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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R0002000900'1 S-4 ~ ~ JUNE ~~~Q ~ t ~~U~ ~ ~ ~ ~F ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 F'OR O~FiCIAL U5E ONLY JPRS L/9129 6 June 1980 . - U SS R Re ort ~ EARTH SCIENCES t~OU~ 5/80) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCA~T IN~'ORMATION SERVICE - ~ _ ~:I_ - FOR OFFICIAL L1~E ONLY ' ~ A 4- i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency ' ~ransmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] - or [Excerpt] in the f irst line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was - processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. , - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication i.n no way represent the poli- cies, v~ews or attitudes of the U.S. Government. For further information on report content call (703) 351-2938 (ec~nomic) ; 346f3 (political, sociological, military); 2726 - (life sc~ences); 2725 (physical sciences). - COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF _ MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE TNQT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' JPRS L/9129 6 June 1980 ~USSR REPORT EARTH SCIENCES (FOUO 5/80) . CON TENTS . METEOROLOGY , Complex Active-Passive Sounding ~f Cluud Cover 1 Some Posaibilitiea of Using the Synthetic Apertures Method for Obaerving Meteorolagical Targets 11 OCSANOG~APHY Observations of Fronta in the Polymode Area 18 Study of Temperature Fluctuations With Inertial and Diurnal Periode 22 Separation of Semidiurnal Temperature Fluctuations Determined - by the Barotropic Tide and Internal Waves 28 Study of the Diurnal and Semi-Diurnal Temperature Fluctuations. 33 S~udy of Abyssal Teffiperature and Density Structure and the - Velocity Profiles in an Ant~cyclonic Eddy 47 Polymode International Large-Sca1e Ocean Experiment............ 52 Study of the Train Structure of Short-Period Temperature Fluctuationa 59 Phase Radiogeodetic Systems for Marine Research 65 Articles on Theory and Prediction vf Tsunamis 68 TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS &eismogec+logy of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Lineament (Eastern Flank~.....~..........+ 72 Holography and Optical I~ata Processing in Geology and Geophysica 7S ' 3� [III - USSR - 21K S&T FOUO] - L~~1D HL~L~T/tT*? ��.~.r+ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 . Ssismotectonic Deformation in the Garm Region 79 _ PHYSICS OF THE ATMOSPHERE Poseibility of Stimulation of Turbulence in the Polar Magnet- osphere: First Resulte of 'Mini-I' 108 Ionospheric Effecta in a Geophyaical Experiment With a _ ' Powerful MI~-Generator ..............o..................... 120 Polarization of Artificial VLF Emisaions in the Auroral Zone 129 Reaults of Observations Carried Out During Vertical Sounding of the Region of the High-Latitude Ionosphere Disturbed by Powerful Radioemission 134 - 'Araks' Experiment. Da~pler Radar Measurements of the _ Effects of In3ection of an Artificial Electron Beam into _ the Northern Aemisphere Ionosphere 141 Radar Observations of Dense Ionization Created by an Artificial Electron Beam 159 Surface Radiophysical Obaervations of the Leakage of Particles in a Magnetically Con~ugate Region in the Northern~ Hemisphere in the Soviet-French 'Araks' Experiment 171 , ~ - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY METEOROLOGY - COI~LEX ACTIVE-~ASSIVE SOUNDING OF CLOUD COVER ' L~sningrad TRUDY GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESKOY OBSERVAT~JRII: METODY AKTI~INOY I ; PASSIVNOY RADIOLOKATSII V 1~TEOROLOGII No 411, 1978 pp 3-12 [AIt1C1Fi by G. G. Sh~L`hu1~C~.I1~ L. P. BObyleV ~ Y8. K. I1' in, A. I. Lyr88hk0 ~ ~ P1. F. Mikhaylov, N. I. Novozhilov, N. D. $opova] [Text] The methoda of active and pasaive radar aounding.are being used suc- - ceasfully to solve an entire sei~es of ineteorological probleme [7]..-Both methods taken separately have their disadvantages and advantages, which ie alao de- termined by the specif ic nature of the problem at hand. Thus, when provid- ing etorm warnings the beat results are obtained by the active radar method at the eaaie time as when determining temperature and moisture profilea pre- fereace is given to the radiothermal location method. The fact that none of - the remote methods of c:lectromagnetic souading provides sufficiently complete information about the physical state of the cloud atmosphere indicatea the neceseity for complex utilization of them. When eatimating the parametera of the cloud atmoapr~ere the characteriatics of the reflected signal and the i natural thermal radio wavelength emiasion of the investigated target muat be ~ obtained eynchronouely. I ! The complex utilization of the active-passive radar method appeare to be the moet proepective for diagnoeing the state of cloud aystema in order to esti- mate their euitability for the use of artificial means of regulating preci- pitation. It ie expedieat to uae the eame complex method also to monitor the reaults of the indicated active inputs. To etudy the poeaibility of solving the above-enumerated problema, the GGO [Main Geophyaica Observatory] hae developed a model of an active-passive radar based on the I~LL-2. In addition, a procedure has been developed for - cletermining the parameters of the cloud atmoaphere, and it has been checked - out experimentally under field conditions. _ Active-Paasive Radar Complex _ For complete matching of the thermal ~ocation and radar information in time and space, simultaneoua operation of a radiometer and radar on one an~enna - ia neceasary. Thie operation i~ poseible under the condition of solving 1 F(1R (1FFTr.7AT. tteF n~nv APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 the problem of electromagnetic compatibili.ty inasmuch ae the radiometer ie a very highly aenaitive inatrument. and to eliminate interf erence from the powerful pul8ee of an active radar, decoupling of less than 120 decibels is required between them [4]. Another aepect of joint operation of the radio- ~ meter and radar ie pref erenca for a technical design whfch will not require eignificant alterations in either the radiometer or radar circuitry. To the antenna 3 f 2 3 ~ ~ ~ 6 4 Figure 1. Block dia~ram of an active-passive radar complex operating on a= 3.2 cm. 1-- diacharger (R), 2-- N4tL noiee generator (GSh), 3-- 1~tI. receiver, 4-- radiometer (RM)~ 5-- pin I attenuator, 6-- pin III attenuator, 7-- commutator (K). . The Main Geophysics Observatory has developed a~oint active-passive complex baeed on the atandard MRL-2 mobile radar and a modulation radiometer opera- ting on a wavelength of a~ 3.2 cm with a senaitivity ZK (si~? for a time conatant of ~ 1 aec. The design of the complex follows. ~ A superhigh frequency commutator (K) based on pin-diodea on a double T-bridge . (see Figure 1) is built in between the noiae generator (GSh) of the MRL-2 radar and its receiver input. Fram one of the outputs of this commutator the aignal goea to the input o� the IrIItL-2 receiver; from the other output it goea to the input of the radiometer. The modulation frequency of the radio- m~eter is equal to the seading frequency of the radar. The reference voltage of the radiometer is generated by a special generator which is synchronized by the MRL-2 atart pulse and will permit a reference voltage phase ahift. The commutator (K) is controlled by the reference voltage of the radiometer. The reference voltage phase is established in auch a way that by the time tl (eee Figure 2) directly before the beginning of the pulse of the MRL noiee generator, tt~e radiometer input will be closed. In this case, the pin II attenuator ie closed, and the signal from the antenna goe8 through the commutator (K) to t he input of the MRL receiver, insuring normal.function- ing of the MR;~. Here the decoupling of the ra3iometer and the I~IItL is de- fined as the aum of the attenuations of the pin II attenuator and the inter- - _ nal superhigh frequency commutator of the radiometer. ~ao of the type AP-5 - pin-diodes, which are seriee included, and each of which in~roducea an at- tenuation of 40 decibels, are uaed as the pin II attenuator. The attenuation 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY introduced by the internal superhigh frequency commutator of the radiometer will be 30 decibels; conaequently, the total decoupling of the radiometer and the I~IItL with respect to the wave guide channel will be 110 decibels. The additional decoupling of the radiometer and the MRL ie achieved by eelec- ting the frequancy characterietice of the channele of the intermediate fre- quoncy amplifier of the radiomet~sr and the I~fRL in accordance with the recom- mendationa of [4], and it amounts to about 30 decibele. Thus, the total de- coupling will be about 140 decihels, which, within the 1imi~s of accuracy of the measurementa, completely excludes the effe~t of the MRL on the radiometer. / i Z ! i T J i f J ~ f ~ � - ~ ur tr t: c Figure 2. Diagram of the operation of the active-passive complex. I-- pin i valt~ge diagram, II pin II voltage diagram, III MRL and radiometer signal; 1-- signal of ~ the MRL noise generator, 2-- IrL.RL pulse, 3-- echo. At the time t2(t2 - tl =(1/2)T, where T is the time between the two pulses of the MRL transmitter) the pin II attenuator opPns, connecting the radiome- ter input to the antenna of the complex. In this case ~he atr~nuator pin I closes. Ttne time t2 corresponds to the MRI,-2 range of 9~~ km where the echo is absent during operation of the ccmplex ~.n the near zone. Here the decoup- ling decreasea to 30 decibels, but in view of the abaence of the MRL echo, this is ent~rely adequate. _ In order to eliminate t�e influence oi the MRL diacharger (R) in the preioni- zation state on the Lac?iomPter, inatead of a dc voltage of 700 volts, a 7~:0 - volt meander is fed 'co the discharger which coincides with respect to phase with the control voltage Upin II (see Figure 2). This operating mode o� the complex insurea normal functioning of the modula- tion radiomet~r ~nd the MF~L-2 with reduction of the range of the latter to 90 km. _ The advantagea of the d~scribed complex are the following: 1) a high degree of decoupling of t~ie radiometer and the MRL; 2) simplicity of atructural d~:~ign; 3 tY~D AL~L+TnT AT r7ne. n+T+ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 3) the poasibility of using any radiometer in the three-centimeter range in the complex. The deficiencies must in~lude the 1) large losses in the wave $uide channel of the I~tL fro~ the antenna to the input of, the receiver (~a.5 decibel8), which leade to a noticeable decrease in the actual eenaitivity of the r~diometer; 2) high requiremer~ta on the phase stability of the reference voltage of the radiometer; ~ 3) reduction of the MRL range to 90 km (the latter directly when, operating in the near zone). Estimation of the Water Reserve and the Water Content Profile of the Cloud Ueing the Active-Passive Radar Complex By using an active-passive radar comp~ex operating on a wavelength of a= ~ 3.2 cm, it ia posaible to eatimate both the water reaerve of the cloud and the water content diatribution in it in the direction of the maximum of the antenna radiation pattern. In order to determine the water reaerve of $ cloud during mea8u~ements of the radiothermal emisaion on one wavelength it ia poasible to use the method of radio brightness contrast. The radio- brightneas contraat [1] is defined as the diff erence of the radio brightnese ' temperature of the cloud atmosphere at the zenith angle 8 and the radio- brightness.temper~rure of the same atmoaphere without considering the clouds. ~t is possible to measure this contrast directly only by using the radiome- ter, scanning by the antenna at a fixed zenith angle from the cloud to the section of clear aky. However, this doea not always appear posaible. Therefore in the given paper the radio brightness temperature of the pure atmoaphere was calculated by the radia sounding data (the radio sounding station ia located along side the radiameasuring test area). The radiobrightness contrast is related to the water reserve of the clouds by a correlatione In order to find thia correlation, model calculations were performad on the BESM-6 computer. Madels investigated in reference [3] were taken as the models of the cloud atmosphere. These models describe the real ~ atmoaphere of the northwestern part of r.he European Territory of the USSR. Data files on the presaure, temperature and humidity prof iles obtained using radiosounding in Voyeykovo in the summer are used for the calculations. Each _ element of the given files (each epecifi.c situation of the~cloud atmosphere) was randomly asaigned values of the altitudes of the low~r and upper boun- c~aries of the cloud layer and alao its water content (water content within the li~its of the cloud layer was censidered constant). The indicated pa- rameters and also the water reaerve of the cloud were caiculated by the formulas: ~ ~nn=zn-}-S,o~� . (1) 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Zs a ~N ~ `sl,ZM~ ~2~ . Z. _ -I- Sa aZ~, (3) w a ~~Z~ - ZM~f /4~ \ where w ia the water content, g/m3; ZH, 2B are the altitudes of the lower and upper cloud boundaries, km; W ie the water reserve, kg/m2. The bar over the symbol deaotea average values, and the letter 6 denotes the mean square de- - viatione. The avPrage values and the mean aquare deviations of tha cloud cover garametere were aelected ia accordance with the type of cloud cover ~3] ~rhich was obaerved f or the given case of radio aounding. In formulas (1)-(3), S1, S2 and S3 denote the c}uasir~ndom numbers distributed according to a raormal law. In order to obtain thea, a random number generator was _ used from the ].ibrary of atandard programs for the BE~M-6 computer. The calculation of the specific absorption coefficient waich is needed for calculating the radiobrightneae temperature was made using the procedure described in reference [2]. The radiobrightnesa contrast as a function of the water reserve of the clouda - (in the vertical directioa) for a= 3.2 ~m wAS calculated for 4 values of the zezith angle: 6 a 70, 80, 85 and 89� {without considering refraction). This raage of angles corresponde to the range of operation of the active-passive complex. As was noted, the correlation between W and ~Tbright is linear. Since our problem is estimation of W by the measured values of the contrast ~Tbright~e~~' the relation bezween the given values ig conveniently found in t~e f urm . 5 _ W = (~�cp) a TA(A), ~ ( ) (a) ~ = ICey: a. bright where ~ is the regresaion coeff icient, and Q~ ia the mean square deviation of thia coefficient. The values of ~ and Q~ found by the 3.east squares method are pr~aented in Table 1. In order to have the possibility of estima- ting the water reserve with respect to the contrast measurPd st any angle from the investigated range it ie necessary to know the coeffici~ent c~ for all valuea of A. The dependence of ~ on 6 is linear. Consequently, ~=~i~-~aA.- ~6~ ~ _ It ie easy to f~nc'. valuea of ~ and 1 ~2: _ ~1 ~ 0,3436; _ -0,0038. ~ . (%1 5 - ~nv n~TrTeT Trer. n*nv APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 Fina~ly, W = [0,3436 - 0,~038 9]A TA(9). ~8~ It is neceseary to note that in the given case we have in mind the wat~r re- ~ serve of tbe cloud in the vertical direction. In order to find the wat~r reserve of a~ cloud along the directioa of the maximum of the radi~ation pattern of the antenna, it is necessary to multiply the vertical water re- aerve by sec A . - In order to restore the water content profile in the cloud it is possible to use the value of the water reae'rve obtained by the radiometer and the radar reflectivity profile obtained ueing the MRL [5]. The initial poaition is the lcaown relatior_ between radar reflectivity and the water content [6]: Z = Aw�, ( 9 ) - where A and b are the unkaowa parameters. The parameter b can var.y.