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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/9846 14 July 1981 China R~ ort ~ POIITICAI, SOCIOLOGICAI AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 8/81) FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORiVIATION SERVI~~ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/42/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R400400430027-5 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprintecl, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Iieadlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, in.dicate how the original information was - , processed. Where no processing indicator is gi_ven, the infor- mation ~aas summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the , original but ha~re been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- - cies, views or attitudes of the TJ.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA.TIONS GOVERI~IING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION ~ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE REST~tICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE OiVLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 JPRS L/9846 . 14 July 1981 CH INA REPORT POLITICAL, SOCIOLOGICAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 8/81) CONTENTS MILITARY AND PUBLIC SECURITY Questions, Answers on Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization (JIEFANGJUN BAO, various dates) 1 PLA Unit Information, Designations (ZHANSHI BAO, various dates) 31 - a - [TII ~ CC 80 FOUO] FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030027-5 FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY MILITARY AND PUBLIC SECURITY QUESTIONS, ANSWEF:S ON BUILDING SOCIALIST SPIRITUAL CIVILIZATION Beijing JIEFANGJUN BAO in Chinese 25 Feb, 27 Feb, 11 Mar 81 [Article: "Questions and Answers on Building Socialists Spiritual Civilization." - Part III and the continuation of Part IV of this article not available.] [25 Feb 81 pp 1,3] [Text] Editor's Note: In the process of transmi:tting _ far study thP spirit of the December 1980 Central Committee Work Conference, comrades raised some questions on the part dealing with the building of a socialist spirital civiliza- _ tion. The content of socialist spiritual civilization is extremely broad, including educatiori, science, culture and including, as well, use of Marxist ideology to occupy every ideological front. As an aid to comrades in their study, we have written "Questions and Answers on Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization from communist ideals, morality, the carrying forward of revolutionary spirit, discipline, and comradely relatior~ships between one person and another, publishing them one after another for study by comrades, with the hope that they will put forward views for revision. Should there be new questions, they should also be raised at any time. (1) Question: What is meant by spiritual civilization and how ought the importance of current emphasis on the building of socialist spiritualcivilization be un~lerstood? Answer. Spiritual civilization, broadly speaking, means all the wealth created in the process of mankind's historical social experience. It includes education, science, and culture; it also includes ideals, morality, traditions and ethics, and such ideology. As an ideology, it is a political and economic reflection of a certain society, and it has a tremendous influence and role in the politics and economics of a certain society. In a society with classes, it possesses a class nature. In our adherence to the four fundamental principles to build a modern socialist power, there is need for both a highly material civilization and for a highly spiritual civilization. In arl~ition to education, science, and culture, such a socialist spiritual civilization means the principlps of c~mmunist ideology, ideals, concepts, morality, disc~~line, and revolutionary standpoint, and comradely relations between one person and another etc. This is a major aspect of the building of a great socialist country. ~ 1 FO~Y OFF[CIAL USE ONLY , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034427-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The current emphasis on the important significance of building spiri_tual civiZization may be understood in three different ways: l. In terms of the process of historical development, human spiritual civilization has developed as material production has developed. Cor~versely, it has also been able to give impetus to the development of material production. Material civilization and spiritual civilization have ever been interdependent and mutually accelerating, impelling human society toward constant forward development. Therefore, if we are to build a strong, socialist modern country, not only in a highly material civiliza- ~ tion needed, with the development of industrial and agricultural production and doing a good job of building the national economy, but also needed is a highly spiritual civilization with the development of scientific, cultural, and educational endeavors. , Also needed is constant improvement in the ideological and political conscienciousness and the standards of spiritual morality of the populaCion as a whole. . 