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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R0002000900'18-'1 1 ~ J ~ ' i ~ Lt ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FUR OFFICIAL U5E GNLY ~ JPRS L/9132 9 June 1980 L.~tir~ A~~ri~~ e~~�fi , p . (F3QU0 13/8~) - ~~r~ ~~REiGN BROAD~,A~ST lI~~~RMATION SERVl~~ Ff~R OFFI~fAL USE ONLY t ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpt] in the first Iine of each item, or .following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- ' mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within ~.tems are as given by source. The cont~nts of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. ~ For further information on report content call (703) 351-2643. COPYRIGfiT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JI'RS L/9132 9 June 1.9 8 0 LATIN AMERICA REPORT (FOUO 13/80) CONTENTS INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS Writer Focuses on Argentina's Strung Position in Future Accords (Estela Arau,jo; LA OPINION, 8 Apr 80)..........,.~.~.~~ 1 OPEC 56th Special Meeting Issues Press Communique (PRELA, 9 May 80) 4 Briefs - Venezuelans Not in Surinam Coup 6 BRAZIL 'THE TIMES' Interviews 'Architects' of New S. American 'Entente' (Arrigo Levi; THE TIMES, 15 May 8Q),......., ~7 CUBA , Refugees in Madrid Tell Why They Chose Exile (CAMBIO 16, 4 May 80)............ 10 Vice Foreign Minister Assails U.S. Actions in Caribbean (PRELA, 15 May 80) 16 Rodriguez Praises Cuban-Soviet Relations (Tsabel Montero; PRELA, 5 Nfay 80) NICARAGUA Journalists React to Carlpaign Against Revolution (Javier Rodriguez; PRELA, 11 May 80).......... 19 ' a ' [I~I - LA - 144 FOUO] FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' i ~ Briefs CIA Destabilization Plot 21 PANAMA Briefs Soviet, Panamanian Peace Committees' Declaration 22 Government Communique Recognizes SWAPO 22 ~ SURINAM 'PRELA' Views Thwarted Mercenary Invasion ~ (Jorge Luna; PRELA, fi May 80) 23 Surinam Officially Protests Netherlands Part in 'Invasion' (PRELA, 13 May 80)........ 27 VENEZUELA a Venezuela Not Competing With Any Other Country, Montes de Oca Says ~ (PRELA, 11 May 80) 28 , ~ i -b- ~ FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL`I � INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS WRITER FOCUSES ON ARGENTINA~S STRONG POSITION IN FUTURE ACCORDS ~ Buenos Aires LA OPINION in Spanish 8 Apr 80 p 9 [Article by Estela Araujo: "Winds of Change Are Sweeping Over Latin America"] {Text] The Cartagena Agreement, 10 years after it was signed, is playing an increasingly significant role in the South American complex. Arising, as a subregional pact out of LAFTA, it has shown that its influence has gone beyond the limits of its origins. LAFTA, created in 1960, is in a period of crisis which is leading it toward new plannin; for reorganization and, perhaps, toward greater moderation in its goals. The Plata Basin, as the association of its menber states 10 years after having signed the treaty, is Y,eginning a new stage. This is characterized by Brazil's change in attitLde, its having adopted a position favoring dialog with Argentina, after years of increasing discord. The remaining members maintain good relations among themselves and with all the states. The results of the treaty can be seen in the ma~or projects for binational infrastructures which are being built: Salto Grande (Uruguay-Argentina), Itaipu (Brazil-Paraguay), Yacyreta (Paraguay-Argentina) and other pro~ects in the planning stage. The Amazon Pact is the latest of the groups, found~d in May 1978, by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela. The Treatyo uf the Plata Basin, 1969, groups Argentina, Bolivia, ssrazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. LAFTA, founded in 1960, is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. It has served as a poineer. ' The Andes Subregional Pact was formed in 1969 by Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, F.cuador and Peru. Chile withdrew in 1976, but Venezuela has joined. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL`I At the beginning of the yeax, a new stage of the Caxtagena Agreement was - formalized, planned on its tenth anniversary----a stage of opening, which will make it possible to arrive at com~on points of view with possible members: Brazil and Argentina. _ The foreign minister of Brazil, Ramiro Saraiva Guerreiro, in Lima, when the round of talks with the Andes Council began, said: "Winds of change are sweeping over Latin America." After the rapprochement of Brazil, in January, the visit by the Argentine foreign minister, Carlos Washington Pastor, took place in March. This event is perhaps the culmination of a linked series of events which bode well for Argentina's foreign relations. In 1977 a period of isolation began, in which all fronts were unfavorable, as if, all of a sudden, old faults, old slights and century-old border disputes were combining _ to make the country suffer unbearably in the international arena. The papal mediation, in January 1979, opened the new cycle. The solution to the pending problems of Yacyreta and finally the Corpus Agreement reveal a panorama in which the disagreements with our neighbors have possibilities for settlement. The visit by Foreign Minister Carlos Washington Pastor reiterates a greater flexibility toward opening the door to the Andeaz countries and also to ' looking forward, consciously, toward a South American integration in which Pacific and Atlantic nations will find their meeting point in the Andean chain. ~ ' The May agreements, which are being signed between Argentina and Brazil, are the direct consequence of a country~s ability to overcome difficulties and therefore to find itself in a strong negotiating position. Argentina has no essential need in the prospective agreements. Therefore, it can obtain greater benefits than Brazil, which has pressing needs in energy matters. Foreign Minister Pastor declared in Quito: "The Argentine Republic believes that the Andean group is a factor of basic importance in America~s politics as well as its economics. To the extent of our capabilities, we are ready to support it firmly, contributing to its development with our economy, our technology and our human resources." The Andean nucleus has a growing importance. At the same time the expanding dialog is another point of contact which strengthens future relations. Argentina is achieving a climate of concord with its neighbors. In additian there is a new North American attitude, rapprochement with Great Britain, a nuclear policy with Germany and Canada and a rapprochement with the Far East. Chile is completing a declining cycle wtiich leaves it almost completely _ isolated. Chile does