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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - JPRS L/9513 29 January 1981 - USSR Report PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS (FOUO 1 /81) FgI~ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 NOTE JPRS publications c.ontain information primarily Yrom foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news aget?ey transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translzted; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the ghrasing and other characteristics retaine3. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JFRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line oF each iten, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfami.liar names r.endered phonetically or trans?iterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in pareittheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Gther unattributed parenrhetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. _ COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWiVERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE OiNLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS I,/9513 29 January 1981 USSR REPORT PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS (FOUO 1/81) CONTENTS LASERS AND MASERS Photolysis Lasers for Controlled Nuclear Fusion Chemical Lasers: New Results and Ideas Abstracts From the Colllection 'OPTICALLY PUMPED GAS LASERS',........ A Pulse-Periodic Photodissociative Iodine Laser Pumped by the Radiation of Magnetoplasma Compressors Concerning the Change in Shielding Action of Products of Thermal Dissociation of Materials Under the Effect of Laser Emission in a Moving Medium Pumping of Electron Beam-Controlled C02 Lasers With Maximum Beam Utilization Factor Energy Characteristics of a Copper Vapor Laser With Transverse Discharge Concerning the Possibility of Using Gasdynamic Pyrolysis for Producing Lasing Media Experimental Study of the Possibility of Effectively Coupling the Energy Out of the Active Medium of a DF-C02 Amplifier of.Nano- second Radiation Pulses........................................... 1 20 35 40 44 49 55 63 68 - a- [III - USSR - 21H S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LASERS AND MASERS UDC 621.373.826.038.823 PHOTOLYSIS LASERS FOR CONTROLLED NUCLEAR FUSION Moacow IZVESTIYA AKA.DEMII NAUK SSSR: SERIYA FIZICIiESKAYA in Russian Vol 44y No 10, - Oct 80 pp 2002-2017 [Article by S. B. Kormer] [Text] Introduction A typical feature of photolysis lasers proposed in 1961 by the authors of Ref. 1 - is a rather wide band of absorption of pumping radiation (_103cm 1) similar to the _ absorption band of solid-state lasers in combination with a narrow luminescence line of 10'2-10-1 cm-1. This makes it possible to achieve high gains and a low lasing threshold. Lasing in thia type of laser was first attained [Ref. 2, 31 on molecules of CHgI and C73I (RI +hv 4 R+ I*). Emission wavelength is a=1. 315 um. An energy of 1-5 mJ was achieved. A rather cumbersome flash photolysis iodine laser was developed in 1966 [Ref . 4], giving a laser energy of 65 J for 1.5 ms. SEimulated emission was reported in a Q-switched iodine laser in Ref. 5, although it was not until 1971 that interest arose in such lasers for research in the field of nuclear fusion, when Ref. 6 was published, the first of a large series of papers on work at the Max-Planck Institute in Garching. In these papers, on the basis of reaearch resulr_s, the iodine laser was offered as one of the possible competitors of neodymium and C02 lasers for controlled nuclear fusion. Possibilities of using iodine lasers for these purposes were explored by Soviet [Ref. 7, 8], U. S. [Ref. 9, 10] and British [Ref. 11] scientists*. Outside of the Soviet Union, the best results have been attained at Max-Planck In- stitute. For example it was reported in Ref. 12 that an energy of 300 J was at- tained in a pulse with duration of (1-3)�10-9 s withefficiency of - 0.1% with re- spect to the energy stored in a capacitive accumulator. In the brief paper of Ref. 13 mention is made of attainment of 500 J 3t Ti = 0.5�10-9 s. In the USSR the maxi- mum energies that have been attained in the period up to publication of the present report have been - 300 J in 10'9 s at an efficiency of 0.1% [Ref. 14] and 500 J in 1.5�10-9 s at the same Efficiency [Ref. 15]. However, these figures are far from exhausting the capabilities of iodine lasers. For example, specialists at the Max-Planck Institute are af the opinion that there is a real possibility of making *Here and belaw we cite only the first papers by the different authors. 1 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iodine lasers with pulse energy of 10-100 kJ at a duration of 0.1 ns and with a pulse recurrence rate of 100 Hz. ~ Among the advantsges of iodine lasers, mention should be made of t:he following. 1. Capability of fairly uniform circulation of large cross sections of working - fluid, and in this way giving large energies in a single beam, which enablea selec- tion of the optimum number of active elements of a laser facility for given energy. 2. Capability of regulating the width of the luminescence line of the working tran- _ sition by adding a buffer gas. This enables optimization of gain of the lasex medium and duration of the lasing pulse. At atmospheric pressure it is possible to amplify pulses with T> 40-100 ps [Ref. 17]. 3. Comparatively long lifetime of the excited iodine and comparatively short pump- ing duratian, which reduces the intensity of superluminescence. 4. Comparatively minor optical inhomogeneities of the working medium and capability of achieving relatively small divergence of emission. - 5. Fewer limitations associated with, radiatian strength of the working medium (self- ' focusing and the like). These advantages of the iodine laser put it on the same level [Ref. 18, 19] with ' more perfected neodymium lasers and C02 gas lasers. In this paper we give our principal attention to a survey of the results realized in our own research [Ref. 8, 15, 20-291. 1. fluida and processes. Estimation of aiitput energy of amplifiers - The most estensively used working fluids for iodine lasers are the organic iodides CFgI and C3F7I. The absorption band of these compounds has a maximum at XmaX x 270 nm with half-amplitude width of about 35 nm. The absorption cross section at the - mRximum is (6-8)�10-19 cm2, which corresponds to an absorption coefficient az.2�10-2 (torr�cm)-1. The relatively low coefficient of absurption enables fairly uniform circulation through working volumos with a large aperture. lipon absorption of an ultraviolet quantum, the working fluid dissociates into a - radical and an electronically exciiced iodine atom: C,F; I+ hv, -C,F,+ I' ('P.,,) . Studies have shewn that the quantum yield in this case is cl ose to u nit y. The laser transition is between levels 2P1/2 and 2P% of the iodine atom, which have a hyperfine structure [Ref. 30, 31]. The resultant laser emission wavelength is 1.315 um. One of the distinguishing features of Lhe given active media is the capability of varying the amplification cross section Q over a rather wide range by adding buffer gases such as C02, SF6, Ar and others. When this is done, the cross section cr 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR dFFIC1AL USE UNLY decreases with increasing partial pressure of both the working fluid itself and the buffer gases [Ref. 17]. This increases the latitude of development of iodine lasers since it gives a means of relatively low weak-signal gains at high specific densities of the stored and output energies. - The expected energy paramr:ters of each of the amplifiers with assumption of uniform population inveraion over its cross section and lengthwise can be determined from _ an expresaion [Ref. 32] that describQa the amplif ication process: E~yj=G.,~ln(K,(eaP -i~+ Et1C ho�exp o,+NL, (2) - hv 24 !iv Euac = (3) a� -i- 31 a,. ~ g, . Here eeX and eeb4x are respectively the density of the input and output eaergies of the amplifier; Kp is the weak-signal gain; 034 is the amplification cross section on transition FB = 3-FH= 4; N is the initial population of excited particles on the sublevel with quantum number FB = 3; L is the length of the amplifier; eHac is the saturation energy of the working transition FB = 3-*FH = 4; ge and gH are the sta- tistical weights of the upper and lower sublevels participating in the transition. -J For the sake of simplicity, relations (2) and (3) are g;-qen for the most frequently ' encountered case where the lasing transition is between r_he sublevel with quantum - number FB = 3 of level 2P1 , , 2 and sublevel FH = 4 of level 2F3/2. It was also taken into consideration that in accordance with Ref. 31 the upper sublevels in the case of interest to us T< 10-9 s do not have time to relax relative to one another, while the sublevels of level 2P3,2 do have time. Then gg = 7, gH = 24. In the limiting case when eBX� EeEAx, (1) implies E.ti:. op.s �.,c ln Ro+e..,. (4) From (2)-(4) we get 24 i4 e 31 hvt1~'L = 31 3an. oo: s, (S) where ~ e o,-..-.~:v1'aL, :1'=--g, -N= 12 N. - g.-3 7 The total stored energy e3an. nonH on level 2P1/2, which must be known for calcu- iating the output energy from (5), can be found from the free lasing energy - Ece. reH� In the approximation of fairly rapid "cleaninp," of the lower lasing 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 MOR OFF1C(AL USE ONLY ~ level (2P1,2) as a result of recombination of an unexcited iodine atom with a radi- cal ILRef. 17] E3au. ao:ta-Zcx ia+Enopr where enoP is the threshold energy. In designing an amplifier that operates in the monopulse mode, when the input sig- nal is applied at the instant of the first zero of the current to prevent _ the influence that the uncompensated magnetic field of the pumping sources has on = the spectrum of the hygerfine structure of atomic iodine, it is necessary to take consideration only of the energy that has been stored up to this instant: ~ E3ae yoso- ~ l /e',. reaTeaa; ' 7) where Y is the fraction of the stored energy on level 2P1/2 by the instant of arri- val of the monopulse. Experimental seudies of the time dependF:nce of lasing power have shown that the first half-period of the current of the.� final amplifiers contains about 70% of the = energy stored in the accumulator. The.refore the value of E3an. MoHOfrom (7) must _ be used in (5). If we know the stored energy on the working sublevel, we can f ind the amplification cross section that ensures a given weak-signal gain. The necessary value of Q34 is attained by varying the buffer gas and its pressure [Ref. 17]: - 7 (8) - - = t, - Y e.pi, a,, ~ , where Bp is the Doppler component of luminescence line broadening, ai is the coef- ficient of collisional broadening of the different gases at psessure [Pi]� The permissible values of Kp in amplifiers depend on a number of factors such as the optical decoupling mechanisms that are used, the presence of vacuum selectcrs, parasitic reflectors and the like. Experience has shown that in order to avoid self-excitation of amplifiers, Ko must be kept to the order of 102 or less, par- ticularly in the final amplifiers. In Section 5 on the basis of the relations given above, estimates of the output energy of amplifiers are made and compared with experimental rzsults. 2. Concerning the degree of uniformity of pumping and the optical homogeneity of the working medium in an iodine laser In extensive use for pumping iodine lasers are both flashlamps [Ref. 4, 6, 8, 33, 34] and an open electric discharge in the working mixture. The author.s of Ref. 7, 35, 36 used an exploding wire to initiate discharge in a gas. We utilized reusable large-aperture discharge pumping sources with traveling discharge propo�ed and de- veloped by the authors of [Ref. 15] in our amplifiers. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a. o.'",, ed(relative units) ' a a i I _.J-1--J- 4 a ia 0.8 ~ bb 1 r - (1, 4 � ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ Q ~l6 i B c _ . = I { tm k'ig. 1 a a T f~ S ~ ~ .1 / 1 / l II QO d,l0-I6cm�i 0 10 ZO JO RcM L-- j ~ 12 a 5 ~ s i4 v ' 6 !6 Fig. 2 ~ ~ / 6b ~ Z4 R, cnr Fig. 1. Distribution of inversion with respect to radius of the cell (broken lines _ shaw the calculation, solid lines show the experiment): a--lamp source (pC3F7I 22 5;nm Hg); b--electric discharge source (pC 3F7 i = 5 mm Hg); c--exploding wire (PC3F7I = 7.5 mm Hg) Fig. 2. a--Isolines of population inversion; b--distribution of inversion with _ respect to radius of the cell with pumping by one or more sources. Calculation: - dotted lines--1 source; solid lines--9 sources; broken line--40 sources; 1, 2, 3, - 4, 6--pC3F7i = 4.5 mm Hg; S, 7--3 mm Hg. Experiment: points--9 sources, pp=3 mm Hg Fig. 1 shows the results of a study of uniformity of circulation through the work- ing volume of a large-aperture laser when a lamp source or electric discharge source [Ref. 15, 37] is placed on the axis of the cell. The experimental value of the dependence of inversion A on radius R is determined either directly or from the _ distribution of free la:iing over the end face. The behavior of A(R) observed with pumping by different sources is determined not only by the absorption of quanca in the working medium,but also by.purely geometric reduction of the density of quarta with increasing radius. _ The nonuniformity of inversion distribution can be reduced by reducing the partial pressure of the working mixture, and also by increasing the number of pumping 5 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ sources in the working volume. The latter approach is especially necessary for making large-aperture amplifiers (see Fig. 2a). Optimization of the number of sources and the radius of their configuration was done by a special program of two- dimenaional calculation of photodissociation. 