=P~c X, --coefficient of heat conductivity, We asswne that the beam is uniform gver the section~ ioeo, F~r)=1 with r< a, F(r)=0 ?rith r> a, The so~ution to (4) tha.t diminishes with z~+~ looks like* W~ n: j(2/aa) +~1'i (~1J~(~r), r Sa, ~5) ri ~r' z) 2aK ` ~ J~ (~)~o~~), r~ Q; here J~, J, N and N1-functions of Bessel and Neumann of zero and fixst oxder, Fr~m (~j) we find the temperature distribution T in the atmosphere - on the beam axia with the condition o(~, � 1: (6) T(U, z) = To In( lexp(- az). 2 ~o \ aa / - Thus~ absorption of electromagnetic waves is accompanied by warming of the atmospheric gases in the volume of the beam rK = a, zH �=oc'1. To evaluate - L~T it is convenient to assume ln(2~oc~)a2~~ while we select altitude z such tha.t o(z� 1. Here f~rom (61 we obtain the corre]ation ~T= T- T� ~ aW�~K, which ~,lso follows fr~m the theory of dimens~ona.lity. If one assumes the coefficient of turbulent heat conductivity k~0 w~cm�K~ oC�4~ km-1, we Q~W, K where W should be taken in megawatts, i.e., with W al Mw, ~ Z`~1 K. For estimates we took the ma,ximum value k~ which apparently with neutral and stable strat ifica.tion of the atmosphere is 10-100 times ~ smaller than this amount. In tk~e~e cases a lower power, 10-100 kw is - required for heating the air by 1 K. The temp~rature gradient in th~ heated area (dT~dz) < 0 and for the values adopted above cx, and W on ~ the axis of the cyiinder has the magnitude -4~{~km- , In as namics and meteorology it is well known that if (dt~dz) A, er, = 2~ _ Z- e~ +~hlv,iv, ~ 2 - + 0z)/~O + 2 (~~i/lo) p' AIIA, = 9= 2- eZ/~ + 2(eh/ro) a' ' z/ho 1-q=�= 2-e:/~0+2�a~' _ cahere 2i~ . 2h1 . ~ . ett - to= , ~t,= , p=-, a= . up ul vo to _ The t~ and Q tl values are determined directly from the records in the first or aecond channels. Since z is a kno~n parameter of the apparatus, and hp is aetermined from tk~e tp value and Che speed of sound in water, by having the � value it is also possible to determine vl. If the section has a multilayer structure, in place of OC and p it is necessary to sub- stitute the value Eh~~~i P ' a = t � - oo ~ to - [ 3~= ef = effective]. Then on the basis of the observed � values it is _ possible to determine the effective velocity vef. Since, as in the case of _ an apparatus of the first type we have a possibility for registry of the incident wave in "pure" form, in principle it becomes possible to deter- mine absorption, the distribution of the speed of sound with depth, and finally1 the reflection coefficients. A knowledge of the latter also makes _ it possible to ascertain the density distribution with depth. Thus, the use af vertical measurement apparatus when making o'oservations at sta- - tions, in combination with surface reconnaissance observations, ensures the possibility of continuous detexvnination of the necessary parameters of the sedimentary deposits. Reconnaissance observations are now necessary for - 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' the purpoaes of interpolation between referpnce observations at stations. In turn, the speedy analysis of CSP data makea possible a sound selection of points for observation at stations and the density of such observa- tions. The close interrelationship and interdependence of surface recon- - naissance observations and observations at stations are obvious. Gravimetric investigations. Successes in r,~e development of the theory of gravity measurement on a moving base and the designing of automated on- . l~oard gravimetric apparatus are now making it possible to c~rry out con- tinuous measurements of gravity aboard research vessels with an accuracy to fl mgal if there ia :.orreaponding navigational support. However, as a re~ult of the distance of the studied objecta from the observation sur- face there is a marked decrease in the resolution.of on-board gravimetsic measurements. The gravitational fnfluence of the discontinuity (two-dimen- sional problem) can be esr_imated u~ing the formula [2] - - - ~ ~ ~ _ . ~g = 2rrfQe i ~Z~_zl~~ (3) _ ~here f is the gravitational conatant, CT is the difference in densities - at the discontinuity, h is the mean depth of the discontinuity, z2 and zl are the maximum and minimum depths to the discontinuity~ e is the "period" of the curve. For example. with a water depth ~of 4000 m the gravitational influence ex- erted on tt~e ocean surface by uncon~olidated sedimentary deposits with a density 1.E~-1.7 g/cm3 and a thickness of 500 m, lying on rocks of the acoustic basement with a density 2.6-2.7 g/cm3, with transverse dimen- sions 5 lan ("period" - 10 km), will be less than 4 mgal. At a depth of 2000 m from the ocean surface the gravitational influence of thia atruc- ture increases to 12 mgal, that is, can be reliably registered by modern sea gravimeters. If the measurements are made at a depth of 3~00 m, that is, at a distance of 500 m from the ocean floor, the influence of the above- mentioned structure attains 30 mgal. The approach of the disc~ntin.uity to the observation level seemingly makes it possible to "focus" the influence of the discontinuity, to achieve a clearer and aharper manifestation of = the effect of this discontinuity in the observed field. For this purpose - it is possfble to carry out analytical continuation of the anomalous field _ to soMe horizontal plane situated between the observation plane and the , discontinuity responsible for the pre~ence of the investigated gravita- tional anomalies. However, in the analytical continuation of anomalous _ fields into the lower half-space there inevitably wi11 be errors which with _ the low accuracy of sea measurements of the anomalbus gravitational field can be extremely significant. Observation of the anomalous gravitational - field at different levels makes it possible not only Co obtain a sharper manifeatation of the influence of different anomalous sources in the ob- - served fields, but also to obtain data on the distribution of the anomalous - _ r~ravitational field in space. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In a quantitative interpretation a knowledge of the nature of the distribu- tion of anomalous fields in apace considerably increases the reliability of the interpreTation resulte [2, 3]. In the Soviet Union specialists have developed a damped float apparatus for ` measuring gravity at different depths from the ocean level (Nemtsov, 1977). The tests indicated that the accuracy of ineasurements with the float appar- atus is several times greater than the accuracy of on-board measurements ~ of gravity with moder~x sea gravimeters due to a marlced decrease in the in- fluence of the disturbing accelerationa of w~ves within the damped float apparatus, submerged to a depth of 30-50 m. Magnetometric investigations. Despite the fact that the error for modern r proton and quantum magnetometers does not exceed f(1-2) gamma, the accuracy of magnetic surveys in the ocean usually does not exceed t(10-20) gammas. - This is attributable for the most part to the fact that with low speeds of towing of magnetometers (10-30 km/hour) it is impossible to filter out the - diurnal variations from thE anomalous field due to the fact that their ~ - spectra overlap [6]. A high survey aceuracy can be attained by the place- ment of buoy variation stations or by simultaneously measuring the total ~ ~ magnetic field and the gradient using a magnetometer - gradient meter. The intensity of the magnetic anomalies in the case of observations near the - ocean floor increases more sharply than in the case of gravitational anom- alies [1). The strengths of the anomalous magnetic field at different levels obtained in this case make it possible to obtain the vertical deriv- ative of the anomalous magnetic field. The use of the higher derivatives of the anomalous magnetic field is important both for localizing individ- - - ual anowalies and for determining the par~metera of the sources of anomal- - = ies . Thermal investigations are possible only in the case of observations at - stationo. Under conditions when observations at stations are used for many- - sided geophysical investigations, the carrying out of such investigations _ ~an no longer be regardeu as interference in the carrying out of the main types of work. , In our opinion, the successful further use of thermal observations will = require measurements of te~peratures in the water layer near the bottom - and temperatures in the ground at several levels. A determination of heat flow alone is inadequate for study of the heat i - field in the section. With the availability of data on the thickness of - ~edimentary deposits and relief of the acoustic ba~ement data on temper- - ature in the layer ad~acent to the sediments can be scaled downward into the region of basement rocks and this will make it possible to study the structure of the heat field in its relationship to deep stru..ture. Since the temperature regime of the bottom deposits is essentially dependent on water filtering processes in this layer, the problem arises of eval- � uating the intensity of filtration processes as a component part of 26 - FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - thermal investigations at stations. In such a formul.ation thermal measure- ments are conside~ably complicated and require the development of new meth- oda and special apparatus. The combination of reeonnaissance investigatioria - and observations at atations forma a geophysical complex of an operational character in which it is.already possible to note a definite hierarchy: re- connaissance investigations have a high productivity, but yield information in a reduced volume. In this sense the eollected volume of information can be regarded as adequate for investigations of the reconnaissance type, on the basis o~ which the points for the stations must be selected. In this - case observations at stations will represent the second stage in multi- sided geophysical investigations. ~ Proceeding on the basis of the considerations presented above, it can be stated with assurance that: 1) the idea that there is an identity in the rate of carrying out recon- _ naissance geophysical investigations and the productivity of geophysical investigations as a whole cannot be considered correct; 2) there must be a new approach to the problem of many-eided geophysical investigations in the world ocean in which obaervatiens at atations be- come an indiapensable part of the full geophyaical compZe:t; 3) the combination of reconnaissance (route) observations and observations - at atations makes possible a conaiderable increase in the information con- tent of geophysical investigations and an increas,e in the reliability of the geological interpretation of geophysiaal data as a whole; 4) the planning and carrying out of geophysical inveatigations in the ocean must be carried out with adherence to stages: reconnaissance, point ~ (at stationa), polygon;. _ S) serious attention must be devoted to the development of an instrument - base for carrying out geophysical investigations us~ng the entire water _ - layer and deep-water bottom observations. _ BIBLIOGRAPHY - lo Vak'yev, V., GEOMAGNETIZM V MORSKOY GEOLOGII (Geomagnetism Marine Geology), Leningrad, 1976. 2. Andreyev, B. A., Klushin, I. G., GEOLOGICHESKOYE ISTOLKOVANIYE GRAVI- _ � TATSIONNYKH ANOMALIY (Geological Interpretation of Gravitational Anomalies), Moscow, 1962. 3. Logachev, A. A., MAGNITORAZVEDKA (Magnetic Reconnaissance), Moscow, - 1968. 4. Sokolov, B. A., Gaynanov, A. G., Nesmyanov, D...V., Seregin, A. M., PTEFTEGAZONOSNOST' MOREY I OKEANOV (P.resence of Petroleum and Gas in the Seas and Oceans), Moscow, 1973. 27 FOR OPP'ICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5. Nemtsov, L. D., et al., "Gravimetric Prospecting," PiORSKIYE GEOFIZ- - ICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA (Marine Geophysical Investigations), Moscow, _ 1977. 6. Lglov, B. D., "Magnetic Prospecting," MORSKIYE GEOFIZICHESKIYE ISSLED- OVANIYA, Moscow, 1977. - . 7. Kalinin, A. V., Kalinin, V. V., Azimi, Sh. A., "A Method for Seismic ~ Exploration in Sea-Ocean Areas," AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE No 325573, 12 October 1971. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta. "Vestnik Moskovskogo ; universiteta," 1979 - [145-5303] 5303 - CSO; 1865 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.46 MONOGRAPfl ON MEASURING SPEED OF SOUND IN OCEAN Leningrad I7.