not belong to any of the regional associations except LAFTA, which is engaged in a period of restructuring. Chile does not maintain an 2 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY effective relationship with any of its three neighbors: Peru has no diplo- matic relations with Chile, Bolivia is persevering in its demands for a seaport, :,nd Argentina maintains the border problems through mediation. Its only outlet is the Orient, and relations with that area seem to be deteriorating day by day after the unsucceasful trip by President Auguato Pinochet. Argentina has an opportunity, which it has not had for a long time, to be able to negotiate in all areas with relative freedom of movement, not confined within walls of negative facts. The next agreements will offer guidelines as to whether the new situation has been taken into consideration. COPYRIGHT: La Opinion, 1980 8956 CSO: 3010 ~ 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 PPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL PPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL PPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 STATINTEL APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BRAZIL 'THE TIMES' INTERVIEWS 'ARCHITECTS' OF NEW S. AMLRICAN 'EN'PENTE~ LD151035 London THE TIME~ in English 15 May 80 p 9 [Report by Arrigo Levi: "Closer Ties Forming in S. America"] [Text] Brazflia--The present visit to Argentina of Pr~sident Figueiredo of Brazil, the first since Getulio Vargas, will be a turning point in the rela- tions between South America's two greatest powers. The Buenos Aires summit - meeting could also open an era of increasing political and economic coopera- tion f.or the whole region. The multiple world crises, as well as the dramatic fall in American influence over Latin America in the Carter yearg, are forcing the Latin American na- tions to try and achieve greater economic and p6litical self-sufficiency. The biggest ste~ along this road is the new "entente cordiale" between Brazil and Argentina. ~ Although it is not an alliance, as Senor Ramiro Saraiva Guerrei, the Bra- _ zilian foreig~ minister, told me on the eve of the president's trip, the new entente extends to a very wide range of economic and technological fields. It will even have unexpected political implications. I understand that the final document of the visit will include a political statement of great importance. The two presidents are expected to state that the idea of a pluralistic democracy and the existence of political parties represent essential elements of Brazilian and Argentine historic tradition. This passage, which is being apparently included, on President Jorge Videla's request, may raise hopes of Argentina imitating sooner or later, Brazil's Abe~tura, the process of democratization which has already transformed radically, for the better, the Brazilian political system. The architects of this visit--among them Argentina's brilliant ambassador in Brasilia, Senor Oscar Camillion, atind the secretive Brazilian, General Golbery de Couto e Silva, President Figueiredo's "grey eminence," who is head of his household--deny, however, that this "rapprochement" has any ideological meaning. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ What is happening, as Senor Camillion told me, "belongs to the sphere of state relations." The road to the new cooperation agreements was opened last autumn, when the two countries finally patched up their old quarrel concerning the use of . ` the Parana River waters. Once this problem of "traditional d~.plomacy" was solved, the ~wo governments embarked on a new exercise of atomic-age di- plomacy, and were quite successful. Senor Saraiva Guerreiro explained to me his country's new dyaamism in foreign policy--it is aimed in all directions, but it concerna firat of all Latin ~ America~-as a reaction to the "especially difficult" world situation, which raises great risks even for a country like Brazil, ~,~hich "has a whole conti- nent at its disposal." ~ Its total dependence, at least fr~r some years, on imported oil, which keeps coming mostly from the Middle East (so that in the case of a:~ Iran-Iraq war Brazil might grind to a halt) increases its interest in Mexican and Vene- zuelan oil, but even more so in Argentina's newly discovered huge reserves of natural gas, which cannot be sold elsewhere. Fast growing Latin-American markets are also more attractice for Brazil's new, powerful industry. Argentina, in spite of some misgivings over Bra- zil's large, productive dimensions and aggressiveness, knows that it can graduate into a modern industrial country only if it has access to a really big market like Brazil's. The new agreements are, according to Senor Camillion, "a triumph of the obvious." They include an important treaty on double taxation, which will finally make joint ventures possible and several pacts for technological and industrial cooperation, including one for nuclear energy, whicn is the "piece de resistance" of the whole visit. In spite of rumours to the contrary, the two sides present this agreement (the first such one between two "developing" countries) as the equivalent of a bilateral pact for nuclear nen-proliferation. It became gossible only when, on both sides, "the generals finally got the idea of tlt~�atomic bomb out of their heads." Agreements signed during the Figueiredo visit might prove to be the first step on the long road leading to a genuine "common market" between the two countries though it will take time, All this seems to represent a rather aggressive and instructive answer to the challenges of these difficult times. After two decades of impressive growth, Latin America is beginning to have . more confidence in its own future. This is particularly true of Brazil, in spite of present economic difficulties, and indeed the rest of the world, 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and indeed the rest of the world, as Senar Saraiva Guerreiro told me, is "becoming more receptive" to the idea of having stronger links with Brazil. In general, a gradually unifying Latin America would become a much more interesting economic and political partner for Europe, although the Euro- - peana are elow to understand it. CUPYRIGHT: Times Newspapers Lj.mited 1980 - CSO: 3020 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CUBA REFUGEES IN NWDRID TELL WHY THEY CHOSE EXILE Madrid CANtBIO 16 in Spanish 4 May 80 pp 68-69, 71 [Text] When they arrived in Madrid, the 500 Cuban refu- gees whom the Spanish Government accepted added to the testimony on ttie dramatic social and political reality which impelled the expatriates to seek asylum in the Peruvian ~nbassy, braving innumerable hardships, There