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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE C JPRS L/9551 17 February 1981 USSR Report CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMAYION TECHNOLOGY tFOUO 7/81) F131$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribe3 or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or fo?.lowing the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing inclicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the - original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parentnetical notes with in the body of an ~ item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The conkents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT Lr1WS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWiNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRUDUCED HEREIN REQUZRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLZCATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 ~ ~ FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY � -I ' JPRS L/9551 17 February 1981 USSR ORT - ~ . CYBERNETICS, COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY ; , (FOUO 7/S1) , CONTENTS HaRnwaxE ! SM 2103, SM 2104 Proceaeors of SM-3 and SM-4 Control Computer i Complexee 1 ~ SM-4 (SM-1401) ControJ. Computer Complexea 4 I , SM-3 (SM-1301) Control Computer Complexes 11 ' EPG-SM Graphic Screen Console 19 ; ~ SM-1800 Microcomputer ; 23 ; Line Swi*_ch 28 ~ Semiconductor Memory Modules (2b3.089.480 and 2b3.089.481 Components) ; ~ 30 Long-Distance Communications Adapters................................ 35 I ~ ; IVK-2 Test-Computer Complex i 38 ; IVK-3 Test-Computer Complex .....................y........... . 41 ~ IVK-2 Test-Computer Complex....o 45 ~ UBPO-PF System for Punching Base Holes in Photographic Film Templates 50 ; ~ UPFO Fixing Hole Pur.ening System 52 I , AMTs 1416 Recorder-Indicator-Generator (RIF) 54 ~ GIS AMTa 155 Tester for Tuning and Repairing Transistor Equipment and for Testing Assembly ~ 55 ; - a- [III - USSR - 21C S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL U5E UNLY Industrial Communications Complex (USO) ARM-R and t1RM-M Automated Designer Work PlL:ces Based on UVK SM-3.... ' Automated Group Work Places Based on UVK SM-4 SM-6300 Alphanumeric Pr'nter System SM-7204 Alphanumeric Video Terminal SM-4101 Interface Expander (RIF SM) KAMAK Crate. Functional Characteristics .......................a.... KAMAK Crate. Service and Auxiliary Modules KAMAK Crate. General Information KAMAK Crate. Design E;cecution KAMAK CraCe Controller for UVK SM-3, SM-4 A71118 Computer Interface System USVM Mod�].es and Self-Contained USO Building Blocka of SM-1 (SM-2) Nomen- - clature for Application in SM-3, SM-4.................. SM 6202 Perforated Tape Input-Output System Type A311-4 External CassetCe Memory Module......................... SM-3102 Operational Memory System SM-3 Arithmetic Expander (RA)_ " " " " " " ' IVK�7 Test-Computer Complex , - SOFTWARE Organization of Automated Control Syatems Software Support of National Computer Centers............................... " " " ' General Purpose Operational Perforated Tape System (PLOS SM)...... . Real-Time Operational Perforated Tape System (PLOS RV Backgxound Operational Real-Time Base Operations System (FOBO5)..... Hierarcitical Distributed Information Sys~em (IRIS) for Handling Banks at Multicomputer SM EVM-M-4030 Complexes Numerical Analysis Procedures Program Package (ChAF)................ -b- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 56 62 64 66 69 72 74 79 81 84 86 88 91 107 110 iiz 114 116 119 122 123 124 . 125 ~ 126 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY  'YeS EVM-UVK Information Exchange' Applied Program Package (PPP YeSM) Data Teleprocesptng Syatem (STOD) Disk Dialogue Multiconsole Syetem for Solving Information Problems (DIAMS) ...........................................9................ Disk OperatioreSystem (DOS SM) Real-Time Disk Operations System (DOS RV).................... Dialogue Programming System (DS SM) TeaC-Monitor Operationa System (TMOS) Time Reaource Sharing Disk Operations System (DOS RVR) Real-Time Operations System (OS RV) APPLICATIONS Improvement of Management of Kuntsevakiy Rayon of Moscow on the Baeis of 'Rais-Kuntsevskiy Rayon....................... ASUTP Wide-F1$nge Beam Relling Mill Multimachine Automated Complex 'Mayak-1' Test-Computer Station Induatrial Communications Systems for SM-3 and SM-4 Control Computer Complexes -c- 127 ~ 129 130 132 133 135 136 137 138 139 141 143 145 147 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY HARDWARE UDC 681.14 SM 2103, SM 2104 PROCESSORS OF SM-3 AND SM-4 CONTROL COMPUTER COMPLEKES i Mascow SRFDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKFf PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and - ! 'Cheir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The processors are the heart of the SM-3, SM-4 control computer complexes (UVK) (see Figures 1, 2) and are intended for executing program instructions, scrvicing requests of external systems and providing the operator with aperational cammunications with the control complex. With the processor the operator can stop a program, load in instructions and data, check the content of the registers of external systems, memory cells and universal registers, initiate any program in momory, implement step-by-step execution of a program, generate the initial loader of the perforated tape operations system from the internal penaanent memory of the microprogram control processor (for SM-3 only). FiRure 1. SM 2103 processor of SM-3 UVK. Figure 2. SM 2104 processor of SM-4 WK. Another function of the processor is to detect errors in instructions, related to tfie unlawful utilization of reserve instructions or improper addressing of rrgistcrs (with a nonexisting address or address with the improper whole number bnundary). Any detected error is accompanied by a change to its corresponding service program. The processor likewise automatically monitors stack overflow and power failure and switches to the corresponding service programs in bad situations. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 For operation in real time the processor has a system that receives and processes timc marks from an external source (timer). 'I'lte SM 2104 processor is different from the SM 2103 in that it has higher speed and aii arithmetic expander, which multiplies and divides with a floating decimal and = performs arithmetic operations with a floating decimal, which makes the overall probram run speed even faster. The existence of a memory dispatcher provides an opportunity to expand the memory zone to 124K words. The processor has 8 general purpose registers (UR), which can be used as stores (including when the results of an operation are left in a register), index registers (including the case when the content of a register is combined with the content of a memory cell), address indexes (here the content is the address of the operand), table indexes, lists, etc., memory regior indexes for temporary storage of data (stack). The specific utilization of UR depends on the selected addressing modc. SM-3, Sh1-4 UVK utilize the multilevel stack interrupt principle. The number of interrupt levels is limited only by the depth of the stack in memory and can be practically as large as desired. Tn each peripheral system (PU), connected to the "Common line" (OSh), is assigned a certain priority. There are five priority levels: one out-of-processor; four program (each witli four interrogation lines ZP4-ZP7), and each of which has its own interrupt request line (from all the systems of that level) and its own interrupt 1 On one higher priority interrupt level there is a system that is physically connected closer to the processor. T'he processor is designed as a self-contained building block (AKB) based on a eypical frame, which is assembled from special aluminum profiles. On the frame is fastened a face panel, operator panel (PO), cassette inte:.face unit (BKI), , cassette prncessor unit (BPR), power and ventilator units. � , '1'he processor is installed in a rack on guides, which make it easy to pull out for preventive maintenance and repairs. '1'hc operator panel is a printed circuit board with switches, light-emitting diodes and logic elements, covered with a decorative panel. The keys protrude through holes in the face plate. Also installed on PO is a switch for turning on and off the power and for locking the functional keyboard of P0. Specifications of SM 2103, SM 2104 Processors SM 2103 SM 2104 'I'ypc of processor parallel Control microprogrammed Representation of arithmetic with fixed decimal with fixed decimal in operands in auxiliary code auxiliary code, with floating decimal 2 FOR OFF'[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Word length of arithmetic opexands, bits: with ordinary precision with double precision Range o� representation of numbers with oxdinary precision: with wi,thout character Word length of logic operands, bits Instruction execution time, us, not morv than: "register-register" format "register-memory" format "momnry-memory" format multiplication (with fixed decimal) division (with fixed decimal) addition (with floating decimal) multiplication (with floating decimal) ,Addressing system Instruction format Interrupt system Number of general purpose registers Power from AC line: voltage, V frequency, tiz Input power, V�A, not more than Gencral dimensions of processor, mm Wc:ight of system, kg, not more than SM 2103 SM 2104 16 32 from -32768 to +32767 from 0 to 65535 1, 8, 16 5.0 1.2 7.0 2.5 9.3 3.9 programmable 10.2 programmable 13.0 programmable 22.0 programmable 35.0 12 types (direct, indirect, relative, index, with automatic increase, etc.) zero-, one- and two-address inAtructions priority multilevel 8 220 + 10`k - 15`k 50�1 400 S00 482.6 x 785 X 265.9 483 x 620 X 267 40 i COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIgri!~-^rostroyeniya), 1979 ~ (57-7872a i I i 7872 - CSO: 1853 3 FOR OFFICI4L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 SM-4 (SM-1401) CONTROL COMPUTER COMPLEXES UDC 681.14 Mascow SRGqSTVA YES EVM I 5M EVM I IKH F?RIi+ENENIYE [YeS EVhf and SM EVM Systems and 'I'tieir Aprlication] in Russian 1979, 5 pp (Toxt] The 5M-4 control computer complex (UVK) (Figure 1) is in the hardware nomenclature of small computer systems. Figure 1. By virtue of its well developed architecture, extensive selection of peripheral systems and systems for communicating with a facility, developed within the 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFC(CWL USE ONI,Y framework of SM EVM, the orientation of the software toward the solution of problems in real time, the UVK SM-4 can be used for building systems for auto- mating scientific research and experiments, for controlling technological pro- cesses, for the collection, preparation and processing of data and for controlling batch technological processes, for automating planning and design operations; i.nformution-motering systems, for carrying out scientific-technical and compli- - cated engi;ieering calculations; satellite subsystems in multicomputer hierarchical systems, operating under the control of highly productive UVK of the M-4030, M-4030-1 types or YeS EVM; channel and message switching systems; service and transpartation systems, etc. ThQ range of application of UVK can be expanded by matching the UVK SM-4 interface with interfaces of the YeS EVM, 2K, KAMAK and other types. The S61-4 complex I's built on the basis of the SM-2104 processor with up to 124K word memory and peripheral systems. A sample structural diagram of WK SM-4 is ~ shown in Figure 2. 04 1) p6ucar muka - S"~' Sb11PpiD71' 6AOK CmQ0 Ok' & mw_ QO Agw- NWw~ MA - pwwpe- PM#6,W fflydpij he; Aa1o1- fd&ww- ~ Oi- ~N00* N(Af AUC� ^10'"!m meaa CM 3102 CM 3102 2104 GI640t GM 7PO~t kr~Rw ~rar uAQ QiI0302 L")Jf 6202 it I t I [ [ dl 7205 ~ ~00 2) 3) 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) Eigure 2. KEY: 1. Common line 6. SM 7204 or SM 7205 alphanumeric - 2. Operational memory system video terminal - SM 3102 7. SM 6302 or SM 6300 alphanumeric 3. Operational memory system printer _ SM 3102 8. Perforated tape input-output 4. Processor SM 2104 system SM 6202 5. External memory system 9. Systems expansion unit SM 6402 WK Sht-4 exhibits all the architectural features of WK SM��3, and furthermore it has a number of additional capabilities. UVK Shi-3 and SM-4 share a common nomenclature of peripheral systems and are compatible in terms of software with WK M-400, i.e., all the programs, developed �or UVK M-400, can be used in SM-3, SM-4. S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 The architecture of SM-4 complexes is determined by the selected instruction and interrupt system, by the organization of interaction between the systems in the complex. The structure of the SM-2104 central proCessor provides high speed. ~ UVK 5M-4 is a complex with a single-line input-output interface system, i.e., all systems (processor, operational memory and peripheral systems) are connected to the same data transmission line, called "Common line" (OSh). The use of a single asynchronous OSh channel makes it possible to use a communications algorithm and unified interface equipment for all systems. 'llie processor uses the established set of interface signals both for communications with memory and for communications witn peripheral systems, which use the same set of signals when communications is established with the processor, memory or other peripheral systems, connected to OSh. Tlie interfaces of the peripheral systems include registers sources and (or) receivers of information. The single-line interface structure provides a common peripheral systems register addressing system and operational memory cells. A In accordance with the architecture of the complex, to each register is assigned an address, which distinguishes it from other registers of peripheral systems, connected to OSh. This address is analogous to the address of a memory cell. The structure of the OSh system enables the procESSOr to examine the registers of the periphernl systems as active operational memory cells and to gain access to them with the aid of address instructions, and therefore there is no need for special input-output instructions. 4K words are allocated for addressing the registers of external systems. Tfie aclvantage of this peripheral systems accessing system is the fact that the processor can work with data in the registers of these systems directly, without liaving first to refer them to memory or to its own registers, using for this purpose the Fntire list of instructzons and all capabilities of the addressing modes. Data can also be transmitted from one buffer register to another through OSh, bypassing the central processor (its registers) altogether. Therefore numexous interrupts do not occur and the overall productivity of the processor increases. O5h is used by the processor and by all peripheral systems in the time-sharing mode in accordance with the system of priorities. ARBITR of the processor (the priority interrupt control system) decides which of the systems will occupy OSh at a given moment of time. Information is exchanged between systems through OSh on the asynchronous principle. '('wo systems, connected together, for example a transducer and the executor, take part in any OSh operation. The transducer controls the line during the exchange of data with the other system, called the executor. T11e process whereby systems interact on the "transducer-executor" system is flexible (the line can switch dynamically to other transducers connected to it). Each system of the cumplex, with the exception of OZU [Direct access memory] , can become a line tasker. The " connection between systems through OSh is mutually closed. Every control request signal, sent by the t asker, shauld get a response from the executor, after which the exchange ends. 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY If the tasker answers the request of a system with an enabling signal, but the system does not send a confirmation signal, permission is revoked. If the tasker does not receive a reply it registers an OSh error. _ The OSh interface is designed on the basis of a multiwire high-frequency data transmission trunk, consisting of a collection of wire lines. The heart of the interface is made up of 56 signal lines. T'he common line can connect up to 20 systems to the interface, and the total length of the line should not exceed 15 m. When more than 20 systems are connected - or the tolerable OSh length is exceeded it is necessary to use an additional system, called an interface expandzr (RIF), which is intended for amplifying OSh signals. In this case the number of systems that can be connected to OSh is not limited. ~ � 1'he SM-4 complex uses the same structural elements, for example racks, self- _ contained building blocks, cassette units and components. In the racks are installed building blocks for accommodating components of tha power system. The building blocks can be of desk-top, floor and built-in design. The built-in building blocks can be removed from a rack on guides. The cassette units are used for installing components and are located in the building blocks. The component units are TEZ [not further identified] with microcircuits and digital components. The component base of the coi,.plex is based on TTL microcircuits o.f the expanded K155 IhIS of the K131, K599 series, which are electrically, logically and sti�ucturally compatible with the K155 series, are also used f.or making high-speed logic circuits And for saving hardware expenses. Microcircuits of the K559 series are used as main line elements. 'fhe systems that are connected to the complex can be divided conditionally into three groups. The first group includes SM EVM systems, designed as structurally complete units. They are installed in available places in the racks of the - complex or in an additional rack and are connected by cables. The second group includes systems, the controller of which is designed as two components, developed - - for connecting the cassette interface unit (BKI) of the processor or systems expansi.on unit (BRS) to standard circuitry. The systems expansion unit is used ~ when there is a need to coniiect more than three systems and contains 1-2 BKI - units. The third group includes systems which utilize, for communications with the OSh interface, more than two components, and they have individual wiring and are - _ not of structurally complete execution. Additional systems can be installed in - gRS. - The systems expansion unit is intended for connecting additional systems to the � SM-4 terminals. It is designed in three modifications: _ 1 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 self-contained component tinit (AKB) with a power source and fans for connecting systems of the third grotip; ' AKB a power source and with fails and BKS for connecting up to six systems of the second group. Systems of thc third group can be cormected to available places in this modification of BRS; AhB with a power source, fans and two BKI for connecting up to 12 systems of the second group. . .4 The grounding system should be a ground circuit with not more than 1 St impedance. The software of UVK SM-4 has systems for preparing, debugging and developing pro- gram software; running of programs in the time-sharing mode and in real time; data teleprocessing; organization and management af data bases. The software consists of operations systems, applied programs packages for various purposes, systems for programming"from machine and task-oriented input languages, including FORTRAN-IV, BASIC, COBOL, etc., and also test programs for checking the performance of systems included in the complex. The operations systems, depending on the systems carrier utilized, are divided into pcrforated tape and disk systems, and in terms of purpose into general purpose, real-time and time-sharing systems. The software nomenclature includes a general purpose perforated tape operations system (PLO5 SM), perforated tape dialogue programming system (DS SM) and general purpase disk operations system (DOS SM). The dialogue programming system consists of a dialogue language and program interpreter in that lan guage, intended for the development, debugging and running of client prograrts, written in input dialogue language. DS SM is used for auto- - mating scientific experiments, scientific-technical and~economic calculations and - in education. DS Shi prepares client p.rograms in the DS SM input language; debugs client programs; loads client programs into OZU from perforated tape: reads out onto perforated - tare or prints out the text of client programs entirely or in parts; enables a client to operate in the dialogue and program modes. - PLOS SM is a package of programs on peY�forated tape, which prepare client programs and systems programs in assembler language; edits input text, revises and supplements it; prints out in edited form the entire text of programs or parts of it on perforated tape; debugs computer programs by running certain parts of them and checking them at different puints; loads from perforated tape into memory - proRrams in the format for initial loading; provides an octal output onto per- forated tape or to a printer of the content of all or of indicated parts of memory in symbolic code; reads out onto perforated tape in absolute binary format - the content of all or of a specified part of inemory; provides asynchronous input- _ output service. 