1'his program accounts for the ttme dependence of the brightness temperature of the source Tbr(t) and the actual pro- file of the abeorption band of the working fluid. The program is also suitable for calculation of electrodisctiarge pumping sources with expanding emission surface. The results of some calculations are shown in Fig. 2b, where the radial distribu- - tion of inversion is shown with var{.ation of the radius of source placement, the - number of sources and the partial pressure of the working fluid. We can see that if a single source is placed in a cell with Rp = 20 cm (curves 1 and 2), the inver- sion differential at pp = 4.5 mm Hg of C3F7I will exceed 15. On the other hand, if about 40 sources or more are placed on the outer sutface of the cell, inversion will be nearly uniform over the entire cross section (curve 3). When the number of sources is reduced to 9(curves 4, S, 6 and 7), the difference in inversion in- creases. For example if tY:i- sources are placed at Rp = 22.5 cm, this difference = reacties a factor of 1.5-2 at pp = 4.5 r~,.-n Hg, and a factor of 1.3-1.5 at pp = 3 mm Hg (curves 4 and 5). As we can see from the figure, the experimentally-found distribution of inversion in free lasing runs agrees fairly well with calculated results (curve 5). The degree of inversion nonuniformity with respect to angle with nine sources can be seen from Fig. 2a, which gives the pattern of isolines of population inversion at pp(C3F7I) '4.5 mm Hg and Rp = 27.5 cm. Angular nonuniformity shows up at Rp> 15 cm and increases as.the sources are approached. The maximum nonuniformity of in- version density with respect to angle for the given arrangement is 30�6. On the basis of experiments and the results of theoretical optimization we have now - decided that in future research we will use nine reusable traveling-discharge sources placed at Rp = 22.5 cm. The optical inhomogeneity of the active medium has been studied experimentally f.or these conditions. Similar studies have also been - done for amplifiers with flashlamp pumping in which the active medium was contained - i.n quartz cells. (A more detailed description of the amplifiers will be given - be]_ow. ) Measurements were made in the driven mode of amplifier operation close to the pump- ing sources, where optical inhomogeneities should be maximum. The amplifier medium to be studied was placed in one of the arms of a Michelson interferometer. The studies were done on a wavelength of 0.63 um, analogously to the way that this had been done previously [Ref. 22, 24-27, 36] (see also Ref. 38). The gradient of the _ index of refraction and its dependence on distance r from the pumping source were determined from the profile of the inde:c of refraction of the medium found at the inatant of zero current. The resultant curves of grad n= f(r) for the working media of three amplifiers are _ shown in Fig. 3. We can see that in all amplifiers grad n decreases with increas- ing distance from the pumping source. The width of the zone of optical inhomo- geneities is 1.5-2 cm. Increasing the pressure of the working fluid (C3F7I) in the amplifiers leads to an increase in grad n. At the same time, the absolute - values of grad n are such as to enable attainment of good divergence. For example, 6 - FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY 9rod n, 10 Gnt-1 2r 1 0 1 Z C M Fig. 3. Change in the gradient of the index of refraction with respect to the radius of the cell (r is distance from the pumping source): YI--30 mm Hg C3F7I + 440 mm Hg SF6; Y2--22 mm Hg C3F7I +370 rvn H SF � Y--3 7 mm H if a plane wave is sent to the input of the first amplifier, the divergence at the output of the third amplifier due to the found values of the gradient of the refractive index should not exceed 8E/2 a 0.5�10'4 radian. 3. Cptical decoupling mechanisms and radiation contrast One of the problems in developing facilities for laser-driven nuclear fusion is attainment of high radiation contrast* (107-108). For this purpose, multistage amplification systems use special means that forestall self-excitation of the amplif iers, and specifically such optical decoupling devices as Pockels cells, Kerr cells and phototropic dqes. Here an examination will be made of inethods that we have suggeste3 and studied [Ref. 8, 20, 21, 29]. 8 69 3 � g To ensure adequate contrast at the output of C3F7I+ 150 mm Hg C02 + 440 mm Hg Ar the entire system, we must consider the fact that the weak-signal gain in each amplifier is of the order of 102, while the strong-signal gain (see relation (1)) is about 10-15. This means that the radia- tion contrast in each stage will deteriorate by a factor of about 10, and the role of interstage decoupling is not only to compensate far deterioration of the con- trast, but to improve it. The careful selection of the parameters of the individu- al amplifiers should serve this same purpose. A very important parameter of interstage decoupling that determines the feasibility of application of a given mechanism in a given design for preventing self-excitation of the amplif iers and increasing radiation contrast is the ratio of transmission of the main radiation pulse Tstrong to transmission uf Lhe weak signal (background) Km Tstrong/Tweak� Since Tstrong determines the losses in the decoupling mechanism, the ratio must be close to 100%. To solve this problem, the authors of Ref. iodine shutter. This device is a saturabli transition 2P%-y 2P1/2 :�f the iodine atom. 8, 20, 39] that the weak-signal absorption whereas monopulse transmission is -80X for 8, 20 proposed and developed a passive ~ absorb er that operates on the resonant It has been experimentally shown jRef. factor in such a shutter reaches 103, a suff iciently intense incident signal. The intensity dependence of transmission experimentally found [Ref. 20] for iodine - laser emission with pulse duration ro 5�10-6 s throuih the shutter at T= 1050�C with concentration of atomic iodine of ~3.5�1017 cm and molecular iodine concen- iration of -1017 cM-3 is given in Fig. 4a together with the theoretical dependence I/Ip = f(Ip) found at a molecular iodine quenching constant of 1.8�10'11 cm3 3-1, For effective laser operation it is necessary that the width of the absorption line *Radiation contrast is defined as the ratio of the energy of radiation in a monopulse to the energy incident on the target before arrival of thz pulse. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY I/I 08 06 04 02 1 d v, 10"Z cM' ~ 8 6 4 Z don 0 P , mm Hg Fig. 4. a--Transmission of the iodine shutter as a function of intensity (T=1050�C; N1= 3.5�1017 cm 3). Points and solid curve experiment, broken line theory. b--Absorption linewidth as a function of pressure in the cell (Av/Ap z 104 cm�torr-1) (points show experimental data). be close to that of the amplification line. When this is so, the absorption cross section is somewhat larger than the amplification cross section. Results of investigations of the way that absorption linewidth depends on the total pressure in the cell are shown in Fig. 4b, from which we can see that as pressure increases beginning at about 300 mm Hg, the absorption linewidth increases in pro- portion to pressure with a widening constant of Av/t1p =10-`' cm�torr'1. Knowing this dependence, we are able to choose the optimum parameters of the iodine shutter. However, there are serious d ifficulties involved in developing an iodiae shutter with aperture greater than 100 mm that is capable of transmitting energy measured in the hundreds of joules. Therefore, we investigated the feasibility of using an optical decoupl ing mechanism based on thin metal coatings sputtered on glass sub- strates [Ref. 291* that become transparent to light under the action of laser radia- tion due to the low degree of ionization of inetal during vaporization. Analysis of the thermophysical and optical properties of a number of inetals has shown that bismuth meets the necessary requirements. Table 1 gives the results of an experimental study of the reduction in opacity of thin bismuth films with weak signal passage of from 0.15 to lOX. For a film with Tweak' 1%, strong signal transmission ranged from to 75% with a change in the incident energy density from 0.7 to 2.1 J/cm2 (Fig. Variation of Tweak by two orders of magnitude (see Table 1) leads to a relatively small change in Tstron Possibly two coatings may be best, each of which passes a = weak signal with Tweakg 10�G (ETweak - 1%, Tstrong � 80-902). *Such films had been used previously [Ref. 40] to shorten pulse duration. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 200 400 600 800 Ip, W/cm2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TASLE 1 Tweak+ x einc. J/cm2 IF-trans, J/cm2 Tstrongr y* K 0.15 1.7 0.88 52 345 - 0.25 1.9 1.22 63 250 1 1.5 1.13 70 70 2 1.5 1.2 80 40 5 1.26 1.1 87 17 - 10 0.26-0.4 0.23-0.38 90-95 9 - 2�10 0.26-0.4 0.12-0.36 80-90 80 *Tstrong - etrans/einc . Tstrongt % Fxperimental values of K= Tstrong/Tweak (Table 1) practically cover the working _ so o range of weak-signal gains of iodine amp- _ so( cb o lifiers (50-500), which enables us to ~ choose a monopulse amplification mode without deterioration of the radiation contrast obtained at the output of the einc+ J/cm2 master laser, and to prevent self-excita- Fig. 5. Transmission of thin bismuth tion of adjacent amplification stages. coatin s(T l~) Such shutters with diameter of about 50 cm 8 weak rs can handle laser beams with energy of a few kJ with fairly Zow losses of energy to reduction of opacity (-10-20X) and fairly high attenuation of the background signal (by a factor of the order of 102 or more). This method can also be used to prevent self-excitation of an amplif ier due to reflection of emission from the target. Here it is sufficient to use a coating with TWeak = lOX to reduce the parasitic coefficient of reflection from the target by a factor of 100 with a double pass _ through the coating. We also investigated the feasibility of using nonlinear phenomena like stimulated Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering (SMBS)* for interstage decoupling and obtaining hlgh cuntrast [Ref. 21, 23, 281. This possib ility is determined by the threshold naCure of onset of stimulated scattering. One arrangement for improving contrast and cutting off the preliminary pulse that may arise in the master Iaser is shown in Fig. 6. For iodine lasers w ith a narrow luminescence band Av = 0.1 cm71 [Ref. 441, heavy - compressed gases with a slow speed of sound (Xe, SF6) can serve as a working fluid for SMBS; however, such med ia have a long relaxation time. As a result, the mode of excitation of SMBS becomes very unsteady. *At present considerable attention is being given to the possibility of using the phenomenon of wavefront reversal [Ref. 41] for compensation of optical inhomo- geneities [Ref. 42] and for guiding radiation to the targets [Ref. 28, 43] in laser- driven fusion facilities. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SMBS � RSMBS, x 80 60 40 ZO 0 13 J S 7 9 11 Epump/Ethr Fig. 6. a--Experimental setup; b--reflectivity of SMBS mirror as a function of excess over the threshold (Ethr =2�5 J/cm2). Points experiment; curve calcu- lation The possibility of getCing any high values of the coefficients of reflection from SMBS mirrors (RSMgg) under these conditions seemed problematic and required experi- mental studies, the results of which are shown in Fig. 6 in the form of a curve for RgMgg as a function af excess of the pumping energy (Epump) over the threshold _ energy (Ethr) � The maximum coefficient of reflection RgMgg = 70%. A numerical study of the energy characteristics of the Stokes pulse in the case of SMBS for , unsteady interaction as done in Ref. 23 in the plane-wave approximation showed good agreement with the experiment (curve on Fig. 6). TABLE 2 Radiation contrast (calculation for F.Pump/Ethr - 4) Preceding the SMBS mirror After the SMBS mirror (pumping) (Stokes line) 4 2�106 16 2�108 64 5�109 Experiments [Ref. 21] (Fig. 7a, b) and calculations (Fig. 7c) have shown that the SMBS mirror eliminates the forerunner and considerably improves the enerly contrast. The experimental data show that the attained contrast is greater than 10 (the threshold of resolution of our methods at present), while the results of calcula- tions summarized in Table 2 imply that the radiation contrast can b e increased to 108-109. 