are 500 dramatic stories, 500 bitter stories and 500 hopeful oF re- - shaping their lives, to make a living in another land. There are 500 Cu- ban refugees who lived a tragedy that forced them to become expatriates and protagonists in the most massive asylum in the history of diplomacy. First was the hell of the interminable days in the gardens of the Peruvian IInbassy in Havana. Almost 11,000 people packed "in our urine and excre- ment" were harassed by insults, rocks and even a shot from hostile groups. Clutching her baby son, a young woman recalled: "We suffered from thirst and hunger, The children had many health problems at the beginning. The sun was torture and then came the cold nights." All the testimony that CAI~IO 16 collected resulted in a resounding refutal of the official Cuban - Goverrunent version that enough food was supplied. The refugees who ar- rived in Spain said that the authorities refused Red Cross aid and that they shared minimal rations. Lilian Garcia, a 22-year-old woman with a 2-year-o1d child, pointed out: "This lack of food made the men fight for food for their families. That was what they wanted--to make us fight amor~g ourselves, to divide us." The decision to establish organization committees helped distribute the scarce food. With her nerves shot, Mrs de Ferreiro (27 years old with a 7-year-old daughter) said that she and her husband spent the first 4 days without eatin~ and drinking very little water in order to sustain their daughter. "My husband lost 7 kilos and I lost weight. I believe that it is an un- derstatement to say that that was hell,'r 10 FOR OFFICIAL i.TSE O~v'LY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In three successive trips of 54, 50 and almost 400 people, Spain rescued the 500 refugees to whom it had agreed to grant asylum. The work at the Bara~as Airport and in the Red Cross and ACNUR [UN High Comcnission for Re- f~~gees] offices was not enou~h to attend to the surge of problems that the exiles brought. IInotions overflowed upon meeting relatives or simply find- ing that the had finally ended. After passing through customs, the exiles waved their reftigee documents like flags, shouting: "Freedom, freedom" and "Spain, Spain." Several times they sang the Cuban national anthem. "We arrived with what we have on because they took the few things of value ~ that we had at the airport," explained Luis Ferrer who became a spokesman for his companions who arrived in the first ~roup. Several of the recent arrivals were attended for wounds caused by fists, sticks, rocks and every _ type of object thrown at them while they were at the Spanish Consulate and while they waited at the Havana International Airport to board the Iberian airplane. "They treated us like animals," said Estonia Maria Perez who was with her husband and her 18-month-old son. "They hit the child with a potato at - the consulate and hit me wiih a rock even though I am pregnant." An em- ployee of the consulate was wounded and the Spanish ambassador had to ask for police intervention when several windows at the embassy were broken. She added: "They insulted us at the embassy and later at the airport. ; They slandered us by calling us criminals and antisocial elements." ; Sergio Perez, 49 years old, added angrily: "We are all good workers tired of a life of poverty, deprivation and oppression. I was responsible for construction projects so they would not let me leave. I was very happy to find some workers who worked under me here; they came to welcome me be- cause they already had obtained asylum in Spain." "It Is Impossible to Live" Sergio Perez added: "The basic reason we leFt, risking everything, is that it is no longer possible to live there. Money does not pay for any- - thin$. My 18-month-old son takes 1-1/2 liters of milk per day and I am about to have another child. The milk quota is taken away when a child turns 7. We went up to 3 months without eating meat. I was directing a nroject for a 20-story building but I do not earn enough to live on. It must be recalled that most people earned less than I. "When we wanted to leave, we were fingered as counterrevolutionaries. I worked exemplarily but was called a cri.minal and alienated: I was tired of havin~ to be careful about everything, to endure anything so they would not take my job away. They humiliated and insulted us even at the air- port. I think Fidel Castro, president of the Nonalined Movement, who pro- claims that he defends human rights has acted deplorably by treating his own people so poorly." 11 FOR OFFICIAL L'SE OIvZY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sergio Perez and his family entered the embdssy on Saturday at 1700 hours. Alberto Ramirez, a 27-year-old railroad ~torker, had entered 3 hours earlier with his wife and 2-year-old son. "As soon as we saw it in the press, we decided to leave everything and go i.mmediately." Alberto and his wife Li- lian are the so-called "children of the revolution"; that is, they were born and educated during the development of the Cuban revolution. The ].arge number of youths among the refu~ees is a very hard blow for the re- - gime since they are the ones who received an education that should make them fanatics of Castroism. _ _ Sergio recalled: "At the beginning we agreed, of course. But later it turns out there is a gap between what they teach you and reality which is filled with lies and hypocrisy." Lilian interrupted: "Also you have to be involved in political meetin$s all the time or complying with ~heir orders to demonstrate tha.t you are 'integrated.' If they do not dislike you, they leave you alone. If you do not join the guard or do not go to a meetin~, they finger you. There are CDR [Committees for the Defense of the RevolutionJ in all the neighbor- hoods which control you at all times. Depending on how you behave with ' them and whether you give them information about your friends and your neighbors, they will like you or put you on the list." - Alberto continued: "Foi^ any job or any transaction, the officials ask the CDR about y~u. If they ~ive a bad recommendation, you are hurt; you re- - main alone, very alone. As to education, I think that politics in every- thing get;s tiresome, forcing you to always a~ree. One ~ets tired and bored. Then comes disillusionment and then rage. Everything is bureau- . cracy and red tape and you cannot even discuss anything seriously or decide anything, They call that a government of workers. Why? I could not even elect my political or union representatives from among the best, only from among those whom the party wanted." Alberto said: "All this is overwhelming because there is also a lot of need. You live with a ration book for food and clothing. I