8 EOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR UFFtCtAL USE ONLY Systems programs were developed for performing these functi.ons: a translator from mnemonic assembler langtiage (AS Sht), "Initial loader" programs (NZAGR-SM), "Absolutc loader" (AZAGR-SM), "Text editor" (RT SM), "Debugger" (OTL-SM), "Input- = output dispatcher" (DW-SM), standard programs that perform operations with a floating decimal, computation of transcendental functions, operations on double leiigth worcls and conversion of lines to KOI-7 code and reconversion. I)OS 5M is a further development of PLOS SM and is oriented tuward the single cl ient operating mode. DOS Sh1 is desigzaed on the molular principle and contains a largc collecti.on of systems programs and several service programs. '('he lieart of DOS Shi is the "Moritor" program, which provides access to the systems rrograms and client programs, transmits data for input-output and external memory control operations; corrects mistakes, etc. - The "Macroassembler" language translator translates programs in "Macroassembler" language; performs translation on condition; provides program sectioning _ capability; expands the set of assembler directives. The FORTRAN-IV language translator performs translation of programs in FORTRAN-IV language; provides direct access input-output; performs mixed operations; pinpoints errors and � ostablishes feedback with the main program; permits the processing of characters using 1 byte long logic variables. T}ie "Composer" program is intended for shifting each computer module and for assigning absolute addresses; for developing a loader card and module. The "" program develops, alters, erases ard prints out the content of the library. The "Debugger" program helps to smooth out programs that are composed. The "Editor" program edits text. The file operations program performs operations on files. ~ ~ The development of operations systems is proposed in the future for expansion of thc software: OS RV Sht general purpose operations system for operation in real time; FOBOS SM background operational base operations system for operating in real time; I)IAMS SM disk dialogue multiconsole system for solving information problems and for managing data bases; PPP applied programs packages. Specifications Control of complex microprogrammable Number of general purpose registers 8 input-output system: type of interface interface transmission capacity in direct access modc, thousands of words/s interrupt system Uirect access memory capacity, kbytes 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "common line" 700 priority, five-level, with unlimited number of sub- levels on each level, using systems stacks and interrupt vector mechanism 248 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Cycle time, us Organization of inemory Addressing system = Uispatcher memory capacity, kbytes - Operating mode - 5ize of page, words Number of actiive pages Memory protection Type of processor Representation of arithmetic operands 1.2 page direct, indirect, rela- tive, index with sel.f- expansion, etc. (12 types in all) 248 systems, client 32-4096 16 (8 systems and 8 client) by write, by write and read parallel with fixed decimal in auxiliary code, with floating decimal Word lengtli of arithmetic operands, bits: with ordinary precision 16 with double precision and floating decimal 32 Word length of logic operands, bits 1, 8, 16 Range of representation of numbers with ordinary precision: with symbol from -32,768 to +32,767 - wi.tllout symbol 0-65,535 - Instructa.on execution time, Us, not longer than: in "register-register" format 1�2 in "register-memory" format 2�5 - in "memory-memory" format 3�9 2 10 multiplication time (with fixed decimal) . division time (with fixed decimal) 13.0 additinn time (with floating decimal) 22�0 - multiplication time (with floating decimal) 35.0 prccessor switching time 5.0 - COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 (57-7872) I 7872 CSO: 1863 , 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 SM-3 (SM 1341) CONTROL CONPUTER COMPLEXES ~ Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 4 pp ['fext] '1'he SM-3 control computer complexes (Figure 1) are incl.uded in the hardware nomenclature of the small computer system. The developed architecture of the . complexes, the extensive collection of peripheral systems and industrial communi- cations systems, developed within the framework of SM EVM, and, the orientation of the software toward the solution of problems in real time enable WK [Control computer complex] SM-3 to be used for the development of: ; scicntific research and experimental automation systems; technological process control systems; data acqtiisition, preparation and processing and technological batch process = control systems; planning and design work automation systems; information-metering systems; : systems for doing applied scientific and coniplicated engineering calculations; satellite subsystems in multicomputer hierarchical systems, operating under the control of highly productive UVK of the M-4030, M-4030-1 or Ye5 EVM type; _ channel and message switching systems; systems for service, transportation, etc. The ranges of application can be expanded by using the existing capabilities of the UVK SM-3 matching interface with YeS EVM 2K, KAMAK and other interfaces. _ UVK SM-3 complexes are built on the basa.s of SM 2103 processors with up to 28K word memory and peripheral systems. , AI1 the architectural features of WK SM-3 are inherent to WK SM-4, while the latter has a number of additional capabilities. WK SM-3 and SM-4 have the 11 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 comrnan periphernl nomenclature and are compatible in terms of software with UVK M-400, i.e., all programs developed for WK M-400 can be used in SM-3, SM-4. Pigure 1. SM-3 (SM 1301) control computer complex. 'Chc architecture of the SM-3 complexes is determined by the selected system of instructions, interrupt system and organization of interaction between systems in a complox. UVK Sb1-3 complexes have a systems input-output interface with a single-line structure, in which all systems (processor, direct access memory systems and peripheral systems) are connected to the same data transmission line, called "Common line" (OSh). The use of one asynchronous OSh channel makes it common to use a communications algorithm and unified interface equipment Y;at is common for all systems. 1'he processor utilizes the established set of interface signals both for access to memory and for communications with pzriphz:al systems. The lat-Ler also utilizes the same set of signals when communications is established with the processor, memory or other peripheral systems, connected to the "Common line." _ '1'lie interfaces of peripheral systems include registers sources and (or) reccivers of information. '('he :+ingle-line interface structure provides a common addressing system for the peripheral systems registers and direct access memory cells. 12 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In accordance with the architecture of the complex, each register of a system has its awn address, distir:guishing it from other registers of peripheral systems, connected to the "Common line." This address is analogous to the address of a, memory cell. The structure of a system with a"Common line" vnables the registers of peripheral systems to be viewed as active operational memory cells and enables the processor _ to access them through address instructions, for which reason no special input- output instructio,s are needed. 4K words are reserved for addressing registers of external systems. The advantage of the described system for accessing peripheral systems is the fact that the processor can operate with data in the registers of these systems directly, without having to reference them beforehand to memory or to its own registers, using for this purpose the entire list of instxuctions and all c;apabilities of the addressing modes. Data can also be transmitted from one buffer register to another through the "Common line," t;wrta-~,Iag entirely the central processor (its registers). In view of this numerous interruptions do not occur and the overall productivity of the processor increases. Thc "Common line" is used by the processor and by all peripheral systems on a time- shuring basis in accordance with the systems priorities. The ARBITR of the pro- cessor (the priority interrupt control system) decides which of the systems will occupy the "Common line" at the current time. Information is exchanged between systems through the "Common line" on the asynchronous principle. All systems connected to each other as a tasker and executor take part in any OSh operation. The tasker controls the operation of OSh during exchange of data with the other system, called the executor. The process wiiereby systems interact by the "tasker-executor" model is flexible: the OSh can switch dynamically to other taskers, connected to it. In princ.ipl.e each system of the complex, with the exception of OZU [Direct access memary], can become a tasker of the line. A connection between systems through OSh i.s mutually closed. Each control request signal, sent by the tasker, receives an answer from the executor, after which exchange ends. If the tasker answers a request of a system with an enabling signal, the ~ystem does not send a confirma- ~ tion signal, permission is revoked. If a response signal is not received from the executor the tasker registers an OSh error. The OSh interface is designed on the basis of a multiwire HF data transmission trLink, consisting of a collection of wire lines; 56 lines of the group are signal lines and make up the heart of the interface. Different information of ihe system: data, address, instructions, information about the state of central and peripheral systems and control signals, are transmitted directly by these 56 functional lines of the "Common line." 'I'he following base UVK Sh1-3 complexes are built on the basis of the existing hard- ware and software: SM 1301.03; SM 1301.04; SM 1301,05; SM 1302; SM 1303. A structural diagram of a complex for the SM 1301.05 version is shown in Figure 2. 13 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 = 1'he complexes described above can be expanded. 1) Odug 00 uAVya - 2) tt 3) 0 4) tl 5 yempairm, qunv�i npacarap *mv&~Nb yanpa~09 so MWOM4 avepanu0- d~rwHeri M"1�MO04 Mor1 rgmwU MOr1 ww nownmu 4v4v&v fAI 6304 CMJ 102 C.N 3102 CM2103 C85902 zaJ CM 63G.ID Nan anw- QOodo-4a~ 9umNO - ig neqW uuoaodod CM 7204 moqNoe unu CAI8202 CM7Z05 Figure 2. Structural diagram of UVK SM-3 (SM 1301). KEY: 1. Common :ine 6. SM 6304 or SM 6300 alphanumeric 2. Direct access memory printer system SM 3102 7. SM 7204 or SM 7205 alphanumeric 3. Director access memory video terminal SM 3102 8. Perforated tape input-output 4. Processor Sht 2103 system SM 6202 5. External memory system SM 5402 '['o the "Gommon line" interface may be connected up to 20 systems, and total line length should not exceed 15 m. When more than 20 systems are connected or the tolerable OSh length is exceeded it is necessary to use an additional system an interface expander (RIF), which is intended for amplifying OSh signals. When RIF is used the number of systems that can be connected to OSh is architecturally unlimited. Systems connected to the complex can be conditionally broken down into three groups. The first group includes SM EVM systems of finished design execution. Systems of this group are installed in open places of racks of the complex or in an extra - stand andfre connected to the complex by a cable of the necessary length. 'I'he second group includes systems, whose controller is designed as two components, developed for connecting the cassette interface (BKI) of the processor or system: . expansion unit (BRS) to standard wiring. In the BKI of the SM-3 processor there are open places for connecting up to three stxch systems. If more than three systems must be connected it is necessary to use a system expansion unit (BRS), containing one or two BKY units. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The third group includes systems that utilize more than two components for connection to the OSh interface, and which are not of the structurally finished design exocution. Such systems can be installed in BRS. _ [3I2S is intended for connecting extra systems to the SM-3 terminals. This unit has th ree modifications. BRS consisting of an autonomous building block (AKB) with a powcr source and ventilating fans, is intended for connecting systems of the third : group. BRS consisting of an AKB with a power source and vent:.lating fans and a cassette interface unit is intended for connecting up to six systems of the second grour. Systems of the third group can be connected to an open place in thz given aRS. BRS consisting of an AKB with a power saurce, fans and two BKI _ is intended for connecting up to 12 systems of the second group. I'he following structural elements are used in SM-3 complexes: racks, autonomous bu ilding blocks, cassette units and components. Racks are intended for installing ~ bui.lding blocks for the installation of elements of the electrical power system. _ Building blocks can be table-top, �loor and built-in units. The built-in building b2ocks can be removed �rom a rack on guides. Cassette units are for installing components ancl a:-- installed in builtiing blocks. The components are TEZ with mic rocircuits and digital components. 7'he heart of the component base of the compleY is comprised of TTL microcircuits of t}ie expanded K155 series. IMS ot the K131 and K599 series, which are electrically, logically and structurally cornpatible with the K155 series, are also used in order to take full advantage of the high-speed logic circuits and to save on hardware expenses. Microcircuits of the K559 series are used as trunk line elements. Th e grounding system should be a ground circuit with not more than 1 SZ impedance. The program software of UVK SM-3 contains systems for preparing, debugging and dev eloping program software; execution of programs in the time-sharing mode, in = real-time scale; data teleprocessing; organization and management of data bases. 'Che program software consists of operations systems, applied programs packages for vari.ous purposes, system for programming from input machine and problem-oriented = lan Auubes, including FORTRAN-IV, BASIC, COBOL, etc., and also test programs for _ c}iecking the performance of systems that are included in the complexes. - The opcrations systems, depending on the systems carrier that is utilized, are sub- di vided into perforated tape and disk systems. The operations systems are sub- divided into general purpose, real-time and time-sharing systems, depending on _ thei r function. The nomenclature of program software includes a general purpose perforated tape ope rations system.(PLOS SM) and general purpose disk operations system (DOS SM). pI.OS SM i.s a package of programs on perforated tape, which perform preparation of client programs and systems programs in assembler language; editing of original tcxt, revision and supplementing of text; readout in edited form of all the text of pro grams or of parts of it onto perforated tape; debugging of computer programs by 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 rurining certain portions of them and by cnecking the anticipated results at certain I)oints; lozding of programs from perforated tape into memory in the format for - initi.A1 loading; octal readout of the content o� all or of specified parts of memory onto perforated tape or to a printer in symbolic code; readout in absolute binary format of the content of all or of a specified part of inemory ontp per- - forated tage; asynchronous input-output service. 1'fie following systems programs were developed for implementing these functions: mnemonic assembler language translator (AS SM); "lriitial loader" program (NZAGR-SM); "Ahsolute loader" program (AZAGR-SM); ~ "Text editor" program (RT-SM); - - "i)ebugger" program (OTL-SM) ; "Input-output dispatcher" program (DVV-SM); _ standard programs that perform operations with a floating decimal, computation of transcendental functions, operations on double-length words and conversion of lines to KOI-7 code and reconversion. - I)OS SM is a further development of PLOS Sh! and is oriented toward the single client operating mode; it is designed on the modular principle and contains a large se.lectian of systems programs. In addition to the standard package of systems pro- - grams there are several service programs. 'I'he nucleus of DOS Sb1 is the "Monitor" program, which serves the following func- tinns: access to systems programs and client programs; data transmission during input-output operations and external memory control; correction of mistakes, etc. 1)OS 5M also includes : a Macroassembler language translator, which translates programs in blacroassembler language, perf.orms translation by condition, provides the capability of program sectioniiig and expansion of the assembler directive package; a FQRTRAN-IV language translator, which translates programs in FORTRAN-IV langua6e, provides direct access input-output, performs mixed operations, pinpoints ' errors and establishes feedback with the main program, processes characters . utilizing 1 byte long logic variables; "Composer" program, which shifts each computer module and assigns absolute addresses, develops a load card module; "Librarian" program, which develops, modifies, erases and prints out the content of the library; "Debugger" program, which helps to debug composed programs; 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "Editor" program, which edits text; file operations program, which performs operations on the files. Specifications _ Type of processor parallel Number systom binary Structure of communications single-line, asynchronous with one system for addressing direct access memory cslls and registers Representation of arithmetic operands of peripheral systems with fixed_decimal, in itange of renresentation of arithmetic operands ` auxiliary code with symbol from -32,768 to +32,767 , Word length of arzthmetic operands, bits: with fixed decimal 8, 16 (in-system proces- sing) with floating decimal 32, 48 (programmed pro- cessing) - Worcl length of logic operands, bits - 1, 8, 16 Addressing system direct, indirect, rela- tive, absolute, immediate, index, with automatic expansion and automatic Instruction format reduction (12 kinds in all) nil-, one- and two-address _ instructions Instructian system includes 65 instructions, which in accordance with the kinds of addressing perform more than 400 dif- ferent types of commands Numher of general purpose registers on words, bytes and bits g lnterrupt system priority, five-level, with an unlimited number of sublevels on each level; controls thP order of _ utilization of the proces- ' sor by all systems of the complex and enables it to operate in real time in the multiprogram mode with Intorrupt processing system many external interrupts automatic, content of _ command counter and state - of processor in systems stack 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Exocution time, us, not more than: "register-register" format "register-memory" format "tnemory-memory" format Swicching time subroutine callout and rsturn from subroutine I)irect access memory volume, kwords = Organizatxott of direct access memory Acidressable unit of direct access memory _ Uirect access memory access time, us/word Sampling time, us/word OSh cycle duration, us Time of reaction to external interrupts, us, not longer than: on direct access channel on program channel, including time for conserving content of instruction counter, word of state 5.0 7.0 10.0 4.0 10.0 28 pageless byte, word 1.2. 0.65 0.75 (OSh cycle inter- val of time during which master system generates "Busy" signal for OSh to transmit (receive) byte to (from) buffer register or executor system) 6.0 register and for starting new program 10.0 plus instruction execution time Mlximum number of systems connected to "Common line" interface, 20, and with additional system3 for expanding the interface architecturally unlimited. Minimum transmission capacity of interface: on out-of-processor channel, thousands of words/s not less than 700 on program channels, thousands of words/s not less than 30 AC main power: + 10% voltage, V 220/ 380 _ 15% frequency, Flz 50 � 1 lnput power, kV�A ' 2�9 Area occupied by complex, m2 not less than 15 Area occupied by auxiliary equipment, m2 not less than 10 Shf-3 complexes operate at an ambient temperature of 20 � 5�C; relative humidity 65 t 15%, atmospheric pressure from 630 to 800 mm Hg st. COPYRIGNT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issl.edovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborost myeniya), 1979 (57-7872] 7872 C50: 1863 18 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 F'OR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 EiPG-5M GRAPIIIC SCREEN CONSOLE Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thcir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp ('Text] The system (Figure 1) is intended for operational interaction between a client and computer complexes, built on the basis of SM-4P processors. Information is represented on the screen of the cathode-ray tube in graphic and symbolic forms. 