�from 1 , to 2[6]. In reference [6] it is recnmmended that a value of b= 2 be ae- - lected f or the cumulonimbus clouds which are the object of investigation of this paper. flence, . YZ ~m, ( lp) ,Knowing the reflectivity profile in the direction it is possible to inte- grate expreasion (10): _ f 1~Z d1=1/ A f w(!)d! Wn t ~ (11) where W~ is the ~ater reserve of the cloud in the direction Thie makes it possible to find the value of the parameter A: J A - {,~Y~dtls Wi. (12) _ 1' Now, knowing the parsmeter A, it is poasibl~ to determine the water content ~ at any point of the cloud in the direction Q b}r the formula ~(1) = Yzc~~l~� ~13~ - , Experiment and Analyais of the Results T'iuring the summer of 1977 on the active-passive radar complex ~ 3.2 cm) _ inetalled at the tegt area of the Main Geophysics Observatory in Voyeykovo, - a of observations were made on the eumu~onimbus clouds (Cb). Radio- sounding of the atmosphere was perf ormed during the obaervations. - 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 - ' FOR OFFICIA,L USE ONLY Table 1. Values of the regression~co~ffic~ent and its mean equare deviation as a function of W=(~�a )~T for ~ ~ bright _ - ~~3.2cm _ I eD - ~o ~o sa e~ ~ 0,081 0~043 0,024 0,009 _ Qp Q008 0~004 Q002 0,00! . Table 2. Experimental resulta using the active-passive radar complex (a ~ 3.2 cm) on 3 July 1977. _ Time Coordinates hrs. min 82i- eleva- Tbr.ex~K ::br.qlear PTbr. 1�r t~ muth tion 9 08 16b 7S a8,7 ~~4 40,3 10,50 0,24 ~ 9 12 . 187 10,0 53,3 19.7 3!',6 8,35 0,24 t3 52 36 20,0 59,6 10.2 49,4 11.75 0,57 ` l4 21 133 ~ 20,0 82~7 10~2 72,5 17,25 d,40 - I4 21 l 33 30,4 88,7 61 ~68 14,80 0,40 ' Note. Tbright exp is the experimentai value of the radio- brightness temperature, Tbright.clear is the value of Tbright ~ _ for a clear sky, ~Tbright is the radiobrightness contrast, WR is the water reserve of the cloud in the sounding d~rection, _ ZH is the altitude of the lower cloud boundary. The investigated thick Cb were aelected using the MRL plan position indica- tor. In order to obtain the radar reflectivtty, a signal from an oscillo- - graph was recorded on photographic film using the FARM photo attachment. In order to avoid obtaining clipped $ignals, damping was introduced and the correspondin~.isoecho level was selected. The photography was done with each decrease in damping by 6 decibels. By the series of frames olitained for sounding direction, graphe were constructed of the variation of re- , flectivity along the soundin~ beam. In order to determine the antenna temperatures the radiometer was calibrated with respect to the "zenith." H~re the calculation of the radiobrightness temperature of the clear sky when observing in the zenith was made by the radiosounding data. On the obaervation days, an analysis was made of the synoptic conditions and the nature of the cloud-forming processes. For analyais of the experimental results a seriea of observations of the Cb ~ on 3 July 1977 was selected. On that day a cold front pasaed in the morning - 7 ' TAV~ A~+w~n~ ~.~w w..~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 - with low stratiformis dropping in places to 50 meters. During the day active convection, showers and thunderstorms were observed in the un- - stable sir masa behind the front. , Table 2 gives the resulta of sounding the Cb on 3 Ju1y 1977. With respect to - magnitude of the water reaerve of the cloud along the sounding beam and with - re~pnct to the reflectivity profile, water content prof iles were reproduced. Figura 3 ehows the result of i;his reproducti~n for 0912 houra on an a2imuth of A ~ 187� and with an elevation of S~ 10�~ The figure ehowa the profile of the lagarithm of the radar reflectivitv lg Z and the water content profile w, g/m3. Aa is obvious from the figure, the course of ~he water content pro- file repeata the course of the 1g Z profile. The values of the water con- tents themselvea (maximum ~4 g/m3, average ~1-1.5 g/m3 correspond completely to th~ water content of the Cb which can be observed [3]. In order to coordinate the reproduced prof ile of the water content with the _ cloud Figure 4 gives the picture of the clflud system obtained using the IDV of the I~iL-2 on the near azimuth (A = 164�). Of courge, the difference in azimuth o~ 23� doea not permit exact coordination of the reproduced water content profile with the cloud which was observed using the active-pasaive co.mplex. However, it ia possible nevertheieas to make some def ined remarka. The first three peaka of the water content profile are for cloud I. In the free epace between clouds I and II, the wat~r content in practice dro~s to zero. Then the growth of the water content wir.h the local maximum for a dis- tance of ~10-11 km from the active-passive complex is observed. This maximum corresponds to cloud II. Thea the water content gradually decreases, drop- ~ ping to zero. This corre�ponds to the fact that the sounding beam (it is shaam ae a solid etraight line in Figure 4) pasaes through the upper layera of the claud at an altitude of 3-4 lain. Either insignif icant water content or cryetalline phase is observed in these layera. I~Z U!E/MJ ~g~ f 4 _ _ . y - ` 0 J � ~ / - , / 1 -f 2 ' ~ / ~ 1 . / ~ ~ 1 . I ~ / 1 ~ ~ _ -1 � ~ I 1 / / 1~ - ~ \ / ~ ~3 ~ 2 4 6 8 10 LK~w _ Figure 3. Prof ile of the logarithm of the radar reflectivity (1) and the reproduced wate.r content profile (2) corres~ponding to the case ~f sounding the Cb on 3 Juty 1977. Key: a. g/m~ - 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000240090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Z KN . . - 8 ' ' f ` _ 4 ~ � o~ ~ 4 8 !2 f6 ~0 14 28 32 J6 l rtM ' Figure 4. Diagram of a cloud ayatem obtained oa the IDV of _ the MRL on 3 July 197.7 (0912 hours) an an azimuth of A~ 164�. e- I~- firet Cb cloud. II aecond Cb cloud, 1-- dir~c.*.ion of ~ the sounding beam of the active-psaeive complex. _ It must be noted that, unfo~tun~tely, during observations of the Cb using the active-paasive complex, direct aircraft souziding to data on the - water content ie impoasible. This doea not permit c~mparison of the repro- duced water content profile with the actually existing water. content prof~le - in the cloud. Such a comparison can be realized, however, for the aqueous ` _ ni~boatratus clouda (Ns), aircraft saunding of which is posaible. . Conclueions The experimen~al observations of the cumulonimbus clouds using the active- passive complex demonstrated that the propoaed procedure for estimating the water reserve of the cloud and reproducing the water content profile along the sounding beam ie prospective for the complex inveatigation of cloud sys- tems. These cloud parameters are highly important when diagnoeing the auita- bility of cloud syatema for weather modif ication to regulate precipitation and ~onitor the reaults of these weather modification operations. HowevPr, the authora admit that the effect depends t~ a significant degree on the evolution of the clouds obaerved at the given time and the changes which occur in the moiat+ire content characteriatics themselves with time. In order to diecover the cloud evolution, a special observation procedure is needed, above all a sufficiently high frequency of observations of the same cloud center inasmuch as another center (another mesosyatem) can be in a different stage of development and undergo ita own evolution. It is also necessary to includa a procedure for estimating the integral water vapor content in the complex method in order to have the posaibility of tracing the redistribution of two water phases in the cloud with time. _ The developmEnt of the complex methods of cloud sounding considering the ' stated remarke and also the methoda of analyzing the physical processes of ~ cloud formation based on active-passive radar equipment is the next goal of the collective of authora. 9 ~nu n~rrreT rTC~ n*rrv APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. L. P. B~bylsv, M. A. Vagishcheva, A. I. Novaselov, et al., "Study of - the Water Content o� C1QUde Uaing the Three-Cent~meter Radiometer," _ TRUDY GGO (Works of the Main Geuphyeica Observatory), No 328, 1975, pa~~s 50-55a 2. L. P. Bobylev, M. A. Vasishcheva, G. G. S~~chukin, "~9etermination of the _ Integral Moi.sture Cantent Parameters of a Cloud Atmoephere Directly by thP Values of the Radio'arightneas Temperature," TRUDY GGO, No 395, 1977, _ pages 59-67. 3. M. A. Vasishcheva, G. G. Shchukin, "Experimental Study of the Water Con- _ tent of Clouds. Statiatical Models of the Atmoaphere," OBZOR VNIIGN:I-- , 1~!'rSD, SER. METEOROLOGIYA (VNIIGMI Survey MTsD, Meteorology Series), Obninek, 1976, 94 pagea. - 4. N. V. Gornostayev, A.. I...Novoaelov, V. A. Petruahevskiy, et al., "Active- - Pasei~ve Radar for Studying the Atmoaphere," TRUJY GGO, No 32$, 1975, pagea 120-124. - 5. N. D. ~opova, G. G. Shchukin, "Proc~dure for Aetermin~ing the Water Con- tent Prdf ile in Clouda by the Paeaive-Active Radar Method," TRUDY GGp, No 395, 1977, pages 68-71. ~ 6. V. D. Stepanenko, RADIOLOKATS7YA V METEOROLOGII (Radar in Meteorology), ~ Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1973, 343 pagea. 7. V. D. Stepanenko, G. G. Shchukin, G. B. Brylev, "Active and Passive Radar Sounding of Clouds, Precipitation and Thunderatorma," SOVREMENIYE FUNDAM3~ITAL'NYYE I PRIKLADIYYE ISSLEDOVANIY~i GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESKOY OBSERVATORII IM. A. I. VOYE~KOVA (Modern Basic and Applied Research of the Main Geophysics Obeervatory imeni A. I. Voyeykov), Leningrad, Gidro- meteoizdat, 1977, pages 77-87. COPYRIGHT: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A. I. Voyeykova (GGO), 1978. � i~ 10845 CSO: 8144/1073 - 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY - r SOME POSSIBILITIES OF USING THE ~YNT~iETIi, APERTURES METHOD FOR OBSERVING METEOROLOGICAL TARGETS _ Leningrad TRUDY GLAVNOY GEOFIZICHESKOY OBSERVATORII: METODY AKTIVNOY I . PASSIVNOY RADIOLOKATSII V METEOROLOGII No 411, 1978 pp 107-112 [Arti.cle by Yu. A. Mel'nik] - ~ [T~xt] One of the moat significant achievements in radar theory and engiiieer- ing in recent decades was the development of the synthetic aper.turea method wh~e~ made it poasible to increase th~ resolution of the radar syatems.for aur- vey~ag the ~arth's surface to va].uas commensurate urith optical devices [1]. Aa ~e kno~m, thia method ia based on using the a priori data on the o� ~ variation of the signal phase where during the procees of radar obeervation the target is ahifted relative to the radar by a known law. For the harmonic sounding oscillation with a frequency w the echo of the point target ll~~ w ~ turna out to be modulated. The variation of the amplitude S is usually neglected; the signal phase ~(t) is determined by the distance R to the tar- - get. If the law of displacement of the target R(t) is known, the received eignal can be sub~ected to.optimal processing which for the regular component of the aignals is defined by the expreasion ~w . _ _ l _ Q1T~ ' ~ S~t~ $~t - T~(Lt. ~ ~ 2~ Ita maximum value ~ 2 QM (1/2)S T is pr.oportional to the signal energy for the _ obeervation time T. - The optimal processing Zeads to the "cem~,ression" of the aignal inauring high reaolution of the syatem. Thus, for example, it ia known that in the radar for surveying the earth's aurface the accumulation of the signal on ' the path of movement of the radar d~ is equivalent to the use of a large _ synthetic antenna of dimenaion d~ which at a range R~ determines the linear 11 L'AD AL'L~Tl~T AT TTQL+ /~*TT V APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 - resolut~.on Ox =~/d~R~, where ~ is the wavelength. The maximum possible path on ~ahich the aignal ie received in turn dependa on the beam width of the real antenna (that ie, on ite aperture d), and it is d~ ~~RD/d. From theee ex- preseione it follows that tha admiaeible value of the reeolution along the direction af movement ie equal to the aperture of the real Fintenna inetalled on the ai.rcraf t . ' The method of synthetic ~antennas can be extended to the caee of a set of ~ar- geta made up of particles which move by given laws. The procesaing aystem be designed for isolation of the total signal of all the elemQntary re- flectors, the parameters of morion of which vl, ~v2, vn lie within cer- . tain limits v+ + ~V1, v2 + Ov2, vn � Ovn. The result of the procesaing for the obaervation time T is proportiona~ to the energy of the signal character- ~ izing the reflectivity of certain particlea in the irradiated apace, the pa- ra~eters of which lie within the indicated limita. The set of these limits _ establishes the region of inde~erminacy, inside which it ie impoaeible to measure the apecific values of the parameters. The region of determinacy dependa on the characteristics of the radar and the observatian conditions. In the special case it can. turn out that all the limits ~vi, with the exception of oae (for example, ~vl) exceed the maximum - actually poasible variations ot the corresponding parameters of motion. In - thia caee the syetem fer type-space coherent proceaeing of the eignals ia the _ - met~;r that measures the number of particles, the parameter of motion of which v~ ia within the limita of vl � ~vl. Being given various valu~s of the para- meter as a result of the time-apace proceaeing of the signal, it is possible to determine the particle diatribution vl by this parameter with the reaolved interval ~vl. For the solution of the stuted problem it is necessary to determine how the output eff ect of the optimal proceasin$ syatem varies if the parameters of motion of the elementary targeta deviate from the given values. For this ~ purpoae it is expedient to introduce a generali~ed parameter in terms of ' which the deviations Ovi of the apecific investigated valuea of vi can be ! expreased. The phase lead the increment of the signal phase for the ob- servation time T-- ia the generalized detuning parameter under certain assumptions easily made in practice. Let us propoae that under other invariant conditions the actiual law of aotion of the target differs somewhat from the given one, and the received signal is def ined by the f ormula s(t) = S cos[w t ~(r) -I- ~'(t)]~ (3) where ~~(t) is the phase incremeat by comparison with the calculated ~(t). In this case'the output effect of the system can be represented by the ex- preeaion ~ 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r - Q = ~ f cos ~'~t) dt. (4) u Lst ua def ine the relative value of the output effect t~ ~ Q/QM conaidering that the deviation of the phase of the given law takes place linearly: ~~~t~ - ~~t~T (5) and at the end of the observation intexval the nhase lead reachee a value of Here the output effect of the proceasing syatem y+ = sin (b) depends only. on the phase lead. For a small phase lead where the proceseing _ syetem in practice is matched with the aignal, the value of ~ is equal to . one. Aa the phase lead increases (for >~r/2) the output effect ~ assumes different values within the iimits of zero to 1/~'. The maxi~um of this value ~ 1~~~ ~7) can be considered a responae to the signal of the given detuned filter. The phase lead ie a funntion of the parameters of motion of the target. The variation of some parameter v by comparison with the calculated value leads to ~he appearance of the phase lead and attenuation of the output efFect by 1/~' timea. If we consider the output effect as a function of several parametere vl, v2, v~, the deviations of these parameters from the calculated values (vi, v2, vn) and the attenuation of the output effect caused by them are characterized by the indeterminacy function ~(vl, v2, vn). Geometrically the function can be represented by the indeterminacy body in the (n + 1)-dimenaional epace. The boundaries of the region of in- determinacy can be given by attenua~ion of the output signal to the level of t~~ or the resalved phase lead corresponding to it = 1/~~. Thue~~ the region of indeterminacy ie the cross section of the body of inde- terminacy on the level = 1/~~~ and can be represented by the equation ~(o Y~, o vZ, . . , e Y�> = t~a ~8~ The emall phase lead = 1/~+(y;, Yz, . . . , Y;,)~ . 13 ~ - TI~t~ ATT~~~T ~ ~ ~~w~ w.~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 which is a function o� the amall deviations of the parameters of motion vi, v2, vn from the calculated valuee, expresaed in terme of theee deviatione as ~ v' v ` . . v' . ~ � ~ ~9~ _ Thie makes it poesitile to find the region of indeterminacy coneidering the affect of each parameter on th~ phase lead separately. For illustration of the posaibilities of the method let us conaic3er. the _ example of radar obaervation of the~precigitation, assuming that the speed of the particles v is conatant and is directed vertically. Let us find the region of in3eterminacy when the observation ia the ground coherent radar (see Figure 1), and the synthesizing is done as a result of the natural movemeat of the particles. With accuracy to the conatant coefficiente t~e - - expresaion (9) for this case can be represented in the form ~k~R -}-~vT~-{-~v,~~l, (10) where ~h ie the resolution with respect to altitude, ~vr and ~vT are the re- solutiona with respect to radial and tangential velocity, respectively. (a) i ~ ~DC eUr aur u7 v . ~ ; , Qo Figure 1. Syntheaizing aa a result of the n~tural motion of the particlea of the ground coherent radar. Key: 1. radar The limiting valuea of each of the indicated resolutiona (under the condition that the remaining parameters have rated valuea) are preaented in Table 1. As follows from the data in the table, with amall accumulation time the sys- tem is the standard meter of the radial velocity of the particlea. However, for a large observation time there ia sufficiently high resolution with re- spect to the tangential component of the velocity which is unusual for the exiating doppler systeme. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY V PAC ~g) s ~ I ~ i ~ i - a~ ~ \ I \ ~ \ v vT ' VT Figure 2. Synthesizing as a reault of motion of the radar. . Key: a. radar Table 1. Limiting resolution with respect to altitude (~h) of the tangential (~vT) and radial (~vr) velocity of the particlea as a function of the observatifln time T for the stationary - ground radar with a distance R~ = 300 km, wavel~ngth a s 3 cm and partiale velocity v= 5 mJsec. ' ' ( rsec o~t ( i . ~ io ~ iw ~h K . . . . . . . . . . 18000 1li~00 180 18 A vT w~se~ 1~8� 10� 1800 18 0.18 0 v~ ~~-sec 0,3 0,03 0.003 0~0003 Table 2. Limiting resolution along the path (~x) and with respect to the particle velocity (pv) as a function of the observation time T for radar moving with a velocity v= 7.5 km/aec for R~ ~ 300 km, a 3 cm and v= 5 m/aec.. I r sec o,oi o,i ~ i O x w ~ 80 8 0,8 ~ v wJgeC 3 0,3 0,03 Let us consider $nother., t'heo~etically�different case where the synthesizing ie realized as a reault of the.movement of the radar. Let us propose ~.hat the speed of the carrier V~ 7.5 km/sec, and tne altitude from whicr~ ;...e observation is made (R~) is 300 km (see Figure 2). The equation of tne 15 ~ ~ L~AD A~y+TnT A7 iTnn A*tr ~s ~ i . . . . . . . . . . . I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 Table 3. Limtting reaolution along the path (~x), with reepect to altitudE (Oh) and velocity of the particles (~v) as a function ef observation time T f or rt+dar moving with a velocity of 700 lm/hr for RD - 3 km, a~ 3 cm and _~t.~_ 5__ID~.sec rsec ~ ' �~01 ~ ~ i - A x w 50 5 0,5 ~ h x ~ 50 5 0 v w~gec 3 0,3 0,03 region of indeterminacy for thia case can be approximately represented in the f orm VT ~ A x-~- o v ~=1. (11) Ae followa from the data in T~ble 2 for a comparatively small time of signal accumulation there are quite high values of the resolution with respect to the speed of the particles (Ov) and the position of the observed �~olume along the direction of motion of the carrier (~x). The system is not s~naitive to the remaining parametera. The resolutiona of ~x and ~v can either be poaiti~ve or negative. Therefore formula (11) definea four straight lines in the coordinates x;, v' with re- apect to the rated values of x and v. The region defined by these straight lines (see Figure 2) includes the set of parameters of motion of the par- ticles, the signals of which are released by thQ processing aystem. ~ . U , - ~ . ev i i ~ , -a.x o.x -.x y~ v ~ r ! i /I ~ ~ ~ -ov ~ -v~ Figure 3. Region of parameters of motion of particles, the , aignals of which are generated by the processing syatem. Analogously to formulae (10) and (11), the expressfon can be obtained for the ~ region of indeterminacy where the observation ia made from an sircraft. A~ _ ~ 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR Oi~FICIAL USE ONLY follows from the data in Table 3, the ayatem has some re~~lution with reapect to altitude which is explained by the comparatively small removal of the observed region. Thus, tha mathod of aynthetic aparturea ia theoretically applicable for obser- - vatioa of ineteorological targete. However~ for determining the practical poeaibilitiea of its realization and eatimating the effectiveneee, special etudies are required. ` _ HIBLIOGRAPIiY l. A. P. Reutov, B. A. Mikhaylov, G. S. Kondratenko, et al., RADIOLOKATSION- NYYE STANTSII BOKdVOGO OBZOttA (Side Viewiag Rads~r), Moscow, Sovetskoye ; radio, 1970, 360 pages. COPYRIGHT: Glavnaya geofizicheekaya observatoriya im. A. I. Voyeykova (GGO), 1978. 10845 CSO: 8144~1073 17 F~R ()FFT(:TAT. TTCF. nxr v APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ OCEANOGRAPHY . OBSERVATIONS OF FRONTS IN THE POLYMODE ARF.A Moscow OKEAN~~OGICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in Russian No 30, 1979 pp 86-88 [Article by A. G. Zatespin, A. Yu. Rrasnopevt$ev,.K. N. Fedorov] [Text] The existence of fronta in the Sargasso Sea ia a well-known fact - [l, 2]. flowever, tfie subtropical convergence zone intercepting the 5argasao Sea is a large-ecale front separating the more saline and , warmer aouthern waters ~~and the fresher and colder northern waters. The results obtained by A. D. Voorhis, et al. [2J indicate that ~he temperature fronts occur at the boundariea of the "tongues" of warm and cold water which are caused by affectfve transport by the geostrophic currents connected with the eddies. The opinion has been stated that the fronts in the ocean are well to be aeen in the fall and winter period, and in the summer they are masked by warming of the upper layer. On the 25th trip of the "Akademik Kurchatov" scientific reaearch effort was made to generalize this scattere~ information about the fronts which can be extracted from the data of synchrnnous density surveys, from direct measure- meaCs of the current velocities, towing of a thermistor and measurement by a Chermal-saliaity probe on the path of the ship in the region of expedi- tionary operations. As a result~ it is possible to draw the following conclueions. . , - ~ ~ ~ i - , l. In apite of the masking effect of the summer warming, the fronts in ' the vicinity of the test area are comparatively easily detected by the ; temperature and salinity measurements in the surface.:layer of the ocean. ' The density survey also permits determination of the approximate position ' of the fronta. The sharpest fronts were in September, which is explained by sharpening of the zonal temperature and salinity gradienta. Theae gradients were smallest in August. During the time of the operations in the test area~ 13 cases of intersection of fronts by the ship were recor.ded. The temperature gradients on the fronts fluctuated from 0.2 to 2.0�C; the salinity gradients fluctuated from 0.2 to 0.4 parts per thousand. ~ Gradien~e from 0.1 to 2.5 deg/1~ and from 0.1 to 0.2 parCs per thousand/1~ ; correaponded to them. On the average the temperature gradient was 0.2 to 0.3 deg/km. ; ~ _ ~ 18 ; ~ i ) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; ~ ~~19,228 4 28,2 ' 1~d ~ 1Q 1~0 30' 27,8 ~ " 2 0_ v Q - Z~4 18,k 18, , ~ U 2~0 A ~ 28,? - 1 - 2a,4 - za,t Zd , , 28,1 ~ M � � 70 6d Figure 1. Tetnperature at a depth of 10 meters (September): - cyclone center; A-- anticyclone center. The regions of location of the fronts are cr.oss hatched. 2. The fronts detected in the test area were characterized by positive correlation of the temperature and saZinity gradients with far from com- plete compensation with respect to density. Here the density gradient - was mQre frequently determined by the temperature contribution than the ~ salinity contribution. 3. The data of the density and the XBT-surveys confirmed the reault~ of A. D. Voorhis, et al. [3] the existence of the warm and - cold "tongues" of the~advective origin connected with the dynamics of the eddies. We have noted an analogous picture also in the salinity distribu- tion~ that is, the "tongues" and "spots" of more saliae and fresher water were detected. This structure of the temperature and salinity fields was correlated with the etructure of the eddy field.~ Usually the fronts are loeated on the boundaries of the "tongues" and "spots." Fig 1 shows the temperature map on which the cyclone and anticyclone centers are indi- cated. The fronta were located in the crosshatched zones. 4. In the vertical sections the fronts are traced to the upper boundary of the layer of 18-degree water (100-200 meters) and obviously do not penetrate deeper. This is also confirmed by the T, S-diagrams of the vertical temperature and salinity distributions with respect to different _ sides of the fronts; they are~analogous to the T, S-diagrams obtained in their time by E. J. IEatz [1].. It is important to note that an explicit relation of the front positions to the atructure of the eddy field and to the vertical thermochaline structure of the deep water has been detected. The fronts are located above the peripheral regions of the eddies where maximum deviations of the isotherms and isochalines of the principal thermocline are observed. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ i _ . I ' f07 fOS f03 f0Y 99 97 95 93 92 23, SKH ~ - 0 . '-"i ~ _ i zs , i . li'= - f00 10 i - 19 i i , IQD ' i - . � . . . S00 � ` . Ii , - . ~e ~ aoo . ' - soo - f6 � >S ! !00 I 14 ~ f3 ~ ~ 700 f2 i 800 n Q~ ' ~ T'C � ~ 2Q,4 18"0 ' 2~d j~) ' � Figure 2. VerticaL section in the temperature field according to the data from the XBT-survey (a), recording of the surface temperature (b) As direct measurementa show. these regions correspond to the maximum orbital current velocities in the eddies. Fig 2 shows the vertical aection �in the tempe~ature field. In Fig 2 the curve reproducing the - aection of the analogous temperature recording recorded by the.towed gauge indicates the position of the froat on the aurface in the scale of the~~. section. The problem arisea of whether the fronte are not characteristic - "conductors" between the eurface and abyssal layers which promote heat and tnase exchange through the the~ocline. According to the opinion of Voortiis, et al. [3], by means of the above-described "tongues" of water of advective origin connected with the eddies, horizontal heat tranafer ~ is realized. It is not excluded that the ~eddies have a significant influence also on the vertical transfer through the fronts occurring on their interaction. Hence, it is clear that the program for fur~her ~ 20 - . ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . . ----t APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 . . . _ FOR AFFICIAL USE ONLY reaearch ahould the etud~r o~ the vertical etructure o~ the fronta and th~ir intexact~.on with the eddy ~ield. Abatract Tha relaticn of the temperature-salinity fronts in the ocean surface - laqer to the large-scale surface temperat~re and salinity fields and the ` eddy field atructure in a thermocline ia analyzed. BIBLIOGRAPHY l. Itatz~ E. J. "Further Study of a Front in the Sargasso Sea," TELLUS, Vol 1~DCI, No 2., 1969, pp 259-2G9o 2. Voorhie, A. D,; Here~y, j. B.. "Oceanic Thermal Fronts in the Sargasso Sea~" J. GEOPIiXS. RBS., Vol 69, No 18, 19b4, pp 3809-3814. 3. Voorhie, A. D.; Schroeder~ E. H.; Leetmaa, A. "The Influence of Deep Meaoecale Eddies cn Sea Surfaee Temperature in the North Atlantic Subtropical Convergence," J. PHYS. OCEANOGR., No 6,,1976, pp 953-961. COPYRIGHT; Mezhdovedomstvennyy g~eofizicheskiy komitet pri Prezidium e1N SSSR, 1979 [8044/0785-10845] 10845 ~ CSO: 8044/0785 . 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ - I - i i . STUDY OF TEI~ERATURE FLUCTUATIONS WITH INERTIAL AND DIURNAL PERIODS Moscow OKEANOLOGICSESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in Russian No 30~ 1979 pp 89-92 [Article by L. I. Limanskaya, ~e. G. Morozov, A. S. Samodurov] [Text] The measurementa of the temperature fluctuations in the varioua parts of the ocean, as a ru1e, reveal the presence of energy peaks both ~ on inertial and diurnal periods [1]. This is connected with the exietence - of different physical mechanisms exciting oscillations with the indicated periods.. The temperature fluctuations with a period of 24 hours are � caueed by a baroclinic tide which obviously is caused by the interaction of the barotropic tide of the same period with unevenaesses of the ocean ~ floor or the coastal shelf [2-4]. The sources of the temperature fluctua- tions with an inertial period are lesa in~estigated. However, on the basia of the frequently noted fact of their alternation in space and in - time it is considered that the nonuniformities in the wind field are responsible for generation [5, 6]. The region in which the studies are performed by the POLYMODE program has the negative peculiarity~:thst the inertial period is close to 24 hours. The difference in the physical classes generating, on the one hand, the tidal fluctuationa of the diurnal period, and on the other hand, the inertial fluctuations, has aroused interest in the effort to expand the ~ Cempexature of the appearance of the two mentioned phenomena in natural aeries. The epectral functions calculated,by the numerous temperature realizations in the test area indicate the presence of a clearly expressed peak on a period of about 24 hours. It is possible to consider that this peak ia caused by two processes the diurnal internal gravity waves (a period of 24 hours) and the inertial fluctuations with a period close to 24 hours (the local inertial period on a latitude of 30�.is 24 hours, on a latitude of 29�, at the center of the test area, it is 24.75 hours, at the southern part of the buoy test area (buoy II), 25.85 hours). 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A~ a reeult o~ such a sntall dif~erence between the periode and ineu�ficient length o_` the sar~tes theae :fluctuatione a~e not separated by tha spectral methode. Actually, the frequency di~fereace on adjacent points of the spectrum ie . . ~ Of -1 f 2M~t, where MAt ie the maximum shift of the correlation function in ur~its of time. In order to aeparate the periods T1~24 hours and T2=25.85 houra~ the fre- quency reaolution must be ef=~- 1 ~1 ~ ?'t ' ~T, ~ 2M:1 i The shift of the correlation fuuction here is _ Met = T'~T ~ ~ 168~~,~1~ . 2(T, - T, j - Keys l. houra ' - In order to insure 20� of freedom of~ the calculations the aeries must~be no less than 1680 hours, that is~ about 70 days. Sere the values of the epectral functions on the fr.equencies of interest to us will correspond to the ad~ acent pointe of the spectrum with numbers 13 and 14 respec~tively. For reliable separation necessaxy that there be at least one point between the corre$ponding points of the spectrum, and this leada to an increase by twofold, that is, a five month series is required. In order to obtain preliminary ideas about the structure of the inertial and diurnal internal oscillations and their time variability, we made an effort to separate these oscillations using the method of complex demodulation first used in oceanology by V. Ye. Prival'skiy [7]. Thus~ we etud ied these oacillations directly by the series of isolated harmonica of both.periods. The filtration parameter here must be selected as follows (filtration by the mean): ~ t 1 1 1 y-i ~~i~ ~ T~ Tz r 335 . . Key: l. hours'1 that~is, the filter parameter must be 335 hours. Selecting this filter and adjusting.the calculation for one selected frequency, we.completely auppressed the second. ~ The results of the calculation (that is, the harmonics of each of the periods) for the point II(the 50 meter horizon) are presented in Fig 1. _ ~ The duration of the ser~es is from 24 July to 26 September. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR O~~ICtAL U~c, ~1NLY er,�c ~ ~ g4 ~ - 0,2 ' ~ ~ u 41 . . ~ R4 a~ ' � ~4 . . ~ - Qt n pil . . l 0,1 ~ ~ ~ i i i ' . . f0 ZO 30 � 40 SO cym~ru (1) . b~ . , Figure 1. Inertial (a) and diurnal (b) harmonics of the temperature realization on the buoy II(horizon 50 meters) obtained by "gluing" of the seriea according to the data ' of two buoys operating in series with resAect to time. - xey: i. a8y8 - From Fig 1 it is obvious that the nature of the variability uf each type of fluctuation is different. This indicates that this variability ia determined by the nature of the fluctuations themselves and not by the variation of the vertical temperature gradiex~t in time. For the inerti~l ; period the train atruct~re is characteristic actually with one obvious ~ oscillation train for the entire two-rmonth observation period. The 24-hour fluctuation ~s charactex3zed by 12-13 day variability which can ~ be connected, on the one hand, with'the synoptic processea [5], and on " the other harid, with the semimonthly inequality of the barotropic tides generating the internal waves [8], The result obtained can be considered ~ somewhat unexpected. C. Day and F. Webster [9] performed measurements of - the currents south of the Bermuda Islands at a latitude of close to 30�. - ~ The results of the investigations indicate that the energy of the fluctua- ~ tions with a period of about 24 hours experiences eignificant variability ' in time. According to the data of the mentioned authors, on the 50-meter ; horizon this varial~ility correlates quite well with the paesage of storma ~ over the east coast of the United States. The relatively amooth varia- ~ tion of the amplitude of the inertial temperature fluctuationa with time i discovered in this paper can be=.connected with the fact that~ weather i conditions as a whole varied little during the period during which the - meseurementa were taken. The recorded train of inertial oscil.lations ~ , ~ 24 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY poasibly is connected with the intenei~icati.on o� the wiad in the test area to 1~-11 m/sec obaervad ia the laet l0.days ~of Auguet for 7 or~8 daye. ~ _ By the measurement reaults during the �irst setup in July Auguat, the ~ abyssal atructure of the time variability of the d3urnal and inertial fluctuations was analyzed. � Fig 2 ahowa the graph of the amplitude variati~n of the diurnal and inertial fluctuationa in time for different horizons at the point II for a period of about 30 days in Auguat. The nature of the variability of the inertial fluctuations with respect to depth is different. At individual times in certain horizons an increase in the oscillation amplitude is observed whereae on other horizona, a decrease in it occura, which is connected with nonatationary regime and nonuniformity of the inertial flucruations. e~t . . ODn at , : gf . ' ~~IDN~~ y Q ~ ' � Q~ . x~, g2 as . . az , ' ~e,oa Q0e Q04 0,04 ' f S f0 xf 20a0aycma f S f0 ~f IOa4rycnr~ ~1~ b~ - (1) Figure 2. Variation of the amplitude of the inertial (a) ~ and diurnal (b) temperature fluctuations for the 50~ 400~ 70Q:and 1400 meter horizons during August 1977. I�eiy � ' �1. August ~ This atructure can be determined by the multimodal nature of the fluctua- tionc or different sources generating oscillations at different depths. This can be determined also by a time delay in the different horizona of the diaturbance propagated with respect to depth from the surface. An imsufficient number of ineasuremeat horizons does not permit reliable confirmation of the latter. However, the disturbances are delayed with respect to depth. According to the rough eatimatee the average propaga- - tion rate of the disturbance downward is about 1.3 m/hr in the layer from 50 to 700 meters. The amplitudes of diurnal temperature fluctuations vary at different dept": according to different laws. However, the variability in the upper 400 metere is smaller. Their variability in the deep pair of horizons . 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 r un ur r i~..eaa. u.... at 700 and 1400 meters ia also simi.lax. Obviously, there are two differ- ent eyetaws generated by di~~eraat sourcee in the diurnal fluctuatione. This poesibility in this area was indicated previously in reference (10]. It ie possible to propose that tha~diurnal fluctuations in the upper layer daterminad by the internal wavea of the diuraal period are geaerated by tha iateraction of the barotropic tide witn the coastal shelf of the . naarby islands or continent [4]. The fluctuations in the basic thermo- ~ cline caa also be determined by the internal waves generated by the baro- tropic tide interacting with the unevenneases of the bottom [2~ 3). In conclusion it ie~necessary to note that the arr~,litudes of the tempera- ture fluctuations oa inertisl and diurnal periods are approximately identical, and tt~erefore they make an equal contributio.n to the formation of unseparated peak in the spectral densities of the temperature fluctua- tione. Abatract By means of complex demodulation the diurnal and inertial temperature fluctuations are distinguished ae measured on buoy stations of the POLYMODE test area. Tha time and depth variability of each of the fluctuationa is studied. Hypotheaee are suggeated for the mechanism of the fluctuations ' under the conditiona of the teat area. : .BIBLIOGRAPI~Y � 1. Ivaaov~ Yu. A.; Morozov, Ye. G. "Study of the Temperature Fluctua- ~ tions on Tidal and Inertial Period," ATLANTICflESKIY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ' POLIGON-70 [Atlantic Hydrophyaical Polygon-70], Moscow, Nauka, 1974. 2. Cox, C. S.; Sandstrom, H. "Coupling of Internal and Surface Waves In Water of Variabl,e Depth~,." J.. OCEANOGR. SOC. JAPAN, XX~TH ANNIV., 1962,.pp 499-513. , ' ; 3. Baines~ P. G. "Th~ Ceneration of Internal Tides by Flat-Bump ~ , Topography," DEEP.SEA RES., No'.29, 1973, pp 179-205. i I 4. Rattri, M. "Occurrence of Tides in the Coastal Zone," VNUTRENNIYE � I YOLNY.(Internal Waves], Moscbw, Mir, 1964. ; 5. Moain. A. S.; Kamenkovich, V. M.; Kort, V. G. IZMETTCHIVOST' I MIROVOGO OKEANA [Variability of the World OceanJ, Len~ngrad~ Qidrometeoizdat, 1974. ~ 6. Pollard, R. T. "On the Generation by Winds of Inertial Waves in the ' Ocean,~~ DEEP SEA RES., No 17(4), 1970, ( ~ 26 . . _ 1 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY 4 ~ . i I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7. Prival~akiy, V. Xe. "Complex Aemodulation o~ Random Proceases snd ite Applicatioa for the Analyais of Tides," MATERIALY XIIT NAUCHIdOY KONFERENTSII DVGU [Material8 of the 13th Scientific Conference of ~ - the Far Eastern Hydrologic Administratioa], Vladivostok, Part 5, No 1, 1969. 8. Ivanov, Yu. A.; Morozov, Ye. G. "Semimonthly Iaequal3ty of the Interaal Wavea of the Tidal Period," DOKL~ AN SSSR [Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciencea], Vol 236, No 3~ 1977. 9. Day, C.; Webster, F.. "Some Current Measurements in the Sargasso Sea," DEEP SEA RES., No 12(6), 1965, pp 805-8].4. 10. Mirabel'~ A. P.; M~orozov, Ye. G.; Plakhin, Ye. A. "Some Peculiarities of the Vertical Structure of the Temperature of the Tropical Part of , the North Atlantic," I2V. AN SSSR. SER. FIZ. ATM. I OKEANA [News of the USSR Acadeury of Sciences, Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean Seriesl, Vol 9~ No 9, 1973. ~ COPYRIGHT: Mezhdovedomstvennyy geofizicheakiy komitet pri Prezidium _ ' AN SSSR, 1979 ~ [804~4~/0785-10845] ' . 10845 ~ CSO: 8044/0785 . 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 SEPARATION OF SFMIDIURNAL TEI~ERATURE FLUCTUATIONS DETERMINED BY THE BAROTROPIC TIDE AND INTERNAL WAVES M~oecow OKF~ANOLOGICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA in Russian No 30, 1979 pp 18-81 [Article by Ye. G. Morozov, A. S. Samodurov, L. P. Filatova] [Teut] As ie known, in the ocean there are always two types of fluctua- tiona of an identical time scale this is the aemidiurnal barotropic - tide and the internal baroclinic gravity wave with the same period. The spatial acale of thase oscillatione ia distinguished by approximately aa order. However, when studying the fluctuations of the hydrological . characteristics of the 12-hour period using time realizations of the temperature and current at a point, the spatial scale cannot manifest itself. Therefore, both types of oscillations are taken as a united whole. Inasmuch as barotropic tide in practice causes no vertical shift of the water particlea, the temperature fluctuations caused by it are insignif i- cant. The temperature fluctuations are determined basically bj~ the interaal gravity waves having a vertical velocity component, Therefore the tidal~ internal wav~s~are studied by the temperature~fluctuations. In many papers, in particular, in [1] it ia demonstrated that the hori- zont~l coherence of the current fluctuation on a 12-hour period is small. Thia ia explained by ttie fact that both the barotropic tide and the baroclinic tide make�contributions to ~the current fluctuations approx- imately in equal proportions. In addition,~from the general physical arguments it is clear that the coherence of the fluctuations muat be rela- tively hi~h. In ref erence [2], b~ averaging the Fourier coeff icients vertically, an effort was made to separate the velocity field into barotropic and baro- clinic tides. In this study another procedure was used. For the separa- tion of these fluctuations, ~ust as in reference [2] the property of the barotrapic tide was used invariability of the horizontal current velocity vertically. In the region encompassed by the POLYMODE program (at point D) a buoy was installed with current velocity meters from the surface to the bottom. The BPV-2 and BPV-6 instruments were installed 28 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ' FOA OFFICIAL USE ONLY at the 100, 700, 1400, 3000 and 4500 aaetex horizons at an ocean depth of 5200 meters, and at the 25~ 50, 100, and 700 meter horizons temperature recordere ware suspended. The autonomous buoy stptioa operated for 9 days with a meaeurement apacing~of 1 hour. Using the complex damodulation ~ procedure (3j~ the 12-hour harmoaic wae isolated from the realizatione ~utually a band wae isolated with a period of I2�2 houre). The realiza- tion~ of the U and V componente, the velocity modulus and temperature were subjected to thia processing. Thus, ia the current fluctuationa band that lias been isolated, both batotropic tide and internal wave were present. The internal wave will make a basic contribution to the temperature fluc- tuations, for the temperature variatioas caused by advection of the hori- zontal nonuniformities of the temperature by th~ barotropic tide are small, especially deeper than~the seasonal thermocline layer. Below, a detailed atudy was made of the temperature fluctuationa. After isolation of the narrow-frequency band from the series of currents for separation of the internal and barotropic tides the currenta measured every hour on one vertical were averaged. The series obtained was an approximation to the velocity sexies (components and modulus) caused by the barotropic tide, The word "approximation" was used inasmuch as the five measurement horizons selected at the characteristic points of the vertical~is the minimum number of ~horizons~for which such an operation ia ~uatified. The ap~roximation to the barotropic tide that was ob~ained ' ie further interpreted by us as the barotropic tide. Increasing the num- ber of current meters naturally should improve the result. However, _ even for auch a small number of observation horizons the expected result was obtained. The isolated averaged series~of velocities (orbital velocities of the particles of the barotropic tide) varied in time with a period af 12 houra. The difference on each horizon between the initial series which is the sum of the barotropic and the baroclinic tides and averaged vertically, which is the barotropic tide, gives a series far _ the orbital velocity of the particles in the int,ernal wave. Let us denote theae three series by UE, Ubt, UiW respectively. In all horizons the series Uiw also fluctuate with a 12-hour period. It is necessa~y to indicate the values of tfie oscillation amplitudes of the velocity modulus: - for the series UE=10, Ubta~S-6, Uiw `5-6 cm/sec at~ depths to 1000 meters = and 2-3 cm/sec at depths of more than 1000 meters for all variables. Thus, during the semidiurnal fluctuations of the currents the barotropic tide and the internal wave in the upper layers make an approximately equal contribution; in the deep layers the barotropic tide makes the primary - contribution. It ie interesting to note that C. Wunsch [4] estimates the en~rgy of the semidiurnal baroclinic tide on the whole throughout the ocean as 10-15~ , of the barotropic of the same period. Using our data, it is possible to calculate the ratio of the enero-� the baroclinic tide to barotropic in the vicinity of the investigateu te~:. area by the expression 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ ~ : ) � h~ ) J, (1) 1 ' . k = ~oo ~oo ~'N1 ~ e~e1400 ~ h3 ~ � h, ea.~~oo' hs . ~~g�N . ~ Rey: 1. iw~internal wave 2. bt~barotropic tide where Di is the disgersion of the current fluctuations caused by the , baroclin~c tide on the corresponding measurement horizone; Abt is the dispersion of the current fluctuations caused::by the barotropic tide; hi is the layer thicknesa; H is the depth of the ocean; N- O~h~. � ~ . . . � . . . i-~ . A similar estimate for the relative energy of the internal tide in our ' calculations givea the value about 60X. Thia is ineignificaatly greater than the value obtained bq Wunsch. Let ue consider the resulte of analyzing the barotropic tide wave. Using th ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~-t ~'o ~ ~ ~ > V r~ o^ ~ ' ~ m � ~ t~i ~ S e (4j v D~7 ~ V ~ ^ ~ V v v U a s V ~ ~ y r eo x . a~ 4 p m ~ U aL _ 4 . P~ u ~ o, 9 x y : ~t m a r. ~ g a . 7f p v a ~g ~ w a ~ '`'1, _ . O~ X :C i" ~ d ~ f u ~ 4 ~ �b " X s � u ~ Y ~ ~ ~ S a D y x' S ~ ~ r N ' C ~ , o U ~ = U = q v N o, r.: ~ ~ ^ aai V Y ~ v v ~ ' ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x . ~ S ~i , ~ ; ~ ^ a Q N ~ ' m U M v ~ I.~ I ~ m Q a V s , Li a Q a ~ , ~ 4 R , U ~ a U , . ~ C7 ~ . `t V o ^ ~ a : R Q ~ . N - ; V . ~ ~ ~ ~ x w ~ iC a ~ a a; ~ o ~ a = ~ % s ~ ~ ~ � ~z ~ n - C! i t = r; = ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ � Q ~ ~ ' YC m ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ m S ' - u ' 1~ - a`~ ~ n pp i ,e. . . ; . . C C - ^ ~ O. N ~ ^ C � ~ ~ ~ . n�'. 60 ~ ~ ~ v ` C ~ Y O ,S ~ Yr ~ y y . . r... a C O 6ai :L . m ^ . 6=i ' ~ V � ' O ~S ~ ' ~ S 3S ~ ~ T - ~ Y =~~.I F~- Q ~ 3 w L~ x~ ~(X n 4-1 ~ i a � ~ : i ir'o ~ ~ c~i� , . . ^ ` ~ 3 a~ . = ca v' a O t~ i~"I C o F K u ; . : . . . � iN v D+ o: u F., ~ ~ ` ~ ' ~ ~ ~ o~~'. M . a~x a2� ag~- ~ Ap i~/ u'~ S 2 x ..5 $ ~ - ~ . ~n ~ . r, . s y ~ : ~ m ~S ~ ~ L+ R{'~~p � S y A � w t~' G Sv ~ ~ C ~ u 55 � FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ . [Rey to table "Schedule of Interaa.t~onal Research under the POLYMODE Program"]: ~ , , l. Programs 14. Preliminary measurements, USSR 2. Types of operations~ times, 15. Synoptic experiment, USSR participating countries 16. Array in the Gulf Stream, 3. Deaeity measurements (hydrologic, Canada CTD, XBT-surveys) 17. Array in the Northeast 4. Preliminary meaeurementa, USSR Atlantic, England~ France, 5. Synoptic experiments, USSR Federal Republic of Germany 6. Preliminary measurements, USA 18. Current measurements by the 7. XBT-program, USSa, USA SOFAR floata 8. LD$, USSR, USA 19. Tests;'~USA . - 9. Array II, USw 20. LDE, USA 10. Cluaters~A and B, USA 21. Current measurements by 11. Cluster C, USA , drifting buoys ' 12. LDE, USA 22. France 13. Inatrument meaeurements on, 23. LDE, USA buoy stations ~ LDE local dynamic experiment; array a group of wavea in one line; cluster a group of buoys clustered together. 2) (~uasisynchronous mesoscale hydrologic surveys using XBT probes, ealinity temperature probes (ISTOK, AIST) and bathometric measurements in the inside part of the test area with the same station grid apacing; 3) L~ong-term oceanographic observatioas at 19 autonomous oceanographic . buoy stations inatalled at the corners of equilateral triangles (39 miles - on a side) on the ineide body of water of a test area 134x154 miles with its:center at the coordinates 29� north latitude, 70� west longitude; 4) Oceanographic observations in microareas on the acale of individual eddy fornutions. - Bottom depths in the water of the test area vary from 5100 to 5400 me~ers. The current and temperature recorders were installed ori the 50~ 100~ 400, 700, and 1400 meter levels. The observations by the XBT probes were made to a depth of 750 meters~ the.ISTOK and AIST probes and the bathometric series, to 2000 meters. Tha selection of the mentioned observation levels by the autonomous buoy stations arose from the following arguments: 50 meters this is the layer of active interaction with eynoptic processes in the atmosphere; 100 meters aea~rnal thermocline; 400 meters layer of 18-degree water � of the Sargasso Sea; 700 meters 700 meters principal thermocline; on thie level observ~tions are being made in accordance wiLh the American i program using the SOFAR acoustic floats; 1400 meters depth of pure ~ barotropic synoptic current f luctuations. The TsIITT digital integrating ~ p , , 56 � ~ ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 . , FOR OFFICIAL USE OIJLY - - � ~ . . ' o 0 0 0 ' o 0 0 0 31~~u~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 0 o S o~ o ~ o 0 0 O O ~ K o O O O O ~ O 0 ~ ~ O O O A / 0 0 0 m O ~ O � o 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 M A ~ T 29 O O O r~ 0 A f~ o O O M -~4 ~ 0 o ON O O i O' ~ c~ o 0 0 0 0 ~ O p O P o 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' ~ 0 0 o p o ~ o ~ o 0 0 . ~ ! 