earned 110 pesos (1 peso is equivalenL to 70 pesetas) which is a good wage but was not enou~h to maintain a family. If they do not put down a'pullover,' for example, in your ration book, you have to buy it separately from the state and it costs g0 pesos. Trousers in the ration book cost 25 pesos and are very bad. One meter of fabric costs 20 pesos. When you have to resort to what they call the b.lack market, which is very common, the prices are scandalous . " Fear as a Way of Life Gilberto Camps, 30 years old, and his wife and daughter told about similar problems. Employed at a po].yclinic, he insisted that he lived very poorly with his 95 pesos in wages. "The worst is that they aiso drive you crazy with meetings, committees and guards. When you miss or complain or some- one says that you romplain, you run the risk of losing your job and then, 12 FOR OFFICI:11~ t' ~E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY boy, you are dead. On top of not ~ein$ able to live decently, you alwa,ys have the fear of staying poor or going ta jail because they think you are a counterrevolutionary." Alfredo Ferreiro, 25 years old and married with a 7-year-old daughter, gave the best testimony about the social situation. A~ a social worker, he was in contact with the most acute problems of the lowest classes in Cuba. "I believe that the most serious thing is that everything is done from above; things come down already 'chewed over.' They simulate debates but no one wants to risk an opinion that mi.ght compromise him. Also everyone knows that anything he says is useless. My uncle worlced at the Ministry of ; Transportation which has one of the most serious problems. He told me that they 'sent down' a series of laws to ai~..uss but that did not mean any- thing. The comrades tell you: 'Caref~al, do not get involved because there goes your security. Be careful or they will mark you.' They force you to participate in meetings and activities but you feel that you do not count except to say yes to everything. The people are disillusioned, lose initiative and the results do not matter to anyone." Alfredo continued: "The hierarchs control everything; that is why there is so much inefficiency. There is robbery, lies and tremendous hypocrisy in everything." Alfredo's wife interrupted: "No ~ne can imagine what the transportation is like. It is necessary to wait hours for a bus that then stops in the ' middle of the highway or arrives filled. It is necessary to stand in v~ry ' long lines to buy focd. Alfredo earned 95 pesos and I did not have a job. We like to smoke but a pack of cigarettes costs 1.60; in other words, smoking one per day would take half his wages. While you suffer from everything--many times there is only one meal a day--you see the hierarchs ~o by in Soviet Lada automobiles. Tre people say that Lada stands for Liga de Delincuentes Adelantados [League of Advanced Criminals]. Also the hierarchs have special stores w~here they can buy everything, even imported articles,. Those privileges provoke hatred, of course." Crime and Corruption Alfredo said: "One problem that causes much opposition is administrative - corruption. It is necessary to give money or some object of value for any- thing. That goes from top to bottom. T~,ey talk about crime; of course, there is crime: The question is: Why is there so much crime and so much alienation after more than 20 years of revolution? The answer is that the regime itself causes the crime by the lack of participation, administrative corruption, inequality and, esp?.cially, the alienation that they create. They isolate you if you do not wnrk as they want or if you are somewhat rebellious. I went to the universit~y, I have two specializations and held several positions in the armed forcF~s but they condemned me to vegetate for being a dissident and for ask~ng to leave." 13 ~ FOR OFFICIAL L'SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Alfredo explained: "Those are the roots of crime in Cuba. It is especially focused on small-scale robbery. There is no armed robbery or anything like that; there are robberies at job sites and embezzlement. In this embassy case, they spoke of drug addicts. I do not know a sin~le case of drugs. Where are they going to get them? When they talk about illegal gambling, that means they caught someone playing cards or dominoes for money. The - law punishes that but I do not believe that anyone that does that is a vi- cious criminal, especially considering that the people in Cuba are very bored." Another of the refUgees explained the subject of "volunteers" in Africa. "At the beginning, there were some volunteers. Later, though, the dead and the wounded began to arrive and the people became frightened. It is very difficult to refuse, however. Volunteer is only a word. You have a job to protect because your family lives nn that. The Military Co~nittee calls you and asks if you want to go as an 'internationalist soldier.' If you refuse, they will persecute you. Ri~ht *,hen they will call you a cow- ard. Later, the CDR in your neighborhood will threaten to take your job or your house away. Nevertheless, ;narly refused during the Angolan war. They were eliminated from social life, cut off. That is why there are so - many alienated and criminal. They do not give you a chance." One phenomenon that everyone gave as an example of the increased opposition and criticism of the re~ime was the arrival of 100,000 Cubans from abroad. The government permitted them to enter in order to benefit from the for- eign currency that they left in Cuba, more than $100 million. Alfredo Fe- rreiro said: "1'hey taught us that these people were 'worms' and 'trait- ors.' They said that they worked as dishwashers and were starving in Miami. Then they arrived as if they were movie stars and brought 25,000 presents. We who lived in a workers' paradise had many restrictions and 25,000 thin~s tha.t we wanted. They only brought trinkets but why were peo~ ple killing each other for them? Because they do not have anything else. If you feel isolated and powerless to lead a decent life, a shirt or 'blue jeans' become treasured." The really pathetic testimony of alienation among the refugees came from the homosexuals. CAMBIO 16 had to give absolute guarantees of secrecy to get an interview. "Of cour~se they persecute us. We cannot express our- selves. You have to pretend all the time. When someone accuses you, you are lost. They give you the worst jobs and the CDR are i.n charge of slan- dering you on all sides. Finally, they send you to jail, to speciai build- ings. First they called us 'sickly,' then 'sick,' later 'degenerate' and lastly 'counterrevolutionaries."' Alfredo Ferreiro interrupted: "Under a