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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400024047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9808 24 June 1981 . USSR R~e ort p ENERGY (FOUO 7/81) . ~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORM~?TION SERVICE , ~ ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020047-4 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources arP transcribed or reprinted, wiCh the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9808 24 June 1981 USSR REPORT ENERGY (FOUO 7/81) CONTENTS ENF,RGY CONSERVATION � - Petroleum Product Conservation in RSFSR (T.Z. Khuramshin; RHIMIYA I TEKHNOLOGIYA TOPLIV I MASEL, No 11, 1980)...... 1 Efforts To Control Petroleum Product Losses Discussed (T.Z. Khuramshin; RHIMIYA I TERI~iOLOGIYA TOPLIV I MASEL, No 11, 1980) 6 FUELS Economics of the Shipment of Fuels and Energy (EKONOMIKA TRANSPORTA TOPLIVA I ENERGII, 1980) , 11 Locating Deposits~of Oil, Gas ~ (PROGNOZ MESTOROZFIDENIY NEFTI I GAZA, 1981) 16 i , - a - [III - USSR - 37 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY FNERGY CONSERVATION - PETROLEUM PRODUCT CONSERVATION IN RSFSR Moscow KHIMIYA I TEKHrTOLOGIYA TOPLIV I MASEL in Russian No 11, 1980 pp 10-12 [Article by T.Z. Khuramshin, chairman of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products: "On the Careful Expenditure of Petroleum Products in the RSFSR Economy"] [Text] Enormous importance is attributed throughout the entire world to the efficier.t and economical consumption of fuel and energy resources (TER). The strengthening of energy conservation policy in the national economy is an essen- tial condition for further successes in the Soviet econaay also. Its expansion is being accompanied by a rapid rise in the production and consumption of oil and petroleum productsY: gas, coal and other primarq energy sources. It is planned that 606 million tons of petroleum (including gas condensate), 435 billion m3 of gas and 745 million tons of coal will be extracted in the USSR in 1980. With the present scales of production of fuel and energy resources, curtailing their consumption by ~ust one percent in 1980 will make it possible to save about 20 mil- lion tons of conventional fuel (t.u:t.). For this reason, special purpose compre- hensive scientif ic, engineering, economic and social programs encompassing all sec- tors of the national economy, are being created to provide for the efficient and economical utilization of fuel and energy resources. In particular, boosting the efficiency of the use of liquid fuels is governed by the degree of their utilization in the operation of fuel consuming equipment, re- ~ ducing the energy intensitq of production processes, improving standards setting and accounting, as well as refining the production procesa operations of receiving, storing and dispensing fuels at bases and warehouses of the petroleum supply and consumer organs. The considerable attention which is being devoted by the party and the government, as well as planning and management organizations to questions of conservation and _ efficient utilization of fuel and energy resources is promoting an expansion of socialist campetition to economize with all kinds of fuel and energy. Along with working out the organizational and technical measures, which are the basis for the efficient and econamic consumption of petroletmn products, it is very important to apply scientifically substantiated norm,s for the consumption of fuel and lubri- cants, review them on a timely basis in line wi*_?: the improved production equipment and technology, as well as organize monitoring for the observation of these norms. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FOR 9FFICIAL USE ONLY ~ A significant place in curtailing losses of motor fuels and lubricants belongs to the correc~ly organized accounting for their storage and consumption. Authorized specific and operational consumption norms for motor fuels should be applied in each indust~ial sector to all kinds of equipment which uses petroleum products. AccounCing and trip sheets should be filled out for each motor vehicle, tractor or other equipment, where the fuel conaumption results should be reflected along with the other indicators. These primary documents, approved by the USSR Ministry of Finance and the USSR Central Statistical Administration are obligatory for all enterprises and organizations operating motor vehicle fleets. The utili- zation eff iciency of fuel and lubrication materials, as well as their quantitative and qualitative conservation depend in many respects on the level of technical outfitting and the state of the warehouses for storing petroleum products and car- ing for the equipment being operated. More than half of the energp resources consumed by all kinds of transport is used by motor vehicle engines. However, the specific consumption of energy resources in motor vehicle transport is slightly more than 19 times greater than in railroad _ transportation and 14 times higher than for river tranaport. Motor vehicles are one of the ma,jor consumers of motor vehi,cle gasolines and diesel fuels. Because of the continuc~us growth in the motor.vehicle fleet, the deanand for these fuels is also increasing. For this reason, all meaeures directed towards saving motor fuels are extremely urgent (careful accounting for the consumption of petroleum products, systematic analysis of the actual consumption according to the types of work, es- tablishing proper order in fuel storage, mechanized refueling of machines and mech- anisms, high quality technical servicing, etc.). One of the largest users of oil products in the nation ie agriculture. A reduction of fuel losses in this sector by only one percent will make it posaible to save 20 to 30 million rubles and re- duce the consumption of lubricating oils by 2.5 rubles/year. Cambatting petroleum product losses is not only of technical and econoanic import-~ ance, but also of social stgnificance. Petroleum products, lost during equipment operation, as We1i as during transportation, storage and dispensing, do not dis- appear without a trace, but pollute the environment. For this reason, all measures ~ which prevent the losses of these products are directed towards improving labor conditions, provide for cleanliness and high standards in production and protect the environment. The work of the RSFSR Petroleum Inspectorate plays a great part in improving the efficiency of the utilization of fuel and energy resources in the national economy. Also assigned to the petroleum supply sqstem in addit.ion to the performance of the main functions (planning and control of the supply for the national economy) is the monitoring of the efficient and economical consumption of petroleum products at industrial enterprises, in transportation as well as in construction organizations and agriculture. To perform these functions, the RSFSR petrolevm inspectorate was created in the RSFSR State Committee for the.Supplq of Petroleum Products, with inspectorates in the petroleum marketing administrations. In accordance with a resolution of the RSFSR Council of Ministers, the RSFSR Petroleum Inspectorate has the right to obtain the requisite planning and reporting documents from ministries, departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations regarding questions coming under its jurisdiction, as well as data on consuming equipment and the consumption norms for petroleum products, p7.ans for steps to 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020047-4 con~erve the products, to make unimpeded visits and inspect all locations and facilities where petroleum products are stored, dispensed and consumed and to issue orders to eliminated violations which are