~iERENIYE SKOROSTI ZWKA V UKEANE (Measurement of Speed of Sound in the Ocean) in Ruaeian 1979 signed to prPSS 9 Feb 79 p 3 [Table of contents from monograph by G. N. Seravin, edited by Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Science~ V. V. Bogorodskiy, Gidrome~eoizdat, 136 - pagesJ - [Text] CONTENTS Page - Editor's Foreword 4 Foreword 6 Introdu~tion 8 Chapter 1. Methods for Measuring Speed.of Sound at Sea l.l. Classification of ine~hods and operating principle of ineans 14 for measuring speed of sound in water _ _ 1.2. Methods for transmitting data from speed of sound sensors to . on-board instrumentation 22 Chapter 2. Methods for Indirect Measurements of Speed of Sound 2.1. Determination of speed of sound in sea water from temperature, salinity and hydrustatic pressure 31 2.2. Measurement of temperature, salinity and depth at sea 36 2.3. Accuracy in determining speed of sound by indirect measurement methods 46 - Chapter 3. Phase Method for Measuring Speed of Sound 3.1. Validation and choice of the principal parameters of a phase - instrument for measuring the speed of sound ~ 52 - 3.2. Accuracy of the phase method 57 _ 3.3. Phase instruments for measuring speed of sound in the sea 66 - r� 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTFNTS (Cnntinued) Page Chapter 4. Pulsed-Cyclic Method for Measuring Speed of Sound 4.1. Accuracy of pulsed-cyclic method 74 4.2. Pulsed-cyclic instruments for measuring speed of aound in the sea gq - � 4.3. Effect of hydroacoustic and hydrodynamic noiae on operation of instrumentation for measuring speed of sound 95 Chapter 5. Calibration of Instruments for Measuring Speed of Sound 5.1. Means and methods for calibrating sea instrumentation for measurir.g speed of sound 106 5.2. Laboratory instrumentation for precise measurements of speed of sound in ti~e water 113 - 5.3. Accuracy of laboratory instrumentation and calibration appar- - atus 124 Appendix 130. Bibl iography 132 COPYRIGHT: Gidrometeoizdat, 1979 [260-5303] 5303 CSO: 1865 _ 30 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.83:551.351.2 MONOGRAPH ON MARINE GAMriA-SPECTROMETRIC SURVEYING M~oscow MORSKAYA GAMMA-SPEKTROP4ETRICHESKAYA S"YEMKA (Marine Gamma-Spectro- metric Surveying) in Russian 1979 signed to press 12 Oct 79 pp 2, 147-148 [Annotation and table of c~ntents of monograph by V. V. Knstoglodov, Izd-vo "Hauka," 1979 148 pages] - [Text] Annotation. This monograph deals with theoretical problems, phyaical and geochemical prerequisites and possibilities of practical application of the method of a continuoua underwater gamma-spectrometric and radiomet- - ric survey intended for rapid study of the surface layer of sea sediments. - The author points out the high effectiveness and advantage of this method in comparison with traditional methods and the methods for studying bottom _ sediments widely used in marine geology. The monograph is intended for spzcialists it~ the field of marine geology and geophysics. Tables 15, fig- ures 40, bibliography of 103 items. CONTENTS Pag~ Introduction 3 Chapter I. General Information on Interaction Between Gamma Radiation and Matter, on the Princi~~l Natural Radioactive Elements, Their Geochemical Behavinr and Content in the Principal Types of Recent Sediments on the Shelf 10 1. Penetrating capacity of gamma radiation. Coefficients of atten- uation of gamma ~uanta by bottom sediments and water ~0 2. Principal natural radioactive elements as sources of gamraa radiation 13 3. Geochemical characteristics of behavior of the principal~ natural radioactive elem~nts 18 4. Mean contents of principal n~tural radioac_tive elements in sur- face sediments on shelf 22 - Chapter II. Principal Methodological Problems in Marine Gamma Surveys 1. Fie1d of primary gamma quanta in the bottom water layer. Optimum ~ position of detector of gamma radiation over surface of aediments 31 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page 2. ParameCers of gamma-spectrometri.c aurvey 35 3. Calibration of sea gamma-spectrometer 39 4. Parametere of radiometric survey using total y-radiation. Calibration of sea radiometer 44 5. Solution of inverse problem of sea gamma-survey 52 Chapter III. Apparatus for Continuous Underwater Gamma Survey 54 1. General principles of construction of instrumentation 54 ~ 2. Designs of gamma probes for a continuous underwater gamma survey 66 _ 3. NPGS instrument complex used at the Institute of Oceanology 73 Chapter IV. Method for Carrying Out Continuous Underwater Gamma Surveys and Processing the Results of Field Investigations 77 1. Auxiliary apparatus for NPGS. Preparation and planning of work at sea 77 2. Processing of field data obtained as a result of investigations with use of continuous underwater gamma survey 82 3. Laboratory gamma-spectrometric analysis of basic natural radio- active elements in sea sediment samples 86 Chapter V. Use of Method of Continuous Underwater Gamma Survey for Investigations of Sea Floor 94 - 1. Lithological-radiometric mapping of bottom sediments 94 2. Search for and study of placers of heavy minerals on shelf 101 3. Detection and investigation of fields of marine ferromanganese - nodules 114 4. Detection of zones of tectonic dislocations and othe~ possib- iZities of uaing NPGS apparatus 117 Conclusion 121 ! Appendix 126 INPUT Procedure 126 ETALON-5 Program 127 PROFIL' Program 130 Program 03 132 Program 04 134 MINERAL Program 136 _ RATIO Program 138 Bibliography 142 ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1979 [?44-5303] 5303 - CSO: 1865 ` 32 , � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' III. TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS UDC 553.98.061.43:001.18 COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON PREDICTION OF PETROLEUM AND GAS Leningrad KRITERII PROGNOZIROVANIYA TRESHCHINNYKH KOLLEKTOROV N~FTI I GAZA V RAZLICHNYKH GEOLOGICHESKIKH USLOVIYAKH (Criteria for the Prediction of Petroleum and Gas in Fissured Collectors Under Different Geolog~cal Condi- tions) in Russian 1978 signed to press 18 Apr 78 pp 2, 3-4 - [Annotation and table of contents of collection of articles edited by Can- didate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences M. Kh. Bulach, VNIGRI, 146 Pa$e8l [Text] Annotation. This co 1lection of articles deals with different prob- lems involved in the prediction of fissured collectors under different geological conditions. The authors discuss the criteria for evaluating the influence of post-sedimentati.on processes on the formation of porosity in calcareous rocks and the patterns of distribution of the collectors (in the example of Ciscaucasia). The collection also contains data on the role of dis~unctive dislocations in the formation of calcareous collectors (in , the example of the Baltic area and the Vuktyl'skoye deposit) and the rela- tionships among the collector properties of the latter and the cyclicity of sedimentation. Also examined are the problems relating to the modeling of a fissured collector, terminology and classification. The book is in- - tended for specialists engaged in investigations and prediction of calcar- eous (fissured) petroleum and gas collectors. CONTENTS Page Foreword 5 _ Smekhov, Ye. M., "Problems in Terminology and Classification in the Practice of Investigation of Fissured Collectors (in Relation to Modeling of the Latter)" 7 Volkov, I. A., "Mathematical Modeling of Alonstationary Filtering Processes in Fissured-Pore Collectors" 25 Petrova, G. V., "Prospects for Application of the Chloride Method for netermining Residual Water Saturation in Rock Collectors With Low Porosity" 34 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Kalacheva, V. N., "Degree of Influence of Post-Sedimentation Procesa- es on the Development of Secondary Porosity in Calcareous Rocks" 41 Gmid, L. P., Stetyukha, S. K�., "Influence of Secondary Processes on the For~ation of Collector Properties of Calcareous Rocks of the Bashkirskiy Stage (Stratum A4) in the Kuleshovskoye Deposit" 51 Gmid, L. P., "Epigenetic Mineral Formation in Zones of Water-Petroleum - Contacts as an Index of the Time of Pool Formation" 60 Belonovskaya, L. G., "Influence of Dis3unctive Dislocations on the Collector Properties of Calcareous Rocks (in the Example of the Vuktql`skoye Deposit)" 65 Dorofeyeva, T. V., "Relationship Between Dis3unctive Tectonics and Fissuring of the Lower Paleozoic in the Baltic Region" 75 Bulach, M. Kh., "Patterns of Distribution of Collectors in the Upper Cretaceous Deposits of Eastern Ciscaucasia" 85 Bulach, M. Kh., Smol'yaninova, K. I., "Nature of the Void Space in ~ Terrigenous Rocks of the Lower Cretaceous in Eastern Ciscaucasia" 95 Kalacheva, V. N., Patalov, M. N., "Tyges of Collectors in the Calcar- _ eous Gas-Bearing Stratum of the Vendean-Lower Cambrian of the Botuob- _ inskoye Uplift" 103 Dorofeyeva, T. V., "Correlation Between the Collector Propertles of _ Fissured Rocks and the Cyclicity of Sedimentation of Lower Paleo- zoic Deposits of the Baltic Syneclise" 119 Ozyabkin, V. N., "Experience in Obtaining Paleohydrogeological Informa- tion on the Secondary ModiFication of Calcareous Rocks by Ground - Water" 129 - COPYRIGHT: Vse~oyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologo-razved- _ ochnyy institut, 1978 [208-5303J 5303 CSO: 1865 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 I - FOR OFFICIAL USE OA1LY UDC 550.83 COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON EXPLORATORY GEOPHYSICS Moscow RAZVEDOCHNAYA GEOFT.ZIKA (Exploratory Geophysics) in Russian No 85, 1979 signed to preas 17 Jan 79 p 163 - [Table of co~ntents from collection of articles edited by V. Yu. Zaychenko, - - et al., "Nedra," 168 pages] [Text] . CONTENTS Page Y.ata, S. A., Glikman, F. M., "Nonlinear Iterative Procedure for the - Discrimination of Seismic Waves in Interference Zones" 3 Kats, S. A., Chekhutskiy, G. A., "Interference Syste~ With Frequency Adaptation." 7 Yanovskiy, A. K., "Method for Computing 'Nodes' of Kinematic Correc- tions" 13 Meahbey, V. I., Glogovskiy, V. M., Bogdanov, G. A., "Investigation of the Kinematics of Common Deep-Point Travel-Time Curves for Singly Reflected Waves in Inhomogeneous Msdia" 18 Glogovskiy, V. M., Meshbey, V. I., Tseytlin, M. I., "Atgorithm for De- termining the Parameters of a Layered Medium from the Reciprocal - Points of Reflected Wave Travel-Time Curves" 30 Strekozi~, V. V., Kuznetsov, 0. L., Krutin, V. N., Shumakov, V. P., "Prir.~iples of Acoustic Logging Using Reflected Waves" 42 Rukavitsyn, V. N., Kuznetsov, 0. L., Yablonovskiy, B. I., Marabayev, N. A., "Problem of Se3.smoacoustic Investigations of Boreholes in the Drilling Process" 51 - Golubev, N. G., Slavkin, V. S., "Stability and Accuracy of Prediction of Local Structures in the Sedimentary Cover by the Quasidetermined Func- - tional Relationships Method" 58 35 FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = CONTENTS (Continued) Page Golubev, N. G., Slavkin, V. S., "Use of a Linearized Model of the Cor- relation Between the Field and Hypsometry in Methods for the Compre- hensive Interpretation of Geological-Geophysical Data" 70 Lur'ye, A. G., Zav'yalov, S. I., "Characteristics of Summation of Ex- ~ change Reflected Waves by the Cornmon Deep-Point Hethod" 74 Loginov, V. T., "Discrimination of Regions of Uniformity in the Central Part of the Moscow Syneclise from the Levels in Detail in Construc- tion of Effective Seismic Models" 82 - Dmitriyev, A. N., Polonskaya, I. L., Markov, P. I., Sokolov, V. I., Galas, L. A., "Results of Expzrimental Investigations of Sounding _ by the Artificially Induced Field (Near Zone) Method in the Yuzhno- Surgutskoye Deposit" 96 - Brudanin, A. M., Smirnov, A. A., Prityka, I. V., "Automatic Electric Proapecting Modeling in an Electrolytic Bath" 103 Artemenko, V. I., "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Bottom Geother- mal Survey at Sea" 107 Boldyreva, V. A., Kanter, N. D., "Construction of a Correlation Model - for Predicting Structures at the Bottom of the Sedimentary Stratum According to Gravimetric Data" 119 Vasyutochkin, G. S., "Mean Square Error in a Ground Survey" 124 " Krivko, N. N., Rezvanov, R. A., "Evaluation and Allowance for Registry Errors in Recording Apparatus for the Pulsed Neutron Method" 134 Karpova, M. V., Neretin, V. D., "Experience in Use of the Nuclear Mag- netic Resonance Method for Studying Bitumen-Saturated Rocks" 141 Rusanov, L. G., "Commutation of the AKTs-1 Instrument for Operation in - a Conductor and Column" 148 Golizdra, G. Ya., Nasad, A. G., "Reflection of Crustal Structure in the Basement Relief of the Black Sea Depression" 150 Kondaurova, N. V., Levitan, M. Ye., Shevchenko, A. A., "Principal Char- acteristics of Tectonics of the Riphean Complex of Udmurtia and rlearby Regions According to Data from Seismic Prospecting and Deep Drilling" 154 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page ~:ondaurova, N. V., Leviton, M. Ye., Shevchenko, A. A.