10 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y I~ II il a I I j ~ I ~ I I { ~r3 . f ~ 1 j lmw .~~'s ~ . i t ; - . ~Fig. 7. Forerunner elimination and radiation pulse sharpening for iodine laser with SMBS. Broken curves pumping, solid curves Stokes radiation; a, b-- experiment; c calculation 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY 4. MeChods of shortening laser pulse duration Theoretical estimates and cumulative experience (see for example Ref. 45) show that at energies of 4103 J incident on the target the pulse duration should not exceed 0.1-0.3 ns. In r'iis connection, let us call attention to the fact that when laser emission intera::ts with the SIrBS mirror (see Fig. 7) there is considerable sharpen- ing of the leading edge of the laser pulse and shortening of its duration. For example in the experiment of Fig. 7b the rise time was shortened from -1 to -0.2 ns (w1Ch consideration of the resolution of the instrumentation), and pulse duration was shortened from -5 to -1 ns. Calculations done for conditions close to the experimental conditions have also shown that in the process of stimulated Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering the pulse duration is shortened (Tg< TL) and the leading edge Tle is sharpened (see Fig. 7c). The steepness of the leading edge depends appreciably on the excess of pumping energy over the threshold value (zle = 1 ns at Ep/Eth = 1.4, and Tle = 0.2 ns at Ep/Eth -14). 1 omN. ed re1:_ risits. - 72 8 4 0 1,5 3,D 4,5 6,0 ru,HC~ ~ter F. M6 ma/" laser E- Is ' SMBS Le,7plasma b shutter ~ 18bi2a `Olit � Fig. B. Shortening the duration of iodine laser pulse radiation by stimulated Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering and a plasma shutter; a--calculation; b--experi- mental setup; c--experimental results 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The profiles of pumping and Stokes-line emission shown in Fig. 8 correspond to F.p/Eth = 4. It can be seen that the leading edge is shortened by nearly an order of magnitude, while the remainder of the profile practically repeats the shape of the - stimulating radiatidn On the basis of the results, a master laser was developed for producing pulses with _ controllable duration by using a plasma shutter to cut aff the trailing edge [Ref. - 461 in the setup deacribed above with SMBS mirror. As a result, the shaped radia- tion pulse had a duration (with consideration of the resolution of the equipment) of -350-500 ps with energy up to 0.1 J(see Fig. 8). Shortening of laser pulse duration with a steep leading edge may also be done during propagation in the ampli- fic:ation stages operating under conditions of sufficiently strong saturation. I, rel, units 075 0,50 025 ~ ~ ~ 0 - t, ns Fig. 9. Shortening of duration of Stokes pulse during amplif ication (TP = 3 ns, Ts = 1.1 ns, Tyl = 0.5 ns, Ty4 = 0.3 ns) Calculations of the type of Ref. 23 showed (see Fig. 9) that a laser pulse having half-amplitude duration tL = 3 ns and shortened by stimulated Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering to zg = 1.1 ns is further shortened to 0.3 ns in the amplification pro- cess. To shorten the duration of the iodine laser pulse to r a 10-10 s one can use - the method of attenuation of free polarization (free induction) proposed in Ref. 47 and realized for the iodine laser in Ref. 46. - In our experiments, which were analogous to those of Ref. 46, radiation with dura- tion of -2.5 ns and energy of 0.4 J was sent from a master laser (ML) with pre- amplifier (Fig. 10a) to a plasma shutter. From there a pulse with steep trailing edge formed as a result of optical breakdown (Fig. lOb) was sent to an iodine shutter [Ref. 8, 20] that cut off the flat leading edge (Fig. lOc). Z'he result was a pulse with duration at half-amplitude of about 3�10-10 s. Analysis of the re- sults with consideration of the time resolution of the equipment enabled evaluation of the upper limit of duration of the pulse leaving the iodine shutter, which was 120 ps*. Qutput energy was 1-3 mJ at an input energq of 10-I5 mJ. *In this connection it should be borne in mind that the minimum pulse duration limited by bandwidth in an iodine laser is -40-100 us�atm [Ref. 17, 48]. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 Z 4 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t. 6 9 : b c t t - (1)TJfru~lHC , {2}tnn3el,3HC : . _ E3~,l3 = 4J1lC . Master 13f /lnaan~ � Irtn ~ o e li ~r . I iam.B. samB. laser 1~ shutter ~1 _ shutter Fig. 10. Use of plasma and iodine shutters to shorten the duration of the emission pulse of an iodine laser KEY: 1--TMLa 2.5 ns 2--Tpl. sh.'w 1. 3 ns 3--Tiod. sh. m 0.3 ns I, rel. units Mq, SMBS 3r BPM6 ~ JlBx= Iin ~ Q o K odine Ibx~ Iin G,7S hutter I ee,z i p Iout / - '050 ut / . . ~ 025 / / / , . t - t'` I p - Z 4 6 t, ns Fig. 11. Shortening the duration of the Stokes-line pulse in an iodine laser: a--equipment; b--calculation: Tp = 3 ns; Tin = 1 ns; Tout = 0.25 ns 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Combining the SMBS mirror with the iodine shutter (Fig. lla) gives an interesting - possibilityfor shaping a laser pulse of short duration. To do this, the pulse reflected by the SMBS mirror wiCh steep leading edge must be sent to a passive _ ehutter with narrow absorption line that passes the leading edge of the pulse and _ filters out its flat trailing edge. This possibility has been checked and verified by calculation (Fig. llb). It should be noted that the cor.trast may be very high in the propos ed me thod . 5. The Iskra-IV high-power iodine laser. The high-power iodine laser that we are develoFing consists of a master laser and four amplifiers of increasing diameter and length. The master laser, which pro- duces a pulae with the required duration and contrast, consists of the laser proper with active Q-switching, two preamplifiers pumped by hollow lamps, and four Kerr cells: a modulating cell, a cutof f cell and two decoupling cells. The relatively weak input signal arriving from the master laser is preamplified in the first two amplifiers Y1 and Y2 in which the working medium to be pumped by the - lamps is contained in quartz cell s. Amplifiers Yg and Y4 are intended for getting the maximum output energy in the monopulse mode, and in this connection they have relatively large overall dimensions. This makes it possible to get high output energy in a single beam, which in turn optimizes both the number of stages and the number of beams for irradiating a target at a given energy. Repeat-action electrodischarge sources [Ref. 15] are used for circulating the large - croes sections of active medium in these amplifiers. Amplifiers Y3 and Y4 consist of two or more sections. Around each section, on a circle with diameter of about - 40 cm, are 9 sources each 2 m long. An electric energy of 65 and 85 kJ (in Y3 and Yy respectively) is sent to each source from a specially developed capacitive accu- mulator with stored energy of abou t 4 MJ. Its characteristics make this accumu- latar one of a kind: with voltage of 50 kV and energy capacity of about 4 MJ the duration of the discharge half-period is less than 40 ug� And experiments have shown that about 70% of the electric energy stored in the accumulator is released in the first half-peiod. The perfluoroalkyl iodide p-C3F7I mixed with various buffer gases (C02, SF6, Ar) was taken as the working substance for all stages. The pressure of the components of the working mixture was chosen in such a way that the weak-signal gain did not exceed 100. To prevent self-excitation and improve the spatial structure of the beam, decoupling mechanisms P1 and P2 were connected at the output of amplifiers Y1 and Y2. These decouplers were passive shutters com- bined with apatial selectors. Pho totropic bismuth coatings are now used as the - passive shutters. - Without going into detail as to the results of the experimental study of the master laser and each of the amplifiers individually, we give the results of experiments in which the operation of the laser as a whole was studied in the monopulse mode ` (Table 3). We can see from the table that re sults close to those anticipated were realized even in the f irst experiments. The radiation energy obtained at the output of the final stage is greater than that produced in a single beam on any other tyge of laser at T z 10-9 s. The efficiency of u,"ilization of the accumulator energy is 0.1%. Beam d ivergence on the 80% energy level was 3�10-4 radian. Radiation energy -.ontrast exceeded 106. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY T: BLE 3 _ Version 1 Version 2 Sta e il x Za, Og~ pC3F7I K0 ~ou* ilcmla~ IPC8F7I KO E J* ~ cm ML 1.6X80 50 1000 0.5 1.6X80 50 1000 0.5 _ Y1 3.6X100 30 300 6 3.6X100 30 360 5 (7) Y2 8X200 22 77 33 8X200 22 140 30 (30) (30) Y3 40X400 4.5 90 360 40x400 4.5 100 300 (390 (320) y4 - - - - I 50X400 4.5 125 (11400 600) The results given here show that many capabilities of iodine lasers have been suc- cessfully realized. However, there are still many problems waiting to be'solved: _ Increasing contrast to 107-108, shortening pulse duration to 0.1-0.3 ns, raising laser efficiency to 0.3-0.5%, reducing beam divergence to -10'4 radian, improving the spatial structure of the beam, developing optically stable reflective and photo- tropic coatings for the optical elements of amplifiers and the reprojecting optics. Cumulative experience and the results of research done both in the Soviet Union and elsewhere indicate that these problems can be solved, which makes the iodine l.aser a useful tool for studying the crucial problems of laser-driven fusion. REFERF.NCES 1. S. G. Rautian, V. I. Sobel'man, ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY I TFARETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 41, 1961, p 2018. 2. J. V. Kasper, G. C. Pimental, APPL. PHYS. LETTS, Vol 5, 1964, p 231. 3. T. L. Andreyeva, V. A. Dudkin, V. I. M~.lyshev et al., ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 49, 1965, p 1408. - 4. A. J. De Maria, C. J. Ultee, APPL. 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Kormer et al., ZHURNAL EKSPERIMEN- TAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKiDY FIZIKI, Vol 76, 1979, p 908. 29. S. B. Kormer, V. D. Nikolayev, N. N. Rukavishnikov, S. A. Sukharev, PIS'MA V ZHURNAL TEKHNICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 5, 1979, p 1416. 30. J. Vevges, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA, Vol 24B, No 3, 1979, p 177; I. M. Belousova, V. M. Kiselev, V. N. Kurzenkov, OPTIKA I SPEKTROSKOPIYA, Vol 33, 1972, p 203; V. S. Zuyev, V. A. Katulin, V. Yu. Nosach, 0. Yu. Nosach, ZHURNAL EKSPERIMEN- TAL'IvOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 62, 1972, p 1673. _ 31. V. A. Alekseyev, T. L. Andreyeva, V. N. Volkov, Ye. A. Yukov, ZHURNAL EKSPERI- MENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 63, 1972, p 453; Ye. A. Yukov, KVANTO- VAYA II.EKTRONIKA, Vol 3, 1973, p 117. 32. L. M. Frantz, J. S. Nodvik, J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 34, 1973, p 2346; P. V. Avizonis, R. L. Grotbeck, J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 37, 1966, p 687. - 33. S. M. Andreyev, S. G. Baykov, P. N. Dashuk et al., OPTIKO-MEKHANICHESKAYA PRO- MYSHLENNOST', No 5, 1972, p 19. 34. A. S. Antonov, I. M. Belousova, V. A. Gerasimov et al., PIS'MA V ZHURNAL TEKH- NICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 4, 1978, p 1143. 35. B. V. Alekhin, B. V. Lazhinttczv, V. A. Nor-Averyan et al., KVANTOVAYA'ELEK- TRONIKA, Vol 3, 1976, p 2369. - 36. A. V. Zaretskiy, L. I. Zykov, G. A. Kirillov et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 6, 1979, p 1278. 37. N. G. Basov, V. S. Zuyev, V. A. Katulin et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 6, No 2, 1979, p 311. 38. I. M. Belousova, 0. B. Danilov, I. A. Sinitsyn, V. V. Spiridonov, ZHURNAL EKS- PERIMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 58, 1970, p 1481. 39. E. Fill, K. Hohla, OPT. COMMUNS., Vol 18, 1976, p 431. 40. M. P. Vanyukov, V. I. Isayenko, P. P. Pashinin et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, No 1, 1971, p 35. 41. B. Ya. Zel'dovich, V. I. Popovichev, V. V. Ragul'skiy, F. S. Fayzullov, PiS'MA V ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 15, 1972, p 160. 42. 0. Yu. Hosach, V. I. Popovichev, V. V. Ragul'skiy, F. S. Fayzullov, PIS'MA V ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTAL'NOY I TEORETICIIiSKOY FIZIKI, Vol 16, 1972, p 617. 43. Yu. I. Kruzhilin, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 5, 1978, p 625. 44. V. S. Zuyev, V. A. Katulin, V. Yu. Nosach, 0. Yu. Nosach, ZIiURNAL EKESPERIMEN- TAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 62, 1972, p 1673. 