0 0 0. o o. o . t ~ . Z~ ~ . o: o 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ~ 73~~.0. ~-t ~ 6B p' ~ ' - 4 ~ Diagram of the POLYMODE expedition: ~1 - XBT-sounding; 2-- hydrologic series; 3-- STD-sounding; 4 autonomous buoy atations . Key: � . . . . . 1: 31� north latitude . automatic recorders developed and manufactured at the IOAN Institute (designed by Valovskiy), the TsITT-3 meters (designed by Shekhvatov) and , the BPV-2 recorders'(designed by Alekseyev)>were used to measure the velocity vectors of the currents and the water temperature. During the period from 11 July to 3 October 1977, the expeditionary ships conducted five large-acale and three mesoscale surveys and also observa- tiona ~in several microareas. During the same time the "Akademik Kurchatov" scientific research ahip conducted 66 installations and 46 surveys of the sutonomous oceanographic buoy stations. v 57 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ _ Duriag the first phase of the work in the test area, about.l millio~4 recordinge were made o� the current velocity vector components~ 463,000 water temperature recordings, obaervations at 1800 hydrologic�atations ' and temparature aounding stationa. All of the data went through primary proce8sing. The materials of this and the su~sequent stages of the expedition will be published in the collections of articles OKEANOLOGICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA ~ [Oceanological Research], Nos 31, 32~ and so on. Abstract The Soviet-American POLYMODE proram, the goals of the experiment, the ship measur�emznt program and structure of the test area~s in the south- weatern part of the North Atlantic are described. The main types of the studiea to be performed during the expedition and the time-space scales to be atudied are analyzed. ~ CAPYRIGHT: Mezhdovedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet pri Prezidium ~ AN SSSR~ 1979 [8044/0785-10845] , 10845 CSO: 8044/0785 ~ I . . ~ 1 . , ~ . , 58 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ . i STUDY OF THE TRAIN STRUCTURE OF SHORT-PERIOD TEh~ERATURE FLUCTUATIONS ~ Moecow OKEANOLOGICHESKIYE ISSLIDOVANIYA in Rueaian No 30, 1979 pp 93-96 [Article by A. S. Samodurov, Ye. G. Morozov] _ [Text] There are a significant aumber of studies in which it is noted that the ehort-period (T�1 hour) internal gravity wavea exist in the ocean in the form of individual groups separated by sections of relative - quiet [1-4j. Most frequently the groups (or trains) of waves are detected in defined ghases of the larger scale internal waves, as a rule, tidal. flowever, the distinguishiag feature of the indicated measurements is the fact that they basically were performed in the caastal shallow region where the amplitudes of the long-period waves are maximal. In the case ~ where the regime of the large-acale wave is close to critical it was demonstrated [5] that the wave train is formed in the vicinity of the point u~c~, where u is the orbital velocity in the wave, c~ is the phase velocity. The present study was undertaken in order to discover how much the train - structure of the short-period internal waves is characteristic for the open sea and also to determine the periodicity of the appearance of the trains. It must be noted that experimeatally the train structure of the short-period fluctuationa was also noted in the open sea [6-7], but its e~i~tence w~e determined by the series' lasting no more than 8-10 days, that is~ it was not confir~ned statistically. Therefore it is difficult to ~udg~ t~e p~riodicity of the appearance of the trains. The performed exper- iment made it possible to obtain c~ntinuous series of long duration with _ small discreteness. We ha~ve used series lasting about'a month with a discreteness of 6 minutes. W3th respect to the successive 2-day segments of this series spectral functions were calculated for determining Che clearly expxessed energy- bearing period T in the high-frequency region of the spectrum. The number - of degrees of freedom was 20 everywhere. tin example of this series of spectra is presented in Fig 1, from which it is obvious that on periods close to 1 hour from time to time high energies appear. However~ after a ahort time these flucCuations cease to give blips on the spectra. 59 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 rvw VL C L~I1LW It must be noted that the 50-meter horizon that we selected for investiga- tian is the most characteristic by the variabi.lity of the fluctuation _ apectra in time and also the large vertical temperature gradients inasmuch as it is located in the seasonal thermocliae layer. Let us note that on . other horizona the variability of the spectra in time also occura. The measurements performed with euch amall discretenesa at a depth of 1400 metazs indicate the presence of very strong variability also at thie depth. Byiusiag the method:of complex demodulation [8], from the initial realiza- tion fluctuations were isolated in a narrow range of perioda T+AT. The value of At in all cases was 5 minutes. The period T wae selected by the epectral analyeis, that is~ t ls also the period in the high-frequency region of the spectrum at which high-energy blipe appeared. After pro- ceaeing the seriea by the method of complex demodulatian, the harmonic of ~ the desired period was obtained with amplitude variable in time. From thie harmonic~ a series of amplitudes were compiled. Its discretenesa wae equal to the period T respectively. Thus, the series obtained is the emielope of the harmonic isolated after complex demodulation. The spectrum was again calculated by the formed series. The location of the peaks on the conatructed spectrum ( call it indicates the most probable periodic3ty of the appearanae of groups of high-frequency internal waves. , $t DZHU~ ' ~~l) ~ . � 0,3 , ~ ~ 1 . 2 3 - Q1 � � , . 4~ ~ , r� 110 60 36 d0 14 7,nuM ~2~ ~ ~ ~ ' � i � ; , 4 S . j ' ' . . f Figure 1. Five functi~ons of the spectral density calculated by the successive two-day series on the buoy M(50-meter horizon). The graphs indicate the time vartability of the temperature fluctuations. The numbers are the numbers of the realizatione. xey: 1. S, deg2-min; 2. T, min 60 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY aefore we proceed to a discuaston o~ the.zesults, let us note that the ragion in which the measurements were ~ade is distinguiahed by a complex ayatem of currents caused by the passage o~ the powerful ocean eddies. In reference [9] it was demonetrated that as a result of the Doppler effect e~ting here the tidal and inertial peaks in the temperature spectra can - ahift with reapect to frequency, which frequently also occurs in reality. - FoT th~ conditione of the teat area the ahifte can be highly significant. ~ Thue~ if the currents with a velocity of 30 to 50 cm/sec and a propagation rate of the obaerved wave of di~uraal period are directed in opposite directione, the correapoadYng peak shifts to the vicinity of the periods of 38-60 houre. The described phenomenoa turned~out to be eignificant for the reaults of this paper. In Fig 2, a~ d, apectral functioas ar~ depicted for four pointa of the - tes t area. According to the data of the spectral analysis for the aeries obtained at the poiats M, fl, II, R the periods T of the isola�ted oacilla- tione were selecte:l equal to 60, 48, 50 and 60 minutes respectively. From Fig 2 it is obvious that at two points M aad II there is a blip on a - period of about 24 hours; at the points H and K there are quite strong peaks in the 40-hour range; at the point II, a blip of about 50 hours. As for the semidiurrtal period, on the presented graphs it in practice - does not appear. In our opinion, the peculiaritiea in the behavior~of the function ~ are caused by the following causes. _ The grougs of short-period internal gravity waues are formed in defiried phasea of the internal tidal waves. This process occurs as follows. If the ahort-period waves have a group velocity equal to the phase velocity of eome large-scale wave~ the nonlinear resonance interaction occurring in the system leads to growth of the small-scale disturbances [10-12]. This mechanism a~ust, be manifested most atrongly in the vicinity of the defined phase of the long wave where as a result of the peculiarities of the vert ical disCribution of the velocity intensity (the Richardson number is minimal) the occurring small-acale wave disturbances are suppressed to the least degree. As an illustration in Fig 3 we have the temperature fluctuations with a. period of 24 hours isolated from the initial series using t~~e method of complex demodulation and variations in time of the fluctuation amplitude - with a period of 48 minutes at the same point. It is obvious that zhe peaks of the lower curves frequently occur for the same phase of the ` diurnal wave. It is interesting to note that the amplitude of the latter in the indicated phase is zero. This means,'in particular, that the time behavior of the amplitude of the short-period oscillation is caused by aperiodic variations of the mean temperature gradient caused by the diurnal wave. 61 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ta~~MVN ~1~ � . t: QN ;0 a01 � M Rd N p A' 40! QO! . ~ � R2 ~ H n, aio n aeta n ,~t~ .n ~r ~2) . Figure 2. Spectral density functions ~Y constructed by the series of amplitude peaks after processing the aeries by the method of complex demodulation according to the data - of buoys M, H, II~ K(50-meter horizon) Ktsy : l. S. deg2-min 2. T~ houra ~ _ ~ ! er'c . . I Q6 ~ Q4 a~ ' 1t1 a1 R4 ~ . Q6 � A' C a: ~ . . a~ . - ~ , , , , , , f 1 3 ~ S 6 7 Q P f0 1! 7Z ~J T,cymn~ ~1 ~ Figure 3. Time variability of the diurnal temperature fluctua- ~ tion and temperature fluctuations with a period of 48 minutes ~ (50 meter horizon): a-- diurnal fluctuation harmonic, b-- amplitude of the fluctuation with a 48~minute period. The liaes ~oin the amplitude peaks with a period of 48 minutea for defined phases of the diurnal fluctuation. Key : 1. T, days ~ . f 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ~ ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL ;3SE ONLY ' The appearance of the groups o� high-frequency waves with periads greater than 24 h.~urs is caused by the Doppler ef�ect as a.result of which the parameters of the diurnal internal wave vary [9]. _ The "energy" of *_he groups of waves appearing with diurnal periodicity is greater than the "energy" of the trains of semidiurnal period inasmuch as - the parameters of diurnal wave are�.such that in them the occurrence of the traine of short-period waves has greater probability. The internal wave with a 24-hour period is characterized by large mode number [9]. This means that the vertical scale of the diurnal wave is less than semi- diurnal and, consequently, here for equal amplitude large vertical velocity gradients are formed. In addition, for equal amplitudes the diurnal wave ie ateeper than the semidiurnal as a result of the fact that for a large mode number tha wave length is shorter. This leads to instability of the wave and the formation of a pack,et of short-period waves. _ The increase in "energy" of the trains on periods of 38-60 hours is explained by the fact that the corresponding gradients of the quasi- etationary current are superposed on the vertical velocity gradients in the diurnal wave. This implies an increase in the overall velocity shift and pramotes more intense growth of the short-period disturbances. Abstract The periodirity of the short-period internal wave trains is gtudied. The wave trains are~shown to occur with the period of the diurnal tidal wave due to the instability of the latter. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ziegenbein, J. "Short Internal Waves in the Strait of Gibraltar," DEEP SEA RES.,.Vol 6, No S, 1969. 2. Gade, G.; Eriksen, F. "~Jotes on the Internal Tide and Secondary Oscillations in the Strait of Gibral.tar~" ARBOK UNI V. BERGEN, MAT.-NATUR. SER., No 9, 1969. 3. Hecht, A.; Hughes, P. "Observations of Temperature Fluctuations in _ the Upper Layers of the Bay of Biscay," DEEP SEA RES., Vol 18, No 7, 1971. 4. Byshev, V. I.;� Ivanov, Yu. A.; Morozov, Ye. G. "Study of Temperature Fluctuations in the Frequency Range af the Internal Gravity Waves," - _ IZV. AN SSSR. SER. FIZ. ATM. I OKEANA [News of the USSR Academy of . Sciences. Physics of the Atm~sphere and Ocean Series], Vol 7, No 1, 1971. 5. Samodurov, A. S. "Generation of Internal Wave Trains in the Ocean," ISSLIDOVANIYE IZMENCHIVOSTI GIDROFIZICHESKTKH POLEY V OKEANE [St-:uy of the Variability of the Hydrophysical Fields in the Oc~an], Moscow, Nauka, 1974. 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~~6. Sabinin, K. D. "Some Peculiarities of Short-Period Wavea in ~he Ocean~" IZV. AN SSSR. SER. ~IZ. ATM. I OI~EANA, Vol 9, No 1, 1973. 7. l~orozov, Ye. G.; Plakhin, Ye. A.; Shapovalov, S. M. "Study of the Temperature Fluctuations in the Northwestern Part of the Pacif ic Ocean in the Frequency Band of the Internal Gravity Waves," OKEANOLOGIYA [Oceanology]~ Vol 16~ No 1, ~976. 8. Prival'skiy-,-V. Ye. "Complex Demodulation of Random Processes and Its Applicatioa for Tide Aaalysis," MATERIALY XIII NAUCHNOY KONFERENTSII DVGU [Materials of the 13th Scientific Conference of the Far Eastern Hydrologic Administration], Part 5, No 1, Vladivostok, 1969. 9. Morozov, Ye. G.; Samodurov, A. S.; Limanskaya, L. I.; Filatova, L. P. "Study of the Diurnal and Semidiurnal Temp~ratu~e Fluctuations~" sea the present collection, p 63. ' 10. M~Iatyre, M, E. "Mean Motions aad Impulse of a Guided Internal Gravity Wave Packe~~" J. FLIIID MECHAN.,.No 60, 1973, pp 801-811. 11. Grimshaw, R. "The modulation and Stability of an Internal Gravity : Wave," I~i. SOC. ROY. SCI., Liege, 6th Series, No X, 1976, pp 299-314. 12. Grimshaw, R. "The Modulation of an Internal Grsvity Wave Packet R and the Resonance with the Mean Motion," STUD. IN APPLIED MATHF~I., No 56, 1977, pp 241-266. COPYRIGHT: Mezhdovedomstvennyy geofi,zicheskiy komitet pri Prezidium AN SSSR, 1979 ~ [8044/0785-10845] 10845 CSO: 8044/0785 ' 64 ; i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , UDC ~28.516;62?.396.962.21 PHASE RADIOGEOAETIC SYSTEMS FOR MARINE RESEARCH Moscow FAZOVYYE RADIOGEODEZICHESKIYE SISTEMY DLYA MORSKIKH ISSLEDOVANIY (Phase Radiogeodetic Systems for Marine Research) in Russian 1979 aigned to press 11 Nov 79 pp 2, 152-153, 162-163 [Annotation, conclusion and table of contents of book by A. M. Agafonnikov, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1,000 copies, 164 pages] [Text) Annotation. In this book the author generalizes and systematizes in- formation on phase radiogeodetic systems operating in the range 1.5-3 MHz. 'I'heir circuitry is described, as is the instrumentation itself and the methods for using it. Information is given on the propagation of radio waves. The proble;ns involved in increasing the accuracy of systems and the prospects and directione of their development are considered. The monograph is intended for scientific workers, graduate students, engineera and students specializing in the f ield of marine geodesy and radionaviga- tion. Tables 2, figures 77. Bibliography of 184 items. Conclusian. As already confirmed by the enormous experience in their use, phase radiogeodetic systems as a tool for horizontal coordinate tie-in _ have a number of valuable qualities which make them indispensable in - conducting many types of marine research and exploration work: high accur- acy, continuity of operation, technical aimplicity in obtaining a reading of thz conditional coordinates. At the same time they have a number of shortcomings restricting the pcssibilities of their use: low effective range, c:eed for setting up and servicing a of shore stations, and ambigujv~y of the phase reading. How promising are phase radiogeodetic sys- ~ tems and will they not be replaced by other systems and apparatus having poaitive q~ialities but which are without some of their shortcomings? The most probable alternative for phase radiogeodetic systems are satellite navigational and geodetic systems which operate without interruption. Ex- - ieting satellite navigational systems have a high discreteness of deter- minations (up to one determination each one or two hours in the low lati- tudes in the "Transit" system) and a duration of one determination equal to the time of satellite transit over the radiohorizon of th~ point to be determined (12-18 minutes). In the United States specialiats have c~~- veloped a plan for the continuausly operating "Navstar" satellite - 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 L'Vl\ VL'i lv~~u~ _ ....