'i'he distinguishing feat,ure of the console is the use of part of the volume of the direct access memory of WK [Control comguter complex] SM-4 for generating an image. The system functionally consists of the following components: display rrocessor, graphic monitor, alphanumeric and functional keyboards. Figure 1. EPG-SM screen console. '(1ie developed system of display processor xnstructions, which takes into considera- tion the architectural features of UVK SM-4, permits in-system solution of various grayihic functions. The display pxocessor sends instauctions and data to direct access memory through the high-speed direct access channel, processes them and generates the corresponding signals for the monitor. The display processor instruction system takes the greatest possible load off the computer complex, reduces the volume of graphic arrays in OZU [Direct access memory] and simplifies programming. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Thc opcrator interacts with the SM-4 complex wi'ch a light pen and through alphanumeric and functiorial keyboards. The extensive logic capabilities of the SM-4P processor, the flexibility of speed of the "Common line" interface, the well developed interrupt system, etc., - guarantee hig}i productivity and make the graphic systems, based on the utilization of EPG-SM systems, very efficient. These systems can be used as an independent _ computer system with g raphic representation of results (Figure 2) and as a one- or ~ multicnnsole graphic subsystem, connected to the ritain computer through a processor to processor connectin g unit or an adapter (Figure 3). 1) i~wmt,E~we 3 )yempa'emlu llpoueccqo :M�an .10no.v41r1 arrca 3Ee1o/ 4d0oBo An yo+qnn%rmEn J74 mspmoeenvny i - - i I QyC~p~l/MYU I ~ npvarnrop K~a~uamypo ~ ~ 4) 5) i ~ I I ( 6) ~povowG~u .uw~an ~ I 1 I 7) I I 3nr-C14 I _ J Figure 2. Base graphic SM EVM. KEY: 1. SM-4P processor 4. Display processor 2. 32K dire ct access memory S. Keyboard system 6. Graphic monitor 3. Perforated tape input- 7. EPG-SM output system The described configurations of the graphic systems have extensive functional capabilities, which are attributed both to the par.ameters of the hardware and to the beneral purpose and special software; capability of preprocessing graphic information and performing operations on an image for the purpose of taking the load off the main computer; capability of easily changing the architecture of systems by adapting them to different ranges of application. 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Onepcmudva OneaQmu&w ycmpwlcmeo ycnipadcm/o QonanMUmenenae BNeuu� npoutccop ~,Q,a,~ ~w~ d,+~u~ard narm BBoBa-SaBoOa ueqcmpedcmBa(94od-Ba- C/y-4n ppdCrn40 m0aiemso t( NO/'btMU NQ ACpoORlN� &V Np N/CUl77B/Ib,MQIMUII- 1) . 2) 32 ?r 3) J29 e+r OueRa14 my 5) e+e aeHma u m dJ b -a _ - ~ tcnnrtiHau KpvBuamypa ~___1 acnner)Nau � ecr a KnaBuamypa ~ ~Anncrp~amypa } ~ducmaNUUnN-~ _ - ~ nPcyeccop 7) 8) ~ ~ p oo u 9 10 ~ 11) I"ou c6aau ~ 13 o~umo~ j 15) oNUmop ~ ~ r ~ 12) 14) ~ nynem ! ~ /lynem N L~-------~ = Figure 3. Multiconsole graphic subsystem. KEY: 1. SM-4P processor 7. Display processor 2. 32K direct access memory 8. Keyboard r system 9. Display processor 3. 32K direct access memory 10. Keyboard system 11. Long-distance communications 4. External magnetic disk equipment memory 12. Console �1 5. Perforated tape input- 13. Monitor output system 14. Console N 6. Additional external systems 15. Monitor (input-output onto carrier, magnetic tapes, etc.) The systems engineering characteristics of a graphic complex based on SM-4 and _ LPG-SM permitted to be used as the lieart of a variety of systems for automating design work, scientific experiments, etc. Specifications _ L'�ffective screen dimensions, mm Niimber of addressable points Libht spot diameter, mm Time for plotting vectors of maximum length, ms 'fime necessary for moving beam to arbitrary point, ms Total line length in frame at SO Hz, m Maximum symbol plotting time, us Number of symbol sizes Symbo2s can be oriented on coordinate axes. Number of types of lines 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 240 x 240 1,024 x 1,024 not more than 0.3 not more than 30 not more than 15 not less than 120 8.5 2 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Numbcr of brightness gradations 8 = PlaybacY, error, % not more than 0.5 C0I'Y(tIGI-iT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i ~ tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 _ (57-7872j 7872 CSO: 1863 22 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 m FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ' UDC 681.14 SM-18QU MICROCOMPUTER Moscow SRL'USTVA YES EVM I Sh! EVM I IKH PRIMENENI;E [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and . Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp . ['fext] The SM-1800 is an aggregated. built-in microcomputer, built on the basis of iarge integrated circuits, manufactured by n-channel MOS [Metal oxide semi- conductor] technology. It is used in central monitor systems, branched automated terminal stations, multimicroprocessor data control and processing systems, as _ . controllers of conveyors, automatic assembly lines, ioading and transport machinery and systems, and as continuous process controllers (for digital _ process control). _ - The design of the SM-1800 microcomputer is based on the aggregate-module design principle. Its makeup includes the following modules: central processor; direct access memory; permanent niemory; timcr; module for mating the SM-1800 with analog-digital video terminals with outputs to a radial parallel interface (IRPR); modulc for mating with perforated tape input and output systems and with a line _ printing system with outputs to the IRPR interface;. modulc for mating with a radial series interface (IRPS); module for mating with a"common line" interface; for mating with a modem; for mating with a floppy disk storage; for mating with the SM-1800 operator console; OZU [direct access memory] monitor; 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 nnnloK input; , analog output; lovcl compurator; lfi- and 32-channel digital inputs; digitul output; number-pulse signal output; output signal amplifier; microprocessor controller; floppy disk storage with two 256K byte disks; perforated tape input-output; I)ZM-180 linc printer; V'f-340 alphanumeric display; A1'sV-MIKRO alphanumeric video terminal; A'fsV-SM video terminal. ~ . ~ `F.. ' j. ~ .f,.: yl y r y. ~ tti c L . s.r',. _t_ar$' ,a.~~~.... . . :yi.. , . . r ~t,.r'..'. �,~j ~.fl G - Ench functionally complete system (module) is assembled on a 240 X 280 mm printed circuit board. The modules are installed in a self-contained unit, representing a frumc with circuitry elements and power sources. The dimensions of the unit are 280 x agp x 800 mm. The self-contained units can be installed in 24 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a 600 X 850 x 1,800 mm rack or may be used as a desk computer in a protective - case.' The maximum communications line length is 3 km. Specifications Central processor module Word length, bits 8 Maximum addressable memory volume, kbytes 64 Maxi.mum number of addressable external registers: . input 256 autput 256 - Capacity of OZU in central processor module, kbytes 1 Capacity of PZU [Permanent memory] in central processor module, kbytes 2 Instruction completion time, �s 2-8�5 Direct access memory module Capacity, kbytes 16 " - Word length, bits 8 Cycle time, ns: , record 800 read 650 generation 650 Permanent memory module Capacity, kbytes 4 ' Word length, bits 8 Read cycle time, ns 200 ~ Analog input module ~ Number of input channels 16 ; Input signal conversion range, V �S ' Resolving power, bits 12 Vzluo of lower-order digit, mV 1 ~ Basic error, % not more than �0.2 Active input impedance, I+Q not less than 1 ' Maximum conversion time, ms 60 ' Suppressible interference on standard alternating ' current, d6: on 1 kHz not less than 34 on 50 Hz � 2% not less than 60 ~ on direct current not less than 80 Analog output module Number of output channels 4 ; 25 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 Resolving power, bits Output signal at up to 400 St load impedance: by voltage (modification I), V 10, 24 by current (modification 1I), mA 20, 48 . Basic error, for voltage not more than 0.2 for current not more than 0.3 Digital input module Number of input channels 16 and 32 Input signal 1eve1, V: logic "0" 0...�2.4 0...�4.8 0...�9.6 logic "1" �9.6...�14.4 �19.2...�28.8 �38.4...�57.6 Input current for each channel, mA not more than 20 Maximum tolerable interference amplitude: general interference, V 100 normal intexference not more than 0.1 of logic "0" level Digital output module - Number of output channels 16 Maximum switchabie current, A 0�2 Working frequency, kHz 10 Switchable voltage �4�8���+7�2 - �9.6...�14.4 �38.4...�57.6 Numerical pulse signal output module - Numbcr of input channels 4 Capacity of each counter, bits 8 Maximum counting frequency, kHz 20 Output signal level: logic "Q" 0...�2.4; 0...�4.8; 0...�9.6 logic "1" �9.6...�14.4; �19.2...�28.8; �38.4...�57.6 - The SM-1800 software is intended for debugging and rtuining programs in the auto- matic mode in SM-1800 and in the cross mode in the M-4030 computer under the control of t}ie DOS-2 ASVT operations system. In the automatic mode the programming systems perform programming on the assembler language level, programming with the aid of an "ANS-minimal BASIC" language interpreter, programming in a high-level language, containing 26 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - comput er- oriented structures (PL/M language subset), handling of the text file library and of arbitrary format files on floppy disk, input-output programming for switched external systems on the driver level, starting and monitor running of applied and systems programs. In the cross mode the programming systems can be used for debugging programs of ; the entire capability of the DOS-2 ASVT operations system, supplemented with a cross-translator and SM-1800 mic*ocomputer simulator. COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] . 7872 CSO; 1863 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 i.INi? SW [TCH Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thei.r Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp - [TextJ The line switch is intended for the construction of SM EVM multiprocessor _ complexes of di�ferent makeup and capacity with the "Cornmon line" (OSh) interface. The line switch (PSh) performs the following functions: connects an auxiliary line (DSh) to peripheral equipment, shared by two processors; improves the reliability _ of complexes,due to the inclusion of a processor, kept in "warm backup" and - switciied on automatically in place of the disabled processor. The system includes 22 insertable units of elements (117) and an autonomous frame unit (KBA). Ti\e line switch is designed as an autonomaus unit, built into a rack. There is an - opc'rtitor's panel. The coMponent base consists of microcircuits of the K131, K155, K559, K599 series. Specifications [)elay of signal transmission cycle through switch, ns Timc af connection of PSh in neutral pnsition to "common line" by processor inquiry, us Intcrnal timer available Control modes programmable, manual local, manual remote. Laad capacity of each section, SEN [Standard load] through input through output AC input power: voltage, V frequency, Hz Input power, V�A Accrued operating time per failure of electronic part, hr Average repair time, min 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY not more than 500 not more than 1 2 18 + 10% 220 - 15% SO � 1 S00 not less than 2,200 not more than 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The line switch operates at an ambient temperature of 5-50�C and relative humidity of up to 90% at 30�C; atmospheric pressure of 630-800 mm Hg st. and vibration frequency up to 25 Hz with an amplitude of not more than 0.1 mm. COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i - - tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i - _ sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] - 7872 CSO: 1863 29 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 , UDC 681.14 SfiN1ICUNUUCTOR MEMORY h10DULES (2b3.089.480 AND 2b3.089.481 COMPONENTS) Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thair Application] in Russian 1979, 3 pp [TextJ The modules are intended for operation in direct access storage systems of the SM-3, SM-4 complexes. Specifications Capacity, words Word lengtli, bits Access tine, �s Sampling time, us Input-autput interface Memory elements Single failure correction capability Input power, V�A Uimensions, mm 2b3.089.480 2b3.089.481 12K 16K 16+Z 16+5 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.35 cnmmon line special series K565 RU1 microcircuit not provided provided 14.5 251 x 425 X 20 Sh1-5301 Magnetic Tape External Memory System 1'he system is intended for storing Iarge arrays of infortnation, for accumulating, sorting, revising and composing data arrays, for developing an information library and for exchanging information by means of magnetic tapes with the analogous systems of ASVT-M and YeS EVM. T}ie system includes an UVPML controller of the SM-5002 type (KUVPML SM-5002), installed in an UVK rack; one-four magnetic tape storages (NML) of the A3112 or SM-5300 typc (IZOT 5004E); an SM rack for installing NML (twa NML of the A3112 type or four NML of the SM-5300 type may be installed in one rack). Specifications Maximun number af program-accPssible NML _ Data exchange speed, kbytes/s: with irML A3112 with NML SM-5300 Interface 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4 24 10 common line APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Single cassette capacity, bits NML A31i2 NML SM-5300 Rbllability of reproduced information, bits/error Singlc-phase AC main power: vnltage, V frequency, Hz Input power, kV�A, not more than: with one NML A3112 with one NML SM-5300 General dimensions of controller, mm Weight, kg, not more than: with one NML A3112 with one NML SM-5300 with two NML SM-5300 SM-5603 Floppy Disk External Memory System 20�106 10�106 1�108 220 + 22 - 33 50 � 1 1.0 0.6 482.6 x 176 x 772 270 55 210 The system is intended for expanding the external memory of WK [Control computer complex] SM-3, SM-4, for fast information input-output, for the development of a data library, and also for exchanging information by means of flexible magnetic disks, which are an effective and compact data carrier, which differ favorabJly from any tape carrier in that they have a short access time. '1'he system includes a control system (controller); PLX 45D2 floppy disk storage; power units. Specifications Number of program access disks Interface Information exchange speed, kbytes/s Storage capacity, Mbytes Average access time, ms Maximum recording density, bits/mm Iteliability of reproduced information, bits/error Input power, kV� A General ciimensions, mm woignt, kg A3112 Magnetic Tape Storage 2 common line 35 0.5 400 128 1�109 0.5 480 x 354.5 X 765 40 I'he storage is intended for recording, storing and reproducing digital informatian. Specifications Type of carrier Reel diameter, mm Type of transport Recording method 31 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY 12.7 mm wide magnetic tape up to 267 single-capstan with lever idler BVN-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Itecording density, bits/mm 32 ftecording format ISO MS 1863 7'ape transport speed, m/s 0.75 Rewind spced, s not more than 500 Reel capacity, Mbytes 20 Input power, kV�A not more than 0.54 ReliaUility of reproduced information, bits/error: installed in ASVT-M rack 1�108 installed in SM EVM rack not less than 1�108 (BVN-1), 1�109 (FK) General dimensions, mm: 680 X 480 x 480 installed in ASVT-M rack 483 x 621 X 600 installed in SM EVM rack Weight, kg: installed in ASVT-M rack 130 not more than 80 - installed in SM EVM rack SM-5300 (IZOT 5004E) hfagnetic Tape Storage - 1'11e magnetic tape storage system is intended for operation as ar. external storage ital information. back di l d system in small computers. It receives, stores an g ays p Specifications Data exchange specd, kbytes/s 10 {tecnrding density, bits/mm 32 Recorcling metllod BVN-1 'I'yre of head double-gap Gap clistance, mm 3.81 � 0.1 " Maximum effective cassette diameter, mm 216 06 � Unit cassette capacity, bits 1 10 75 � 5% 31 Tape transport speed, cm/s . 25 � 3 - Start-stop time, ms not more than 300 Rewind time, s Reliability of reproduced information, bits/error 1�108 5inglc-pfiase AC main power: 220 + 22 - voltagc, V - 33 �rcquency, Hz 50/60 } 1 not more than 350 _ Tnput power, V�A 5 x 482.5 X 440 310 General dimensions, mm . not more than 35 Wcight, kg 5M-6305 Printout System I'lie system is intended for pri 'nting out alphanumer ic and special symbols in computers and computer complexes. It has a"common line" interface and can be SM EVM operations system). f an l o connected to UVK SM-3, SM-4 (under the contro available in four modifications: SM-6305.01, It i y Sb1-6305.03, SM-6305.02 and .s SM,-6305.04 (the last two models are equipped with a programmable carrier format - control unit). 32 FOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The system includes ATsPU of the SM-6315 type and a controller (in the form of two Ti:Z [not further identifiedJ installed in UVK). Specifications speed, lines/min: 5M-6305.01 and SM-6305.02 - SM-6305.03 and SM-6305.04 Symbol field: SM-6305.01 and SM-6305.02 SM-6305.03 and SM-6305.04 . Number of digits in line Buffer storage capacity, 8-digit words _ Paper tape width, mm Number of printed copies SinRle-phasc AC�,maint�power: voltage, V ~ freciuency, Hz ! Input power, V�A General dimensions of ATsPU, mm Weight of ATsPU, kg SM-6315 Parallel Alphanumeric Printing System (ATsPU) 500 700 96 64 up to 132 up to 132 up to 420 original and up to S copies 220 + 22 - 33 SO up to 600 not more than 830 x 650 x 1,140 not more than 220 'fhe system is intended for printing out alphanumeric and special symbols from computers and complexes. It has a radial hookup interface for parallel informa- tion transmissions (IRPR). It can be connected directly to a computer with IRPR. 'ftiere are four models: SM-6315.01, SM-6315.03, SM-6315.02 and SM-6315.04 (the last two models are equipped with a programmable carrier format control unit). Specifications - Printing speed, lines/min: SM-6315.01 and SM-6315.02 SM-6315.03 and SM-6315.04 Symbol field: SM-6315.01 and SM-6315.02 SM-6315.03 and SM-6315.04 Number of digits in line Buffer storage capacity, 8-digit words flaper tape width, mm Numbcr of printed copies Single-pfiase AC main power: voltage, V . frequency, fiz 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY S00 700 96 64 up to 132 up to 132 up to 420 original and up to 5 copies +22+100 220 - 33 - 15% 50 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 , Input power, V�A General dimensions, mm Wci.ght, kg up to 600 not more than 830 x 650 X 1,140 not more than 220 COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tokhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-?872J 7872 CSO: 1863 34 F'OR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _I UDC 681.14 LONG-DISTANCE COMNUNICATIONS ADAPTERS Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I Ila-I PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 'fheir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp ri'ext] The adapters are intended for mating d4ta transmission channels with small computers (SM EVM) for exchanging data between several interacting SM EVM com- plexes, and also between SM EVM complexes and terminal installations on multiplex and switched telephone, industrial, municipal and long-distance co:nmunications ~ channels and on special (wire) communications lines. Several models of long-distance communications adapters mate Shf EVM complexes of the 5M-3 and SM-4 types with data transmission channels, eq.:ipped with YeS8001, YeS8002, YeS8005, YeS8006 asynchronous modems ar YeS8027, 'fe58028, YeS8030, YeS8033 signal converter systems, and also with remote terminals of the ; "[)ispley VT-340" 2ype and T-63 teletype on wire comunications li,.es. 'three modifications of the long-distance communications adapters have been developed, depending on the types of connecting eqaipment (see the table). All ! adapters provide outpi.xt to two data transmission channels. 7fi e long-distance communications adapters provide a"Common line" interface with computers; establish communications with switched equipment; convert information from parallel code to serial code and back; monitor transmitted information in _ terms of parity, format and overflow; assign a given speed and format of trans- _ mitted and received data; convert TTL sional levels to the signal levels of S2 connecting circuits or to bipolar current pulses at a nominal current o� 20 mA, or to unipolar current pulses with a nominal current of 40 mA and reconvert the - current signals of S2 interface signals to TTL levels. -g The format of the received and transmitted data is variable. The data transmission speed, number of information and stop bits, selection of parity or nonparity tests, and exclusion of the tests are selected with patch cords in the units and can be set at the client's option. Each communications adapter is built on unified SM EVM components in the form of a six-row cassette unit with a collecticn of components. R cassette unit is , installed in a building block of an expanded SM-3 or SM-4 complex. The adapters 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL'Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 tn 8 a+ a~ f~+ x c~ p x ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ u . �m � ~ ~ ~ E G E E r E E~ ~ ~ at 10 0 D ~ O ~ ~ d F + u. H ~n ~n ~n 00 ~ O i Ln i . ti .4 .