~ "Geolc?gical Char- acteristics of Regional Zones of Wedging-Out in Depusits of the Riph- ean Complex of Udmurtia" 159 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra," 1979 - [215-5303] 5303 - CSO: 1865 _ ~ 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ FaR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - UDC 550.34 COLLECTION OF PAPERS ON EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION AND STRUCTURE OF EARTH Moscow VOPROSY PROGNOZA ZEMLETRYASENIY I STROYENIYA ZEMLI, VYCHISLITEL'NAYA SEYSMOLOGIYA in Russian Issue 11, 1978 n 2, 180 [Annotation and table of contents from collection of articles edited by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. I. Keylis-Borok, Izdatel'- stvo "Nauka," 1978 184 pagesJ [Text] Annotation. The authors of these papers examine the results of search for the precursors of strong earthquakes, employing an electronic computer for investigation of various kinds of seismological data (earth- quake catalogues, bulletins from the network of seismic stations). The ~ articles describe the results of application of a number of statistical and heuristic algorithms to the probl~ms involved in detecting the loca- tions of possible strong earthquakes, migration of seismic foci and de- - termining the mechanism of earthquakes. This includes theoretical inves- tigations of some direct and invers,e problems in sei~mology: stability ~ of the inverse problem in geometrical seismics, asymptutic mett:~ods in the - theory of characteristic oscillations of the earth and wave propagation in stratified porous media. New modifications of spectral analysis are proposed and investigated. A method for the practical interpretation of surface waves is dascribed. Plew approaches are found for the designing of - long-period digital registty apparatus and calibration of earthquakes on - the basis of long-period records. This particular collection of papers is of interest for a broad range of specialists in the field.of global and regional geophystcs, general and shot seismology and seismic prospecting. CONTENTS Page J Gasperini, P., Kaputo, M., Keylis-Borok, V. I., Marchelli, G., ltotvayn, I. M., "Swarms of Weak Earthquakes as Precursors o.f Strong Earth~uakes in Italy" 3 Prozorov, A. G., "Statistical Analysis of Nonclosur~s of Arrivals of ~ Waves and Prediction of Time of Strong Earthquakes" 14 38 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFIGIAL USE ONLY - CONTENTS (Continued) Page - Prozorov, A. G., "R~duced Probability of Strong Tremors in Some Spatial- Temporal Neighborhood of Strong World Earthquakea" 35 Zhidkov, M. P., Kosobokov, V. G., "Recognition of Locations of Pos~vible Occurxence of Strong Earthquakes. VIII.~Intersections of Lineamente in the Eastern Part of Central Asia" 48 Aptekman, Zh. Ya., Zhelankina, T. S., Shebalin, N. V., "Position of Discontinuity at Foci of Some Strong Earthquakes (Comparison of - Data Obtained Using Criteria of First Arrivals, Microseisms and _ Aftershocks) 72 _ Pisarenko, V. F., "Discrimination of Characteristic Oscillations of - Earth Using New Spectral Methods" 32 Brodskiy, M. A., K4valeva, G. D., Levshin, A. L., "Computation of Char- ~ acteristic Frequencies of Torsional Oscillations of the Earth Using - Asymptotic Formulas" 87 _ Lander, A. V., "Some Methodological Problems in Measuring Spectral Characteristics and Interpre*ation of Surface Waves" 93 iteznikov, Ye. L., "Investigation of Stability of Solution of the In- ` verse Problem in Geometrical Seismics" 111 Barzam, V. A., "Possibility of Applying the Frenkel'-Biot T'heory for Computing Seismic Waves in Thin-Layered ~Iedia" 134 - Kolesnikov, Yu. A., Matsiyevskiy, S. A., "Application of Capacitive Con- ` verters of Linear Movements in Seismometry" 142 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1978 [263-5303] _ 5303 CSO: 1865 - 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.348 VARIATIONS IN ACTIVITY OF WEAK CRUSTAL EARTHQUAKES WITH DIFFERENT c - FOCAL DEPTHS Moscow IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, FIZIKA ZII~I in Russian No 12r 1980 - pp 23-35 [Article by Yu. M. Teytel'baum and V~ S. Ponomarev, Institute of Physics - _ of the Earth, submitted for publication 26 April 1979] - Abstract: On the basis of materials on the seismicity of the Garm region in Tadzhik SSR the authors make a detailed study of the temporal changes in the activity of weak (K~j 7) crustal earthquakes with dif- " ferent focal depths. It was found that _ the variation in temporal changes is sub- - stantially different in different layers. Near-surface earthquakes, constituting about 85~ of the total number of earth- quakea, determine the differences of re- = gime in individual parts of the region. The regime of relatively deep earthquakes (deeper than 10 km) is uniform over the entire area of the region. The temporal changes in activity of deeper earthquakes reveal a close correlation with the oc- currence of strong earthquakes (K ~ 13-14). It is manifested in brief increases in the activity level over the entire area of the region 1 1/2 years before the appear- ~ - ance of a strong earthquake. Prolonged ten- = dencies in change in activity level for , - deeper earthquakes can be used for long-term evaluations of che total change in seismic danger over the area of the region. _ [Text] Materials. This study mak~s use of materials from seismological observations in Garm region from 1955 through 1976. The location of the seiamic stations is shown in Fig. 1. The earthquake coordinates were 40 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY determined with an accuracy of the classes A(fl-2 km), B(f2-5 km) and C(t5-10 km). Tfie accuracy in determining coordinates worsene with in- creasing distance from the network of seiamic stationa [I]. Therefore, - the principal investigations were carried out over an area of about 104 km2. which in Fig. l,a has been defined as the area Sp. In the over- whelming tna,jority of cases the coordinatee in thia area were determined with the accuracy of clasaea A and B. The energy classification of earthquakes was determined using the T. G. Rautian acale [1]. In this inveetigation we used earthqualces with K 7 7. They are registered repre- . sentatively over the entire area of the region. - The position of the epicenters of the most significant earthquakes occurr- - ing in the region during the observation period (K = 13-14) is noted in Fig. l,a. Here, on the basis of data from Leonov [2], we have also shown the position of the pleistoseist region of the Khaitskoye earthquake of _ - 1949. ~ - In the Garm region it was possible to define three regions differing sub- - stantially with respect to seismic regime, regions of dynamic coherence _ RDC [3]. In Fig. la they are designated by Rotnan numerals. The principal differences in the seiamic regime include the different level of seiemic activity and the nature of the prolonged trends in change of activity. The regions coincide with the most significant inhomogeneities in the geo- logical structure of the region: region I coincides with the structures . of the Southwestern Tien Shan, region II with structures of Petr I Range, region III with structures of the Darvaz-Karakul'skiy fault Zone. These geological structures differ with respect to the gradients - of vertical movemente [4]. In this study the examination of seismolog- ical data is made for the SP area as a whole and separately for regions of dynamic coherence. Spatia]. Structure of Seismically Active Volumes The distribution of the relative number of earthquakes by depth is illus- - trated in Fig. 2. The data in the histograms are given in percent of the total number of earthquakes during the period from 1955 through 1976. As - the gradation of depth of hypocenters we used an interval of 5 km. The _ mean position of the seismic stations 1350 m above sea level was used as the zero level surface. Some idea concerning the volumetric distribution of weak earthquakes is given by the maps and sections of the density field of weak earthquakes - (Figures 1 and 3). By the density n of weak earthquakes is meant the - number of weak earthquakes n of the energy classes K= 7-12, nortaalized - in area and time. The number of epicenters for 1955-1970 in the averag- ing areas was calculated for each layer for constructing the density maps. The areas used measured 6' x 6' (about 100 km2). They were laid out with an interval of half the linear dimension of the area. The mean annual values n of the numbers of earthquakes in the averaging areas were 41 FOT~ OFFIC~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY assigned ro the centers of the areas. The dimensionality of the n val- - - ues adopted in this study was (100 km2�year)'1. In constructing the density isolines the assumption wae made that there is a linear change = in the n values from area to area. Density maps were constructed for the first three 10-km layers. Earthquakes with foci deeper than 30 km are indicated by their epicenters in Fig. 1. Sections, examples of which are given in Fig. 3, were obtained using the density maps. They reflect the distribution of weak earthquakes in meridional and latitud- - inal zones with a width of 6'. The n values were assigned to the middlea of 10-km layera with 5-km intervals. The axial lines of the sections are indicated in Fig. l. The cited materials show that the foci of weak earthquakes for the most part (85%) are concentrated in the upper 10-km layer of the earth's crust. With an increase in depth their number decreases sharply and deep- er than 35 km only individual earthquake foci are registered. The density field in the surface layer has a complex structure. With an increase in focal depth the field structure becomes simpler and the . foci of the deepest earthquakes are concentrated in the central part of the region. On the quantitative side the decrease in the number of - earthquakes deeper than 10 km is virtually identical in all three RDC, - despite the difference in their geological structure and in the type of - seismic regime. Appreciable differences in the distributions are noted only in the upper 10-km layer. Table 1 gives the values of the angular coefficient of the graph of fre- quEncy of recurrence y, computed using data ~or 1955-1976. The table - ahows that the Y values experience considerable fluctuations both ver- tically and horizontally. However, the cited data do not exhibit any significant patXern in the changes in values with an increase in depth. Table 2 gives data on the change (with depth) of the mean values of the coefficient of grouping of earthquakes xb, determined for the "north" - (RDC I) and "south" (RDC II and III) areas of the region. The method for determining was described'in detail in [5]. The cited table shows , that the grouping of earthquakes in the "north" of the r~gion virtually does not change with depth: the values here are close to 0.1. In the "south" of the region the degree of grouping is relatively great in the upper layers (x~ = 0.25) and with an increase in depth decreases, tend- _ ing to the value 0.1. In [5] th~ Xa coefficient is regarded as a charac- _ teristic of properties of the medium. From this point of view the observ- ed effect can be attributed to the fact that the high values of the grouping coefficient in the "south" characterize rocks of the sedimentary - cover of the Tadzhik depression, whose thickness attains 10-13 km. In the "north" of the same region, where the rocks of the c~ystalline basement emerge at the surface, the values are identical in the entire depth - range. _ 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . o ~ . . . . . . i ~p. . ; ; Q ; - . : : : . : . . . . ' / . : : : ' ' : : : : : ; . : ~ I ~ I ~ I w ~Il;;i~~l ~ : : : : : . . . . . ~I:, .I~ - i i ~iil~ 9 ' ;i,n;~,~' ,'~II - ~ ~ . i~' ;i;~ , ~ I' ~�'ll~;~ , i � . � ~ - ~{~~;~!~,t~ll ~j p~l; .~:..~r. . . . . . . . I, ; ~ ~ ---:c I ~ I ` ~i':r'i'~(I,'~~Ifl~:l'~~~ wi, , ' ~I~ I li i~ ~ d 'i; f . � ~II'. ~1~;'uhi~ , i~ i ~!I :AS' ,'i. ,~i,' I ; i ~ ~ ~~n~~~i' ;'i;j ~ I I I I I/ 10 I .d. ~ ~ ' `n I~ ~ ' - _ ' ~li ~ I ~ i I j ~~j ii1� ' S SO - _ _ ~ ~ - I I / / 'T ~ - - ~ . . . . . - ; ~ I I ~ i ~il;~ 7 . . . . : I I~ ~ 7 1 I~ t I ~ ~ ~III III ~ ~~~III ~ 1 ~ I ~ ~ ~ i~~j Ii!{ ~ ~ ~ Z s . � . . _ _ I I ~ I n.L I' ~ � Z. q - . ~ I ~C~~~ _ . . ~ ~5 ~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . . . . S 0 5 /0 15X~ Q y !0 ~ 6 _ . ~ _ . - - . i 6 , � ~ ~ a . ~ . ~ . . . . 9 . . % . . . ~ . . . : . . . . . j.~ . . . is. .6 ' ~ ~ ; ~/j /��`~l~ 1 ~ ~lD~10'~..."/ . . ~ . . . ~ ~ 4 . . . . . . . . , . . ~ ~ ~ . ~~a : : : ~ ~ , , ~ . . ~e. ~ � ; ~ ~ . . :~i::: ~ s 9 s m ~Ei,r.~ ` . / . Fig. la,b 43 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 - . FUK UFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ , ~ .6c ' . ' . . . 0 : . . , . . . ~ . 0 ~ , _ ~ �9 . , ~ ~ - , ~ . . ~ , ~ ' ' ~/J ' . - _ . : : . . : : : : � : : *;f. 0 6 -,E' ' ~ � . . . . . . . ~4. . . ' ' . ~ . : : : : : : : : : I?1~ : : ~ � : . ' A . .!S . r ~t , O , ~ . . . . . . � . . . . ~ . . . . � � � � . . � � ' . . . � - . . . . . : : 'l ~ . . � , ~ ' _ . . ~ � ~ . . . . f'.. . . . . _ ~ ' ~ . , ~ . 'a o s,o~s~ ~ - , � B . ` ' - td . o . ' � o0 . ~ � ? ~ p ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ O o ~ , ? ~ ~ ' ? 0 . ~ a . . ~ . .b� ~ ~ � . ~ . . ~ ~.e e. , . ~ � 8 . . ' � ~ ~ , - a � o .i . _ ~ . ' ~ oe . � ~ p ~p � . . . . . O ~ ' on Fig. 1. Map of seiemicity of Garm re~ion (caption on next page). 44 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i: APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Caption for Fig. 1. Density of earthquake epicenters: a) with focus in layer 0-10 km; b) 11-20 km; c) 21-30 km; d) epicenters of earthquakes with focal depth greater rhan 30 km. The density of epicentere is expressed in (100 km2�year)-1; 1) 0-0.24; 2) 0.25-0.99; 3) 1-1.99; 4) 2-4.99; 5) 5-9.99; 6) 10-14.99; 7) 15 or more; 8) seismic etation; 9) epicentera of earth- quakee with K~ 13 (1955-1976); 10) focal zone of the RtYaitskoye earth- quake. ~ , _ N, , . ~ a a ~ a b ~ c - rd - y0 ` , ' ?0 , ~ . , 0 S 1J ZS 0 5~ 1J ZS 0 5 13 ZS 0 S /,f lf N, xnr Fig. 2. Diatribution of relative number of weak earthquakes (K~ 7) with depth. a) over area of Garm region; b, c, d) over areas of RDC I, II, II? _ respectively. 