18 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 45. J. A. Maniscalco, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Report UCRL-76763, Livermore, California, 1975; Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Laser Program Annual Report, 1976, UCRL-50021-7 6, Livermore, Calif., 1977; Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Laser Program Annual Report, 1977, v. 1, 2, UCRL-50021-77, Livermore, Calif., July, 197ti. 46. E. Fill, K. Hohla, G. T. Schappert, R. Volk, APPL. PHYS. LETTS, Vol 29, 1976, p 805. 47. E. Yablonovitch, I. Goldhaar, APPL. PHYS. LETTS, Vol 25, 1974, p 580. - 48. E. P. Jones, M. A. Palmer, F. R. Franklin, OPT. QUANT. ELECTRON., No 8, 1976, _ p 231. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya", 1980 [8144/0285-6610] 6610 CSO: 8144/0285 A 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY UDC 678.7.352 CHEMICAL LASERS: NEW RESULTS AND IDEAS Moscow IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR: SERIYA FIZICHESKAYA in Russian Vol 44, No 8, Aug 80 pp 1554-1565 - [Article by A. N. Orayevskiy, Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences] [Text] This article is based on results and ideas arrived at and elaborated in the Lebedev Physics Institute. Results found in other laboratories will be mentioned only inasmuch as they are pertinent to our research. Many details of design and principles of operation of chemical lasers are omitted. This type of information is now readily accessible in a number of books that have already been published [Ref. 1-3]*. Chemical cw lasers Fig. 1 shows a achematic diagram of a cw chemical laser that has now become conven- tional for lasers based on reaction of atomic fluorine with hydrogen: F +H2 -+HF*+H. Major parameters that have been realized up to this point in a number of labora- tories are summarized in Table 1. Fig. 2 shows a diagram of a purely chemical DF-C02 laser utilizing initiation of a chain reaction in a mixture of D2 + F2 by the NO radical. Such a laser has been studied by many authors at subsonic discharge of reagents. Laser parameters are summarized in Table 2. Supersonic versions of the DF-C02 laser are also known, both with gas generator initiation [Ref. 2, 3] and with initiation by the NO radical [Ref. 41 (Table 3). The latter is of interest because of its high pressure (233 mm Hg), although it has lower chemical efficiency (-1.9X) than the subsonic version (4-5x). = Many questions arise in connection with the utilization of lasers of this type. Among these questions are the fo llowing. Can the specific energy output be in- creased, or have limiting parameters already been attained? Can the pressure in *Ref. 2 was translated into Russiaa this year [Mir publishers, Moscow, 1980). 20 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , the cavity be increased without impairing the laser characteristics? Can another system be found that is energetically comparable with the HF laser but with non- toxic reaction products? This part of our article will be devoted to development of a number of ideas that give an affirmative answer to these questions. TABL E 1 HF laser 1. Specific energy e 150-200 J�g-1 2. Static pressure p in the S mm Hg laser cavity 3. Flow velocity v 4. Typical molecular compo- sition of the mixture [F]:[H2]:[He] in the laser cavity 2�105 cm�s-1 1:9:10 TABLE 2 DF-C02 laser 1. Specif ic energy e 50-60 J�g-1 2. Static pressure p in the 15 mm Hg laser cavity 3. Flow velocity v 4. Initiating process 5. Molar composition of the mixture [F2]:[D2]:[C02):[He] in the laser cavity Total power P - Flow of reagents F2 COZ D2 He NO Pressure p in laser cavity Temperature in initiation chamber Chemical efficiency Mach number M at nozzle tip 2�104 cm�s'1 NO+F2->F+NOF 1:1:8:15 TABLE 3 1 1.45 kW 5.29 g s-1 57.8 g s-1 1.61 g s-1 15.1 g s-1 1.53 g s-1 233 mm Hg 300 K 1.9% 1.5 21 FO$ OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (2). � H;: -__.~-_~--.r ~ _ / ~ � . . ~ ~ � ` ~ ~ f (3 ~ . r; J J ' (4~ (2}t Fig. 1 Fig. 2 . Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a cw chemical HF laser Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a cw chemical DF-C02 laser KEY: 1--Nozzle 2--Mirror 3--Laser cavity 4--Combustion chamber S--Evacuatian The main reserve for increasing the specific energy (power) of a cw laser is in the use of a chain reaction of hyclrogen with fluorine. The reaction between hydrogen , and fluorine develops in a chain mechanism � F+H2 +HF*+H (32 kcal mol'"1 HF), (2) H+ F2 +HF* + F(98 kcal mol-1 HF). We noted previously that the development of chemical lasers has taken the path of utilization of the former of these reactions. But if the second stage of this re- action is used, by adding a sufficient amount of molecular fluorine to the mixture, the average energy per HF molecule increases to 65 kcal mol-1. It turns out that converting to the chain-reaction mode promises to more than double the specific power charactzristics of the laser. If consideration is also taken of the fact [hat the initial amount of atomic fluorine has to be less for the chain-reaction process, then the specific power output should be even more appreciable [Ref. 5, 6]. A"savings" is possible on this basis. The fewer the atoms of fluorine, the less the "fuel" expended on creating them, the less the reaction products that deacti- vate the active molecules in the laser cavity. The fewer the atoms of f luorine, the more slowly the reaction develops, and the better the mixing process can be organized. Shown in Fig. 3 are the results of calculation of che behavior of gain in the chain-reaction HF laser along the flow of the jet [Ref. 6]. It can be seen that at low initial fluorine concentrations the reaction is noticeably delayed, which increases the time reserve for more effective intermixing of the jets. Such argu- ments in favor of chain-reaction lasers prompt the question: why haven't they already come into use, the moreso as chemical lasers have been successfully using the advantages of the chain-reaction process for a long time now? The answer to 22 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY ~ tr w (2) lie~ ~ . / APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040300070048-9 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY this question is that development of a cw chemical laser based on a chain reac:ion requires overcoming a number of difficvlties, the most fiindamental being the heat crisis of supersonic f low. In this phenomenon, as heat is released in a supersonic jet of constant cross section it loses velocity, and the supersonic flow may be interrupted, accompan ied by an abrupt rise in temperature in the jeC, which in tne final analysis leads to interruption of lasing. dn' ,�rm, -:ri (rel. C r. , 'i ni.ts) r : 4 ~ I . IU ~ 0 , . CM ~ Fig. 3 Fig. 4. Fig. 3. Downstream development of inverse population AN for chain-reaction :iF laser. The distance f rom the nozzle tip is laid off along the axis of abscissas. Fig. 4. Temperature of the jet of reacting flow in HF laser with cylindrical nozzle array as a function of distance from the nozzle array (chain reaction) A helium diluent is used in the cw chemical laser to eliminate the flow heat crisis. - But when the chain reaction is used, the heat release in the laser zone rises _ sharply, and the problem of the flow heat crisis becomes much more complicated. llilution of the flow would lead to an increase in helium expenditure and a reduc- tion of specific power output. Another method, separation of jets, severly in- _ creases the dimensions of the system. The most effective way out of this difficulty is to use a cylindrical configuration in the nozzle array. At the Lebedev Physies Institute, detailed calculations have been done on a cw HF laser with initiation by a nozzle array [Ref. 7]. Equations of gasdynamics and of the usual kinetics of a chemical laser were simultaneously s4lved in this research. In doing this, consideration was taken of flux, diffus ion, viscosity and thermal conductivity of the jets. The equations used in Ref. 7 wer e written in the boundary layer approximation. The justification for this approach ls the small transverse dimension of the intermixing jets. The most interesting results of the work are discussed below. Shown in Fig. 4 is the behavior of the jet temperature along the flow as a function of the radius rp of the cylindrical nozzle array. An abrupt rise in flow tempera- ture in the case of a f lat nozzle array (rp = 105 cm) begins almost immediately beyond the tip of the nozzle units, whereas for a radius rp=20 cm the temperature is retained up to distances r- rp = 10-12 cm which are of practical interest. The temperature rise in the vicinity of 12-15 cm at rp = 20 cm is not as abrupt and _ catastrophic as for a f lat nozzle assembly. Let us note that the emission, in coupling out part of the energy of the flow, helps to eliminate the flow crisis. - Calculations show that at SHe =[He]/[F2'j = 10 and rp > 10 cm in the absence of lasing 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-00850R040340070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a flow criais sets in, whereas there is nc such crisis in the lasing mode even when rp - 20 cm, as can be seen from Fig. 4. Emission has a considerable effect on gas dynamics. , , d r' I, kW�cm-2 ls ~ Cnt 40 10 i O0 ZO 40 r,,cn+ - � Fig. 6 .i c11/ lV U ,l J ru . -1o, Ep, kJ�g 1 I, 'L r J S 0 ZO 40 ro,t,N Fig.. 5 Fig. 7 Fig. 5. Intensity distribution along the flow for radiation of an HF laser with cylindrical nozzle assembly (chain reaction): a--radius rp of nozzle unit 30 cm; b--radius of nozzle unit 15 cm. Pressure in the cavity 15 mm Hg; Bge=[He]/[F2]p=10; [F2 1p is the initial concentration of fluorine molecules in the comb::stion chamber (gas generator) Fig. 6. Width of raciiation band of the HF laser as a function of the radius of a cylindrical nozzle unit (chain reaction). The numbers near the curves show tte valuea of Sge Fig. 7. Specific radiation energy of HF laser as a function of the radius of the cylindrical nozzle unit (chain reaction). Notation same as in Fig. 6. ' Fig. 5 shows the distribution of intensity of HF laser emission integrated over the entire radiation spectrum. The intensity distribution along the flow that is char- - acteristic of a chain reaction is retained in the cylindrical version as well. As the radius increases, the distribution is compressed along the flow. This circum- stance is reflected by Fig. 6, which shows how the width of the lasing band Arn _ depends on rp. Finally, Fig. 7 shows important results of calculation of the specific energy be- havior of a laser with a cqlindrical cavity. Zt can be seen that for each degree of dilution age there is an optimum radius of the nozzle unit for whiGh the spe- cif ic power output is maximum. Calculation shows that the maximum specif ic power output may reach considerable values of 800-1 000 J�g 1 at a pressure of p= 15 mm Hg on the tip of the nozzle assembly. Thus using the chain reaction of hydrogen with fluorine in combination with a cylindrical conf iguration of the nozzle array can appreciably improve the characteristics of cw chemical lasers. - The search for chemical lasing mixtures with nontoxic discharge has been to some extent successful, with a good outlook for progress in solving this problem. The following exposition will show what we mean by this statement. 24 FOR OFF[C1AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Joint research by the Lebedev Physics Institute and Moscow Engineering Physics Institute on the OD-C02 laser, which was first discovered in Ref. 8 showed that this laser has good potential capabilities [Ref. 9-12]. T?-'3 laser is pumped by the procesa D +Og -OD* +02, OD* + C02 + OD + C02* . ~3~ The lasing molecule is C02. The end products of the reaction (02, C02, D20) are nontoxic. The characteristics of suCh a laser were studied on the facility dia- grammed in Fig. 8[Ref. 12]. Atomic hydrogen was produced in shock tube 1 behind the wave front of the shock wave pronagating in the mixture of Ar + D2 after reflec- tion f rom diaphragm 2. The hot mixture of Ar + D2 + D was discharged from the nozzles of the cellular nozzle array and mixed with d stream containing C02 + Og + He. Dif= f erent mixing arrangements were studied. Among the investigated designs, the best results were obtained with the mixer diagrammed in Fig. 9 with parameters shown in Table 4. cily' 0. ' v~ - Fig. 8. Diagram of experimental OH(OD)-C02 laser: 1--shock tube; 2-- diaphragm; 3--electric valve for injection of mixture of 03 +C02 +He; 4--nozzle array; 5-- acCive lazer zone; 6--windows for coupling our laser emission - R (5 R \ ; V ~ a e � ~ A" . 0'� COZ+ Ne Fig. 9. Design of the nozzle array of the OH(OD)-C02 laser: a--side view across the flow; b--end view of the nozzle (orifices for injection of Og+CO2+He mixture are displaced relative to one another in the upper and lower parts of the nozzle) Thus Table 4 shows that the supersonic OD-C02 laser has a considerable specific power output, a fairly extended lasing zone and high static pressure in the cavity. At first glance, it seems to have a specif ic energy output about half the level of the DF-C02 laser. However, in reality the specific energy of the OD-C02 laser can be appreciably improved if Ar is elimir.zted from the mixture, as it is not essential and is only there because of the method used for getting atomic deuterium. Wkien we recalculate for helium, we get a specific energy of 60 J�g-1, which is on the level of this parameter for the DF-C02 laser. 