-4 W cb 'It O r-4 W cti O 0 ~ M. 1 0 E U O J'O ~ x ~ II 4J II 11 ~ ~ O -4 O ~ 4J Fi -4 3 U r+ 3~ CJ i . O 3: O i a.~ t) ~ ~ R7 v N cC ~ W V1 O . ~ � ;r a~ o a~ ~ � �''i �;9 ' ~G ,c~c aUi~c ~ cd c 0 ~ 0 a o.H � a~ = a o�~+ E- u . E- u cP~ v) u., cn U�-, (A ~ ~ o`P ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~O E .-a td �r1 N 4-+ tl 1-1 N 41 0 y +I fA tl ~ O> :3 O ~ ~ 1-4 .-i R3 4) %O �ri F+ ~ O +1 w U U r U ' ~ ~ fr C �m ~ �.i cd 0 0 0 ' �ri c0 �r-1 ~ N++ 110 w 9 oo > oo ro 44 s 00 G !-4 i+ 0 td ~H 0 N i+ rn Rf u �H O a) C 4-+ y+-+ > 0 a) G4-J N U iJ RS -4 Cl .r U4-+ R! .-A 44 u K F+ Od) OLn U G +F4 O wo E-->a>+i Q�~ H> W N 4-1 p 4) O ~ tn y N a~ .-i a~ -4 m :3 a~ a a~ ~ ~ +J ~4 U 1-+ C C) u ~ 1 ~ f-4 r-+ y 1~4 V :3 W c d 0 t..l G o w u w �r-I ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ G ~ i i ~ O ' a ' ~ . ~ o ~ F � a 41 a' ~ N �.1 �rl O N G�ri O N m 3 cv cn ~ 3~ N tn N 0 ~ ~4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ c d c 0 c d c d u u U U u u ,7.. U 1-4 N N 1-1 N ~ 'b O U r-4 N M }i 1 I I (U U) � a a Q a Cd m m a m 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY are powered by a BP113 power unit, installed in the same building block. The power voltage is +S � 5% and 60 V(20 kHz). 'I'ho udupters are connected to the SM-3 or SM-4 complex by a common line cable, - and to modems by a cable that comes with the delivery set. The rerfarmance of the adapters is checked with the aid of a test program. The = test is used for checking out the logic part of the adapter without turning off connected equipment or to test the performance of the entire adapter with the equipment disconnected from the output and a panel with a special patch cord - switch inserted. The developed data teleprocessing software system (STOD) permits the use of all modifications of the adapters. ~ Specifications Operating modes Communications method Operating speeds, bauds Symbol format Power voltage I)imensions, mm Weight, kg Average accrued operating time per failure, hr duplex, half-duplex start-stop 50, 100, 200, 600, 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600 variable, 1 bit "Start" 5, 7, 8 bits information; 1 bit "Test" (may be omitted); 1, 2 bits "Stop" +5 V� So; 60 V(20 kHz) 446 X 250 x 100 5 4,000 'I'he ADS [Long-distance communications adapter] operate at an ambient temperature of 5-55�C and up to 90% relative humidity at 30�C; at atmospheric pressure from 630 to 800 mm Hg st; tolerable vibrations on 25 Hz with an amplitude of 0.1 mm. C:OPYRiGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i - , sistem upravleniya (TsNITITEIpriborostroyQniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 - C50: 1863 37 FOR OFRCIAL USE ONY.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 _ UDC 681.14 IVK-2 TfiS'I'-COMPUTER C0MPLEX, - Moscow 5REDSTVA YES EVM I Shi EVM I IKH PRIMEIdENIYE (YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 'fhcir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text) The task-oriented complex, based on modern sma.ll computer hardware (SM EVM) and experiment interface systems in a standard KAMAK, is intended for building dif.feront systems for automating general experiments. Figure 1. IVK-2 information-computer complex. 38 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The IVK-2 (Figure 1) performs input of analog, pulse and code signals from an _ experimental setup, and also information from teletype; processes input information and salves a wide range of scientific-technical problems; reads out analog, code signals and; information to teletype. _ - By virtue of a well developed multilevel interrupt system, real-time disk operation - system and programming systems for operation with the KAMAK system the client can build multiprogram real-time systems for conducting experiments. The modular design principle of IVK-2 makes it easy to restructure and expand the complex with new SM EVM systems and KAMAK modules. The IVK-2 hardware includes: 5h1-4 control computer complex (SM-4P 16-digit parallel processor, speed 700,000 register operations per second; floating decimal arithmetic expander; unit of - control and expansion of direct access memory to 124K words; 64K word direct access memory; perforated tape input-output system; magnetic disk external memory ~ W1LIl floating heads with capacity of 2.4M words; magnetic tape external memory system; alphanumeric terminal based on cathode-ray tubes; compact wide printer, speed 500 lines/min; systems expansion unit); KAMAK systems (two KAMAK crates, input, and output modules, crate monitor and control modules, a group of monitor and test modules and crate controller). 'I'he number of crates can be increased to four with up to 23 positions for modules in each crute. I'he KAMAK module set provides in each crate: 32 analog input channels (analog-code converter word length is 9 bits; analog-code conversion speed is 80 kHz); four input and four output registers, each with a capacity of 24 bits; two analog output channels (code-analog converter word length is 10 bits; code- analog conversion speed is 100 kHz); 24 initiative inputs; four 16-bit pulse counters. The IVK-2 base software consists of: _ DOS SM disk operation system with macroassembler and FORTRAN-IV languages; qOS RV SM real-time multiprogram disk system; program systems for KAMAK operation in FORTRAN-IV language; test software. 39 FOR OF'FICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Tlie clicnt, if he so desires, can expand the IVK-2 base software with program = systems and apply program packages in the SM EVM software nomenclature. A structural diagram of IVK-2 is presented in Figure 2. 1) ) ' 14) S) ~ ~ ~ K A M A K dN~~7 - BOwrm9 G%Hfl I GM 3300 I I I I YOIpuftTu "owM OYlft~ YQnSM.1O MA M~fDy~MO~ i~P'~M YC'1}- ~D~Or ~Mr1~~ }C~pD~Ctp Y~O~~ CJ'I BJZI . . I GN DKM GM 5300 : G-7106 o.lyor~o~w 04 E200 I 10) 11) 12 13 14 J L--- a Figure 2. Structural diagram of IVK-2. KF.Y: 1. Input modules 10. SM 5400 external memory 2. Output modules 11. SM 5300 external memory 3. Crate monitQr and control 12. SM-7206 alphanumeric modules terminal 4. Manitor-test module group 13. SM 6200 perforated tape � 5. Crate controller input-output system 6. KAMAK 14. SM 6321 parallel printer 7. SM-0 processor 8. SM 3100 direct access memory 9. SM-4 base set COPYRIGNT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informa.tsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeni_ya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sisterr upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [s7-7s7a] 7872 CSO: 1863 40 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 i ~ FOR OFFlCdAL USE ONLY ~ _i iJDC 681.14 IVK-3 TEST-COMPUTER COMPLEX Moscow SEtEDSTVA YES EVM Y SM EVM I IIQH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and - Their Application],in Russian 1979, 2 pp ~ [Text] 'Che IVK-3 complex is intended for automating research conducted with the I aid of optical spectral instruments and is used in physics, chemistry, biology, ; medicine, metallurgy, light and food industries, etc. 'f}ie aggregate modular strr,lcture of the complex, built on the basis of modern SM EVM , hardware and industriai communications systems by KAMAK standards, and also the developed software offer the client broad capabilities for automating specific pr.ocesses and facilities. ; Thc makeup of IVK-3 includes the following: base composition of the SM-3 control i computer complex (UVK), KAMAK crate No. 2 with a set of functional and service modules, 1'-30 digital ampere-vult meter, N-306 two-coordinate template platter and - assembly kit. 7'he base composition of UVK SM-3 includes a processor (Pr), direct access storage (OZU), alphanumerical video terminal (ATsV), alphanumerical printer (ATsPU), per- forated tape input-output system (UWP), external memory on magnetic disks (WPMD). KAMAK crate No. 2 contains the following modules: ' functional crate controller KK, tr:3 two-channel digital-analog converters TsAP, input register VkhR, two pulse counters with digital indication SI, two analog- digital converters ATsP, two step motor control modules MUShD, three output ! registers VykhR, relay multiplexer RM, synchronizer-timer ST, digital ampere-volt meter control module MUF-30; i service voltage converter, inquiry register, word generator, trunk indicator, , word generator-register, repair module, manual controller, two mockup modules. IVK-3 can perform all basic functions associated with the conduct of automated expeximents: data input-output through standard peripheral systems included in the UVK SM-3 composition, data input-output through industxial communications systems in the KAMAK standard; data input through an F-30 ampere-volt meter; graphic data output to an N-306 plotter; data storage on paper and magnetic carriers; data pro- cessing in accordance with prescribed programs in the package mode and real-time mode. 41 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 J} r18womut cocru Y8K G%h3 1 I np oar - 3) L 2) - venrw Yeen Aum nue ~ 4, 6) 7) J s) o6n&M Wm. ~ u.u~v ~ o I~ V~~T n ni�r w~ n. m ~ I J ~ ~ g a ~ c ~ 20f"`raoca uowtr I ~ Y i U m . 0 j f Z E 1 1 1:4) 1516 3seA.pwarranrau ycrasoms 30 Fi-306 n of the computer to interrupt (a total of 192 channels by groups of 8 = transducers); ~ numerical pulse signals pulse counting (or voltage drops) on 8 channels with a capacity of up to 4,096 pulses each. The maximum pulse frequency is 200 kHz. Input signa'As for aIl types of transducers: - voltage �6, �12, �24 V; "I.ogika-2" INLS signals; signals of the "Dry contact" type contacts are closed to ground (R < 100 SZ) or intcrrupt (R > 6,000 S2) . ' 'llie system transmits contactl.ess control signals by two-position final control clements (A641-2 module) on 160 channels (by groups of 10 digits). Input signal parameters: ' power voltage up to -40 V; load current up to 150 mA. ~ 'fhe output signals perform control of indication and signal systems and relays; of cligital-analog converters, instruments built on the basis of "Spektr" elements, ASV'I'-U, etc. When there is a need to use signals with positive polarity any ' A641-2 module can be replaced with an A641-1 module. The system also has two A641-0 position control (contact) modules. These modules, being relay decoders , with 16 outputs, tran5mit group control addresses to the relay output system (URV). I;ach module has two decoders, which send all 64 addresses for entering control information in URV relay registers. Onc A641-2 output module is used for controlling the A641-6 modules. 'l'te system is designed as a typical UTK rack, measuring 600 X 1,600 x 650 mm. 'I'liree rank 2K interface cliannels are used for connection to USS OSh/2K. URV A64114 Relay Output System 'I'he system performs the transmission of conrrol signals to the final automation coiitrols o� a facility througli relay contacts on 240 channels 24 groups with 10 relays per group. Each channel is a group of contacts on RES-26 or RES-22 relays. ! ftelay groups are controlled from contactless outputs of the A641-2 module of the ~ . UVVI)S system and information from the A641-2 module passes simultaneously through ' six rcl'ay groups. A group address is selected with the aid of A641-6 position ~ 59 i i FO[P OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 co�trol module or A641-2 contactless module, located in WVDS. For especially ~ important controls, requiring monitoring by the op erator, signals about trans- mittecl information and address can be diverted to the operator's console and dis- contiecteci only after the operator confirms the necessary action. - U�tputs are switched to a facility ard operator's console through the crossbar panc:ls oti the units to which all relay contacts lead. This arrangement does away wit}i a special crossbar rack and intermediate cables for the indicated purposes. 1'lie naximum number of systems is practically unlimited by virtue of the utilizati.on of thc rclay out puts themselves for group addressing for transmitting output - information. t)rg.inization of Switching and Cross Connection of Signals from Facility '1'ransciuccrs and Control Signaling For�purposes of switching and cross connection the USO system includes an Sh{tA651-1 cross section. The cross section includes 12 cross panels, in each of wtiicti ttiere are 12 24-terminal blocks for connecting the corresponding cables from USO systems and facility transducers and for organizing the corresponding switching hetween them. The cross panels, in addition to terminal blocks, can include type t3N-9 load units for 0-5, 0-20, 0-100 A current si gnals and for generating the c.orresponding 0-5 V signal for transmission to the switchboard and converter input. I:ac.h 16-channel load unit occupies the place of twa terminal blocks. The maximum numbcr of BN-9 units in the USOM-400 is 16. A61111 tf i gli-Speed Analog Signal Input System _ 'f'lie system perfo rms conversion to digital code and input into UVK of wide-band miclclle-level voltage signals. The number of analog inputs is 64, including 4 munitor inputs. 'I'lic input signal ranges are: main -10...0...+10 V; -5...0...+5 V; auxiliary ~ -1.2S...U...+1.25. _ 'I'lic prec:ision class in the main ranges is c/d = 0.3/0.2 and in the auxiliary it _ is 0.5/U.3. - 'I'he active i.nput impedance is not less than 2 hb2. (:acle word length is 11 bits plus 1 character. 'I'Iie positive input signals are converted to normal binary code and negative to auxiliary. 'I'lic 2K interface is used. 'I'he system has a speed of up to 100,000 conversions per second at an analog infor- mition coding time of 5 Us. 'I'lic system is connected to SD1-3, SM-4 complexes through units of the USS OSh/2K systcm and its speed is determined by the service prQgram. 60 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'I'iic system may be installed at a distance of up to 500 m and information can be t.ratismitted on two-wire coaxial communications line. 'the system is designed as a typical UTK SVT rack with a cross panel. (:011YItIGti7'; Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i - t.ekhiiiko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i - sistcm ijprnvleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7P/L 450 . 1 803 61 FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 AI2M-IZ AN[) AWN-M AUTOMATED UESIGNER WORK PLACES BASED ON UVK SM-3 6loscow SRCD5TVA YES EVbt I Shi EVhi I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and '1'iicir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The work places are intended for providing a modern level of dPSign, enabling t}te designer to operate in the computer dialogue mode. The designer can control the design process, evaluate interriiediate results on an operational basis - and g�idc the programs along one path or another to acaieve the desired results. - 11u: ARM complexes which are being manufactured at the present :ime are oriented chicfly toward two broad ranges of application radio electronics (ARM-R) and mecftanical engineering (ARM-M). These complexes differ in the types of graphical information coding systems utilized in them and graphical displays and plotters (liht-709, GPG-400 and AP-7252 in ARM-R, PKGIO, UPGI and AP-7251 in ARM-M) . 'I'he software of the packages of applied ARM-M, is necessary i t must so lve .'The scveral specific pr rule, by thc client automated work places consists of the base software and programs. T"ne base sof.tware, shared in common by ARM-R and to each client, irrespective of the nature of the tasks that applied programs packages are oriented toward the solution of Dblems, encountered by a client, and they are developed as a himself. '1'}ie ARM complex wit}i the base software only enables the client to perform the _ tollotiving tasks: input of graphical information with the aid of a semiautomatic coder, from per- forated tape in coder format, from perforated tape in a special manual coding format; input of text information from the coder, from perforated tape, directly from the ulphanumeric display; callout of graphic information to the plotter, graphic display screen or (in syml)olic furm) to a printer, or onto perforated tape. During input the scale and o1�zentation of a drawing can be changed, a rectangular "window" of arbitrary size can be cut out in any place on a drawing and it can be displayed in magnified scate on the graphic display screen; callout of text information to the screen of the alphanumeric display, printer or onto pcrforated tape; 62 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY cnrrection of previously inserted graphic information with the aid of the coder or light buttons and pens on the graphic display screen, in particular correction of ttic 'tmagc in a "window"; _ correction of text on the alphanumeric display screen; cicvelopment of a design and production technology and punching of control perfurated tape for milling machines with ChPU. 1'lie base software is delivered along with ARM complexes. It consists of the following basic parts: DOS-400 [Qperational disk system], DOS-ARM, test system and auxiliary programs. UOS-400 is a general purpose operational disk system, enabling the complex to opcrate in the single-program mode. It is oriented toward dialogue operation and contxins assembler language and FORTRAN-IV language translators, a file operations , system and program correction and debugging systems. It is used primarily for the - clevelopment of new programs. - I)O5-AftM is an operational disk system, permitting multiprogram operation. It per- . , mits the simultaneous solution of up to four independent problems, solved in special memory banks. It performs combined input-output operations with pro- cessor operation both within a specific problem and between different problems. - 'Che test system is intended for semiautomatic performance testing of all technical systems in the ARM complex and contains a large set of tests and special monitor ! for c;ombining separate tests into sequential chains. 't'he auxiliary programs are intended for facilitating data exchange between ' diffcrent external systems and permit simultaneous transmission of information and ' Completion of all necessary format changes. (:011YitCG1IT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tchhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, s.a.'-edstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] - 7872 C:SO: 1863 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 All'I'UMA'I'Gl) GItOUP WORK PLACES BASED ON UVK SM-4 Moscow SRf:US'tVA YES EVM I SAt EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and '1'hci r� Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp - ['i'ext J The group ARId [Automated work place] complexes have broader capabilities - ;uici servi.ce more clients than the ARM-R and ARM-M complexes. /1 group ARh1 is a central computer complex based on UVK SM-4, connected to a series - - (uS) ta several dozens) of terminal stations, in which the UVK SM-3 computer is uti.lizcd. Some of the operations can be done at terminal stations in the autonamaus mode, i.e., without utilization of the central complex. - 'I'hc central complex contains large-volume external memory systems, coordinate - ~ g raphs and high-speed printer. Its functions include processing of the data base oF tiie critire ARM compl.ex, solution of computation tasks on inquiry from terminal stations;, productian of final planning results (drawings, photographic templates, text materials). - - Niany communications lines can be connected to the central processor to provide communications with external terminal stations. 'l'hc terminal stations of the group ARM should be capable of performing the basic ~ volume of tasks that require much dialogue with the operator. Among such tasks are ttie generation and editing of images, input and editing of text information, _ prepa:ation and correction of prorrams for ChPU milling machines, development and debu&bing of client programs, etc. A terminal station consists, as a rule, of a general purpose mini- or microcom- putcr, a few simple and reliable external systems, graphic display (for instance, the f:PG Shi di splay) ; it can be connected to a small-scale plotter and plotting table for coding information. '1'}ie operational disk system ot the central complex (DOS RV [operationai real-time cli5k system] performs multitask and multiprogram completion of tasks in real time, disti�ibuti.on of sys�ems resources on the basis of priorities and dynamic distribu- tion of memory. ' 'i'he parallcl completion of many tasks in the real-time mode is possible by virtue of priority dispatching, sepaxation of inemory into divisions, temporary loading of 64 FOR, OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r.asks onto (lisks, operational interventic,n by the clients from their terminals :rl tnc probiem solving process. :'hc l)O5 RV system includes the following components: set of control programs, )pexatflr communications program, nonresident task loader, DOS RV file system, -;et of serv:ice programs, macroassembler language translator, F04tTRAN language -ra;islator aild task builder. 