totalitarian dictatorship, it is not permitted to be different. I want another life for my wife and daugh- ter. Anyone who is critical or has long hair or dresses differently is accused of 'ideological diversionism,' With those two words you are con- demned. The homosexuals are persecuted harshly. Accusin~ you of being a 14 _ FOR OrFtCI,ai. i':~E ~~:~LI' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY homosexual, even though they lrnaw that you are not, is a way to punish you ~ if they think you are a dissident." There are 500 stories. They are long to tell and much more~painful to , 1ive. Now there is hope for those who arrived. Spain is a horizon, a road _ for these 500 expatriates who are beginning a new story. COPYRIGHT:1979 Informacion y Revistas, S.A. 7717 CSO: 3010 15 FOR OFFICIAL L'SE O~ZY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ CUBA VICE FOREIGN MINISTER ASSAILS U.S. ACTIONS IN CARIBBEAN PA161436 Havana PRELA in Spanieh 1310 GMT 15 May 80 [Text] Havana, 15 May (PL)--The United States is the true epitome of all - the slave traders, pirates, traffickera and adventurera *aho preceded it, _ the newapaper GRANMA said today in a commentary bylined by Vice Foreign Miniater Ricardo Alarcon de Queeada. It recalls that the UniCed States invaded Cuba and puerto Rico to seize both of them after the struggle of their peoples brought an end to the Spaniah domination in 1898. In a sort of historical reco,anting, it notes that thus far in the 20th century the United States has invaded Haiti, Santo Domingo and Nicaragua, in addition to Cuba, in the Caribbean. - _ GRANMA adds that the Washington government has intervened on more than one occasion in the internal affaira of the Caribbean. It has brought down governments and inetalled other governments at will and hae assassinated patriots like Nicaraguan Augusto Cesar Sandino. The co~nentary stressea that "however, a new stage began in the history - of the Caribbean at Playa Giron in April 1961 because although it is true that the Cuban people alone defeated the mercenaries sent by the Yankees in less than 72 hours, the winnere were all of the Caribbean peoples." It adds that the merce~naries were unable to see it,,but a multitude of men and women who had been ~ppressed for centuries were behind the Cuban militiamen. It mentions, as cases in point, the Caribe Indians, the African slaves, the Haitian forces of Toussaint 1'Overture and the Cuban Mambises who fought against the Spanish Army for 30 years. It stresses that "imperialists have a hard time Iearning. Only an energetic and resolute struggle by the people forces them to respect them. They will be forced in this way to respect our people and all Caribbean peoplPs." GRANMA then notes that "the march of the combatant people" scheduled for Saturday throughout the country will demonstrate that the era of the fili- busters and the slave traders has been left behind. "Let the combatant, enthusiastic and multitudinous demonstration on Satur- day help imperialists to learn their lesson," Alarcon's commentary says in concluding. _ CSO: 30].0 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL "JSE ONLY CUBA RODRIGUEZ PRAISES CUBAN-SOVIET RELATIONS I'' PA052149 Havana PRELA in Spanish 1615 GMT 5 May 80 [Report by Isabel Montero] [Text] Havana, 5 May (PL)--Cuba and the Soviet Union are making their bonds of friendship and cooperation even closer in answer to the unsuc- cessful U.S. propaganda against both countries, declared Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers. . _ Rodriguez granted an interview to PRENSA LATINA on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the reestablishment of the relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union, which will be commemorated next Thursday. The Cuban leader referred to the difficult circumstances which the crisis of the capitalist system is causing throughout the world, which are mani- festing themselves as threats against Cuba and the USSR through military deployment against the Caribbean country, he said. In reply to these threats, he emphasized, both countries are raising our banners of friend- ~ ship and cooperation as a symbol of the unbreakable firmness of socialism, = which nothing will be able to weaken, said Rodriguez. � The 20th anniversary of the reestablishment of Cuban-Soviet relations has - exceptional significance, not only for Cuba but for the problems which - occupy the world's attention today, said the Cuban leader. He included among these the norms of the economic and political relations between the developed and the developing countries. For Cuba this anniversary is a - cause ~`or joy because these 2 decades have served to make the Cuban-Soviet friendahip indissoluble and over this period there have been unmistakeable demon~trations that the unity between Cuba and the USSR is unbreakabie. He recalled that when Cuba responded to threats of the United States, which attempted to liquidate the Cuban revolution with the mercenary attack at Pl~ya Giron in 1961, Fidel Castro, the top Cuban leader, gave his first historical replies to the United States. Cuba was alone in the world and it is the admirable part of those replies that history will record as singular and unique. 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 �FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A short time afterwards we obtained the political backing of the USSR, which was beginning to turn toward material cooperation. This has been, more than important, dectsive in maintaining the unequal struggle of the Cubans against imperialism, he said. With its actions, the USSR has created - an exemplary system of relatione, which will undou~tedly serve as a basie for other young nations, affirmed Rodriguez. Described by Fidel Castro as "the most generous" it is not a question of reprodu~~ng on a universal - scale what in some aspects can be exceptional, but of gathering the meaning and fundamental orientation of those relations and to transpose them to the framework of the relations between developed and developing countries. Referring to bilateral economic, scientific and technical cooperation and to the process of an independent national economy, he said that it is necessary to evaluate in the first place the sacrifice, renunciation and determination of the Cuban people as the principal actor of this development. Nevertheless, one must emphasize that the rate of growth of the Cuban economy would be much slower if Soviet cooperation had not been forthcoming in such an exemplary manner, the detrimental unequal exchange which exists between the capitalist powers and the developing countries, he said. With sugar prices controlled for long periods of time by the