25 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY Composition for the mixture of 103+ 02]:[c021:[xe] Gain K Specific energy E Pressure p in laser cavity Flow velocity v Width of inversion zone _ along the flow . Lasing time T Total lasing power P Nozzle dimensions hcr hout TABLE 4 1:12:30 2.65 � 0.13 m 1 35 J�g'1 15mmHg 1.8�105 cm�s'1 20 cm I 2 ms 960 W I 0.45 mm 2.7 cm One of Che most interesting results of the studies done in Ref. 12 is the discovery that substituting hydrogen for deuterium does not cause any appreciable fall-off in laser characteristics. An experiment showed [Ref. 12] that the OH-CO2 laser has a gain only 8�6 lower than that of the OD-C02 laser, and nearly the same specific energy output. This is an important factor that increases interest in the OH-CO2 laser. In order to give the proposed laser the appearance of a structurally finished system it is necessary to learn how to produce atomic hydrogen by a chemical method. Our _ calculations showed that the required concentrations of hydrogen can be obtained by _ utilizing combuation of hydrogen in oxygen. All these factors show the promise of research on developing a purely chemical OH-CO2 laser with nontoxic discharge products. - In discussing the recent advances in the field of cw chemical lasers, we must not overlook the development of a purely chemical laser by U. S. researchers [Ref. 13, 141. The radiative transition in this laser is I(1':.)--i(P,)4-~,.�. (4) Atomic iodine in state P1/2 is obtained by transmission of a quantum of energy from _ singlet oxygen (5) Since P3/2 is the ground state, inversion results from the excess of quantum 02(1A) - over the quantum necessary for excitation of I(P1/2). And finally, the most striking part of this arrangement is that atomic iodine is obtained from molecular 12 due to the energy of singlet oxygen '~(~;{'.\)-�-T.- :'!1.( 1 26 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY (6) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Oxygen in srate 16 is produced by the well known reaction of chlorinating hydrogen peroxide [Ref. 15]. It is difficult as yet to predict the future of this laser. One thing is certain: its development involves a number of ideas that widen our concepta in the field of kinetics. Pulsed chemical lasera One of the major advances in the field of pulsed chemical lasers over the last two or three years is a deeper understanding of the processes that take place in the - reactor and that influence the characteristics of the chemical laser. It was shown in particular that rapid establishment of rotational equilibrium of the lasing mole- cule ia conducive to an increase in the power output and efficiency of the lasers (Ref. 16, 17]. The use of vibrational-rotational transitions with a large rota- tional quantum number (J x 10-15) for lasing and amplification should increase the power output and eff iciency under conditions of rotational equilibrium [Ref. 18]. At the same time, it has been shown that rotational equilibrium is not established in HF molecules during the time of the lasing pulse in a laser medium of widely uaed composition [Ref. 19-26], so that the problem arises of adding an effective "relaxer" of rotational levels to the mixture. It was shown in Ref. 17 that the addition of such a relaxer is.actually conducive to improvement of the efficiency and energy output of the chemical laser. In some papers, theoretical models that - account for the finite time of establishment of rotational equilibrium have been developed on the basis of ineasured cross sections of rotational relaxation [Ref. _ 17, 27, 28]. A more precise understanding on ihe part of experimenters concerning the particulars of different methods of initiating chemical lasers has led to appreGiable improve- _ ment of technical efficiency and power output. Table S summarizes results found at the Lebedev Physics Institute in studying pulsed chemical lasers with various methods of initiation. TABLE 5 Mixture ~ Method of initiation nchemp �6 nel~ X T' S p p atm EP J/Z E, J Ref. UV radiation of an 7 15 5�10-6 1 150 20 29 D2+F2+CO2+He open creeping dis- charge Electron beam 3.5 330 4�10-6 1 60 7 30 W radiation of 3.5 25 4�10'6 1 25 125 31 flashlamps H2+F2+He Electron beam 5 960 10-6 1 100 13 32 Most of these results are record-breaking. Among non-Soviet studies, we can men- - tion the following. Ref. 33 reported attainment of an efficiency of 370% in an electronically initiated laser, but at a specific energy output of 50 J/Z. The au[hors of Ref. 34 were able to noticeably improve the specific energy output by 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY a sharp increase in the degree of initiation. Although the authors of Ref. 34 do - nor cite this parameter, the experimental data indicate a specific energy output of the order of 300-500 J/l. This result was attained at the cost of a reduction in efficiency to 180%. Let us note in passing that the overall lasing energy of - 4.5 kJ attained in Ref. 34 is eo far the greatest value of this parameter published for HF lasere. Ref. 35 by U. S. researchers reported on attainment of an efficiency of about 30% with respect to energy initiation in an HF laser at a specific energy output of 22 J/Z. From the standpoint of efficiency, this is the best figure published to daCe. However, the results are not quite up to ours as regards specific energy ouCput. There is room here for further progress, and there are reserves in more improved sources of UV radiation. It may be possible to use the luminescence of excimers excited by electron impact (electron beam, the electroionization method, other types of discharges). The results given in Table 5 show that electronic initiation is more effective for - HF lasers than for DF-C02 lasers. The reason for this is in the comparatively large absorption of electron energy by C02 molecules in the case of the DF-C02 laser, as this absorption in the best case is of no use for further development of the process. Despite the fact that an electron beam injects the initiating energy into the mix- ture of reagents more economically than UV flashlamps, the latter sources are still just as attractive to experimenters because of their simplicity and low cost as compared with a source that produces a high-current electron beam. The efficiency _ with respect to the initiation energy introduced into the mixture is given in Table 5 for the case of electron-beam initiation. The actually realized efficiency ("from the plug-in point") is about one-fourth of this. In the first place the efficiency of tlie accelerator will scarcely exceed Sd%. Secondly, it is difficult to combine initiation with 100% utilization of the beam in the laser reactor. With consider- ation of input losses, the beam utilization factor is about 50%. The efficiency of initiation by W radiation cited in Table 5 refers to the energy stored in the capacitor bank. Comparison of experiments with very intense initiation [Ref. 34] and with moderate initiation (see Table 5) leads us, as it were, to the conclusion that there is an alternative: either high efficiency with respect to investment of initiation energy, or else high specific energy output. This conclusion also has its theo- _ retical basis: the principal deactivator of excited molecules in chemical lasers is the reaction product molecules of HF (DF). However, the chemical laser is a multiparameter system. And it turns out that by matching parameters we can find operating conditions such that this alternative does not occur for all practical purposes. It has been tr.eoretically established [Ref. 36] that in a high-pressure DF-C02 lasers the composition of the mixture and degree of initiation can be matched to achieve an increase in both the specific energy output and efficiency with re- spect to the energy that initiates the reaction. The results of these calculations are shown in Table 6. The effect of increasing quantum yield of lasing with an increase in pressure of the mixture as energy output increases takes place only at a sufficiently high degree of initiation (4�1016 cm 3). At a lower degree of initiation (2�1015 cm-3) 28 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TABLE 6 ~ . , 1, a ot e J/Z , .l.r�.i- ~ I T s I f ~i~ . ' I,:S jU�n I 131. - . ~ . i~ _ 'i 7 ',U I�1lI-~ l�lU-G .S~S.i : i I S:i '?�IU-~ ~ llf~~ . , i Gl 1.1�lu-'' ~ ~ 1 ~Gu j 1�IU-~ : 9 12 No te: D2: F2: C02: He = 1: 3.8: 3: 4.8, tp - 10-7 s, tp is the time of initiation of the _ reaction, [F] is the concentration of active centers, T is lasi ng pulse duration, f is the quanCum yield of emitted radiation per fluorine atom this is not observed (Table 6). I t is a matter for experiment to verify the validity of this prediction. Redical solution of the problem of attaining high efficiency with respect to initi- ation energy involves using branching processes. It ia well known that from the chemical standpoint a reaction in a mixture of H2-F2 is a branchimg process [Ref. 37]. This means that during the reaction itself chemi- cally active centers are accumulated with concentration that increases in accordance with an exponential function [Ref. 37, 38]* - ' [1'] ~[(7) _ However, because of the low rate of branching s, the part played by this process in development of lasing is small. Recently experiments were done [Ref. 39] that ahowed that the rare of branching incre=Qes sharply if vibrstionally ExciLau hydro- - gen with energy of two or more vibrational quanta participates in the branching reaction. - This brought us once more to the analysis of the possibilities of branching for development of lasing in a chemical DF-COZ laser since during the reaction D(v > 2) may arise through energy transfer from DF molecules (v > 2). It was found that such possibilities exist. The reaction can be initiateii in two ways: 1) introducing a ema 11 concentration of DF (HF) molecules into the mixture that are stimulated by DF (HF) laser radiation and transfer their energy to molecules of D2 (HZ); 2) weak initiation of the reaction by W photolysis, which leads to formation of a"start- ing"number of DF molecules (v > 2). The results of the calculation are shown in Tab le 7[Ref. 40]. The calculation shows that we can achieve satisfactory specifit: energy outputs (-40 J�1'1 atm 1) with negligible expenditures of energy on initia- tio n. Even if the efficiency of the lamp emission into the band of fluorine dis- soc iation is of the order of 1%, the laser radiation energy will be dozens of times greater than the total expenditures of energy on initiation of the reaction. *The exponential law is valid only in the linear stage of the reaction. 29 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL l1SF. ONLY TABL E 7 IR-initiation (DF molecules are added to the mixture; PDg�l mm Hg) Initiation energy, J/Z 5.5 1.1 0.3 Lasing energy, J/Z 36 31 36.6 Pulse duration, s 4�10'4 9�10'4 1.6 �10-3 W-initiation Number of fluorine atoms 3�1013 3�1012 per cm3 Initiation energy, J/Z 10-2 10-3 Lasing energy, J/Z 43 29 Pulse duration, s 1.2�10-4 3�10-4 ~ One raight ask why this eff ect has not been experimentally observed. The fact is that relaxation of vibrational energy of DF(v 2) and D2(v > 2) due to V-V exchange with C02 molecules is an obstacle to development of the branching process. There- fore mixCures are needed with relatively large ratio of [F2]/[C02] and [D2]/[C02], and these are no t the optimum mixtures if lasing is due to a straight chain. Another reason is that the branching process is very critical to the oxygen content in the mixture: for a mixture of the given composition its content should not exceed 0.3 mm Hg. Since oxygen is added to stabilize the mixture, stimulation of emisaion by a branching process requires solution of the problem of preparing mix- tures with a very small oxygen content. The possibility of initiating chemical reactions by IR radiation has led to ad- vancement and formulation of the idea [Ref. 41] of photonic branching of a chemical process: if the number af emitted photons in the process of the reaction that accompanies IR radiation is greater than the number of photons required for initi- ation, the reaction will be a branching process. If in addition the process of emission may be stimulated, then by using a resonator to control emission we can in this way control the course of the reaction as a whole. By making use of the branched nature of the entire process, we can get considerable energies of coherent emission with expenditure of small energies on initiation of the reaction. The difference from the usual branching process is the photon becomes not only the reaction