0 - 0 /0 ' :,i - 70 . . . . . . . , � ~.,i, . . . . . - 30 O~C ~ . � ~S 10 , i~~,, � . ZO . . ~ ~0 . _ y ~ . 5 0 ~/0�1~iAr~v ~ Fig. 3. Sections. a) along A-A; b) along B-B. Changes in Activity of Weak Earthquakes With Time = A study of temporal variations of the activity of weak earthquakes was made using time series of the annual sums of earthquakes with K> 7. The sampling of earthquakes for their ~onatruction was carried out over the area of the region (SF) and over rhe areas of regions of dynamic coherence. Table 3 - gives the cross-corre].ation coefficients computed in a paired comparison of time series obtained separately for a group of earthquakes with focal depths 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25 and more than 25 km. The time aeries were obtained using data �or the period from 1955 through 1976. Correlation - 45 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY coefficients differing significantly from zero with a confidence level P ~ 0.9 are underlined in the table. Table 1 - Angular Coefficient of Graph of Frequency of Recurrence of Earthquakes Focal depth, km Garm region RDC I RDC II RDC Ic~I 0-S 0.50 0.51 0.47 0.53 6-10 0.46 0.50 0.43 0.47 11-15 0.48 0.49 0.44 0.44 15 0.47 0.56 0.53 0.43 KEY: 1. Focal depth, km 2. Garm region 3. RDC Table 2 Mean Grouping Coefficients Focal de~th, km "North" (RDC I) "South" (RDC II + RDC III) - 0-10 0.1 0.25 6-15 0.102 p.252 11-20 0.106 0.184 16-25 0.124 0.138 21-30 0.13 0.133 KEY: 1. Focal depth, km _ 2. "North" (RDC I) 3. "South" (RDC II + RDC III) Table ,3 Cross-Correlation Coefficients of Time Series of Annual Sums of Earthquakes , With Different Focal Depth Focal depth, oq81'0B,1O~ �-a ( e-fo , I~i-~a I ia-2o 2~-2a >2s _ km � I ~-5 x , -0,! -0,33 -0,11 0,l5 -0,24 8-l0 ~ x 0,66 -0,37 -0,3 0,84 ii-f5 x 0_7 0_58 0=8 lB-20 x 0,64 0,89 2i-25 x 0_4i >2s I I x 46 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - _ . ~ ~(~I'' year - ~;fr~al~' year ,rq~ ~ ' sor : rse ~ ~ar ~ , . ~ ~ . tMr , ~ ~ J00 ~ . i - ~ 1 ~ . ; . ~ j ~ti~. ' ~ \ � ao ; ra~ z' ; a . ; ~ ~/1{ ; r ,~f ~ ~ . ~oa , . AR , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ � i ? 8 ' ' :L - .f0 ' L�'~J"S 7-- ~ ~ .Q i7 � ~i 1l1 t` � 1 r d~ ~6 7 e i0 1 " /d0 ~ ' ~ . - Fig. 4 - ~ i~ . ~ ~ a /~7 11'y... ~ b , ; t ~ , c ~ ; ' ~ ~ :r ~ ' ~ta.p-? �a ~ , a ~LTB ~ 6 C IO IOF ~ ~ - a ~ ~ ~C ~ t ~ - ! . a ~ ; ~ SO r , ' Z ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ aT ~'f . ~ A t.~ ' : ~ Mi ~�"7'~... y ~ ~ q - / I .I � 7 I / ,I 'rti�~`v' I ' .~ts ~v af m ~s r,ro~ year / Z .f t ~ ~6 1 / 9 /0 � - Fig. 6 Fig. 5 Fig. 4. [Top left] Graph of change in annual sums of weak earthquakes in Garm region. Focal depths: 1) 0-5, 2) 6-10, 3) ~ 10 km. Fig. 5. [Right) Graphs of change in annual sums of weak earthquakes in regions of dynamic coherence I(a), II (b) and III (c). Focal depths: 1) 0-S, 2) 6-10 km. Averaging straight lines for foci: 3) 0-5, 4) 6-10 km Ffg. 6. Graphs of change in annual sums of weak earthquakes with foci deep- er than 10 km in RDC I(a), II (b) and III (c). 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIdLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFP'ICIAL USE ONLY Table 4 Croes-Correlation Coefficiente of Time Series of Annual Suma of Earthquakes - (K = 7), Selected from Regions of Dynamic Coherence of Region in Different Depth Layers 0--5 xx 8-l0 rac !0 x~[ Coaocrasnaerue. o6~aeatet ~ ' Compared VOZ11ID88 I~ I II~ I III~ I~ I II~ ( III� . I~ II~ . III~ ~ I~ x 0,63 -0,i5 0,48 -0,48 -0,63 ~0,14 -0,42 -0,2i - 0-5 rac II~ x 0,07 0,3 0,02 -0,6! -0~28 �-0,32 ~A,5i III~ x -0,68 -0,64 0,08 U,ii -0,i4 -0~24 I~ x~ 0,05 O,U4 0,41 O,i O,i4 6-iU xu II= x 0,58 0,2i 0,43 0,22 III~ x 0,5i 0~59 0,3i , I~ x 0,87 0,55 i0 x~c II~ x. 0,80 ~ III~ � � x Table 5 Cross-Correlation Coefficients of Time Series of Annual Sums of Earthquakes (K > 7) Wlth Exclusion of Long-Term Tendencies _ ~ o-~ ~w a-so io ,~x Coaocrasn~e~e od'retar Compared VOZUIII@3 i~ Ii~ IIP P, II~ IIr P II~ I~~ I~ ' ~0 D,09 0,28 -0,25 -0,32 -0,29 -O,i7 -0,3 . 0~24. 0-5 x~c II~ x 0,i8 0,29 0,58 -0,2 0,32 0,24 0,3 - III~ x 0,04 -0,26 -0,27 -0,03 -0,37 ' -O~i ~ . Ii x 0,4i 0,33 -0.2 0,09 -0,lT 6-l0 ioc IIi , x 0,33 0,05 O,i9 O,Oi III= X -0,07 0,24 -O,li I' X 0,44 0~33 , l0 a~ II~ x 0,4 _ ILt' , x - 48 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ Tuble 3 ehows that the temporal changea in the activity of weak earth- quakea in the layer 0-5 km are uncorrelated with activity variations in the deeper layers. The cross-correlation coefficients in layers deeper ' than 10 km are poaitive and conaiderably different from zero, that is, the changea in seismicity in these layers have a similarity. The tempora~ variation of changes in the layer 6-10 km are uncorrelated with changes - in the layer 0-5 km and are partially correlated with changes in the 3eep- er layers. Accordingly, thereafter we compared the behavior of the three principal sets of crustal earthquakes: surface (0-5 ktn), intermediate (6- 10 km) and relatively deep (deeper than 10 km). The time series of annual sums with such a subdivision are given in Fig. 4. The annual sums of earthquakes are shown on the graphs with a three-month interval. Figure 4 shows that in the changes of each of the time series there is a syatematic component or long-term trend. Prolonged trends are expressed differently in different layers: whereas the activity of surface earth- quakes successively decreased up to 1975, the general decrease in the ac- tivity of intermediate earthquakes ended much earlier by 1961, and for relatively deep earthquakes by 1960. Later, fer the two deeper layers there was a tendency to an increase in activity, so that in the second half of the observation period the direction of the long-term changes in the layer 0-5 l~ was opposite the direction in the deeper layers. - The time series of annual sums of earthquakes with K> 7, relating to dif- ferent RDC, are given in Fig. 5(surface and intermediate earthquakes) _ and Fig. 6(relatively deep earthquakes). The cross-correlation coefficients for the mentioned time series are given in Table 4. Coefficients consider- ably different from zero with a confidence level P a 0.9 are underlined. - Different samples are denoted in the following way: Roman numerals are - employed in designating the regions I, II, III, the superscripts denote the depth of the layer. For example, I1 is a sampl~ of earthquakes from - RDC I with foci in the interval 0-5 km, II3 is a sample of earthquakes from RDC II with foci deeper than 10 km, etc. Using the data from Table 4, it is poss~ble to compute the mean correlation coefficients r between the tiffie series relating to different depths, but - within the limits of one RDC (vertically), and at one depth~but in dif- ferent RDC (horizontally). Their values are: vertically - r= 0.25 (RDC I), rII = 0.04 (RDC II), rIII = Q.05 (RDC III), horizontally 0.14 (0-5 km), r= 0.22 (6-10 km), rj = 0.61 (deeper than 10 km). The cited data show that the nature of the changes in the activity of weak earthquakes in the case of a layer-by-later examination in each RDC is dif- ferent. Ariy similarity in changes in the layer 0-5 in different RDC is also , lacking. However, this similarity is manifested deeper than 5 km and be- _ comes significant at a depth greater than 10 km. It can be seen fram the figures, in which the time series are rep~esented, that the values of the cross-correlation coefficients are dependent to a - considerable degree on t~e long-term trends observable in these series. 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It is therefore of interest to examine the cross-correlatior. coefficients of the time series using these same samples, but with the exclusion of - long-term trends. In order to eaclude the trends the time series during the period from 1961 through 1976 were approximated by a atraight line obtained by the least squares method. Henceforth in computing the cross-correlation coefficients we took into account only the deviations of the individual values of each series from the approximating straight line. The values of the cross-cor- relation coefficients of the "short-period" oscillations obtained in this way are given in Table 5, wh ich was prepared the same as Table 4. The mean values of the correlation coefficients obtained from these data = have the followin values: vertically rI =-0.21, rII = 0.34, rIII = 0.16, horizontally 0.18, r= 0.36, r3 = 0.39. The relatively high value of the coefficient r~I = 0.34 is attributable, as can be seen from Table 5, exclusively to the high correlation coefficient between layers 1 and 2 in RDC II (r = 0.58). Such a high value can be attributed to the influ- ence of earthquakes with K= 13-14 arising in thi5 part of the region _ (their aftershocks and the seismic calms preceding them). In general, how- ~ ever, the cited data also indicate that with depth the regime of weak earthquakes becomes more uniform, although this phenomenon is not express- ed so clearly as ~ahen Iong-term trends are taken into account. The totality of the examined data in general leads to the conclusion tt,at the differen~es in the regions of dynamic coherence with respect to the - regime of change in the activity of weak earthquakes with time for the most part are fixed by the seismicity of the upper part of the earth's crust. With an increase in depth the differences in regime become less conspicuous, but in the layer deeper than 10 km the regime of weak earth- quakes is virtually identical over the entire area of the region. Correlation Between Strong Earthquakes and Variations in the Activity of - Weak Earthquakes - In the Garm region no earthquakes whose energy exceed~d 1014 J occ:urr~d during the observation period. Therefore as strong earthquakes we arbi- - trarily used those with K= 13-14. The position of their epicenters is indicated in Fig. l,a. In Figures 4-6 the sequence numbers of the epicen- ters correspond to the arrows~ which indicate the moments of occurrence of these earthquakes. The correlation between short-period variations of ac~.ivity and strong earthquakes was determined on the basis of abservatiorial data for 1961- 1976, that is, using that part of the time serie~ ?.n which long-term - trends in all the samples with some approximation can be considered linear. The variations of each curve relative to the straight line approximating it were compared with the moments of occurrence of strong earthquakes. - 50 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The correlation coefficient of the qualitative criteria [6] is determined by the expression - Q (~8) (a~) - - ~ (AB) (a~)+(A~) (aB) ~ wE~?ere the following are uaed as qualitative criteria: A is the particular - value of the time series, not less than th~ moving average, oL is the par- ticular value of the series, less than the moving average, B is the pres- - ence of an eazthquake with K= 13-14 in a one-year time period, ~ is the absence of such. The time series ended with an interval uf three months and the number of groups of criteria participating in the computation of Q = was reckoned. The computed values were used in ascertaining the Q(2) func- tions, cited in Fig. 7. They have the sense of cross-co~ elation functions [7], where one of the functions is a time series reflecting the change in activity of weak earthquak~s, whereas the other correaponds to the momenta _ of occurrence of stron~ earthquakes. The argument of the function t= 0~ f0.5, the lag time. Since the correlation between the preliminary values of the activity variations with the subsequent occurrence of strong earthquakes is of the greatest interest, the series of positive delay time - values was selected long (up to +2.5 years). Figure 7 showa that the cor- - relation of earthquakes K= 13-14 with changes in the activity of weak ~ earthquakes is expressed differently at different depths. On the whole, over the area of the region in the two upper layers there is a significant positive correlation (Q about +0.7 or more) in the region of negative time - delay values, that is, with the aftereffects of strong earthquakes. The seismic activity excited by these earthquakes is localized in the upper _ two layers, as is indicated by the low value of the correlati~n coef- ~ ficients (Q =+0.2), computed for the layer deeper than 10 km in the re- - gion of negative delay time values. However, seismicity in the upper two layers is weak and reacts at different times to the preparation of large . earthquakes, whereas in the lower layer there is a strong positive correl- ation (Q =+0.8). This indicates that 1-2 years before the appearance of ma~or earthquakes the activity in the layer deeper than 10 km increases considerably, which is qualitatively conspicuous also in Figures 4, 6. As can be seen from Fig. 7, this type of precursor activation is clearly _ manife~ted almost simultaneously in all three sectors of the region. Fig- ~ ure 7 alse shows that the maximum Q values are attained in the layer 0-10 ~ km with lesser 'G values than in the deeper layers. The aftereffect of earthquakes with K= 13-14 has a local character and exerts a brief effect - on the form of the time series. It is natural to assume that both the area _ and the duration of the effect should increase with an increase in the - energy of large earthquakes. Thus, the alr.eady noted prolonged tendency to a dropoff in seismic activity, evidently, is attributable to the afteref- fECr of the Khaitskoye earthquake of 1949 (M = 7.4). This is supported by - the fact that the tendency to a decrease in the activity of surface earth- - quakes lessens increasing distance from the focal region of the Khait- - skoye earthquake: in RDC I in 22 years it decreased by a factor of 10, in RDC II by a factor of 2, in RDC III, at more 50 km from the epicenter - the influence of the Khaitskoye earthquake cannot be traced on the basis 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 rvw ~rrtVteu, u~G u1YLI ~f th2 data for the observation period. - - Q ~ !,0 ' ' � ` . + ~ ~ 0,75 /1 - 1 Q a , 0,5 - i " O,ZS ~ 0 ~ ~ ` . ~ ~ _ _ozs t _ _ o,~ ~ o,~s + . ; % - . 