found, where these orders are obligatory for all organizations. Monitoring the efficient and economical con- sumption of petroleum products, as well as the handing over of uaed oil is the major task of the RSFSR Petroleum Inspectorate. Tt~e work is carried out in close contact with the people~' control organs. In 1979, about 9,000 enterprises and organizations in 13 sectors of the national economy in all oblasts, krays and autonomous republics were checked by the RSFSR Petroleum Inspectorate. At the same time, the workers of the petroleum inspector- ate, the petroleum bases and administrations of the RSFSR State Crn~mnittee for Petroleum Products rendered practical assistance to 1,800 kolkhozes, sovkhozes, ~ enterprises and organizations in working out and implementing measures to save fuel and lubricants, improve the organization of the petroleum storage manage~nent, publish public relations materials, etc. The reguXarly assigned and special duty inspectors of the petroleum inspectorate make statements in the press, via radio and television (same 550 appearances in 1979) for the purposes of propagandizing advanced methods of saving, as well as analyzing deficiencies in the use of petroleum products. The RSFSR petroleimm inspectorate analyzes the materials of the inspections to ascertain the status of the use of petroleum products in the RSFSR economy, in each sector, autonomous republic, kray and oblast. The relevant mir.istries, departments and loca]l organization are informed of the results of ~he analysis, and they take steps to improve the utilization of fuel and energy resources. The local party and soviet organs report on the deficiencies which are found. Mater- ials on severe violations in the use of petroleum products, as a result of which material losses are sustained, are forwarded to the public prosecutor's offices. In 1979, 810 documents were forwarded and specific 3udgementa were rendered on 530 of thetn. In being governed by the decree of the USSR Gossnab, the RSFSR Petroleimm Inspect- orate is making increasingly wider use of the rights to apply penalty sanctions against consumers who forward petroleum products in violation of the procedure establish by this decree. The execution of the instructions of the RSFSR Petroleum Inspectorate and the implementation of the proposals of the inspectors by the consumers, which are directed towards the conservation of petroleum products, makes it possible to save resources amounting to three to six million rubles annually, depending on the volume of petroleum products consumed. As a result of the steps which have been taken, the utilization of fuel and lubricants is improving, their specific consumption is falling off and losses are being curtailed. Along with this, fue~ and oil are consumed inefficiently in many sectors, and the resources for reducing their consumption are not fully ut3.lized. Thus, overcon- sumption of motor vehicle gasolines is tolerated in RSFSR agriculture,as compared to the allocated funds. In the first half-year of 1980, according to the data of the RSFSR Central Statistical Administration, the kolkhozes and sovkhozes of the 50 autonomous republ3cs, krays and oblasts of the RSFSR overconsumed several tens of thousands of tons of motor vehicle gasoline. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY ~ Considerable quantities of fuel and oil are ?ost because they are not used for their direct intended purpose. Despite the impermissibilitq of burning diesel fuel in boiler plants, the utilization of fuels and oils of some types instead of others, such facts are rather commonplace phenomena in the enterprises and facilities of tlic, R~~ssian Federation. Thus, in 70 percent of the kolkhozes and sovkhozes which were checked, diesel fuel is being used to heat household and reaidential rooms, as well as to wash parts, while fuel and lubricants are sold to enterprises and organizations not involved in agricultural operations. The selling of fuel on the side in some farm operations in the Saratovskaya Oblast reaches 5 percent, and more than 10 percent of the diesel fuel is used for heating. Thousands of tons of the diesel fuel allocated for the operation of agricultural machinery were burned up in boilers in Tambovskaya O~+last agriculture in 1979. Some 27 tons 3iesel fuel was sold, 4,485 liters of gaso].ine was dispensed free of charge and 400 tons of diesel fuel was burned up in boilera and baths, while 100 tons of this amount was written off for equipment operation in the Sarinskiy sovkhoz in the Orenburgskaya Oblast. The sale of petroleum products to unauthorized organ- izations by the kolkhozes and sovkhozes of the Bryanakaya, Kurganskaya, Orlovskaya, Tyumenskaya and Yarnslavskaya oblasts in 1980 was also discovered in the course of making the checks. Violations of financial discipline in the utilization of motar vehicle fuels also occur at other enterprises in other sectors of the national economy. According to data of the RSFSR Central Statistical Administration, in 1979 ~uet nine ministries and departments sold more than 20,000 tons of fuel to other organizations: the RSFSR Ministry of the River Fleet, 8.3 [tons]; the RSFSR Ministry of Motor Vehicle Transportation, 4.3; the RSFSR Ministry of Agricultural Construction, ?_.3; the RSFSR Ministry of the Gas Industry, 2.2, and the RSFSR Ministry of Water Manag~ent, ' 1.5. Individual organizations of the Union of Conaumers' Societies of the ASFSR use up to 40 percent of the lighting kerosene intended for the use of the populace not for its direct purpose; this includes that burned in boilers and sold on the side. ' � ~ Deficiencies have also been revealed in the enterprises of the RSFSR Ministry of Forest Management and Ministry of Residential and Municipal Faci~lities Management in setting standards and accounting for petroleum products and work volumes. In 70 percent of the enterprises checked in these ministries, motor vehicles are being operated with nonfunctioning speedometers, something which promotes extra additions of work volumes and the illegal writing-off of fuel. In the ma~ority of the enter- prises checked in the RSFSR Ministry of the Gas Industry, Ministry of Water Manage- ment and Ministry of the Fuel Industry, the ser.vicing and repair of the equipment and tractor fleet are not performed on time an~l not to the full extent, and for this reason, up to two percent of the fuel is additionallq lost. Matters are also unfavorable as regards the utilization of petroletnn products in the RSFSR Ministry of Domestic Services for the Populace. For example, in.the Tula oblast administration of this ministry, more than 2,000 tons of petroleum products are being consumed. However, the lack of the requisite control of its utilization, and the neglect in the accounting do not allow for the determination of the amount of saved or overconsumed fuel and lubricants. The storage of liquid fuel is poorly organized and petroleum storage areas are in an unsatisfactory condition. The fuel 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY consumption limit has not been established for each motor vehiclc. CouE~onti for fuel and Iubricants are issued to the drivers immediately every month. An analysis of the materials from checks of operations, as well as republic, kray and oblast organizations, has shown that deficiencies in the use of fuel and luhti- cants are a consequence of poor organization of the work to conserve them. The elimination of these is the direct responsibility of the officials responsi3le for the use of petroleum products. As a rule, the overwhelming ma~ority of violations can be eliminated in a short period of time without anq expenditures. The ministries and departments should ~evote greater attention to saving fuel and