'i'}ic opcrational system of terminal stations should be combined with DOS RV and is - a trimmect-down version of that system. The software of group ARM and ARM-R ;ARht-M) can be made compatible. 1'hc auxiliary group ARM programs perform recoding of information into formats of 111 ncwly developed external systems, utilized in a group ARM. :;OIlYftIGFIT: 'Csentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i _ %'ckhniho-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i .,isCem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 157-'872J 7872 CSO: 1863 6 5 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLx . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 SM-6300 ALPFlANUMERIC PRINTER SYSTEM Mascow 5REDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thoir Applicxtion] in Russian 1979, 2 pp ` [Texx] The system is intended for printing out alphanumeric information during oporation in SM complexes with a"Common line" interface. -1 WPM 'Che system consists of a DZM-180 serial action printer (manufactured in Poland) and n controller. � 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE 61VLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR 06FiCIAL USE ONLY - Specifications Maxi.mum printing speed, char/s 180 Numbor of characters per line not more than 132 Codins of characters binary 7-bit code in accordance with GOST ' 13052-74 - Bufftr momory capacity, symbols 256 Character canstruction 7 X 7 dot mosaic matrix Paper width, mm 420 Number of copies 1 original and 2 copies = Maximum distance from computer, m 5 DZM-180 input power from AC main: + 100 voltage, V 220 - lSo frequency, Hz 50 � 1 Controller power from DC voltage source, V S� 5% ' Input power: DZM-180, V�A 260 . controller, W 7.5 Ceneral dimensions, mm 700 x 440 X 940 Weight, kg not more than 70 Sti!-6304 Alphanumeric Printer ThG system is intended for printing out alphanumeric information during operation in SM EVM complexes with a"Common line" interface. The system is of the serial type bosed on the DARO 1155 machine. :,z - r ~ �':f ' J . �~s, � ' tti4'.~~ 3.�."~hc.~:r~ ti i i ~I ~ . Mi , ~^fk i.. - f. a' ~'N~`f~" . 3 5 i} f ?tl~ 7 y . y .r y y l F 7 1 ~ ~ C ~.i~ . 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 '11ie system consists of a serial action llARO lls6 alphanumeric printer, a set of intcrface units (KBES) and interface cable. Specifications Nominal printing speed, char/s 100 Numher of characters per line not less than 132 Ctiarzicter coding 7-bit code in accordance with GOST 13052-74 (KOI-7No and KOI-7Ni com- bined code tables) Cliarac:ter construction 5 x 7 dot mosaic matrix Paper width, mm 420 Computer interface through "Common line" interface program channel - W.stance from computer, m up to 7 (;OPYRIGH'1': Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskik}i issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upr.avleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 _ (57-7872J 787"l CSO: 1863 r 68 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY .3.? E. UDC 681.14 SM-7204 ALPHANUMERIC VIDEO TERMINAL Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [Ye5 EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Toxt] The SM-7204 alphanumeric video terminal is assembled on the basis of the VTA 2000 = 2 system and is intended for keyboard input and screen display of symbolic information and performs operational exchange between the operator and data processing center in SM EVM complexes as a programmer's and operator's console. The system consists of control, indication, power and circuitry units. The video terminal.performs the following functions: information display; acquisi- tion and editing of information by keyboard; transmission of information to one local system (printer) ; byte-wise exchange of information with -a processor (the r "Duplex" mode information typed by the operator on the keyboard is transmitted to the processor), or transmission of data arrays (in this case the processor receives information from the memory of the system). Information is displayed on a 40LK 3B cathode-ray tube. Input and editing of data and control of the system are accomplished from key- boards. Symbol keys (there are 48 of them) axe intended for callout of digital 69 , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 and symbolic characters to the screen. Technological keys(there are 16 of them) ars intended for transmission to the processor of technical service requests. The function of the keys is determined by the client. Specifications Im3ge field size, mm Numbers: of characters on screen of characters in line of lines - Generation principle: image characters Indexable characters: Cyrillic alphabet - Roman alphabet numerals special symbols _ additional symbols Size of indexable characters, mm Frame frequency, Hz Maximum tolerable illumination of screen plane, lx Code word length during information exchange with processor, bits - L?ata transmission distance, m AC main power: voltage, V = frequency, Hz Input power, V�A General dimensions, mm Weight, kg SM-7205 Alphanumeric Video Terminal 180 x 250 1,920 80 24 TV scanning 5 X 7 dot raster 32 26 10 28 8 4 x 2 not less than 50 300 8 not more than 15 220 50�1 not more than 450 720 x 455 x 500 not more than 55 The terminal is intended for keyboard input and display of symbolic information on a screen in the autonomous mode and during operation in SM EVM complexes with "Common line" interface. The system consists of a"Videoton-340" alphanumeric display (manufactured in - Hungary), connacted to the controller by interface cable. The video terminal operates in the following modes: "autonomous" the input and output lines do not function and information from the keyboard is displayed on the screen; "complex" information from the keyboard goes into a computer (input) and information from the computer is displayed on the screen (output); message transmission information from the display memory, composed beforehand on the screen, is transmitted to the computer. _ The alphanumeric field consists of 28 control keys, controls operating modes and provides editing capability. 70 FbR OFFIeIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 F'OR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Uuring text editing the system can clear the screen, place a mark in the first position of the first line; place a mark in the first position of the next line; move a mark in four directions; tabulate; substitute, insert and erase a l.ettsr; protect memory; underscore; raise a frame one line to fill in the next line, erase and insert a line. Specifications Data exchange capacity, char/s Buffer memory capacity Numbers: of symbol.s displayed on the screen of symbols per line of lines on screen Code system 1,000 1,280 8-digit symbols 1,280 80 . 16 binary 7-digit code in accordance with GOST 13052-74 (KOI-7N(0) and K0I-7N combined code tables~l~ through program channel of "Common line" interface Computer interface AC main power: + 100 voltage, V 220 - 150 frec{uency, Hz 50 � 1 Input power, W: . "Videoton-340" system 150 controller 7.5 General dimensions, mm 711 x 352 x 39() Weight, kg not more than 45 COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i ' tekhniko-ekoriomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sre dstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [s7-7s72] , 7872 71 CSO: 1.$63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 SM 4101 IN'I'ERFACE EXPANDER (RIF SM) Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I TKH PRIMENENIYE [Ye5 EVM and SM EVM Systems and Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [TextJ '1'he interface expander is intended for use in SM-3, SM-4 computer complexes and other systems based on them. It is necessary for building sophisticated complexes with a number of znterface systems that exceeds the capabilities of the main interface segment in terms of load and/or length. RIF SM expands the functional capabilities of SM EVM complexes by expanding the input-output interface functions at a.slight reduction of productivity. It lengthens the complex trunk by the length of the main interface segment (by 15 m) and controls an additional 19 standard loads (SEN). Further expansion of interface capabilities can be accomPlished by means of series or par.aliel connection of expanders. Sof.tware is not necessary for controlling the performance of RIF SM in complexes. 7'he RIF SM interface expander,consists of insertable units (BE9402 2 each) and a wiring cassette unit. KIF SM is an SM EVM cassette unit a structurally independent unit, designed for installation in AKB, BAM and BRS units of SM-3, SM-4 complexes. It has four rows of terminals. The component base consists of microcircuits of the K131, K155, K559, K599 series. Specifications 'Type of connection interface Connection methods Output load capacity, SEN Intrinsic input/output load capacity, SEN Gaometric length o� interface trunk lines after expander, m ~ Additional transmission cycle delay during access to system, installed after expander, us, not more than: during completion of READ operation during campletion of WRITE operation 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY OSh [Common. line] SM EVM series, parallel, parallel- series 19 1/1 not more than 15.0 0.35 0.25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 s~ FOft OFFICIAL t1SE ONLY _ Powcr From DC sourcc, V 5� 0.25 Input power, W not more than 9.0 c)perating mode continuous Accruecl operating time to failure (calculated), hr 9,000 Avc;ragc repair timc, min 60 Sc:rvicc tifc, ycars not less than 6 Concral dimensions, mm 267 X 456 x 68 Wcigtit of system, kg not more 3.0 {ttF Sht opcr ,q641-1 y C � ~ 3) 4) a, c, a C ~ Ct C d b Z 2) A621-3 A622-9 A6Y1-f A621-2 = _ J6 ~ ~ w 6 ~ 6) 6) Q ) ~c = e A ~1 -~/1 A64f-15 ~ A 622 -i 64 f- B/2 2S6 1 5 6 80 ~ ynpaBne 8 ~ 5) ~ 7) N TOx yue cuz- Nananu ~ w ToK Figure 2. Structural diabram of digital inrut-output signal channcl. KEY: 1. Rank 2K 6. Up to 1 km 2. Initiative signals 7. Current 3. Number-pulse signals 8. Signal control 4. Number-p:xlse signals Current S. Current, dry contact - (;c)('YIiIGII'I': '1'sentral'iiyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i sredstv avtomatizatsii i i ya, - tek}iiiiko-ckonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyen si titcm upravleniya (TsNI IITEIpri.borostroyeniya) , 1979 (57-7872] 7872 - (:50: 1863 106 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 Shi 6202 PERFORATED TAPE INPUT-OUTPUT SYSTEM Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and - Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The system is intended for input of information from perforated tape and output of information onto perforated tape during operation in Shi EVM cflmplexes with the "Common line" interface. A The system (see the figure) consists of a combined perforated tape input and output system of the SPTP-3-03-01 type (manufactured in Poland) and a controller. The system is mated with a computer through the "Common line" program channel. 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 Specifications - c)poruting mocies: i nput uut l)ut Itcacl i ng method Knximum rcading specd, lines/s Maximum pcrforation speed, lines/s Information carrier Itepr�esentation o� information I'ower systems of SPTP-3-03-01 from AC main: voltage, V frequcncy, t[z Contrallcr powered from DC source, voltage, V [nput powcr: nf 5P'Cf)-3-03-01 system, V�A nf controller, W SM 0305 UVATsPU Output System start-stop or continuous start-stop photoelectric not less than 300 not less than 50 five-, eight-track per- forated tape binary 7-bit code; binary 8-bit code 220 SO S�So 30 not more than 7.5 '('iie system is intended for readout onto paper carrier of alphanumeric information. It is used in combination with SM-3 and SM-4 computer complexes. '1'hc system inclucles an alphanumeric parallel printer (ATsPU) of the SM-6315 type, cantrollcr, cable. 'f'liere urc four models (SM 6305.01, SM 6305.02, SM 6305.03, SM 63~5.04), depending oti prinCing speed and the number of printed symbols. Specifications D1ode1 Printing speed, Number of Programmable carrier liries/s printed format control unit symbols (BUF) SM 3 S.UI 00 96 No 5M 6305.02 500 96 Yes Sbl 6305.03 700 64 No SM 6305.04 700 64 Yes Interf'ace of system !3uf!'er operational storage volume Symbol generation method ~ Numbcr of symbols per line Numhcr of copies P,apcr wicith, mm 'I'ype SM 63/5 A'fsPll power from AC line: valtagc, V frec{uency, Hz 108 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "Common line" 132 eight-digit words impact, typing not more than 132 not more than 5 80-420 220 + 100 - 150 50�1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY t _ `i'I:Z controller powered by DC source with voltage, V 5 1 ri1)ut powcr, V� A not more than 730 c;c;nerul dimcrisions, mm 830 X 650 X 1,150 _ Welglit, kg not more than 232 (:OPYIZIGtiT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tek} issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i _ sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [S7-7A72) 7H7'? CS4: 1863 109 FOR OF'FiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 TYPE A311-4 EXTERNAL CASSETTE MEMORY MODULE Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRINENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The module is intended for the preparation, input, output and storage of data arrays. It is nomenclature product of ASVT-M and SM EVM. It is manufactured in four models: A311-4/3 and A311-4/4 built-in; A311-4/5 in instrument execution for operation in computer complexes with output to the 2K interface (M-6000, M-7000, SD4-1, SM-2); A311-4/6 of instrument execution for operation in video terminal stations (based on the DM-500 and DM-2000 display modules) with output to the 2KS interface. The module consists of two VK-1 cassette stores, operating serially, a logic unit and power unit, installed in the same case. The recording method is serial wide-pulse modulation using twt) tracks. The set must be turned over manually in order to change from one track to the other. In the autonomous operating mode on instructions from the console the module selects a store, indicates the state of stores, rewinds the magnetic disk between the beginning and end of markers in both directions, moves the magnetic disks to 110 FOR OFFICIAL, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 EOR QFFICIAL USE, ONLY , . ~ ono zone in both directions and stops them in between-zone intervals (MZP). The ; module can also operate with a computer complex and display module. Recording is ~ proLocte,d. I Specifications Numbor of.stores in module Dnta transmission speed, kbytes/s CApacity of information on magnetic tape track during recording with Zones of maximum length, kbytes Module memory capacity, kbytes Recording density, binary characters/mm . Programmed zone length, bytes Mngnetic tape transport gpeed, m/s Magnetic tape rewind time, s Power from single-phase AC line: voltage, V freyuenc:y, t{z Input power, V�A Stabilized power of UC voltage, supplied by power unlt, V llmbient tomnerature, �C Rolativo humidity, % Atmospherie pressure, mm Ng st. Tvlerable vibration: freyuency, Hz . amplitude, mm General dimensions, mm: A311-4/3 and A311-4/4 ' A311-4/5 and A311-4/6 Wetght, kg 2 not less than 0.375 not less than 150 not less than 600 22 1-2048 0.2 up to 90 220 � 22% 50 � 1 not more than 85 +5 � 0.25; +12 t 0.6; -12 f 0.6 5-45 40-90 (at 30�C) 630-800 up to 25 not more than 0.1 not more than 483 x 177 x X 462 not more than 490 x 191 x x 462 not more than 25 '1'tie avorage service life is at least 6 years. The warranty period from the day of placemont in operation is 18 months. COPYItIUHT; Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i taklmiko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 C5Q ; 186 3 111 FOR OFF[CIAL lJSE OI`?d,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 SM 3102 OPERATIONAL MEMORY SYSTEM Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The operat i enal memory system (UOP) is intended for receiving, storing and reading out operat i onal information in the form of binary codes in control computer complexes with the "Conunon line" (OSh) systems interface. In any exchange operation UOP functions as a control system (executor) in relation - to the controllin g system (task master), as which a central processor usually ` functions. During exchange through OSh each control signal, transmitted hy the task master, must be confirmed by a response signal from the executing system, after which exchange continue s or ends. In the absence of a response signal the task master can register an OSh error, 112 ~OR OFF[CIAL USE bNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFIC'IAI. USE ONLY 'l'hc system performs the .following operations: reads tieords with regeneration, reads worcls wi.thout regeneration (with a pause), w�rites words and writes bytes. 7'hc system is dcsi.gned ~is an operational memory unit and power unit, fastened to a rommcm base, which can be removed from the rack on guides. The operational memory unit is designed ati a printed circuit board with mounted electronic parts. Specifications Orc rat i cm a 1 memo ry vc 1 ume , kwords 16 (3ir configuration of word, bits 16 + 2 test Orclcr of sampling arbitrary Storage clcment ferrite core, annular MSVT-I-K-0.6 X 0.4 x 0.13 Uperation cycle time, Us: read wor(i with regeneration, write word write bytc not longer than 1.2 read word without regeneration (with apause) not longer than 0.7 - time, us not ).onger than 0.6 A(: main power: + lUo voltagc, V 220 - 15% frec{uency, Ilz 50 � 1 Input powcr, V�A not more than 400 Gencral dimensions, mm 482.6 x 265 x 772 Wciglit, kg not more than 32.1 COPYRIGII'I': 't'sentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh -issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i s i titem upravleniya ('CsNI I ITI:Ipriborostroyeniya) , 1979 I57.-7R72] 787'? CSU : 1863 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 SM-3 ARITHMETIC EXPANDER (RA) Moscow SREDS'I'VA YES EVM I SM EVM I IIQ-1 PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The expander is intended for use in WK [Control computer complex] SM-3. Together with the SM-3P centrai processor it performs number processing operations most frequently encountered in programs: multiplication and division of integers, multiple arithmet ic and logic shifts, normalization. ~F1 ~F~ t N Y'~ ~ e`4 r e ~ ~`�t l The arithmetic expander performs the listed operations an order of magnitude faster than the SM-3P processor and is programmable. The use of the RA SM-3 expander significantly reduces the total arithmetic program run time, especially of general purpose number processing subroutines with a floating decimal. Architecturally and structurally up to two independent programmed arithmetic expanders can be connected to the same WK SM-3. i 114 _ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 i i FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY ~ 'Mie RA SM-3 unit is a standard SM EVM systems unit. It is installed in a standard AKB [Sclf-contained building block] of SM EVM. - ']'he software includes a set of systems tests and a standard package of arithmztic operati.ons, included in the DOS SM, DOS ARM, DIAMS, DOS RV, FOBOS operations systems. , Specifications ' Type of interface "Common line" t-eature of "Common lzne" communications data exchange in system- executor mode _ Bit configuration of processed data 8; 16; 32 Uporation execution time (not including operand ~ loading operations and result sampling), us: ~ multiplication (of two 16-digit numbers with i a 32-digit result) 4.0 division (of 32-digit number by 16-digit with answer 16-digit quotient and 16-digit remainder) 4.5 _ ririt}imetic (or logic) stiift of 32-digit number by = numUer of digits assigned before beginning of operation 4.0 - normalization of 32-digit number and simultaneous counting of number of shifts 4.0 ' Componont base IS, SIS, TTL, K155, K131 series 1'ype of systems control programmed with elec- - trically programmed PPZU 256 X 4 bits f'owcr voltage 5 � 50 Input power, W � not more than 20.0 Systems operating mode continuous - ACCrued operating time per failure (calculated), hr not less than 6,000 Averzge repair timc, min - not more than 40 ~ Mnximum repair time with probability of 0.95, hr not more than 2.5 i Service life, years not less than 6 I General dimensians, mm 267 x 456 X 68 ~Wcight, kg not more than 3.0 ; t:UPYttICfl'1': 'Csentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy insti tut informatsii i ; tc:khniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i si.stem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 115 i FOR OFFICtAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 IVK-7 TEST-COMPUTER COMPLEX Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The complex is intended for the building of automated scientific research systems. It provides program switching, amplification, digital measurement, recording of DC signals, program assembly, storage and processing of ineasurement data and transmission of control signals to an experimental setup. The complex has such functional capabilities as primaxy measurement data processing; acquisition of the results of indirect assembled and combined measurements, including in real time; control of units during the course of an experiment, including the organization of interrogations, c}ueues, establishment of priorities; 116 FOA W'F[CIA USE ONLV APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFF(CL4L USE 4NLY = monitoring of thc pertormancc of units and metrologic characteristics of the romplcx; scrvicr. processing of information received (representation of the results - iii thc forn of tahlcs, grarhs, histograms, etc.); data storage; generation of rc,�tral artions on an analyzed subject (in the form of analog and (or) digital sigit;iis); intcractive opcrltion. itc,;li:.;ition of all the fiinctional capabilities of the complex is assured by the ri};lit typc of program aiid algorithmic software, and by applied software within the t'ramcwork of the IVK dialogue programming system. The applied software solves h;,sir problems in experimental p?anning, processing and representation of ineasure- mcric rvsults. 