so-called world market regarding the developing sugar producing countries it would have been impossible to make advances in the Cuban economy without Soviet cooperation, he said. If we add to this that in recent years, in which oil has been a burden on the balance of payments of the countries which do not produce it, Cuba has received all the oil it needs for its economic development at prices lower than those prevailing in the world m~rket, he said. One does not need much imagination to understand the intrinsic nature of our economic ties _ with the Soviet Union, said Rodriguez, to measure the significance of the Cuban-Soviet relations. In 20 years, he said, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the works which we will undertake in the 1981-198S 5-year period, such as steel, atomic power plants, a refiner~ to process approximately 6 million tons of sugar, and other economic objectives. At the end of these 2 decades, Cubans and Soviets join forces as part of this always inereasing torrent of inen and women of all nations who see in socialism a guarantee for peace, just coexistence and happiness, he concluded. CSO: 3010 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NICARAGUA JOURNALISTS REACT TO CAMPAIGN AGAINST REVOLUTION PA120249 Havana PRELA in Spaniah Y950 GMT 11 May 80 [Article by Javier Rodriguez] [Text] Managua, 11 May (PL)--Political and journalistic circl~s of Nicr~ragua have reacted vigorously to the intensification of an international campaign of lies and provocations against the revolutionary process that the country has been experiencing since the victory of July 1979. A few days ago, Daniel Ortega, junta member and commander of the revolution, described the use of this bad propaganda carried out by the reactionary press as part of an attempt to turn world public opinion against Nicaragua. - The topic has again become a current isaue in view of a torrent of false reports which have been published in newspapera and magazines in the United States and Latin America or which have been transmitted by Western news agencies. The newspaper BARRICADA, the official organ of the Sandiniet National Libera- tion Front [FSLN), has refuted these lies with the publi ation of excerpts of some of the slanderous articles and an editorial entitled "The People Will Know How To Respond to the Slanders." i "The falaehoods continue to be ati the service of imperialism which is now trying to justify the military ma.neuvers unleaehed in the Caribbean in view of the vigorous protest of many Latin American governments, including ours," it noted. Regarding these lies, BARRICADA stressed that the newspaper LA PRENSA LIBRE of Guatemala gave wide coverage to the obscure figure of "a so-called Urcuyo," the man who replaced former dictator Anastasio Somoza for a few houra and who fled in view of the FSLN advance over Managua. The Guatemalan paper reports on the hamage paid to Urcuyo by legislators and membera of the ruling party after he formed a so-called "Nicaraguan Revolutionary Front." 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY ' Moreover, coimmunicationa media director Guiller~no Rothschuh charged that the main purpose of the maneuvers of the capitalist newe agencies is to carry out a policy that ie directly aligned with plans of the CIA. He cited ae an example false news reporte on an alleged depletion of Nicaragua'e foreign exchange reaervea which circulated yesterday. Accord- ing to thie report, a nonexistent Il~ official had attested to this. For their part, the members of the Union of Nicaraguan Newsmen issued a call to promote a pro~ect called "Heroes and Martyrs of Josrnaliam" whose goal will be to unmask precisely this ill-dispos~d campaign. ~ CSO: 3010 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NICARAGUA BRIEFS ~ CIA DESTABILIZATION PLOT--Mexico City, 9 May (PL)--The Mexican newspaper UNO MAS UNO reveals that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had drawn a special plan to destabilize the political situation in Nicaragua. Quoting U.S. sources, UNO MAS UNO affirms the CIA project was approved in Auguat 1979, only a month from the victory of the Sandinist National Libera- tion Front (FSLN), and was designed to provoke a division in the Nizaraguan political leadership through a broad national and international campaign. One of the fundamental parts of the CIA plan conaisted of transmitting to the presa in Nicaragua and abroad, forged documents confirming the "communiat danger" which the FSIN victory implied to the nations of the area. Other ~ parte of the project, the paper notes, included the use of groups opposed to the Nicaraguan Government, the creation o= tension in the relations of Nicaragua with the rest of the Central American nations, and incidents be- tween the armed forces of E1 Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, and the Sandinist army. [Text) [PA100427 Havana PRELA in Spanish 2314 GMT 9 May 80) CSO: 3010 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PAN?MA BRIEFS SOVIET, PANAMANIAN PEACE COMMITTEES' DECLARATION--Panama City, 12 May (PL)-- The top Soviet and Panamanian peace organizations have condeamed the planned U.S. military maneuvers in the Caribbean and the U.S. campaign against the Cuban people and government. The condemnations apnear in a declaration of the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace and the Panamanian National Committee for the Defense of Sovereignty and Peace [CONADESOPAZ] iasued - here today as a result of the recent viait of a Soviet delegation to Panama. The two committeea, the document atated, vigorously conde~m the U.S. military maneuvera in the Caribbean as well as "the grossly promoted imperialist cam- paign against the Cuban Government and people to try to isolate the always glorioua Cuban revolution." The declaration called for a multifaceted and multilateral activation of the struggle of the peace-loving public in the face of the increase of the aggresaiveness of the imperialist forces. It stressed that the essential task is the elimination of the arms race and said that NATO's decision to install nucl~ar missiles in West Europe is against detente, peace and world security. In another section, the Soviet- Panamanian delegation greets the Nicaraguan revolution`s triumph over the I overthrown Somozist dictatorship and expreases solidarity with the Salvadoran people's current struggle for liberation. The declaration is signed by Marcelino Jaen and Camilo Perez of the CONADESOPAZ and Valeriy (?Dzheldzhin) of the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace. [Text) [PA130339 Havana PRELA in Spanish 1345 GMT 12 May 80] GOVERNMENT COMMUNIQUE RECOGNIZES SWAPO--Panama City, May 6(PL)--The