lubricants, providing for the development of plans for steps to save petroleum pro- ducts by every sovkhoz, kol'~choz, enterprise and organization, and strictly monitor their implementation. Permanent and efficacious monitoring of the efficient uti- liaation of fuels and oils is to be set up in the subdepartmental enterprises and organizations. The battle to conserve material resources is a multifaceted process. Not only ' economic and organizational measures are needed here, not Just the application of improved equipment and advanced technology, but also directed educational work at all levels of operational management. Strict accounting for each kilogram of fuel - this principle of efficient and economical management - should become obli- gatory for all industrial enterprises, trasnportation, construction organizations - and agricultural production. The following wi11 assist in further improving the utilization efficiency for petro- _ leum products and the utmost strengthening of operational economy: --The assurance by the ministries, departments and other organizations of state management of the observation of financial discipline in the area of petroleum pro- duct consumption by each subordinate departmental association, enterprise and organ- ization; --The development and implementation of scientifically substantiated consumption norms, which stimulate the battle to make economical use of liquid fuels; the realization of ineasures to reduce specific fuel consumption per production unit output; --Strengthening the inspection of the observation of the procedure of petroleum product conswnption on the part of the monitoring organs; --Increasing the responsibility of enterprises, institutions, organizations and officials for inefficient or wasteful use of petraleum products; --Expanding the network of public motor vehicle filling stations (AZS's), which will promote more favorable conditions for the operation of motor vehicle trans- portation. In this case, there wi1l be no need for the construction of small unprofitable filling stations and petroleum storage areas at enterprises or in organizations. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Khimiya", "Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel", 1980 8225 CSO: 1822/lU5 5 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400420047-4 FOR OFFI~[AL USE ONLY L;NERGY CONSERVATION UDC 622.692.286:622.692.486 ' EFFORTS TO CONTROL PETROLEUM PRODUCT LOSSES DISCUSSED Moscow KHIMIYA I TEKHNOLOGIYA TOPLIV I MASEL in Rusaian No 11, 1980 pp 25-27 . [Article by T.Z. Khuramshin, chairman of the RSFSR.State Co~ao~ittee for Petroleum Products: "Combatting Losses of Commercial Petrolevm Products"] [TextJ Curtailing petroleum product lossea during their reception, storage, delivery and transportation is an extremely important national economic problem, Petroleum product losses are broken down into quar.titative and qualitative losses. Losses due to evapora~ion, leaks, spills, incamplete draining of,transport contain- crs as well as acctdents ~re numbered amoag quantitative losses; qualitative losses include losses due to mi.xing various typea of petroleum products, water or dirt contamination, etc. The ma3or kind of losses for gasolines are losses due to evap- oratian; for kerosenes and dYesel fuels, they are losses due to leaks, and for vis- - cous petroleum products, they are losses due to adhesion to the walls of the rail- road tank cars aad containers. Gasoline losses due to evaporation are both quantitative and qualitative, since during their evaporation, the most valuable light fractions are lost. The detri- ment which results from petroleum product losses is detexmined not only by their cost, the reduction in resources and the decrease in 4aality, but also by the pol- lution of the atmosphere, water reservoirs and soil. Considerable'"organizational and technical measures directed towards the reduction ~~f petroleum product lossea have been implemented over the years of the five-year plan at the tank farms, on the ma3or product trunk pipelinea and in the motor vehicle filling stations of the RSFSR State Coimm~ittee for Petroleum ProducCs. The major trend in cambatting these losses is the hermetic sealing of reservoirs and conduits. Where effective methods and me~ns are present, and g3ven the state of rh e art, the ma~ority of petraleum product losses can be reduced to a minimum or completely eliminated. The bulk of the losses (fran 60 to 80 percent) during transportation and storage of petrolewn products is associated witih the reservoir capacities. Losses due to - evaporation as a consequence of large and small breathing cycles amount to up to 75 percent of all petroleum product losses in tank farms. The level of petroleum product losses due to small breathing cycles depends primarily on the volume of 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 the gas space of the reservoirs. The losses of motor vehicle gasoline fram a tank with a capacity of 5,000 m3 due to large breathing cycles averages 0.56 kg/m3 in the summer and 0.35 kg/m3 in the winter; lof�ss fram "return delivery" when effiptying a tank amount to 0.1 kg/m3. With an anaual turnover factor of 12 for a 5,000 m3 capacity tank, the overall gasaline losses due to large respiration cycles amdunt to 34 tons/year. Efficient technical means directed towards reducing the gas space of tanks are of great importance in curtailing petro'letmn product losses. The most effective means of reducing gasoline losses is outfitting tanks with pontoons; their use reduces losses from sma11 and large breathing cycles by 80 to 90 percent as compared to the losses in taaks without pontoons. As of 1 January, 1980, several million cubic meters of tanks for gasoline equipped with metal pontoons were in service in the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleimm Products system. Their capacity amounts to 43.2 percent of the overall tank capa- city intended for gasoline storage. A considerable portion of the pontoons are of the open type (without deck), something which considerable reduces their metal consianption and improves the operational conditions. One of the most important assemblies of the pontoon is the gate which provides for the'seal of the annular space between the wall of the tank and the cover. Loop type gates are the most widely used, which are distinguished by low coat as well as operational and fabrication simplicity. Loop type gates of the existing structural designs make it possible to hermetically a cover a gap with a width of no more than 180 mm between the hull of the tank and the pontoon. In some tank farms, the gaso- line tanks are equipped with pontoons made of synthetic materials. Along with this, such effective means of loss reduction as disc-reflectors, instal- - led underneath the breather valves, are used in gasoline tanks. As a result, the petroleum product vapor concentration is reduced in the gas space of the tank and petroleum product losses are curtailed during deep breathing cycles. The use of disc-reflectors is most effective in ta~~ks with large turnover factors. The loss reduction in this case reaches 20 to 30 percent. Painting the outside surface of a tank with heat reflecting coatings, which reduce Petroleum product losses by 30 percent, is being introduced on a wide scale in the tank farms. Petroleum product losses from tanks,because of the use of breather valves which do not stick (with a fluoroplastic coating on the surfaces of the valve seats and discs), where these valves hermetically seal the gas space of the tanks during the fall and winter, have been significantly reduced. The introduction of automated devices to measure the level of petroleum products in tanks, and also for taking average samples as well as the "Radius" and "Kvant" type automatic systems for group measurement of petroleum product weight, have provided f:or sealing off the commercial metering operations, because of which, the losses - involved when the seals on tanks are broken have been reduced (during level measure- ment and taking average samples manually). Equipping tanks with SWZ-1 and SWZ-2 - ultrasonic signaling devices prevents the possibility of spillovers of petroleum products when filling the tanks. Periodic checks of the technical condition of the tank fittings for the purpose of ascertaining and eliminating a loss of seal significantly promotes a reduction in losses from tanks. 