'I'iic r.omplex is drsigned on the basis of the serially produced ASET and SM EVM ::ystems ot the 5M-3, Sht-4 types, connected by a single "corrnnon line" interface. 'i'hc complex includes the UVK SM-3 base set and two meter racks with the following funct ionn 1 systems : - _ 1:4221 analug-digital convcrter; tlirec 1:799/2 meter signal switches; f'723/I ciigital-analog convcrter; 1:7073/4 I(; :implificr; 1:7073/ i I)C ,impl i fi cr; N-.iUbK titcnr.i 1 plotter; I:7(140/7 c,i 1 i hrnted voltagc sourcc; 5hch1516 cliglital [)C volt metcr; digital a,1t.s input-output system; ciutonumous control panel; systcros intcrtace unit; VS-5-1f)A powcr sourcc. 'fhe technical specifications of the systems (see the table) are determined by the mukcul) of a complex. Spcccl is ul) to 5,000 measurements per second. 1'ower frorn the AC voltage 220 V; frequency 50 Hz. 'I'he arca neccssary for setting up a complex is not more than 25 mZ. Wcibht does not exc:ced 1,000 kg. 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 l TMfl yeT(~Opctsa t1Ne0b011 s101NOf0 `1 CNfMa.I\ ~ OTMMNTldNi flOfQtWMOCTb `~J ConporN~aeNNe ,5) B~1tYM ~ipeodp+ao- SaIINM IB 0.2,0,15 6) BXUdH0e>,0,�) MOl1 < IOO NKC 'm7!K1/2 IAB 0.1 7) f lepexoanoe 3aSIKIIy' z.o lV M0l1 ~ IO NKC tPi073, I _ I(X)Mg o,W) BX01H02 10MUl1 ~ 10 WKC ,07046-7 j 0.1 H; ~ l H: O,M3 9) BWxoauoe 10.%10w i3 411,400 Wc _ 0.58: x JB. 1 Jn fi s... KL:Y : 1. Typc of systcm 2. Input signal range 3. Relativc crror 4. Impedance 5. Conversion time c,. Input 7. Transient impedance of clo5ed line 8. of broke : line 9. Output [O=F; LU=Shch; B=V; OM=S2; MKC=us; mc=ms] (:0!'Ylt[c,II'C: 'I'sentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekiiniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sisicm upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpribornstroyeniya), 1979 (57-7872) 7872 (:tiU : 1863 118 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SOFTWARE UDC 65 UKGMIIZAI'IQN OF AUTOhfATED CONTROL SYSTEMS SOFTWARE SUPPORT OF NATIONAL COMPUTER CEsNTERS . Moscow SftEUSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IIQ-i PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM a3id SM EVM Systems and ~ 'fheir Application] in Russian 1979, 3 pp M_ [Text] 'I'he Ministry of Instrument Engineering and Automation and Control Systems established the Central ASU [Automated control system] and Program Library (TsFAP ASU) for supplying organizations and enterprises of the country, irrespective of their departmental subordination, with ASU software. The centralized automated control system algorithm and program library (TsFAP ASU), in acCOrdance with "Statute on the procedure of the delivery into service of com- plete developments," accepts ASU algorithms and programs, developed by organiza- - tions and enterprises, irrespective of their departmental subordination. In the �cceptanGe of software TsFAP ASU gives preference to systems for automating the planning of automated control systems, for automating ASU task programming, and - to typical programs for solving problems of functional ASU systems, which reduce tho labor involved in ASU programming and planning and assure their utilization by many clients. 'fsFAP ASU is made up of PPP [Applied programs package] and SMO [not further identi- fied] for third-generation computers. The library presenzly contains about 150 PPP and SMO of ASU with a total volume of 6 million machine instructions. In 1980 the library will contain 10 million machine instructions. - TsFAP ASU includes PPP and SMO that can be used for the development of various types of ASU at diFferent levels of management. I'ha library contains packages for organi.zing and conducting the ASU information base, for organizing a computer process, for automating ASU programming and planning, for implementing optimum planning and control procedures, for solving problems of functional subsystems of automated control systems and problems of - functional subsystems of national economic sector management; for solving problems of functional subsystems of nonindustrial automated management systems, and it also contains method-oriented applied p rogram packages. TsrAP ASU accepts PPP and SMO from organizations of the Ministry of Instrument Engineering and Automation and Con*_rol Systems in accordance with subject matter. _ 119 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 t)rbaiiizatioris and enterprises of other ministries and departments can refer their - clcvolopments to TsFAP ASU of an association by exchanging PPP and Sb10 by agreement ;ncl i ii accordancc wit}i cocltracts made tivith an association. Whcn 'I'sFAl' r1SU rcccives PPP and S6f0 it tests them on test examples of the develop- itg organization. (:lients :ire serviced as follows: with information materials, tran.smittal of soft- w;ire, attending of software, and training of specialists of client organizations. liit'orm;ition materials released by the library enable clients to become familiar with the functional capabilities of the library software, wii:h its makeup, prnspect.s of composition and recommendations on the utilization of software during , the cicvclopment and adoption of systems. - Abst.i�actti, subject and bibliographic indexes of the literature enable the clients tc) kcc}) track of the trend of softwarc development, improve programmer labor organization and increase the functional reliability of systems. c:licnts reccive, in accordance with work done by an association on information yupport, tfic following: a TsPAP A5U PPP and SMO catalogue, updated to 1 January of . the current ycar, with brief descriptions of the components of the library; a - c:zitFi loguc of PPP and SMO that go into the library in a quarter (after each - (iuartcr) ; brief descriptions of the application of PPP or SbfO acceptea by the 1 ibrary; recommendations on the use of library programs; materials of semiliars, ineet iiibs anci conferences condticted by library specialists on questions of �the _ cleveloprnent and application of ASU programs; abstract surveys on ASU softw,are; bibliographic and subject indexes of the literature on basic subject trenc'is in = rel;ition to the development and utilization of ASU software. ~ '1'ransmittal of software includes: recording of transmitted programs on client's J magnctic tape or magnetic ciisk, transmittal of program documentation, transmittal of ncw versions of 1)rograms and of modifications in the program documeatation _ wit}iin tflc term of a contract. f,ibr;iry sleciali~zts perform three kinds of attendance work: 1. 'I'iiey attencl PPI' and render assistance to clients on the selection of planning clec i 5i ons cluring the uti li zation of PPP; tlley offer consultations on the descrip- tiori oF selected planning decisions in the PPP input language and on rules per- tainiiig to the wr.iting of client units; they render assistance in the discovery :sncl correction of errors during the adoption of the attended PPP; they transmit uew vcrsions alici revisions of the operational documentation of the attended PPP; they take Part in tri.als of the attended PPP on the client's information. 2. 'I'hey uttenr.l IIPP for refining the client's parameters (PPP generation); they cicscribe selected planning decisions in the PPP input language; they acquire = wprking programs that fit the description in the PPP input language; :S. 'I1icy attend PPP for the purpose of developing a set of problems to be solved by agi ven Ilf'P. Uuring the completion of work on this kind of attendance, in addition ' 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY to wox�h called for by the first and second kinds of attendance, they work out pl:inning decisions on the uti.lization of PPP at the client's facility and develop basic pl;xnning deci5ions on the organization of the information base; they develop :+ystom aE classification and coding and technological instructions on data pro- cotisirtg; thcy takc part in the test operation of a system. 'I'htis, work in all kinds of attendance is finished with the adoption of software ut the client's facility. Client specialists are trained in the course system in lectures and practical exercises. T}-,e training program is developed by library software attendance spccialist5. (:OPYRIGFIT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekiiTiiko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 - (57-7872) 7872 (:5(): 1863 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 GENERAL PURPOSE OpERATIONAL PERFORATED TAPE SYSTEM (PLOS SM) hlosr.ow SREQSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM T IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Applicstion] in Russian 1979, 1 p [ToxtJ I'he system is inzended for preparing, debugging and running client - pr.agrams in assembler language in the single-program mode and is used for auto- mating simple control systems for scientific experiments and scientific-technical calculatians. PGOS SM is tised itt SM computer complexes, built on the SM-3P processor. In PLOS SM all systems progxams are on perforated tape. The program and data � input-output takes place through the input-output system from perforated tape. A client,conducts dialogue with the systems programs with the aid of instructions �rom the terminal keyboard. PLOS SM contains the following programs: assembler language translator, input- output dispatcher, text editor, debugger, OZU [Direct access memory] output program, initial loaclex (performs loading of programs from perforated tape), absolute loader (porforms loading of programs in absolute format), and a package of standard sub- routines Por performing �loating and fixed decimal arithmetic operations and com- putation of elementary functions. The system operates with the minimum set of hardware, which includes: SM-3P processor; 8K word OZU; perforated tape input-output system. COPYRIGHT: 'rsQntral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhnxko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 _ [57-7872] 7872 _ CSO: 1863 - 122 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 REAL-'CIME 01'ERATIONAL PERFORATED TAPE SYSTEM (PLOS RV) Moscow SRE()STVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 'Their Alplzcation] in Itussian 1979, 1 p [Text) The system is intended for solving a wide range of problems in scientific reseurch automation systems and industrial control systems. PLOS RV is used in SM EVM computer complexes, built on the SM-3P or SM-4P processor. !'LO5 RV performs multiprogram operation on a priority basis. The system has a flexible and efficient input-output operation processing system, which provides independent tasking from external systems and enables them to back up and use jointly external systems and to be switched to alternative systems. The operator has at his disposal a large set of systems instructions, which are transmitted through the console. PLOS (tV offers the follawing capabilities: simultaneous couiyietion of real-time tasks (up to 127); completion of one main task; initiation of tasks by operator inqiiiry, programmed inquiry, interrupt and timer inquiry; control of task comple- tian time on each priority level by a tracking timer. Tasks are programmed in assembler language. The system is delivered on perforated tape carrier. PLOS RV includes the following programs: monitor, text editor, composer, assembler, debugger, P WS RV generation modules. 'fhe minimum configuration of hardware Lsed for the operation of PLOS RV includes Kn SM-3P or SM-4P processor, 16K word OZU [Direct access metnory], timer, input- autput perforated tape system, alphanumerical video terminal. Auxiliary systems include an alphanumeric printer, additional 28K word OZU units, analog-digital signal input-output systems, eight auxiliary terminals, magnetic disk storage (without operation with files). _ COPYRIGNT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tokhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i ; sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872J 7872 CSO: 1$63 123 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 BACKGROUN[) OPBRATIONAL REAL-TIME BASE OPERATIONS SYSTEM (FOBOS) Moscow SREiDSTVA YE5 EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Th eir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Text] The system is intended for building specific versions of operations systems for task-oriented computer complexes and can be used in laboratory resaurch automation systems and test control and for solving scientific-technical - and uther problems of a computational nature in the background mode. - FOBOS is used in SM EVM computer complexes, built on SM-3P or SM-4P processors. FOgOS is a real-time system and is characterized by the minimum response time, in comrarison with other operations systems, to an external stimulus. In order to operate the system needs from 16K to 28K word memory. FOBOS offers the client a flexible real-time input-output service system. The FOBOS monitor and program-driver package services a wide range of external Sh] EVM systems. By connecting nonstandard external systems to SM EVM it is possible to Q xrana thc collection of drivers for servicing these systems. The system enables a client to write programs in macroassembler, FORTRAN-IV, - BASIC and DIASP languages. The system is delivered on a disk carrier. The FOBOS set includes the following pmgrams: monitor, text editor, composer, filc operation program, librarian, debugger. Auxili.ary FOBOS programs per�orm the following functions: comparison of tPxt, file c hange, code revision, module subject revision and printout. The minimun configuration of hardware used for FOBOS operation conJists of an SM-3P or SM-4P processor, alphanumeric video terininal, OZU [Direct access - memory] with a capacity of at least 16K words, timer, magnetic disc storage and perforated tape input-output system. Accessories include up to 28K word OZU, an alphanumeric printer, punch card reader, e xtra magnetic disk storages (including floppy disks), COPYftIQiT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i t ekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i - sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] - 124 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 , iIIERARCHICAL DISTRIBIITED INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRIS) FOR HANDLING BANKS AT MULTICOMPUTER SM EVM- M-4030 COMPLEXES Moscow SREUSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IIQi PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thear Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p [Text] The system is intended for managing centralized data banks (TsBD) at WK [Control computer complex] M-4030 and for supporting operation with them at multi- computer SM EVM-M-4030 complexes and is used in information retrieval systems, statistical data processing systems, finance systems, frame systems, operational gccounting and planning systems, records control systems, ASUTP, experimental and test data acquisition and processing systems. The system operates in real time and provides telecommunication access. Access to data banks, set up under the control of IRIS, is gained both in package, and in dialogue modes. The IRIS system enables a client to engage in exchange in a special language, close to natural. The system can be connected to a client pro- Kxam system, in which the programs are written in assembler M-4030, macroassembler SM EVM, FORTRAN and COBOL languages. IRIS consists of three interacting components: IRIS/6p is the heart of the system and manages the data bank at M-4030 (M-4030-1); IRIS/TO provides telecommunication access to TsBD both through terminals connected to M-4030, and through SM EVM terminals; IRIS/KM is a collection of progrananable interfaces, which enable clients to work with TsBD at multicomputer M-4030 (M-4030-1)-SM EVM complexes. COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] - 7872 CSO: 1863 ~ ! ~ ~ 125 I ~ F'OR W'FiCiAi. USF, (1Ni.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 rvx vrrmanu vac viva,x - UDC 681.14 NUMEiRICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURES PROGRAM PACKAGE (ChAP) Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Thair Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p [Text] The program package is intended for expanding the applications of direct access disk storage systems of the SM-3 and SM-4 control computer complexes for solving numerical analysis problems ~zd it can be used for automating tac;.^.elogical processes and scientific experiments, for carrying out scientific-technical cal- culations and for constructing mathematical models of continuous and discrete processes. 'fho package is a library of program modules in FORTRAN-IV language, which enables the client to develop the package configuraticn necessary for solving specific problems. The package is an open system and can be expanded by the client as necassary. '1'te package functions under the contxol of disk storage systems of the SM-3 or SM-4 UVK [Control computer complex] with a FORTRAN-IV language translator. The package i.s delivered on eight perforated tapes with modules and two perforated tapes with _ check probloms. The package includes SO modules, about 26,000 words in instruc- ti.ons and ahout 480 pages of documentatian. ChAP consists o� the following modu2es: modules for solving routine equations, modules for numerical integration of functions, modules for operations on poly- - nomials and for finding the roots of polynomials, modules for computing speci�al functions and moduies for approxima.ting and interpolating functions. 1'he modules of the package do not contain input-output data operations, which must be done by the client's programs, written in FORTRAN-IV language. COhYRIGEIT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872J 7872 CSO: 1863 126 FOR OFFIC(AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 ~ 'YeSf:VM-UVKINFORMATION EXCHANGE' APPLIED PROGRAM PACKAGE (PPP YeSM) Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [ToxtJ The package is intended for controlling data exchange between data processors in YeS [Ifiified series] EVM and WK [Control computer complex] of the M-6000, M-7000 and SM EVM types in control systems, built on the basis of inhomo- geneous multicomputer complexes (primarily in industrial-technological ASU [auto- mated cantrol system]). F'PP YeSM performs input-output operations between YeS EVM and UVK; establishes, mainLains and finishes communications between data processoxs, solving client - problems in a multicomputer complex; it recodes data; it controls transit data; ~ it solves YeS EVM client problems in real time; it performs autonomous and non- sutonomous testing of communications lines; assembles traffic statistics. The YeSM package is a collection of communications software, shared by the computers of an inhomogeneous multicomputer complEx, capable of being adapted to a - specific computer-to-computer exchange system. It controls communications in nccordance with the following communications plans: YoS EVM-SKA (A711-1/6)-UVK for a distance of up to 50 m through a program channel and KPDP [not further identified]; YeS EVM-SKA (A711-1/6)-ARS (A723-2)-MBPD (A721-1/1)-MBPD (A721-1/1)-WK for a distance of up to 1 km; ~ YeS I:VM-(RI-8901)-(APD-21S)-WK for a distance af up to 10 km. ~ The communications drivers monitor client task requests for the completion of ~ input-output operations, carry out the exchange procedure called for in the package, detect errors during the course of exchange, process them and advise client tasks about the result of the completion of requested operations. The communications service tasks and subprograms in WK perform indication of ~ communications lines, monitoring of established connections, schedules data - processing processes, controls transit messages, prints and corrects coimnunica- . tions service tables in UVK and recodes symbolic information. _ 127 FnR ()FF'i(`iAi, i)SF, nNi.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 i�vn vrVa%..A~a. v-.. .