2. Our China has ever been renowned throughout the world as an ancient civilized country, and our forebears have left us a precious cultural legacy including the lofty ethics formed over a long period of time by people of all of China's races. Under the edifying influence of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and education, and in the course of a long revolutionary struggle, our party and the people's armed forces - have discriminatingly continued the historical legacy of spiritual civilization to ~ form our own brand new spiritual demeanor and to open an age of new practices. The world-famous Yanan spirit has been warmly cherished by the peaple of the country in - their hundreds of millions as well as by numerous foreign friends. Following Libera- tion, during the 1~50's and early 1960's, this ethic spread and developed among the people of the entire country. However, as a result of the 10 years of havoc wreaked by Lin Biao and the "gang of four," not only was our material production extremely damaged, but our spiritual civilization was also extremely damaged, giving rise to the unchecked spread of the influence of remnant feudal ideology and bourgeois ideology, and other erroneous ideologies, corrupting our party style and social fabric, damaging the s~irit of a generation of youth, throwing people's ideology into confu- sion for a period of time, and causing to thrive all manner of evil influences. Our rebuilding of socialist spiritual civilization will mean the revival and carrying forward of the fine traditions of our party and our armed forces, and carrying forward of our nat.ional spirit. 3. Speaking of the present, the recently convened Central Committee Work Conference decided on major policies of further readjustment of the economy and further political stabilization. However, the evil effects caused by the destruction of spiritual civilization still play a role. They are a major element affecting stability and unity, and they are an obstacle preventing further readjustment. Only by striving to cio ~i fiood job of buildin~ spiritual civilization will it be possible to better assure a unanimity of thought and a unanimity of action for the entire party and - the entire armed forces, to rouse the revolutionary spirit of all races of people in the country For a triumph with one heart and one mind over current hardships to - develop a really fine situation, and to fulfill the tasks put forward by the Central Committee Work Conference. (2) Question: How should we endeavor to build a socialist spiritual civilization? Answer: Building of a socialist spiritual civilization requires thEOretical understanding of its significance, and even more requires taking real action. Every comrade should be of sound body and have his feet planted squarely on the ground to carry it out. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL1' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444444434427-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY One must study well the writings and discussions pertaining to spiritual civilization of comrades Marx and Mao Zedong, and other proletarian revolutionaries, as for example, ~ "ThE Communist Party Manifesto," Duties of the Youth Corps," "To Serve the People," "In Memory of Bethune," "The Foolish Old Man Who Moved a Mountain," "Oppose Liberalism," - and "How To L'e A Good Communist," etc, It is necessary, as well, to study some basic social science: and natural science, and to study some readings on the molding of ideas and the molding of morality in the yaung. We should arm ourselves with Marxism, , Mao Zedong Thought, and modern science and culture to enrich our brains, enlarge our _ minds, understand the path of development of society, make clear the content, the rationale, and the requirements of socialist spiritual civilization to achieve use of communist theories to strengthen our own position and beliefs, and to use coir~nli:i~.~:~ morality to keep within_ bounds and delimit our own words and deeds. Study of the~ry is for the purpose of practice. Once theory has been understood, it should be put into practice. Engles said, "In judg:ng a person, naturally one does not look at his reputation, but watches his actions; one does not pay ~ttention to what he proclaims, but watches what he does and what sort of person he is in fact." ("Selected Works of Marx and Engels," Vol 1, p 579). Building of socialist spiritual civilization requires attention to action and ecnphasis on beginning with oneself and beginning now, dofng things little by ~:ttle `'rom the position of one's job and one's own dail.y life. In the "doing," one can detect whether a person is truly a noble- minded person in spirit, whether he talks without acting, or whether he is a person who says one thing and does another. Only by "doing" can one deepen under.standing of spiritual civilization and form habits through action. Likewise, only by "doing" can one sLir others to action to form a social ethic. We must conscientiously mold and temper ourselves. Socialist spiritual civilization has higher demands to place on us. Because of the influences of old ideas and old habits, and because of a lack of long steeling in revolutionary practice, some of our r_omrades frequently sink into contradictions in real life. For example, you might very much wish to do a certain job, but the assignment of posztions is very much different from your desires. You might be accustomed to a faLrly free and easy-going life, but the armed forces require strict observance of dis~ipline, strict obedience to a routine in life, etc. These contradictions and obstructions are to be examined one by one. We must strictly require ourselves in the course of this examination, and in an arduous environment and in the fulfillment of hectic tasks, to consciously steel our own thoughts