7 FOR OFFTCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R040440020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY It is planned in the immediate future that oil and gasoline resistant, anticor- rosion paint with a low emiasion coefficient will the applied to the internal sur.faces of tank shells for the storage of gasoline. As studies of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Pro- ducts have shown, such coatings not only curtail evaporation losses, but also protect the metal a~ainst corrosion. For example, when an anticorrosion tqpe KhS��717 paint 3s applied to the internal surface of tanka, evaporation losses are reduced by 30 to 40 percent, while s3multaneous painting of the inside and outside surfaces of a tank can reduce lossea by 30 to 65 percent as compared to the losses j.n tanks with unpainted surfaces. ~ The Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the RSFSR State Committee for Petrol- e~ Products has developed a structural design of a tank flap with the control in thc~ receiving and delivery pipe. The use of this flap makes it possible for the Pontoons in the extreme~lower position to go down to the "dead" residual level, whilc when flaps with lateral control are used in tanks, the pontoons go down only to 180 cm from the bottom of the tank. In tanks with capacities of 700 to 5;000 m3, the gas space volume beneath the pon- toons amounts to 120 to 570 m3, which is 11 to 17 percent of the total tank volume. Studies have shown that petroleum product loases due to evaporation from tanks with pontoons, equipped with flaps controlled in the receiving and delivery pipe, are reduced by 7 to 10 percent as compared to losses in tanks equipped with laterally controlled flaps. The series production of the new design flap will be mastered by the Saratov Petroleum Machine Building Plant. A reduction in petroleum product losses during filling and draining operations is being achieved through the introduction of new mechanized and autamated equipment which provides for the hermetic sealing of these processes. At the present time, _ more than 150 automated systems for filling ASN-5 tank trucks with petroleum products are in service at the distribution tank farms of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products. The utilizatinn of the systems indicated here ~ ~ provides for a significant reduction in petroleum product losses by eliminating � overflows, and also increases productivity during fill-ups. A system for the low-end autamated filling of UNN-100-1 tank trucks with petroleum products, which provides for camplete hermetic sealing of the filling operations and the removal of petroleum product vapors~exiting fran the tank trucks during the fill-up process, inCo gas collectors, has been designed in the "Transnefteavtomatika" Special Design Office of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products. This system has succesafully undergone industrial testing , and is being prepared for series production. Railroad drain devices have been equipped with installations for the bottom draining of petroleum products from the following typea of xailroad tank cars:~ ASN-71 and USN-150 (for light petroleum products), and ASN-8B (for dark ones). However, the utilization of the indicated.devices does not provide for a comF?lete hermetic seal of the draining operation because of the imperfect design ~~f iailroad tank cars, the bottam draining fittings of which have topside control, something which makes it necessary to open the necks of the tanks, something which breaks the seal. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404020047-4 Mechanized installations with steam preheating of the petroleum products in URS-2 and PGN~-4 tanks, as well as with electrical preheating (GTTs-18) and mechanized cleaners are widely used to provide for crnnplete drainage of high vis- cosity petroleum products fran railroad tank cars at low temperatures. The 1~SFSIt State Committee for Petroleum Products has put the question of improving the de- sign of railroad tank cars for the shipment of petroleum products before the Ministry of Railroads (the transfer of the control of the bottom d~.scharging attachment from the upper to the lower fitting, creating inclines fram the bottams to the lower discharge fitting, the introduction of thermos flask type tanks equipped with thermal insulation, Ptc.). However, the indicated questions have ~ not been resolved at the present time. Automated fill limiters of the NO-ZM type are widely used when filling railroad tank cars with petroleum products. Automated hose devices for discharging and f illing ASN-6A type tankers with petroleum products are in operation at the docks of maritine trans-shipment tank farms. The indicated devices provide for complete sealing of.the discharging and filling operations, and also prevent spills of petroleimm products which lead to the goTT~st-1:onof the water ba~in when ' the stand pipes are disconnected from the tankers, as we11 as during emergency situations. Stand pipes of a similar structural design (the ASN-16 type) have been designed for the docks of river tank farms. Along with this, UPS-12-200 and UPS-22-300 automated installations for discharge and filling operations with several kinds of petroleum~products which have a product selecto~ have been introduced at the docks of maritime petroleum tank Farms. In addition to the complete hermetic sealing.of the dishcharge and filling operations, the indicated installations provide for complete preservation of the quality of the petroleum products through the use of cleaning devlces. For small river petroleum tank farms, simplified URU-150 and ~JRU-250 type installations are employed, which provide for hermetic sealing of the discharge and fillin.g oper- ations as well as preservation of petroleum product quality. The trunk product pipeline of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products are operated in a"from pump to pump" mode without tank capacities at the intermediate pumping stations. This operational mode is provided by automatic pressure regulation systems at the pumping stations and makes it possible to eliminate petroleum product losses due to large and small breathing cycles, which are related to the operation of trunk product pipeli.nes where tanks are tied in -at the pumping station. In the operation of trunk product pipelines, considerable attention is devoted to maintaining the quality of the petroleum products during their successive repumping. Automated ultrasonic UKP-1 and UKP-2 testers designed by the "Transnefteavtomatika" Special Design Office of the RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products are used at the tenninal stations of trunk product pipelines to monitor the concentration of petroleum products in a mixture as we11 as the - separation boundary of petroleum products when they are distributed in tanks with cammercial petroleum products and a mixture of them. During sequential repumping of petroleum products, the auComated "Kompaund" equipment is used, the operation of which is based on spectrophotometric