+i,- Tlie communications control program (PUS) in YeS E'JM is a message stream-oriented interface with a short time response between YeS EVM and WK client tasks, which - adaPts tha computer-to-comouter traffic to a specific system, carries out the exchange procedure called for in the package, performs dynamic plamiing and organizgtion of client task completion in real time, controls transit messages, - organ.izos and processes message schedules in main memory, collects traffic statistics And performs nonautonomous testing of enabled connections. . '1'he technical communications service program complex tests the performance of communications equipment with autonomous debugging and trouble-shooting. 'i'hc package software on the UVK end were developed in consideration of the - rec{uirements of OS RV [Qperational real-time system], DOS RV [Operational real-time system] and DOS ASPO [not further identifiedJ WK, and on the YeS EVM end in coiisideration of requirements of OS YeS with a control program in the MVT and MFT mocles with subtasks. The package software of WK can be used for communications in Yc5 EVM directly for client tasks by means of the VTAM access method in the l)QS YcS mcdium. _ '['}ie functional capabilities o= the package can be utilized in virtually all data processing systems, built nn the basis of inhomogeneous multicomputer complexes. F'f'P YeSM is a system that provides future expansion in the following directions: development of task-oriented complexes, controlling immediate data processing and the computing process in a multicomputer complex; control of communications in accordance with new communications plans: YeS EVM-MPD ~ (YeS-8403)-MO[1EM (YeS-8010)-MODEM (YeS-8010)-ADS2 (A721)-WK for a distance of up ta 13,900 km; YeS EVM-SKA-ARS-(MSAPD-MPP)-(APD-MPP)-(APD-MPP)-(MSAPD-MPP)-WK for a distancc of up to 15 km; Jevclopinent of unified control software for terminals and remote EVM in an inhomo- geneous multicomputer complex. (:0I'Y11IGII'I': Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tek}iniko-ekonomi.cheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [S7-7H72] 7872 - C5() : 1863 128 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFI('IAI. USE ONLY UUC 681.14 DA'1'A TIiLfiPROCESSING SYSTEM (STOU) Moscow SW:USTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EV'tYl Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p [Text] 'I'lie system is intended for controlling data transmission processes on commwl.ications lines, for servicing long-distance data processing systems, message concentrators and switches based on UVK [Control computer complex] SM-3 or SM-4 and for use in industrial research, scientific developments and control systems. STOD is designed on the modular principle. The system gives the client the following capabilities: initialization of data transmission lines, reception and - transmission of inessages on communications lines, bufferization of inessages, synchronization of inessage transmission, connection of systems subprograms to client program. The syr-tem comes in two models: one for autonomous operation and the other for operation under the control of DOS.[Disk operations'system]. 5TOU consists of the following basic modules: data teleprocessing monitor, sub- � routines for servicing terminals and input-output service subroutxnes. COPYRIGII'C: 'Csentral'nyy nauc}ino-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i - tektiniko-eknnomicheskYkh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem tipravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 129 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 rva~ v.�.� v.~a, v..... UDC 681.14 l)ISK UTAIAGUE MULTICONSOLE SYSTEM FOR SOLVING INFORMATION PROBLEMS (DIAMS) - Moscow SREnSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Toxt] The system is intended for controlling data bases and for solving informat.ion-logic problems and for use in automated operatioftal control systems, scientific research control systems, economic data processing systems and other systems, where there is a need for the acquisition, storage and processing of data in the mode of collective access to the bases of many clients with different, including remote terminals. DIAMS is used in SM EVM computer complexes, developed on the basis of the S61-0 or SM-3P processor with an arithmetic expander. UTAMS is designed on the modular principle and provides the client with extensive capabilities: multiprogram problem solving; operation in the dialogue and program - modes; development and management of an hierarchical tree structure on data base - disks; reody access to a wide range of external systems, included in the nomen- clature of SM EVM hardware; development, debugging and running of programs in high- level dialogue language; line data processing; simultaneous access to the data bases of many clients (up to 40) with different terminals (up to 48); authorization of uccess; protection of client programs and data; interaction between client tasks; generation of versions of the system for specific hardware configuration and fnr gi.von functions; operational modification of systems configuration; diagnostic error monitoring. [)1AMS gives the client a high-level dialogue programming language, oriented toward variable-length line data processing, processing of numerical and logic in�ormation and logic variables. The system is delivered on disk carriers. The t)IAMS operations system is located entirely in direct access memory and occupies a volume of 22 ro 48k bytes. pIAMS consi.sts of an operations system and an applied program package. The opera.tions system consists of a dispatcher, input-output monitor, data base interpreter and supervisor. The applied program package contains systems programs nocessary for the systems administrator, and library programs, accessible to all clxcnts. '['!ic minimum canf.iguration of hardware used for DIAMS operation includes: SM-4P procossor (or SM-3P with an arithmetic expander); 16K word direct access memory (lier.e two clients can work simultaneously); a magnetic disk storage (with fixed 130 FOR OFF[CIAL USE OPILY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE OvI,Y hcads or of the cassette type), magnetic tape storage, timer, input-output pnrforated tape system, alphanumeric video terminal, alphanumeric printer. "fho direct access memory can be expanded to 124K words for the SM-4P (this vnables up to 40 clients to work and provides connection to up to 43 terminals) _ aiid ul) to 28K words for the SM-3P (up to 16 clients). 'i'hc system operates up to eight replaceable disks cr disks with fixed heads, up to four magnetic tape storages; floppy disks, alphanumeric printers, etc.; up to 48 ulphanumeric terminals. Data transmission equipment (up to four long-distance commtinications dispatchers) are used for connecting remote terminals. - CUHYRIGNT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] - 7872 1863 ~ 131 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 UDC 681.14 UISK OPERATIONS SYSTEM (DOS SM) Moscow SltL�USTVA YE5 EVM I SM EVM I Ilo-l PRIM�NENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and I'heir Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p ~ ['fext] The system is intended for developing, debugging and running programs in the package and dialogue modes. DOS SM is a general purpose operations system. UOS 5M is used in SM EVM computer complexes, built on the basis of SM-3P or SM-4B . processors. ~ UOS SM provides the following capabilities in the dialogue and package modes: disk recording af systems and client's files using multilevel catalogues, copying, printing and protection of files; translation, composition and debugging of pro- grams, written in FORTRAN-IV or macroassembler languages; editing of symbolic files; development of libraries of subject and load modules. _ DU5 SD1 is dosigned on the modular principle and contains packages of control and processing programs. DOS SM includes the following systems programs:-monitor, - FORTRAN-IV language translator, composer, librarian, debugger, editor, file operation program. 'fhe minimum hardware configuration, used for DOS SM operation, consists of an SM-3P or SM-4P processor, 16K word OZU [Direct access memory], magnetic disk storage, - perforated tape input-output system, alphanumeric printer, alphanumeric video terminal. Accessory systems include: up to 28K word OZU, timer, magnetic disk storage, magnetic disk storage fixed heaas or of the cassette type, punch card input system, additional terminals, initial hardware loader. - COPYR:,,,',HT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tek)inik'o-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] I 7$72 CSO: 1863 132 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 RrAL-'fIME DISK OPERATIONS SYSTEM (DOS RV) hloscow 5REUSTVA YES EVht I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Tlieir Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p [1'ext] '1'he system is intended for use in automated scientific research and rlanning-design systems and in data acquisition and analysis systems. DOS RV is used in SM EVM computer complexes, built on the basis of the SM-3P or SM-4P processor. _ 'I'he htLSic features of DOS RV are: real-time operation in the multiprogram mode; ~ pr.iority- dispatching in combination with time quantizing dispatching; offers ~ carubilities for working with files developed under DOS contro7; capability of i task loading from disk and perforated tape; restorat;nn tn operation after power - failure; tasks can be included in the system during the generation of the system; work can be organized with additional external systems; it is independent of the f input-output systems. 'I'}ic tasks performed under UOS RV control can be written in assembler, macro- ttssembler or FORTRAN-IV language, expanded by real-time operations systems. DOS nV includes a set of systems instructions, transmitted through the console tcrminal. lOS ItV offers the following capabilities: simultaneous completion of up to 127 tusks in rcal time; completion of a single background task; completion of tasks on 'C Lour priority levels, initiation of tasks at the operator's command, programmed interrogation, interrupt by interrogation and from the timer; determination of the time it takes to complete a task on each priority level during the generation of a system. DOS ItV includes a set of control programs (perforated tape task loader, disk and pcrforated tape task loader), a set of service programs (editor, assembler, composer, debugger, a program for working with files) and systems programs. 'i'he minimum hardware configuration used for operation of DOS RV includes an SM-3P ar SM-0 processor, at least 15& word direct access storage system, console terminal, perforated tape input-output system, disk storage and global loader. 133 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 Aciditi.onal systems include: up to 28K word direct access memory, alphabetic printar, magnetic disk storage with fixed heads, up to eight extra terminals. Any client terminal during DOS RV system generation can be designed as a console - nr used for operator instruction input. '1'Iie I)OS RV system offers the capability of working in a configuration with addi- = tional external standard and nonstandard systems by connecting the drivers of these systems to UOS RV during generation. ~ CQPYRIGH'C: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i ~ tekliniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistr.m upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 - [57-7872) - 7872 GSO: 1863 134 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 m FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY I)I/1l.OGtJfi [=11i0GtZAhtMING SYSTEM (L'S SM) UDC 681.14 hloscaw SRGDSTVA YES EVM I S61 F.Vh1 I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Tlici r Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p ['I'extJ Thc system is intended for the development, debugging and running of client programs, written in FOIC/1L dialogue language, for automating scientific research, ii scientific-technical and economic calculations and in education. DS SM is intended for operation in the single-program mode in SM EVM computer complexes, built on the SM-3P or SM-4P processor. DS Sbt enables a client to work in the dialogue and program modes. The system is delivered on perforated tape carrier. The maximum direct access memory volume is 4K words. The volume of inemory occupied by the interpreter program is 2.8K words. US SM was developed as an input language interpreter program and performs the following functions: prepares client programs, debugs them (edits original text, prints out client error codes, controls the printing of the program text), loads client nrograms into OZU [Direct access memoryJ from perforated tape, prints them nut on perforated tape or prints text, performs arithmetic operations on numbers, pcrforms standard functions. '1'iie minimum hardware configuration used for DS SM operation includes an Sb1-3P or SM-4H processor, at least 4K word OZU, perforated tape input-output system, tlphanumcric video terminal based on the "Videoton-340" system. 't'ho expanded peripheral hardware includes a printer with a"Konsul" keyboard and an alphxnumeric serial printer. CUPYRIG}iT: 'fsentral'nyy nauchno-issledavatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhn.iko-ekonomicheskikh issledo�raniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIp�riborostroyeniya), 1879 (57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 135 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 . � e e.,...... _ - UDC 681.14 TfiST-MONITUR OPF.FtATIONS SYSTEM (TMOS) Moscow SRFqSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1579, 1 p ['fext] The system is intended for trouble-shooting in WK [Control comguter complex] SM-3 and SM-4 and for facilitating the repair process. The system also is intended for improving the effectiveness of the labor of the personnel who service computer comPlexes and is used for automatic testing of SM-3 and SM-4 computer complexes. The system combines the test systems of SM-3 and SM-4 into a single test-monitor system. - TMOS performs the following functions: organization of an archive uf test programs anci test documents; callout and running of test programs; correction of test pro- grams; development, printout and correction of test files; automatic starting of ctiain5 of test programs; duplication of carrier of test-monitor system; generation of a version of the test-monitor system. TMOS is delivered on disk carrier. 'fMU5 includes the following program components: monitor, correction and generation programs, text editor. 'Che haxdware configuration used for TMOS operation consists of an SM-3P or SM-4P procossor; 8K word OZU [Uirect access memory]; perforated tape input-output system; nlphanumeric terminal. The expanded pexipheral system includes an up to 28K word OZU; alphanumeric printer and IZUT 1370-12I magnetic disk storage. C;OF'YftlGtl'I': Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekliniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy pribarostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem uPravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 136 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC681.14 TIF1E RESOU[tCE SHARING DISK OPERATIONS SYSTEM (DOS RVR) - Moscow SRGpSTVA YES EVM I SfN EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp i (TextJ I'he system is intended for aiding the functioning of SM-4 computer ; complexes in scientific research control systems, in operational control systems, for snlving scientific and engineering problems an;i in education. The time sharing disk operations system (DOS RVR) is a general purpose operations system. DOS RVR iS used in computer complexes, built on the basis of the SM-4P processor. DQS RVR uses the BASIC-PLUS programming language. The system prepares, debugs and rtans programs and generates specific versions of the system. The system services ut) to 24 clients in the dialogue mode and utilizes a wide range of SM EVM external systems in the time sharing mode. DOS RVR provides the client an opportunity to Cxpand its functions and to protect data by file duplication. The system is built an t}ie modular principle, and nonresident parts of the monitor are dynamically placeci in operational memory, and overlapping is used for systems programs; dis- tribution of processor time, of operational memory and of external systems among - tasks is dynamic. UUS ItVK contains the fol.lowing software systems: monitor, executive program, _ planner, file operation programs, external systems service program, interpreter, genoration and initialization systems, servicing programs. I I'fie system functions with the following minanum collection of hardware: SM-0 processar, console terminal, 32K word operational memory, external memory systems ~ on inciustrial tape, two external memory systems on magnetic cassette disks. -i Thc system supports the functioning of the following additional systems: up to 124K word operational memory, punch card reader, perforated tape input-output system, extra console terminals (up to 24), external magnetic tape cassette memory systems, _ data transmission ecluipment, external industrial raagnetic tape memory, up to eight magnetic cassette disk external memory systems, up to four magnetic disk ' mcmory systems with fixed heads and floppy disks. CUPY(tIGEIT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhiiiko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostrAyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872J 7872 CSQt 1863 , 137 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 UDC 681.14 REAL-TIM[s OPERATIONS SYSTEM (OS RV) Moscovi 'SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 1 p rI'ext] The system is intended for solving a wide range of control problems in - real time, from small systems for laboratory research to multiclient processing and contral systems. OS RV iy used in SM EVM computer complexes, built on the basis af the SM-3P or SM-4P processor. OS ItV operates in the real-time multiprogram mode and systems resources are shared nn a priority basis. The system solves both real-time problems and background prot)lems. QS RV serves many terminals, and any client terminal can be used as a rommand terminal. Disks are used for maintaining systems files and as the basic clata cnrrier. This facilitates the development of a general file system, temporary outloading of tasks, operational memory, speedy task initiation and operation with nverlaps. Task loading into memory, temporary outloading onto a disk ciuring execution are done in one access to the disk, which increases the speed of the system. Tasks for 0S RV are programmed in macroassembler and FORTRAN-IV lanAuages, OS RV includes the following programs: control program, dialogue and package editor, F-ORTRAN-IV and macroassembler language translators, composer, debugger, tibrarian, file operation programs and systems generation program. '171e minimum hardware configuration used for OS RV operation includes an SM-4P or SM-31' central processor, alphanumeric video terminal, initial systems loader, operaltional storage system (16K words or 24K words, depending on the type of pro- - cossor), cassette disk, timer. Additional equipment includes: arithmetic expander, :floating arithmetic equipment, memory dispatcher. - COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i s�istem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 138 FOR-OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON1.Y APPLICATIONS ' UDC 65 - I MPItOVE:MEN'f OF MANACEMENT OF KUNTSEVSKIY RAYON OF MOSCOW ON THE BASIS OF '(t/1IS-K11NTSEVSKIY RAYON' Moscow SREDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM IN IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 'fheir Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp [Textl The ma:in purpose of the development of "RAIS-Kuntsevskiy Rayon" is impravement of rayon management on the basis of the application of economical- - mathematical methods and computer technology, aimed at improvement of social services in the territory as an integral communi�ty of the largest city. "RAlS-Kuntsevskiy Rayon" is being adopted in Moscow's Kuntsevskiy Rayon, which - occupies an area of 4,500 ha and has a population of more than 330,000. The I housing fund of the rayon is about 5 million square meters. The rayon has 46 Konaral education schools, more than 120 kindergartens and daycare centers, 8 haspitals and 10 polyclinics, 12 movie theaters and culture halls, more than 100 lihraries, 101 bookstores, 152 public restaurants and 154 social service enter- - prises. The rayon spends more than 30 million rubles annually on services for the population from the rayon budget alone. The ray ispolkom [executive committee] solves more than 8,000 problems during the year for operational management. 