product, as in the conventional chemical laser, but also a direet par- ticipant, ensuring development of the process. Theoretical estimates show that chemical mixtures with a photonic branching mecha- nism are possible in principle. For example a mixture of D2 + FZ + C02 +He + CHgF is capable in princ iple of photonic branching, ensuring IR emission with energy ten times as high as that of the radiation used for initiation [Ref. 42]. Other mix- tures are also po ssible. Unfortunately in many cases detailed analysis is made difficult by lack of data on the cross sections of elementary processes. As a rule, the major problem in the case of photonic branching as well is stabili- zation of prepared mixtures. It is possible that a technique for rapid mixing of 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY reagents may be of assistance in solving this problem. In any event, the solution of these problems depends to a great extent on further improvement of experimental techniquea. A few words on chemical lasers in the visible band. In this area, researchers have come up againat considerable difficulties. The hopes for recombination lasers* are not justified because of the small cross section of the recombination process. Some other possibilities are analyzed in Ref. 43**. Most interesting among these seems to be a chain reaction in a mixture of H2 + F2+ N2F4 producing Fxcited NF(1A) radi- cals***. The difficulty to achieving lasing in this mixture is the low probability of the transition NF(1A)-NF(3E-). .1t the same time, chemical reactions are reliably known that lead to inversion and in the final analysis to creation of an active medium. These are the reactions of excited atoma that are extensively used in excimer lasers [Ref. 45, 461. But the excited atoms in these lasers are obtained by the energy of an external source. This is moet often an electron beam. Sources of W radiation are also used [Ref. 46]. Reactions of unexcited atoms are also known that lead to visible and ultra- violet chemiluminescence with an appreciable quantum yield. This means that during the reaction excited electron states arise, but either there is no inversion or the gain is exceedingly small. The thought suggests itself that excited atoms can be produced by collision or by absorption of a quantum of chemiluminescence by the atoma due to the energy of an excited molecule produced in the reaction of unexcited atoms [Ref. 47]. As the excited atom enters into a reaction, it will lead to popu- lation inversion. Unfortunately, not a single specific reaction scheme that realizes this idea has yet been suggested. In the preface to Ref. 2 the editors state that most fundamental research, at least that pertaining to HF, CO and iodine lasers, is in the concluding stage. The ma- - terial presented here leads us to take exception to this statement. In any event, thia is not the case as regards lasers based on a chain reaction of hydrogen or deuterium fluorination. We can expect new and interesting advances. The suthor takes this occasion to thank A. S. Bashkin, N. N. Yuryshev and colleagues in groups under their leadership, and also V. I. Igoshin and V. A. Shcheglov for cooperation. 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LETTS, Vol 27, No 12, 1975, p 672. 22. V. I. Gur'yev, G. K. Vasil'yev, 0. M. Batovskiy, PIS'MA V ZHURNAL EKSPERIMEN- TAL'NOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 23, No S, 1976, p 256. 23. J. J. Hinchen, R. H. Hobbs, J. CHflrl. PHYS., Vol 65, No 7, 1976, p 2732. 24. N. C. Lang, J. C. Polanyi, J. Wanner, CHF:hiICAL PHYSICS, Vol 24, 1977, p 219. 25. G. K. Vasil'yev, V. I. Gur'yev, A. 0. Koval'skiy, ZHUR1vAL PRIKLADNOY SPEKTRO- SKOPII, Vol 30, Na 6, 1979, p 1048. 26. J. J. Hinchen, R. H. Hobbs, J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 50, No 2, 1979, p 628. 27. R. L. Kerber, J. J. T. Hogh, APPL. OPTICS, Vol 17, No 15, 1978, p 2369. 28. Z. B. Alfassi, M. Baer, IEEE J. QUANTUM ELECTRON., QE-15, No 4, 1979, p 240. 29. N. G. Basov, A. S. Bashkin, P. G. Grigor'yev et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIRA, Vol 3, No 9, 1976, p 2067. 30. A. S. Bashkin, A. N. Orayevskiy, V. N. Tomashov, N. N. Yuryshev, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 7, 1980, p 1357. 31. A. S. Bashkin, N. P. Vagin, 0. R. Nazyrov et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 7, No 8, 1980. 32. A. S. Bashkin, A. F. Konoshenko, A. N. Orayevskiy et al., KVANTOVAYA ELEK- _ TRONIKA, Vol 5, No 7, 1978, p 1608. 33. J. A. Mangano, R. L. Limpaecher, J. D. Daugherty, F. Russel, APPL. PHYS. LETTS, Vol 25, No 5, 1975, p 293. 34. R. A. Gerber, E. L. Patterson, L. S. Blair, N. R. Greiner, APPL. PIiYS. LETTS, Vol 25, No 5, 1974, p 281. 35. D. B. Nichols, R. B. Hall, J. D. McClure, J. APPL. PHYS., Vol 47, No 9, 1976, p 4026. 36. V. I. Igoshin, V. Yu. Nikitin, A. N. Orayevskiy, KRATKIYE SOOBSHCHENIYA PO FIZIKE, FIAN, No 26, 1978, p 20. 37. V. N. Kondrat'yev, Ye. Ye. Nikitin, "Kinetika i metchanizm gazofaznykh reaktsiy" [Kinetics and Mechanism of Gas-Phase Reactions], Moscow, Nauka, 1974, p 443. 38. N. N. Senenov, "0 nekotorykh problemakh khimicheskoy kinetiki i reaktsionnoy sposobnosti" [Concerning Some Problems of Chemical Kinetics and Reactivity], USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1958. 39. G. K. Vasil'yev, Ye. F. Makarov, Yu. A. Chernyshev, DOKLADY AKADIIMII NAUK SSSR, Vol 233, 1977, p 1118. 33 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY 40. V. I. Igoshin, V. Yu. Nikitin, A. N. Orayevskiy, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 7, No 7, 1979. 41. N. G. Basov, Ye. P. Markin, A. N. Orayevskiy, A. V. Pankratov, DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, Vol 198, No 5, 1971, p 1043. 42. V. I. Igoshin, A. N. Orayevskiy, KVANTOVAYA II.EKTRONIKA, Vol 6, No 12, 1979, p 1912. 43. N. L. Kupriyanov, Dissertation, Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1979. - 44. A. S. Bashkin, N. L. Kupriyanov, A. N. Orayevskiy, RVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol S, No 12, 1978, p 2611. _ 45. V. A. Danilychev, 0. M. Kerimov, I. B. Kovsh, TRUDY FIZICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI P. N. LEBEDEVA, AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, Vol 85, 1976, p 49. 46. I. S. Datskevich, V. S. Zuyev, L. D. Mikheyev, I. V. Pogorel'skiy, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 5, 1978, p 1456. ' 47. A. N. Oraevsky, "Chemical Lasers: Present Situation and Trends," Preprint FIAN, No 88, 1977. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", "Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya", 1980. _ [8144/0285-6610] 6610 CSO: 8144/0285 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.375.8 ABSTRACTS FROM THE COLLECTION 'OPTICALLY PUMPED GA5 LASERS' Moscow GAZOVYYE LAZERY S OPTICHEKOY NAKACHKOY [TRUDY ORDENA LENINA FIZICHESKOGO INSTITUTA IMENI P. N. LEBEDEVA ADAKEMII NAUK SSSR] in Russian Vol 125, 1980 pp 2, 218, 219 [Text) This collection presents the results of experimental and theoretical research done in the Quantum Radio Physics Laboratory on the following major prob- lems: photolysis oi gaseous compounds that contain bonds between the iodine atom and elements of the fourth and fifth groups of the periodic table with discussion df potential applications of the results to development of a recombination version of the iodine laser and to separation of iodine isotopes; principles of forming, amplifying and analyzing powerful nanosecond light pulses by iodine lasers, the parameters of the experimental facility and questions of improving the character- istics of the output emission; the working principle of a cooled photochemical Xe0 laser with pumping by the emission from a high-current open el ectric discharge, and the outlook for further improving the output characteristics of such a lasery las- ing by vapors of complex chemical compounds, and the prospects for using them as active media in lasers with incoherent optical pumping; the vibrational structure of the laser transition B2E~ - R2Et of the XeF molecule. The publication is aimed at a broad class of scientists and engineers specializing in the field of quantum radio physics. UDC 621.37 5.826+535.342+535.372 LASING BY XeF WITH OPTICAL PUMPING, AND ANALYSIS OF THE SPECTRUM OF THE LASER TRANSITION BZE~-X2E~ (Abstract of article by Zuyev, V. S., Kanayev, A. V., Mikheyev, L. D. and Stavrov- skiy, D. B.] [Text] The paper discusses the working principle of a photochemical XeF laser (a z 350 nm). A laser is described that operates with pumping of the XeF2:N2(SF6):Ar gas mixture by radiation from an open high-current discharge. Maximum lasing dura- tion was 5 us, and maximum output energy was 0.15 J. An investigation was made of the vibrational structure of the B2E�-X2E� transition as observed in the XeF mole- cule in absorption, luminescence and~stimulated emission. The vibrational quantvm and anharmonicity were measured in the upper and lower states: we = 308.7 cm- 1, wexe =1.44 cm- 1, we = 225.7 cm- 1, wexe =11.0 cm- 1. The difference between equi- lib rium internuclear distances of the XeF molecule is determined for the excited (B) and ground (X) states: re - re = 0.33 � 0.01 A. Figures 12, references 63. 35 POR OFFICIAL USE ONLx APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.373.8 LASCRS THAT USE VAPORS OF COMPLEX ORGANIC COMPOUNDS [Abstract of article by Zuyev, V. S., Stoylov, Yu. Yu. and Trusov, K. K.] [Text] A theoretical examination is made of the emission characteristics of lasers based on ccmplex organic compounds in the quasi-steady state with consideration of induced losses in the spectral region of lasing in a system of triplet and excited singlet states of the molecLles. The results of the calculations are compared with experimental data for POPOP and TOPOT vapor lasers. An investigation is made of the thermal stability of these compounds at T< 600 K. The singlet-triplet con- veraion constants and absorption cross sections of excited singlet molecules of TOPOT in the lasing band were determined, and the effectiveness of using a buffer gas to stabilize POPOP and TOPOT molecules was estimated. Figures 11, references 67. UDC 621.378.8 EMISSION AND AMPLIFICATION OF NANOSECOND PULSES BY IODINE LASERS jAbatract of article by Zuyev, V. S., Katulin, V. A., Nosach, V. Yu. and Petrov, A. L.] [Text] The paper gives the results of experimental research on iodine photolysis high-power lasers with pumping by lamps and by the emission from high-current elec- tric discharges. An investigation is made of the fundamental parameters of the working medium, the parameters of lasers with bo th lamp pumping and electric dis- charge pumping, and methods of shaping a short pulse with the directivity of lasing at the diffraction limit. It is demonstrated that it is potentially feasible to amplify a short pulse with an iodine amplifier pumped by a high-current open dis- charge. An iodine laser is described that produces a pulse with duration of 1 ns, divergence of 10-4 radian and energy of 100 J at a constrast of 108, and 300 J at a contrast of 102-103. Figures 37, references 67. UDC 621.373.8 A XENON OXIDE PHOTOCHEMICAL LASER [Abbtract of article by Zuyev, V. S., Mikheyev, L. D. and Pogorel'skiy, I. V.] [Text] The paper describes theoretical and experimental research on development, creation and investigation of the peculiarities of a photochemical laser based on xenon oxide, using photodissociation of nitrous oxide by the vacuum ultraviolet emission of an open high-current discharge with formation of oxygen atoms and sub- sequent oxidation of xenon. An examination is made of the theoretical problems associated with substantiation of the mechanism and calcuYation of the kinetics of phyeicochemical processes in the Xe0 laser. Pumping is numerically analyzed, and invereion and gain on the laser transition are computed. The laser design is de- scribed, and also the procedure used in experiments that give optimum temperatures, composition and pressure of components of the working mixture yielding a lasing energy of 2.2 J in a pulse from an active volume of about 1 liter. The spectral 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY composition of the laser emission and the energy characteristics of the laser are studied. The heat release during photolysis is estimated as well as the rate con- stants of quenching of the upper laser state of Xe0 (21E+) and the vibrational re- laxation of the lower atate of Xe0 (11E+). A theoretical investigation is made of the internal losses in the active medium of a photochemical Xe0 laser. An estimate is made of the feasibility of increasing the volume of the active medium by using a plane-parallel cavity. Figures 20, tables 3, references 49. UDC 621.375.826 INVESTIGATION OF PROCESSES OF PHOTOLYSIS OF COMYOUNDS WITH P-I AND As-I BONDS [Abstract of article by Andreyeva, T. L., Birich, G. N., Sorokin, V. N., Struk, L. I. and Suvorov, D. N.] [Text] Detailed experimental studies are done on the parameters of lasing on the transition 2PI12 2P312, a= 1.3 um of atomic iodine that arises upon photodissocia- tion of molecules of (CF3)2AsI and (CF3)2PI. The light source was an IFP-5000 xenon flashlamp. On the basis of the resultant experimental data, a scheme is deviaed for the principal reactions that accompany photolysis of molecules of (CF3)zAsl and (CF3) 2PI and that determine the energy parameters of the stimulated emiasion. Figures 8, table 1, references 18. UDC 541.14 INVESTIGATION OF PROCESSES OF PHOTODISSOCIATION OF MOLECULES OF SiC13I AND SiF3I . [Abstract of article by Andreyeva, T. L., Sorokin, V. N. and Struk, I. I.] [Text] Experimental research is done on lasing on a transition of atomic iodine that is stimulated upon photodissociation of molecules of SiC1gI and SiFgI. A xenon-filled coaxial flashlamp of original design was used as the light source. _ An analysis is made of the principal chemical reactions that accompany photolysis of molecules of SiC13I and SiFgI, and that determine the energy characteristics of _ the stimulated emission. Figures 10, references 10. UDC 621.375.826 CUNCERNING POSSIBILITIES OF [FMISSION] IN THE VISIBLE BAND WITH PHOTODISSO CIATION UF MOLECULES [Abstract of article by Andreyeva, T. L.] [Text] An analysis is made of lower excited states of some diatomic radicals and atoms from which transitions to the gronnd GLate lie in the visible ar.d near ultra- violet region of the spectrum. An examination is made of possible mechanisms of ~ formation of inversion upon photodissociation of molecules by radiation from a source with continuous spectrum for which the brightness temperature is T- 3�104 K. Figure 1, tables 2, references 27. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.378.33 REACTIONS OF IODINE ATOMS IN THE EXCITED [I* ( 2P 1/2) ] AND UNEXCITID [I ( 2P3/2) ] STATES WITH PERFLUOROALKYL RADICALS [Abstract of article by Andreyeva, T. L., Kuznetsova, S. V., Maslov, A. I. and Sobel'man, I. I. ] [Text] A method of studying reactions of excited and unexcited atoms is discussed tha t is based on flash photolysis of molecules with simultaneous transillumination ` of the wcrking medium by resonant laser emission. The proposed technique is used for studying reactions that accompany photolysis of molecules of RI (CFgI, p-C3F7I, i-C3F7I). Rate constants are determined for recombination of iodine atoms into 12 in the presence of RI molecules for atoms of I(2P3/2) and I* (2P1/2), as well as the constants for recombination of radicals R into R2, and for recombination of radi- cals R with atoms of I* (2P1/2) and I(2P3/2) into the RI molecule. It is shown that in reactions of recombination into 12 and RI, atoms of I(2P3/2) are much more active than atoms of I* (2P1/2) � The authors discuss the part played by the investigated . reactions in the kinetics of the flash photolysis laser. Results are compared with data in.the literature. Figures 4, tables 7, references 43. UDC 621.378.833 ON THE POSSIBILITY OF USING RECOMBINATION REACTIONS AND ALKALI METALS TO GET P0PTJ- LATION I:dVERSION ON ATOMIC IODINE. [Abstract of article tiy Andreyeva, T. L., Babkin, V. I., Maslov, A. I., 5obe1'man, 1. 1, and Yukov, Ye. A.] (Text] The authors consider the feasibility of developing a continuous-flow ver- sion of a laser using a transition of atomic iodine. Population inversion aXises as a result of depletion of the lower laser levei due to preferred recombination of iodine atoms in the ground state into molecules. Atoms of alkali metals are used to get atomic iodine and free radicals without expending electric energy. It is pro poaed that an electric discharge be used for exciting the atomic iodine. An examination is made of the kinetics of the principal chemical reactions, and the possibility of achieving inversion is demonstrated for reasonable parameters of the working medium. A schematic diagram of the laser facility id discussed. Figures 3, tables 2, references 14. UDC 621.039.335+621.378.33 INVE5TTGATION OF THE FEASIBILITY OF SEPARATING ISOTOPES 1171 AND 1291 BY AN IODINE P110TODISSOCIATION LASER (Abstract of article by Andreyeva, T. L., Kuznetsova, S. V., riaslov, A. I., Sobel'- man, I. I. and Yukov, Ye. A.] [Text] A method of separating iodine isotopes is proposed that is based on the - co nsiderable difference of the rate constants of reactions of excited I* (2P1,2) and 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY unexcited iodine atoms with CF3 radicals and C1 molecules, and on the possibility of using an iodine photolysis laser based on R117 I molecules (a = 1.315 um) to act on 1271 atoms in states ZP1/2 and 2P312. An investigation is made of the feasibility of isolating the pure 129I isotope and a mixture of 127I and 1291. Figures 6, _ table 1, references 14. COPYRTGHT: .Lzdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980 (8-6610] 6610 CSO: 1862 A 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIJI,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.373.826 A PULSE-PERIODIC PHOTODISSOCIATIVE IODINE LASER PUMPED BY THE BADIATION OF MAGNETO- PLASMA COMPRESSORS Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 1,No 9(99),Sep 80 pp 2052-2054 manu- script received 13 Mar 80 [Article by G. N. Kashnikov, V. K. Orlov, A. N. Panin, A. K. Piskunov and V. A. Reznikov] [Text] The authors study the characteristics of a photodissoci.a- tive iodine laser pumped by magnetoplasma compressor emission. The laser design uses a system of closed circulation of the C3F7I working gas. A pulse-periodic operating mode is realized with an interval of 1 minute between pulses, a lasing energy level of 110 J and pulse duration of 30 �s. In deaigns of photodissociative iodine lasers developed for nuclear fusion facili- ties, the optical pumping source is either an open electric discharge [Ref. 1] or xenon lamps that operate in the brief flash mode with duration of a few dozen micro- seconds [Ref. 2]. In this type of excitation, the amplifying medium does not con- tain shock waves that produce optical inhomogeneities and considerably. increase the divergence of radiation at the output of the amplifier. To produce short electric aupply pulses in these cases we must produce a voltage surge across discharge gaps 0.5-1 m long, which requires the development of high-voltage (U > 50 kV) and commu- tating devices. . The use of quartz optical pumping sources based on magnecoplasma compressors [Ref. avoids these difficulties since the power supply in the short pulse mode is a low-valtage battery (U = 3-5 kV), and discharge initiation (creeping discharge over a surface a few centimeters long) is by a trigatron circuit where synchronous oper- ation of any number of sources does not require commutators. By using such sources in addition to lamps a system for closed circulation of the working mixture can be realized in iodine lasers [Ref. 2], which considerably reduces the expenditure of working gases when the laser is operated in the pulse-periodic mode. The photodiasociative laser studied here consists of a working chamber with five pumping sources based on magnetoplasma compressors perpendicular to the optical axia in the middle plane of the reactor. The quartz container of each source is 50 mm in diameter. The chamber measures 1000 x 250 a 250 mm; it is equipped with an optical window measuring 250 x 250 mm. Each compressor is supplied by an independent capacitor bank with capacitance of 800 uF charged to 3.3 kV, discharge half-period 40 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ia t2 - 26 us, the attenuation constant of the loop is P= 4�104 s-1. The coef- ficient of transfer of the energy stored in the loop to the plasma is 0.8. Dis- charges of the magnetoplasma compressor were triggered by an ignition pulse (Ti = 2 u8, Ei = 1 J) with electrical separation into ten channels; the spread in firing of dischargeg was about 1 us. Structurally, the cavities of the pumping sources _ were interconnected, and removal of products of erosion was done by a vacuum pump down to a pressure of about 5�10-2 mm Hg. The electric power supply system can give discharges at a level of Est = 36 kJ once per minute. Attached to the reactor _ is a syatem for closed circulation of the working mixture, shown schematically in _ Fig. 1. This is made up of a flat cryostat installed in the working gas flow. The cryostat has a recess at the top for liquid phase of the working substance. The circulating blower, based on an induction motor, is located inside of the working space. j 4 LA Fig. 1. Diagram of system for closed , based on circulation of the magnetoplasma working compresfluid:sor; 1-- working spsce; 2--optical pumping source - 3-- _ circulating blower; 4--cryostat; 5-- 0 ~ ? ~ liquid phase of CgF~I The working fluid was p-C3F7I diluted with SF6. The reflectivities of the mirrors in the flat laser cavity were R1= 99%, R2 = 50%, diameter 280 mm. Laser emission was directed by a lens with focal length of 1 m and a reflecting plate to a TPI-2-5 calorimeter. Oscillograms of the emission - pulses were recorded by an FD9E111 photodiode. The maximum emission energy of the laser was Ee = 115 J for stored energy in tha capacitors of 36 kJ, p-C3F7I pressure of 11 mm Hg and lOx dilution with SF6. The efficiency of the facility was 0.29%, which is close to that of 0.25�6 achieved pre- viously ou an iodine laser pumped with an open discharge at :he same stored energy _ level [Ref. . 4]. With an increase in the length of the active region and improvement of the energy parameters of the given type of laser as losses to the lasing threshold are re- duced, there is a concomitant improvement in the laser parameters (efficiency of 1 and 1.4% with respect to invested energy in Ref. 1 and 5 respectively). Upon re- peated initiation of the same mixture the lasing energy decreases due to buildup of the molecular iodine and reduction in the pressure of the working componen,t (Fig. 2, curve 1). The idea behind the system for closed circulation of the working E, Rel, units ro B ' r~--- , � � 6 ~ 4 Z o 0 2' 4 6 8 10 H Fig. 2. Lasing energy as a function of the number of pulses without replacement of the working fJ.uid: PC3F7I = 11 mm Hg, pSF6 =110 mm Hg (1) and with the use of a closed circulating system, PSF6 = 110 mm Hg (2) 41 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY r. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY fluid is removal of the IZ by freezing it out on a cooled surface, and restoration of the pressure of the working component to the equilibrium level by evaporating the p-C3F7I fram the liquid phase [Ref. 61.. An experiment with use of the closed circulating system was done in the following ~ arrangement. The working gas was let into the reactor to a pressure of 30 mm Hg, the cryoatat was cooYed to -50�C, which corresponds to a p-C3F7I pressure of 10 mm Hg, and then SF6 was added to a pressure of 100 mm Hg and the closed circu- lating system was sw itched on. The mixture was optically stimulated at a rate of once per minute aC Egt= 36 J. Up to the fifth pulse the optimum pressure of the working component was determined by variation of the cold trap temperature, and then the temperature was stabilized at -40�C, which corresponds to a pressure of pC3F7I = 23 mm Hg. The lasing energy in subsequent pulses was stable: Ee =110 J (Fig. 2, curve 2). It should be noted that at such a C3E7I pressure, pumping emission losses due to vignetting by the quartz sources amounted to about 1/3. Fig. 3 shows oscillograms of lasing pulses recorded in two sections of the semi- - transparent mirror. Close to the surface of the pumping sources the lasing pulse shape (Fig. 3b) differed considerably from the pumping pulse shape. Close to the wall of the reacCor, the lasing pulse shape (Fig. 3c) repeated the pumping pulse. No interruption of lasing due to pyrolysis was observed over the entire end face of the laser. A a Fig. 3. Oscil lograms of magnetoplasma compressor current pulaes (a), lasing pulses at the surface of the pumping sources (b) and in the midsection b of the space b etween the sources and the reactor - w811 (C); Pr,3F7I =11 IDm Hg, PSF6' 110 mm Hg, WMM~ scale 10 us/div c I The proposed laser can be used as a signal amplifier for a master Q-switched laser. Fo r spectral matching of the signals of the master laser and amplif ier, a method can be uaed that provides for delivering the signal of the master laser at zero cur rent of the magnetoplasma compressor of the amplifier [Ref. 1] when the magnetic f ield in the amplif ier space ia minimum and displacement of the amplification line is insignif icant. REFERENCES 1. V. A. Katulin, V. Yu. Nosach, A. L. Petrov, KDANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, Vol 3, 1976, p 1829. 2. G. Bredlov, Ye. Fill, V. Fuse, K. Fola, R. Fol'k, Ye. Vitte, KVAN'I'OVAYA ELEK- TRONIKA, Vol 3, 1976, p 906. 42 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY 3. A. S. Kamrukov, G. N. Kashnikov, N. P. Kozlov, V. K. Orlov, Yu. S. Protasov, PIS'MA V ZHURNAL TEKHNICHESKOY FIZIKI, Vol 3, 1977, p 2334. = 4. N. G. Baaov, L. Ye. Golubev, V. S. Zuyev, V. A. Katulin, V. N. Netemin, 0. Yu. Nosach, V. Yu. Nosach, A. L. Petrov, KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA, No 6, 1973, p llb. 5. I. L. Yachnev, Author's abstract of candidate's dissertation, Leningrad, State Optics Institute, 1978. 