measurements, which, in contrast to 9 N� FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400420047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ultrasonic measurements, make it possible to monitor the concentration and separation boundary of not only different kinds of petroleum products, but also gasolines and diesel fuels of various types. . For the purpose of curtailing petroleum product losses at pumping stations and in trunk product pipelines, systems for collecting the leakage from pianping plant:s have been automated and hermetically sealed. The use of insulation coatings and electrochemical protection (cathodic protection stations, sacri- ficial anodes and drainage devices) on trunk product pipelines makes it possible to protect them against soil corrosion which leads to breakdowns, which are accompanied by large losses of petroleum products, and also produces leaks. At motor vehicle filling stations (AZS's), the ma~or reasons for petroleum product losses are evaporation, leakage and spillage. The widescale use of fast disconnect discharge couplings at AZS's makes it possible to hermetically seal the discharge of petroleum products from tank trucks into under;round tanks. However, series production has not been set up for level gauges for the automated measurement of the level of petroleum products ia AZS tanks. The Fuel dispensing pump stands at AZS's are equipped with cranes having an auto- matic device which cuts off the flow of petroleum products into the tanks of motor vehicles when they are full, something which prevents~spillage. Improving the accuracy of quantitative accounting is of great importance in reducing petroleum product losses during reception, storage, dispensing.and transportation. For this reason, the petroleum tank farms and trunk product pipelines should be equipped with meters and density gauges which make it possible to account for the weight of petroleum products with a precieion of 0.5 percent. A considerable reserve in the curtailment of petroleum product losses is their . recovery from sewerage: drains fram commercial establishments, industrial and washing facilities, as well as from drains contaminated with ethylated benzines as well as during the construction of conduit systems and scrubber installations at petroleum tank farms, pumping stations, trunk product pipelines as well as filling centers and motor vehicle filling stations. At the present time, 299 tank farms and their affiliates, or 17.1 percent of the total number, including Sl r.ransshimpment stations.(67.1) and 76 water stations (39.3 percent) as well as 40 repumping stations and filling stations on trunk product pipelines - (61.5 percent) have been equipped with scrubber installations in the enterprises of RSFSR State Committee for Petroleum Products. The resolution of the extremely important national economic proble~n - curtailing petroleum product losses at petroleum supply enterprises and consumers - requires the coordination of the efforts bf the various ministries and departments, which manage the transport facilities, as well as the enterprises which produce produc- tion process equipment and means of automation of the production processes, involving the storate, reception, dispensing and transportation of petroleum products. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kh'imiya", "Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel", 1980 8225 CSO: 1822/105 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FUELS ECONOMICS OF THE SHIPMIIJT OF FUELS AND ENERGY Moscow IICONOMIKA TRANSPORTA TOPLIVA I ENERGII in Russian 1980 (signed to press 28 Feb 80) pp 1-5, 190-192 (Annotation, 'foreword and table of contents from book "Economics of the Shipment of Fuels~and Energy," by Serafim Sergeyevich Ushakov and Tat'yana Mikhaylovna Borisenko, edited by Ye. 0. Shteyngauz, Izd'atel'stvo r'Energiya," 5000 copies, 192 pages] [Text] The book examines the technical a.nd economic~characteristics of shipping fuel and their role in the formation of the energy balance and the development of the power engineering complex. For each type of transportation it presents the indicators.reached, the~scientific and technical progress made., the.expected periods of its realization, and the trends in shipping development. It gives the compara- tive efficiency of using different types~of transportation to solve specific problems of the power engineers. The book is intended for power engineers and engineering economists. Foreword The economy of the Soviet Union is developing at high and stable rates. In the last 10 years, the volume of industrial products doubled.~ It is now about 20% of the world volume (versus 4% in prerevolutionary Russia). In 1977, the Soviet Union already occupied the leading place in the world extrac- tion of oil and coal, and the second place for extraction of gas and generation of electricity. The growth rates of industrial products was 9.3% in the period of 1951- 1977 versus 4.2% in the United States. For agricultural production, the figures are respectively 3.5% and 1.8%. The nationai income of the Soviet Union has reached 67% of the national income of the United States. The volume of industrial products has exceeded 80% and the extraction of oil (including gas condensate) in 1977 was over 34%, etc. The development of the country's economy predetermines the constant development of the fuel and energy complex that provides for the ever rising demands of industry, agriculture and the population for fuel,and electricitj?; and that satisfies the expor.t needs of the country for fuel resources. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TY~e percentage of the Soviet Union in world production in 1977 reached: for oil (including gas condensate) 18.7%, for gas 23.0~6, for electricity 15.9y and for coal 18.5~. The planned economy of a mature socialist society predetermines the high growth rates of the fuel and energq complex of the country ~ven in the future. The Soviet Union is the only industrially developed country that is totally supplied with its own fuel and energy resources of oil, gas, coal, etc. The arrangement of the main natural resources over the country's territory, how- ever, is far from uniform. The main reserves of gas, oil and coal are located in the eastern regions of the country: West and East Siberia and Central Asia. The reserves of fuel and energy resources in the European regions of the country and in the Urals where the main p~rt of the population, praduction.funds and fuel and electricity consumers is concentrated are limited or have unfavorable techni- - cal and economic extraction indicators. Under these conditions, the develop- ment of the fuel and energy complex and the country's economy as a whole is determined by the development and perfection of transporting fuel resources, and first of all, in a latitudinal direction from east to west. Transportation systems have already been created and are currently in operation that guarantee the move- ment of oil, gas, coal of about a billion tons of comparison fuel per year a distance up to 3000 km, and even more in a~number of cases. Movement of fuel is about 40y of all the work of the country's shipping system. The specific weight of transportation expenses in the cost of fuel for the consumer reaches very high values in individual cases. 