`.a navigational ayatem which it is planned will be in operation in 1985. Ac- cording to preliminary computat~.ons, it will provide usere (which at firet will be the United Statee Army, Navy and Air Force) with a contin- uous determination of position with a horizontal and vertical error of 30 m. For the time being no real accaracy evaluatione have been publiehed. In , the future syatems of thie class can evidently replace phase radiogeodetic systems. However, this will require that they ensure a guaranteed accuracy in determining poaition the same as phase radiogeodetic systems and that - the coat of the apparatus and its operation be the same as in phase radio- geodetic systems. A period of about 10-20 yeara after introduction of the "Navstar" aystem may evidently be required in order to attain these indicea and Li~til then the system will be used in regions where the re- quired accuracy and continuity of tie-in cannot be ensured by phase radio- ~ geodetic syatems due to the imposaibility of further deploymen.t. It can therefore be asserted that in the next 15-20 years phase radiogeodetic sys- tems wi11 not be replaced by satellite system~, at least in the tradition- al greas of their use. During recent years communicationa have appeared in the press concerning the use of tropospheric scattering for increasing the effective range of ultrashort-wave aystems to 300 km. The advantages of the ultrashort-wave range are: abaence of reflections from the ionoaphere and considerably less- er reatrictions on the width of the signal spectrum, as a result of which exclusively wide-band systems ensuring an unambiguous determination of poaition with a still higher accuracy than phase radiogeodetic systems are uaed in this range. Unfortunately, the effective range of these systems is limited to the distance of direct visibility, not exceeding 70 km over the aea under ordinary canditions (the heights of raising anterinas is about 20-30 m). Tropospheric scattering makes possible a considerable increase in the range of propagation of ultrashort waves beyond t~e horizon, but in this case it is necessary t~ have a very great increase in transmitter powers. To a considerable degree this limits the possibilities of using such systema. In addition, the conditions for tropospheric propagation are characterized by inatability associated with tropospheric turbulence. For these reasona there is no basis for assuming that ultrashort-wave radiogeodetic aystems with the use of tropospheric scattering can be an alternative to phase radiogeodetic systems, although in some favorable cases they cax~ be used instead of them. It therefore follows from everything set forth above that phase radiogeo- - detic systems operating in the range 1.5-3 MHz will continue to remain an indispensable means for highly precise horizontal coordinate tie-in f.or the coastal zones af seas and oceans and will be promising for at least the next 15-20 years. This will require their further inatrumental improve- ment and the further development of ~:~thods for their use. 66 sa FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS Page Preface 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical Principles of Radiogeodesy. Fundamental Concepts 1.1. Principles of determining pasition on earth's surface 9 1.2. Errors in determining position (fundamentals of theory) 11 1.3. Basic information from theory of harmonic oscillations 16 _ 1.4. Methods for determining distances and differences in dis- tances by phase radioelectronic apparatus 22 1.5. Phase radiogeodetic meaeurements and their information content 42 Chapter 2. Radiation, Reception and Propagation of Radio Waves in the Range 1.5-4 MHz 2.1. Radiation and reception of radio waves 49 2.2. Prapagation of radio waves in homogeneous medium 60 2.3. Propagation of radio waves along earth's surface 62 2.4. Propagation of radio waves in the ionasphere 71 Chaptsr 3. Phase Radiogeodetic System Circer~itry and Apparatus 3.1. Circuits and apparatus for producing and detecting phase shift 80 3.2. Radiogeodetic phase meters, phase indicators and phase recorders 90 3.3. Reference oscillators 102 3.4. Radio transmitters and transmitting antennas 105 3.5. Radio receiving apparatua and receiving antennas 108 3.6. Existing phase radiogeodetic syatems 111 Chapter 4. Instrument Errors in Phase Radiogeodetic Systems and Measures for Reducing Them ~ 4.1. General characteristics 115 4.2. Phase errors in high-frequency circuits of radio receivers 118 4.3. Phase errora in rectifier and low-freqtlency circuits of radio , receivers 124 4.4. Phase errora in radio tranamitters 129 Chapter 5. Principles of Method for Using Phase Radiogeodetic Systems and Prospects for Their Further Development 5.~. Generalized method for using phase radiogeadetic systems 131 5.2. Prospects and possible directions in development of phase - radiogeodetic systems 142 5.3. Combining of phase radiogeodetic systems with other systems and apparatus for navigation and determining a ship's position 148 Conclusion 152 Bibliography 154 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvc "Nauka," 1979 [291-5303] 5303/CSO: 1865 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ARTICLES ON THEORY AND PREDICTION OF TSUNAMIS Moscow TEORIYA I OPERATIVNYY PROGNOZ TSUNAMI (The Theory and Operational Prediction of Tsunamis) in Ruasian 1980 signed to press 1 Nov 79 pp 3-4, 173 [Preface and table of contents from collection of articles edited by V. N. Nekrasova, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 800 copies, 179 pages] [Text] Preface. Thia collection of articles was prepared by the Commiasion - on Taunamis of the InterdepartmPntal Council on Seismology and Seismic Re- sistant Construction of the Presidium USSR Academy of Sciences in collabor- ation with the Sakhalin Multidiaciplir~e Scientific Research Institute Far Eastern Scientific Center USSR Academy of Sciences and other organiza- tions. Earlier collections of articles of this type were published by the . Interdepartmental Council on Seiamology and Seismic Resistant Construction and the Sakhalin Multidiscipline Scientific Besearch Institute in 1956, 1961, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1977 and 1978 (twice). M~oat of.the articles in this collection are devoted to improvement in the v seismic method for predictir.g tsunamis, which since the beginning of the 1950's, when the aervice for warning the population of the Far East about the approach of taunamis was established, to the present time in easence remaina the aole working method for making such predictions. Due to its stattetical character it cannot, in principle, enaure a 100% reliability and effectiveness of the service. The universal improvement of this meth- ~ od is evidently of great importance. Appropriate efforts are now being undertaken in the following directions: 1) search for new criteria relat- ing earthquakes to the generation of tsunamis; 2) refinement of the mag- nitude criterion in relation to generation of tsunamis; 3) automation of proceaeing of aeismological data. Ae additional criteria relating to the generation of tsunamis, during re- cent yeara it has been traditional to study the spectral composition of body waves, earthquake depth and focal mechanism. In this collection of articles A. I. Ivashchenko and A. A. Poplavskiy, R. N. Burymskaya and N. A. Zhbrqkunova examine the aearch for spectral criteria; definite progress is noted here, but it muat be noted that the mean abaolute level of the am- plitude apectrum of a longitudinal wave discriminated by A. I. Ivashchenko 68 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - and A. A. Poplavskiy as a criter.ion for an earthquake generating a tsu- nami in esaence means giving a preference to tne magnitude mp over the ordinary magnitude M in evaluating whether an earthquake leads to the formation of a tsunami. A detailed examination of the possibilitiea of using the earthquake focal wecl~anism for increasing the effectiveness of prediction ia examined in aa article by R. N. Burymskaya and Ye. A. Vorob'yeva; the problem is difficult to solve due to the need for uaing data for only one atation under the present conditiona of the service. The articlea of A. I. Ivashchenko and F. D. Zhuk, L. S. Oakorbin and 0. N. Solov'yeva refine the peculiarities of computation of magnitude of an earthquake under the conditions of operational work at tsunami sta- - tions. The results make it possible to increase the accuracy of comput- ations. A. A. Poplavskiy and I. N. Tikhonov continue a long-term cycle of atudies for creating a set of algorithma on the basis of which it ' would be possible to automate determination of the principal paxameters of an earthquake. The article by Ye. A. Vorob'yeva is devoted to a non- traditional method for determining the epicentral distance of an earth- quake, since on the records of instruments at tsunami stations in the Far East transverse waves frequently are poorly expressed or are en- tirely absent. This section was prepared under the direction of A. A. Poplavskiy. Three published articles describe individual possible components of an observation system for the detection of tsunamis in the open ocean.'For example, I. M. Shenderovich and G. N. Mar propose a filter of a funda- ~ mentally new type for discriminating tsunamis from the superposing of ' _ ocean level oscillations; A. G. Smagin and his colleagues propose a quartz senaor for measuring ocean level; B. V. Levin, B. M. Lisenko and V. Ye. Rokotyan propose that lidars be used for detecting tsunamis at relatively short distances from the shore. Individual articles are devoted to further theoretical work on problems related to tsunami excitation and propagation. They contain new, orig- inal results. S. S. Voyt, A. N. Lebedev and B. I. Sebokin examine the problem of tsunami excitation when there is a horizontal effect on the water layer a quite typical case under natural conditions, but vir- tually not considered in the literature (in contrast to vertical m~ve- ments of the sea floor). V. F. Ivanov and L. V. Cherkesov undertake a study of the contribution of dispersion and nonlinearity to the trans- formation of tsunamis in the process of approach of waves to the shore and obtain refined estimates. An article by Ye. N. Pelinovskiy, I. A. Soust~~va and V. Ye. Fridman examines the phenomenon of diffraction of teun:~mis which is difficu].t to analyze and therefore which has been poorly studied. The sub,ject matter of two articles is treated for the first time in a collection of articles on the tsunami problem. A note by A. M. Shury- gin gives a preliminary atatistical analysis of the process of inun- dation of the coast by taunami waves in the example of Libya and 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ~�n the article by V. A. Butkovskiy, N. V. Deryugin and N. A. Simonov describes - an automated ayatem tor warning the population about tsunamis which has been created on Kamchatka which makes maximum use of the ordinary radio and tele- vieioa system. In the cycle of further studies of the taunami prob?_em, great : attention wi11 undoubtedly be devoted to the problems involved in tsunami regionalization and communication subsystems. ~ Although within the framework of a collection of articles it is impoasible to reflect all the attainments in atudies of the taunami problem in the USSR, it can be hoped that even in this form 't will be of coneiderable in- ' terest for apecialiste interested in development of ineans and methods for contending with auch threatening calamities. A. A. Poplavskiy and B. N. Sheyn took an active part in preparing the col- lection of articles. CONTENTS .Pa$e Foreword 3 Voyt, S. S., Lebedev, A. N., Sebekin, B. I., "Some Peculiarities of ; Tsunami Waves Related to the Characteristics of the Disturbance ~ Focus" 5 - Pelinovekiy, Ye. N., Soustova, I. A., Fridman, V. Ye., "Diffraction of Taunami Waves in an Ocean of Variable Depth" 12 ' Ivanov, V. F., Cherkesov, L. V., "Role of the Joint Effect of Dispersion and Nonlinearity During the Movement of Tsunami Waves in the Shelf , 2one" 18 ; I Poplavskiy, A. A., "Automatic Operational Tsunami Forecasting" 29 ! Tikhonov, I. N., "Algorithms for Eatimating Epicentral Diatances from i the Records of 'Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk' Seismic Station" 35 j Ivashchenko, A. I., Poplavskiy, A. A., "Some Results of an Additional i- Inveatigation of the Problem of Recognizing the Tsunami-Generating ; Nature of an Earthquake" ~ 42 ' Tikhonov, I. N., Poplavakiy, A. A., "Initial Computer Analyais of a Seiamogram Containing Intensive Noise" 49 Burymskaya, R. N., Zhbrykunova, N. A., "Analysis of Spectral and Tempor- al Characteriatics of Strong Kurile Earthquakea of 1975-1976" 64 ; Ivashchenko, A. I., Zhuk, F. D., "Calibration Curves for Determining mp and mS from Records of Mechanical Seismographs" 74 70 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTENTS (Continued) Page Oskorbin, L. S., Solov'yeva, "Nomogram for Operational Determination of the Magnitude of a Near Strong Earthquake ~rom Body Waves Regietered - by Seiamographs with Mechanical Registry" 107 Vorob'yeva, Ye. A., "Travel Time Curve of the Maximum Phase of Surface Waves at Cloae Diatances" 112 Vorob'yeva, Ye. A., "Relationehip o~ the S/'P Parameter of a Seismic Record Obtained in the Near Zone to Orientation of a Fault Plaze at the Focus" 119 Burymskaya, R. N., "Some Resulta of Inveatigation of the Streased State in the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle in the Kurile-Ramchatka Zone" 133 Sh~irygin, A. M., "Long-Range Forecasting of Strong Tsunamia" 141 Shenderovich, I. M., Mar, G. N., "Filters for Subsonic iz~equencies for Use in Inatruments for Measuring Tsunami Waves" 146 Smagin, A. G., Grundel', L. M., Kurkin, Yu. P., Mil'shteyn, B. G., "Highly Sensitive Frequency Sensor of Change in Level of Hydrostatic - Presaure" 151 - Levin, B. V., Lysenko, B. M., Rokotyan, V. Ye., "Lidar Methoda fc,r In- veatigating Long Waves at the Sea Surface" 154 Butkovakiy, V. A., Deryugin, N. V., Simonov, N. A., "Automated Syatem for Warning the Population of the Threat of Tsunami Waves" 159 - Alekseyev, A. A., Voyt, S. S., Solov'yev, S. L., "International Sympo- aium on the Taunami Problem at Ensenada" 169 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'et~ro "Nauka," 1980 [289-5303] ~ 5303 ' CSO: 1865 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 - - TERRESTRIAL GEOPHYSICS UDC 550.34; 551.24+550.312+551.34+621.311.21+625.110 SEISMOGEOLOGY OF THE MONGOLIAN-ORAOTSK LINEAMENT (EASTERN FLANK) , Novoaibirsk S~;SMOGEOLOGIYA MONGOLO-OKHOTSKOGO LINEAAIrIIENTA (VOSTOCHNYY FLANG) (Seiamology of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Lineament (Eastern Flank)) in Ruesian 1979 s~.gned to press 18 Sep 79 pp 2-4 and table of contents - [Annotation, introduction and table of contents from book by V. V. Nikol- ~ ayev, R. M. Semenov and V. P. Solonenko, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," Sibirskoye Otdeleniye, 1,000 copies, number of pages not given3 [Text] Annotation. The geological structure, neotectonics and seismogeology of the Tukuringra-Dzhagdinskaya part of the Mongoli~n-Okhotsk zone of deep faulta are examined for the first time for seismic r~gionalization pur- posea. Seiamogeological, seismic and geophysical data are uaed in deter- mining the potential aeismicity of apecific morphostructurea and for carrying out seismic regionalization of a territory earlier considered to ' be virtually aseismic. The aeismogeological conditions of the Zeya Hydro- electsic Power Station and the Zeya segment of the route of the Baykal-Amur . Railroad are de~cribed. The book will be of interest to seiamogeologiets, aeismologists, specialists in the field of neotectonics, and also thoae engaged in the planning of tranaportation, hydraulic, industrial and civil etructurea, . , Introduction. A system of rangea, the Yankan, Tukuringra and Dzhagdy, ex- ! tenda 1atiLudinally across the entire uFper Amur region. This