and temper our own moral character. ~n this way, each time a contradiction is surmouiited, and each time a battle is won against some adversity, one makes a step forward along the road to building a spiritual civilization. R~~ unflagging persistence in practice, it is possible to imbue everyone with lofty ideals, mor.ality, and revolutionary spirit so that socialist spiritual civilization will blossom in radiant splendor in military barracks and throughout the broad expanse of the motherland. - We must uee the example of heroic models to arouse ourselves. During the long period _ of China's revolutionary struggle, countless heroic model figures have emerged. They are at once advanced representative examples for warfare, work, and study, as we11 as models possessed of a high degree of spiritual civilization. The great communist soldier, Lei Feng possessed a lofty mentality of serving the people wholeheartedly, had a class standpoint that knew what to love and what to hate, a revolutionary - spirit in which hi~ actions matched his words, a communist style of devotion to public service forgetting his own interests, a proletarian fighting will that defied personal dangEl, and a lofty moral character of arduous struggle and joy in helping others. He was a conspicuous representative of the new communist man. The Lei Feng " spirit and tiie Choughts and moral character of heroic models collectively manifest 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 FOR OH'Fl('IAI. U~N: ONLY the high spiritual c.ivilization of socialism, and are good models for the building of spiritual civilization. We must learn from Lei Feng and other her~ic models, and impress their images firmly on our brains, using t;ieir spiritual realm for comparison with our o~~n, and using their words and actions to spur ourselves on. We must study and publicize the good deeds of inen, and criticize and help correct unciviZized, immoral conduct. Communist Youth League members must actively lea~i; every comrade in the armed forces should give attention to spiritual civilization, and every revolution- ary military person should become a vanguard in building socia'list spiri~ual civilizat~on. (3) Question: Why should people have ideals? Answer: !ti'hat are ideals? Some people liken idealsto a lighthouse that guides ships underway, and some people compare ideals to a torch to light man's path. Still others - say that ideals are guiaes to action and the force that impels people foxward. All these views make sense. In a nutshell, ideals are goals for struggle; are an individual's beliefs, his yearnings, and the thing he seeks. TYiey are a concentrated reflection on the object of struggle of a person's political standpoint and world view, and they are also the kind of political conception a person perseveres in, and the kind of a society a person seeks and yearns for. People have conscious or unconscious yearnings, pursuits, and things they struggle for. An abundance of idPals is a major sign that distinguishes - man from animals in general, Without ideals and without clearly defined goals is to be like a person lost in the sands of the Gobi, who not only does not know where he will go tomorrow or what he should do, but canno*_ figure out even what h.e is going to - do today or why he should do it. As a result, ne can only be like "a blind man riding a blind horse rushing headlong for disaster," and who is in danger of losing his footing and falling into th.~ water at any time. Comrade Mao Zedong said that "In China, every loyal Marxist had two simultaneous respansibilities, one to real and present tasks, and one to future long-range ideals." Comracie Zhou Enlai said, "if a young person is to keep apace of the times, he must have revolutionary ideals." Qnly by establishing long-range ideals can each and every one of us comrades make clear the direction of progress and the goal of struggle; only then can we be filled with hope and confidence about the future, and only then can we have a strong will and the spirit to struggle upward. If we desire to become a lofty person, and a person of use to the motherland and to the people, we must first of all be a person with lofty, revolutionary ideals. � ~ (4} Question: What kind of ideals should revolutionary soldiers establish? ~nswer: Tdeals have a sbcial nature and a class nature. To live in a certain kind o f soc i e t y i n e a n s that certain kinds of ideals will be produced, and if one has a certain class standpoint and is possessed with a certain world view, he will h~ve a certain kind of objective for struggle. "A night of wedding festivities and a time when one's . name appeurs on a ~ist of candidates who have passed official examinations" is fre- quently tl?e ideal of landlord class intellectuals or of those who yearn for the life of the landlord class. "Abundant wealth rolling in from everywhere," tremendous ~ family funds, and ability to squander money is the ideal of the bourgeoisie. What they seek is the more money earned the better, higher and higher amounts of interest, and man's oppressi_on by man will be "eternal." "A warm little family," and "peacefully passing one's days" is tlle "ideal kingdom" of the petit bourgeoisie. These.ideals take ' as their starting point selfishness and self-interest, and consequently are doomed to insignifiance. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 ~ ~'OR OFH ICIAL USE QNLY If a person's ideals are for the benefit of the majority of people and for the progress - of society, and play a role in promoting development of society's productivity, that is to say, if they are in accord with the laws of c~evelopment of the history of society, - they are great id.eals. Conversely, ideals not in accord with requirements for the development of society and that contravene the welfare of the masses of people, no matter that they may be assiduously pursued lifelong, or that success is attained for a time, are not worthy of commendation. It is only a communist society, which looks at problems from the viewpoint of complete annihilation of man�s exploitation of man, or man's oppression of ma.n, as we can understand, that has the greatest ideals in human hist~ry. Only those who fight for communism their whole life long, and those who wholeheartedly serve the people are most ideal. As successors to the pr~letarian revolution, it is incumbent upon us to establish long-range~communist ideals. Socialism is the initial stage of communism. Now we should make the building of a modernized socialized state our personal ideal. (5) Question: What are communist ideals? Answer: Communist ideals are to make a communist society the objective of lifelong struggle. In his, "On How To Be a Good Communist," Comrade Liu Shaoqi movingly described communism. He wrote: "It is a world in which there are no exploiters, no - oppressors, no landlords, no capitalists, no imperialism and no fsscism, and it is a world without the oppressed or the exploited, no darkness, no ignorance, and no backwardness caused by an exploitative system. In such a society, material production - and cultural production have a high degree of vigorous development and are able to satisfy the needs of all members and all quarters of society. At that time, manl:.ind will become highly cultured, highly technical, unselfish, intelligent communist workers, mankind will be suffused with mutual assistanc~, and mutual love, and there will be no senseless ac~s such as trying to outwit one another, mutual infliction of injury, mutual murder, or war etc. Comrade Tao Zhu said, "Couununism and only communism can completely emancipate mankind from the bonds of private ownership, can make people lead the happiest, the most fulfilling, and the most prosperous lives, and can bring about the 'millenium' of which the ancients frequently spoke in which 'the aged live out their lives, the stron~ make use of their strength, the young grow to maturity, and the widowers, widows, orphans, and childless, the abandoned and the sick are ' taken care of." From Marxist writings, we can appreciate that communist society means highly developed productivity, extremely abundant material wealth, and implementation of the p~inciple of "from each according to ability; to each according to need." It is possessed of a higti degree of material civilization and spiritual civilization. It has eradicated classes and all exploitive systems, and has eradicated differences between industry ' and agriculture, between cities and countryside, and bztween mental and physical labor. All mankind possesses a high degree of communist consciousness and morality, and situations that force people to obedience to social divisions of labor have been eradicated. Labor is no longer nottiing biit a means of making a living; it has become the first requirement in the lives of people. In short, communist society is the highest stage in the development of the history of mankind, and it is the finest, the advanced, and the most rational society. Communist ideals are the finest and most lofty human ideals. ~ 5 ; FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONGY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 FOR OFF1ClAL USE ONLY (6) Question: Communist ideals are truly fine, but are they truly realizable? Answer: Communism can certainly be realized, because it is scientific, and it is an ir~evitable tendency in the development of human society. The development of human society has already passed through several social forms including that of primitive communist society, slave society, feudal society, and capitalist society. The change of each form of society to another form was not determined by the subjective will of anyone, but was fundamentally the result of development of productivity. Produc- - tivity cari fully develop only in circumstances i~ wh3:ch production relationships are compatible with it. In societies that are divided iiito antithetic:al classes, contra- dictions between the already mature productivity and the old production relationships always precipitate a condition of conflict. When capitalist production relationships are first established, they are compatible with the nature of productivity. But as productivity develops, the contY�adiction between the socialization of laboz on a - large scale and the capitalist private ownership of the means uf production grows increasingly sharp. The already developed productivity demands destruction of the capitalist production relationships that restrain it, and substitution of a socialist system of public ownership to open an avenue fo~~ its own development. Thereupon, the destruction of capitalism and the triumph of socialism become unavoidable historical phenomena. Consequently the successive replacement of primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, socialist society, and on up to the founding of communist society is an inevitable outcome of the development of this historical law. The reasons some comrades have insufficient confidence in communist ideals, it is suggested, may be three. One is the feeling that communism is a society with highly