'I'hus, in the presented expenditures for production of gas from the North Tyumen' fields in the central and westem regions of the European sector of the Soviet Union, the shipping percentage reaches 60-70~, 50- 60% for production of coal from the Kuznetsk basin, etc. Forecasting esCimates of the development of the country's fuel and energy , balance for the future indicate an ever increasing dependence of it on trans- portation. The technical-economic indicatora for production of fuel and energy resources by the consumers in the future will depend to an ever greater measure on the perfection of the shipping systems, supplq of fuel to the consumers with the minimum labor, material and other expenditures. The Soviet Union has very significant achievements'in the development of shipping of fuel and energy resources great distances. Several gas-pipeline . and oil- pip~line systems are already in operation. In their length, output and other indicators they surpass analogous systeme abroad. Domestic'railroad transporta- tion guarantees transfer of coal fuel from the east to the west ~in quantities that do not occur in other countries of the world. The technical.and economic indicators of intracontinental transportation of fuel are very favorable. This ~ gulrantees production of relatively inexpensive fuel for the consumers. Further development of the fuel and energy complex is closely related to the deve~.opment and perfection of such fuel sectors of the complex as transportation, and first of all, the broad introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020047-4 . ~ Optimization of the formation of th~e country's fuel and energy complex re- ~uires very complicated and multiple-plan calculations that take into consid- eration all the diversity of factors that influence the final expenditures ~~:~soc~ated with guaranteeing the country's need for fuel and electricity, and in t I~c� f i nat analysis, tl~at predetermine the rates of development of thc~ nationti]. c~cono?ny ancl tlie rAt~~:? oE inerease in the welfare of ehe popu].ation. All tlle studies and calculations on formation of the fuel and energy complex generally include the shipping component. It must reflect as accurately as possible the actual national economic expenses for transportation and take into consideration the outlook for its development with regard for introducing the achievements of scientific and technical progress. This book examines the role of individual types of transportation in solving the problems of the fuel and energy balance. It presents a technique for deter- mining the comparable technical and economic indicators for different types of transportation and evaluating them to solve problems of optimizing the fuel and energy balance of the country and individual consumers of energy resources. For this purpose the following are examined for each type of transportation: the dynamics of its development in the USSR and abroad, the technical and economic indicators reached, the possible trends in scientific.and technical progress and its influence on technical and economic indicators, evaluation of the effect of individual trends of scientific and technical progress on technical and economic indicators of the transportation process, and the most interesting solutions that have been implemented or are being examined abroad in the area of fuel shipment whose use could be useful in domestic practice. The authors hope that the book will aid specialists who are involved in forming the country's fuel and energy balance and its individual regions to make a more substantiated consideration for the transportation factor in optimizing the structure of the balance and thus guaranteeing an improvement in th~ efficfent use of fuel and the development of the country's economy as a whole. This book mainly covers the research of the authors that was conducted in the Institute of Complex Transportation Problems. 1'he studies of the authors are based on the latest achievements of science that are presented in the works of Academicians M. A. Styrikovich, L. A. Melent'yev, T. S. Khachaturuv, N. V. Mel'nikov, Eorresponding Member D. G. Zhimerin and Doctors of sciences B. S. Kozin, G. I. Chernomordik, V. I. Dmitriyev, A. Ye. Cibshman, A. A. Beschinskiy et al. 11~e authors express their gratitude to Doctors of economic sciences A. A. Bes- cliinskiy and A. Ye. Gibshman and Candidate of chemical sciences E. B. Shlikhter for help given in working on the book. Chapters 1, 4 and 5 were written by the authors jointly; the remaining chapters wcrc~ written by S. S. Ushakov. Al.l remarks and wishes regarding the book should be sent to the following ~zddress: 113114, Moscow, M-114, Shlyuzovaya nab., 10, Izdatel'stvo "Energiya." - The auttiors. 13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table of Contents Page l~oreword 3 Chapter 1. Role of Transportation in the Energy Complex 6 1.1. Main trends in the development of the energy complex 6 1.2. Extraction and transportation of fuel in the USSR 10 1.3. Tasks of transportation in the formation of the energy complex 15 Ct~apter 2. Method Aspects of Determining Transportation Expenses 20 2.1. General aspects ~ 20 2.2. Methods of comparing versions of fuel transportation 24 Chapter 3. Railroad Transportation of Fuel Freight 29 3.1. Role of USSR railroads in shipping fuel 29 3.2. Main trends in railroad development 32 3.3. Ways Lo improve throughput of railroads 35 a. Weight of trains 35 b. Throughput of railroad sections 37 c. Linking of trains 41 3.4. Creation of specialized railroad mainline 41 3.5. Technical and economic indicators of railroad transportation 44 3.6. rull-scale indicators of railroad shipments 59 a. Labor productivity 59 b. Energy indicators 61 c. Metal consumption ~ 63 Chapter 4. Transportation of Gas 64 4.1. Systems of gas-pipeline transportation in the USSR and abroad 64 4.2. Technical and economic indicators of gas pipelines 70 4.3. Main trends in development of gas pipeline transportation in the USSR 75 a. Main problems 75 b. Systems of long-distance gas transportation 76 c. Short main gas pipelines 80 d. Branches of main gas pipelines 81 , 4.4. Improvement in gas pipeline efficiency . 82 ' a. Quality of pipe metal 82 b. Surface irregularity of pipes 84 c. Unit output and reliability of unita of compressor stations 85 . d. Degree of compression 87 e. Cooling of gas 88 . f. Electric drive of heaters 91 " 4.5. Optimal parameters of main gas pipelines 92 4.6. Further perfecti~on in parameters of main gas pipelines 96 4.7. Regulation and reservation of gas supply systems 101 4.8. Transportation and storage of gas in compressed state 107 Chapter 5. Pipeline Transportation of Oil 110 5.1. Development of pipeline transportation of oil in the USSR and abroad 110 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 5.2. Technical and economic indicators of transpbrting oil on pipe- lines in the USSR 117 5.3. Selection of the optimal oil pipeline parameters 117 a. Classif ication of pipeliries 119 b. Optimal output of pipelinea 120 ' c. Optimal atages for increase in throughput of oil pipelines 125 d. Further increase in efficiency of oiI pipelines 129 5.4. Storage of oil and reservation of oil pipelines . 