4s ~ + p . - - ~l i a b � - 0 ;i ~ ~ ~ / ; i ~ - - 0,5 � - -0,7.f ~ . ~ ~ 0,75 , l - L O,s ~ 6 c Q25 - 0 ~ ~ , . . 1 I -O,ZS V, _ *`i. -0,5 ~ � 1 0. J Z.~ ~toB year -o- t -�y Z -~-3 y , Fig. 7. Correlatian function for time of occurrence of strong earthquakes (K = 13-14) with brief variations in change in activity of weak earth- quakes. Averaging areas: 1) Garm region, 2) RDC I, 3) RDC II, 4) RDC III. Focal depths: a) 0-5, b) 6-10, c) ~ 10 km It is interesting to note that as �or earthquakes with K= 13-14, the in- - fluence of the Khaitskoye ea~thquake is also limited vertically: in RDC I, - that is, fn the near-focal region of the Khaitskoye earthquake, the de- crease in the activity of weak earthqr~akes in the layer 6-10 km persists only up to 1959. Later it becomes indistinguishable against the background of brief oscilla*ions (Fig. 5). With respect to the layer deeper than 10 52 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY km, here both at the beginning of the obaervation period and iater the gc- tivity changea were synchronous and virtually 13entical in value in all three RDC (Fig. 6), from which it can be assumed that ti:ese changes were - caused by ot~er factors. In genera~, the form of the long-term tendencies - in change in activity of weak earthquakes during the couree of the observ- ~ aticn period seemingly wae determined by the interaction of two factore: the aftereffect of the Khaitskoye earthquaker manifested primarily in the upper layer of the earth's crust, and the influence of some mnre general - factar, be3ng manifested primarily in the activity changes of deeper earth- _ quakea. As a result, the course of the temporal changes in different layers was different up to and including oppositely directed changes. Discussion of Results The results show that the overwhelming ma~ority of the foci of weak earth- quakes in the Garm region are concentrated in the upper layer of the earth's ~ - crust with a thickness of about 10 km. Therefore, the pattern of manifesta- tions of weak seismicity, e~canined in the entire group without separation by depth, for the most part reflects processes transpiring in the upper layer of the earth's crust. Moreover, the behavior of seiamicity vertic- ally differs extremely significantly: in the uppex layer the c}iangea in the activity of weak earthquakes have a similarity only within the limits _ af one RDC [3], whereas in the layer deeper than 10 km the simi',arity is _ manifested over the entire area of the region. It is obvious fro~ this _ that more 1QCa1 factors exert an influence on changes in activity near the surface. Evidently, this phenomenon reflects the usually observed complic- ation of geological structure of the earth's crust from the deep layers to . the surface (for example, see [8]). It is not impossible that here there is reflection of the course of those processes which form the indicated complication of structure. The idea of a difference In the conditions for formation of geological structures vertically has been examined, for example, in [9~. According to this study, the differences are determined by the dependence of the mechanical properties of the rocks on temperature and pressure; with an increase in the latter the capacity of rocks to flow increases. Therefore, first, the rocks near the surface are more brittle, and second, the life- _ _ time of structural inhomogeneities decreases with depth. In agreement with such ideas it can be assumed that the marked incr~ase in the activity of - _ weak earthquakes in the layer 0-10 km is associated with increased brittle- ness of the rocks in this layer, whereas the greater uniformity of the re- - gime of earthquakes deeper than 10 km reflects the greater uniformity of this structure of deep layers of the earth's crust. Since the relaxation time af stresses at relatively great depths is relatively small, the struc- ture of the medium here is morP uniform and the changes in the level of ac- tivity of weak earthquakes at this depth mare closely follow the changes - in the level of tectonic stresses than the changes in the activity of - eaxthquakes in the less deep la}rers. _ 53 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY /l, RM - 1 + � . 4 + + , s r ~ ~ ' ~ - _ 6 ~ ~ 7 . - e ~ ' 9 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~CEf 60 6S 10 75 t,rad Years Fig. 8. Graph of temporal change in mean annual valuea of focal depthe of earthquakes in the Garm region. - Disturbances in the field of activity of weak earthquakes, caused, for ex- ample, by the appearance of major earthquakes, are expressed more intensive- ly in the near-surface layer and last far longer. This, in particular, can explain the different direction of changes in the activity level of weak = earthquakes in the layer 0-5 km and in the deeper layers, caused by the aftereffect of the Khaitskoye earthquake (particularly well expressed in _ RDC I). This sort of local effects, strongly and persistently expressed in the upper layer of the earth's crust, mask the general changes trans- piring at great deptit. However, the latter, in all probability, ref~pct ~ more important, more general changes in the level of tectonic stresses in the region, which in the last aualysis also determine the appearance of - ma~or earthquakes. For example, it follows from Fig. 6 that bri~f increases ~ in activity in the layer deeper than 10 km aftQr approximately 1 1/2 years ! resulted in the appearance of the strongeat earthquakes in the region. A ' pro~enged increase in the activity level, beginning in the early 1960's, was accompanied at the end of the obaerva~tion period by a series of earth- quakes wit~ K= 13 which followed one another with unusual frequency. Five . such earthquakes occurred in the region (in the area Sp) dur3ng the period _ 1975 through 1978, and in the immediatie neighborhood of the region (first tens of kilometers) two. Such an intense seismicity was not observed in _ - the region after the Khaitskoye earthquake of 1949 and its afterahocks. - It was demonstrated in [10] that active and inactive periods alternate in _ the life of the main seismic zones of the world. In particular, in the ; Alps seismic zone (where the Garm region is situated) seismic activity - changea almor~t simultaneously through the entire znne. It is not impos- ; sible that the prolonged changes in the activity level of relatively deep ; earthquakes which we examined characterize not only the seismic conditions in the Garm region, but also are related to the development of strong 54 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY earthquakes over a far greater area. Thus, in the near-lying part of the Central Asian seismic region a series of ma~or earthquakes occurred in re- cent years, among them the Markansuyskoye earthquake of 1974, the earth- quakea at Gazli in 1976, the Isfarinskoye earthquake of 1977, the earth- - quake of 1978 in the Alayekaya valley. Another, earlier period of activa- tion of large earthquakes in this part of Central Asia, lasting about 15 years from 1934 to 1949, was represented by such earthquakes as the Argan- kul'skiye earthquakes of 1934-1935, the Garmskoye earthquake of 1941, the - Fayzabadskoye earthquake of 1943 and the Khaitskoys earthquake of 1949. Earth~uakes of the same intensity in the intervals between these two per- iods, and also long before the period 1934-1949, did not occur here. It is noted in [10] that the "existence of active and inactive periods in the main seismic zones of the world is one of the fundamental problems in long-range forecasting of seismic activity." The cited data show that in - the considered part of the Central Asian region there is a distinct alter- nation of active and inactive periods. In the light of what has been said, . prolonged changes in the activity level of ~eak, relatively deep earth- ~ quakes appear promising as an indicator by means of which it is possible to _ predict the alternatiun of such periods, and what is especially important, to predict an increase in seismic danger in the region prior to the develop- - ment of major earthquakes. _ To what extent are the patterns ncted in the behavior of relatively deep ~ earthquakes manifested in the total group of earthquakes? Figure 8 gives an answer to this question. This figure is a graph of h-- the temporal changes in the mean annual values of focal depths in the region and the con- - fidence intervals of the h values with a confidence level P= 0.95. In com- puting the h values all the hypocenters for a year interval of summation in each 5-km layer (0-S, 6-10,.,.,20-25 km) were reduced to the middle of the corresponding layer; earthquake foci deeper than 25 km were related to a depth of 27.5 km. Figure 8 shows that the mean annual focal depth decreases from 1955 to 1959 _ from h r 6.5 to h N 4.5 km. Then there is a change in the direction of the trend, which retains its sign virtually zo the end of the observation per- iod. It is evident that at the beginning of the observation period the form - of the time series was greatly influenced by the high activity of relative- ly deep weak earthquakes, associated with tfie Khaitskoye earthquake, and ` rapidly decreasing after it. After 1959 in the entire group of earthquakes . it became possible to trace a tendency tu a systematic increase in h. Against a long-term increase in mean focal depth one could see brief "plung- - ings" of the hypocenters, after which earthquakes with K= 13-14 developed. , Such an effect was observed before some earthquakes with M r 5 in Central California [llJ. In order to evaluate the correlation of earthquakes with K~ 13-14 and brief oscillations of h, the already described method was used in computing the function Q('G) (for the periocl 1959-1976). It was _ found that the effect of an increase in the mean focal depth of weak earth- _ quakes gives a maximum value Q=+0.93 1 1/2 years before the appearance � of a strong event. Thus, the information which is contained in variations 55 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' _ of inean focal depth is essentially the same as in variations of change in activity of only relatively deep earthquakes. We also note the following. As indicated by the cited data, ea~h brief ac- tive period begina with a marked activation in the relatively deep layers " of the earth's crust and affects the entire seiamically active area. Then activation begins in layers with a lesser depth. This, in particular, is evidence that if extraterrestrial factors also exert an influence on the change in the level of tectonic stresses, their influence nevertheless is first reflected in the earth's deep layers and the activity of the earthquakes is propagated from the deep layers to the surface, as if it was caused by endogenous factors. The process of activation of earthquakes in the surface layer seems to be sort of secondary relative to variations of activity at a greater d~pth. - In general, it follows from the content of this study that the appearance of bri.ef maxima in the number of relatively deep earthquakes or brief "plungings" in the mean depth of hypocenters can be used in predicting earthquakes with K~ 13-14 for about 1 1/2 years in advance; the form of - the long-term trends in the change of these characteristics can be uszd in long-term evaluations of seismic danger. - BIBLIO~RAPHY - 1. METODY DETAL'NOGO IZUCHENIYA SEYSMICHNOSTI (Methods for Detailed Study of Seismicity), TR. IFZ AN SSSR (Transactions of the Institute ' of Physics of the Earth USSR Academy of Sciences), No 9, M~oscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. . - 2. Leonov, N. N., "Khaitskoye Earthquake of 1949 and the Geological Con- ditions for its Occurrence," IZV. AN SSSR, SER. GEO~IZ. (News of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Geophysical Series), No 3, 1960. 3. Lukk, A. A., Ponomarev, V. S., "Temporal Tendencies in Change in the Seismic Background," IZV. AN SSSR, FIZ. ZEAII.I (News of the USSR Acad- emy of Sciences, Physics of the Earth), No 5, 1972. 