system ia ~ bounded on the north by the Tukuringra-Stanovoye intermontane depression ; and the Udekn-Zeyakiy downwarp, and on the south by the Verkhne-Amurskaya ' depression and the Amur-Zeya plain. This mountainous ridge is associated ' with the Yankanskiy and Tukuringra-Dzhagdinskiy anticlinoria, whose for- , mation is structurally closely related to the 12ongolian-Okhotsk marginal , suture. The Tukuringra-Dzhagdinskaya mountainous country is poorly populated. Nat- urally, information concerning its seismicity was extremely scanty and since seismic catastrophes have not occurred here, it has not attracted the attention of seismologists and seismogeologista. The low level of seiemic informa~ion was equated to a low level of aeismic activity of the territory 5 scale units according to the norma given in the SNiP P-A.12- 69 (STROITEL'STVO..., 1970), although seismogeologista had assumed earlier 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY that atrong earthquakes can occur here (Garahkov, 1931; Solonenko, 1950). In connection with the planning of the Zeya Hydroelectric Power Station the Institut~ of Physica of the Earth USSR Academy of Sciencea durinA 1964-1968 carried out a study of the seismicity in the seiamically danger- ous zone of the hydroelectric power etation. The period of investigationa by the Institute of Physics of the Earth coincided witih a period of de- creased activity and thia zone was deemed to be aseismic. IiAwever, on the basis of reconnaiseance seiamogeological observations in 1968 the region of the Zeya Hydroelectric Power station was deemed by us to be seismically active; the seismic danger for the Zeya Hydroelectric Power Station was related to specific atructures the Tukuringra-Dzhag- dinskiy a:~ticlinorium and a deep fault (Yuzhno-Tukuringrekiy fault) passing near the dam site. Planning organizations were informed of this on time. But only after a strong (8 scale units) earthquake on 2 November 1973 was it possible to carry out syatematic engineering field work in the neigh- borhood of the hydroelectric power station (data on the seismicity of the Zeya segment of the Baykal-Amur Railroad route were collected incidental to this work). The seismogeological investigations in 1974-1975 were made primarily in the seiemically active zone of the Tukuringra-Dzhagdy Ranges and to a lesa- - er degr~e to the north and south of it over an area of more than 120,000 lan2. Parallel to this structure, along the Stanovoy Range, there is still another seismically active zone which spatially corresponds to a zone of extansive manifestation of dis~unctive tectonics, a complex system of horata and grabens, high contrast and ~.ntensity of neotectonic movements accompanied by Quaternary volcanism. The Stanovoy deep fault with a high potential aeismicity can also be traced here. - A segment of the route of the Baykal-Amur Railroad and its branch Tynda- Berkakit is under the influence of the earthquakes of this zone. The principal purpose of this book is a deacription of the geostructural, neotectonic and seismotectonic characteristics of the Tukuringra-Dzhagdin- akiy mountainous ~one in relation to its deep structure and seismicity so that on this basis it would be posaible to compile a seismic regional- ization map of the general type which in essence would graphically reflect the prediction of intensity of intermediate-maximum earthquakes and the regions of their occurrence. The authora by no means consider the solu- tion of the problem proposed in this study to be above reproach, especial- ly for auch a geologically complex region where not a single fundamental problem in the field of structural geology has an unambiguous solution. The age of the folded systems and their boundaries are determined differ- ently on each new map of structural geology. In addition, the geological history evolution of the earth's crust is one of the criteria for deter- mining the seismic potential of specific morphostructures. 73 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 The authora express deep app-~ciation to special:ists in varioua fiptds at the Geology Institute Yakutsk Affiliate Siberian Department USSR Academy of Scisnces (B. M. Knz'min, A. G. Larionov), the Inatitute of Tectonica and Geophysics Far Eastern Scientific Center USSR Academy of Sciences (F. G. Rarchagin, L. A. Mastyulin, F. S. Onukhov, G. F. Ufimtsev) and the In- etitute of the Earth's Cruat (A. D. Sarapulov, A. S. Yendrikhinekiy, V. M. Knchetkov, N. A. Logachev, S. D. I~il'ko, and othera), and also apecialista 3n the technical editing laboratory of the Institute of the Earth's Crust, who invested much work in ~inalizing the manuacript. _ CON.TENTS Page Introduction 3 Chapter I. Problems in the Method for Seismogeological Research and Study of Seismicity of a Territory 5 Concerning the reaearch method 5 - Seismicity 7 - Chapter II. Tectonic Structure of Pre-Cenozoic Basement 24 Stanovaya zone ~ ~ 27 Mongolian-Okhotak zone 29 Suture zone and main deep faults 37 Chapter III. Principal Recent Strucrures and Mechanism of Their Development 39 Age of peneplane ' 39 Mnst important recent structures 41 Horizontal movements 43 . Elementa of deep structure of morphostructures 48 Statistical analysis of recent vertical tectonic movements 51 Chapter IV. Seismotectonice and Potsntial Seiamicity of Morphostr�ctures and Zones of Activated Faults 54 Quantitative evaluation of neo- and seismotectonic movements 56 Morphostructural analyeis 66 M,oet important activa~ed faults 82 Chapter V. Seismic Regionalization and Problems of "Induced" Seismicity 90 Initial data . 9d , Description of saismic regions 95 Refinement of the initial scale unit for Zeya Hydroelectric Power Station construction region and the prob.lem of "induced" earthquakes 99 _ Seismogeological conditions along route of Baykal-Amur Railroad 103 Conclueion 105 Bibliography 107 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1979 [278-5303] 5303/CSO: 1865 , 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ HOLOGRApHY AND OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING IN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS Leningrad GOLOGR4FIYA I OPTICHESKAYA OBRABOTKA INFORMATSII V GEOLOGII I GEOFIZIKE in Russian 1979, pp 2-4, 193-194 [Annotation, table of contents and introduction from book edited by S. B. Gurevich, Order of Lenin Physico-Technical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Leningred, S00 copies, 195 pages] [Text] Annotation ~ Reports read at the All-U nion Seminar on Optico-electronic Methods of Pro- cessYng Geological and Geophysical Data, held in Tomsk in 1978, served es the basis for the present col?ection. The main theme of the collection is the processing of large masses of geophysical data and the creation nf new instruments and"devices f or the optical processing of geological and geo- physical materials. SpeciPic methods and de~�ices are examined along with survey reports on that theme. The materials presented in the articles are of great importance for the development of work envisaged by the national economic plan. They provide the possi~ility for specialists, geophysicists and geologists to taecome acquainted .with t~e new possibilities opened up by hologrephy and methods of optical data processing in tasks of searching and prospecting for minerals. CON~.'ENTS Pege l Introduotion 3 0. A. Potapov. The problem of processing large masses of geological and geophysicel data and ways to solve it 5 A. N. Galanov, V. P. Ivanchenkov, Z. V. Krivosheyev, P. V. Mineyev, H. F. Onyushev and L. N. U1'chenko. Investi,gation of a combined optico-electronic system for processing seismic data 19 S. M. Kofsman and Ye. A. Kopilevich. Optical f iltration of seismic time segments with erbitrary filter parameters 's~ 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 Page G. I. Poskonnyy and V. P. Ivanchenkov, Investig~~ions of some possibilities of optico-electronic com,~uter devides with spetially incoherent sources of radiation 38 D. A. Kutukov and G. A~ Gusov. Improvement of thQ characteristics of optical devices used to process geological and geophysical data 50 S. M. Kofsmen and Ye. A. Kopilevich. Use of synthesized holograms in seismic data filtration 58 V. p. Ivanchenkov and V. A. Shlotgauer. Phase-frequency analysis of seismic vibrations and s ome ways to realize it in optico-electronic data processing systems 65 V. S. Pinzhin, Z. B. Khayut and V. A. Shlotgauer. Electronic computer units of non-coherent"optical spectrum analyzer 74 R. S. Bechevskiy, S. A. Vasil'yev, G. I. Gas'kevich, B. V. Gorodechnyy, N. I. Kalashnikov and I. Muravskiy. On the question of developing the principles o~ contruction of optical processors 85 R. S. Bachevskiy, N. I. Kalashnikov, L. I. Kuravskiy ond 0. I. 1Q~arlova. On the questinn of coherent-optical processing of optically reproducible recordings of area seismic ohservations 89 0, A. Potapov, 0. ~C. Vorob'yev and V. I. Dubyanskiy. Holographic optico-digital processing of seismic survey data 95 0. A. Potepov and A. Ye. Shutkin [deceased]. Prospects of use of coherent optical devices in systems f or the gathering, processing and storage of geological arid geophysical data 102 - A. N. Galanov and V. P. I`anchenkov. On estimating the properties o! some methods o! spatially modulated registration of signals in optico-electronic date processing systems 110 A. V. Dutov. Investigation of the noise resistance of some methods of optical counting of geopttysical data 123 1~. I. Yurga and V. P. Tarasenko. Optico-eleet~ronic system of im~ge enalysis based on an optical correla tor and electronic compute~r 134 A. B. Beklemishev. Seismic recording visualizAtion device based - on the use of liquid crystalline media 144 A. B. Beklemishev, V. P. Alampiyev, Ye. M. Makeyeva, A. P. Shevalev end V. V. Nemtsov. Analysis and interpretation of instability in a liquid-crystalline matrix "with a me~ory" 153 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040240090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Page V. P. Goiosov, V. Ye. Savarenskiy and S. D. Trankovsk!;. Use of a pulsed laser to excite ultrasonic vibrations 163 R. S. Bachevskiy, S. A. Vasil'yev and G. I. Gas'kevich. Use of - the method of optic ma tch ing of f i ltrat ion f or the ana lys is of lineament grids 175 D. A. Yanutsh, Z. G. Yefimova and N. V. Skublova. Use of coherent optical processing in the geological decipherment of aerial photo surveys ' lg2 Introduction . The complexity of the problems to be solved in the search for petroleum, gas and solid mineral resources requires a considerable increase of com- ~ pute~ capacities and the developm~ent of inethods and means of effective processing of geological and geophysical data. Computer compleses based on second and third generetion elecCronic computers existing at the pre- sent time do not completely meet contemporary requirements, in connection with which a number of important end necessary algorithms for the�process- ing of geological and geophysical data of ten are not realized in practice. It should be expected that in proportion to the development of work on area systems of observations and seismic holography the requirements for the efficiency and operativeness of data processing will grow s till more. In that respect much interest is aroused by the further improvement of digital means of data processing as well as the developa~ent of optical and optico-electronic methods which have considerable possibilities with - _ respect to the processing and storage of large flows of data. At~the present time in a number of scientific~and production organizations and W Z's of the country experience has begn 'accumulated in the develdpaent and use of optical computer systems, experience that confirms the prospects of development of thet direction of autamation of the process ing of data ot exploration geophysics and geology. The First All-Union seminar on the optic o-electronic processing of geologi- cal and geophysical data, held ~in 1978 in Tomsk,~summed up definite results of investigations in that area. The present collection contains reports read at the seminar that were devoted to ques tions in the development and invest�igation of optical com- puting devices and hybrid optico-electronic data processing systems. S ome methodical and technological methods of processing, directed toward im- provement of the methods and means of proces~ing geological and geophysical materials, are examine~. - The publica~tion af the'collection, in our view, will undoubtedly have a positive influence on the fua~ther conducting of investigations and wil~ permit acquainting specialists with the results achieved in this area. 77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 It is proposed to continue in the future the discussion of optico-elec- - tronic mothods and means of processing geological and geophysical data and to issue subsequent collections of articles. Professor S. B. Gurevich and candidates of technical sciences V. P. Ivanchenkov and 0. A. Potapov COPYRIGHT: LIYaF, 1979 ` [291-2174] 2174 CSO: 1863 ~ 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000200094415-4 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 5S~ . 3~l~1 SEISMOTEGTONIC DEFORMATION IN THE GARM REGION Moscow ~LVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, FTLIKA ZEMI,I iri Russian No 10, 1979 PP 2~-~3 [Article by A. A yukk and S. L. Yu,nga~ 0. Yu. Shmidt Institute of Earth Physics, USSR Acade~}r of Sciences] Abstract. A study is ;aade of the seismatectonic 3efor- mation in the Gasm Region ~f the Tadzhik SSR ba,sed on 2250 analyses of the mechanisms for ~the foci of weak (M < 4~) surface sarthquakes in the period f`rom 1964~ to 1976. The tensor for the rate of seismotectonic defor- mation is presented with accuracy to a consta,nt multi- plier as a product of the guiding tenso~~ corresponding to the mean mechanism by the sum of the seismic moments of the earthqua,kes. Time-sta,ble nuclei of cieformation are isolated with linear dimensions 20-30 km, �..