'I'he "[tA1S-Kuntsevskiy Rayon" system (see the figure [not reproduced]) consists of 12 subsystems, whicll perform 55 tasks, including 16 optimization and balance and 11 logic information tasks. The total number o'L tasks (numerator) and number of priority problems (denominator) are parenthesized in the figure. The system will be adopted in two stages. , The first stage includes five subsystems (25 tasks): subsystem for comprehensive planning and management of the socioeconomic development of the rayon (one problem is solved, in which the attainable level of rayon public services is taken into considerat.ion and analyzed); rayon economic planning and management subsystem (six accounting-analytical problems are solved for assessing the completion of the rayon plan on construction, organization of social services, scrap metal collection, byproduct raw materials collection, garbage collection and accounting of the = results of social competition); housing fund subsystem (this subsystem solves 11 information retrieval problems on accounting, registration, processing and trans- mittal o� answers to questions about the rayon housing fund, apartment rental and tenants); liighway construction and organization of social and public services sub- = system (two analytical-accounting problems are solved); commerce subsystem (five - analytical-accounting problems are solved). 139 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 _ Tho second stage includes seven subsystems (21 problems and 9 new problems in the subsy5tems of the first stage): operatinnal management and control subsystem (fivc problems); rayon budget planning and management subsystem (thTee problems); "Census" subsystem (two problems); national education subsystem (three problems); hoxlth subsystem (three problems); culture subsystem (one problem); constxuction subsystem (four problems). The total volume of information to be transmitted is 4.50107 characters. The daily voltimc is 1.77�105 characters. The peak daily volume is 15.67�105 characters. , 1'hc "RAIS-Kuntsevskiy Rayon" software consists of a set of program components, several UOS/YeS [Disk operations system/Unified series] control and service pro- . grams ancf PL/1 language translator. - COPYRIGtIT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tokhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 t57-7872] 7872 (:50: 1863 140 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 COR O(fr{1-jAV !rcE ONLY UDC 658.513 ASl!'1'I' WIUE-FLANGE BEAM ROLLING MILL Moscow SREpSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIHENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their Application] in Russian 1979, 2 pp ['Text] 'ftie automation of the wide-beam rolling complex embraces all basic technological sections: in the blooming mill the soaking pit sections (ONK), 111500" stands, hot guillotines (NGR); on the general purpase roller mill (UBS) cnntinuous furnace sections, 111300" stands, main general purpose stands (GUK), hot unci cold saws. _ A5UTp has a nonhierarchical structure with high-level information-control computer r.omj)lexes (IUK) and automated local program-logic decentralized control systems (ASVU, GSA), data input and display systems (SVPI) for operating technologists (OT), a set of primary technological information transducers (KD), final control mechnnisms (IM), automatic drive control systems (SAUP), and low-level data con- _ version and transmission systems (SPPI). A5U7'P of the 111500" blooming mill performs the following functions: ingot heating control in soaking pits (heating IUX-QNK and LSA); control of ingot buggy and conveyance of inetal on roller tables along working line ag blooming mill; programmed control of ingot upsetting in 111500" mill during reverse rolling (IUK-RO and ASPU-NM); measurement of leng2h of blooms and billets, calculation and implementation of cffoctive cutout plans (IUK-R1), control of supportless stopping of blooms for cutting and hot guillotines (ASOR); control of marking and bi]llet packaging. - ASUTP UBS performs the following functions: control of billet heating (heating IUK NZ and LSA) in continuous furnaces (MP), conveyance of billets to furnaces, loading of billets with a given step, delivery _ into furnaces, removal arad delivery of billets to stand section at a given rate (ASU MUP); ' 141 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 control of the clamps of the 111300" reducing stand (ASPU-11130011) and control of ttie main GUK-1, GUK-2, GUK-3 general purpose stands and VK1, VK2 auxiliary stands, including synchronization of GUK1, VK1 and GUK2, VK1 stand speeds; control of rollcr tables of section and stopping of hydraulic descaler, acquisition and pro- ccssing of technological information necessary for completion of the technological rolling process and equipment (IUK-UK, ASPU-UK); measurement of strip length after rolling in general purpose stands, calculation of cffective cutout plan (IUK-R2); control of moving saws in accordance with the cut- out plan and correction in accordance with metal temperature (ASPP); control of supportlcss stopping of strip for cutting (ASOP), delivery of saws, feedout of cut beams, marking and delivery to cooler section (Khl, Kh2); c;oiitral of conveyance of beams and stopping in front of six cooler sections in accordance a given loading plan; delivery of beams into collecting zone, beam cdging, positioning of beam at a given distance apart; conveyance of packagss of bcams in cooling zone (SAUKh). ASU'CI' includes: about 500 converters for 20 different kinds of primary techno- logical data (photographic relay, code, pulse, radio isotopic position sensors, rolling force meters, length of rolled stock, speeds, accelerations of electric drives, statistical rolling moment, etc.); about 200 specialized systems of 50 ciiffcrent kinds (logic programmable systems, consoles, displays etc.); 6 control camputer complexes of the SM-1, SM-2 types. A5U1'f' perForms the following �unctior.s: in the blooming mill shortening of the ingnt cycle by 3-5%, reduction of the rolling cycle time by 2%, reduction of rolling wastes by 1% due to efficient cutout; at UBS increase of furnace procluctivity by 20% and of stand productivity by 20-25%, reduction of cutout and cutting wastes by 1%, etc. (:OPYRIGII'f: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tckhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i ~ sistem upravleniya (TsN1IITEIpribr,rostroyeniya), 1979 (S7-7872J 7872 CSO: 1863 142 FOR OFF'iCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY L'DC 681.14 - MUL1'IMACNINE AUTOMATED COMPLEX MaSCow 5RCDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 1'licir ApplicationJ in Russian 1979, 1 p ['i'oxt] 'fhc complex is intended for automating scientific research in nuclear p}iysic.s, high-energy physics, solid state physics and radio biology and performs tlie following tasks:. cantrnl o� experiments in real time and compression of experimental data; ac:quisition, storage and operational processing of data from several concurrent experiments; provides the researcher with remote access (through subscriber terminals) to c:antrol of data set and selection and adjustment of processing programs, included in specialized libraries; performs operational work with data archives, developed by the system; organizes the transmission of arrays of experimental data to the main computer camplex for final processing. 1'iic complex has a hierarchical structure and consists of several multimachine laUoratory 5ubsystems with a high degree of autonomy, oriented at implementation of tho collective utilization of base computers. All subsystems are connected through :i concentrator computer to the main computer complex. Each subsystem includes mater stntions (IS) and exchange terminals. A typical IS consists of a small computer, K11MAK electronics and data display systems. Computers of the YeS [Uni- �icd series] series are used in the subsystems as base computer systems. The distance between different levels of the hierarchical network ranges from 10 m to 2 km. Uata exchange speed between computers is 20-SOK bytes/s. Computers are connected by cross-pair telephone cables, utilizing the channel-channel, KAMAK- KAMAK and KAMAK-channel principles. '1'tic software of the base computers of all subsystems of the complex is developed on tlie basis nf the same structural and functional principles: program systems are ~ argnnized as a group of interacting programs, stored in different program sections. ~ A high priority section contains a control program, consisting of a telecommunica- ~ tions subsystem, which implements a format of exchange with remote computers anu terminals; magnetic tape and disk access control subsystam; client instruction ~ 143 ; FOtt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 trunslator; processing control subsystem, which generates requests to start client progrAms; statistics acquisition subsystem. Fast data processing is performed in program sections, c ach of which can be used both by a monopoly and by a group of c:liotits, depending on relative priorities. Each processing section has monitor, whicli provides conn ection to the control program, loads client programs and ' interprofs requests from pxograms for data exchange with magnetic tapes, disks and pc;ripheral computcrs. The base computer software offers storage of data on tape anci of arrays of data on disks with automatic processing program starting and creates data archives on disks and performs operational starting of fast processing programs. 1'he IS software includes a collection of control programs, data acquisition and primary processing programs and experiment control programs. CUPYRIGIiT: Tsentr al'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [ 57-7872] 7872 (:50: 1863 144 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 - , ~ FOR OJF[CIAL USE ONLY ; UDC 681.14 'hWYAK-1' 7'EST-COhiPUTEV-STATIONN Moscow SREsDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and Their ApplicationJ in Russian 1979, 1 p [Text) 'The "Mayak-1" test-computer: station is a part of the multimachine nutomated complex, developed at LIYaF [Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics] B. P. Konstantinov of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The station is built on the base of the IVK-1 complex and is intended for solving problems in experimental low- and moderate-energy nuclear physics. "Mayak-1" is a combination of software and hardware systems that perform precision multichannel amplitude analysis of signals arriving from nuclear radiation detectors. Mnkeul) of station: IVK-1 base set, special purpose functional modules and physical information display system (raster display). The nomenclature of special purpose functional modules includes a spectrometric amplifier, two discriminator- una.lyzers, analog processor for analyzing and sampling analyzed signals and for normalizing or converting input signals, "time-code" converters, "code-voltage" converters, comparators for comparing codes in two selected zones with the code of tlic crate data trunk. The comparator is used in the spectrometer channel stabili- aation system and along with the "code-voltage" converter performs the functions of ti meter. 'Chc "time-code" converter, along with an analog processor, comprises A'['s{' (Analog-digital converter]. All modules feature programmable parameter control. '['he raster display is built on KAMAK module and industrial TV electronics. '1'here is a set of control commands: light up a point, take away a point, shift ittll i c:s, etc. Specifications Gencration time constant, Us � Ga:in Integral nonlinearity 17.02 Jriput signal, V , i)iscrimination threshold, mV Qtatput voltage 165.10 Spectrometric Amplifier Discriminators-Analyzers 0.25-7.5 2-2,048 �0.5�10-" lst 2nd 0-2.5 0-5 25 50 25mV+U= 1/2U SOmV+U=U 145 0 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 161.05 "Time-Code" Converter _ Word length lb V'i 11 ing frequency, NWz 100 L 840 Raster Display 1'ext format 32 64-character lines Graphics format, dots 128 X 128 Symbol set, characters 96 (KOI-7) COI'YItIGNT: Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistom upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriboxostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 CSO: 1863 146 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300084434-3 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC 681.14 INDUS'1'ItiAl. COWtUNICATIONS SYSTEMS FOR SM-3 AND SM-4 CONTROL COMPUTER COMPLEXES hioycnw 5REDSTVA YES EVM I SM EVM I IKH PRIMENENIYE [YeS EVM and SM EVM Systems and 'Cheir Application] in Russian 1979, 4 pp - [Taxt] The systems are intended for analog and digital input-output and signal normalizati.on. They normalize signals from resistive thermometers, correct the eold solder temperature of thermocouples, perform analog signal input, switching nnd analog-digital conversion, digital, initiative and pulse signal input, pulse, diKital and analog signal output, autonomous initiative channel address retrieval, data exchange with a processor through a"common line" interface. I'he industrial communications systems feature a unified hardware base with the SM-3 und SM-4 WK [Control computer complex], providing unified principles of the construction of task-oriented and specialized control complexes; extensive nomencllture of analog and digital input signals; guaranteed metrological characteristics through the entire analog input metering channel; high noise immunity of the analog and digital input channel; large volume of test and client software. ~ '['he industrial communications systems include sn analog input system (UVA), digital input-output system (UVU) and external normalization unit (BVN). Analob Input Signal System (WA) UVl1 is used in SM-3 and SM-4 computer corrtplexes. It is in2ended for the input and convcrsi.on to parallel 12-digit binary code of DC voltages in the following ranges; -10...0...+10 mV; -20...0...+20 mV; 0...35 mV; -50...0...+50 mV; -lOn...O...+ 100 mV; -1...0...+1 V; -5...0...+5 V; of direct currents in the -S...O...+S mA range. - l)eponding on the utilization of the "ccmmon line" interface connecting Equipment (there is or is not a BK1-AV interface unit) and on how the WA metering-channel - is controlled (there is or is not a BKU-AV control unit), and also on the utiliza- _ tion af a contact or contactless switch, there are six models of UVA: UVAO-UVA1 ttie basic modifications (with contact and with contactless switches, respectively), have an interface unit for connection to a processor; WA2-UVA3 modifica- tions f.or expanding the number of input channels (UVA4-WA5 in one rack, UVA2-UVA3 with racks). A structural diagram of UVA is presented in Figure 1. ~ 147 - ; FOR OF19Cidi i1SE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 - UVA is structurally housed in self-contained building blocks. Each WA - modification has 64 input channels. - Specifications _ [nput error, $ voltage in ranges: -10...0,..+ 10 mV; 0...10 mV....... �0.6 -20...0...+20 mV; 0...20 mV........ �0.5 -35...0...+35 mV; 0...35 mV........ *-0.5 - -50 ...0...+50 mV; 0...50 mV........ �U.5 -100...0...+100 mV; 0...100 0.....�0.4 - -1...0...+1 V; 0...1 V .............�0.25 -5...0...+5 V; 0...5 V .............�0.25 c:urrent in ranges: -5...0...+5 mA; 0...5 mA............ �0.25 - Iriput channel iiiterrogation speed, channel/s: - with relay switch 200 = with contactless switch: for up to 100 mV si gnals up to 2,000 . for 1 and 5 V, 5 mA signals up to 6,000 J Interterance suppression coefficient, dB: - normal interference on SO Hz 60 general interference with unbalanced 1 kS2 impedance on direct ~ ctirrent and 50 Fiz alternating cuxrent: - for up to 100 mV signals not less than 100 for 1 and 5 V, 5 mA signals not less than 60 AC mnin power: + 22 voltagc, V 220 - 33 tirequcncy, Hz 50 � 1 Input pawer, V�A not more than 300 Ambient tempcrature, �C 5-40 Ilclative hum.idity, a up to 90 (at 30�C) Atmospheri.c pressure, mm Hg st. 630-800 - General ciimensions, mm: . UVAU-UVA3 483 X 356 x 650 ~ UVAn-lJVAS 483 X 267 X 650 Uigital Input-Output System (WD) - l!V[) is intended for receiving signals from digital transducers and for output of d.igital and analog control signals to different mechanisms and terminals. By using tlie systam in conjtinctivn with SM-3, SM-4 control computer complexes and witli other computers that uti.lize the "common line" interface it is possible to build highly productive input-output systems, used for controlling technological - processes and for automating scientific research. By selecting the right version of thc system and by connecting together up to 12 WD systems of different varia- tions w.ith the output of just one of them to the "common line" interface i.t is possible to build a system that meets the client's needs. 148 a FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 ) OQuros wuNa `iE / 6KM�AB / / Z ~ _Ya _2 6KPj 6KP4 y~-. 6KPl 6K 4 J )oce K I I . 3 occ oNene ~ ~ ~ 9~ it 1 ~ 4 om scmvmroe 0n ~mvu.oe ~L ~ - _ on -e~umvu- ,rge -111 J ~ --009enu ynpmsntxua ! � I ; Figure 1. Structural diagram of WA: GWH-AB - - cassette inter- ~ face unit; EKY-AB cassette control unit; 6HP-AB cassette amplifier unit; GNH-1 cassette contact switch unit; i E'~iN-2 cassette contactless switch unit. KEY: 1. Common line 4. From transducers - 2. Control S. Control circuits 3. Cross panel ~ 'I'Iie Uilp comes in :2 models, depending on whether or not there is an interface unit, ~ and also on the makeup of the functional modules. UV[) is ciesigned as a self-contained building block and is installed in a standard ( SM CVM rack. ~ i A structurul diagram of an input-output system based on WD is presented in I . FiRure I Specifications Muximum number of channels in self-contained unit: - digital input 256 initiative signal input 128 input-output 16 digital output 256 analog output 16 'fype of signal: ciigital input two-position positive or negative polarity 149 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 = i.nitiat.ive signal input Input signul level, V: labic "p" - ingic "I" . - M3ximum general interference during input of digital = und .initiative signals, V Inpttt pulse frequency, kHz ' Pulso duration: _ input, Us _ output Uutput signal range Nonli.neari.zy, o I'ulsution o� output signal, o Maximum output voltage, V Maximum autput current, A (;ountcr cupacity, bits l.aad impednnce, kSt: t'or voitage for Current in ranges: U...5 mA 0 10 mA U...2c) mA Uutput signal transient time, ms Amb:ient temperature, �C humidity, % Atmaspheric pressure, mm Hg Goneral dimensions, mm So�twurc two-position initiative positive or negative polarity 0...1.2; 0...2.4; 0...4.8; 0...9.6 6 + 1.2; 12 � 2.4; 24 � 4.8; 48 � 9.6 100 not more than 15 not less than 10 50 us-1 ms 0...5 V; 0...5; 0...10; 0...20 mA not more than 0.2 not more than 0.1 48 0.2 lb not more than 1.5 1 0.5 0.25 not more than 1 5-40 up to 90 (at 30�C) 630-800 483 x 400 x 650 '1'iic t.IVA and l1VD software is delivered along with the systems and contains: UVA "Metrologiya" prugram, which utilizes statistical techni.ques for analyzing motrologic characteristics on each metering channel; measu:od parameter comparison program with settings; parameter averaging program; prabram for linearizing the nonlinear characteristics of transducers and for scKling; "l1VA Urivcr" programp� "UVU Controller Test" program; 150 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 m FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1) 0ftco wuHQ ~TJ A I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L ylLQ-i...l1 ~ ~t'II 6 4 a4~ ~ ~ 6 a ~e ? ~ I yBQ-6...~ I 9 /la ~ O~ I 4 = d P91 I I 6KY-QB - 13 o~ i yU�6. 1f I I yff1l.6 .!1 I yBl1-6... . 3) K oAtKmy Figure 2. Structural diagram of input-output system based on UVD: bM-M cassette interface unit; U-4f'-,QB interface expansion unit; 6KY-,QB cassette control unit for tour work positions for functional modules. KEY: 1. Common line 3. To facility 2. To transducers and 4. Cr,oss controls [Y8,(J,=UVD] "UVU Module Test" program; "UVI) f)river" program. i.:xtcrnal Normalization Unit (BNV) It is intended for normalizing the signals from resistive thermometers, for auto- miitic comrensation of the thermal emf of the loose ends of thermionic thermometers due ta the difference of the temperature of the loose ends from 0�C; shifting of the ontire range of chromel-copel thermionic thermometer output signals if they have negative values, into the positive range of values; conversion from individual cables, carrying signals from therminnic thermometers and resistive thermometers, to a cammon (group) cable. 1'Itic BNV units are installed at places where transducers are concentrat^d. Specifications Basic tdlerable error of compensation of thermal emf of laose ends of thermionic thermometers, mV: 151 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000300084434-3 for KhK and KhA not more than �(1.1 + 6.0 10'9t) for PP, VRS not more than �(1.8 + 6.0 10-3t)* Error of reduction of signals of resistive thermometers with standard graduations to 0-35 mV DC range, % not more than �0.25 Conner,ting line between BNV and resistive thermometers three-wire Maximtim cross section of wires of inserted cables, mm 2 2.5 Nower dissipated in resistive thermometer, connected to BNV, mW not more than 2.5 comiecting BNV with thermionic thermometers two-wire Itnnge of output normalized signal of resistive - therroometers, mV 0-35 Max,imum number of transducers connected to one BNV 16 AC mnin power: + 22 - voltage, V 220 _ 33 trequency, Hz 50 � 1 Input pawer, V�A not more than 50 _ Gcneral dimensions, mm 456 x 465 x 220 Wcight, kg not more than 11 CUPYRIGHT; Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut informatsii i tCkhniko-ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtomatizatsii i sistem upravleniya (TsNIIITEIpriborostroyeniya), 1979 [57-7872] 7872 C5U: 1863 *t is the temperature of the air (�C) surrounding the loose ends of thermionic thermometers. END 152 v~ F'OR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000300080034-3