131 Chapter 6. Transportation of Petroleum Products 133 6.1. Development of transportation of petroleum products 133 6.2. Efficiency of using different types of tsransportation of petroleum products 136 6.3. Technical and economic indicators of product pipelines and ~ storage bases 143 Chapter 7. Pipeline Transportation of Coal 147 7.1. Experience of building and operating d~,urryap~p~:~ines to transport coal 147 - 7.2. Technical and economic indicators of slurry-pipeline transportation of coal 152 Chapter 8. Water Transportation of Fuel Freight 158 8.1. River transportation 158 _ 8.2. Sea transportation 162 Chapter 9. Power Transmission Lines 166 Chapter 10. Questions of the Comprehensive Development of '~'ransportation of Energy Resources 176 Conclusions , 182 Bibliography 186 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", 1980 9035 CSO: 1822/157 15 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FUELS UDC 553.98.044 LOCATING DEPOSITS OF OIL, GAS. Moscow PROGNOZ, MESTOROZHDENIY NEFTI I GAZA in Russian 1981 (signed to press 17 Dec 80) pp 1-G, 349-351 ~ [Annotation, foreword and table of contents.from book "Prediction of Oil and Gas Fields", by Aleksey Emil'yevich Kontorovich,.Epaminond Epaminondovich Fotiadi, Viktor Ivanovich Demin, Vladimir Borisovich Leontovich and Aleksey Anan'yevich Rastegin, Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1900 copies, 351 pages] [Text~ The book describes the methods of quantitative and qualitative prediction � of the oil and gas content based on modern mathema.tical equipment and processing computer data. It substantiates the set of parameters that can be measured on oil and gas fields and fields that can be predicted for oil and gas with geolo- gical-mathematical modeling and evaluation of ttte outlook for the oil and gas content. It presents a Lormal clas~ification of the prediction and exploration tasks of oil geology. It examines methods of predicting the poasible number of fields in the basin and their distribution.according to reserves, and methods of predicting the oil and gas coatent of traps before the start of drilling. G~ological-mathematical models are presented for long-term planning of geological exploration. ~ The 'uook is intended for geologists and geophysicists of the�scientific research . organizations who are studying the oil and gas fields. It is of considerable inCerest to the teachers and students of the.senior courses of petroleum WZ's . and geological departments of WZ's and universities. Foreword � The last decades have been a period of exceptionally rapid development of oil and ~;as extraction throughout the world. In 4 decades, from 1938 to 1919, extractior~ of oil and~condensate in the capitalist and developing countries rose fr~m 243 million t~ 2.490 t~illion t~ns, i.e., 10.2-fold, while gas extraction rose from 96 billion to 1.290 trillion m, i.e., 13.2-fold. Oil and gas extraction in Che USSR rose very intensively. According to the estimates of the specialists, the annual ~xtraction of oil in the world will be 4-6 billion tons and 2.0;2.5 trillion m of gas by the end of Che century. These rates of development of the o~l and gas industry governed the extreme urgency of the problem of preparing reserves of these types of mineral raw material. The researchers need to solve the following regional problems for a scientifically substantiated, reliable predicCion of the outlook for the develop- ment of oil and gas extraction. 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 First of all, determine (taking into conslderation the finiteness of the oi1 and gas resources in the stratisphere and the outlook for developing alternative non- hydrocarbon sources of energy} the limit levels of oiI and gas extraction in the world and in individual regions, and the periods of their attainment. Secondly, iind thE largeat of the undeveloped regions where considerable reserves oE oil and gas may be discovered and explored. Thirdly, isolate both in the developed, "old," and in the "new" regions, terri- tories and stratigraphic complexes that are the most promising for oil and gas exploration, and determine the oil and gas resources in them. " It is known that in ttie Soviet Union, the only large industrial state in the world whose e~onomic development is based on its own fuel and energy resources, an estimate of the initial, potential resources of oil and gas is the main starting point for long-term planning of the fuel and energy complex of the country. The experience of this planning that has been accumulated in recent years shows that for its~realization wiEh regard for the outlook for development;it is~not sufficient to have an estimate of the resources of hydrocarbon raw material in the country as a whole and in individual regions. It is necessary to know the corre- lation uf these resources of oil, gas, and condensate, their distribution in each region according to intervals of depths, types of reservoirs, accumulations of varying size, a number of characteristics of the qu~lity of these types of mineral raw material, etc. T}ie results of a quantitative prediction of oil and gas content, in any case, the results of the resolution of certain specific tasks, are the basis for a compi- lation of five-year and annual plans for regional and exploratory work. The need for a reliable resolution of these problems increased the entire world's interest in perfecting the methods of a quantitative prediction of~oil and gas content and predetermined the drastic expansion in the prediction problems of oil and gas geology I. M. Gubkin was the initiator of the development and application of inethods for qt?antitative predicti~n of oil and gas content in the Soviet Union. A. M. Akram- kllodzhayev, A. A. Bakiro�v, I. 0. Brod, M. S. Burshtar, N. I. Buyalov, M. I. Varentsov, V. G. Vasil'yev, N. B. Vassoyevich. N. A. Gedroyts, F. G. Gurari, . M. F. Dvali, G. Kh. Dikenshteyn, M. A. Zhdanov, N. A. Yeremenko, M. K. Kalinko, K. P. Kalitskiy, N. T. Lindtrop, S. P. Maksimov, M. F. Mirchink~ M. S. Modelevskiy, V. D. Nalivkin, M. S. Napol'skiy, S. G. Neruchev, I. I. Nesterov, N. N. Rostovtsev, G. Ye. Ryabukhin, V. V. Semenovich, A. A. Trofimuk and others have been fruit- ful].y engaged in their development and perfection. , 'rl~e work of� these scientists developed the traditional, so to speak "classic" m~~thods of predicting the oil and gas content, methods of analogy based on expert ~stimates and volumetric-genetic meChods. A survey of their state and history uf development can be found ~n many studies [9, 57, 71, 102, 104). 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400024047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Tn tt~e last l0-15 years, methods of quantitative prediction of oil and gas content have been intensively developed, especially in the USSR. They are based on geological-mathematical modeling on a computer of the laws governing r.lie arrangement of oil. and gas deposits. The first publications of studies on tl~i.s plan appeared in 1964-1965. A unified school of researchers is currently working on this pr~blem in the USSR with major scientific centers und~r the supervision of: A. I. Kholin in Moscow, V. D. Nalivkin, G. P..Syerchkov and M. D. Belonin in Leningrad, I. I. Nesterov, V. I. Shpil'man, and A. M. Volkov in Tyumen', and at the first stage of research S. V. Gol'din, A. A. Trofimuk V. S. Vyshemirski~y and A. N. Dmitri.yev in Novosibirsk in the Institue of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the editors of this work in the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials.. The group of scientists of the computer center of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Yu. A. Voronin made a signif icant contribution to the ~evelopment _ oE the general theory of prediction,and exploration of mineral f ields. The "new" methods of qt~antitative prediction of oil and gas content are deeply li.nked liistorically and ideologically with the "classic" methods. However, their development resulted in exceptionally rapid progress and methodological rethinking af the theoretical fundamentals~and principles of predicting oil and gas con- tent. The following features of the "new" methods as compared to the "classic" need to be stressed. ~ 1. The "new" methods with the use of modern computer equipment and the achievementa of rhe theory of oil and gas formation made it possible to simulate on the com- puter the laws governing the arrangement and processes of formation of their accumulations. For the f irst time, a real possibility appeared of "approaching the process of the formation of oil.fields from a dialectical viewpoint, based on the thought that this process is one of the streams of the unif ied and great dialectical process uf the earth's development" [47, p. 8], and of "...viewing it as a unified, integral and continuous [process] [Ibid, p. 9]. The methodological correctness of this approach was stressed over 30 years ago by I. M. Gubkin. Geological-mathematical modeling on a computer made it possible to select from a large number of Fundamentally'possible models-in'~he framework of this approach, those of them that describe most adequately the distribution of oil and gas de- posits in the stratisphere. . 