4. Gzovskiy, M. V., Krestnikov, V. N., Nersesov, I. L., Reysner, G. I., - "Comparison of Tectonics and Seismicity of the Garm Region in the - Tadzhik SSR," IZV. AN SSSR, SER. GEOFIZ. (News of the USSR Academy of . Sciences, Geophysical Series), No 8, 12, 1958. 5. Ponomarev, V. S., Teytel'baum, Yu. M., Tret'yakova, N. V., "Peculiarit- ies in the Spatial Distribution of Seismicity in Places of Occurrence _ of Major Earthquakes," ISSLEDOVANIYA PO FIZIKE ZEMLETRYASENIY (Invest- ~ igations of Earthquake Physics), Moscow, "Nauka," 1976. 6. Yule, G. E., Kendall, M. G., TEORIYA STATISTIKI (Theory of Statistics), Moscow, Gosstarizdat, 1960. 56 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 7. Box, G., Jenkina, H., ANALIZ VitEMENNYKH RYADOV (Analysis of Time Ser- � ies), Moscow, "Mir," 1974. 8. Belousov, V. V. OSNOVY GEOTEKTONIKI (Principles of G~otectonics), Mos- cow, "Nedra," 1975. 9. Sher~an, S. I., FIZICHESKIYE ZAKONOMERN(DSTI RAZVITIYA RAZLOMOV ZEIrRdOY - KORY (Physical Patterns of Development of Faults in the Earth's Crust), Novosibirsk, "Nauka," 1977. ~ 10. Mogi, K., "Patterns in the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Strong Earthquakes and Earthquake Prediction," PO~SKI PREDVESTNIKOV ZEIriII.ETRYA- SENIY (Search for Earthquake Precursors), Tashkent, "Fan," 1976. - 11. Bufe, Ch. G., Pfluke, J. H., Wesson, R. L., "Premonitory Vertical Migra- tion of Microearthquakes in Central California Evidence of Dilatancy _ Biasing?" GE~PHYS RES. LETT., 1, No 5, pp 221-224, 1974. COPY~IGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Izvestiya AN SSSR, Fizika zemli," 1979 [~883 B-5303] ~ 5303 CSO: 8144/0883B - ~ 57 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 550.34+699.841 MANUAL OI~ PROCESSING OF EARTHQUAKE RECORDS - Moscow RUKOVODSTVO PO OBRABOTKE ZAPISEY ZEI~,ETRYASENIY, ZAREGISTRIROVAPIATXKH NA STANTSIYAKH INZHENERNO-SEYSMOMETRICHESiCOY SLUZHBY (Manual on Processing Records of Earthquakes Registered at Stations of the Engineering-Seismomet- ric Service) in Russian 1977 signed to press 12 Jul 77 p 3 [Foreword and table of contents of unsigned manual, Stroyizdat, 36 pages] ,[Text] This manual describes the method for primary processing of the recorda of earthquakes registered at stations of the engineering-seismo- metric service situated in different aeismic regions of USSR territory. - The manual contains information on the seismic instruments installed at stations in the engineering-seismometric service and also the general re- _ quirements on the quality of seismograms and the rules for their primary processing and reducrion to dig3tal form for data input into electronic computers. - The manual was prepared at the Central Scientific Research Institute of - Construction Parts imeni V. A. Kucherenko USSR Gosstroy (Doctor of Tech- nical Sciencea S. V. Polyakc~v, Candidates of Technical Sciences B. Ye. - Denisov, Ye. Ye. Zhukov, G. V. Mamayev, 0. I. P~nomarev). The following institutes participated in preparing the manual: Kazprom- stroyniiproyekt US3R Gosstroy (Candidates of Technical Sciences T. Zh. - Zhunusov, Yu. A. Vypryazhkin, B. A. Rotgauz), Institute of Physics of the Earth USSR Academy of Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences D. A. , - Kharin, Candidate of Technical Sciences N. V. Kuz'mina), Tadzhik Insti- tute of Seismology and Seismic Resistant Construction (Candidatea of Tech- nical Sciences B. B. Begiyev, V. A. Nechayev), Scientific Research Inst- itute on Construction and Architecture Gosstroy Armenian SSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences B. K. Karapetyan, E. Ye. Khachiyan, Candidates of Tech- nical Scier.ces V. A. Zakaryan, 0. K.Pogosyan), Inatitute of Construction - Mechanics and Seismic Resistant Construction Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences Sh. G. Napetvaridze). 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY We ask that comments and proposals with respect to the content of the manual be sent to the address: 109389, Moskva, 2-ya Institutskaya U1., d. 6, TsNIISK, Laboratoriya Inzhenerno-Seysmometricheskoy Sluzhby (Lab- - oratory of the Engineering-Seismometric Service). CONTENTS Page Forewo~d ~ 3 1. General Principles 4 2. Basic Information on Seismametric Instrumentation 5 3. Preparation of Records for Processing and Evaluating Quality of Oaci114grams 12 4. Processing of Seismoscope Readings 16 5. Primary Processing of Earthquake O~cillograms 20 6. Reduction of Data to Digital Form and Procpssing of Oscillograms _ Using an Electronic Computer 28 COPYRIGHT: Stroyizdat, 1977 [255-5303] 5303 CSO: 1865 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.24 NEW SYSTEM OF TECTONZC CONSTRUCTIONS FaR THE TERRITORY OF SIBERIA Moscow VESTNIK AKADEMII NAUK SSSR in Russian No 10, 1979 pp 84-87 [Article by Professor K. V. Bogolepov] [Text] On the initiative of scientists of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics Siberian Departmetit USSR Academy of Sciences, supported by the administration of the Ministries of Geology USSR and RSFSR, in 1978 ma~or interdepartmental work began on compilation of the ATLAS TEKTON- ICHESKIRH KART I OPORNYKH PROFILEY SIBIRI (At1as of Tectonic Maps and Reference Profiles of Siberia). Participating in this work are geologists and specialists in tectonics and geophysics of institutes of the Siberian Department USSR Academy of Sciences, branch scientific research insti- tutes of the USSR Geology Minisr_ry and Siberian territorial geological ad- ministrations and trusts of the RSFSR Geology Ministry. - In working up the program and method for compiling the atlas the initiators - of this work proceeded on the assumption that the long-range support of - the national economy of the USSR with raw material and mineral resources, including power resources, is dependent to a considerable degree on the reserves contained in the territory of Siberia. Its territory, occupying more than 10 million square kilometers, that is, approximately ~a5% of the area of the entire country, is exceed~ngly diversif ied ~n geological struc- ture and compoeition of already known raw material deposits. The scientific - prediction and detection of new deposits of petroleum and gas, ferrous and nonferrous metals and c:hemical raw material~, hidden below the earth's sur- face, require a clear knowl.edge of the present-day structure of the earth's crust the spatial relationship of the geological bodies making it up, formed by different rock formations, including those bearing ores. The era of discovery of new mineral deposits at the surface, even in the least studied regions of the enormous territory of Siberia, is approach- ing an end. In order to predict hidden deposits and at the end of the cur- rent century and at the beginning of the future century to exploit suc- cessively ever-deeper Y~rr_s of the crust and its power and other raw mat- erial resources it is necessary to ha~e additional information on the sur- face geological structure. Approximate qualitative structural of deep layers prepared on the basis of existing tectonic mapping methods also do 60 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - not meet acientific and practical needs. It is necessary to create three- _ dimensional quantitative models based on spec~.fic data on mineralogical , composition, structure, geometrical relationships and geological age of bodies which are discri~ttinated in the form of layers, tectonic lenses, blocks, complexes, etc., depths, degree of dislocation and metamorphic transformations. The prototype of such tectonic models, which should cover the earth's crust as a whole or a part of it to some stipulated depth, is the constructions employed in practical geological practice in determining the structure of ore fields and in calculations of the mineral reserves. In these models the size and properties of bodies are determined from the vertical coordinate in the same system of ineasure- - ments and with the same accuracy as from the horizontal coordinate. ~ The creation of quantitative tectonic models, reflecting really eaisting natural situations, will have far-reaching scientific consequences. - These models are extremely necessary as a basis for the reconstruction of geodynamic systems of the geological past, revisinn of global tectonic hypotheaes, formulation of a general theory of structure of the earth and its evolution. The syatem of constructions plauned in work on the atlas is the first such undertaking in world practice and therefore it requires the formulation - and solution of a number of exploratory theoretical and practical prob- lems. Among these a key place should be occupied by the creation and im- provement of inethods for correlating geological and geophysical criteria for the discrimination of geological bodies. Among the geological cri- teria which are established visually and which at present are only predict- . ed in depth, procee~iing on the basis of structural and historical geology , data, the most important are mineralogical (rock) composition and the in- ternal structure of geological bodies. The geophysical criteria, determin-- ed by instrumental remote methods, inelude a complex of interrelated characteristics density (velocityZ, magnetic susceptability, conduc- tivity. They are dependent on the above-mentioned geological properties, but their correlations with the structure and composition of the mineral masses, found under different natural thermodynamic conditions, have not _ been determined. It is diff icult to expect that in the years immediately ahead in compilation of the atlas there will be complete solution of the problem of detecting and correlating geological boundaries by means of geophysical methods. However, it is of very great importance for the fur- ther development of geotectonics, petrology and mineral science, and key groups of scientists must be directed to its solution. Thus, the purpose of compil ing the atlas is the creatidn, for the first time for the territory of Siberia, of a three-dimensional model of the present-day stru~ture of the earth's crust. The implementation of this ~ ob~ective provides for: synthesis of present-day data on the mineralogical compoaition, struc- ture and age of the geological bodies making up the surface Farts of the earth's crust and on their geophysical parameters; 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - systematic knowledge concerning the deep geological structure of the earth's crust and determination of deep bedding conditions of geological bodies both discriminated at the surface and hidden below it, by means of improvement in methods for correlation of structural-mineralogicai and physical criteria and multisided geological-geophysical modeling; _ detection of spatial and genetic relationships in the development of geostructural regions (geosynclinal folded systems, platforms, orogens) - in the course of individual tectonic epochs, that is, analysis of lateral series of aimultaneously forning structural elements; determination of the general patterns of formation and evolution of the earth's crust in Siberia, its mineralogical composition and structure. In general form the continental crust is a system of discontinuous shells (they are conveni~ntly called megacomplexes), of different age, superpos- ed on one another, corresponding with respect to time of formation to large planetary or subplanetary tectonic eras: Prekarelian, Karel- ian, Baykalian, Caledonian, etc. The internal structure of the megacom- plexes is determined by the combination of geological bodies of the next, lower rank. In accordance with the eaisting tectonic nomenclature, these are geosynclinal, protoorogenic (epigeosynclinal), platform (shield) and deuteroor~genic (including intracontinental rift) complexes. Within the megacomplexes they replace one another both in the vertical stratigraphic section and in the lateral directfon. Their regularly constructed, inter- related vertical and horizontal series reflect the dynamics of formation of new and transformation of the already continental crust in the course of a tectonic era. The units of the next ranks, into which the complexes . are subdivided, are structural stages, substages and the geological for- mations making them up. The latter serve as the principal indi~ators in ~ determining where the complexes b~long in the classification. The boundaries of the megacomplexes usttally correspond to the largest structural "reorganizations," express~ri in deformations (including dis- " placements and faulting) of the earlier consolidated crust, the formation of new systems of geosynclinal, platform and deuteroorogenic downwarps, - the formation of extensive inte?