Pana- manian Government recognized the SWAPO [South-West People's Organization] national liberation movement as the only authentic representative of Namibia and invited that organization to install representativea here. After the four daya of talks, Panamanian functionariea and members of the delegation of the Security Council of the United Nations for Namibia issued a joint communique condemning the South African maneuvers aimed at impeding the liberation of that people. The communique defines the obstinate South African refusal to withdraw from Namibia as a threat to international peace and secur- ity. The UN delegation, headed by Noel Sinclair, is on a tour through Latin America which includes Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad-Tobago, among other countries. [Text) [PA051641 Havana PRELA in Engliah 1450 GMT 5 May 80] CSO: 3010 2l � FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SURINAM 'PRELA' VIEWS THWARTED MERCENARY INVASION PA091431 Havana PRFLA in Spanish 2320 GMT 6 May 80 � [Article by Jorge Luna: "Defeat of a Mercenary Invasion"J _ _ [Text] T'he recently thwarted mercenary invasion of Surinam, the South _ American country where a group of patriotic young noncommiasioned officers overthrew Henck Arron's regime on 25 February, reveals the magnitude of the aggreasive pressures wh�ich exist on this new procesa. It is no longer a question of--as the preas in the Netherlands, former mother country of thia land of 350,000 inhabitants, has tried to reflect--of an unsuccessful - "coup d'etat" or "countercoup" in which national army sectora participated, but of a clear mercenary invasion. The quick action of the popular sergeants in Surinam, whose arnry has only 800 men, aborted one more dangerous adventure which the United Statea and - its European allies in the Caribbean try to carry out daily with a certain amount of impunity. Following la~t year's victories in Gren.ada and Nicaragua and the popular struggles in other Central American and Caribbean countries, as well aS the growing international prestige of the Cuban revolution, an interventionist offensive was launched and Surinam could hardly have escaped it. U.S. President James Carter himself criticized the new government in 3urinam and deacribed it as another "setback for democracy" in the region. With this the U.S. Preaident seems to have given the green light to any anti-Surinam adventure. As new data and details are made public knowledge on the attempt made against Surinam from I'rench Gui~na with mercenaries, one will be able to confirm the degree of U.S, participation of another U.S. "operation failure" which will probably not make the world's front pages like the defeat in Iran did. The�initial information came--as no aurprise to observers in Surinam--fram the Hague, which is still maintaining an ironclad control over the national economy, and where the foreign minister "confirmed" the facts--from the , other side of the Atlantic--which occurred in Surinam last weekend. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Newspaper reporters from the Netherlanda confined themselvea to inaiating on the theory of the "countercoup" without any time focusing on the climate of aggreaeion which is exerting preseure on the young cour.try whose ser- geanta asaumed power to "declare war on social injustice.' The new civilian cabinet appointed by the soldiera also promosed to take atepa as soon ae poesible to put an end to the neocolonialiat dependence on the Netherlanda and to establish an independent and sovereign foreigll policy. Prime Miniater Henk Chin-a-sen in an emergency speech on televiaion praised the courageoua soldiers of Surinam and suggested that the Netherlande, Belgian, South Moluccan, Venezuelan and Surinamese mercenariea were backed by politicians with tiea to Arron who "want to continue the corrupt practicea" of the past in Surinam. The Surinamese Army units, based in Albina, a emall and beautiful town on the banks of the border river Marowi~ne, which separates the country from Cayenne, a so-called French overseas department (French Guiana), from where the expedition entered, responded quickly. The Surinamese Army was expecting the aggression, perhapa from the moment it assumed power 2 and 1/2 months ago. The sergeante became aware that the true enemy of their popular process would be working intenaely in every field. Therefore, the Surinamese succeas should be considered a victory which transcends national bordera and should be added to the liat of vic- tories of the Caribbean peoples against military intervention in the region. Caribbean analysts have been reporting the existence in the region--which Che progreasive forcea insist be declared and recognized as a"peace zone"-- of milltariatic, interventionist, neocolonialist and imperialist pTans to dominate the broad and varied population of the Caribbean, which the United States calls its backyard. There is no Caribbean island, either English, Spaniah, Fr~nch or Dutch apeaking which does not bear the marks of these - interventioniet plana of the United States and its European allies.~ Apart from the backfiring of the exerciae invasion of Cuba through Guantanamo which the United.States tried to perpetrate this month, the Netherlanda,, France, Great Britain; West Germany, Canada, Brazil and Venezuela carry out yearly ~oint air and naval maneuvera in the region, based in Puerto Rico. The Netherlands, from where former Surinamese soldier Fred Ormskerk--leader of the invasion force--left 2 weeks ago, has warships in several ports of the "Netherlands Antilles." Ormakerk had told the Netherlands press of hie ' deciaion to overthrow the preaent government as soon as he had 200 deter- mined men available. France, whose "territory" was used to receive the mercenaries and to stage the invasion across the border, is also one of the mi~litary powers of the region, although it tries to play down its belligerant attitude. ~ In addition to zealously maintaining the colonies of Martinique, Guadeloupe - and Cayenne--againat the wishes of independence of their peopl,.ea--France has expreased its decision tha~. theae territoriea "remain French" without 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY diacarding the use of any military arms for this purpose, including nuclear arme. The French military presence in the Caribbean is growing and France hae stationed more than 50,000 eoldiera preciaely in Cayenne, from where the authoriCies reportedly sent the Surinamese Government a delayed warning about the mercenariee. The population of Cayenne ie 40,000. The military prestige of the French, with all their bases and rocket and satellite launching sit~s in the Caribbean, has also suetained a hard blow