2. Development of the "new" methods required refinement of the original concepts and corresponding statement of the tasks. As a result, a whole series of funda- mentally important (includiug from the viewpoing of geo~ogy) features of the state- mr-nt and resolution of these tasks were successfully revealed. 3. The "new" mettiods are used as an apparatus of modern mathematics, thanks to which they permit construction of strict, statistically substantiated criteria for the purposes of prediction, instead of subjective criteria and methods of the "classic" systems that are mainly based on experience and the intuition of the expert. 4. The "new " methods drasti,cally expanded the circle of prediction tasks of oil and gas geology in accordance with the demands of practice. The statement of a number of these tasks in the framework of the "clasaic" methods was impossible. 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 ~ ~E ONLY 5. The "new" methods have made it possible to construct fairly�strict criteria Eor verifying the reliability of the obtained solutions and in addition to spot estimates, to make interval estimates. Ttie extensive develup~ent of the oil and gas content prediction methods governs the need for analyzying and systematizing from single methodological positions the most important of the findings. A number of works cover this to a certain measure [3, 72, 78, 99]. However, the entire circle of questions has not been examined ae a whole anywhere. In this work, the authors have attempted to make up for this very serious omission which inhibits further development. They have attempted to refine the original concepts and classifications, to formulate an entire complex of tasks of oil and gas geology, and to suggest methods for their resolution based on geological-mathematical modeling. In addition to the results of their own many years of research, the authors examine a large number of works of Soviet and foreign researchers. In this respect, the monograph does not claim to be complete and is not a survey. The authors only analyze in it those works Chat make it possible to note the most promising directions in research. Despite the fact that a number of results and developments that are given in the monograph can be used without significant changes in many reginns, it primarily does not contain "prescription" type results.~ The authors hope, however, that - after becoming acquainted with it, the reader will "feel" the principles and methods of solving individual tasks, and principles for constructing models and modeling. The theory of prediction and exploration of oil and gas fields, as the authors present it, is based on the organic theory of oil and gas forroation and certain sections of modern mathematics, such as the theory of statistical s~lutions, the theury of pattern recognition, regression and correlation analysis, etc. Separate cliapters cover the most significant results of studies on these fundamental areas of science that are necessary for successive presentation. � In trying to stress the contlnuity of the "new" methods of quantitative prediction of oil and gas c:ontent, we preceded individual chapters and paragraphs of the epigraph with statements of a number of leading Soviet scientists un the problems discussed in the book. Wl~ile worlcing on the book, the authors were given invaluable $asistance by the cnany years of creative cooperatiun, discussion and work in one "invisible" collec- tivc with M. D. Belonin, N. I. Buyalov, N. B. Vassoyevich, Yu..A. Voronin, V. S. Vyshemirskiy, G. Kh. Dikenshteqn, S: P..Maksimov, M. S, Madelevskiy, V. D. N~ilivkin, S. G. NeY�uchev, I. I. Nesterov, V.. V. Semenovich, G. P. Sverchkov, A. A. Trufi~nuk and V. I. Shpil'man. At individual stages of the research presented in the work, the authors worked witt~ R. P. Akhmineyeva, T. V. Bakulina, V. I. Berilko, S. I. Bliznichenko, V. S. Vagerov, 1~. A. Danil''chenko, T. A..Gor~khova, Ye. Ye. Danenberg, V. A. Kashtanov, 0. S. Krasnov, A. D. Lugovtsov, K. I. Mikulenko, V. S. Starosel'tsev, A. S. Fomi- chev, Ye. N. Chereinisina and others. I,. I. Vino~radova, N, V. Kakorina, L. I. Levina, Ye. D. Sapronova, T. I. Tolma- cheva and T. A. Fomenku gave a lot of help in preparing the manuscript for press. The authors express their sincere and deep gratitude to all who Furthered the wurk on tYie monograph. 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004400020447-4 FOR CFFICIAL USE ONLY Contents Page rvreword 3 Chapter 1. Prediction and Exploratinn Tasks of Oil and Gas Geology. Principles of Oil and Gae Geological Zoning 9 ~ 1. Concept of sedimentatiun basine and their classification. Oil and gas bearing basins � 9 2. Plan for isolation in sedimentation basin of permeable and impermeable bodies and their classification 21 3. Mathematical model of n~phthid deposits. Some initial . concepts 3~ 4. Prediction tasks of oil and gas geology 47 , 5. Principles and categories of oil and gas geological zoning 51 Chapter 2. Matheu?atical Fundamentals of the Theory of Prediction aiid ~xploration of Oil and Gas Fields 65 ~ 1. Formal statement and classif ication of prediction and exploration tasks of oil and gas geology. Geological- mathematical modeling � 65 2. and methods of pattern recoguition as applied to tasks uf oil and gas geology . 3. Procedures of pattern recognition that are suc~essive for the objects and successive for the signs 85 4. Evaluation of information content of signs and minimization -of the sign space 106� 5. Isolation of long-term objects based on the principle of exclusiveness . 111 6. Criteria for evaluating the eff ectivaness of the prediction 117 Chapter 3. Fundamental Model for the Processes of Oil and Gas Formation, Formation and Preservation of Oil and Gas Deposits in the Stratisphere 12~ 1. Methodological~pr~nciples of constructing genetic theories in geology ~ 128 2. Generation of oil and gas ia sedimentary masses, primary migration 139 3. Mathematical model of processes of accumulation and dispersal of oil and gas from traps 150 4. Description of elementary geological bodies in solving pre- diction tasks of oil and.gas geology 159 Chapter 4. Classification of Sedimentation Basins according to Degree of Outlook for Oi1 and Gas 162 Chapter 5. Zoning of Major Sedimentation Basins and Reservoirs Forming Them accordir.g to the Degree of Outlook.for Oil and Gas 173 1. Isolation of elementary geological bodies 174 2. Zoning of sedimentation basins and individual permeable complexes into geological bodies that are promising and not promising for oil and gas 180 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3. 'L~ning of territory of oil and gas provinces according to di;~;ree of outlook for otl and gas. Quantitative evaluation of outlook for oil and gas content 223 4. Evaluation of the quantity and distribution according to reserves of the oil and gas fields 259 S. Criteria for prediction and exploration of giant oil and gas fields 2~4 Chapter 6. Prediction of the Phase State of the Hydrocarbons in~the Deposits 290 Chapter 7. Prediction of Oil and Gas Content of Local Elevations 318 Conclusion 334 Bibliography 338 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra", 1981 - 9035 C50: 1822/154 E~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400020047-4