developed productivity and extremely abundant material goods, while China is still very poor. T~ao is a feeling that in communist society, humankind possess a high degree cf communist consciousness and morality, while the existing social environment - is far from ideal, and the consciousness of some.people is not high. Three is a feeling that the international communist movement has gone through numerous twists and turns, and for the entire world to realize communism is no easy job. We say that poverty is by no means unchangeable. If we just persever in the guiding line of Marxism, and arduously struggle with one heart and one mind, it will certainly be possible to build a powerful, modern, socialist country. The existing social environment is truly very far from ideal, and 10 years of rampage has greatly polluted the social atmosphere, but it is by Tio means so "utterly hopeless" as some comrades imagine. Under the correct leadership of the party, our social atmosphere will steadily improve w:~_th the tremendous changes that are already continuing to occur, and the ideologicai consciousness of the masses of people. ?f we just persever in the four fundamental principles and resolutely carry out the line, nrograms, and policies of the Third Plenary Session of the party, and endeavor to struggle, socialism's material civilization and spiritual civilization will certainly be built gradually. As for the tortuous path of som~ countries in the international communist movemF.nt, this may temporarily lengthen th~ progress of social development, but it decidely ' cannot ci,:nge the general trend of historical progress. (7) Question: I believe that communism can be realized, but is it possi~le to translate ideals into a magnificent reality more quickly? Answer: When we say that communism is bound to be realized, that is not to say that the goal can be reached in a single step. The transition f-rom capit-alism to socialism and the further transition from socialism to communism is a complex and long-term 6 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ~NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' process requiring the building of a new economy and new production relationships. This process includes development of a new social economy and the formation of ~ separate individual stages. It requires that we not only thoroughly eradicate the phenomenon of man's oppression of man and man's exploitation of man, and the uprooting of the system of private ownership and the social foundation produced by these phenomena but also that we vigorously develop productivity, develop scientific, cultural, and educational undertakings, and create an extremely abundant material civilization and spiritual civilization. As Comrade Liu Shaoqi pointed out, "We must understand, on the one hand, that the communist undertaking is an undertaking of unprecedented greatness in human history. Communism will ultimately eradicate exploitation and eradicate classes. It will emancipate all mankind, and it will impel human societ} ta an unprecedented, boundlessly glorious, and boundlessly wonderful state of well- being. On the other hand, we must understand that the communist endeavor is an unprecedentedly arduous endeavor in the history of mankind and that a long arduous, and tortuous struggle must be gone through." Communism is not a cause that can be accomplished in a single generation or in several generations. It requires that various generations make extremely arduous efforts. To long for the earlier arrival of communism is good, and early realization of this ideal requires strict attention to today's ~fforts, but also required is ideological preparation for long-term struggle. Acquisition of ideological preparation for long-term struggle on behalf of communist endeavors is extremely important. We may take a look backward at history. During the period of democratic revolution, our party made a seeking-truth-in-facts analysis of the targets, tasks, nature, and future of the Chinese revolution, pointing out on the one hand the inevitable trend toward victory in the revolution, while also reminding the entire party to recognize the long-term nature and ruthlessness of the Chinese revolution, and pointing out the incorrectness of the viewpoint that supposed that victory could be attained very quickly in Chinese revolutionary struggle. Pre- ciseiy because comrades throughout the party possessed full ideological preparation for long-term, arduous struggle, and maintained cl.~ar heads and revolutionary deter- mination throughout, remaining indomitable, victory was finally won in the new - democratic revolution. The building of socialism and communism is much more arduous than the democratic revolution. If one's understanding of the hardships involved ; in the realization of communism is insufficient, and he lacks ideological preparation ' for long-term struggle, he may be prone to commit the error of blind leftist action, causing unnecessary losses for the revolution and for const.