6. W. Fuas, K. Hohla, OPTICS COMMS, Vol 18, 1976, p 427. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Sovetskoye radio", "Kvantovaya elektronika", 1980. (13-6610] 6610 CSO: 1862 _ 43 FOR OFFSCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 621.373.8 CONCERNING THE CHANGE IN SHIELDING ACTION OF PRODUCTS OF THERMAL DISSOCIATION OF MATERIALS UNDER THE EFFECT OF LASER IIrIISSION IN A MOVING MEDIUM - Moscow KVANTOVAYA ELEKTRONIKA in Russian Vol 7, No 9(99), Sep 80 pp 2049-2051 manu- script received 3 Mar 80 [Article by N. A. Kirichenko, A. G. Korepanov and B. S. Luk'yanchuk, Physics Insti- tute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow] [Text] The paper discusses the feasibility af reducing the strong shielding action of products of combustion of organic materials produced by C02 laser emission by entrainment of dispersed carbon in a gas stream under the action of a blast through the radiation- affected zone. Products of combustion of organic materials (soot particles, C02 molecules and so _ on) strongly absorb radiation with a= 10.6 um. This phenomenon leads to increased energy inputs when CO 2 laser radiation is used to treat such materials as wood, - textolite and the like. In this connection it is of interest to study the feasi- bility of reducing the screening action of combustion products by a blast through the radiation-affected zone. In the general case, the problem of combustion is quite complicated since it is necessary to take cons ideration of a number of factors such as the energy released during burning, heat exchange with the medium and so on. In this paper we consider _ a simpler problem where the exothermal reaction can be disregarded. Such a situ- ation may arise for example with thermal dissociation of organic molecules in an inert atmoaphere under the effect of laser emission, or if the intensity of radia- tion is great compared with the intensity of energy released by the reaction itself. In the case of thermal dissociation of organic materials in an inert atmosphere [Ref. 1], one of the major products of the process is dispersed carbon (soot). Therefore let us assume for the sake of simplicity that the screening action of the products of disso ciation is due entirely to dispersed carbon. In blasting, the soot particles ar e entrained by the gas flow, which changes the screening action. The influence that cross blasting the radiation-affected zone has on the effective- - ness of laser heating of inetals was studied in Ref. 2-4. However, these papers = coneidered Che mechanical action of a stream of gases leading to the formation and entrainment of liquid metal droplets due to the development of hydrodynamic 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY inatabilities in a layer of inelt. The transverse movement of the stream produced a greater rate of removal of material than in the case of direct vaporization since part of the laser radiation energy was not expended on the latent heat of vaporiza- tion. However, effects associated with a change in screening of the surface of the material by products of laser destruction were not considered in Ref. 2-4. At the same time, we know that the screening action of such products may be considerable [Ref. 5, 6]. Consider the following model of the investigated effect. Assume that C02 laser radiation flux with uniform distribution of intensity over the crosa section of a beam of radius a is incident on the material of a target that occupies the half- space z< 0. The target is blasted by a gas flow with velocity v directed parallel to the surface. As shown by simple estimates using a method outlined in Ref. 6, for the parameters of the problem that are interest to us, the dimensions of soot particles Rp are usually _ 10-6 cm [Ref. 1, 7, 8], and in times of the order of T�a/v the temperatures and velocities of the particles and those of the gas flow become equal. Thereafter, the spatial distribution of soot particles changes as a result of diffusion in the moving gas. In an approximation that assumes that the sizes of all particles are the same (the actual size distribution of particles is given in Ref. 1) and that their concentration 3.s fairly small, the problem is de- scribed by by a system of equations of diffusion of particles in the gas and ther- mal conductivity in the target material an DOn-u 0 x=rcosy, z>O, ax_ - (1) - D andz l = Q (r. T) . ==o AT=0,z< 0g k ~z I ( l(r, ~)-T1(Tjsoo-Tm), r6a. (2) :oo t-'1 (T j:_o -Tm), r> a, ip)=1oeXPj-Q~R(r. z)dz 9(a-r). (3) l o Here r, 0, z are cylindrical coordinates; D= ksTw/67ruRp is the coefficient of Brawnian movement of the soot particles; T. is the temperature of the gas stream; _ u ia the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of the gas; k is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material; Ip is the initial flux density of the radia- tion (as z+-) . The flux density of particles of soot leaving the surface is given with reasonable accuracy by the expression [Ref. 9] sT ~ Q=N4xo kgT exP - k (4) is the surface concentration of soot particles; c=(8kgT/Wm)' is the where N- 41R T average thermal velocity of the particles, corresponding to surface temperature T; a= AO 0 6x0' p is the density of the material; pp = 2.25 g/cm3 is the density of - ,.;:~�zphite; Ap = 46.9 �10-13 erg; xp = 4�10-8 cm are materi,al constants [Ref. 10]. 45 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The cross section of radiation absorption by a small particle (2nRp/a� 1) is given by the Mie formula [Ref. . 11 4-W1lIX-1 Im [(e-1)/(s-}'2% (5) where s a(3.48 + 2.461)2 is the permittivity of soot on a wavelength of 10.6 um [Ref. 12]. The coefficient of heat exchange n between the target and the moving gas stream can be written as the sum of coefficients of molecular [Ref. 13] and convective [ltef. . 14) heat exchange: ,i_~"~ V i + a.s3t ~ ~/'~i '�p`'i.' (b) Here pr is gas density; R is the universal gas constant; A is atomic weight; K is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the gas; Re = vL/v is the Reynolds number of the gas stream; Pr ss v/X is the Prandtl number; v is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity of the gas; X is the coefficient of thermal diffusivity of the gas; L is the distance from the edge of the plate to the point where n is calculated (if a�L, n is independent of the coordinates in the region of interest to us). By using finite Feurier transformation with respect to Hankel transformation with respect to r and Fourier transformation with respect to z, system of equations (1)-(3) can be r educed to a aystem of integral equations: 1= exp - a--~ id~~ 1 d2n exp 12Dr g-ilco~l)J X o o x Ko(Zp u)Q iri, (7) T = f 'idri ~ 4n 7 ~~i Z k k~ u )IJ + Ta.. 8 Here we use the following notation: r= r/a; T= T/Tp; I= I/Ip; Tp = aIp/k; T./Tp; Q' Q/QO ; 40 ` R(T - Tp); u=[r2 +rj - 2rr1 cos 4 -02) ]11; Kp is the cylindrical func- tion of the imaginary argument; Hp is the Struve function; Np is the Neumann func- tion [Ref. 15]. System of equat ions (7) was numerically solved on a computer by a method of suces- sive iterations for values of the parameters a/ksT = 10; T�/Tp = 0.1. Fig. 1 shows how the emission power that reaches the surface through the absorbing layer of soot Farticles depends on the velocity of the blast without consideration of heat ex- change, i. e. at rta/k = 0 and oQpa2/D = ZO4 (curve 1), 106 (2), 108 (3) and 1010 (4). The stream is completely blown away when va/2D - 107, which corresponds to a gas flow velocity v� 2 m/s (for particles with a size of Rp =10'6 cm, a= 1 cm) . 1 Fig. 2 illustrates the influence of heat exchange on the surface. The radiation power that reaches the surface of the target is plotted as a function of the heat 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY exchange parameter r1a/k for va/2D =103 and for the same values of the absorption paxameter aQpa2/D as in Fig. 1. ~16 '%�0 1 ? 3 4 % Po ~ 0 42 0,4 0,6 QB ya/k Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Shown im Fig. 3 at va/2D = 10, vQpa2/D =1010, na/k = 0 is the typical distribution of radiation flux density with respect to radii of the zone of exposure that make angles 0 s n7r/16 with the velocity vector of the gas stream. For angles 0 0.1 ms is usually greater than the time of passage of the medium through the laser cavity. The characteristic time of diffusion mixing [Ref. 1] tm sKF/D (F is the cross sectional area of the mixing jets; K is a factor that characterizes the degree of intermixing; D is the coefficient of laminar or turbu- lent diffuaion) can be shortened by reducing the cross section of the jets and by turbulizing their boundaries. It is for this reason that efforts are made to _ reduce the nozzle dimensions in gas jet mixing sys:.ems. Making jet mixing systems with transverse dimension d= S mm in large-volune continuous-action facilities by using arrays of miniature nozzles [Ref. 2, 3] is a complicated technical problem. Gasdynamic perturbations on the boundaries of the jets lead to heating of the gas stream [Ref. 4] and losses to relaxation. A further step in the direction of reducing Tm is heterogeneous mixing of gas flows, including flows of chemically reacting components, as proposed in Ref. 4-6. In heterogeneous mixing a stream of aerosol particles measuring about 10 um is directed tnto a shaped homogeneous flow of gas mixture with a predetermined chemical makeup 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300074448-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and thermodynamic parameters. The particles penetrate deeply into the mixture and are converted to gas as a result of aerodynamic heating. The time of molecular mixing in the wakes of the particles may be reduced by a factor of more than 100 as compared with gas jet mixing. Gasdynamic flow perturbations are also considerably reduced. The use of heterogeneous mixing can appreciably improve the energy char- acteristics of a C02 gasdynamic laser and enables discharge of spent gases into the atmosphere. The difficulties of realiz ing such systems lie in the necessity for developing fuels with combustion temperature of the order of 4000 K containing products with a minimum content of quenching impurities [Ref. 3]. Ref. 7 discusses the possibility of an increase in working pressures in chemical lasers as a result of laser pyrolysis in a mixture of fuel and oxidant. The reac- tion of thermal dissociation of NaNg is given as an example, where atomic Na is given off that is capable of initiating a reaction of hydrogen with halides at ordinary temperatures. In this paper we consider a method of producing a stream of active medium based on gasdynamic pyrolysis of aerosol particl es of substances with reserve internal chemical energy. This method enables improvement of the energy characteristics of gasdynamic lasers through nonequilibrium chemical reactions. If a stream of particles of such an aerosol is directed into a high-enthalpy subsonic or super- sonic gas flow, the particles will be h eated by gasdynamic interactiou to the tem- perature of chemical dissociation. Part of the internal energy of the initial sub- stance will be carried off by the pr:)ducts of dissociation, which may be in chemi- - cal and thermal nonequilibrium. Thus the problem is to ensure thermodynamic con- - ditions conducive to chemical reactions and relaxation processes in the flow such that there is a buildup of the donor gas that is the carrier of thermally non- equilibrium excitation. LeC us examine the feasibility of realizing the mett�od as exemplified by gasdynamic pyrolysis of NaN3 aerosbl particles introduced into a flow of gas mixture contain- ing molecules of N2, CO and C02. It is shown in Ref. 8 that thermal dissociation of sodium azide produces N3 radicals with density in the flow reaching 1013 cm'3. The rate constant of dissociation of NaNg powders in g/cm2�s depends on the specif ic surface S of the particles and is very strongly dependent on temperature of the process [Ref. 13]. In accordance with Ref. 8 we will assume that thermal dissoc.iation of sodium azide leads to pro- duction of electronically excited molec ules of N2 (3Eu) in the reaction 2 N,-�N:('EW)--2N, (lEi). We will disregard the probable vibrational excitation of products in this reaction. The further evolution of excitation in the system is quite fully described by the following elementary processes: N ~('E~ )'}'N~~E`)"` 2N2~Z~), (2) -}-CO (IE*) N.(lEi)~'CO l'1~. (3) N': (lE~)-~-CO'(lE+). (4) N, ('E�)-FCO,('E~)-' . (5) co(3rn+coeE 2co� ('E'), (s) + (V,(1E`) -.CO' (iE+)-FNs(`E~) . (7) - +CO, (1 M+) - . (8) 64 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300070048-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I(OH 1.'l Te 3N1k4lNNGV0HC1'&H� 7[A)!- cKOpocTN I ra. cM'/c I pnrypa K1 5� l0-'1 [gj K,