with the e�ficient and patriotic action of the young Surinamiese Army. Thia militari.zation of the Caribbean by forces which are enemies of peace, eapecially the United States whose "Solid Shield 80" maneuvera were labeled by Grenada Prime Minister Maurice Biahop as a"massive terroriat action" " is what ie endangering the progresaive deveiopment of the peoples of the region. Carter himself "set back" the cause of democracy in Surinam while the people ~ of Surinam hailed the vicCorious "7-hour operation" of the noncommissioned officers who toppled a regime which had opened the country to big trans- national firms so they could exploit its natural resources. Significantly--and the people of Surinam themselves may not know this--the newapaper DIARIO DE LAS AMERICAS, published in Miamx, auddenly took an intereat in the situation in Surinam aMd--simultaneous wiCh the ~rustrated mercenary invasion--carried a venomous anti-Surinam article. In other words, the campaign against the young nation--once relegated to _ meaningleas presa columns--is going beyond local politics and betraying the intentions that some powere have with regard to this region. Arron's agriculture minister, Kaeantaroeno, seems to be putting up the money for the adventure. The same ex-minister--linedto the turnover to Franae of a piece of the territory in exchange for millions in credit dur- ing the previous regime--was one o~ few aides of Arron who escaped to French Guiana on 25 February. From there, after being welcomed by the colonial authorities, Kasantaroeno undertook a hysterical campaign againat the sergeants accusing them of killing dozens of people as they took over power. The entire action resulted in _ merely six deaths. Surinam's reply to the interventionists was firm: 300 mercenariea were � arreated--the posaibility has not been discarded that aome of them may be Cuban counterrevolutionaries; the chief of the expedition waa shot; six parliamentarians of Arron's party were arrested and Arron was arrested again 2 weel~s ago; a small ~rsenal was impounded along the border on Monday. The president of Surinam told the people that the army and the police are sufficiently equipped to stop all counterrevolutionary and subversive activi- tiea and urged them to redouble'their vigilance. 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY j i i ~ While the government reconsidera the possibility of again impoaing a curfew ; _ throughout the country, Surinam seems to be under the total control of the authorities. This vigilant attitude which is being praised in the region will teach a ' _ leeson to those~who do not want to see the ecope of the~hawkish threate in the Caribbean. It will evoke regional solidarity inauring that Surinam is not alone. ~ ~ i i ~ CSO: 3010 ' I` i 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SURINAM SURINAM OFFICIALLY PROTESTS NETHERLANDS PART IN 'INVASION' PA140116 Havana PRELA in English 2347 GMT 13 Ma.y 80 PA [Text] Paramaribo, 14 May (PL)--The National Military Council of Surinam protested formally to the Government of Holland, country from which it obtained independence 5 years ago, due to the participation of Dutch citi- zens in an unsuccessful mercenary invasion of this South American count'ry. At a press conference, Sergeant Ma~or Badresein Sital, president of the NMC, presented the Dutchman Johannes Cornelis,Krol, detained last week together with another 14 mercenaries. He also showed newsmen an arsenal of modern weapons seized from the invaders, who attempted to enter Surinam over the border with Cayenne, so-called French overseas department. The president of the council, which took power last 25~February after the overthrow of the regime of Henck Arron, also accused the former Dutch Minister Jan Prink of having helped to plan the operations. He also said that the former Minister of Agriculture of Surinam Johan Kasantaroeno, now refuged in French Guyana, was the brain behind the unsuc- cessful invasion, which was going to be carried out tomorrow (15th). According to reports, the operation contemplated the launching of inercen- aries--approximately 300, of different nationalities--in five points of this country of 350 thousand inhabitants. The arsenal shown to the newsmen in- cludes antigas masks, explosives, munition.s and long and short arms. The leader of the attempted invasion, the former Surinam military officer now living in Holland, Fred Ormskerk, was killed on 5 May, when the Suri- namese army discovered him on the border. According to the same reports, the Surinamese Government was informed of the conspiracy in April. CSO: 3020 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 APPR~VED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL'Y VENEZUELA _ VENEZUELA NOT COMPETING WITH ANY OTHER COUNTRY, MONTES DE OCA SAYS PA12b023 Caracas PRELA in Spanish to PRELA Havana 0007 GMT 11 May 80 r - [Text] Caracas, 10 May (PL)--Following is a text of the VENPRESS veraion of statements by Venezuelan Interior Minister Rafael Andrea Montes de Oca in regard to the Caribbean and, tacitly, to Cuba. Guyana City--Interior Minister Rafael Andrea Montes de Oca said here today ~ that Venezuela is not competing in Central America and the Caribbean with "any other country but is trying to cooperate with the countries within the framewo~rk of coexistence, ideological pluralism and nonintervention. Montes de Oca made these statementa during a breakfast meeting with newsmen at a club in this city. He noted,that the country can be abaolutely certain that the proceases that are being experienced in the region have the atten- tion of the world. ~ - "We have wanted to establish in Central America and the Caribbean a clear line af nonintervention in any of the political processea of the region, not even as members of the Andean Pact," he said adding that Venezuela was not trying to promote a single political syetem in that region. Montes de Oca explained that the Venezuelan aid is given out of international - solidarity and to guarantee the expansion of freedom as the final goal of any political process. He said: "The framework of this policy of cooperation with the Central Ameri- can and Caribbean countriea includes the supplying of oil as a main funetion as well ae the eatabliahment of better tiea through the vieits of most of the heads of states of theae nations to our country." He reiterated that the government is not "seeking confrontation or competi- tion in the area and whoever seeks to confront or compete with Venezuela in ita actions in Central America and the Caribbean would have to do it with the patterns that we are implementing in our policy. END CSO: 3010 Z8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000200090018-1