~iction. At the same time, - he may be prone to become panic-stricken in the face of hardships and setbacks, and change from Fanaticism to dejection and vacillation. For a long period of rime following founding of. the People's Republic and up until the first 2 years io~iowing the smashing of the "gang of four," since China's understanding and study of foreign affairs was inadequate, and because we were anxious for quick results, socialist construction sustained setbacks. The lessons of experience have told us that the future is bright, and the path is tortuous. We must both establish firm confidence in the inevitable victory of communism, and at the same time do a good job of ideolog- ical preparation for long-term struggle. We most certainly cannot let fine expectation~ substitute for a scientific attitude of seeking truth in facts, and we cannot co~~nmit the er_ror of revolutionary impetuosity. Eiaving understood *his point, we must then translate the yearning of beautiful ideals into real action, ;ind while keeping our feet firmly planted on the ground, solidly surmount hard~hips in our forward advance, unflinchingly struggling for communist 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440030027-5 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY ideals. We have to eliminate all unrealistic illusions and empty talk; ccmbine long- range ideals with real actions in striving to make more contributions to advance the revolution, and attain the early arrival of the fine ideal of communism. (8) Questi.on: Since the founding of the People's Republic, the party has led us to attain great accomplishments, while at the same time problems and mistakes have occurred with the "Great Cultural Revolution" in particular, causing huge losses for the country. Faced with these circumstances, some people lack sufficient confidence in the realization of the four madernizations, and in the ultimate reaiization of communism. How ought this problem be regarded? Answer: "Without the Communist Party, there could be no New China." Without the leadership of the party, there could be no four modernizations. This is the historical conclusion of Chineselrat�ontofnthe peopleeofeallrraces throughoutethe�land,,e also the choice of the asp Looked at in terms of historical experience, during the past more than 100 years, it was only the Communist Party chat led the Chinese people to topple three great mountains and establish New China, the people of the motherland thereby freeing themselves from hardships to walk a road of independence, prosperity and strength. Looked at in terms of economic construction, since Liberation, the speed of growth of China's industrial and agricultural production has also been rather rapid. In comparison wi*_h the development of countries similar to China, our achievements have been greater than theirs, an~l the speed of our construction has been faster than theirs. Had it not been for several hiatuses, our situation might be much better. In comparison with economically advanced countries, we are truly comparatively backward, and the average income of our citiz~:ns is low. However, in looking at this problem - one positively must take into account that our starting point was very low, our foundation very poor, and that for any country with a population of 1 billion, 800 million of whom are farmers, to undertake construction, the degree of difficulties are unparalleled i:i any capitalist country. When these circumstances about our country are recognized, we can understand that without the leadership of the Communist Party, the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in Chir:a during the past 30 years, and the intention to realize the four modernizations would not have been possible. Simultaneous with the great accomplishments that the party has won in leading the people, this and that kind of problems and mistakes have occurred, it is true. How should this problem be regarded? There can be absolutely no doubt at all that we should strive to make fewer mistakes. However, inasmuch as socialism is a brand new endeavor with no precedent among the ancients, there is no ready-made model for use in the course of its practice. In his, A Great Beginning," Lenin clearly pointed out, "Has there ever been a new production method in history that was suddenly established without having gone through numerous failures, mistakes, and troubles?" He also especially pointed out that those who want to solve the arduous tasks of triumph over capitalism and the building of socialism and communism" should possess the indomitable spirit to exPeriment with several hundred or even several thousand new methods, formulas, and techniques of struggle until the most suieoble method has been derived." In China, in particular, because it is too poor, p p - a l w a y s t h i n k o f g e t t i n g o ut Erom under poverty and backwardness quickly, becoming prone to anxiety about quick results, and committing the error o f " l e f t i s m." E v e r - 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030027-5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400030027-5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ever since the Third Plenary Session of the llth Party Central Committee, our party has exposed and corrected the leftist ideology that has endured for a long time, put foward a guiding program and a series of policies that seek truth in facts, instituted arduous efforts, and has done a large amount of work. This demonstrates that it is a serious party, and that is a party deserving of the fullest confidence of all tlie people. Over a period of time, the ideology of some party member i,~~�~me con- taminated; party character was not pure; and the exemplary vanguard rul~ �..u_ ~oc:, impairing the link between the party and the people. In this connection, our ;~a~-t~ is now actively taking action to rectify party spirit, and to maintain and l~~.rove party leadership. One may trust that under the correct leadership of the Commun. Party, China will certainly be able to thrive and prosper, and the farther one trr_~