�is- cussion is held- of the general pa,ttern o~: seismotectonic deformation of the region and qua,lita,tivc~ hypothASes are advanced on the causes of this process. A comparison is made of the vartical seismotectonic and tectonic move- ments. The position of strong earthqua.kes is e,~mined on the background of seismotectonic deforma.tion. . [Text~ 1. Introduction � Currently~ ba,sed on a nwnber of direct and indirect data, it is generally , a~cepted that earthquakes are induced by a shift of the earth's material over a certain weakenod s~face [1-4]. The model of two orthogonal dipoles without moments is adopted as an adequa,te representation of the focus of an bot~ f,,r elastic irra,c~~.a,tion, and for the sta,tic field of shifts [5-7]. The orientation of the dipoles, i,e., the mechanism of earthquakes = is defined by the pasition of th~ fault p].a,ne and the direction of the shift vectar. Tectonic and physical analysis of the mecha.nisms for earthquakes is ~oossible ~n the path of direct compa,rison of the orienta,tions of equiva,lent pairs of = forc~s used in a mat;iematic description of the rariiation ~o;a the eaxthqua,ke 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - focus~ and the really active tectonic stresses. The substantiation of such a comparison is apparently hardly to be implemented without the involvement of a strong hypothesis on the coincidance of the direction of the shift and the direction of action of the maximum tangential stress. Usually the average direction of action of the pairs of forces of "compresaion" is taken as the direction of the greatest tectonic compression. In precisel tha sama ~a the direction of the least tectonic compression ("ex~ension"~ is found ~8~. We note that such a separate finding of the average direc- tions is generally not completely correct, since it does no~ completely guarantee their perpendicularity. In the case where the primary datt: are insufficie~it for a relia.ble analysis of individua.l me~hanisms a joint analysis of aIl the signs of the first arrivals of ths P-waves from the earthquakes f~ om one relatively small seismicall active volume is used in order to construct a average mechanism ~9]. Recently mathods have been for mulated of joint ana.lysis of individual axes of compression and extension. P ublications [10~11] have set limitations on the position of the axes of the tectonic stresses in relation t,o tha main axes of the defined mechanism. Based on these limi- tations and with the additional hypothesis on the consta.ncy ~f the field of tectonic stresses in the studied volume ['ll, i2] t,ave suggested a graphic method of f inding the dixections of the main tectonic stresses. A study.of the ma,croscopically uniform stressed sta.te can be made numerically [13]. A n alterna.tive approach is used in rela.tion to the investigation of the mecha.nisms of earthquakes occurring in the environs of a la,rge regional fault. It is hypothesized that the earthquakes occurring on individual sections of the fault or on its accessory faults of the same course have approximately parallel planss of shifts. The task consists of finding the beat orientation of the flat layer that conta ins these shifts, and of determining the direction of the dominant seismotectonic movement of the opposite sides of tha layer. The method for study of such tasks that is rEduced to diagonalling of the matrix ~f the second order compiled ~om individual mechar.isms is suggested in publication [14] and is used in a nwnber of other works L15, 16]. Curxently the directions have been revealed of the main tectonic stresses in all the seismically active regions of the world. Horizont,a.l compression dominates in the belts nf neotectonic activa.tion, in the young folded zones, - as well as in the insular arches and in the zones of Ban'off under them; in the zones of groove-genesis a near-horizon~ta.l extension do~ainates [17]. However, a c~s-tailed stud of thd stressed and deformed sta,tes still encoun- ters great difficulties ~10]. Here it is appropriate to turn to detailed works on an investigation of the _ mechanisms for foci of weak earthquakes in the Garm region [18-20~. The Garm region ha.s been studied fairly well i~n a geological respect and has been described in de;�a,il in many works [21~ 23-25, and others]. I~t 3.s a rt of the large zone of s~ructural atricula.tion of Pamir and Tyan'-Shan' ~23,24]. The modern mountainous country was actually formed during the 80 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY J ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Quaternary time (Pleistocene) [23-25], The considerations axe advanced that the entire zone of ax ticulation is undar conditions af intensive neax- horizontal tectonic compression in the near-meridional direction [23,24]. This can serve as the cause for the intensive process of mountain fcarma.tion as a result of deformation of the ancient eopleistocene surface. A study of _ the parameters of over 1,000 mechanisms of eaxthquakes made it possible -to nofi.e that in different ts of the Ga.rm region the orientation of compres- sion axea va,ried [19-22~ These publications undertook an attempt to - isolate the regions of depression and elevation according to the sign of shift of the suspended sides of the shifts in the foci of earthquakes in relation to the diurna.l surface~ but within the framework of the employe:~ technique the stability of the results was not high. A simple increase in the sta,tistics does not permit a significant improvement in the obt.ained results due to the great diversity of the individua.l analyses of the ireechanisms. The evident need arose for the enlistment of new methods for studying ths set of inechanisms ~f earthqua,ke foci. According to the extant ideas, the seismotectonic deformation of macroscopic volwkes of massifs is governed by slip ings over the different- - oriented weakened zones in the earthquake foci ~26-30]. A quantitative study of the link between seismicity and the tectoniC ;process was possible tha,nks to the appeaxance of inethods for determining the seismic moment of an earthquake from observational data, [31]. Brune [32] linIced the contri- butions of earthquakes to the rate of tectonic slip with respect tr. -_~egional faults with the sum of the seismic moments of these earthquakes. Ar.alysis of the seismotectonic deformation of the region results in a generalization of Brune's formula, for the case where the earthquakes occur over cYiaotically arranged faults [13, 27, 28]. Recen�~ly, computations have bsen mac'~e of the ~ se smotectonic deformation of certa,in seismically-active regions [13, 28, 29 . This work covers a f~.m ther development of this direction~ whereupon special attention is given to development of new method approaches to studying the set of ear thqua,ke mechanisms. 2. Technique for Studing Seismotectonic Daformations Deformation of seismically active volutaes of rocka on the ma,croscopic level of examination is described with the help of the tensor for ra~e of tectonic deformation < ei~> [13] s lim lim 1~ 1(u,n~-i-uln~) ds. . � (1) . - rir..o uL-.o VT 2 a ~ Here ui(ia1,2~3)--vector of movement of a certain point xi in ~he Cartesian system of coordina.~,es OX1X2.X3 in the time T, ni--unit vactor of external perpendicular to the surface S of volume V~I,3. The intervals 1 and t cor- respond to the dimensions of tha spatia.l-temporal environs of the earth- qua,ke focus in which significant cha.nges occur in the local deformatians, movements and other parameters. 8Z F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY The limit tranaitions in formula should be understood in that sense that for con~putation of < oi~ > with fixed values of 1 and t by means of an increase in Z and T the,ive spa.tial-temporal region is selected. _ Such a region contains a sufficient number of inclusions in ~he form of faults in the earthquake foci~ so tY~a~t the value for the rate of tectonic deformation does not depend on the fluctuations in ~fhefield of - taove~nts on the surface of the volume. ~ We will expla,in the geometric meaning of the t,ensor component one can determine the rate of deformation in an arbitrary direction assigned by the unit vector 1 =lrli� ~ (g) . li~ the case that interests u~, when within -the volume V~here are fault _ surfaces s�, cX=1, 2~ 3... , N, the integral in definition (1) na.t~ally is divided into two parts corresponding -to the ra~te of conti uo s deformation and the rate of seismotectonic deformation wHe ~nin and we have been ~riented on the fact that in some quite narrow region where w~wHecos ~(crosshatched in Fig 1), the initial wave will be strongly absorbed, transmitting its energy to the resonance electrona and the turbulence. Here, effects can occur which are - connected with the eruption of electron fluxgs in the ionosphere Ig by reemission of Wn, mi,~rti,o~~eflected electrons with large initial pitch angles in the equatorial p`~ane wher~, as is known, the radiation intensity is maximal. Finatly, the backscattering of the initial hiss waves from the turbulent region WP can occur. In order to estimate the expected effect we calculated the trajectory characteristics of the VLF-waves for M0~4, various modele of the electron concentration and the distribution functions of the high-energy electrons. Fig 2 shows the values of the L-parameter of the tra~ectory, the angle ~ of the double group delay 2tg and the relative proportion of the energy absorbed by the plasma for f=?5.0 kil'ohertz and _ various magnetic disturbance conditione (different Kp-indexe~) depending on the current magnetic latitude of the tra~ectory (A=60� the initial lati- - tude, A=0� latitude of the geomagnetic equator). Let us explain the meaning of the last value((8W~/8t) (NT)'1). The process of the absorption of the wave energy and the correspnnding increase in energy of the electrona ' or turbulent degrees of freedom can be described by the following equation d~+8i'a(NTe~-(j~~-- ~ ~1) Equation (1) is written by analogy with the equation of the energy balance in a colliding plasma. Here WE is the energy density of the heating wave, NTe is the effective thermal energy of the plasma electrons, and the term dv*~(NTe) describes the energy transmission to the turbulence with turbulent - "frequency of the collisions" v* and the coeff ic~.Ent d. If the initial level of the turbulence is low, then the value of ((-dWE/8t)(NT)-1=P) has the meaning of the inverse type of building up the turbulence. If we pro- pose that the established level of turbulence is such that ONTe/NTe~10-2-10-3 (and this ia characteristic for weak turbulence), it is possible to estimate v* proportional to the square of the turbulent field amplitude [3]. ~ I02-I03P'S'I. . ~2~ 110 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 F(1R OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~O b - - ~ . 0 4.0 ~ \ 8. � ` , . ~0 ~ 0 ~ i -~40 ' Z tg, crX !.0 / ? i i O ~ ! dWE/qt(N~T)'~ ~ 10"i 60 ; ~ JO i -!0"Z ' 1 ~ r ~ f �13.0 xHi ^-Kp~l �.~~....~Kp=y ---KpaS I Figure 2. Beam trajectory parameters as a function of . latitude 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 FUR Ur'r'1~lEw u~,: vLVLi Obviously, the turbulence develops ~.n the region o~ value o� P, whereas in the reg~,ons o~ the maximum, energy trans~exred to the~wave ~rom - the plasma and a buildup o~ its amplitude take place. :It is eas}* to find the explicit forin p~ (~E)~NT~. ~E~r'}'~'9 ���.d (NT~ ~3) where Y is the increment (the decrement) of the system wave with an amplitude of E; u, ut are the phase and group indexes of. refraction and a is tt~e anglc between the group phase wave velocitiea. The calculations, part of which are _ illuetrated in Fig 2 indicate that the length of the turbulent region is 1000 to 3000 km, and its position is shifted toward the beginning of the tra,jectory with respect to the point where w=wgecos This means that the wave energy absorption takes place not on the cold, but on the low-energy _ electron component with characteristic energies of ~0.1 to 5.0 kev. Fig 3 - shows the results of the tra~ectory calculatinns for several frequencies, La4.0; Kp=1 and the standard model of the electron concentration with base level at the altitude of 1000 lan, Nep=1.5�104 cm 3. The circlea indicate the minimu.m values of P, and the x's, the region of disappearance of the wavg (E/E x ~ - ~ ? q,lf' _ ~ ~ ~3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f JOD Bp~n~,crK 19D Figure 5. Slant range to the refZecting formatons and reflected signal level as a function of time during the 14th in~ection cycle. A diagram o~ the gun current is presented above. Key: 1, sec 4. Signal level 2. Time, sec 5. Gun current 3. Range, lan During the p~riod of injection of electrons with an energy of 27 kev the gun operated without breakdowns in practice for onlv one (II) cycle. The delay in this cycle was approximately 2.3 seconds. On the 14th, 15th and 16th cycles (13 kev) the delay was 2.52 to 2.64 seconds. The plasmogenerator was switched off before the 17th cycle. Obviously, this is conriected with an increase in the delay to 3.5 seconds. - As a result of breakdowns of the gun in the electron injection mode with an - electron energy of 27 kev there were cases where the in~ection time turned out to be less than 1 sec:. 0.1 to 0.7 sec. In these cases delays were - observed of 0.7 to 1.0 seconds. - Thus, it turned out that on injection of the electron beams. with the param- eters uaed in the "Araks" experiment the particle eruptions in the magnet- ' ically con~ugate region occurred with anomalously large delays. It should be expected that on electxon ~,n~ection along the rocket axis, that is, _ with pitch angles o~ 10�, the particle erupti,on in the northern hemiaphere had to occur with delays of about 0.6 and 0.8 sec, respectively, for parti- cles with energies of 27 and 15 kev. However, with the exception of several cases of the in~ection o~ short pulses as a res~slt of breakdowns of the gun, the delays turned out to be greater than expected by an amount somewhat exceeding the b4unce period of the inj.ected particles. 175 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 ' L'VI~ VL'l l~Il[ll.~ V~.~ VIYLl 4 . . y ' ~ 4 ~ � O 5 O 1 ~O � ' ~ � b 1 ~ ~ ~ Q ~ � ~ t 1 ! 4 ~2~ ,~If11~iMMOdA1 ilIWCtK4L1/,ClX ~ O-7~~ r Figure 6. Delay in the occurrence of reflections (eruptions of particles) in the northern hemisphere with respect to the injection times on board the "Eridan" rocket in the northeriy launch. 0� and 70� injection on the rocket axis and at an angle of 70� reapectively. Key: 1. Delay, seconds 2. In~ection time, sec ' In addition to the anomalously large d~lay, also a type of "aftereffect" was observed particle eruption from tubes of force disturbed during the injec- tion time continued appreciably longer than the injection time by 10 or , more seconds. Thus, on the 14th cycle the reflections from the range inter- val of 430.5 to 434 lmn during which the particles were injected along the rocket ax~[s for 3.84 seconds, continued with some interruption for 16.8 sec. It is noteworthy that no particle eruptions from the range interval of 427.5 ta 42g lan, that is, from the tubes of force in which the particle in~ectian was realized at an angle of 70� to the rocket axis, was detected in practice. The observed cases of quite rapid variation of the slant range to the ref lect- - ~ng formation are of significant interest. For example, in the time interval of 286.8 to 286.92 sec (Fig 7) a short-term increase in the slant range by ' 3.5 km This variation of the slant range indicates that there are quite fast shifts in the region of intrusion of the particles perpendicularly ~ to the e~rth's magnetic f ield. Indeed, in all probabYlity the dispersion - of the radiowaves connected with the particle eruptions with an energy of 13 ~Cev occurs at an al~itude of 110 km. The results of the ot~servations during the first launch demonstxated that when the calculated deviation of - the radio beam from the normal to the earth's magnetic field exceeded 2.5�, the intensity of the echo decreased below the detection threshold of the equipment. If we propose that the observed variation o� tl:e slant range is connected with variation of the posit~.on o~ the scattering region along the magnetic field (along the line o� ~orce) and not across it, this leads to an increase in d~viation o~ the radio beam from the normal to the magnetic f ield to 14.5� and variation of the altitude (an increase in it) by 55 km. . 176 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200094415-4 - : : . . . . . . - ~ - . _ - --~.---~-�~--~r-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ ' ~ . ~ - , _ ~-...~......r.;.~:~ . � _ ~ - . _ KH ~ ' ' ' � ` ' ' ' - � 47~3 r . . ; ..,r - y ~ � . ' ; ' � +'~.r: ,;i. 's r �;+..ri~,.. .r.,?; , . . , . , ---�.~,...41f.~ ~ ~ � ~ � � � � ~ + t.: ~iY. . ~~�1 : . . � ' ! � ~ ~ ? � ~ � ~j i T~ ~ ~ . . . � � : : , j . � . ~t ' j'i~~`~. � , . , . ,''I 1~ � e~i--~~...1.~~ 1I7 10I B~lfMA ~ C!K ~1~ Figure 7. Example of the short fast variation of the slant range to the particle eruption region. In 60 milliseconds the reflecting region at an altitude of about 110 1~ was shifted perpendicularly to the earth's mag- - netic field by 3.5 km to the north, and then at the same time it returned to the initial position. Key: 1. Time, sec The probability of recording the acattering of the radiowaves with such deviations from orthogonalness is negligible.l In addition, the auroral - scattering under natural conditions occurs below 135 lan. Thus, the case rresented in Fig 7 indicates that from 286.8 to 286.92 seconds brief dis- placement of the region of intru~ion of the pazticles acroas the magnetic field was observed with a velocity reaching 58 lan/sec ,:he northerly direc- - tion at an altitude of 110 km: the reflecting region shifted in 60 milli- ' aeconds at an altitude of 110 km to the north by 3.5 lan, and then ~!n the same time it returned to thc initial positiori. The experimentally observed, quite fast shift of the reflecting formations acroas the magnetic field, which is of independent interest, permits some conclusion tn he draw~n about the aftereffects. F?rom the case presented in Fig 7, it ~s obvious that tiie reflecting formation, shifting to the north, - occurs at each point in time at a new place. In the old location it can disappear after 20 milliseconds. Thus, the aftereffect is connected m~re with the fact that the particle eruption from the tubes of force di,sturbed _ previously as a result of operation o� the gun continues with interruptions for some time, and it is not connected with the large~li~etime of tfie dis- ' ~ersing ~ormaticas. - COPYP.IGHT: Kol'skiy filial AN SSSR, 1978 [g1~+4/1072-10845] lA. Kh. Pyatsi, "Auroral Scattering of Radio Waves," RADIOAVRORA (Radio Aur- c~ra), Moscow, Nauka, pp 200-298, 1974. 10845 -END- GSO: 8144/1072 . ~77 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090015-4