-regional surfaces of structural and strat- igraphic disconformities. In geosyticlinal folded regions the base of the sections of the megacomplexes coincides with the bottom of the geosyn- clinal formations of the corresponding tectonic era, frequently lying in zones of parting in a crust of the oceanic type, and the top of the sec- tions with the top of epigeosynciinal (protoorogenic) strata or rocks associated with them which were formed during the stabilization of oro- gens prior to deformations, marking the onset of a new tectonic era. But there are also more complex combinations when geosynclinal formations within one and the same megacomplex are underlain by rocks belonging to platform (shield) and deuteroorogenic complexes. There are also cases of disruFted stratigraphic sequence, when the ancient megacomple~ces or their component elements, as a result of displacements and shifts along subhor- , izontal surfaces,lie on younger formations. Also common are structural _ "spikes" of inegacomplexes associated with "through" identical development 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 _ FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY of geosynclinal, p~atform and similar complexea from one tectonic era ` to the next. These different structural relat~r-~ghips are exceedingly complex, but precisely they predetermine the principal patterns of dis- tribution of minerals. _ The work program on the atlas provides for the compilation of 11 maps of tectonic and geoprysical content, including individual tectonic maps of megacomplexes: Karelian (including more ancient Archean formations), Bay- kalian, Caledonian, Early and Late Hercynian, Mesozoic-Paleogene and - Neogene-Quaternary (most recent tectonics). In addition, specialists will compile the following: summary tectonic map for the entire system of inegacomplexes, map of relief of the surface of the folded basement of platform regions, map of the deep structure of the earth's crust and _ upper mantle, map of the present-day state of the earth's crust (stresses, - heat flows, seismicity, recent movements), and also a series of reference geological-geophysical profiles intersecting the principal geostructural - regions of Siberia. ~ The compilation of individual maps for each megacomplex will make it pos- _ sible, making extensive use of the possibilities of geological-geophys- - ical modeling, to analyze the spatial d.issemination, thickness, depth and structure of vertical and lateral series of component elemenzs of megacomplexe~ not only within the limits of their outcropping at the sur- - - face, but also under a cover of younger platform and geosynclinal fold- ed formaticns. In this case it is possible to expect the detection of new - and extremely significant patterns. - _ The complex of planned studies not only will afford a possibility for solv- ing a niimber of theoretical problems in geotectonics; it will serve as a basis for predicting and searching for mineral deposits in structural stages of the earth's crust in Siberia of different age, including ore de- posits, whose distribution is governed by geosynclinal prehistory and repeatedly occurring deuteroorogenesis. - ~ Within the limits of the Western Siberian Platform the carrying out of these studies will ensure the determination of the limits of occurrence and volumes of potentially petroleum- and gas-bearing deposits of Paleo- zflic platforms and orogenic downwarps, undsrlying the Mesozoic cover. In the territory of the Siberian Platform it will be possible to make a - more precise determination of the morphology and spatial relationships of Riphea:~-Paleozoic structural stages and def ine regions which are of the greatest interest for detecting commQrcial resources of petroleum and gas, potassium salts, copper-nickel and iron ores, etc. Within the limits of the folded structures framing present-day platforms, in addition to es- tablishing the tectonic prerequisites for the formation and distribution of stratum and stratiform deposits, analysis of the distribution of fold- ed and disjunctive dislocations and their gosition in depth in different structural stages will make it possible to ciete-rmine more precisely the 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 FUK UFFICIAL USE ONLY posaibilities of detecting zones and centers of concentration of ore de- posits both at the surface and in depth. An important practical problem of the work which has begun, whose imple- mentation will in large part be dependent on the broad participation of = production organizations of the USSR and RSFSR Geology Ministriea, is the compilation, using a unif ied method and with standard legends, of a - aet of detailed tectonic maps for the territories of activity of geolog- _ ical administrations. Constituting first compilations for the atlas, - these maps at the same time must be working maps, systematically being - supplemented by new factual material and serving territorial geological administrations and trusts as a permanent basis for detailed metallogen- etic prediction and the drawing-up of long-term plans for specialized and geological prospecting studies. Work on compilation of the atlas is proceeding. At the interdepartmental working conferences held in October 1977 and May 1978 at Novosibirsk, - _ the program was adopted, a general draft of the legends and methodolog- ical recommendations were approved. An editorial board, headed by Acad- emician A. L. Yanshin was formed, which included leading scientists and specialists of the Siberian Department USSR Academy of Sciencea and the = USSR Geology Ministry. Map compilation groups for individual territories of Siberia were organized. They are Iieaded by leading specialists in the field of regional tectonics. In accordance with the prepared calendar plan for work on atlas compila- tion, it is proposed that the collective monograph TEKTONIKA I EVOLYUTS- IYA ZEI~IIJOY KORY SIBIRI (Tectonics and Evolution of the Earth's Crust in - Siberia) be completed in 1983. This work is part of a complex superpro- gram for e~cploitation and preservation of natural resouices in Siberia, developed ~t rhe present time by the Presidium Siberian Department USSR Academy of Sci~~nces with the participation of interested organizations. - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," "Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR," 1979 [0884-5303] 5303 CSO: 8144/0884 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IV. PHYSICS OF THE ATMOSPHERE - UDC 550.385 ~ . r10NUGRAPH ON GEOMAGNF.TIC VARIATIONS AND STORMS ~ Novosibirsk GEOMAGNITNYY~ VARIATSII I BURI (Geomagnetic Variations and , Storms) in Ru~sian 1979 signed to press 13 Sep 79 pp 2, 245-248 ~ _ jAnnotation and table of contents of mono~raph by A. D. Bazarzhapov, M. I. Matveyev at~d V. M. Mishin, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 248 pages] - [Text] Annotation. This monograph contains a review of inethods for poten- tial analysis of the fields of geomagnetic variations and storms together wir_n a mathematical description of these fields and their dynamics. The authors set forth a theory of electric field~ and currents in the earth's quiet plasmosphere and phenomenological models af magnetospheric sub- stiorms. The monograph describes a new class of geomagnetic b-fields, each _ of which is a response of the earth's magnetic field to a change in one of the parameters of the solar wind. Methods for computing three-dimen- sional systems of electric currents in the geomagnetosphere are given us- ing surfa~e data and the first results of their use. The book is intended for geophys-icists, space physicists and students in the corresponding fields of specialization. _ - CONTENTS Page Foreword 3 Ch~pter l. General Information on the Earth's Magnetosphere 5 1.1, Structure 5 1.2. Some fundamental processas 12 References 15 Chapter 2, Methods for Potential Analysis of Fields of Geomagnetic Varia- tions 17 2.1. Spherical harmonic analysis of fields of geomagnetic variations 18 ~ 2.1.1. Analytical representation of geomagnetic fields lg 2.102o Algorithms for spherical harmonic analysis 21 2.1.3. Some practical reco*mnendations 26 2.2. Spherical analysis of satellite and archeopaleomagnetic data 28 2.2.1. Sa`ellite data 28 - 2.2.2o Archeopaleomagnetic data 30 65 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE O~TLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE OPTLLY CONTENTS (Continued) page - 2.3o Analytical representation of disturbed variations of the geomagnetic field on a part of a sphere 34 2.3.1. Repres~ntation of the potential of polar magnetic sub- storms in cylindrical coordinates 35 2.3.2. Analytical representation of disturbed geomagnetic fields _ in a limited polygon 37 _ 2.4. Method of surface integrals 40 2.4.1o Computation of total potential 40 2.4.2. Separation of potential into external and internal parts 43 R - 2.403, Comparison of inethod of surface integrals with spherical _ - harmonic analysis metfiod 46 2.5, Other methods for computing magnetic potential 47 2,5.1. Computation of potential from Poiss~n equation 47 2.5.2. Approximate method for constructing the equivalent currents of magnetic variations 50 - References 51 _ Chapter 3. Selection of Optimum Spectrum of Spherical Harn~onics Ap- proximating Field of Geomagnetic Variations 56 3.1. Selection of optimum spectrum of harmonics the fun~:lamental profilem in analytical representation of geomagnetic fields 56 - 302. Mathematical aspects of the problem of analytical representation tion 60 3.2.1. Least squares method. Conditionality of linear systems 60 3.2.2. Correctness of problem of analytical representation. Regularization (2 - 3.3~ Spectrum selection methods based on orthogonalization of base functions 64 3.3.1o Oxthogonalization of linear system 54 3,3.2o Application of statistical methods for hecking hypo- theses for optimization of spectrum ~Gk~ 65 :s.3.3o Choice of optimum spectrum on basis of evaluation of errors = in spherical expansion coefficients 68 3.4. New method for choosing optimum spectrum 70 ' - 3o4a1. Necessity for developing a new method 70 - 3.4.2. Choice of spectrum ~Gk~ from maximum contribution 71 3.4.3. Modification of inethod 74 3.4.4. Applicability of new method 7g ~ 3.5~ Determination of three-dimensional systems of electric fields ' and electric currents in the magnetosphere using data on geo- magnetic distuxbances 79 3,5.1. Approximaticn of a model of uniform ionospheric conduc- tivity 79 3.5.2. Determination of three-dimensional systems of e?ectric fields and currents in the magnetosphere in the high lat- itudes 82 66 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3.5.3. Global model in three-dimensional approximation 85 _ - Referencea 93 - , Chapter 4. Sq Variatians and Theory of Atmospheric Dynamo 97 = 4.1. Introduction 97 4.2, Two-dimensional theory of atmospheric dynamo 98 4.2~1. Dynamo fieI.d 98 4.2~2. Fuadamental simplificaCiona of two-dimeneional model 100 - 4.2.3o Conductivity tensor 101 4,2a4. ~ao-dimensional dynamo equation 102 4.2a5. Solution of dynamo equation in the special case ~,ik = const const 103 ' 4.2,6. Conductivity tensor with 0~~ ~ 4"1 105 4.2.7. Ilynamo Pquation for small-scale winds 106 4a2.8, Conductivity tensor for geomagnetic equator 108 ~ 402.9o Dynam~ equation for geomagnetic equator 111 � 4.3. Analysis of equations of two-dimensional dynamo theory 113 4.3.1o Computations of Sq currents in two-dimensional approxi- mation 113 ~ 4.3.2. Role of equatorial emf in creation of Sq currents 115 4~3a3. Interrelationship of middle-latitude and equatorial ' - currents 116 4,3.4. Flow of electric currents from the high latitudes 118 _ 4.3.5. Ilynamics of Sq currents in two-dimensional approximation 119 . 4.3.6. Vertical circulation of electrical currents and taroidal magnetic fields 122 4.3.7. Role of winds in the ionospheric F layer in creating Sq currents 12~ ` 404. Problem of determining ionospheric winds from surface data on Sq variations 125 404.1. Role of poten~ial and eddy emf in creating Sq currents 125 4.4.2. Determination of ionospheric winds fram mean daily Sq cur- rents 126 4.4.3. Determination of ionospheric winds from data on UT ~ changes in SQ currents 129 4.4.4. Unambiguity in determining winds using data on UT changes - of Sy currents 132 4.5. Three-dimensional tneory of atmospheric dynamo 133 - 4.5.1. Boundary conditions and three-dimensional model 133 405.2. Analysis in framer~ork of special model 135 4.5.3. Dependence of longituciinal currents on longitudinal con- d~ctivity in earth's magnetosphere 138 4.5.4. ~ymmetry of parameters at magnetically con,jugate points of the ionospheric E layer and ].ongitudinal currents 140 405.5. Equations of three-dimensional dynamo theory 143 4.5.6. Dynamics of Sq currents with allowance for longitudinal currents 145 - 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.5.7. Models of longitudinal middle-latitude dynamo currente 147 4.5.8. Theory of atmospheric dynamo for model of open geomag- netosphere 150 4.6. Basic source of Sq currents and prospects for developing ~ the dynamo theory 153 - 4.6.1. Magnetospheric-ionospheric relationships and electric fields 153 4.6.2. On the re3istribution of ionization in the middle and low latizudes by longitudinal currents 154 . 4.7. Su~nary 156 R~ferences 156 Chapter 5. Geomagnetic Variations Created by Changes in Solar Wind _ Parameters 163 5.1. Sp field representing the main system of magnetospheric con- - vection 163 5.2. Dependence of magnetospheric con~ection and Sp fields on IMF Bz q 169 5.3o Effect of IMF By Svalgaard-Mansurov effect 173 5.4. Geomagnetic effecte of quasiviscous interaction 175 5.4.1. Cl~ currents 5.4.2. Longitudinal currents of system 179 - 5.5~ Geomagnetic effects of inerging of IMF and earth's magnetic fie~d 179 References ~ 184 ~ Chapter 6. Magnetospheric and Magnetic Substorms 189 6.1. Introduction 189 , 6.2. Generation phase 191 6.2.1. Basic information 191 , 6.2.2. Beginning of generation phase in magnetospheric slot zone 193 ~i.2.3. Development of convection and DP-2 currents 205 - 6.2.4. Polar electro~et PEJ 2~7 6.2.5. Longitudinal magnetospheric currents 210 6.2.6. Changes in magnetic field in tail and thinaing of plasma 213 6.2.7. Initial phase of substorm with northerly IMF' and after first substorm in series 21b � 6.3. Explosive phase of substorm and relaxation phase 218 6,3.1. Multiple commencement3 of substorms and jumplike develop- ment of westerly electrojet 218 ' _ 6.3.2. Convectional bays 222 _ 6.3.3. Local characteristics of substorm development 223 6.3.4. Magnetospheric currents in explosive and recovery pha3es using averaged data 229 6.3.5. Changes in magnatic field in tail, thinning and reatoration - - of plasma layer 231 - 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ CONTENTS (Continued) p8ge 6.3.6. Zt~o modele of substorm 233 6.3.7. Longitudinal electric fields 234 6.3.8. Ei induction fields and joining in plaems layer 236 ~.4. Summary 236 References 238 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stwo "Nauka", 1979 [214-5303] _ 5303 CSO; 1865 ` 69 FOR OFFICIl~L USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 r~cc urrt~itw U~~ UNLI( ~ STUDIES OF PROCESSES IN THE AURORAL IONOSPHERE BY ARTIFICIAL MODIFICATION - METHODS Apatity ISSLEDOVANIYA PROTSESSOV V AVRORAL'NOY IONOSFERE METODAMI AKTIV- NOGO VOZDEYSTVIYA (Stuclies of Processes in the Auroral Ionosphere by Ar- - tificial Modification Methods) i~ Russian 1978 signed to press 13 Dec 78 - p 119 [Table of contents of collect~on of articles edited by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 0. M. Raspopov, Kola Affiliate USSR Academy of Sciences, 1978 126 pagea] CONTENTS Page Velikhov, Ye. P., Raspopov, 0. M., Volkov, Yu. M., Zotov, A. V., - Dreyzin, Yu. A., Sverdlov, Yu. L., Zarnitskiy, Yu. F., Sukh- - orukova, V., Shul'gina, N. V., '�Ionospheric Effects in a Geo- physical Experiment With a Powerful A4ID Generator" 3 ' Kapustin, I. N., Raspopo-~, 0. M., Arykov, A. A., V.asil'yev, A. N., Galakhova, N. V., Korneva, I. K., Larin, V. F., Smirnov, S., - "Polarization of Artificial VLF Emiasions in Auroral Zon~" 14 Vasil'yev, A. N., Larin, V. F., Smirnov, V. S., "Excitation of Non- linear Currents in the Auroral Electro3et by Powerful SW Radiation" 20 - Arykov, A. A., "Ionospheric Ret~ponse to the Pulsed Triggering of Sur- face Horizontal Currents" 30 _ Bardeyev, I. N., Kapustin, I. N., Kravtsov, A. D., Raspopov, 0. M., - . Royzer~, A. M., U1'yanchenk~, A. A., "Results of Obaervations Carried Out During Vertical Sounding of the Region of the High- Latitude Innosphere Disturbed by Powerful Radioemission" 43 - Vartan'yan, S. S., Gorokhov, N. A., Kalitenkov, N. V., Pertsovskiy, R. A., "Nonlinear Diatortions of the Radid Signal Spectrum During Periods of Ionospheric Disturbances" 51 70 FOR OFFICIAI~ USE ONLY _ , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFI(:IAL USE ONLY - CONTENTS (Continued) page Uspenskiy, M. V., Timofeyev, Ye. Ye., Sverd~ov, Yu. L., "'Arake' Ex- peri,ment. Doppler Radar Measuremen�s of the Effects of In~ection of an Aitificial Electron Beam into the Northern Hemiaphere Iono- sphere" 57 Zhulin, A., Kustov; A. V., Uapenskiq, M. V., Miroshnik,ova, T. V., "Radar Observations of Denae. Ionization Created by an Artificial Electran Beam" . Zarnitskiy, Yu. F., Pyatsi, A. Rh., Sverdlov, Yu. L., "Surface Radio- physical Observations of the Leakage of Particles in a Magnetically Con3ugate R~egion in the Northern Hemisphere in the Soviet-French 'Araka' Experiment" , gq Molchanov, 0. A., Shchekotov, A. Yu., "Excitation of Oscillations of Iono~pheric Electric Currents" g~ - Molchanov, 0. A., Mogilevskiy, M. M., Mal'tseva, 0. A., Rrechetov, V. A., "Possibility of Stimulation of Turbulence in the Polar Mag- _ netosphere: First Results of 'MINI-~ 106 _ COPYRIGHT: Kol'skiy filial AN SSSR, 1976 [250-5303] 5303 CSO: 1865 4 71 FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 551.521.12+551.593+551.510.534 _ COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON ACTINOMETRY, ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS AAID OZONOMETRY Leningrad TRUDY GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESI:OY OBSERVATORII: AKTINOMETRIYA, ATMO- SFERNAYA OPTIKA I OZONOMETRIYA (Transactions of the Main Geophysical Ob- servatory:' Actinometry, Atmospherie Optics and Ozonometry) in Russian Is- sue 406, 1978 signed to press 1 Dec 78 pp 2, 125 _ ~Annotation and table of contents from collection of papers edited by Doc- tor of Technical Sciences G. P. Gushchin, Gidrometeoizdat, 126 pages] [Text] Annotation. This collection of articles includes papers on the methods used and the results of ineasurement of components of the radia- tion balance, atmospheric spectral transparency and aerosol, range of visibility and total content of atmospheric ozone. The collection of ar- ~ - Cicles is intended for scientific workers and specialists in the field , of atmospheric physics. CONTENTS Page � ; Bazhenov, V. A., "Principle for Constructing Automatic Ozonometers ; With Direct Reading" 3 _ Brichkov, Yu. I., Sklyarov, Y'u. A., "Actinometer With a Variable Aper- ture for Measuring the Brightness Distribution in the Circumsorar Aureole" 13 Gnilovskoy, Ye. V., "Light Scattering in the Atmosphere of a Planet With a Nonisotropic I~eflecting Surface" 21 Goryshin, V. I., "Accuracy in Measuring the Range of Visibility Using , Atmospheric Transparency Recorders" 30 _ Goryshin, V. I., Kovalev, V. A., "Method for Instrumental Determination of the Range of Visibilityof Lights on a Landing Strip" 38 Gushchin, G. K., "Thermal Decay of Ozone from the Point of View of the Kinetic Theory of Gases" 46 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 I FOFL OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) page Gushchin, G. K., "ActinometLic and Meteorological Observations in the Y.aradag During the Partial Solar Eclipse of 29 April 1976" 51 Gushchin, G. P., "On the Method for Measuring the Total Content of At- ~ mospheric Ozone in the World Network of Stations" 63 _ Gushchin, G. P., "The Theory of Annual and Latitudinal Variations of Atmospheric Ozone" 76 Zachek, S. I., Barashkova, Ye. P., �tlmprovement in a System of Ground Actinometric Observations in Relation to the Practical Use of Ac- tinometric Information" 85 Osechkin, V. V., Samoylovich, V. G., "Investigation af the Concentra- tion of Atmospheric Ozone on Jet Aircraft by the Electrochemical Method" 95 Paramonova, N. N., Brounahteyn, A. M., Frolov, A. D., "Syatematic Errors in Determination of Spectral Transmission of the Entire Thickness of the Atmosphere and the Coefficients of Continuous At- tenuation in the IR Spectral Region" 101 Nikitinskaya, N. I., Tsvetkova, V. N., "Correlation Between Background Atmospheric Turbidity and the Synoptic Situation" 115 COPYRIGHT: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. Ae I. Voyeykova (GGO), 1978 [227-5303] 53Q3 CSO: 1865 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY V. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC RESEARCH UDC ~50.83(98) PAPERS ON GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION METI~ODS IN THE ARCTIC Leningrad GEOFIZICHESKIYE METODY RAZVEDKI V ARKTIKE (Geophysical Explora- tion Methods in the Arctic) in Russian 1978 signed to press 24 Aug 78 pp 2, 3-5 jAnnotation and table of contents of collection of papers edited by G. I. : Gaponenko, e~t al., Scientific Research Institute of Arctic Geology, 165 PaBegl [TextJ Annotation. This collection of articles continues the publication of e~aterials related to the problems involved in the methods, technology and economy of marine geophysical studies on the shelf of arctic and east- ern seas of the USSR and in individual regions of the world ocean. The - authors analyze problems relating to the physical geology and interpreta- tion methods in the geomagnetic and geoelectric stud~ of the bottom aec- - tion of oceanic and shelf regions. The papers give the results of ~oint analysis and computer processing of magnetic and gravitational fields of the northeastern nart of the Siberian platform and also data on study of variation of the geomagnetic field on the shelf and experimental formula- tion of electric proepecting work d::~r.2 while the ship is in movement. Also diecusaed are the problems relat3ng to the methods for carrying out highly precise aeromagnetic surveys. The principal methodological pro- cedures for the interpretation of these materials are characterized and � described. Attention is givan to further investigation of the possibilit- ~ ies of the spectral-spatial method for separation of the anomalous magnetic field. A number of articles are devoted to the method for marine aeismic investigations on the shelf and work on the problems involved in their in- terpretation. Included are materials relating to the snathematical support ~ (for programming purposes) of solution of the problem of constructing a seismic discontinuity in an inhomogeneous medium and also relating to individual problems in the processing and interpretation of gravitational data and explaining the geological reasons for the seismological activity of individual sectors of the shelf. : 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS Page I. General Problems in Geophysical Research, Regional Geology Gorodnitskiy, A. M., Litvinov, E. M., Luk'yanov, S. V., Khutorakoy, M. D., "Geomagnetic Study of the Atlantis Fault and Characteris- tics of the Heat Field in This Region" 7 Kholmyanskiy, M. A., "Role of Natural Electric Fields in Formation of Marine Ore Deposits" 16 Gurevich, I~. I., "Magnetic Properties of Oceanic Rocks and Source of Oceanic Magnetic Anomalies" 25 Piskarev, A. L., Manukhova, A. V., Ozolin, S. I,, Kutashova, A. I., "Anaiysis of the Magnetic and Gravity Fields Over Phanerozoic Zones of Deep Faults of the Northeastern Part of the Siberian Platform" 36 II. Technology, Economics and Methods for Geophyaical Work Orlov, A. N., "On the Problem of the Stages and Scales of Sea Seismic Work" 45 Karasik, A. M., "Defense of the Principal Aspects of the Method for Quantitative Interpretation of an Anomalous Magnetic Field of the Oceanic Type" 56 Matveyev, Yu. I., Pavlenkin, A. D., "Observation Systems for Carrying Out Work by the Refracted Waves Method in Water Areas Using a String of Detectors on the Bottom" 64 Alekhin, S. V., Shipel'kevich, Yu. V., "Determination of the Parameters of an Inverse Filter in the Suppression of Reverberation Waves" 72 Palamarchuk, V. K., Balashov, I. Z., Berezuyeva, N. A., Kutashova, A. I., "On the Problem of Discriminating Magnetic Anomalies of the ~ Same Sign" 77 Karasik, A. i~f., Sokolov, A. M.9 "Allowance for Variations in an Aero- magnetic Survey of the Arctic Basin" 83 Petrova, A. A., "Use of the Spectral-Correlation Analysis Method in the Preliminary Research Stage" 93 Frantsuzov, I. Ya., "Ship Maneuvering in Surface Gravimetric Measure- ments" 99 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200074427-3 rva~ vrrtVitlL UJ~ V1YLL CONTENTS (Continued) � Page Prokhorova, I. A., "Application of Statistical Processing Methods to the Results of Measurements of the Magnetic Properties of Oceanic Basalts" 112 - Litinskiy, V. A., "Evaluation of Accuracy in Constructing Anomalous Gravity Maps in a Universal Reduction" 121 - - III. Scientific Communications Palamarchuk, V. K., Malyavkin, A. M., Karasik, A. M., Shimarayev, V. N., Balashev, I. Z., Shchelovanov, V. G.., Yakimenko, K. K., "Possibility of Carrying Out a Highly Precise Aeromagnetic Survey Under Conditions of Arctic Shelf Seas" 129 Ivanov, S. S., "Formation of Passive Continental Mar~ins of tlie 'Butt' Tyne~~ 134 Simovskiy, I. S., "Al~orithm for Constructing a Refracting Seismic Dis- continuity in an Inhomogeneous Medium" 139 i Avetisov, G. P., "Focal Mechanism of One Arctic Earthquake" 145 Volk, V. E., Petrova, A. A., "Possibility of Using the Spectral-Spatial Analysis Method in a Comprehensive Geophysical Study of the Earth's Crust" 149 Daragan-Sushchova, L. A., Toporskaya, L. P., "Use of Graphs of the Den- sity of Reflections in the Discrete Correlation of Reference Reflect- ing Horizons Between the Land and Water Areas" 154 Vishnyakov, A. E., "Some Results of Investigations of Apparatus for Mar- ine Electric Prospecting by the Method of Induction of an Artificial _ Field During the Motion of a Vessel" 158 Rzhevskiy, N. N., "On the Problem of Allowance for Correlation of Vari- iations of the Geomagnetic Field in Marine Aeromagnetic Surveys" 160 COPYRIGHT: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geologii Arktiki (NIIGA), 1978 [228-5303] 5303 -END- CSO: 1865 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200070027-3